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What did the German Confederation established by the Congress of Vienna consist of?

Thirty-nine states with no central administration

Hitler learned about mass politics during his artist years in


Wage laborers who own no productive property.

Wage laborers who own no productive property.

Who became the British prime minister during World War II?

Winston Churchil

After World War I, Serbia became part of



a military draft.


a political philosophy such as conservatism or liberalism.


a tenth of one's harvest or income; paid by medieval peasants to the village church.

The "people's charter'' demanded

all of the above

The Great Exhibition of 1851

all of the above

Yugoslav communism

all of the above

The creation of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary

allowed Magyars and German-speaking Austrians to dominate ethnic minorities.

Strength through Joy was

an attempt to monitor and homogenize the leisure activities of German workers.

One result of the Crimean War was

an international climate in which both Italian and German unification were possible.

Glasnost is best characterized as

an openness of expression

Young Italy was not

anti-religious and especially anti-Catholic

On Kristallnacht, the German Nazis

attacked Jewish synagogues and businesses.

Heinrich Himmler was responsible for

carrying out SS operations of social and racial terrorism.

The Great Leap Forward was a plan to

combine Chinese collective farms into larger communes.

Mao Zedong believed that China could ultimately achieve a classless society only by

creating an ongoing atmosphere of revolution.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the priority of the United States was to

defeat Germany and then turn all of its resources against Japan

The characteristics of fascism include all of the following EXCEPT


Realist painters

demonstrated a particular interest in the natural environment.

Dante's Divine Comedy was written

during his political exile from his native city Florence.

The book Silent Spring gave rise to a new field of science called


Collective bargaining was a process of negotiation between

employers and workers.

Working-class people supported Juan Perón because he

encouraged the growth of labor unions and increased job benefits.

Before 1870 women's wages in textile mills were

half or less that of men's wages


he industrial working class. In Marxism, the class who will ultimately overthrow the bourgeoisie.

The second wave of feminism began in

in the 1960s

Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz

included cruel and painful "medical" experiments on inmates.

Which event in 19th-century England most benefited its industrial economy?

increased population growth

Attacks on foreigners living in Germany during the 1990s were motivated partly by

increased unemployment making many Germans angry that foreigners may have been taking jobs away.


intellectual movement of the late eighteenth / early nineteenth century that emphasized the importance of intuition, feeling, emotion and imagination in the search for knowledge and truth.

The British industrial entrepreneur Richard Arkwright

invented the water frame spinning machine.

In 1842 Edwin Chadwick published

landmark study of British a poverty and urged greater sanitation.

Politicians such as Alcide de Gaspari, Robert Schuman, and Konrad Adenauer exemplified the

leadership of Christian Democratic parties in postwar Europe

"The _________, on the other hand, considers freedom the right to speak, to write, to hold meetings, to form parties, to dissent from conventional opinion.


Agricultural progress increasingly took two main forms: orientation towards the __________, and technical innovation


Thomas Malthus argued that

nature imposes restraints on the growth of population


organized massacres of Jews.

During the 1860s the more liberal Napoleon III

permitted the legislative corps more say in affairs of state.

The Gulag was a network of

prison camps.

Werner Heisenberg is best known for

proposing the theory that uncertainty lies at the bottom of all physical laws.

France during the eighteenth century lost an empire and acquired a huge

public debt.

In Judeo-Christian tradition, helping others in need should be the

responsibility of every person.

The movement that sought a reality beyond the material world was known as


The economies of many African nations have suffered because those nations are forced to import ____ from Western nations like the U.S.


American factory owners invested heavily in machinery because

the American work force was largely unskilled.

Nazi New Order

the Nazis' plan for their conquered territories; included the extermination of Jews and others considered inferior, ruthless exploitation of resources, German colonization in the east, and the use of Poles, Russians, and Ukrainians as slave labor.

Volkish Thought

the belief that German culture is superior and that the German people have a universal mission to save Western civilization from inferior races.

Cultural Relativism

the belief that no culture is superior to another because culture is a matter of custom, not reason, and derives its meaning from the group holding it.

The diplomatic initiative to relax Cold War tension around the globe was

the policy of detente


the right to vote.


those who advocate the extension of the right to vote (suffrage), especially to women.

By 1914, trade unions had

varying degrees of success in Continental Europe.


wealthy class that controlled government and industry in the late nineteenth / early twentieth century.


wealthy ruling class that dominated town and city councils in western and central Europe.

One of the key issues of German unification was...

whether Austria should be included in a unified German nation.

Which of the following is the best English translation of the term Il Duce?

"The leader"

Querelles des Femmes

"arguments about women." A centuries-old debate about the nature of women that continued during the Scientific Revolution as those who argued for the inferiority of women found additional support in the new anatomy and medicine

CLASSICAL BRITISH ECONOMIC THEORY: SHARED BELIEFS: Insisted that supply and demand would act as a(n) __________ so that selfish individual acts would ultimately benefit the whole society.

"invisible hand"


"lightning war." A war conducted with great speed and force, as in Germany's advance at the beginning of World War II.

The term Lebensraum translates roughly as

"living space."


"living space." The doctrine, adopted by Hitler, that a nation's power depends on the amount of land it occupies; thus, a nation must expand to be strong.


"openness." Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of encouraging Soviet citizens to openly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Soviet Union.

Neville Chamberlain boasted that the Munich Conference meant

"peace for our time."


"restructuring." A term applied to Mikhail Gorbachev's economic, political, and social reforms in the Soviet Union.


"to let alone." An economic doctrine that holds that an economy is best served when the government does not interfere but allows the economy to self-regulate according to the forces of supply and demand.

What was the result of Great Britain`s and Germany`s buildup of their national fleets?

- A full-scale arms race

What event in the 1820s showed that the spirit of nationalism had burst forth in Europe?

- A nationalist movement in Greece inspired tremendous sympathy throughout Europe.

Artificially protecting the weak prevents __________that would result in the "organic" improvement of the human race.


Rousseau's critique of existing governments centered on the loss of freedom. Fundamental to his views on politics is his insistence that people cannot be made to __________their freedom, as Hobbes, for one, had suggested.


__________ was the most influential advocate of laissez-faire economics. Like Newton, hecombined the thought of his predecessors into a single system based upon the study and application of natural laws. Published in 1776, The Wealth of Nations is a landmark book that gave birth to classical economic thought.

- Adam Smith

Newton's mechanistic concept of the universe dominated Western thought until the discoveries of __________ in the early twentieth century

- Albert Einstein

Though not as savage as Tilly, he is a clever military general and his armies are constantly winning battles. Cancels out all gains made by Protestants in HRE, including a cancellation of Peace of Augsburg. Catholics vs. Protestants. King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, cannot accept the end of Protestantism in the HRE becase Sweden, a Lutheran nation, might be next. Protestants begin to win, but Spain enters the war and ends the phase with Catholics winning again. How Long Did The Thirty Years War Last?

- Albrecht von Wallenstein - Edict of Restitution -Swedish Phase - 30 Years

The hereditary upper class or the nobility.

- Aristocracy

The __________ was a pandemic (an epidemic spreading over a large area) that killed millions of people. It started in Europe in 1347, and lasted until 1351. Almost one out of every three people in Europe got the disease and died. This means about 25 million people died from it in Europe alone.

- Black Death

An economic means of influencing another nation or business by refusing to purchase its products.

- Boycott

Why did Britain take part in the Congress of Vienna?

- Britain had been involved in the Napoleonic Wars and in Napoleon`s ultimate defeat

Government administration through officials working in offices, departments, and bureaus are part of a.

- Bureaucracy

The print shop was one of the first truly capitalist ventures. The printer or his partner was often a successful merchant who was responsible for finding investors, organizing supplies and labor, setting up production schedules, coping with strikes, hiring academically qualified assistants and analyzing the market for printed texts. He was also in intense competition with others who were doing the same, and was obliged to risk capital on expensive equipment.


In what areas, then, should a society sacrifice individual freedom to governmental constraints? The results of _________, for example, should not be considered injurious, because freedom of trade contributes to the good of all people.


Nature is disordered, powerful and chaotic, and through fear of the chaos we impose system on it. We abhor __________, and seek to simplify things whenever we can by whatever means we have at hand. We need to have an overall explanation of what the universe is and how it functions.


The purpose of its economy is not to increase individual happiness through material welfare but to enhance collective power for __________; cooperation is enforced and not voluntary.


Where does one draw the line between individual liberty and legitimate social authority? "To individuality should belong the part of life in which it is chiefly the individual that is interested; to society, the part which chiefly interests society." Therefore, society is justified in establishing two _________upon individuals: (1) The prohibition against injuring the interests or rights of another, and (2) The stipulation that each person must bear his share of the labors and sacrifices necessary to defend the society and its members from injury.


In the case of the modern West, the primacy of money and possessions is indicated by the power and the institutionalized forms of those organizations whose job it is to ensure the __________ of finance and commercial transactions. Banks safeguard the means of exchange by formalizing the ways in which it can be moved around.


__________ brought about an intellectual revolution by proposing that physicists should dispense with Aristotelian 'essences'. His view was that the only way to find out what was happening was to observe and experiment; that in experiment one should look for the nearest cause for a phenomenon, and for events or behavior that were regular in occurrence, which could be repeatedly observed; that the universe could be reliably observed by the senses; and that everything should be reduced, if possible, to mathematics.


There was almost no part of this life-without-fact that could be other than local. Virtually no information reached the vast majority of people from the world outside the villages in which they lived. When all information was passed by word of mouth, rumor ruled. Everything other than personal experience was the subject of hearsay, a word which carried little of the pejorative sense it does today. Reputation was jealously guarded because it was easily ruined by loose talk. Denial of a rumor was difficult, if not impossible, and _________ was the stock in trade of the illiterate.


It was above all a remarkably stable society. Sixty years before, the only home-grown revolution the country ever experienced had ended, and although with the crowning of Charles II the monarchy was restored to power after twenty years of republican government under __________, the old ways were gone for good. The New England was no longer feudal. The Crown was subject to the sovereignty of Parliament.


...humans are responsible to cultivate their own potentials through making personal choices. The love of liberty can be antagonistic to the dictates of __________. But anything that denies individuality is, by definition, despotism.


An economic system in which trade and industry are controlled by private owners working through the market.

- Capitalism

He was reinstated into the Stuart line after Oliver Cromwell's death. He was slightly inclined to Catholicism. He suspended laws Parliament has instituted against Catholics. Parliament did not agree with this and passed the Test Act, which said only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices.

- Charles II

Exaggerated and prejudiced belief in one's own group superiority.

- Chauvinism

As of 2008, people think the disease came from Europe. Today, it is believed the disease may have been the bubonic plague. This disease is carried and spread by fleas on rats. Traders from the Silk Raod from __________ may have brought the infected fleas to Europe.

- China

... radical change would render the _________ ethic, at least in its medieval version, inadequate as the basis of a moral justification of the new capitalist system. The ethic would have to be modified drastically or rejected completely in order to elaborate a defense for the new system.

- Christian

Voltaire was the best known and most influential philosophe. He was a prolific writer who popularized Newton's scientific discoveries, criticized France's rigid government, and denounced religious bigotry. Voltaire directed his most stinging barbs at the intolerance of organized __________.

- Christianity

What was meant by Imperialism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

- Colonial exploitation for raw minerals and as market for goods produced by Industrial nations.

An independent, or semi-independent nation, state, or community often belonging to a larger federation.

- Commonwealth

An official communication giving a report of a meeting or a battle.

- Communiqué

Opposed to great or sudden change. Right-Wing.

- Conservatism Opposed to progress and reform. Would like to go back to a more restrictive and traditional society. - Reactionary

_________ was a Polish clergyman and astronomer. In hislandn ark book, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, (same as blank) directly challenged the geocentric view of the universe. (same as blank) presented his readers with a heliocentric view in which the earth revolved around the sun, which was the center of the universe.

- Copernicus

Free from national prejudices and at home in all parts of the world.

- Cosmopolitan

The church took action. From 1545 to 1563 in what is called the?

- Council of Trent

The Crusades were a series of religious expedionary wars blessed by Pope Urban II and the Catholic Church, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. Jerusalem was and is a sacred city and symbol of all three major Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).

- Crusades

The patters of life shared by the members of a society; these patterns are transmitted from one generation to another.

- Culture

__________ book was called The Discourse on Method, ... The book exhorted the reader to doubt everything. It advised him to take as false what was probable, to take as probable what was called certain, and to reject all else. The free-thinker should believe that it was possible to know everything and should relinquish doubt only on proof. The senses were to be doubted, initially, because they were also the source of hallucination. Even mathematics might be doubted; since God might make a man believe that two and two made five...The only thing that was certain was thought. The fact that a man thought, whether falsely, madly or truthfully, proved that he existed. He expressed this view in his famous dictum: I think, therefore I am' (cogito, ergo sum).


In our case, we use instruction to train young members of our society to ask questions. Education in the West consists of providing intellectual tools to be used for __________. We encourage novelty, and this attitude is reflected in our educational curricula.


Although the country was nominally Calvinist, the __________ took the attitude that as long as people did not attempt to interfere in how the country was run they could do, say and print what they chose. Whereas the Catholic countries with their repressive, centralized, absolute monarchies continued to build baroque extravaganzas to dominate their cities as reminders of the power of the throne and the Vatican, in Holland the architects built small, coolly elegant houses for wealthy merchants along the banks of the Amsterdam canals.


The immediate effect was to double the tonnage of English shipping by the end of the century and to quadruple the amount of import and export trade, of which fully 15 per cent was with the colonies. The hegemony of the __________over international trade was broken in a series of wars between 1652 and 1674, after they had refused an English offer of political union.


Existing in fact (whether by right or not).

- De facto

__________thought of God as a cosmic watchmaker who created the universe and then let it run according to immutable natural laws.

- Deists

__________ contributed to scientific developments in the seventeenth century by advocating a deductive method for the search for truth.

- Descartes

__________began by doubting all notions based on authority or custom. Instead, he started with a self-evident axiom known to be true. He then used logical reasoning to deduce various inferences.

- Descartes

_________was a French philosophe who became the chief editor of the Encyclopedia. His goal was to bring together all the most current and enlightened thinking about science, technology, mathematics, art, and government. "All things," Diderot explained, "must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone's feelings.

- Diderot

Rene Descartes advanced his scientific method based on deductive analysis in

- Discourse on Method.

One's own country, not international.

- Domestic

This temporary quality is an integral part of scientific progress. While working with immense accuracy and precision, scientists seek above all to find flaws in their theories. As they discover cracks in the edifice of knowledge they find different __________ to construct.


The benefits of __________ were obvious. Fencing permitted controlled experimentation on improving yields of both crops and animals, as well as helping to limit the spread of disease by wandering animals.


... when King William III, recently arrived on the __________throne from Holland, needed a vast loan to finance his war against Louis XIV of France, the English found a Dutch way of providing the money. Holland had had an extensive credit and banking system since the foundation of the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609. A Scotsman called William Paterson suggested the establishment of a similar institution for England. On his third attempt, he succeeded in persuading Parliament to approve his scheme.


Spencer believed that the natural process of eliminating the unfit (those unable to adapt to environmental challenges) during each stage of evolution insured a constant improvement in the quality of the human race. Thus, Spencer maintained that the progress of society was toward a stage in which it will be made up of individuals in _________with their environment.


In the __________ Middle Ages, depopulation, deurbanization, and barbarian invasions, begun in Late Antiquity, continued apace. The barbarian invaders formed new kingdoms in the remains of the Western Roman Empire. In the 7th century North Africa and the Middle East, once part of the Eastern Roman Empire, became an Islamic Empire after conquest by Muhammad's successors.

- Early

Holding the principle of equal rights for all people.

- Egalitarianism

Extreme Mannerism in art was evident in the work of

- El Greco.

The power of the government to acquire private property for public purposes.

- Eminent domain

The __________disseminated enlightened thinking across Europe and North America. It undermined established authority by including articles about controversial political and religious subjects.

- Encyclopedia

Broke out during Charles I's rule because of taxes and laws Parliament had put into place, Charles and Parliament butted heads, and Charles silenced Parliament. Parliament won.

- English Civil War

Nature and natural Laws: The philosophes believed that natura/laws regulate both the universe and human society. These natura/laws can be discovered by human reason.

- Enlightenment

The European intellectual movement that emphasized the responsibility of government to protect people's natural rights was called the

- Enlightenment.

Anything that establishes a fact or gives reason for believing something.

- Evidence

The process by which something develops gradually into a different form. The origin of living things by development from earlier forms, not by special creation.

- Evolution

Like every other fact that underpins our relationship with the technology structuring our lives, we trust it. We are trained to accept the facts of science and technology no matter how frequently the same science and technology renders them obsolete. Yet the concept of the generally accepted '__________' is a relatively new one.


Encroachments on free expression are always illegitimate, even when sanctioned by the government or the people. "If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, ...


In society, natural self-love becomes corrupted into a venal pride, which seeks only the good opinion of others and, in so doing, causes the individual to lose touch with his or her true nature, the loss of one's true nature ends in a loss of __________.


Reliance on trust in a person or idea without the necessity of evidence, unquestioning belief.

- Faith

All of the artists that the Ninja turtles were named after (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello) worked for the Medici family.

- False

Lorenzo de Medici married Clarice Orsini because she was beautiful and he was in love with her.

- False

A system of government in which several states unite under one central authority but remain independent in internal affairs.

- Federal

Social customs approved by society but not considered morally significant, so they are not strictly enforced

- Folkways

________ contributed to scientific developments in the seventeenth century by advocating an inductive method for scientific experimentation.

- Francis Bacon

Identify the correct relationship between the social scientist and his work.

- Francois Quesnay tried to discover the natural economic laws that govern human society

Another name for Capitalism

- Free Enterprise

Countries that are free of major restrictions on private property.

- Free World

Hugenots the primary doctrine of the Protestant Reformation; taught that humans are saved not through good works, but by the grace of God, bestowed freely through the sacrifice of Jesus belief among some Christian groups that the end of time and therefore the kingdom of God was at hand.

- French Calvinists - Indulgence - justification by faith

__________ struck at the heart of Aristotelian and Christian belief. He removed the earth from the centre of the universe and so from the focus of God's purpose. In the new scheme man was no longer the creature for whose use and elucidation the cosmos had been created. His system also placed the earth in the heavens, and in doing so removed the barrier separating the incorruptible from the corruptible.


A just society replaces the individual's natural freedom of will with the __________, such a society is based on a social contract by which each individual alienates all of his or her natural rights to create a new corporate person, the sovereign, the repository of the general will.


_________ was one of the first people to use the telescope for astronomical observation. His discoveries provided irrefutable support for the heliocentric view that the earth was a planet circling the sun.

- Galileo

The origins of the Hundred Years' War can be found in a dispute over the territory of

- Gascony

Deliberate extermination of a race of people.

- Genocide

What are the elements that make a group of people into a nation?

- Geography, race, language, and culture

A late Renaissance reformer who maintained that "the Hermetic philosophy, with its mystical approach to God and nature, held the key to true wisdom," was

- Giordano Bruno

Which 14th century painter's work represents a break with medieval artistic practices?

- Giotto

How did King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia put an end to the 1848 revolution in Berlin?

- He sent troops in to disband the Frankfurt parliament

A system with grades of status or authority ranking one above another in a series.

- Hierarchy

During the High Middle Ages, which began after AD 1000, the population of Europe increased greatly as technological and agricultural innovations allowed trade to flourish and crop yields to increase.

- High

The High Middle Ages is a formative period in the history of the Western state. Kings in France, England and Spain consolidated their power, and set up lasting governing institutions. Also new kingdoms like Hungary and Poland, after their conversion to Christianity, became Central-European powers

- High

The __________ Middle Ages saw an expansion of population. Rough estimates of the increase from the year 1000 until 1347 indicate that the population of Europe grew from 35 to 80 million. The exact cause or causes of the growth remain unclear; improved agricultural techniques, the decline of slaveholding, a more clement climate and the lack of invasion have all been put forward

- High

How did the French romantic painter Eugene Delacroix express the spirit of nationalism?

- His paintings reflected his feelings about actual revolutionary events.

The __________ was fought between France and England during the late Middle Ages. Edward III of England then believed he had the right to become the new king of France through his mother. The French did not want a foreign king, so Philip VI of France said he ought to be king because women could not transmit the right to rule to their sons. The two countries went to war because of this disagreement

- Hundred Years' Wa

All writing held a kind of magic quality for the reader, most of all that of the holy texts. The feeling was that the light of God shone on the reader through 'the letters' veil'. Reading was a physical act of spiritual exhilaration, in which the meaning of the words came like an __________, much as light came through stained glass.


The aim of legislation was to serve the best interests of the land and to __________and divide the working population so as to keep it out of London.


In this democracy of possessions what we possess is __________ ours, private property protected by strict legislation from appropriation by any other individual or by the state.


Three components are crucial to __________ liberty: (1) freedom of thought and expression, (2) freedom to plan one's own life pursuits, and (3) freedom to unite in groups for any purpose not involving harm to others. Governments and majorities have historically encroached on all three of these liberties.


Thus it follows that democratic self-government "is not the government of each by himself, but of each by all the rest." Hence, the issue of limiting the government's power over _________ does not disappear when "the people" elect the government from among themselves; if anything, it becomes more acute.


