Cognition Ch 7: Long Term Memory: Encoding, Retrieval, and Consolidation

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maintenance rehearsal results in ______ memory


many of our failures of memory are failures of ______


memories lose their _____ character over time, which is known as the semanticization of remote memories


recent research indicates that memories can become susceptible to disruption when they are reactivated by retrieval. After reactivation, these memories must be _______

retrieval cue

remembering words in a particular category may serve as a _______ ____- a word or other stimulus that helps a person remember info stored in memory


______ consolidation takes place over months or even years and involves the gradual reorganization of neural circuits within the brain.


______ is the process that transforms new memories from a fragile state into a more permanent state


_______ processing involves close attention, focusing on an items meaning, and relating it to something else.

strongly, less

according to the standard model of consolidation, the hippocampus is _____ active when memories are first formed and initially recalled but becomes _____ involved as memories are consolidated

levels of processing

an early idea linking the type of encoding to retrieval, proposed by Craik and Lockhart, is called ___________ ___ _______ theory. According to this, memory depends on the depth of processing an item receives

maintenance rehearsal

if you hold something in your memory by repeating it over and over (or other ways without any consideration of meaning or making connections with other info), you're engaging in ________ ______. This type results in poor memory


retrieval can be increased by matching the conditions at retrieval to the conditions that existed at ______


the ______ effect explains that generating material yourself, rather than passively receiving it, enhances learning and retention


the advantage for short study sessions with breaks in-between is called the ____ effect

episodic, semantic

the hippocampus response does decrease over time, as proposed by the standard model of consolidation. However, the decrease in response only occurs for memories that have lost their _______ character and are now more ______ in nature.

encoding specificity

the principle of ____ ______ states that we learn info along with its context. This is shown in the diving experiment

encoding specificity

the principle of ______ _______ states that we encode info along with its context. A classic experiment showing this is the diving experiment. Yay! Scuba diving!


the process of acquiring info and transferring it into LTM is called _______


the process of transferring info from LTM to WM is called ______

free, cued

the results of Tulving and Pearlstone's experiment demonstrate that retrieval cues aid memory. Subjects in the ____ recall group recalled 40% of the words, whereas subjects in the _____ recall group who had been provided with the names of categories recalled 75% of the words


there is evidence supporting the standard model, but recent research indicates that the retrieval of _______ memories can involve the hippocampus

encoding specificity

there was an experiment where students studied in either a quiet or noisy location and then took the test in either a quiet or noisy room. The results show that subjects did better when the testing condition matched the study condition. This is an example of _______ ______, which was also shown in the diving experiment :)

paired associate, twice

Bower and Winzenz decided to test visual memory. They used a procedure called ______ ______ learning, where a list of word pairs is presented. Later, the first word of each pair is presented, and the subject's task is to remember the word it was paired with. Subjects who created images remembered more than ____ as many words as the subjects who had just repeated the word pairs

episodic, multiple trace

Gilboa did an experiment where he elicited recent and remote episodic memories by showing subjects pics of themselves taken at various times ranging from recent to when they were only 5 yrs old. The results of this experiment showed that the hippocampus was activated during both retrieval of recent and remote _______ memories. This supports the _____ ______ model of consolidation


HM lost his ability to form new memories after his _______ was removed, so this indicates the importance of that brain structure in forming new memories

long term potentiation

Hebb is the guy who introduced the idea that the formation of memories is associated with structural changes at the synapse. these structural changes are then translated into enhanced nerve firing, as indicated by ______ ______ _____

encoding specificity, state dependent learning, transfer appropriate processing

There are 3 specific situations in which retrieval is increased by matching conditions at retrieval to those at encoding. These are 1) ______ _____- matching the context in which encoding and retrieval occur, 2) _____ ______ ______- matching the internal mood present during encoding and retrieval, 3) _______ ______ ______- matching the task involved in encoding and retrieval

levels of processing, better

according to __________ ____ _______ theory, deep processing results in ______ memory than shallow processing

multiple trace

according to the _______ _____ model of consolidation, the hippocampus is involved in retrieval of episodic memories, even if they originated long ago

retrograde, most, less

graded amnesia is a characteristic of ______ amnesia where amnesia tends to be ______ severe for events that happened just before the injury and to be ____ severe for earlier events.


