Cognitive Psychology Quiz 2 (Chapters 6-8)

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Elaborative is more effective than maintenance.

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories?

when a memory is reactivated, it becomes fragile, just as it was immediately after it was formed.

Recent research on memory, based largely on fear conditioning in rats, indicates that...

when viewing a lineup, an eyewitness's confidence in her choice of the suspect can be increased by an authority's confirmation of her choice, even when the choice is wrong.

Research on eyewitness testimony reveals that...


Retrograde amnesia is usually less severe for memories.

the number of vowels in a word.

Shallow processing of a word is encouraged when attention is focused on


Students, beware! Research shows that _____ does not improve reading comprehension because it does not encourage elaborative processing of the material.

source misattribution.

The "wedding reception" false memory experiment shows that false memories can be explained as a product of familiarity and...

we are not conscious we are using it.

The defining characteristic of implicit memory is that...

the hippocampus

The dramatic case of patient H.M. clearly illustrates that ____ is crucial for the formation of LTMs.


The elaborative rehearsal task of learning a word by using it in a sentence is generally most ef-fective if the generated sentence is...


The following statement represents what kind of memory? "The Beatles stopped making music together as a group in the early 1970s."

narrative rehearsal hypothesis.

The idea that we remember life events better because we encounter the information over and over in what we read, see on TV, and talk about with other people is called the...

anterograde amnesia.

The inability to assimilate or retain new knowledge is known as...


The medial temporal lobe (MTL), involved in memory consolidation, includes all of the following structures EXCEPT the...

both changes at the synapse and long-term potentiation.

The memory mechanism Hebb proposed is associated with...


The predominant type of coding in LTM is...


The primacy effect (from the serial position curve experiment) is associated with...

recall of information stored in LTM.

The primacy effect is attributed to...

encoding specificity.

The principle that we learn information together with its context is known as...

simply because we have been exposed to them before.

The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true...

strongly active when memories are first formed and being consolidated but becomes less active when retrieving older memories that are already consolidated.

The standard model of consolidation proposes that the hippocampus is...


The story in the text about the balloons that were used to suspend a speaker in mid air was used to illustrate the role of _____ in memory.


This multiple choice question is an example of a ____ test.


"I remember being really excited last year, when my college team won the national championship in basketball." This statement is an example of _____ memory.

retroactive interference.

.Kieran found that studying for his Spanish exam made it more difficult to remember some of the vocabulary words he had just studied for his French exam earlier in the day. This is an example of...

Identifying a photograph of his childhood home

A patient suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome, such as "Jimmy G" who is described in your text, would be able to perform which of the following activities without difficulty?

remembering where a best friend had moved.

A patient with impaired episodic memory would most likely have the greatest difficulty in...

a sequence of actions.

A script is a type of schema that also includes knowledge of...


A study participant is given a list of words to remember. One week later, he recalls the list. Let's say that one of the list words was PEAR. Which of the following, none of which actually appeared on the list, would be most likely incorrectly recalled if the participant doesn't remember PEAR?

long-term memory acquisition.

From the behavior of H.M., who experienced memory problems after a brain operation, we can conclude that the hippocampus is important in...

auditorially; auditorially

According to levels of processing theory, deep processing results in better memory. However, studies have shown that shallow processing can result in better memory when the individual en-codes _____ and is tested _____.

short and across several days.

According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are...

Making a connection between each word and something you've previously learned

According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words?

remote, episodic memories.

According to the multiple trace hypothesis, the hippocampus is involved in retrieval of...

imagery can be used to create connections between items to be remembered.

According to your text, imagery enhances memory because...

50 First Dates

According to your text, which of the following movies is LEAST accurate in its portrayal of a memory problem?


Acquiring information and transforming it into memory is...

"Fill in the following with the first word that comes to mind: T _ _ E."

An item on an implicit memory test would most likely resemble which of the following?

emotional memories are more fragile than nonemotional memories.

Graded amnesia occurs because...

constructive nature of memory.

Bartlett's experiment in which English participants were asked to recall the "War of the Ghosts" story that was taken from the French Indian culture illustrated the...

auditory code in long-term memory.

Carrie answers her phone with "Hello?" A response, "Hi, Carrie!" comes from the other end of the line. Carrie responds back with "Hi, Dad!" Carrie processed "Hi, Carrie" using a(n)...

memory-trace replacement

Critics of eyewitness testimony could point to the ______ hypothesis to highlight the dangers of repeated questioning of eyewitnesses.

repeating it over and over.

Elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by...

retrieval cues

Examples from your book describing real experiences of how memories, even ones from a long time ago, can be stimulated by locations, songs, and smells highlight the importance of ____ in LTM.

recent and remote episodic

Experimental evidence suggesting that the standard model of consolidation needs to be revised are data that show that the hippocampus was activated during retrieval of ____ memories.

declarative; nondeclarative

Explicit memory is to _______ as implicit memory is to _______ .

One student comes to a question for which he is unsure of the answer, but choice b seems fa-miliar so he decides that it must be right.

Imagine that the students described below are all taking a multiple choice test. Which student's behavior best describes an example of implicit memory?

auditory from a female speaker

In Lindsay's "misinformation effect" experiment, participants saw a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer. This slide presentation included narration by a female speaker who described what was happening in the slides as they were shown. Results showed that the misinformation effect was greatest when MPI presentation was...

generation effect.

In Slameka and Graf's (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the...

photographic memory.

In discussing the survival value of the memory system, your text highlights the undesirability of...

cultural expectations.

In the "War of the Ghosts" experiment, participants' reproductions contained inaccuracies based on...

constructive memory processes.