Rousseau's insistence on linking it with equality is unusual. Also unusual is the emphasis on feelings, or, more precisely, on the will, as well as on reason in his arguments.


The worst corruption is the loss of freedom brought on by social __________. While many thinkers of the time were concerned with freedom, several scholars have noted that Rousseau's insistence on linking it with equality is unusual. Also unusual is the emphasis on feelings, or, more precisely, on the will, as well as on reason in his arguments.


A system of gaining control or influence over other nations for the economic and/or political benefit of one nation.

- Imperialism

One of the last remaining struggles for national unity in Europe helped set off World War I. What was it?

- Independent Serbia wanted to liberate the Serbs from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

After 1870, what part did nationalism play in European politics?

- It played an increasingly abrasive role.

What was a direct result of the 1830 revolution in France?

- It sparked a successful Belgian revolt against Dutch rule.

Early magazine published by Addison and Steele Belief in God as Creator without reference to Christian dogma Protestant defended by Voltaire when falsely accused of murder

- J. S. Bach - Tom Jones - Spectawr

Who did the French revolutionaries claim as the spiritual father of their new nation?

- Jean Jacques Rousseau

The Black Death had a very big effect on Europe's population. It changed Europe's social structure. It was a serious blow to the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in widespread persecution of minorities such as __________, Muslims, foreigners,beggers and lepers. The uncertainty of daily survival influenced people to live for the moment,

- Jews

During the 100 Years' War, The English continued to capture land in France until __________ led the army to success at the Siege of Orleans and the Battle of Patay in 1429. She regained many cities and brought Charles VII to his coronation, but she did not recover Paris. Her enemies captured and killed her. After her death the French continued to take back territory, although more slowly.

- Joan of Arc

Just and fair treatment, especially during legal proceedings.

- Justice Large-scale destruction, especially by fire. - Holocaust

This view of the universe permeates all aspects of our life. All communities in all places at all times manifest their own view of reality in what they do. The entire culture reflects the contemporary model of reality. We are what we know. And when the body of __________changes, so do we.


Spencer's evolutionary theory would always retain some __________elements, particularly a belief in the inheritance of acquired characteristics


In 1720, in England, of the estimated five and a half million population, fully four and a quarter million lived in country villages. __________ was the ultimate source of all wealth, and it was jealously guarded. That year came the hottest summer in living memory


The __________ is probably the institution that changes least in any society. In its codes it enshrines and protects the basic identity of the community. In its power to punish, it delineates the permitted forms of activity, those considered valuable...


The worst corruption is the loss of freedom brought on by social __________. While many thinkers of the time were concerned with freedom, several scholars have noted that "There is a limit to the _________interference of collective opinion with individual independence," continues Mill. "All that makes existence valuable to anyone depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people."


For __________, the most important aspect of self-interest was the safeguarding of personal possessions. The ultimate goal of all societies, he felt, was to preserve the property rights of the individual. Each man had property as a result of his labors and should legitimately own what he could manage.


Which of the following statements best describes politics in 14th century Italy?

- Larger city-states were gaining political power at the expense of smaller city-states

The __________ Middle Ages were marked by difficulties and calamities, such as famine, plague, and war, which much diminished the population of western Europe; in the four years from 1347 through 1350, the Black Death killed approximately a third of the European population. Controversy, heresy, and schism within the Church paralleled the warfare between states, the civil war, and peasant revolts occurring in the kingdoms. Cultural and technological developments transformed European society, concluding the Late Middle Age and beginning the Early Modern period.

- Late

As the nineteenth century began, it looked as if most Europeans still respected noble blood. All that had changed was that not quite so many people still automatically thought it was a distinction which ought to be reflected in __________.

- Laws

_______ are devoted to the primacy of human welfare over the rights of property and a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and political power are know as

- Left-wing ideologies

What was the result of the French revolution of 1848?

- Louis Napoleon was elected president of the Second Republic

Rousseau's conception of the general will has been both admired and criticized. He himself claimed that the general will is not the same thing as the voice of the __________. A ( same word ) may be simply a collection of the shared particular interests of a group of individuals.


With the theory of universal gravity Newton destroyed the __________ picture of the world as a structure moved by the unseen but ever-present hand of God. Man was no longer at the centre of a system created for his edification by the Almighty; the earth was merely a small planet in an incomprehensibly vast and inanimate universe which behaved according to laws that could be calculated. There seemed, for the first time, no place in the cosmos for the providential involvement of God in the affairs of mankind. The human race was alone, with its curiosity and dexterity, to invent instruments with which to examine the universe without fear of intervention or guidance.


Innovation came mainly from the newly successful __________.


On Liberty is a systematic attempt to grapple with the central problem in modern democracy: the tension between majority rule and the protection of __________ and individual rights.


__________ was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. The charter was an important part of the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world.

- Magna Carta

The belief that it was God's will that the United States control the continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In the nineteenth century, this doctrine spurred western expansion.

- Manifest destiny

__________— the organization of peasants into villages that owed rent and labor services to the nobles; and feudalism — the political structure whereby knights and lower-status nobles owed military service to their overlords, in return for the right to rent from lands and manors - were two of the ways society was organized in the High Middle Ages.

- Manorialism

__________ accepted a geocentric view that held that the earth was a motionless body located at the center of the universe. The sun, moon, and planets all moved around the earth in perfectly circular P.aths.

- Medieval philosophers

Prepared to take aggressive action in support of a cause.

- Militant

Exclusive possession of trade in some commodity.

- Monopoly

__________ was a French nobleman and attorney who wanted to limit the abuses of royal absolutism. The Spirit of the Laws represented an attempt to create a "social science" by applying the methods of the natural sciences to the study of government.

- Montesquieu

__________concluded that the ideal government separated powers among executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This system of divided authority would protect the rights of individuals by preventing one branch of government from gaining unrestricted control over the entire society. Theses ideas had a significant influence on the writers of the American Constitution.

- Montesquieu

The Crusades were wars fought between Christians and:

- Muslims

Spencer believed that state interference with the "__________" of society (and the economy) would slow the natural progress of society toward an "equilibrium of static repose." Artificial political measures and conscious institutional changes cannot change defective natures...


Each change brings with it new attitudes and institutions created by new knowledge. These novel systems then either oust or coexist with the structures and attitudes held prior to the change. Our modern view is thus a mixture of present knowledge and past viewpoints which have stood the test of time and, for one reason or another, remain valuable in __________ circumstances.


In England another thinker was to turn this desire for a rationally operating universe into physical reality. His name was __________, his book, Principia Mathematica, provided such an all-embracing cosmological system that it stunned science into virtual inactivity for nearly a century.


Important events and relationships central to a country's well being.

- National Interest

Patriotic feeling or principles or efforts. Loyalty to one's ethnic group. Favoring independence for a country that is controlled by or forms part of another.

- Nationalism

Favoritism shown to relatives in appointing them to jobs

- Nepotism

Cromwell organized an army of zealous Protestants called the __________.

- New Model Army

_________ published the Principia in 1687. This momentus, work combined Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Gahleo's laws of inertia and falling bodies, and (same as blank)'s own conception of gravitation into a single mathematical law of universal gravitation. (same as blank) 's concise mathematical formula described all forms of celestial and terrestrial motion.

- Newton

__________viewed the universe as a vast machine, created by God but working according to universal laws that could be discovered, mastered, and utilized to improve human life. Supernatural and miraculous forces played no role in Newton's universe.

- Newton

The form of religion called Deism was based on a

- Newtonian view of the world as a machine created by God.

In the year 1000, Viking explorers made the first known voyage to:

- North America

We live with such a high rate of change that we have come to expect __________. We build it into our economy, and we adopt the same attitude to all other aspects of living. Transience is the mode. The only constant is change.


What medieval man called 'fact' we would call __________, and there were few people who traveled enough to know the difference. The average daily journey was seven miles, which was the distance most riders could cover and be sure of return before dark.


To the illiterate, documents were worthless as proof because they were easy to forge. A living witness told the truth because he wanted to go on living. Legal proceedings were conducted __________, a practice that continues to this day.


Luther reacted to events by producing ninety-five criticisms of the Church, which he nailed to a notice board in his church in Wittenberg. He also sent a copy to his Bishop and one to friends. Luther's expectations of a quiet, scholarly discussion of his grievances among his friends were rudely shattered when copies were printed and distributed. Within a fortnight the 'theses' were being read throughout Germany. Within a month they were all over Europe. Luther found himself at the head of a rebellious army he had never thought to command. The only way to make the rebellion effective was to use the same weapon that had started it: the __________.


69. The independent kingdom of Prussia was the most influential state in the German Confederation. What did Prussia gain for itself through the settlements at the Congress of Vienna?

- Part of Poland

Peasants were treated according to their personal status and the size of their tenements. A freeman, that is, a peasant with his own modest allodial, or hereditary, property (property free from the claims of an overlord), became a serf by surrendering his property to a greater landowner — a lord —i n exchange for protection and assistance.

- Peasants

Peasants were treated according to their personal status and the size of their tenements. A freeman, that is, a peasant with his own modest allodial, or hereditary, property (property free from the claims of an overlord), became a serf by surrendering his property to a greater landowner, lord, in exchange for protection and assistance.

- Peasants

Happiness: __________had little interest in the medieval belief that people should accept misery in this world to find salvation in the hereafter. (same as blank) believed that happiness in this world was an inalienable human right.

- Philosophes

Reason • To the philosophes, reason was the absence of intolerance, bigotry, and superstition. Reason meant informed thinking about social problems. • llumans should rely on reason, not miracles, to improve society.

- Philosophes

French economic reformers called physiocrats were the first to question mercantilist principles. Led by Francois Quesnay, the __________argued that economic activities should be freed from artificial restrictions. Governments should follow a laissez-faire policy of noninterference with the economy.

- Physiocrats

The number of votes by which the total cast for the winner exceeds that of his or her nearest rival.

- Plurality

What began to engage the full attention of Europe in the sixteenth century?

- Politics, science, literature and the arts, trade, exploration, and discovery

What did the Austrian Empire consist of after the Congress of Vienna? .

- Present-day Austria, Hungary, the Czech and Slovak Republics, parts of Poland, Italy, Germany, Rumania, and the Balkans

Who was primarily responsible for maintaining the arrangements set up at the Congress of Vienna?

- Prince Klemens von Metternich

Advancing in social conditions or efficiency etc.. Favoring progress or reform.

- Progressive

This __________in agriculture increased interest in making land profitable. It also provided the farm-workers with a diet that stands up well to modern comparison...


Since the audience would hear the story only once, the performance was histrionic, repetitive, easily memorized, and often reworked from the original into local dialect for the benefit of the audience. The portrayal of emotion was simple and exaggerated. The entire performance was in __________, so that both performer and audience could more easily remember it.


__________are condensed forms of experience which convey meanings and values not necessarily immediately obvious or consciously understood by the people performing them. They relate to those elements of the culture considered valuable enough to retain.


Going to the root of something, drastic change or reform.

- Radical

Able to reason. Based on reasoning. Not Unreasonable. Sane.

- Rational

The Crusades had major political, economic, and social impact on western Europe. It resulted in a substantial weakening of the Christian Byzantine Empire, which fell several centuries later to the Muslim Turks. The Reconquista, a long period of wars in Spain and Portugal (Iberia), where Christian forces reconquered the peninsula from Muslims, is closely tied to the Crusades.

- Reconquista

What became the dominant force in Europe during the Middle Ages?

- Religion

Why did the French National Assembly declare war on Austria in 1792?

- Revolutionary leaders wanted to unify the new French Republic.

_______ are devoted to the primacy of the individual and individual property rights over egalitarian schemes to redistribute wealth or the social and health costs of capitalist society are know as:

- Right-wing ideologies

As western Europe witnessed the formation of new kingdoms, the eastern section of the __________ Empire remained intact and even enjoyed an economic revival that lasted into the early 7th century.

- Roman

The Social Contract, Rousseau's treatise on politics and government, is one of the most influential books on political theory in European history. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke argued that individuals entered a social contract with their rulers. In contrast, (same as blank) argued that individuals entered into a social contract with one another. This created a community or organized civil society.

- Rousseau

__________distrusted reason and science. He trusted emotions and spontaneous feeling more than cold logic. As a result, (same as blank) foreshadowed the romantic reaction to the Enlightenment.

- Rousseau

__________presented his ideas on education in the novel Emile. He argued that a "natural education" should replace the rigid schooling typical of his time. The key principles of a natural education included the following: Children are naturally good and entitled to an education that emphasizes freedom and happiness. People develop through various stages, and individuals vary within these stages. Education must therefore be individualized since "every mind has its own form. " Children should be encouraged to draw their own conclusions from experience. This principle anticipated what is now called "discovery learning."

- Rousseau

Bernard de Fontenelle, the man who popularized the new scientific learning, was for fifty years secretary of the

- Royal Academy of Science.

President of the Royal Society and only scientist buried in Westminster Abbey Advocate of rationalism who began his method with doubt

- Royal Academy of Sciences - Isaac Newton

Sponsored by governments and monarchs, scientists organized societies to promote research and spread scientific knowledge. Founded in 1660, the __________ in England enjoyed international prestige. Other scientific societies were founded in rlorence, Paris, and Berlin.

- Royal Society

This ability to regard all phenomena as obeying universal laws, as much applicable on earth as they are in the centre of a star, is at the root of __________. The ability was developed four hundred years ago for reasons that had nothing to do with scientific research.


Intellectual life was in ferment, too. The Italian humanists had spread their __________ doctrine throughout the Continent and their questioning attitude, combined with the early Renaissance contacts between craftsmen and scholars, threatened established authority in almost every field.


Therefore, social tolerance and a free press are indispensable to a free society.


As a British Utilitarian philosopher writing in the mid nineteenth century, Mill argued that individuals should not be required to sacrifice their own happiness for the benefit of __________.


Rousseau: Man is by nature good, __________is the cause of corruption and vice


This essay champions one very simple principle: "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others . . . Over himself, [however], over his own body and mind, the individual is _________."


The first step is development of simple headship in a tribe in conflict with other tribes. The union of smaller social aggregates tends to initiate a central coordinating agency. The development of the regulating system always begins with the rise of a superior coordinating center exercising control over inferior centers, accompanied by the cooperation of the components in conflicts with other aggregates (Spencer believed that action toward external enemies __________political centralizations - a lesson not lost on contemporary political leaders).


The terms "state of nature" and "nature of man" are prominent in eighteenth-century discussions of political and moral questions. This was the Age of Reason--many philosophers were critical of society and government, and they sought to give their critiques a rational and empirical basis by appealing to nature. The point was to justify a particular type of government by relating it to human nature, that is, to the defining characteristics of human beings. But to discover such essential characteristics, it also seemed necessary to consider what people were like in a "state of nature," which presumably existed before organized governments arose.


Most political arguments contain at least partial truths. Dialogue between these viewpoints makes possible the creation of a third, stronger position, as in the case of opposed political parties in a legislative body. "Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet __________of half of it, is the formidable evil . . . The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half of their errors."


Spencer's, essays, and, books, in, the, 1830s, show, him, grappling, with, and, finally, coming, to, grips, with, evolutionary, theory., There, was, some, foreshadowing, of, the, importance, of, evolution, in, Social, Statics,, with, its, themes, of, necessary, progress, and, adaptation, toward, perfection., In, 1832,, Spencer, published, "The, Development, Thesis", and, "A, Theory, of, Population,", the, former, denying, special, creation, (and, advocating, evolution), and, the, latter, principally, famous, for, his, use, of, the, expression, "__________",


Rational discussion followed a new logical technique, the __________ developed by Aristotle, which provided an intellectual structure for the reconciliation of opposing views. The self-evident axioms of geometry, such a the basic properties of a straight line or the intersection of two such lines, could lead via deduction to the development of more complex theorems. When the technique was applied to rational thought it enhanced the scope of intellectual speculation.


The Vikings invaded Europe from:

- Scandinavia

Assuming that a person's abilities and social functions are determined by his or her sex.

- Sexism

All of the following statements about Isabella d'Este, "first lady of the world" are true except?

- She planned the strategy for military campaigns for both her husbands

During the 1th Century, __________played a key role in the Dutch economy. The Dutch fleet of 10,000 ships was the largest in the world.

- Shipbuilding

__________maintained that every individual is motivated by self-interest. Competition and self-interest are socially beneficial: "Self-interest drives people to action and the Invisible Hand of competition acts as an automatic regulator so that the market will generate wealth for a nation."

- Smith

An organized community under one sovereign government.

- State

The planning and direction of the whole operation of a campaign or war. A plan or policy to achieve a goal.

- Strategy

Existing in a person's mind and not produced by things outside it. Not objective.

- Subjective

Opinion, assumption, not based on fact.

- Supposition

In previous eras, Mill says, the struggle between liberty and authority was a contest between the classes of people who composed the citizenry and another class who controlled the government. "By liberty was meant protection against the _________of political rulers."


The application of a means or method to accomplish a goal

- Tactics

It killed between a third and two-thirds of Europe's population. Including in the Middle East, India and China, it killed at least 75 million people. The same disease is thought to have returned to Europe every generation with different degrees of intensity and fatality until the 1700s.

- The Black Death

Why was church Latin the language used by the educated classes of Europe in the Middle Ages?

- The Catholic Church dominated and unified Europe

Who were the first nationalists in Europe to be inspired by the French Revolution?

- The Irish

By the sixteenth century what had happened to lessen the influence of the Catholic Church?

- The Renaissance and Reformation

What was the result of the Polish uprising in 1830?

- The Russian forces defeated Poland, and thousands of Poles fled to France.

Which of the following was not one of the alliances formed between European nations between 1870 and World War I?

- The Warsaw Pact

What was adopted as the symbol of the new French nation in 1789?

- The blue, white, and red tricolor

What is meant by culture?

- The history, customs, manners, art, literature, and folklore common to a particular set of people

The English Reformation began in 1533 when Henry VIII broke with the pope because?

- The pope refused to grant a Henry a divorce from Catherine of Aragon

What happened to the Irish insurrection of 1798?

- The rebels were defeated after six weeks of fighting.

What group in France regarded itself as the true French nation?

- The third estate--the peasants and bourgeoisie

In Vienna, how did the Austrian government take advantage of disagreements between the 1848 revolutionaries?

- They re-imposed their authority after laying siege to the city.

As the Hundred Years' War began, knights were the major combatants

- True

During the Great Schism there were, at one time, three competing popes.

- True

In March 1936, Hitler sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland.

- True

The frescoes in the chapel of the Medici Palace advertised the family's power.

- True

Oppressive use of power.

- Tyranny

The medieval adult was in no way less intelligent than his modern counterpart, however. He merely lived in a different world, which made different demands on him. His was a world without facts. Indeed, the modern concept of a fact would have been an incomprehensible one. Medieval people relied for day to day information solely on what they themselves, or someone they knew, had observed or experienced in the world immediately around them. Their lives were regular, repetitive and __________.


Geometry rendered the cosmos accessible to examination according to common, standard, quantitative scale. Together with the concept of pairs of opposites, geometry was to become the foundation for a rational system of philosophy that would __________Western culture for thousands of years.


An imaginary place where everything is perfect.

- Utopia

Rousseau's central claim is that __________ is found "engraved on the heart" of every person. No special knowledge is necessary, so the advance of knowledge suggested in the question does nothing to improve morals. Rather the reverse is true.


The president's refusal to act or sign a bill into law.

- Veto

Why did Europeans fear the Vikings?

- Vikings attacked quickly and stole from their victims.

_________championed religious tolerance. He often ended his letters with the passionate demand to "ecrasez l'infame" ("crush the infamous thing"). This ringing exclamation reminded his readers to continue the battle against the enemies of reason- bigotry, ignorance, and religious fanaticism.

- Voltaire

The general will, however, must always will the good of the __________. Unfortunately, this distinction may be clearer in theory than in fact.


Governments must not interfere with the free functioning of the market. Governments should limit their role to defending the state against foreign invasion, protecting property, and enforcing contracts.

- Wealth of Nations

The debate over Charles II successor to the throne, James II, divided Parliament into two groups: 1) The _________ were deeply suspicious of Catholics and wanted to lawfully exclude James II from the throne. 2) The Tories felt a strong loyalty to the monarchy and supported james's right to the throne. The (same as the blank) and the Tories became the first political parties in the English-speaking world.

- Whigs

Same as proletariat, but this word is more commonly used in the U.S. and the U.K..

- Working Class

The Justinian Code was:

- a collection of Roman Laws

All of the following are examples of extreme reactions to the Black Death except?

- a rejection of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church

In his Social Contract, Rousseau expressed the belief that

- a society achieves freedom by doing what is best for all.

Spinoza said that man's failure to understand the true nature of God leads to

- a society in which men use nature for selfish purposes.

Then as now, _________of material wealth was a passport to greater power and upward social mobility. This social mobility was eventually to prove totally destructive of the medieval system because it put an end to the status relationships that were the backbone of medieval society.

- accumulation

American naval superiority in the Pacific was

- achieved beyond dispute by the Battle of Midway.

Ending of a legislative session for one or more days, or indefinitely.