systems consolidation takes place over a ______ time than synaptic consolidation. (shorter or longer?)

shallow, deeper, deepest

in Craik and Tulving's experiment on different levels of processing, subjects were asked 3 types of questions. Questions about physical features of the word represented ______ processing, rhyming represented _____ processing, and fill in the blank questions represented ______ processing

transfer appropriate

memory performance is enhanced when the type of coding that occurs during acquisition matches the type of retrieval that occurs during a memory test. The results of an experiment by Morris supports this idea, which is called ________ _____ processing. This is the most obvious thing I have ever heard.


one of the main factors that determines whether you can retrieve info from LTM is the way that info was _______ when you learned it


synaptic and systems consolidation are processes that occur _______- one works rapidly, at the level of the synapse, and another works more slowly, at the level of neural circuits


state dependent learning is the idea that learning associated with a particular ______ state will be best remembered when the same state is matched


when a memory is retrieved, it becomes fragile again and needs to be consolidated again. This is a process called _______

firing rate, long term potentiation

when a stimulus is repeated, structural changes begin to occur at the synapse. After many repetitions, more complex connections have developed between two neurons which causes an increase in ____ ____, even though the stimulus is the same as before. This is ____ _____ ______.

twice, organization

Bransford and Johnson illustrated the effect where preventing organization from happening reduces the ability to remember. They asked their subjects to read that weird balloon story either before or after seeing the pic that explains it. Subjects who saw the pic before they read the passage remember _____ as much from the passage as subjects who didn't see the pic or saw it after reading. They key here is ________.


In Muler and Pilzecker's experiment, subjects learned list 1 of words then list 2. The immediate group immediately learned list 2 after list 1 whereas the delay group waited 6 mins and then learned list 2. When tested on list 1, the delay group recalled ____ of list 1 than the immediate group. This shows consolidation.


In Viskonta's experiment about hippocampus response, he had subjects respond either remember (R) or know (K) for a picture pair at 10 minutes and then 1 week. Subjects responded RR (remember at 10 mins, remember at 1 week) or RK (remember at 10 mins, know at 1 week). He found that the hippocampus response remained high for ___ pairs but dropped to near zero for __ pairs.

cortex, hippocampus, reactivation, hippocampus

In standard consolidation, connections between the _____ and _____ are initially strong. As time passes, activity occurs between the hippocampus and cortex, a process called ______. Over time, connections are formed between cortical areas, and the connections between the ______ and cortex are weakened and eventually vanish.

transfer appropriate processing

Morris's dumb experiment showed that subjects had better performance when the type of processing matches in encoding and retrieval. This is called _______ _____ ____

levels of processing

Morris's rhyming/meaning transfer appropriate processing experiment shows that deeper processing at encoding does not always result in better retrieval, as proposed by _______ ____ _____ theory

transfer appropriate processing, rhyming

_____ _____ ____ is the idea that retrieval is better if the same cognitive tasks are involved during both encoding and retrieval. This seems obvious and i think the experiments showing this are stupid. The experiment for this is basically just having people study one thing and if that's what the test is on they do better. duh. Subjects who did a _____ based encoding task did better on the rhyming test than subjects who did a meaning based encoding task.


_____ is defined as the process that transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption

state dependent learning

______ _______ _____ is the idea that memory is better when the person's mood during retrieval matches his or her mood during encoding


______ consolidation takes place over minutes or hours and involves structural changes at synapses.

maintenance, elaborative

______ rehearsal helps maintain info in STM but is not an effective way of transferring info into LTM. ______ rehearsal is a better way to establish long term memories

remember, know

______ responses indicate episodic memory and ______ responses indicate semantic memory. (fill in blanks w/ either remember or know)

retrieval cues

_______ _____ are words or other stimuli that help us remember info stored in our memory. (like how the word apple might help you remember grape)