In the "sleep list" false memory experiment, false memory occurs because of...

repetition priming.

In the movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray's character grows frustrated as he experiences the same day in his life over and over again. With each "passing" day, he is able to respond to people's actions more and more quickly because of

the self-reference effect.

Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many years. She is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as a dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on...

conceptual priming.

Jocelyn is in an experiment where she is presented words representing categories. She is presented the word "furniture" in an earlier trial, which makes it easier for her later to recall the word "chair" because of the similarity of meaning. Jocelyn's memory enhancement for "chair" due to seeing the word "furniture" illustrates...

intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory.

K.C., who was injured in a motorcycle accident, remembers facts like the difference between a strike and a spare in bowling, but he is unaware of experiencing things like hearing about the circumstances of his brother's death, which occurred two years before the accident. His memory behavior suggests...

Katie should perform better because of the spacing effect.

Katie and Inez are roommates taking the same psychology class. They have a test in four days during a 10:00 - 11:00 AM class period. Both women intend to study for three hours, but because of different work schedules, Katie will study one hour for each of the next three days, while Inez will study three hours the day before the exam. What could you predict about their performances?

episodic memory can be a "gateway" to semantic memory.

Knowing the capital of California, but not being able to remember when you first learned it, is an example of how...

retrograde amnesia.

Loss of memory for things that have happened in the past is known as...

the test stimulus being similar in meaning to the priming stimulus.

Memory enhancement due to conceptual priming is a result of...

the test stimulus being the same or resembling the priming stimulus.

Memory enhancement due to repetition priming is a result of...

creates more connections.

Memory for a word will tend to be better if the word is used in a complex sentence (like "the bicycle was blue, with high handlebars and a racing seat") rather than a simple sentence (like "he rode the bicycle"). This probably occurs because the complex sentence...

transfer-appropriate processing.

Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at re-trieval. This is called...

attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend.

Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had...


Much research has been dedicated to improving the reliability of eyewitness testimony. One finding reveals that when constructing a lineup, ____ similarity between the "fillers" and the suspect does result in missed identification of some guilty suspects but also substantially reduces erroneous identification of many innocent people.

first five and the last five words

Murdoch's "remembering a list" experiment described the serial position curve and found that memory is best for the ____ of a list.

are caused by different mechanisms that act independently.

Neuropsychological evidence indicates that STM and LTM probably...

it involves mental time travel.

One of the defining properties of the experience of episodic memory is that...


Phoebe steps up to the golf ball and hits it down the fairway. She sees that the ball is heading towards someone, so she yells "Fore!" After her two partners hit their balls, they pick up their bags and start walking to the next hole. But Phoebe says, "Wait a minute, I haven't teed off yet." This behavior shows that Phoebe has a problem with ____ memory.

the type of encoding and type of retrieval match.

Transfer-appropriate processing is likely to occur if...

episodic; semantic

Two types of declarative memory are _____ and _____ memory.


Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as


We are conscious of _____ memories.


When cleaning her closet, Nadia finds her 20-year-old wedding photo album. As she flips through the pictures, she starts to cry joyful tears. Seeing the photos and rekindling the emotions of her wedding day most likely activated her...


When presenting lineups to eyewitnesses, it has been found that a ____ lineup is much more likely to result in an innocent person being falsely identified.

Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio.

Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning?

Reading a sentence in a book

Which of the following involves procedural memory?

LTMs are stored in the hippocampus.

Which of the following is NOT a conclusion from the case of H.M., who had an operation to help alleviate his epileptic seizures?

Semantic memory

Which of the following is NOT an example of an implicit memory?

I remember the day we learned about how talking on cell phones can impair driving ability.

Which of the following is NOT an example of semantic memory?

The propaganda effect

Which of the following is most closely associated with implicit memory?

Bree has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up.

Which of the following learning techniques is LEAST likely to lead to deep processing of the information?

Serena's keys were stolen from her purse. She cannot give a detailed description of her keychain to the police, even though she used it every day for three years.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates how effective or ineffective maintenance rehearsal is in transferring information into LTM?

Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the "perpetrator" from a lineup.

Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research?

Deep processing takes longer than shallow processing and results in better processing

Which statement below is most closely associated with levels of processing theory?

Completing a word for which the first and last letter have been supplied

Which task below would most likely be used to test for implicit memory?

Because it is involves learning an association without being aware of the reasons behind it.

Why is classical conditioning considered a form of implicit memory?

implicit and procedural

Work with brain-injured patients reveals that ____ memory does not depend on conscious memory


You have been studying for weeks for a nursing school entrance exam. You love the idea of becoming a nurse, and you have been enjoying learning about the material for your exam. Each night, you put on relaxing clothes and study in the quiet of your lovely home. Memory research suggests you should take your test with a _____ mind set.

STM can operate normally while LTM is impaired.

Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.'s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that...

a failure of memory consolidation.

Your book explains that brief episodes of retrograde amnesia (e.g., the traumatic disruption of newly formed memories when a football player takes a hit to the head and can't recall the last play before the hit) reflect...

intact episodic memory but defective semantic memory.

Your text describes an "Italian woman" who, after an attack of encephalitis, had difficulty re-membering people or facts she knew before. She could, however, remember her life events and daily tasks. Her memory behavior reflects...

the knowledge that makes up semantic memories is initially attained through a personal experience based in episodic memory.

Your text discusses how episodic and semantic memories are interconnected. This discussion revealed that when we experience events,

Retroactive interference

____ occurs when more recent learning impairs memory for something that happened further back in the past.

Pragmatic inference

____ occurs when reading a sentence leads a person to expect something that is not explicitly stated or necessarily implied by the sentence.


____ transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption.


_______ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory.

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