- adjournment

The lord lived off the labor of the serfs who farmed his fields and paid taxes in kind and money according to the custom of the manor. Similarly, the lord gave protection, supervision, and __________ of justice according to the custom of the manor.

- administration

Action designed to increase opportunities for females and minorities through recruitment, training, and promotion so that they are fairly represented in the work force and public institutions.

- affirmative action

Japanese war crimes included which of the following? abuse of Chinese and Southeast Asian civilians 2. execution of U.S., British, and Australian prisoners of war forced prostitution of women from Korea and Southeast Asia the use of prisoners as subjects in chemical and biological-weapons experiments.

- all of the above

Laws designed to prohibit business from engaging in exclusive dealing, price fixing, monopolies, and other forms of unfair competition.

- antitrust acts

Method of ending disputes by recourse to submission to decision of a third party agreed to by the disputants.

- arbitration

Knights wore __________ for protection.

- armor

All items of value owned by a person or persons.

- assets

The sins that were most strongly denounced within the context of the Christian paternalist ethic were to become the behavioral _________ on which the entire capitalist market economy was to be based.

- assumptions

Rococo architecture was

- best expressed in the buildings of Balthasar Neumann.

Although he made deductions about the construction of the universe, Copernicus was by formal training a

- canon (church) lawyer

...the world was growing more commercial, more used to the idea of employing money to make money, and was supplying itself with the apparatus of modern __________.

- capitalism

Knights followed a code of conduct called

- chivalry

Basic law of Anglo-Saxon nations derived from customary law and precedent. Altered by statute and further developed by judicial decisions.

- common law

The peasants on the manor also found that they could exchange surpluses for money at the local grain markets; the money could be used by the peasants to purchase __________ of their labor services. Commutation often resulted in a situation in which the peasant became very nearly a independent small businessman. He might rent the land from the lord, sell the produce to cover the rents, and retain the remaining revenues himself.

- commutation

Although the guilds did regulate very carefully the production and sale of commodities, they were less concerned with making profits than with saving their members; souls. Salvation demanded that the individual lead an orderly life based on church teachings and custom. Thus the guilds exerted a powerful influence as _________ of the status quo in the medieval towns

- conservators

Although the guilds did regulate very carefully the production and sale of commodities, they were less concerned with making profits than with saving their members; souls. Salvation demanded that the individual lead an orderly life based on church teachings and custom. Thus the guilds exerted a powerful influence as _________ of the status quo in the medieval towns.

- conservators

The ordinary people looked to religion for comfort and consolation. They especially associated religion with the major Christian holidays and festivals, like Christmas and Easter. They baptized their children, attended mass, tried to learn the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed, and received the last rites from the priest as death approached. This was all probably done with more awe and simple faith than understanding.

- consolation

This rule by the custom of the manor stands in sharp contrast to the legal and judicial system of capitalism. The capitalist system is based on the enforcement of __________ and universally binding law, which are softened only rarely...

- contracts

With same amount of arable land, the three-field system could increase the amount under cultivation at any particular time by as much as 50 percent.

- cultivation

In the High Middle Ages, the German monarch's power

- depended on his own personal land holdings.

Any account of medieval social and economic thought must also stress the great _________ with which people viewed trade and commerce and the commercial spirit. The medieval way of life was based on custom and tradition; its viability depended on the acceptance by the members of society of that tradition and their place within it.

- disdain

Many historians have argued that the spread of trade and commerce was the single most important force leading to the __________ of medieval trade and customs.

- disintegration

Because of its growing influence, the Society of Jesus was in 1773

- dissolved by order of the pope.

Most eighteenth-century European educational institutions were

- elitist and geared to the needs of the upper class.

Much of the educated elite in western Europe and America embraced deism. However, deism's reliance upon reason and its lack of __________had little appeal for many people.

- emotion

The increase in population was accompanied by the __________ movement, which had begun in England as early as the thirteenth century. The feudal nobility, in ever-increasing need of cash, fenced off, or enclosed, lands that had formerly been used for communal grazing. Enclosed lands were used to graze sheep to satisfy the booming English wool and textile industries' demand for wool. The sheep brought good prices, and a minimal amount of labor was needed to herd them.

- enclosure

It was the strengthening of these obligations and the nobleman's ability to _________ them through a long hierarchy of vassals and over a wide area that eventually led to the emergence of the modern nation-states. This process occurred during the period of transition from feudalism to capitalism.

- enforce

The Brothers of the Common Life

- established schools that stressed classical scholarship and piety.

Where the capitalist commercial __________ prevails, greed, selfishness, covetousness, and the desire to better oneself materially or socially are accepted by most people as innate qualities. Yet they were uniformly denounced and in the Middle Ages.

- ethic

At the center of medieval belief was the image of a perfect God and a wretched and sinful human being. God had given Adam and Eve freedom to choose; rebellious and presumptuous, they had used their freedom to disobey God. In doing so, they made __________ an intrinsic part of the human personality.

- evil

The rise of livery guilds, or associations of merchant-capitalist employers, created a host of barriers to protect their position. Different types of apprenticeships, with special privileges and __________ for the sons of the wealthy, excessively high membership fees, and other barriers, prevented ambitious poorer craftsmen from competing with or entering the new capitalist class. Indeed, these barriers generally resulted in the transformation of poor craftsmen and their sons into a new urban working class that lived exclusively by selling its labor power.

- exemptions

Francis Bacon was important to the Scientific Revolution because of his emphasis on

- experimentation and inductive reasoning.

The industries that burgeoned in the new cities, however, were primarily __________ industries in which the producer was distant from the final buyer. Craftsmen sold their goods wholesale to merchants, which, in turn, transported and resold them.

- export

There were many dangers for miners working underground. Constant dangers that miners were exposed to included...

- flooding and explosions.

Isaac Newton's scientific discoveries

- formed the basis for universal physics until well into the twentieth century.

The English Parliament grew more powerful during the fourteenth century by

- gaining control over taxation and royal spending

The sovereign power in a state does not lie in a ruler. Instead, it resides in the __________ of the community as a whole. The (same as blank) is defined as any action that is right and good for all. Rulers are servants of the community. If they fail to carry out the people's will, they should be removed. Rousseau's concept of the (same as blank) and the sovereignty of the people influenced leaders of both the French and American revolutions. It is also important to note that twentieth-century dictators justified their rule by claiming to embody their nation's (same as blank).

- general will

Literacy rates in late eighteenth-century France were

- generally higher than in the century before

... fundamental changes in the economic and political structure of a social system are often achieved only after traumatic and violent social conflict. Any economic system __________ a class or classes whose privileges are dependent on the continuation of that system. Quite naturally, these classes go to great lengths to resist change and to protect their positions.

- generates

It is very important to note that unlike France, the English __________ was willing to pay taxes. This had two important consequences:First since the tax burden was more equitable in England, the peasantry was not overburdened with excessive taxes. Second, the gentry and thus the House of Commons demanded a role in determining national expendttures. This created an inevitable conflict with the Stuart kings.

- gentry

In addition to manors, medieval Europe had many towns, which were important centers of manufacturing. The dominant economic institutions in the towns were the _________ - craft, professional, and trade associations...

- guilds

In the manorial __________ industry, the producer (the master craftsman) was also the seller.

- handicraft

Society included the nobility, clergy and townsmen. Nobles, both the titled and simple knights, were the exploiters of the manors and the peasants, although they did not own lands outright, rather they were granted rights to the income from a manor or other lands by an overlord through the customs of feudalism.

- his describes most of all the political system

The word convent refers to a

- home for nuns

Medieval shields were used as protection and as:

- identification of knights

The constitutional procedure for removing the president and other high government officials from office for illegal activity.

- impeachment

Truly __________ peasants, those who had nothing to offer a lord except their hands, had the lowest status and were the least protected from excessive demands on their labor.

- impoverished

The __________method begins with direct observation of phenomena. This produces data that is systematically recorded and organized. The data leads to a tentative hypothesis that is retested in additional experiments.

- inductive

Another important source of change was the __________ awakening of the sixteenth century, which fostered scientific progress

- intellectual

Science became an integral part of Western culture in the eighteenth century because

- it offered a new means of making profit and maintaining social order.

The scientific societies established the first

- journals describing the discoveries of members

The overall effect of the Scientific Revolution on the querelles des femmes was to

- justify the continuation of male dominance in the field.

What is a fief?

- land granted to a knight by the king

The lords who needed cash to exchange for manufactured goods and luxuries began to rent their own lands to peasant farmers rather than having them farmed directly with labor service obligations. This process led increasingly to a situation in which the lord of the manor was simply a __________in the modern sense of that term.

- landlord

A noticeable trend in eighteenth-century medicine was the

- lessening of the older distinction between surgeon on and physician.

Many historians have pointed out that bishops and abbots was well as dukes, counts, and kings often flagrantly violated these sanctions. They themselves granted __________, even while they were punishing others for doing so.

- loans at interest

The freeman received his land back from the lord with a clear definition of his economic and legal rights. Although the land was no longer his property, he had full possession and use of it and the number of services and amount of goods he was to supply to the __________ were carefully spelled out.

- lord

The most powerful people in the Middle Ages were:

- lords

The agrarian economy of the early Middle Ages was organized and controlled through village farms known as manors. On these, peasants labored as tenants for a lord, that is, a more powerful landowner who allotted them land and tenements in exchange for their services and a portion of their crops.

- manors

Medieval thinkers drew a sharp distinction between a higher, spiritual world and a lower, __________ world. God, the creator of the universe and the source of moral values, dwelled in the higher celestial world, an abode of perfection.

- material

In the earliest period of the putting-out system, the __________ would furnish an independent craftsman with raw materials and pay him a fee to work the materials into finished products. In this way the capitalist owned the product throughout all stages of production, although the work was done in independent workshops.

- merchant-capitalist

A large proportion of our most commonplace thoughts make use of an extensive, but unconscious, system of __________concepts, that is, concepts from a typically concrete realm of thought that are used to comprehend another, completely different domain.

- metaphorical A new religious movement known as __________stressed faith, emotion, and "the religion of the heart." - Pietism

The enclosures and the increasing population further destroyed the remaining feudal ties, creating a large new labor force - a labor force without land, without any tools or instruments of production, and with only labor power to sell. This __________ to the cities meant more labor for the capitalist industries, more men for the armies and navies, more men to colonize new lands, and more potential consumers, or buyers of products.

- migration

Capital refers to the materials that are necessary for production, trade, and commerce. It consists of all tools, equipment, factories, raw materials and goods in process, means of transporting goods, and __________.

- money

The philosophes lived in societies that placed restrictions on speech, religion, and trade. They wanted to remove these limitations on human liberty. The philosophes believed that intellectual freedom was a __________. Without freedom of expression there could be no progress.

- natural right

The governments of France, England, and Spain at the end of the fifteenth century, where the rulers were successful in reestablishing or extending centralized royal authority, suppressing the nobility, controlling the church, and insisting upon the loyalty of all peoples living in their territories.

- new monarchies

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries capitalist production and trade and commerce thrived and grew very rapidly. The capitalist class (or middle class or bourgeoisie) slowly but inexorably replace the _________ as the class that dominated the economic and social system.

- nobility

There was no strong central authority in the Middle Ages that could have enforced a system of laws. The entire medieval organization was based on a system of mutual __________ and services up and down the hierarchy. Possession or use of the land obligated one to certain customary services or payments in return for protection.

- obligations

European music of the eighteenth century was exemplified by the

- operas of Amadeus Mozart, who shifted the locus of music from Italy to Austria.

The essence of the capitalist system is the existence of a class of capitalists who own the capital stock. It is by virtue of their __________ of this capital that they derive their profits. These profits are then plowed back, or used to augment the capital stock.

- ownership

The historical literature of the eighteenth century

- paid careful attention to the economic and social causes of historical events.

The lower clergy lived among and were drawn from peasant ranks. They fared hardly better than peasants in Carolingian times. As owners of the churches on their lands, the lords had the right to raise chosen serfs to the post of __________ priest, placing them in charge of the churches on the lords' estates.

- parish

... it was the moral duty of merchants and traders to transact all trade or exchanges at the just price. This notion illustrates the role played by _________ social control in the feudal era. A just price was one that would compensate the seller for his efforts in transporting the good and in finding the buyer at a rate that was just sufficient to maintain the seller at his customary or traditional station in life. Prices above the just price would, of course, lead to profits, which would be accumulated as material wealth.

- paternalistic

Generally the cities were successful in gaining independence from church and feudal lords. Unlike the system of __________ adjudication based on custom and tradition that prevailed in the manor, the commercial law was fixed by precise code. Hence it became the basis of the modern capitalistic law of contracts, negotiable instruments, agency sales, and auctions.

- paternalistic

Economic elites who derived their incomes for capitalistic ventures and dominated urban communities during the Renaissance.

- patricians

The result was the famous __________ revolts that broke out all over Europe from the late fourteenth through the early sixteenth centuries. These rebellions were extreme in their cruelty and ferocity.

- peasant

Feudalism arose because...

- people needed protection from invading tribes.

The __________ were a group of thinkers and writers who espoused enlightened ideas. Taken together, they formed a grand "republic of letters." The (same as blank) were not abstract philosophers. Instead, they dedicated themselves to exposing social problems and proposing reforms based upon implementing natural laws.

- philosophes

Improvements in agriculture and transportation contributed to two important and far-reaching changes. First, they made possible a rapid increase in __________ growth.

- population

... basic agricultural and industrial developments were necessary __________ for the spread of trade and commerce - which then further encouraged industry and town expansion.

- prerequisites

Famine was another sporadic and local check on population growth; we hear even of cannibalism in the middle seventeenth century in Germany. Poor feeding and the lower resistance it led to I quickly produced disaster when coupled to the disruption of the economy which could follow a bad harvest. When accentuated by warfare, the result could be cataclysmic. The situation was always precarious until population growth began to be overtaken by __________

- productivity

The growth of towns and cities led to a growth of rural-urban specialization. Along with increased manufacturing and increased economic specialization came many additional gains in human __________.

- productivity

By the sixteenth century the handicraft type of industry, in which the craftsman owned his workshop, tools, and raw materials and functioned as an independent, small-scale entrepreneur, had been largely replaced in the exporting industries by the __________

- putting-out

Arguments about women." A centuries-old debate about the nature of women that continued during the Scientific Revolution as those who argued for the inferiority of women found additional support in the new anatomy and medicine. A system of thought based on the belief that human reason and experience are the chief sources of knowledge. A method of seeking knowledge through inductive principles; uses experiments and observations to develop generalizations. scientific method Newton's conception of the universe as one huge, regulated, and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion.The transition from the medieval worldview to a largely secular, rational, and materialistic perspective; began in the seventeenth century and was popularized in the eighteenth

- querelles des femmes -rationalism - Scientific Revolution - world-machine

Voltaire was perhaps best known for his criticism of

- religious and social intolerance.

The rulers of the Holy Alliance wanted to..

- reorganize the map of Europe to guarantee their power.

These facts led the feudal nobility to attempt to revoke the commutations they had granted and to reestablish the labor service obligations of the serfs and peasants (peasants were former serfs who had attained some degree of independence and freedom from feudal __________). They found, however, that the clock could not be turned back.

- restrictions

By the fifteenth century the fairs were being replaced by commercial cities where year-round markets thrived. The trade and commerce of these cities was incompatible with __________ feudal customs and traditions.

- restrictive

Bacon's inductive method and Descartes deductive method proved to be complementary parts of a systematic and logical way of seeking truth known as the __________.

- scientific method

The word "Viking" means:

- sea rover

The modern world is linked in many ways to the Middle Ages. European cities, the middle class, the state system, English common law, representative institutions, universities — all had their origins in the Middle Ages. Despite these elements of continuity, the characteristic outlook of medieval people is markedly different from that of people today. Whereas science and _________ shape the modern point of view, religion was the foundation of the Middle Ages. Christian beliefs as formulated by the church made life and death purposeful and intelligible.

- secularism

Unlike a slave, who was simply property to be bought and sold at will, the ________ could not be parted from either his family or his land. If his lord transferred possession of the manor to another nobleman, the serf simply had another lord.

- serf

All classes of serfs were subject to various dues in kind: firewood for cutting the lord's wood, sheep for being allowed to graze their sheep on the lord's land, and the like. Thus the lord, who, for his part, furnished shacks and small plots of land from his vast domain, had at his disposal an army of __________of varying status who provided him with everything from eggs to boots.

- servants

The depopulation led to a desperate labor __________, and wages for all types of labor rose abruptly. Land, now relatively more plentiful, began to rent for less.

- shortage

European nations in the late nineteenth century did not try to protect their national interests by...

- signing treaties promising not to fight any wars.

Urged governments to abandon regulatory policies such as tariffs, trading monopolies, and navigation acts. Advocated a policy of free trade and minimal government interference in the economy. Believed that self-interested individuals working in a free market would increase production and wealth.

- smith

Another great change was the introduction of the stirrup, which allowed the more effective use of cavalry as shock troops.

- stirrup

The philosophes questioned institutional religious beliefs, arguing that they perpetuated _________, intolerance, and bigotry.The philosophes advocated full religious tolerance.

- superstition

As trade commerce thrived and expanded, the need for more manufactured goods and greater reliability of __________led to increasing control of the productive process by the merchant-capitalist.

- supply

The most important __________ advance in the Middle Ages was the replacement of the two-field system.

- technological

As much as half of the population of Europe was Killed by:

- the Black Death

The general conception of the universe prior to Copernicus held that

- the earth was at a stationary center, orbited by perfect crystalline spheres.

The French nation was born when...

- the elected deputies of the third estate proclaimed themselves a National Assembly

In revolutionary France, attendance at schools and festivals, service in the national army, and increasing administrative centralization contributed to...

- the growth of a national consciousness

Diderot's opinions on sexuality included

- the renunciation of chastity for the unmarried.

The role of women in the Scientific Revolution was best characterized by

- the way scientific communities welcomed women as members.

Although there is evidence that the _________ system was introduced into Europe as early as the eighth century, its use was probably not widespread until around the eleventh century.

- three-field

By the time of Charlemagne, the moldboard plow and the three-field system of land cultivation were coming into use. These developments greatly improved agricultural productivity.

- three-field system

In the 1820s, the Greeks fought...

- to be free from Turkish rule.

In the later period of the putting-out system, the merchant-capitalist owned the ___________ and machinery and often the building in which the production took place. He hired workers to use these tools, furnished them with the raw materials, and took the finished products.

- tools

Custom and __________ are the keys to understanding medieval relationships. In place of laws as we know them today, the custom of the manor governed.

- tradition

... upsurge in trade was prepared for by the internal economic evolutions of Europe itself. The growth of agricultural productivity meant that a surplus of food and handicrafts was available for local and international markets. The improvements in power and __________ meant that it was possible and profitable to concentrate industry in towns, to produce on a mass scale, and to sell the goods in a widespread, long-distance market.

- transportation

People understandably became particularly attached in this period to the more tangible veneration of saints and relics. The Virgin Mary was also widely revered, ... Religious devotion to saints has been compared to subjection to powerful lords in the secular world. Both the saint and the lord were protectors whose honor the serfs were bound to defend and whose favor and help in time of need they hoped to receive. Veneration of saints also had strong points of contact with old _________ customs, from which the commonfolk were hardly detached.

- tribal

Peasants who entered the service of a lord with little real property (perhaps only a few farm implements and animals) ended up as __________ serfs. Such serfs were much more vulnerable to the lord's demands, often spending up to three days a week working the lord's fields.

- unfree

The church believed _________ was the worst sort of acquisitive behavior because most loans on which interest was charged were granted to poor farmers or peasants after a bad crop or some other tragedy had befallen them.

- usury

Weak serfs often fled to monasteries rather than continue their servitude. That many serfs were discontented is reflected in the high number of recorded escapes. An astrological calendar from the period even marks the days most favorable for escaping. Escaped serfs roamed the land as beggars and __________, searching for new and better masters.

- vagabonds

Why did Allied forces invade Italy after it had already surrendered?

-German forces were still fighting in the country

__________demonstrated that the universe is governed by universal laws that can be expressed in mathematical formulas.


Not supporting or assisting either side in a dispute or conflict.


Having real existence outside of a person's mind. Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.


In the East, the __________ advanced in a series of great offensives, a process aided somewhat by Hitler's insistence on holding every square meter of ground. One of Hitler's most effective weapons, in his arguments with his generals, was the statement that a particular piece of territory the generals wanted to abandon was needed for its raw materials.


Prior to September 1939, Hitler believed the Western democracies were weak and would not fight


The French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)

-ended when Henry IV guaranteed rights both to Catholics and Huguenots.

The Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century was

-more a gradual building on the accomplishments of previous centuries than a sudden shift in thought.

The capitalist class was the great beneficiary of the ___________ revolution. They received larger and larger profits as they paid lower real wages and bought materials that appreciated greatly as they held them as inventories.


"They are the leaders on the way to material progress. . . . They guess what the consumers would like to have and are intent on providing them with these things." —from Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, Ludwig von Mises


They are the leaders on the way to material progress. . . . They guess what the consumers would like to have and are intent on providing them with these things." —from Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, Ludwig von Mises


Who was king of Spain in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain? Charles IV.


Which of the following is the best description of the term dictatorship?