_______ amnesia is amnesia for events that occur after an injury (the inability to form new memories)

encoding, retrieval

_______ is the process of acquiring info and transferring it into LTM. _______ is transferring info from LTM in WM


_______ processing involves little attention to meaning, as when a phone number is treated over and over or attention is focused on a word's physical features such as whether it is printed in lowercase or capital letters

levels of processing

_________ ____ ______ states that memory depends on how info is encoded or programmed into the mind.

graded, standard

a characteristic of retrograde amnesia is ____ amnesia- the amnesia tends to be most severe for events the happened just before the injury and to become less severe for earlier events. This gradual decrease in amnesia corresponds, according to the _______ model, to the changes in connections between the hippocampus and cortical areas.

hippocampus, episodic

according to the multiple trace model of consolidation, the ________ is involved in retrieval of _______ memories, even if they originated long ago.

state dependent learning

according to the principle of ____ ____ _____, a person's memory will be better when his or her internal state during retrieval matches the state during encoding. Eich's mood experiment supports this idea

state dependent learning

an example of how matching the conditions at encoding and retrieval can influence memory is _____ ____ _____-learning that is associated with a particular internal state, such as mood or state of awareness

little, testing effect

in Roediger and Karpicke's experiment, they sowed that there was ______ difference between the rereading and testing groups after the 5 min delay but that after 1 week, the testing group's performance was much better than the rereading group. This enhanced performance due to retrieval practice is called the _______ ____


in an experiment, students who went to sleep before testing forgot much less material than those in the awake group. One reason is that going to sleep eliminates environmental stimuli that might interfere and another reason is that ______ appears to be enhanced during sleep


linking words to ______ created memory that was actually better than the elaborate tasks (like forming visual images, self reference effect, generation effect)


loss of memory for events that occur before an injury is called ____ amnesia. It can extend back minutes, hours, or even years depending on the nature of the injury

long term potentiation

one of the outcomes of structural changes at the synapse is a strengthening of synaptic transmission. This strengthening results in a phenomenon called _____ _____ ____- enhanced firing of neurons after repeated stimulation

encoding specificity, state dependent learning, transfer appropriate processing

retrieval can be increased by matching conditions at retrieval to conditions that existed at encoding. This is illustrated by _______ ______, _____ _____ ______, and matching types of processing (_______ ______ ______)

self generated

retrieval cues are significantly more effective when they are _____ _____. This was shown in Mantyla's experiment with random ass words like banana and shit and people made up stuff like "yellow, edible" etc or were provided with other people's dumb retrieval cues

self reference

the _____ _____ effect is when your memory is better if you are asked to relate a word to yourself.

multiple trace

the _____ ______ model of consolidation states that the hippocampus is involved both when memories are being established and during the retrieval of remote episodic memories

standard, hippocampus

the _____ model of consolidation proposes that incoming info activates a number of areas in the cortex. The hippocampus coordinates the activity of different cortical areas. As time passes, connections are formed between the cortical areas, and the connections between the ______ and cortex are weakened and eventually vanish

standard, cortex

the ______ model of consolidation proposes that memory retrieval depends on the hippocampus during consolidation but after consolation is complete, retrieval involves the ______ and the hippocampus is no longer involved


the major mechanism of consolidation is _____, a process in which the hippocampus replays the neural activity associated with a memory. During this, activity occurs in the network connecting the hippocampus and cortex.

cued recall, free

the operation of retrieval cues have been demonstrated in the lab using a technique called ______ _____ where the subject is presented with retrieval cues to aid in recall of the previously experienced stimuli. In _____ recall, a subject is simply asked to recall stimuli.


the results of the rats and anisomycin drug experiment shows that when a memory is reactivated, it becomes fragile, just as it was immediately after it was first formed, and the drug can prevent reconsolidating. Thus, just as the original memory is fragile until it is consolidated, a reactivated memory becomes fragile until it is _______

encoding specificity, state dependent learning, levels of processing

transfer appropriate processing is like _______ _____ and _______ ______ ____ because it demonstrates that matching conditions during encoding and retrieval improves performance. But it also has important implications for _______ __ ______ theory since that said that deeper encoding leads to better retrieval but transfer appropriate processing overrides that since rhyming is not very deep

elaborative rehearsal

when you consider meaning or make connections to other info, you're engaging in _______ ______. This type of rehearsal results in better memory than maintenance rehearsal

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