Civics 1134 Self Test

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First 10 amendments to the Constitution

Bill of Rights

The First Amendment guarantees that the government cannot establish a national ___________________ and protects the _____________________ from government control.

denomination, church

Greek historian who wrote about the system of checks and balances


Only men who owned a specified amount of property were allowed to ________________________.


New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island had no established _______________________.


"writer" of the Federalist

James Madison

A ___________________ government has no legal sanction, although it may exist.

de facto

First written constitution in the U.S.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The doctrine of _______________________ is the idea that the state is to serve the people and be responsive to the will of the majority.

popular sovereignty

Borrowing money (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Holding elections (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Levying taxes (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Powers shared by the national and state governments

Concurrent powers

THe Three-Fifths Compromise was the agreement that _______________________________________________________________________________.

Congress would not prohibit slave trade until 1808

Under the ________________________ Compromise, Congress has equal representation in the Senate and representation in the House of Representatives apportioned according to population.


The purpose of the _________________ Convention was to ______________________ the Articles of Confederation.

Constitutional, revise

Coining money (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Declaring war (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Maintaining armed forces (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Regulating interstate commerce (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


List the five major institutions of the U.S. government: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. House of Representatives 2. Senate 3. President 4. Supreme Court 5. Electoral College

Specific powers of the national government listed in the Constitution

Delegated powers

The purpose of the _____________________ Convention was to solve problems of interstate trade, but delegates were unable to settle disputes because they represented only ____________ states.


First U.S. national written constitution

Articles of Confederation

The First Amendment does not ban public ____________________ activity.


A ___________________ is a government in which citizens elect or acquiesce to representatives charged with the responsibility of administration in accordance with the requirements of law.


The phrase "__________________________________________" is from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson.

separation of church and state

The doctrine of ____________________ is the idea that a ruler is to govern justly and the people are to submit to him in obedience.

social contract

The ______________________ were the centers of authority in colonial America.


Federalists _________________ the Constitution. Anti-federalists ____________________ it.

supported, opposed

The leading delegates to the convention agreed that: a. the new government would be republican in form b. the new government would have three branches c. only property owners would have the right to vote d. the powers of Congress would be increased e. a, b and d f. a, c, and d g. b, c, and d h. all the above

h. all the above

The first ten amendments to the Constitution were designed to ________________ the power of the ______________________ government.

limit, national

The doctrine of ___________________________ includes the ideas that man's inalienable rights are life, liberty, and property; that the purpose of government is to protect these rights; and that the people have a right and duty to change or abolish the government if it fails or destroys these rights.

natural rights

REgulating voting privileges (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Founder of the colony of Rhode Island

Roger Williams

Included in the Declaration of Indpendence were: a. a statement of democratic principles b. a plan for the new U.S. government c. a list of grievances against the king d. a statement declaring independence e. a, b, and c f. a, c, and d g. b, c, and d h. all the above

f. a, c, and d

According to the writers of the Declaration of Independence, (a. life, b. liberty, c. the pursuit of happiness, d. a and b, e. b and c, f. all the above) are unalienable rights.

f. all the above

The basic constitutional principles necessary for our existence as a nation are: a. the Constitution is supreme b. Congress is bicameral c. The President is elected by the people d. the Constitution provides for the division of powers e. the United States is a republic f. a, b, and d g. a, d, and e h. all the above

g. a, d, and e

Every colonial government consisted of a ________________ and a _______________________ legislature.

governor, bicameral

Factors leading to the War for Independence were: a. the need for assistance from foreign nations b. continued fighting between colonists and British soldiers c. the pamphlet entitled Common Sense d. the appearance of German mercenaries e. a, b, and c f. a, c and d g. b, c, and d h. all the above

h. all the above

As a general rule, people who ________________________ supported the Constitution.

owned property

The power to _______________ was the most important colonial legislative power.


Writer of The Spirit of the Laws


The most serious defect of the Articles of Confederation was that it: a. did not provide for an executive or judiciary b. required unanimous state approval for amendment c. did not allow Congress to levy taxes d. did not allow congress to enforce laws

b. required unanimous state approval for amendment

The purpose of government is: a. to maintain law and order b. to maintain peace c. to secure those unalienable rights d. a and b e. b and c f. all the above

c. to secure those unalienable rights

A government gets its power from the __________________ of the ________________________.

consent, governed

Under the Articles, Congress could raise money by: a. levying taxes b. borrowing money c. levying import and export duties d. requesting money from the states e. a and c f. b and d

e. a and c

Slave __________________ was another issue causing disagreement among the delegates.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government was merely a _______________________ of states.


According to the writers of the Declaration of Independence, (a. that all men are created equal, b. that the people have a right to alter or abolish a government, c. that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, d. a and c, e. b and c, f. all the above) are self-evident truths.

d. a and c

Ratification of the Constitution differed from the Articles in that it: a. required approval of only 9 states rather than all 13 b. required approval of state conventions rather than state legislatures c. had to be approved in a shorter period of time d. required approval of a majority of the voters e. a and b f. a and d g. b and c h. a, b, and c

e. a and b

The "Father of the Constitution"

James Madison

Writer of Second Treatise of Government

John Locke

An agreement to submit to whatever form of government was created

Mayflower Compact

The Pilgrims wrote the __________________ because their charter was useless when they landed in Massachusetts instead of Virginia.

Mayflower Compact

Under the ____________________ Plan, Congress would have been unicameral with equal representation from every state.

New Jersey

The _____________________ and its principles were at the very heart of the founding of the U.S.


Under the ______________ Plan, Congress would have been bicameral with the lower house elected by the people and the upper house chosen by members of the lower house.


First representative body in the U.S.

Virginia House of Burgesses

____________________, ____________________, and ________________________ were the three types of colonies.

Charter, proprietary, royal

Powers allowing Congress to pass laws necessary to carry out its other powers

Implied powers

Pen name of Hamilton, Madison, and Jay


Maintaining public education (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Regulating intrastate commerce (Delegated, Implied, Concurrent, or Reserved)


Powers that are strictly the responsibility of the states

Reserved powers

Writer of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

The delegates illegally decided to __________________ the Articles of Confederation and create a new national ______________________.

abandon, government

In a ________________ type of government, the federal government is most powerful; in a _____________________ type of government, local governments are most powerful; and in a __________________________ type, a written consitution defines the division of powers.

unitary, confederate, federal

The doctrine of _____________________________ is the idea that members of Parliament looked out for the interests of the entire empire and not just those of their constituency.

virtual representation

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