...A government ruled by someone with absolute powers who is usually a tyrant or oppressor

The normal working day begins at all seasons at 6 A.M. precisely and ends, after the usual break of half an hour for breakfast, an hour for dinner and half an hour for tea, at 7 P.M. . . . Workers arriving 2 minutes late shall lose half an hour's wages; whoever is more than 2 minutes late may not start work until after the next break, or at least shall lose his wages until then. . . . No worker may leave his place of work otherwise than for reasons connected with his work. . . . All conversation with fellow-workers is prohibited . . . ~ From Sidney Pollard and Colin Holmes, Documents of European Economic History, 1968

11 hours

THE INVENTIONS: As a result of these continuous technological improvements, the output of cotton fiber from British textile factories rose from 40 million yards in 1 785 to more than 2 billion yards in __________.


During what years did World War I take place?


In what year did Mussolini come to power in Italy?


In what year did the American stock market crash, signaling the beginning of a worldwide depression?


American astronauts first landed on the moon in which year?


Approximately how many more Russians lost their lives in battle than U.S.soldiers?

25 times as many

How much time elapsed between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Iwo Jima?

38 months

Tropical rain forests cover only 6 percent of the earth's surface, but they support ____ of the world's plant and animal species.

50 percent

In the early 1900s, how much of the European population belonged to the working class?


According to estimates by the United Nations, the world's population could reach ____ by the year 2050.

9 billion

How did Napoleon`s conquests change Germany?

A Confederation of the Rhine was created, reducing the number of German states from over three hundred to thirty-nine.

Giuseppe Mazzini had been part of a triumvirate that governed Rome during the 1848 revolutions. What is meant by triumvirate?

A board of three government officials who carry out a specified task

What kind of government did Germany have after the Kaiser abdicated?

A democratic government

What did the Axis powers have in common with the democracies of Britain and France?

A fear of communism

What was the relationship between work and property in a utopian community?

A few owned most of the property while others worked for them.

Which of the following is the best description of the term democracy?

A form of government in which political power resides in all the people, with each citizen sharing equally in political privilege and duty

Which of the following is the best description of the term imperialism?

A governmental foreign policy that involves gaining control over weaker territories for economic benefit

What was Monte Cassino?

A large monastery in central Italy where the Germans defended Rome from Allied forces

What was the Congress of Berlin?

A meeting of European powers to renegotiate the Treaty of San Stefano

Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?

A military adventurer who fought for a unified Italy

What was the Napoleonic, or Civil, Code?

A new code of law instituted by Napoleon.

After World War I, the work of many painters and writers reflected which of the following?

A new, strange, and exciting way of looking at the world

Which event would be an example of imperialism?

A powerful nation seizes control of a poor nation and its resources.

What type of government did Portugal have just prior to the 1926 military coup?

A republic

Although Napoleon was a general, he also envisioned himself in what other role?

A ruler

Via what route did Russians manage to send some supplies to Leningrad during the German siege of the city?

A supply route across Lake Ladoga

Which of the following is the best description of the term socialism?

A system in which property is held in common as a means to create a more equal society

What is the system of feudalism?

A system in which warlords and barons provided protection to people in return for work, taxes, military service, and loyalty

The Battle of Kursk is best described as

A tank battle

Which of the following is the best description of the term fascism?

A vehemently nationalistic form of government in which control is maintained by military force and the individual is subordinated to the state

Overall, the Battle of Britain is considered to be

A victory for Britain

What does this poster depict?

A warning that the flames of communism are moving toward France

____ and ____ weakened the Soviet economy during Brezhnev's leadership.

A weak collective farming system; a corrupt government bureaucracy

What did the enemy call Napoleon in the Italian campaign in 1796?

A young madman.

What goals did Napoleon expect his brothers to carry out as new rulers?

Abolish class distinction, reform laws, and establish justice

How many French soldiers were lost in the Russian campaign in 1812?

About 350,000.

The process of acquiring the patters of life of a different group or society.


The "détente" phase of relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union ended with the Soviet invasion of


The U.S.S.R.'s invasion of, and stalemate in, what country has been likened to the U.S. failure in Vietnam?


What did Napoleon want the Pope to do?

Agree to a new concordat, giving the emperor total power over the Roman Catholic Church.

Which two Communist nations were not considered Soviet satellites because they were not liberated from the Nazis by the Red Army?

Albania and Yugoslavia

Who was the famous German-born Jewish scientist who emigrated to the United States shortly after Hitler came to power

Albert Einstein

____, Hitler's minister for armaments and munitions, was able to triple the production of armaments despite Allied air raids.

Albert Speer

All of the following were important in forming a theory of opposition to the absolutist government of France EXCEPT

Alexis de Tocqueville.

If I do something good for you, then by moral accounting I have given you something of positive value. You are then in my debt. In __________, I cancel the debt, since I don't want anything in return. I nonetheless build up moral "credit."


A change or addition to a document such as the Constitution.


THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The Anglo-French rivalry: In Europe, the French supported Prussia and the English supported Austria. In Canada, __________ colonists captured the French fortress of Louisbourg. In India, the French seized Madras from the British.


What is one reason that the American Revolution resulted in a stable democracy, while some other revolutions did not?

Americans created both a strong government and protections for individual rights.

African slaves are by no means the only ones important in modern history, nor were Europeans the only slavers. None the less, black slavery based on the buying of Africans from other Africans by Portuguese, Englishmen, Dutchmen and Frenchmen, and their sale to other Europeans in the __________, is a phenomenon whose repercussions have been much more profound than the enslavement of Europeans by Ottomans...


What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

An agreement between nations not to use war to settle their differences

What was the Popular Front movement?

An alliance of political groups who opposed fascism

What is meant by the term demilitarized zone?

An area of land that cannot be fortified against an enemy attack or used for any military purpose

What was Napoleon`s probable reaction to Goya`s drawing Execution of the Defenders of Madrid?


What term is used to describe the annexation of Austria by Germany?


The _________ in Paris: Commissioned to celebrate French victories during the Revolution and the Age of Napoleon; Based on the triumphal arches of ancient Rome; Combined a Neoclassical arch with romantic relief sculptures; Reached a height of 164 feet, making it the largest arch ever built.

Arc de Triomphe

The assassination of which leader led to the outbreak of World War I?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Margaret Thatcher's popularity rose when she successfully prevented

Argentina from taking the Falklands

Who was the French foreign minister?

Aristide Briand

British aristocrats pursued various methods of making money. How were they different from aristocrats on the Continent?

Aristocrats on the Continent thought commerce was beneath them. British aristocrats did not.

In terms of percentages, which of the following branches of the armed forces had the smallest increase from World War I to World War II?


Who wrote atonal music?

Arnold Schönberg

Who commanded the English forces in Spain in 1809?

Arthur Wellesley Wellington, the first duke of Wellington

What type of military effort did Napoleon mount at Toulon?


Why did Napoleon have the Duc d`Enghien shot by a firing squad?

As an example to genuine royalist plotters

Which best describes Germany's standard invasion strategy at the beginning of World War II?

Attack with a combination of speed and overwhelming force

Mussolini`s aggressive foreign policy became evident when he did which of the following?

Attacked Ethiopia

General ____ overthrew Salvador Allende to become military dictator of Chile in 1973.

Augusto Pinochet

What country did Napoleon defeat at Ulm in October 1805?


What country did Napoleon defeat at Wagram in July 1809?


What nation was the first target of Hitler`s campaign to expand German territory?


Which of the following countries was in the area of Western influence after World War II?


What three nations bordering Germany in the 1930s had large areas of German-speaking people?

Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland

"Serbia must learn to fear us again." The quotation, was spoken to the U.S. president in 1914, after the Austrian archduke was assassinated by a Serbian student. The quotation was spoken by a diplomat from


What country did Napoleon defeat at the Battle of Marengo in northern Italy in 1800?


Americans believed they could do better, using a bomber, the __________, which could penetrate German defenses, defend itself against German fighters, and drop bombs with pin-point accuracy on critical German industries. It did not quite work, for the bombers could not defend themselves and were not very accurate. However, long range fighters soon took care of the defense problem and the addition of more bombers made up for the lack of accuracy, and the Americans were ready to return to the attack in late 1943.


EDWARD __________AND EVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM: 1 . Marx predicted that as the workers became more exploited they would unite to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Instead, as capitalism matured, working conditions improved. 2. Led by Edward (same word(s)), "evolutionary" socialists began to revise Marxian doctrine to adjust to the new economic realities. 3. (same word(s)) rejected Marx's concept of class struggle and instead sought to achieve socialist goals by a process of gradual reform.


__________ argued that this process of controlled experimentation would lead to the formulation of universal principles and scientific laws.


Determined to reassert royal authority, Louis XVI ordered a mercenary army of Swiss guards to march toward Paris and Versailles. In Paris, angry mobs were already protesting the soaring price of bread. As tensions rose, a mob stormed the __________, a royal fortress and prison. The mob freed a handful of prisoners and seized the (same word)'s supply of gunpowder and weapons. The fall of the (same word) marked an important symbolic act against royal despotism. It also pushed Paris to the forefront of the ongoing revolution.


Napoleon's battles have fascinated generations of military historians. It is Important to remember that AP EURO test writers are not military historians. You should know that the __________ solidified Napoleon's reputation as a military genius. Otherwise, focus your study time on the impact Napoleon's conquests had in spreading nationalism and In dissolving the Holy Roman Empire.

Battle of Austerlitz

THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- NAPOLEON'S FINAL BATTLES: Napoleon's enemies quickly took advantage of his weakness after his defeat in Russia. Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria formed a Grand Alliance that defeated Napoleon at the __________ in October 1813. 2. The allied armies entered Paris in March 1814. Napoleon abdicated his throne and was exiled to the island of Elba.

Battle of Nations

THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- NAPOLEON'S FINAL BATTLES: In March 1815, Napoleon escaped from Elba and formed a new army. Led by Great Britain and Prussia, the Grand Alliance defeated Napoleon at the __________ in June 1815. Napoleon abdicated a second time and was shipped to St. Helena, a remote island in the South Atlantic. Once the master of Europe, Napoleon now lived in lonely exile writing his memoirs. He died in 1821.

Battle of Waterloo

How did events in the Spanish civil war convince Hitler that he could begin invading other countries?

Because the Western nations did not send troops or weapons to Spain

Why did Napoleon imprison the pope in 1809?

Because the pope had excommunicated Napoleon from the Roman Catholic Church.

After the Battle of Kursk, German forces

Began a lengthy retreat back to Germany

The Tiananmen Square demonstrations took place in the Chinese city of


Name the group below that was not a terrorist organization of the 1970s and 1980s.

Belgium's Celtic Guard.

The solution to the Soviet blockade of Berlin was the

Berlin Air Lift.

An opinion or feeling or influence that strongly favors one side in an argument.


What symbol did the Italian Fascist street bands adopt?

Black shirts

Revolutionary leader Ché Guevara was killed while fighting in which nation?


What characteristic did the storm troopers and the Black Shirts share?

Both groups supported strong men who became dictators.

Where were the enemies of the French Revolution?

Both inside and outside France

A class of owners of large businesses, property and wealth.


In the last six months of the war, what was the U.S. strategy for winning the conflict with Japan?

Break the Japanese will with massive bombing raids on Japanese cities

The policy that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if communism was threatened in another Communist nation was known as the

Brezhnev Doctrine

Which country recruited colonial troops from India in World War I?


Which two countries were the first to declare war on Germany?

Britain and France

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain around 1750. Which of the following contributed to the industrialization of Britain?

Britain was free from foreign invasion.

The great power rivalries and wars that took place between 1140 and 1763 can be confusing. It Is Important to remember that Prussia kept Sllesia and that the __________ strengthened their global empire.


If the Axis Powers had won World War II, which of the following Allied operations would they most likely have punished as a war crime?

British and U.S. strategic bombing of German and Japanese cities

Why did Napoleon decide not to invade England?

British control of the seas made an invasion too risky.

What happened at Dunkirk in May 1940?

British forces retreated across the English Channel

The turning point of the North African campaign came when

British stopped Rommel at El Alamein in the summer of 1942.

But __________could never be accomplished without Western help and advice. A number of foreign technicians had already been employed both by the Shogunate and by certain feudal lords before 1868. But after that year, there were many more of them

British, American, French, German and Dutch - engaged by the Japanese government as pilots, railways and marine engineers, financial and legal advisers, agricultural experts, university and school teachers, military and naval instructors and at the same time, Japanese were sent abroad to learn from the West. - MODERNIZATION

one of the first astronauts on the moon

Buzz Aldrin

During armed peace, how did rulers exalt military forces and virtues?

By appearing in public in military garb

How did Hitler begin preparing for German expansion?

By building military forces and weapons to arm Germany

How did Napoleon decide to attack English interests?

By establishing a French colony in Egypt

How did Napoleon plan to rule his new European territories after 1806?

By putting his family in key positions

How did Napoleon plan to rule his new European territories after 1806?

By putting his family in key positions

In addition, the eighteenth century saw the intrusion of ___________into everyday life. Thanks to a large expansion of overseas trade and a longer-term development of domestic trade, the money economy experienced continued growth. Although self-sufficiency or local exchange remained the preponderant way of economic life, these incursions of (same word) began drawing everyone into some form of regional and even international exchange.


The most significant point about these sources of modern technology in the West is that they are entirely directed towards the production of the means of constant __________. Whereas other societies in the past adopted the same social structures as we do in order to ensure their stability...


But among the Japanese, there has never been the scornful indifference that has often characterized the __________ attitude towards foreigners. The Japanese have never been too proud to learn.


Fascism is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might say: In a democracy, the citizens have individual rights, but the citizens in their entirety have a political impact only from a quantitative point of view - one follows the decisions of the majority. For Fascism, however, individuals as individuals have no rights, and the People is conceived as a monolithic entity expressing the__________. Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will, the Leader pretends to be their interpreter. Because of its qualitative populism, Fascism must be against "rotten" parliamentary governments. Wherever a politician casts doubt on the legitimacy of a parliament because it no longer represents the Voice of the People, we can smell Fascism.


The purpose of such pamphlets was not merely to win greater representation for the Third Estate. Their authors were making the case for a new concept of society, in which __________, especially the educated middle classes, had the same value as the other orders.


The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies: Followers of Fascism must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are __________ incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.


The oppressive military regime known as the Khmer Rouge ruled which nation?


What was cast iron used for during the Napoleonic Wars?


THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: George Ill of England (reigned 1760- 1820) and Louis XV of France (reigned 1715-1774) had little or no interest in either the philosophes or the concept of enlightened despotism 1. __________ of Russia, Frederick the Great of Prussia, and Joseph II of Austria were Europe's best-known enlightened despots.

Catherine the Great

In 1942, the Germans continued to try for a knockout blow, while reaching for oil in the __________. Now that Hitler was thinking in terms of a long war, he started bending military strategy to raw materials acquisition. Stalin had learned, as Hitler never did that it was better not to order men to stand and fight at impossible odds. So the Russians evaded the Germans and gave up territory, fought defensively where the Germans could not outflank them, as at Stalingrad, and saved their strength for the chance, which came in November, to make a deadly counter-attack.


In Romania the move to overthrow the Communist regime in 1989 ended with

Chairman Ceausescu and his wife being tried and executed.

In the 1820s and 1830s there was a movement that held that workers were an exploited class. This British movement wanted universal male suffrage and other basic rights. What was it called?


Russian President Vladimir Putin used military force to suppress a rebellion in the state of


In 1986, a nuclear explosion at ____ released radiation that killed hundreds of people.

Chernobyl Invading Cuban exiles were killed or captured at the Bay of Pigs. - True

In the early 1970s, the Chinese government decided to improve relations with the U.S. because

China faced a serious security threat from the Soviet Union.

How were the romanticism and nationalism of the nineteenth century manifested in the music of Frederic Chopin?

Chopin wrote passionate music that carried revolutionary and nationalistic themes.

Under which political leader did South Korea emerge as one of the "Asian tigers"?

Chung Hee Park

Under the Schuman and Monnet Plan, the first move toward economic union in Europe was made in 1952 when six industrial countries in the West pooled what resources?

Coal and steel

Why did the need for coal increase between 1770 and 1820?

Coal was required for the smelting of iron.

In terms of percentages, which of the following branches of the armed forces had the largest increase from World War I to World War II?

Coast Guard

Believed that mercantilist policies offered the best way to increase French power and wealth. Followed economic policies designed to give France a favorable balance of trade. Colbert promoted Caribbean sugar plantations, established slaving stations in Africa, and encouraged colonies in Canada. Subsidized French industry by granting monopolies and enforcing high tariffs


The ____ was the period of political tension following World War II.

Cold War

The government of ____ has been heavily influenced by drug cartels and cocaine production.


WORKING-CLASS PROTEST IN GREAT BRITAIN: EARLY LABOR UNIONS: 1. The __________ of 1799 and 1800 prohibited British workers from organizing to improve their condition. 2. Under pressure from labor and middle-class reformers, Parliament repealed the (same word(s)) in 1825. 3. In 1875, British trade unions won full legal status, including

Combination Acts

A social system in which property is owned by the community and each member works for the common benefit.


These men, taking advantage of the depth and tough terrain of China's interior, were able to stop the Japanese in 1938 They also had to keep watch over a third force in China, the Red Army of Mao Tse-tung. Mao had around 500,000 men in his maim force in 1942. The Chinese Nationalists and the __________ had half-heartedly cooperated against the Japanese for a while after the invasion. Then they fought each other occasionally. Most of the lime, they kept a truce between themselves, while hoping that the Japanese would eliminate their political enemies for them.


A major source of resistance to the Nazis across Western Europe came from

Communists, especially after the Nazi invasion of Russia.

A body of people living in one place often with common interests, origins, and fellowship. Being alike in some way.


The __________of 1801: Napoleon understood the importance of ending the strained relationship between the French government and the Catholic Church. The (same word) of 1801 granted the Catholic Church special status as the religion of "the majority of Frenchmen." The pope regained the right to confirm church dignitaries appointed by the French government, depose French bishops, and reopen religious seminaries. In return, the pope recognized the French government and accepted the loss of church properties confiscated during the Revolution.


Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

Conditions were right.

In 1932, how did the Nazis gain control of the government without a majority in the Reichstag?

Conservative leaders persuaded von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor

Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos was succeeded in office by

Corazon Aquino, leader of an opposing party.

Exporting was important to the British economy by the 1820s. What made up almost 50 percent of British exports by that time?

Cotton goods

After which of the following events did the United States break diplomatic relations with Cuba?

Cuba receiving aid from the Soviet Union and arms from Eastern Europe

What significant event occurred on January 3, 1959?

Cuba's government was overthrown by Castro's forces.

What nation, created after World War I, extends northwest into Germany?


What new nation did Hitler refer to as a dagger pointed at the heart of Germany?


Which of the following countries was in the area of Soviet influence after World War II?


After the Munich conference, why did Czechoslovakia feel particularly betrayed by Britain and France?

Czechoslovakia was the only nation created in 1918 that remained a democracy.

Besides, disagreement is a sign of _________: Fascism grows up and seeks consensus by exploiting and exacerbating the natural fear of difference. The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders.


Which had been made a free city to serve as a seaport for Poland?


Natural Selection

Darwin's idea that organisms that are most adaptable to their environment survive and pass on the variations that enabled them to survive, while other, less adaptable organisms become extinct; "survival of the fittest."

Organic Evolution

Darwin's principle that all plants and animals have evolved over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life.

Rightful, by right, by legal right.

De jure

Which document was written before all the others?

Declaration of Independence

As countries industrialized, they experienced many changes--some positive and some negative. Which of the following is not attributed to industrialization?

Decrease in the living standard

A government of the people in which all authority originates in the people.


South African bishop ____ won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

Desmond Tutu

A lessening of tensions, a growth in cooperation and trust.


A form of government in which one person, or a group of persons have unrestricted power.




Who was the commander of the troops engaged in the process of "island hopping?"

Douglas MacArthur

At ____, heroic efforts by the British Royal Navy and civilians in private boats managed to evacuate 338,000 Allied troops.


From where did the British evacuate 338,000 troops that were trapped on the beaches?


The British evacuated 338,000 troops that were trapped on the beaches of


The administration of which U.S. president adopted a policy of massive retaliation?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE __________ 1. This movement, which privatized land formerly available to all for grazing and fanning, concentrated land ownership in fewer hands. 2. With no land to work, small farmers were displaced, thus ' forming a pool of cheap labor.


The National Assembly seemed unwilling to grant workers full political and social participation in the new society. One reason for this reluctance was the widespread fear of further unrest. Another was the strong belief among spokespersons for the ___________ that only those with a propertied stake in society could be trusted to exercise reason, or to think for themselves


When the King called for an _________ in 1789, the social tensions plaguing the old regime emerged as a central issue of the Revolution. Traditionally, estates representatives had belonged to one of the three orders of society, and in principle each order had an equal voice before the King. Because nobles dominated the clergy, however, the majority of representatives actually came from the two privileged orders, even though they stood for only 5 percent of the population at most.


Choshu realized that their "__________" policy was impractical. From then on there was a change of policy putting greater reliance on westernized military units and on individuals who knew and understood the West.


