Chem test 3

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How many electron domains are on the central atom of carbon dioxide if it has a linear electron domain geometry?


Which of the following equations could NOT be used to determine effective nuclear charge?

Z(eff) = protons - electrons

Which of the following entities, found in Lewis structures, count as one electron domain? Mark ALL that apply.

double,single, and triple bond, and lone pair of electrons.

6 Domain 2 lone pairs

electron: Octahedral molecular: Square planar

6 Domain 1 lone pair

electron: Octahedral molecular: Square pyramidal

4 Domains 1 lone pair

electron: Tetrahedral molecular: trigonal pyramidal

5 Domain 2 lone pairs

electron: Trigonal bipyramidal molecular: T shaped

5 Domain 1 lone pair

electron: Trigonal bipyramidal molecular: seesaw

3 Domains 1 lone pair

electron: Trigonal planar molecular: Bent

5 Domain 3 lone pairs

electron: electron: Trigonal bipyramidal molecular: linear

4 Domain 2 lone pairs

electron: tetrahedral molecular: bent

The shielding constant for a valence electron in a multi-electron atom is approximately equal to

number of core electrons

The structure of xenon tetrafluoride (XeF4) consists of 4 single bonds and 2 lone pairs on the xenon atom. What name is given to the electron domain geometry of XeF4?


Effective nuclear charge is

the amount of attraction that an electron "feels" for the nucleus.

Approximating the value of Zeff, by using the number of core electrons as the value for the shielding constant, usually causes calculated values of Zeff to be too large because:

the number of core electrons does not account for all of the repulsions that can occur among electrons.

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