It must be noted that so well had the early Tokugawa succeeded in creating a system capable of preserving political stability that the machine was still running relatively, smoothly. It was therefore necessary for an __________ pressure to disrupt it. This pressure provided by the foreigners was consequently fatal to the power of the Tokugawa which had already been weakened by other forces.


EUROPEAN REACTION: At first, European liberals supported the French Revolution and applauded the fall of the Old Regime. The English statesman_________ offered a conservative critique of the French Revolution. (same name) warned that mob rule would lead to anarchy and ultimately military dictatorship. To many moderate Europeans, the September massacres and the execution of Louis XVI vindicated Burke's dire predictions. Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke

Germany made great strides in industrialization after its unification in 1871. What system contributed significantly to advancements of the steel, chemical, and electrical industries in Germany?


The Camp David Accords led to a peace treaty between Israel and which nation?


The United Arab Republic was formed by a union between which two nations?

Egypt and Syria

The ____ were special strike forces charged with the task of rounding up and killing the Jews.


Relativity Theory

Einstein's theory that holds, among other things, that (1) space and time are not absolute but are relative to the observer and interwoven into a four-dimensional space-time continuum and (2) matter is a form of energy (E = mc2).

Rommel's troops were stopped at

El Alamein

What exception to unconditional surrender were the Japanese allowed?

Emperor Hirohito was retained by the Japanese.

A group of countries ruled by a single supreme authority combined with a process of acquiring more territory and authority. For example, Rome 50 A.D. and England 1850.


Relating to what has been precisely experienced or observed, contrasted with knowledge derived from faith


The aristocrats in Britain controlled Parliament and passed laws that enabled them to increase the size of their land holdings. What were these acts called?

Enclosure Acts

FOREIGN THREATS: __________, Spain, Holland, and Sardinia joined Prussia and Austria to form the First Coalition. In the spring of 1793, First Coalition armies converged on France.


In __________ , for example, high wool prices tempted landlords to enclose common land and thus remove it from common use in order to put sheep on it. The wretched peasant grazier starved and, thus, as one famous contemporary comment put it, 'sheep ate men'.


What was the most dangerous obstacle to Napoleon`s ambitions in 1805?


Which of Napoleon`s enemy was still undefeated in 1808?


What two European nations colonized most of Africa?

England and France

To escape the Revolution, many French nobles fled to..

England, Austria, and Prussia.

ENGLAND UNDER WALPOLE: The first two Hanoverian monarchs spoke little __________and exercised little real power.


What made the Haitian revolution a landmark in history?

Enslaved people won their freedom and established a republic.

What was the purpose of Wilson`s fourteen points?

Establish a peace of justice rather than a peace of vengeance

By the spring of 1789, the French government faced the imminent threat of bankruptcy. The refusal of the Assembly of Notables to support Louis XVI's program of tax reform forced the king to call a meeting of the __________.

Estates General

In 1934, Mussolini ordered his troops to invade which independent African country?


What nation did Italy invade in 1935?


In October 1935, Fascist Italy invaded


A group within a society that shares the same traits, such as race, nationality, religion, language and customs.

Ethnic group

In the sixteenth century, how did the map of Europe look?

Europe was split up into different countries whose borders frequently changed.


European religious movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized the need for individuals to establishment a more emotional connection with God.

European colonists believed they had the right to colonize Africa because

Europeans had wealth and power.

In studying Japanese social history, it becomes apparent that one must dismiss all preconceptions based on a class-struggle interpretation as sometimes applied to the French revolutions. In the case of political struggle against the feudal aristocracy against the Church and the Crown and eventually winning a clear-cut victory in France. In Japan, however, the interests of the __________ and the big merchants became so closely connected that whatever hurt one easily injured the other.


When news of this rural unrest reached the newly renamed National Assembly in Paris, its deputies, feeling pressured to stay ahead of events in the countryside, responded by announcing the "abolition of __________." Their decrees of 4 August represented the first step toward the destruction of the theoretical basis of old regime's system of privileges. Within the year, the assembly would do away with the whole concept of nobility, setting off a vigorous anti noble propaganda campaign in the press.


The first spinning frames were powered by water. What effect did this need for water to power the spinning frame have on the textile industry?

Factory owners had a difficult time getting workers to staff the factories

A Great East-Asia Co-prosperity Sphere was set up to organize China's possessions.


After the Munich Conference, Prime Minister Chamberlain of Britain issued a strong statement in opposition to Hitler's actions.


Charles de Gaulle refused to grant Algeria its independence.


Chiang Kai-shek considered the Japanese to be a greater threat to his government than the Communists.


Earl Warren saw great equality in separate education.


European broadcasting networks were usually privately controlled


First, Nagasaki was hit with an atomic bomb, followed by Hiroshima.


Franklin Roosevelt was the American president who disagreed with Stalin at Potsdam.


Functionalism sought a reality beyond the material world.


Gary Powers always denied that his U-2 plane was on a spying mission


Heinrich Himmler was the Nazi propaganda minister


Herbert Hoover won a landslide victory in the 1932 presidential elections in the U.S.


Hitler was shot by partisan German forces, and Mussolini committed suicide.


Joseph R. McCarthy worked to prevent a "Red Scare" in the United States.


Leonid Brezhnev put nuclear missiles into Cuba.


Malcolm X followed the peaceful resistance style of Gandhi.


Nuclear weapons were used repeatedly during Cold War superpower confrontations.


Prior to World War II, Hitler feared that the Western democracies were strong and eager for war


Prior to World War II, Hitler hoped that the West and the Soviet Union would make an alliance


SEATO was formed to stem Soviet aggression in Latin America.


The African Union (AU) aims to promote democracy and economic growth in Africa. The Algerian crisis strengthened the political stability of the French Fourth Republic


The Axis powers agreed to fight until the Allies surrendered unconditionally


The Banque Vienna was the famous Vienna bank that collapsed on May 31, 1931.


The Kellogg-Briand pact dealt with the problem of German reparations.


The Nazis actually offered "equal chances" to all conquered peoples.


The Russian collective farm was called the kulak.


The Works Progress Administration created a system of old-age pensions.


The first meeting of the United Nations was set in Chicago.


Vietnam helped to show the unlimited nature of American power.


Werner Heisenberg wrote atonal music


he building of American roads and bridges was authorized by the Social Security Act.


An extreme right-wing dictatorial government or political party based on an idealization of leadership. For example, the Nazi party.


Which of the following statements best describes Mussolini's Italian Fascist state?

Fascist propaganda, laws, and practices forced women to leave the work force and stay at home as wives and mothers.

A group banded together for a common object.


Who set up a Soviet-supported totalitarian regime in Cuba?

Fidel Castro

Which of these statements applies to European urban life in the early nineteenth century?

Filthy sanitary conditions were exacerbated by the refusal of city authorities to take responsibility or action.

Against which country did the Soviet Union instigate an armed conflict in late1939?


What was Germany's initial strategy for conquering Britain?

First establish air superiority, then send in ground forces

In Renaissance Italy, the Medici family became the famous rulers of


What invention allowed weavers to increase the width and double the amount of cloth they could weave in a day?

Flying shuttle.

Despite the spectacular Soviet reconstruction successes of the postwar Five-Year Plans developed by centralized economic planning (Gosplan), production of which of the following lagged far behind the rest of the economy by the 1960s?


What were the Freikorps?

Former soldiers whose job was to stop any revolutionary activity

From 1850-1870, continual industrial and economic growth occurred in Britain. Also during this time, other European countries were starting to industrialize. What was the second European country to do so?


Not only did the war in the Pacific weaken the "Germany first" idea, but in Europe itself, Allied weakness led to a continuation of the "Italy first" strategy of the British. The Allies began 1942 planning, mainly at American insistence, an amphibious landing in__________ by the end of the year. By mid-year, it had become obvious that such a landing with the forces available would be disastrous.


POPULATION STATISTICS: Europe's population increased from 120 million in 1700 to 190 million in 1800; The population of England rose from 6 million in 1750 to more than .10 million in 1800; The population of __________ increased from 18 million in 1715 to 26 million in 1789.


What was the condition of France when Napoleon returned from Egypt in 1799?

France was in chaos.

The term appeasement best applies to which of the following episodes?

Frances and Britain's 1938 agreement with Germany at Munich, regarding the Sudetenland

Which group won the civil war in Spain?

Franco`s Nationalists

THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The Austrian-Prussian rivalry: The Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed Maria Theresa (reigned 1740- 1780) right to inherit the Habsburg throne and territories. __________ ignored the Pragmatic Sanction and seized Silesia. Located on the northeastern frontier of Bohemia, Silesia boasted a million people, a prosperous linen industry, and rich deposits of iron ore. Supported by France, his army successfully captured Silesia.

Frederick the Great

THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The Austrian-Prussian rivalry: The Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed Maria Theresa (reigned 1740- 1780) right to inherit the Habsburg throne and territories. __________ ignored the Pragmatic Sanction and seized Silesia. Located on the northeastern frontier of Bohemia, Silesia boasted a million people, a prosperous linen industry, and rich deposits of iron ore. Supported by France, his army successfully captured Silesia.

Frederick the Great

Which of the following is a characteristic of a liberal democracy?

Freedom of speech

When Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, Goebbels proclaimed that this event marked the reversal of 1789. The __________ had promoted the principle of the rights of man, but the Nazis sought to deny them. Hitler had already declared that instead of revolutions to promote the rights of man or human equality, "There are no revolutions except racial revolutions: there cannot be a political, economic or social revolution - always and only it is a struggle of the lower stratum of inferior race against the dominant higher race...

French Revolution

Who was the dictator who was overthrown in Cuba in 1959?

Fulgencio Batista

In 1959, Fidel Castro's forces overthrew the government led by

Fulgencio Batista.

winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982

Gabriel García Márquez

Who was the pilot of the U-2 spy plane that was downed by the Soviets?

Gary Powers

The Spanish Civil War ended with the victory of

General Francisco Franco, who established an authoritarian regime

In July 1947, who argued for a policy of containment?

George Kennan In 1962 President Kennedy responded to proof the there were nuclear weapons in Cuba with - a blockade of the island which required Soviet ships to return to Russia.

THE POPULATION EXPLOSION -- FACTORS LIMITING POPULATION GROWTH: Periodic crop failures caused widespread famine; Epidemic diseases such as bubonic plague decimated Europe's population; Frequent wars destroyed crops and spread contagious diseases. For example, the Thirty Years' War reduced the population of the __________ states by at least one-third.


The turning point in the war for Eastern Europe was the

German fiasco at Stalingrad

What were the V1 and V2?

German missiles

Why did France`s occupation of the Ruhr spark nationalism in Germany?

Germans united against a common enemy.

By 1890, what European country was challenging Britain`s dominance as the major industrial power?


Which country suffered the most damage by bombing during World War II?


Which of the following nations is NOT a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?


Which of the following nations was not allied with Italy in World War I?


The Japanese defeat came so soon after the German mainly because the Western Allies spent more of their resources on the Japanese war than was strictly compatible with the "__________" strategy, and also because the Japanese defense turned out to be weaker than either the Allies or the Japanese expected.

Germany first

What action led to the start of World War II?

Germany invaded Poland.

What was Hitler's primary justification for invading Russia?

Germany needed more space for its population

Why did Germans find the Nazi emphasis on their superiority especially appealing?

Germany was accused of causing World War I.

Why was the Luftwaffe so ineffective during the last part of the war?

Germany was experiencing a severe oil shortage

What happened to Germany under the Congress of Vienna?

Germany was made a confederation of states.

Which event is generally considered to be the first belligerent act of World War II?

Germany's attack on Poland

What was the "London Blitz"?

Germany's plan for a blitzkrieg on London

The first African nation to gain independence from British colonial rule was


A late Renaissance reformer who maintained that "the Hermetic philosophy, with its mystical approach to God and nature, held the key to true wisdom," was

Giordano Bruno

Radicals who distrusted the king and wanted the Revolution to continue sat to the left. The left was divided into two groups: The Jacobins wanted to overthrow the monarchy and create a republic. Key jacobin leaders included Jean Paul Marat, Georges-Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre. It is important to note that the Marquis de Lafayette was not a Jacobin. The __________ wanted to involve France in a war that would discredit the monarchy and extend France's revolutionary ideals across Europe.


Before the Industrial Revolution, handloom weavers and spinners worked at home producing goods. Once factories came about, they were not able to compete with the price of factory goods. As a result, what were these weavers and spinners forced to do?

Go to work in factories

During the period of peace and prosperity before the French Revolution, ___________ emerged as Europe's leading commercial nation. The upper classes benefited the most from the rising tide of commercial prosperity.

Great Britain

Which European nation colonized the most land around the world during the 19th century?

Great Britain

The military conflict over the Falkland Islands in 1982 involved

Great Britain and Argentina

Based on your reading from the textbook, what happened as a result of Germany's invasion and conquest of Poland?

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Which countries made up the Triple Entente in 1907?

Great Britain, France, and Russia

President Roosevelt was determined to do something in 1942 with the American troops deployed against Germany, so he agreed, against the opposition of his military advisers, to a British plan to invade North Africa. Like the __________ landing, the North African landing drew more resources after it than had originally been planned. After the Mediterranean had been built up, it became difficult to bring the armies back to Britain for a cross channel assault in 1943.


THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- (same word) warfare in Spain In 7808, Napofeon deposed Spain's Bourbon rulers and installed his brother Joseph. This ill-advised action outraged the Spanish people. Bands of Spanish fighters known as __________warfare in Spain repeatedly ambushed French troops and then fled into hiding. During the next five years, France lost almost 300,000 men. These losses contributed to Napoleon ultimate defeat.


In Britain, some groups of individuals who belonged to the same trade or craft worked to further the interest of their occupation. What were these groups of merchants or artisans called?


Who ended the German passive resistance policy?

Gustav Stresemann

Which machine was not introduced in the early British textile mills?


Where is Pearl Harbor located?


Which of the following best applies to Charles Darwin and his evolutionary theory?

He argued that advantageous variants determine survival

How did Hitler gain the support of members of the Reichstag in 1933?

He arrested and jailed the opposition so they would not be elected.

What happened when Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to France in March 1815?

He at once gathered an enthusiastic mob of supporters.

What was Napoleon`s reaction to the condition of France when he returned from Egypt in 1799?

He began to plan a takeover of power

How did England`s control of the seas frustrate Napoleon`s plans?

He could not invade England or expand overseas.

What was Otto von Bismarck able to achieve that no one before him had?

He created a unified Germany with Austria excluded.

How did Napoleon bring off the coup that brought him to power in 1799?

He dissolved the legislature.

How did Hitler gain the support of the German army in 1934?

He executed hundreds of his storm troopers and Nazi leaders.

How did Napoleon suppress the royalist insurrection in October 1795?

He fired grapeshot into a mob of rioters

What happened to Emperor Ferdinand of Austria as a result of the 1848 uprising in Vienna?

He fled to Innsbruck with his family.

What was one of General Eisenhower's main strengths as a military commander?

He had the ability to get soldiers and officers from several different nations to work together

How did Napoleon come to national attention in the royalist revolution in October 1795?

He ordered his troops to fire on the royalist mob.

What were Napoleon`s territorial ambitions after he was crowned emperor in 1804?

He wanted to control Europe.

How did Adolf Hitler make his living before he became a politician?

He was a painter

What happened to Metternich during the Austrian uprisings of 1848?

He was forced to leave Vienna.

How was Napoleon received in France when he returned from Egypt?

He was hailed as a hero.

Which of the following statements best applies to Napoleon?

He was the child both of the Enlightenment and the Revolution.

What happened to Garibaldi after the collapse of the Roman republic in 1848?

He went into exile.

A dominance of leadership, especially by one nation over others


Which of the following novels uses the Spanish civil war as its setting?

Hemingway`s For Whom the Bell Tolls

An intellectual movement beginning in the fifteenth century that taught that divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature; included works on alchemy and magic as well as theology and philosophy. The tradition continued into the seventeenth century and influenced many of the leading figures of the Scientific Revolution.


What were the economic conditions in Germany between the world wars?

High unemployment, low inflation, and shortages of necessities

At the end of World War II, India's ____ populations were deeply divided, leading to the formation of two distinct countries.

Hindu and Muslim

Who was the emperor of Japan just before and during World War II?


Which of the following Japanese traditions held true between the world wars?

Hirohito was divine and the military was powerful.

Which of the following statements best applies to Napoleon's domestic policies?

His Civil Code reaffirmed the ideals of the Revolution and established a uniform legal system.

Who played a major role in Napoleon`s career?

His brothers, sisters, and in-laws

What event was the turning point in Napoleon`s military career?

His victory at Toulon

Why were workers in Germany and Italy forbidden to form unions or to strike?

Hitler and Mussolini needed the support of rich and powerful business owners.

In 1933, how did Hitler persuade Hindenburg to suspend civil liberties?

Hitler blamed the burning of the Reichstag on the Communists.

Which of the following was the immediate cause of World War II?

Hitler`s invasion of Poland

What act by Hitler led Britain and France to prepare for war?

Hitler`s occupation of Czechoslovakia

Napoleon made his brother Louis king of what territory in 1806?


What went wrong for Napoleon in Holland and Russia in 1810?

Holland and Russia refused to support the trade blockade against the English

Wrong for Napoleon in Holland and Russia in 1810?

Holland and Russia refused to support the trade blockade against the English.

FREDERICK THE GREAT (REIGNED 1740-1786) -- Enlightened reforms: Called himself "the first servant of the state." Invited Voltaire to live in his palace at Potsdam; Supported scientific agriculture; Prepared a unified national code of law; Abolished the use of torture except for treason and murder; Encouraged __________ from France and jews from Poland to immigrate to Prussia


How did Austria`s defeat by Prussia help Hungary?

Hungary took advantage of the situation to strengthen its position relative to Austria.

In addition to economic differences, early modern French society was legally stratified by birth. Its three traditional divisions, or "orders," were the clergy, the nobility, and the common people. Nobles ruled over commoners, but even among commoners, specific individuals (such as officeholders) or groups (such as a particular guild or an entire town) enjoyed privileges unavailable to outsiders. Because these privileges were passed on primarily through __________, they tended to constrain social mobility—although without preventing it, since they could also be bought or sold.


The second school of opinion, however, emphasized the undoubted fact that the whole regime had been under indirect attack from many directions __________ Japan long before Perry arrived.


Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake: Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the __________ world has always been a symptom ...


Traditionalism implies the rejection of modernism: The rejection of the modern world was disguised as a rebuttal of the capitalistic way of life. The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Fascism can be defined as __________.


A philosophical school of thought based on the idea that the material universe is the expression of non-material forces.


The principle ideas and beliefs that characterize a particular class, group, or movement. These ideas explain, for that class, group, or movement, the past, the present, and future.


Which statement best summarizes the danger Sun Yat-sen describes in the quotation?

Imperialists care not for their subjects, but only for their own gain.

Where was the French surrender to Germany signed?

In a railway car

Where was raw cotton obtained for use in the cotton mills of Britain?

India and the slave plantations in the British and French West Indies

AP EURO test writers do not focus on the sequence of Inventions that revolutionized the textile Industry. Instead, you should know that these Inventions marked a shift from human and animal power to mechanical power. The mechanization of the spinning and weaving process in the textile Industry ushered In the __________.

Industrial Revolution

During the nineteenth century, what was the predominant force in European economic and social life?


U.S. president Jimmy Carter faced a serious international crisis when 52 Americans were held hostage in


Which nation held 52 Americans hostage for over a year?


What were three important components of the second stage of the Industrial Revolution?

Iron, coal, and steam

The Suez War of 1956 involved the nations of

Israel, Great Britain, France, and Egypt

How did the Revolution respond to the pressures of war and royalist uprisings in 1792?

It became an iron dictatorship.

Which of the following best describes the origin of the word fascism?

It comes from the word fasces, a word that describes a symbol of power in ancient Rome.

How did the international community respond to Turkey's actions against the Armenians?

It condemned Turkey but did not fight to save the Armenians.

Which of the following best characterizes Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France?

It condemned the violence and anarchy of the French Revolution.

What effect did the total control exercised by Napoleon`s government have on France?

It created a new consciousness of a single French nation

What effect did the total control exercised by Napoleon`s government have on Germany?

It created the Confederation of the Rhine, the base for the modern German nation.

How did the Soviet Union change between 1918 and 1936?

It developed from a backward nation to an industrialized world power.

How did England use its vast wealth to fight Napoleon?

It financed the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian armies in their struggle against Napoleon.

What effect did the creation of the duchy of Warsaw have on Polish nationalism?

It gave nationalists new hope.

Why were the Balkans known as the "powder keg" of Europe in the early 1900s?

It had endured more than 400 years of ethnic and political conflict.

How many times prior to 1787 had the Estates-General met?

It had met twice since its creation in 1302.

What was the significance of the fall of the Bastille?

It marked the beginning of the French Revolution.

What effect did the signing of the Concordat of 1801 have on the Roman Catholic Church?

It placed the Church under official state protection.

What action was taken by the French Senate on April 3, 1814?

It voted Napoleon out of office.

What was the Ten-Hours Bill of 1847?

It was a bill that placed limits on the working hours of women and children.

Which of the following best describes how Germany was treated in the Treaty of Versailles?

It was a treaty of revenge, rather than a treaty of justice.

. Under Napoleon`s reforms, what was done to the educational system?

It was centralized.

The Battle of the Coral Sea was a unique naval battle in that

It was fought entirely with carrier-based aircraft

What was the outcome of the French expedition to Egypt?

It was nearly a disaster.

What role did Berchtesgaden play in the Nazi regime?

It was the site of Hitler`s country home

What was the significance of Mt. Suribachi?

It was the site of a major battle on Iwo Jima

What was the political situation in Paris when Napoleon was in Egypt in 1798?

It was very unstable

What was the political situation in Paris when Napoleon was in Egypt in 1798?

It was very unstable.

What was the national origin of Napoleon`s family?


During the Renaissance, the nation which set the standards in art, politics, and business, was


What country occupies the peninsula shaped like a boot on this map of western Europe?


Which country instigated the conflict in North Africa?


What nations sent troops and weapons to aid the combatants of the Spanish civil war?

Italy and Germany

Why did the Spanish civil war become an international issue?

Italy and Germany sent troops and arms to Fascists in Spain.

With what two countries did Hitler sign treaties of alliance in 1936?

Italy and Japan

What was Italy`s national status when Napoleon assumed command of its republican armies in 1795?

Italy was a collection of separate states, not an independent nation.

What happened to Italy as a result of the Congress of Vienna?

Italy was divided into a number of states, some ruled by Austria

In what order were the Axis powers defeated in WW II?

Italy, Germany, Japan

Which statement best summarizes the role of government in the social contract?

Its basis is the rights and responsibilities of the people.

What U.S. action created tension with Japan?

Its establishment of a trade embargo against Japan

Which statement is true of the outcome of the Congress of Vienna?

Its leaders created a balance of power in Europe.

What was England`s greatest military strength?

Its navy

What Japanese action created tension with the United States?

Its seizure of territory in China

Who was the physicist who served as director of the Los Alamos facility?

J. Robert Oppenheimer

With experience, a worker could theoretically move up the social hierarchy, but in practice such ascent was extremely difficult to achieve, as the limited number of masterships in any given industry tended to be passed down within a family. Thus in some trades and in some cities __________ complained of feeling restricted and expressed greater solidarity toward their counterparts in other trades than toward their own masters.


DOMESTIC THREATS: Internal strife also threatened the National Convention. Girondists and royalist Catholics rebelled against the tyranny of radical __________.


Who was the English king who was ousted in 1688 prior to the Industrial Revolution?

James II

One Asian nation has become an industrial giant in the twentieth century because of its ability to copy and improve upon technology from the West. What country is this?


Which of the following nations is NOT one of the "Asian tigers"?


Which of the following was true of Japan in the 1920s?

Japan became more democratic.

What was the immediate cause of U.S. entry into World War II?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

Why did Japan suffer hardships as a result of the Great Depression?

Japan depended on foreign trade and was hurt by high United States tariffs.

Which nation's economic system has been described as "state capitalism"?


What nations made up the Axis powers in the 1930s?

Japan, Italy, and Germany

Lacking the strength to conquer it. The __________ tried to cut China off from the outside world in the hope that it would collapse. So, the Chinese coast was occupied, then Indo-China, then Burma. From 1940 to the end of the war, supplies going into China were never more than a large trickle.



Japanese military governor.


Japanese warrior-noble class.

Who showed Hitler the fallacy of the Aryan argument at the 1936 Olympics?

Jesse Owens

THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- ENGLISH AGRICULTURE -- Agricultural innovators: Charles "Turnip" Townshend advocated continuous crop rotation using turnips, wheat, barley and clover. __________ invented a seed drill that allowed for sowing crops in a straight row. Robert Bakewell pioneered selective breeding of livestock.

Jethro Tull

The United Nations divided Palestine into a

Jewish state and an Arab state in 1948.

CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Enlightened reforms: Corresponded with Voltaire and invited Denis Diderot to visit her court; Supported Russia first private printing presses; Restricted the practice of torture; Allowed limited religious toleration to __________; Convened a legislative commission to draft a new enlightened law code. However, the nobles refused to concede any of their privileges and very little was accomplished.


Which of the following men was Hitler`s minister of propaganda?

Joseph Goebbels

Who became the Communist Party general secretary?

Joseph Stalin

Who headed Russia, or the Soviet Union, during the Spanish Civil War?

Joseph Stalin

Who was the leader of Russia during World War II?

Joseph Stalin

Also known as Tito, who created an independent Communist state in Yugoslavia?

Josip Broz

Who worked with the Soviets to squash the Hungarian revolt?

János Kádár

In 1970, the Ohio National Guard killed four student protesters at

Kent State University.

After carefully studying Brahe's data, Kepler formulated three laws of planetary motion: ~ The planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits. ~ Planets move more rapidly as their orbits approach the sun. ~ The time a planet takes to orbit the sun varies proportionately with its distance from the sun.


Who was the most important European leader at the Congress of Vienna?

Klemens von Metternich

In 1998, war broke out when Serbia refused to allow ____ to continue to exist as an autonomous province.


The overthrow of the Tokugawa was finally accomplished through the union of anti-Tokugawa parties. These parties included: the _________ samurai and ronin, particularly the great western clans of Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa & Hizen which provided the armies and the territorial base of operations;


Many British textile mills were built in Lancashire. How come?

Lancashire was a country with many rivers.

Which statement best summarizes the idea of representative government as it was established in the English Bill of Rights?

Laws are made and carried out by a group that acts for the people.

founder of the Polish national trade union Solidarity

Lech Walesa

The Polish national trade union Solidarity was founded by

Lech Walesa.

Overseas supply (__________) was important, but was handled entirely by Russia's allies. They sent some armaments, which the Russians did not use in combat, but they sent many more important things. Over four million tons of food allowed the Russians to take men off the collective farms for the army or the war factories, while over 400,000 trucks from the United States helped to put the Russian army on wheels, allowing it to outmaneuver the Germans in 1944 and 1945.


Who filmed The Triumph of the Will?

Leni Riefenstahl

Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia during World War I?


War Communism

Lenin's policy of nationalizing industrial and other facilities and requisitioning the peasants' produce during the civil war in Russia.


Lenin's revision of Marxism that held that Russia need not experience a bourgeois revolution before it could move toward socialism.

What city experienced the worst siege not just of World War II but of the entire modern era?


Who had overall supervision of the Manhattan Project?

Leslie Groves

Tolerant, open-minded, especially in religion and politics. favors democratic reforms and individual liberty, moderately progressive.


Freedom from captivity, slavery, imprisonment, or despotic control by others. The right or privilege to do as one chooses.


Although France was the leading country on the European mainland, it did not industrialize as quickly as Britain. What kept France from industrializing?

Limited coal resources.

In this economy an important and growing part was played by slaves. Most of them were black Africans, the first of whom to be brought to Europe were sold at _________ in 1444. In Europe itself, slavery had by then all but withered away (though Europeans were still being enslaved and sold into slavery by Arabs and Turks). Now it was to undergo a vast extension in other continents.


A person who represents a special interest group that seeks to influence either the passage or defeat of certain bills.


The science of reasoning. A particular system or method of reasoning


In 1851, Britain had an opportunity to demonstrate to the world its advancements in machinery and industrialization at the Great Exhibition. Where did this event take place?

London`s Crystal Palace

"For Machiavelli accepted the political challenge in its entirety; he swept aside every criterion of action not suggested by the concept of raison d'etat, m i.e., by the exact evaluation of the historical movement and the constructive forces which the Prince must employ in order to achieve his aim...hence, he paved the way for absolute governments, which theoretically were completely untrammeled, both in their home and in their foreign policies."

Louis XIV

__________ (reigned 1715- 1774) was a weak leader who was dominated by his royal mistresses and court favorites. The nobles regained much of the power and privileges they lost during the reign of Louis XIV. Although France was a prosperous and potentially powerful country, government debts continued to mount.

Louis XV

A group of artisans, who felt that their problems were the result of the use of machines, broke into several factories and tried to destroy them. What was the name of this group?


What French city was known for its silk production?


...the __________, especially of Osaka and Kyoto, who contributed money to the revolution;


Fascism derives from individual or social frustration: That is why one of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated __________, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.


The steps leading to the Meiji Restoration had been complex and largely haphazard rather than simple, straight-forward and planned. Conflicting interests had been drawn together in the final stages... The forces that were to win the national revolution came from the imperial ideology that justified the revolution, the "Expel the Barbarians" spirit that gave it power and the ambition of young samurai of relatively humble birth that gave it daring drive. From then onwards, __________ rather than traditional authority, public opinion or political skill was to be deciding future in Japanese politics.


In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero: In every __________ the hero is an exceptional being, but in Fascist ideology heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. The Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Fascist hero is impatient to die.


. Because of the poor factory and living conditions, people often revolted. In August 1819, there was a protest in which eleven people were killed and four hundred others were wounded. In what industrial town in Britain did this happen?


THE RAILROAD: 1. Steam power enabled inventors to build railroad locomotives. 2. English entrepreneurs wanted a railroad line to connect the port of Liverpool with the inland city of __________, the heart of THE spinning and weaving industry. The Liverpool-Manchester Railway opened in 1830. 3. By 1850, Britain had over 6,000 miles of railroad track.


THE OLD REGIME -- ROYAL WEAKNESS: Louis XV (reigned 1715- 1774) was a weak and indecisive ruler. Louis XVI (reigned 1774-1792) and his Austrian wife __________ were particularly unpopular and frivolous. The high court of Paris -- the Parliament -- assumed the right to approve or disapprove the king's decrees, thus further eroding royal power.

Marie Antoinette

The post-War of the Austrian Succession Diplomatic Revolution: 1. The Austrian chancellor, Count Kaunitz, vowed to recover Silesia. 2. Kaunitz successfully formed a coalition that included France, Austria, and Russia. One consequence of this new alliance was the marriage of __________, daughter of Maria Theresa, to the future Louis XVI of France. 3. England then formed an alliance with Prussia to implement its policy of maintaining a balance of power on the continent. 4. Note that this diplomatic revolution did not change the basic rivalries between England and France and Austria and Prussia.

Marie Antoinette

__________ is one of the most frequently tested topics on the APEURO exam. Test writers expect you to recognize famous quotes by Marx and Engels and identify key concepts such as the dialectical process, class conflict, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and classless society


A philosophical school of thought based on the idea that only the material universe is real, and ideas have no independent existence, but are the product of conscience beings.


Who was responsible for the unification of Italy?

Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi

Hitler wrote

Mein Kampf.

The work ethic needed for efficient industrial production was taught as a religious virtue most noticeably in the

Methodist meeting houses of the English midlands

Early in the twentieth century, the government of ____ was dominated by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).


In the late 1970s, vast new oil reserves were discovered in which nation?


A class of people with some property and a relatively comfortable income.

Middle Class

When Fascist control collapsed in Italy in April 1945, Mussolini tried to flee but was captured and, along with his mistress, shot. In what Italian town were the two bodies later displayed, hanging upside down?


All of the following are causes of the scientific revolution EXCEPT

Military threats from the Mongols in the East and Arab Muslims in the South.

Which process would be an example of pasteurization?

Milk is sterilized.

THE TREATY OF PARIS, 1763: 1. The British acquired French Canada and the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the __________ River. 2. France retained her Caribbean sugar islands and a few commercial installations in India. 3. Prussia retained possession of Silesia.


A form of government in which the head of state is a king, Queen, Emperor, or some other titled person


CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: ___________remained the most prevalent form of government; Divine-right (same word) evolved into enlightened despotism in Eastern Europe; Aristocrats regained much influence. Powerful nobles and wealthy merchants influenced and sometimes dominated inept monarchs.


CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: ___________remained the most prevalent form of government; Divine-right (same word) evolved into enlightened despotism in Eastern Europe; Aristocrats regained much influence. Powerful nobles and wealthy merchants influenced and sometimes dominated inept monarchs.


Separation of Powers

Montesquieu asserted that the separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers provided important checks and balances on governmental authority; adopted by the framers of the United States constitution.

A major environmental conference was held in 1987 in which city?


THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- The invasion of Russia: The Continental System prevented Russia from exporting grain to Great Britain. When Tsar Alexander I (reigned 1801 to 1825) refused to stop this vital trade, Napoleon prepared to invade Russia. Napoleon's Grand Army reached __________. However, Alexander refused to surrender, thus forcing Napoleon to retreat. A combination of bitterly cold weather, disease, and merciless Russian attacks decimated Napoleon's army


Why were Napoleon and his army forced to flee Moscow in the winter of 1812?

Moscow was burned to the ground.

During the Battle of Midway, Japan lost

Most of its aircraft carriers

One of the most significant trends in the life of women in Europe over the last three decades is that

Motherhood is occupying less of their total life span

In November 1923, Hitler staged an armed uprising in


The people of Pakistan are primarily members of the ____ religion.


Adolf Hitler wrote a book in which he described his political philosophy. What was it called?

My Struggle

To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Fascism says that their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country: This is the origin of __________ . Besides, the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia. But the plot must also come from the inside ...


Ur-Fascism speaks__________: (same word) was invented by Orwell, in Nineteen Eighty-Four, as the official language. But elements of Fascism are common to different forms of dictatorship. All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.


In 1806, Napoleon made his brother Joseph king of which territory?

Naples and Sicily

THE LOSS OF LIBERTY: __________censored the press and suppressed all political opposition. Despite the loss of individual liberties, France enjoyed security, stability, and prosperity. Supported by a grateful nation, (same name) declared himself emperor on December 2, 1804.


By 1799, who had become commander of France and its armies?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Public discontent mounted as the Directory failed to deal with inflation, food shortages, and corruption. On November 9, 1799, an ambitious and talented young general named __________) overthrew the Directory and seized power.

Napoleon Bonaparte

What honor was bestowed on Napoleon in 1804?

Napoleon was crowned emperor.

Which of the following is the best reason why Europe was engaged in endless warfare during Napoleon`s reign

Napoleon`s ambitions upset the balance of power in Europe, and he had to be stopped.

Why did many nationalists lose their admiration of Napoleon in the first decade of the 1800s?

Napoleon`s empire retained power over other European nations.

A large community of people mainly of common descent, language, history, etc., usually inhabiting a particular territory and under one government.


The Civil Constitution of the Clergy, August 1790, passed by the __________, did the following: Confiscated the lands owned by the Roman Catholic Church; Decreed that bishops and priests would be elected by the people and paid by the state; Required the clergy to take a loyalty oath to support the new government.

National Assembly

Which of the following did Mussolini and Hitler use to gain control of their nations?


The African National Congress called for armed resistance against the white South African government after the arrest of their leader, ____, in 1962.

Nelson Mandela

____ became the first black president of South Africa after spending almost 26 years in prison.

Nelson Mandela

The use of economic, political, or other means to obtain or retain influence or control over former colonies and possessions.


Johannes Kepler believed that the truth of the universe could be found by combining the study of mathematics with that of

Neoplatonic magic.

A revival of Platonic philosophy. In the third century a.d., a revival associated with Plotinus; in the Italian Renaissance, a revival associated with Marsilio Ficino who attempted to synthesize Christianity and Platonism


Robert Owen achieved his greatest success in

New Lanark, Scotland, where he created a healthy Utopian community.

What was Mussolini`s profession before he became a politician?

Newspaper editor


Newton's conception of the universe as one huge, regulated, and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion

Reforms began in Romania after ____ was removed from power.

Nicolae Ceauşescu

Who opposed Hitler when he seized the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia?


The 38th parallel marked the boundary between

North Korea and South Korea.

What were the first two western European countries that Germany invaded?

Norway and Denmark

Nazi leaders were tried and condemned in the war crimes trials at


A form of government in which power is in the hands of a few people.


How long did Napoleon`s comeback last?

One hundred days

The Battle of Stalingrad was

One of the deadliest battles in human history

What was the code name for the Allied invasion of Europe?

Operation Overlord

For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle: Thus __________ is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex.


Historians have estimated that in lean years 90 percent of the __________ lived at or below the subsistence level, earning only enough to feed their families. Others commenting on the lot of impoverished peasants before 1789 blamed the tensions between rich and poor on the country's vast social differences.


REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE ___________ 1. New farming methods produced more food. 2. Medical advances such as Edward Jenner's discovery of a smallpox vaccine reduced death rates. The combined population of Great Britain and Ireland increased from 10 million in 1750 to 30 million in 1850.


A grouping of individuals of the same general age and social position.

Peer group

The idea of national self-determination as it was presented in Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

People should be able to decide on their type of government.

What was groundbreaking about the development of democracy?

People were governed by councils, instead of by an absolute ruler.

After World War II, many Latin American nations suffered economic difficulties because of overdependence on foreign nations and a dramatic increase in population. Alejandro Toledo was the first freely elected president of Native American descent of which nation?


A class of small business people and professionals.

Petit Bourgeoisie

In return for grants of money, Charles I agreed to the __________. The (same as black) contained two key provisions: No one should be compelled to pay any tax or loan "without common consent by act of Parliament. '' No one should be imprisoned without due process oflaw.

Petition of Right

He is sometimes called the "Father of Humanism?:


In the north of Italy, King Charles Albert of Sardinia granted a constitution to which province?


Two days after Hitler's invasion of ____, Britain and France declared war on Germany.


What nation separated Germany from the Soviet Union?


What nation, created after World War I, divided Germany from Russia?


Which country was the site of most of the Nazi extermination camps?


Where were most of the Nazi death camps located?


World War II broke out two days after Germany invaded which country?


The way a country is governed, the system of power allocation in a society.


Although employment conditions in Britain were not good, the conditions resulting from unemployment were worse. What law compelled the unemployed to labor in bleak public factories?

Poor Law of 1834

Who was pope at the time of the 1929 treaty negotiated between Mussolini and Cardinal Gasparri of the Roman Catholic Church?

Pope Pius XI

Unreasoning opinion of like or dislike for something.


All of the following contributed to the global economic recession of the 1970s and early 1980s EXCEPT

President Reagan's elimination of federal deficits

The great powers of Europe included Britain, France, Austria, __________, and Russia. Spain, Holland, Poland, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire were no longer considered great powers.


What country did Napoleon defeat at Jena in October 1806?


What was the major threat to the French Revolution in 1792? Invasion from England, Austria, and


What was the major outcome of the Austro-Prussian and Franco

Prussian Wars in 1866 and 1870? German unification was complete and Prussia`s mastery in German affairs was assured.

A person suffering from a severe mental disorder.


Elitism is a typical aspect of any __________ ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak: Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism. Every citizen belongs to the best people in the world. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler.


A belief in the superiority of a particular race of people, the theory that human abilities are determined by race.


After World War I, which of the following came into widespread use for the first time?


What goals did Napoleon expect his brothers to carry out as new rulers?

Raise taxes and revenues

A power held by a legislative body to approve proposed agreements and amendments.


Used in psychology as a word to describe a common defense mechanism in which people justify their disappointing behavior or situation by devising excuses to explain it instead of admitting the actual reasons.


Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles when he did which of the following?

Rearmed Germany

Which of the following was an aim of the Italian Fascists?

Redress the perceived wrongs perpetrated on Italy through the Treaty of Versailles

The German parliament was called the


____ administered the Nazi's Final Solution.

Reinhard Heydrich

A country in which the supreme power is held by the people through their elected representatives.


The solving of a problem or conflict.


THE INVENTIONS: In 1769, __________ invented a water frame that used waterpower from fast-moving streams to drive spinning machines.

Richard Arkwright

Which U.S. president reached an agreement with North Vietnam in 1973?

Richard M. Nixon

U.S. president ____ was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for his involvement in the Watergate scandal.

Richard Nixon

FACTIONS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Members of the Legislative Assembly sat together in separate sections of the meeting hall. The political terms right, center, and left are derived from this seating arrangement. Conservatives who supported the king made up the _________. Moderates comprised a large group in the Center.


THE REIGN OF TERROR: Faced with foreign invaders and the threat of domestic rebellion, the National Convention established the Committee of Public Safety to 'defend France and safeguard the Revolution. Led by __________, the Committee of Public Safety exercised dictatorial power as it carried out a Reign of Terror. In the name of creating a Republic of Virtue, (same name) executed the queen, his chief rivals, and thousands of "dangerous" class enemies.


__________ death ended the radical phase of the French Revolution. On the new revolutionary calendar, July was called Thermidor from the French word for "heat." Hence, the revolt against (same name) is called the Thermidorian reaction.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Neoclassical Art: Neoclassical style supplanted __________ during the 1780s. Key figures were depicted as classical heroes. Works portrayed the classical virtues of self-sacrifice and devotion to the state. Compositions emphasized the Greek ideals of restraint, simplicity, and symmetry. leading artists and works: Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii, Jean-Antoine Houdon, Voltaire Seated, and Thomas Jefferson, Monticello.


Besides the Jews, what ethnic group suffered the worst losses, proportionally, as a result of Germany's Final Solution?

Roma (Gypsies)

When Communism fell in Eastern Europe in 1989, bloody revolution took place in


What became the leading cultural movement in Europe in the nineteenth century?


Who met at Casablanca?

Roosevelt and Churchill

What area in Germany was well known for its production of steel during the Industrial Revolution?

Ruhr Valley

Although feudal lordship still existed in France in the 1780s it was by then less a social reality than an economic device. The 'seigneur' might never see his tenants, might not be of noble blood, and might draw nothing from his lordship except sums of money which represented his claims on his tenants' labor, tune and produce. Further east, the feudal relationship remained more of a reality. This in part reflected an alliance of rulers and nobles to take advantage of the new market for grain and timber in the growing population of western and southern Europe. They tied peasants to the land and exacted heavier and heavier labor services. In __________ serfdom became the very basis of society.


What nation was divided into two parts when the map of Europe was redrawn after World War I?


Which event was a direct result of the Russian Revolution?

Russia pulled out of World War I.

What action did Russia take in order to avoid a war on its soil?

Russia signed a nonaggression pact with Germany.

What price did Russia pay for signing a peace treaty with Germany while World War I was still being fought?

Russia was required to pay a huge indemnity.

Napoleon's decision to invade Russia stemmed from

Russia's defection from his Continental System.

What country did Napoleon defeat at Austerlitz in December 1805?


What country, after being defeated at Austerlitz in 1805, came back for more warfare against Napoleon`s armies in 1807?


By the middle of the 19th century, the antiquated political system and absurd political and social philosophy of the Tokugawa were more than 200 years out of date. The simple concept of the division of classes into rulers, warriors and commoners had little relation to Japan of the 19th century with its teeming cities, rich merchants, restless __________ and discontent peasantry.


The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism: In modern culture the __________ community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge. For Fascism, disagreement is treason.


Where Hobbes sought to justify existing governments, Rousseau once again offers a condemnation. Like Hobbes, Rousseau argues that people are by nature free and __________. But in this case, self-interest is accompanied by a natural compassion that makes people reluctant to hurt each other. The state of nature is not a state of war but one of robust indifference


By 1795, he was leading a conspiracy, although his goals and plans remained vague. Nevertheless, the political authorities worried about class war; they considered him a dangerous egalitarian revolutionary and arrested him. At his trial, Babeuf delivered an inspiring attack on private property and endorsed a system of property sharing that many see as a forerunner of __________.


WORKING-CLASS PROTEST IN GREAT BRITAIN: __________: SHARED BELIEFS: 1. The existing distribution of wealth is unjust. The "haves" possess more than they need while the "have-nots" possess barely enough to survive. 2. The resources and means of production should be owned by the community. 3. The profits of human labor should be equitably distributed.


This new culture had to be _______________. (same word) is not only, as the dictionary says, "the combination of different forms of belief or practice;" such a combination must tolerate contradictions. Each of the original messages contains a sliver of wisdom, and although they seem to say different or incompatible things, they all are nevertheless alluding, allegorically, to the same primeval truth.


Who was the high priest of surrealism?

Salvador Dalí

The United Nations was founded in 1945 in which city?

San Francisco

A severe mental disorder in which a person becomes unable to act or reason in a rational way, often with delusions and withdrawal from social relationships.


A branch of knowledge requiring systematic study and method. Concerned with useful knowledge of the material universe.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- REASONS FOR THE DECLINE OF WITCHCRAFT: Religious wars finally came to an end, thus restoring social stability. Protestants emphasized the concept of a supreme God, thus making the Devil seem less threatening. The __________ and the Enlightenment emphasized reason and uniform laws of nature. Support for superstition and witchcraft declined as educated Europeans turned to rational explanations of natural events.

Scientific Revolution

The American plan to aid Europe's economic recovery was designed by

Secretary of State George Marshall.

Stalin made his way to power in the Soviet Union as

Secretary of the Communist Party, making appointments.

A legal or financial arrangement. A place occupied by settlers or colonists.


THE OLD REGIME -- GOVERNMENT DEBT: Louis XIV's profligate spending left a massive public debt that consumed half the nation's tax revenues. The cost of fighting the __________ and financing the American War for Independence worsened the fiscal crisis.

Seven Years' War

All of the following statements about Isabella d'Este, "first lady of the world" are true except

She planned the strategy for military campaigns for both her husbands

How did the revolutions of 1848 affect southern Italy?

Sicilians won a constitution from King Ferdinando of Naples

Her book The Second Sex was the first and one of the major intellectual influences on the second wave of feminism

Simone de Beauvoir

How many Jews do historians estimate died in Nazi concentration camps?

Six million

__________ was the essential element in Hitler's thinking. What this meant was that every aspect of life was part of a crude struggle for survival. Darwin's idea about the survival of the fittest had beet vulgarized by many people by 1900 and their writings had been read by Hitler and countless others in Central Europe. Thus when Hitler set his biological vision of history against a Marxist one, his ideas fell on fertile soil.

Social Darwinism

Which statement is true of social class during the Industrial Revolution?

Social classes became increasingly divided.

The Fascist movements turned out to have been a meteoric and devastating revolt against liberal as well as _________ values, but the sheer scale of their defeat rendered them redundant after 1945. Even sympathizers felt obliged to distance themselves from the actions of the Nazis and Fascists, or to deny their worst crimes.


In Great Britain, the Factory Act of 1819 declared it illegal for children to work more than 12 hours a day. What does the act suggest about labor conditions at that time?

Some children spent more than half of each day working.

What happened to Napoleon in December 1800?

Someone attempted to assassinate him.

Supreme independent power.


The raw materials necessary to mechanized warfare are scattered around the globe haphazardly, and, in 1939, only the __________ among the acknowledged great powers was large enough to be self-sufficient or nearly so in raw materials.

Soviet Union

In 1914 which European country was the least industrialized?


In what nation did a bloody civil war in the 1930s precede the beginning of World War II?


What two nations colonized most of South America?

Spain and Portugal

A person's social standing in society.


What traditions were being questioned in Western nations during the 1920s and 1930s?

Status of women and themes and techniques in art

The invention of what engine allowed factories to be built in areas where water was not accessible?

Steam engine

What source of energy provided vital power to the iron industry, specifically for the hammering and rolling that constituted the last stages in the manufacture of iron?

Steam power

A standardized image applied to individuals who are identified with a particular group.


The first public railway line was built between what two English mining towns?

Stockton and Darlington.

What did Napoleon impose on the newspapers of Paris?

Strict censorship

What happened during the 1848 uprisings in Venice?

Students and intellectuals assembled to demand liberal reforms from the Austrian government

In 1938, Hitler demanded, and was given, what area in northwestern Czechoslovakia?


Which of the following did not help Hitler in his rise to power?

Support from the Communist Party

MAKING COMPARISONS: PETER THE GREAT AND FREDERICK THE GREAT -- Policies: Both rulers waged wars to conquer strategic territory. Peter's victory over __________ enabled Russia to take over warrn-water outlets and become the leading Baltic power. Frederick victory over Austria enabled Prussia to take control over Silesia and become a leading German power.


GREAT BRITAIN'S INDUSTRIAL DOMINANCE: __________: 1. The exhibition was held to celebrate Britain's undisputed economic and technological dominance. 2. Britain's Hall of Machinery featured the locomotive engines, hydraulic presses, and power looms that had powered the Industrial Revolution.


GREAT BRITAIN'S INDcUSTRIAL DOMINANCE: __________: 1. The exhibition was held to celebrate Britain's undisputed economic and technological dominance. 2. Britain's Hall of Machinery featured the locomotive engines, hydraulic presses, and power looms that had powered the Industrial Revolution.


For the villager or household not connected with trade, news came for the most part with the traveling entertainers, small parties of musicians and poets called jongleurs, or __________. The former was usually the performer, the latter the writer or composer. Their acts might also include juggling, magic, performing animals and even circus acts. Principally, their entertainment took the form of recitals of poems and songs written about real events.


Members of the first and second estates assumed that each estate would receive one vote. This system would enable them to impose their will on the third estate. Led by Abbe Sieyes, the third estate rejected this method of voting and demanded that all three estates meet together. When the king refused, the third estate declared itself the true National Assembly of France. Locked out of their official meeting place, the third estate met in a nearby where they took an oath not to disband until they drafted a constitution. The __________ marked the beginning of the French Revolution.

Tennis Court Oath

What was the focus of the Tehran Conference?

The Allied invasion of France

John Adams, second U.S. president, said that even before the War for Independence began, "The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people." What is the best way to paraphrase Adams's meaning?

The American Revolution was rooted in people's beliefs.

The world monetary system adopted at Bretton Woods in 1944 and upon which postwar recovery progressed was based on

The American dollar

Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place?

The Ardennes Forest

With whom did Napoleon do battle in northern Italy in 1796 and 1797?

The Austrians

What was finally achieved in 1878 at the Congress of Berlin?

The Balkans question was temporarily settled.

Which battle is considered to be the turning point for the war in the Pacific?

The Battle of Midway

Which was the turning point in the war in Asia?

The Battle of Midway Island

By 1921, the Fascists had gained a strong foothold in the Italian parliament. Which of these world events also took place in 1921?

The Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia.

What situation does this cartoon represent?

The British and the French pointing Hitler toward the Soviet Union.

WARFARE, 1740-1763 -- GREAT POWER RIVALRIES: The Hohenzollerns of __________ and the Habsburgs of Austria vied for power in central Europe.

The British and the French vied for trade in North America, the West Indies, and India. Prussia

Why was Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815?

The British army never yielded.

Why did Western nations see communism as a threat to their existence?

The Communists` goal was to overthrow all capitalist governments and set up soviet republics.

Which of the following statements about postwar Britain is false?

The Conservative Party in the 1950's revoked nearly all of the socialist legislation of the Labour Party of the 1940's.

The declaration proclaimed that all men were "born and remain free and equal in rights." These natural rights included the rights to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." The declaration provided for freedom of religion, freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of speech and the press, and the right to petition the government.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Women gained increased rights to inherit property and to divorce. Women did not gain the right to vote or to hold political office. In her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft argued that women are not naturally inferior to men. The appearance of inferiority is created by a lack of education.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Why did Napoleon seek closer control of Spain in 1808?

The English were landing in Portugal and could therefore threaten the French from the south.

What was the location of the second major Allied assault into Europe in1944?

The French Mediterranean coast

The Allied invasion of Europe was primarily directed at

The French coast

Why did the British Royal Navy attack French warships at Mers-el-Kebir?

The French crews refused to surrender their ships when the British requested

What was the Bastille?

The French royal prison

What event finally caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

The German invasion of Poland in September 1939

What was "Operation Barbarossa"?

The German plan to invade Russia

What four empires controlled central and eastern Europe before World War I?

The German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires

Why was Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany forced to abdicate?

The Germans rebelled against the government responsible for fighting the war.

What term describes the systematic extermination of Jews by the Nazis during World War II?

The Holocaust

During the Italian Renaissance, a Ghibelline would most likely have opposed which one of the following?

The Holy Roman Emperor

When Hitler came to power, he proclaimed the start of the Third Reich. What were the two previous empires to which he referred?

The Holy Roman Empire and the Hohenzollern Empire

King Victor Emmanuel III belonged to what ruling house?

The House of Savoy

DAVID RICARDO ON WAGES: 1. Influenced by Malthus's pessimistic appraisal of the plight of the working class, David Ricardo formulated the "iron law of wages." 2. According to Ricardo, labor is a commodity whose price is determined by the law of supply and demand. 3. Ricardo contended that increasing working-class wages would prompt laborers to have more children. As the supply of workers increased, their wages would decline. 4. The iron law of wages left no room for a better future for working-class families. It provided strong support for opposing labor unions and refusing to raise wages.

The Iron Law of Wages is wrong. Increases in standards of living for workers has resulted in lower birth rates. During the 1700`s, Europe experienced monumental changes in the way that people lived and worked. People moved from farms to cities, factories were built, and machines became widely used. What was this change called? - Industrial Revolution

Following World War II, Japan was the only country in Asia that successfully avoided American or European dominance. What did the Japanese do successfully to avoid such dominance?

The Japanese developed a successful industrial base. France made much progress during the 1850`s and 1860`s toward industrialization. The economy was expanded, credit banks were established, new harbors were built, and the railway system was reorganized. Who was emperor of France during this period? - Napoleon III.

Which of the following was not true about the Pearl Harbor attack?

The Japanese painted their aircraft to look like American planes

What was the name of the 1929 concordat between the Roman Catholic Church and Mussolini`s government?

The Lateran Treaty

Why did the League of Nations not take action when Japan invaded Manchuria and Italy invaded Ethiopia?

The League`s only police force comprised troops provided by members.

How did Hitler gain the support of the German youth?

The Nazis formed youth groups that were the center of student life.

During the late 1800s, which European nation had no colony in Africa?

The Netherlands

At what conference did the Allies set the terms for the Japanese surrender?

The Potsdam Conference

The "Reign of Terror" was

The Revolutionary government's campaign against internal enemies and counter-revolutionaries.

What did the French find when they invaded Russia in 1812?

The Russians burned their farms and towns as they retreated, leaving no provisions for the French

What happened when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed?

The Russians pulled out of the war.

Which of the following was not a part of the Soviet defense plan against Germany?

The Soviets sought to lure German armies into forests, which they would then set on fire

The passage of what legislation established that government could regulate industry?

The Ten-Hour Bill of 1847

In the mid-nineteenth century, what empire in the Balkans was beginning to crumble?

The Turkish Empire

Which Allied country's forces arrived in Berlin first?


What was the condition in France by December 1813?

The allies were invading France.

What was the precipitating event of World War I?

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo

What was the most destructive new weapon introduced in World War II?

The atomic bomb

Which of the following is the best description of the term nationalism?

The belief or doctrine of the superiority of one`s own nation and its attributes

Under Napoleon`s reforms, where were administrative and financial powers controlled?

The central government

What was the one permanent gain for Italy from the 1848 revolutions?

The constitution granted by King Charles Albert of Piedmont

What was the first industry to become industrialized in Great Britain?

The cotton textile industry

What 1802 event resulted from Napoleon`s exploits in Italy?

The creation of a new Italian republic

After Napoleon`s exile from France, the forces of nationalism and progress in Europe were suppressed for three decades by whom?

The crowned heads of Europe.

What event caused the end of Franco`s dictatorship in Spain?

The death of Franco himself in 1975

What general defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo?

The duke of Wellington

Which of the following is the best description of the term laissez- faire?

The economic doctrine that calls for minimal interference of government in business and economic affairs

Traditional ways of life were disrupted in Britain during the Industrial Revolution. What was the major change in the economy?

The economy changed from one based on agriculture to one based on industry.

In the 1830`s, conditions in the urban slums and industrial cities were improving, higher standards of nutrition were being set, and better clothing was becoming available. During this time, the government also began to spend money on education. Based on these reforms, what system grew rapidly in Britain after 1867?

The education system

Which of the following is one of the key elements of fascism?

The elimination of class conflict

Tensions between the West and the Soviets manifested themselves in 1946 when the joint administration of which of the following broke down?

The four zones of occupied Germany

How did World War I contribute to the Russian Revolution?

The hardships and shortages caused by the war drove the people to revolt.

What idea took root in the eighteenth century with the writings of the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau?

The idea of modern nationalism

What did the French republican army's take with them as they pushed into Europe in 1795

The ideas of the Revolution

After Napoleon`s territorial conquests, what was his next project in 1802?

The internal reform of France

What was the significance of Guadalcanal to Japan?

The island was in an ideal position for controlling the Solomon Islands

Why was giving the right of self government to all nations difficult at the close of World War I?

The major powers were unwilling to redraw the map of Europe to give ethnic groups self- government.

Who or what of the following were most threatened by The French Revolution?

The monarchy and the upper classes

What was a direct effect of increased food production during Europe's Agricultural Revolution?

The population increased.

In 1884, most men over the age of twenty-one were given the right to vote. What effect did this have on the aristocracy?

The power of the aristocracy was reduced.

What did Admiral Nelson say about Napoleon?

The probability of universal monarchy was greatest under Napoleon`s rule.

The iron industry began to flourish as early as 1709. The discovery of what process caused the iron industry to thrive

The process of smelting iron ore using coke

What new inventions were drawing the people of the world closer together?

The radio and moving pictures

Britain did not have an adequate transportation system to move heavy goods such as coal, iron, and machinery. What transportation system presented a solution to this problem and helped usher in the next phase of the Industrial Revolution?

The railway system

What was the most important consequence of the massive fatalities among French troops during Napoleon`s retreat from Russia?

The retreat was the beginning of the end for Napoleon.

Which of Napoleon's dreams fit well with the artistic movement known as Romanticism?

The revival of the ancient Roman Empire

Which of Napoleon`s dreams fit well with the artistic movement known as Romanticism?

The revival of the ancient Roman Empire

What was the result to the 1848 revolution in Paris?

The revolutionaries forced King Louis Philippe to abdicate and declared a Second Republic

In 1884, most males over the age of twenty-one were given what right?

The right to vote

What happened when it was discovered that the December 1800 assassination attempt on Napoleon was a right-wing royalist plot?

The right-wingers were jailed, but the left-wingers who were first arrested were also held.

What was Napoleon`s view of why Europe was engaged in endless warfare during his reign?

The rulers of Europe were still trying to defeat the French Revolution through war.

The period between 1750-1850 was marked by many changes in Europe that fundamentally altered human existence. Which of the following was a factor in this transformation?

The shift from an agricultural system to a factory system.

The overall course of World War II is best described as follows:

The skill and quality of German and Japanese forces nearly brought about an early Axis victory, but halfway through the war, the Allies, with their long-term economic and demographic advantages, turned the tide in their favor.

Why were children employed in the British coal mines?

The small size of children enabled them to dislodge coal from tight spaces that an adult could not reach.

The invention of what machine allowed spinners to keep pace with mechanized weavers?

The spinning jenny

What did the eighteenth-century German philosopher Johann Von Herder mean by the "essence" of a people?

The spirit of cultural nationalism

What was the first major blow to the Turkish Empire?

The success of the Greek War of Independence in the 1820s

How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to World War II?

The terms were so harsh that Germans felt bound to reclaim some of the lands they lost.

The second phase of the Industrial Revolution included the construction of railways. Profits from what industry largely financed this construction?

The textile industry

The building of the railways required the development of advanced engineering and metal working techniques. Which industry did not benefit from these advancements?

The textile industry.

Britain had trading links with other countries. Why were these links important?

The trading links provided Britain with sources of raw materials and markets for manufactured goods.

Why did the United States Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

The treaty included membership in the League of Nations

How was the nationalist leader Giuseppe Garibaldi associated with Count Camillo di Cavour?

The two leaders joined forces on the mainland of Italy.

According to Aristotle, why does a tyrant govern against the will of the people?

The tyrant is primarily self-interested.

Nuremberg was the site of annual Nazi Party meetings from 1935 on. In fact, it was during one of the annual meetings that the laws against Jews were promulgated. What events took place there in 1945-46?

The war crimes trials of various Axis leaders were held there.

The debate was closing at half-after twelve; and the main argument of the opponents was that if two hours' labor from these children, under eighteen years of age, were taken off, the consequences, on a national scale, might be 'truly dreadful'! It might, and would, destroy manufacturing capital; prevent us from carrying on competition with foreign manufacturers; reduce mills to a small part of their present value; and break up, as it were, the wealth and power of the country; render it comparatively feeble; and expose it to be an easy prey to foreign nations. ~ From William Cobbett

The wealth and power of the nation would be endangered.

Which of the following is the best definition of proletariat?

The working class or wage earners

A form of government by God or by a God through a priestly order; for example, Vatican City.


A set of ideas formulated (by reasoning from known facts and evidence) to explain something. An opinion, ideas or suppositions in general (contrasted with practice). A statement of the principles on which a subject is based.


Which statement best describes the circumstances in which Napoleon Bonaparte took power?

There had been ten years of instability.

What caused Louis XVI to recognize the National Assembly in 1789?

There were defections from the First and Second Estates.

Which statement is true of supporters of fascism?

They believe the state or nation should be revered or glorified.

Why did wealthy industrialists support the National Socialist German Workers Party?

They believed the party would create a friendly atmosphere for business.

Why did Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Republic in the 1930s?

They blamed their leaders for high unemployment.

Why was the majority of factory workers made up of women and children?

They could be exploited more easily than men

Why did Stalin believe the Western nations supported Hitler`s expansion eastward?

They did not oppose Hitler`s expansion into the Sudetenland and Austria.

What is the main reason that Americans rejected the League of Nations?

They feared it could lead to future U.S. involvement in European wars.

Why was the theory of laissez faire embraced by the British industrialists?

They felt it meant potentially greater profits.

As industrial work increased and became more complex, it was necessary to hire skilled workers. What did factory owners do to attract them?

They increased pay and improved working conditions in factories.

What did Napoleon say about the democratic principles that undergirded the French Revolution and the Republic?

They led to chaos and instability.

What major mistake did the Allies make in preparing to defend against Germany's attack on France?

They misinterpreted where the main invasion would take place

How did the owners of British coal mines exploit the children who worked for them?

They paid the children less than they paid adult men

How did the people in the conquered territories feel about Napoleon`s brothers as rulers?

They resented them

With regard to religion, Napoleon`s reforms did what to the actions of the Revolution?

They reversed the actions of the Revolution

Many of Napoleon`s reforms did what to the principles established by the Revolution?

They reversed the principles established by the Revolution.

How did the Spanish people react to Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon`s brother, taking the Spanish throne?

They revolted

How did the Western Allies respond to Germany's invasion of Russia?

They sent supplies and intelligence information to the USSR

What honor did the French people bestow on Napoleon in 1802?

They voted him consul for life.

What was the attitude of Napoleon`s defeated enemies in 1808?

They were only waiting for the chance to strike back.

One condition essential for industrialization was a cheap means of transporting goods. How did British aristocrats help industrialize their country?

They were responsible for building roads and canals.

Why did many workers in Germany and Italy support communism in the 1920s and 1930s?

They were searching for a way to improve their lives.

The __________ estate: everyone else The third estate comprised 9 5 percent of the population. It included a diverse group of peasant farmers, urban workers, middle-class shopkeepers, wealthy merchants, and successful lawyers. Those in this group resented aristocratic privileges.


Anti-clericalism was a theme in all of the following works EXCEPT

Thomas a Kempis's The Imitation of Christ.

Why did Hitler sign a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union?

To buy time and avoid fighting a two- front war when he invaded Poland

What was the primary purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

To crush the seeds of nationalism in Europe

Why did Japanese military leaders engage in imperialist conquests abroad in the 1930s?

To divert Japanese attention from the depression at home

What were the goals of the German Social Democratic Party?

To establish a Socialist government and put down any violent revolutions

Why did Napoleon return to Corsica in 1789?

To lead a revolt against the domination of the nobles and priests

What was the goal of this poster?

To motivate Europeans to aid the Spanish Republican Army

What was Napoleon`s main task as first consul in 1799?

To restore order.

What was the goal of the parliament of German states that met at Frankfurt in May 1848?

To unite the states of the German Confederation into a single German nation

A form of government in which no rival parties or loyalties are permitted, usually demanding total submission of the individual to the requirements of the state.


At one time, workers who had grievances with factory owners had no choice but to accept the poor working conditions and long hours of the factories. What happened so that owners had to bargain directly with employees who had complaints?

Trade unions were legalized.

THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE, 1804-1815: Between 1805 and 1807, Napoleon defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russia in a series of brilliant military victories. Napoleon's victory at Austerlitz solidified his reputation as a military genius. By 1808, French rule extended from the North Sea to Spain and included much of Italy. It is important to note that Lord Nelson's naval victory at __________thwarted Napoleon's goal of controlling the seas and mounting an invasion of Great Britain.


THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The __________: Frederick retained control of Silesia, thus confirming Prussia status as a great power and chief rival of Austria in German affairs. The English restored Louisbourg to France, and the French gave Madras back to England.

Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

A Vienna meeting convinced Kennedy that he had to deal firmly with the Soviet Union.


Alexander Dubcek wanted to create "communism with a human face."


At their conference in Potsdam, Truman and Stalin disagreed over the issue of free elections in Eastern Europe.


CENTO was created to prevent Soviet southern expansion


Chief Justice Earl Warren said that separate education was not equal


Collective bargaining is the right to negotiate with employers over wages and hours.


During the Holocaust, nearly two out of every three European Jews were killed.


Functionalism is a design theory that places great value on how an object will be used.


Hannah Höch was keenly interested in new freedoms for women.


Hitler planned to eliminate the Jews because, in his view, they were trying to destroy the Germans


Hitler stunned Europe with the speed and efficiency of the German attack on Poland.


Hitler was convinced the Western powers had no intention of using force to maintain the Treaty of Versailles.


Ho Chi Minh's Communist Party agreed to help the U.S. military in China.


In December 1937, the Japanese seized the Chinese capital of Nanjing.


In September 1940, Hitler began a campaign to break British morale by bombing their cities


Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor.


Japan renamed Manchuria Manchukuo.


John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected president in the history of the United States.


Lebensraum is living space that Hitler said superior nations have a right to.


Lester Pearson was a leader of the Liberal Party in Canada.


Mao Zedong's Communist forces took over China in 1949.


NATO was formed in 1949 to provide mutual aid for any member who was attacked.


Nuclear weapons were never used in any Cold War superpower confrontations


On March 9, 1935, Hitler announced the creation of a new German air force.


Over 100,000 people died building the Burma-Thailand railway in 1943.


Problems glossed over in the 1950s brought upheaval to America in the 1960s


Quo Vadis and Birth of a Nation showed that cinema was mass entertainment.


Roosevelt gave in to Stalin's territorial demands when the Big Three met in 1945 at Yalta.


Stalin carried on purges of the Old Bolsheviks.


The Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world close to nuclear war.


The Final Solution was the physical extermination of the Jewish people.


The Holocaust resulted in the death of nearly two-thirds of all European Jews.


The League of Nations was weakened by the U.S. failure to join it.


The Nazis considered the people of France to be "inferior."


The Soviets called their war with the Germans the Great Patriotic War.


The growth of mass tourism was a very visible symbol of mass leisure


The system of patronage used by the Medici family to operate Florence and Tuscany, in which people are personally loyal to a family that looks out for them in return, was similar to the system used by the Mafia to control Southern Italy.


France did not feel the full effects of the Great Depression until 1932.

True France sent troops to occupy the Ruhr valley when Germany failed to pay reparations. - True

Where did the Axis forces in North Africa surrender?


Which nation was formed from the former lands of the Ottoman Empire?


Where was the island of St. Helena, the place of Napoleon`s final exile in 1815?

Twelve hundred miles from the African coast

China became involved in the Korean War because

U.S. forces invaded North Korea.

Among historians, there have been two main schools of opinion on what really caused the downfall of the Shogunate: The first school believed that the Tokugawa system of government might have continued essentially unchanged had it not been for the forcible opening of the closed door by the __________ and other countries.


___________: 1. Charles Fourier, Louis Blanc, and Robert Owen were the most prominent Utopian Socialists. 2. They advocated social and economic planning to create societies based d on cooperation rather than competition. 3. Although the Utopians founded a number of cooperative communities, their experiments all failed.


After 1941, on which region of the Soviet Union did Hitler place the highest priority?

Ukraine and southern Russia

What was the second largest group of civilians killed by the Nazis?

Ukrainians and Belorussians

The Japanese did not have to attack the in order to get the raw materials they needed. The Phillipines had few of the resources necessary to The Japanese war machine. The main Japanese goal was Indonesia, and after that. Malaya. However, they were afraid of the damage that Americans in the Phillipines could do if they were not driven out. The Japanese did not believe that the United States would stay out of a Far Eastern war involving Britain.

United States

What was the atmosphere in Germany following World War I?

Unsettled and dangerous as governments changed and soldiers put down revolts

What happened to the Soviet air force during the opening days of the German invasion?

Up to 2,000 Soviet aircraft were destroyed while still on the ground.

As Britain was transformed from an agricultural country to an industrial one, many changes occurred. One of the most noticeable changes occurred in housing. What term describes the area where most factory workers lived?

Urban slum

Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?

V. I. Lenin

By the thirteenth century, the wealthiest of the Italian city-states was


By March 1861 a united kingdom of Italy had been proclaimed. Which areas of Italy had yet to join the united Italy?

Venice and Rome

On October 5, 1789, thousands of women marched to __________ demanding cheap bread and insisting that the royal family move to Paris. The king quickly capitulated, and a few days later the National Assembly also moved to Paris.


Prior to the age of the railroad steam engine, how was coal transported in the British mines?

Via horse drawn carts that moved on wooden rails

As poor, unemployed villagers began to move to the city seeking employment, what happened to the villages?

Village life became less self-sufficient.

The Sandinistas lost power to ____ after free elections in 1990.

Violeta Barrios de Chamorro

For all its momentousness, however, the elimination of privilege did not bring an end to the social conflicts underlying the Revolution. Instead, it marked the beginning of another system of social distinctions, set forth in a new constitution introduced by the National Assembly. The most notable of these was the distinction between "active" citizens, who were granted full rights to vote and hold office, and "passive" citizens, who were subject to the same laws but could not vote or hold office. Membership in one class or the other was determined by one's income level, gender, race, religion, and profession. With the Le Chapelier Law of 1791, the National Assembly further differentiated workers from property owners and banned ___________ as being harmful to national unity.


Which statement best describes the context in which the Declaration of Independence was issued?

War broke out, and then the Declaration of Independence was issued.

Why did the Great Depression of 1929 spread from the United States to Europe?

War reparation payments linked the economies of the U.S. and Europe.

What kind of power was used to operate machinery in the first cotton mills?

Water power

Who explained the Uncertainty Principle?

Werner Heisenberg

Which nation rearmed and joined NATO in 1955?

West Germany

THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR, 1756-1763 -- The Colonial War: In Canada, the British defeated the French and gained control of Quebec. In the ___________, the British gained control of major French sugar islands. In India, the British gained control over key French trading posts.

West Indies

MAKING COMPARISONS: PETER THE GREAT AND FREDERICK THE GREAT -- Goals: Both Peter the Great and Frederick the Great were determined to transform their countries into great powers. Both Peter the Great and Frederick the Great imported __________ ideas to accelerate the pace of change.


Where is the Rhineland, which was a demilitarized zone, located?

Western Germany

What contributed to the distrust Communists in Russia felt for Western nations?

Western nations intervened in Russian internal affairs by sending troops to aid the anti- Communists in 1917.

Napoleon made his brother Jerome king of what territory in 1807?


What is the basic argument about Napoleon`s contribution to world history?

Whether Napoleon`s rule furthered the cause of freedom in Europe or laid the foundations for modern dictatorship.

ENGLAND UNDER WALPOLE: Robert Walpole emerged as England's first prime minister. Walpole led the __________ party in Parliament and was the government's leading minister.


Which of the following matches the world leader with the country he represented at Versailles in 1918?

Wilson represented the U.S.; Clemenceau represented France; and Lloyd George represented Britain.

. How did Napoleon plan to destroy English trade?

With an enormous blockade.

Which statement best characterizes the series of battles in the Pacific following the Battle of Guadalcanal?

With each battle, the Japanese soldiers increasingly fought to the death

After losing a war with Prussia in 1866, what did Austria agree to do?

Withdraw from German affairs

The War of the Austrian Succession was caused by the fact that in 1740 the heir to the Austrian throne was a

Woman, Maria Theresa.

The Poor Law of 1834 required the unemployed to work in bleak public factories. What were these public factories called?


Prior to the Industrial Revolution, what was the primary occupation of people throughout the world?

Working the land.

What event closely preceded the rise of African nationalist movements?

World War I ended.

Initially, the smelting of iron ore using coke could be used only for the manufacture of cast iron. In 1784, a way was found to make wrought iron. Why was wrought iron important?

Wrought iron was important because it was more flexible and tougher than cast iron.

Who was the Japanese admiral behind the Pearl Harbor attack?


After World War I, what country received the port of Fiume, which Italy had hoped to get?


What was Mussolini's main goal in the 1930s?

a "new Roman Empire"


a German customs union designed to stimulate trade.

Joint-Stock Investment Bank

a bank created by selling shares of stock to investors. Such banks potentially have access to much more capital than do private banks owned by one or a few individuals.

Natural Laws

a body of laws or specific principles held to be derived from nature and binding upon all human society even in the absence of positive laws.

All of the following contributed to the success of the Solidarity movement in Poland EXCEPT

a booming economy


a combination of high employment and high inflation; a serious economic problem in the United States during the late 1970s.


a combination of independent commercial enterprises that work together to control prices and limit competition.

As an art form, magic realism is characterized by

a combination of realistic events and fantastic backgrounds

One of the European Union's first goals was the establishment of ____.

a common European currency

Before 1789, upper-class European culture had been characterized by...

a cosmopolitan outlook that knew no national borders.

Which trait was unique to the totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union compared with other regimes of the 1930s?

a desire for a classless society

Balance of Power

a distribution of power among several states such that no single nation can dominate or interfere with the interests of another.


a doctrine that equates God with the universe and all that is in it.


a doubtful or questioning attitude, especially about religion.


a faction in France who favored a return to a monarchical system dominated by a privileged aristocracy and allied with the Catholic church.

Winston Churchill concluded that the Munich Conference was

a failure that set a bad precedent.

The term "cooperative" refers to

a farm owned and operated by a group of peasant workers

"Developing countries" are characterized by

a farming economy and little modern technology


a foreign policy in which a nation refrains from making alliances or engaging actively in international affairs.

Hitler's blitzkrieg, or "lightning war," was

a form of attack that used tank divisions supported by air attacks.


a form of political organization in which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state, as opposed to a state containing people of several nationalities.


a fundamental change in the political and social organization of a state.

The period 1924-1929 in Europe saw

a growing optimism that liberal governments would be able to provide peace and prosperity

What was a manor?

a large estate or farm

Bicameral Legislature

a legislature with two houses.

The Exxon Valdez was involved in

a major oil spill in Alaska.

Scientific Method

a method of seeking knowledge through inductive principles; uses experiments and observations to develop generalizations

Warsaw Pact

a military alliance, formed in 1955, in which Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union agreed to provide mutual assistance.

New Economic Policy

a modified version of the old capitalist system introduced in the Soviet Union by Lenin in 1921 to revive the economy after the ravages of the civil war and war communism.

Both fascism and Stalinist communism aimed at

a one-party totalitarian state


a peasant who is bound to the land and obliged to provide labor services and pay various rents and fees to the lord; considered unfree but not a slave because serfs could not be bought and sold.


a policy of aggressive military preparedness; in particular, the large armies based on mass conscription and complex, inflexible plans for mobilization that most European nations had before World War I.


a political theory that holds that all governments and existing social institutions are unnecessary and advocates a society based on voluntary cooperation.

Uncertainty Principle

a principle in quantum mechanics, posited by Heisenberg, that holds that one cannot determine the path of an electron because the very act of observing the electron would affect its location.

Scientific discoveries and advances during the nineteenth century led to all of the following except

a renewal of religious faith and spiritual commitment.

A political system in which representatives are elected by the people follows the model of

a republic.


a sense of national consciousness based on awareness of being part of a community—a "nation"—that has common institutions, traditions, language, and customs and that becomes the focus of the individual's primary political loyalty.

The immediate cause of the French Revolution was

a series of financial reversals


a small faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party who were led by Lenin and dedicated to violent revolution; seized power in Russia in 1917 and were subsequently renamed the Communists.

Welfare State

a social/political system in which the government assumes the primary responsibility for the social welfare of its citizens by providing such things as social security, unemployment benefits, and health care.

Evolutionary Socialism

a socialist doctrine espoused by Eduard Bernstein who argued that socialists should stress cooperation and evolution to attain power by democratic means rather than by conflict and revolution.


a socialist doctrine that rejected Marx's emphasis on class struggle and revolution and argued instead that workers should work through political parties to bring about gradual change.

Mass Society

a society in which the concerns of the majority—the lower classes—play a prominent role; characterized by extension of voting rights, an improved standard of living for the lower classes, and mass education.

Totalitarian State

a state characterized by government control over all aspects of economic, social, political, cultural, and intellectual life, the subordination of the individual to the state, and insistence that the masses be actively involved in the regime's goals.

Authoritarian State

a state that has a dictatorial government and some other trappings of a totalitarian state, but does not demand that the masses be actively involved in the regime's goals as totalitarian states do.

Mass Education

a state-run educational system, usually free and compulsory, that aims to ensure that all children in society have at least a basic education.

In 1902, Pennsylvania coal miners refused to work, returning to their jobs only when guaranteed a 10 percent pay increase and reduction of hours. The miners' action is an example of

a strike.

The sixteenth-century Italian diplomat and writer Niccolo Machiavelli raised a nationalistic appeal for...

a strong prince to liberate and unite all of Italy.


a sustained rise in the price level.


a system established after World War I whereby a nation officially administered a territory (mandate) on behalf of the League of Nations. Thus, France administered Lebanon and Syria as mandates, and Britain administered Iraq and Palestine.

Direct Representation

a system of choosing delegates to a representative assembly in which citizens vote directly for the delegates who will represent them.

Limited (constitutional) Monarchy

a system of government in which the monarch is limited by a representative assembly and by the duty to rule in accordance with the laws of the land.

Cottage Industry

a system of textile manufacturing in which spinners and weavers worked at home in their cottages using raw materials supplied to them by capitalist entrepreneurs.


a system of thought based on the belief that human reason and experience are the chief sources of knowledge

The program of de-Christianization did not include

a systematic execution of bishops.

Ministerial Responsibility

a tenet of nineteenth-century liberalism that held that ministers of the monarch should be responsible to the legislative assembly rather than to the monarch.

Consumer Society

a term applied to Western society after World War II as the working classes adopted the consumption patterns of the middle class and installment plans, credit cards, and easy credit made consumer goods such as appliances and automobiles widely available.

Permissive Society

a term applied to Western society after World War II to reflect the new sexual freedom and the emergence of a drug culture.

During the nationalist struggles of the nineteenth century, people of one nationality who lived under several different governments sought to create...

a unified state under their own control.


a very severe, protracted economic downturn with high levels of unemployment.

Efforts to maintain peace following World War I included

a weak alliance between France, Poland, and the Little Entente

What led to the resignation of Antonin Novotny in Czechoslovakia?

a writers' rebellion

The Burschenschaften (student societies of Germany) wanted to

a. spread the ideals of German nationalism and brotherhood

Castiglione's Book of the Courtier was a guide to the

abilities needed to acquire power in the Italian city-states.

The Napoleonic Code: Napoleon's legal experts consolidated hundreds of local law codes into a uniform legal code that is still the basis of French Law. The new code guaranteed many achievements of the French Revolution, including equality before the law, freedom of religion, the __________, and the protection of property rights.

abolition of privilege

Leopold II of Austria and Frederick William II of Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz (August 1791) declaring that the restoration of _________ in France was of "common interest to all sovereigns of Europe."



absurdist art movement of the interwar years.

Gorbachev's repudiation of the Brezhnev Doctrine

accelerated the peaceful revolutions in Eastern Europe

Which of the following did the Treaty of Versailles require of Germany?

acceptance of sole responsibility for the war

All of the following are characteristics of Renaissance humanism EXCEPT

accomplished scholarship in ancient language


adoption of Soviet-style economic and political programs in eastern Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Civic humanists?

advocated active service to the city-state

A new government based on the principle of popular sovereignty must

affirm the idea that its power comes from the people.

In World War II, the Battle of Britain was fought largely as a

air battle

Leader of Solidarity Lech Walesa

all of the other options.

"Guest workers" in most Western European countries

all of the other possible answers

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite! ~ From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848 Which is true of the Communists?

all of the other possible answers

The outbreak of student revolts in the late 1960s was inspired by

all of the others.

The war in North Africa was best characterized by

allied persistence despite initial German victories.

Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere represents those African leaders who promoted

an African form of socialism

Enlightened Absolutism

an absolute monarchy where the ruler follows the principles of the Enlightenment by introducing reforms for the improvement of society, allowing freedom of speech and the press, permitting religious toleration, expanding education, and ruling in accordance with the laws.

Trade Union

an association of workers in the same trade, formed to help members secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Kristallnacht was a defining event in the Holocaust because it was

an attack on Jewish homes and businesses.

The "Mukden incident," which Japan used as an excuse to seize Manchuria, was

an attack on a Japanese railway by Japanese soldiers disguised as Chinese.

Abstract Painting

an attempt by artists to use forms or designs that have little connection with visual reality.


an attempt by communists in Europe to broaden the party's appeal by abandoning Marxist ideology.

Civil Disobedience

an attempt to promote political reform by peaceful protest or refusal to submit to unjust law.

The 1848 revolution in France resulted in

an authoritarian government ruled by Louis Napoleon.

The European community remains today

an economic but not a political union


an eighteenth-century intellectual movement, led by the philosophes, that stressed the application of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life.


an ideology based on the belief that people should be as free from restraint as possible. Economic liberalism is the idea that the government should not interfere in the workings of the economy. Political liberalism is the idea that there should be restraints on the exercise of power so that people can enjoy basic civil rights in a constitutional state with a representative assembly.


an ideology based on tradition and social stability that favored the maintenance of established institutions, organized religion, and obedience to authority and resisted change, especially abrupt change.


an ideology or movement that exalts the nation above the individual and calls for a centralized government with a dictatorial leader, economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition; in particular, the ideology of Mussolini's Fascist regime in Italy.


an ideology that calls for collective or government ownership of the means of production and the distribution of goods.

The Cuban Missile Crisis resulted in

an improvement in communications between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R..


an infectious epidemic disease common in many urban areas during the nineteenth century; concern about the disease and the filthy conditions that helped it spread led to public health measures.


an inheritance practice in which the eldest son receives all or the largest share of the parents' estate.


an intellectual movement beginning in the fifteenth century that taught that divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature; included works on alchemy and magic as well as theology and philosophy. The tradition continued into the seventeenth century and influenced many of the leading figures of the Scientific Revolution


an international movement that called for the establishment of a Jewish state or a refuge for Jews in Palestine.

Post Modernism

an outlook that rejects the notion of objective truth; focuses instead on the relative nature of reality and knowledge.

According to the quotation, what skill is important to a business leader?

an understanding of people's needs


analytical tool developed by Sigmund Freud that allowed exploration of the unconscious.

Which would have been the most likely subject for a classical painter?

ancient Greek philosophers

Although the Nazis had come into existence before Mussolini seized power in Italy, much of the style of the Nazis uniformed, saluting storm troopers - and their methods - violent attacks on opponents and the cult of the "leader" - were modeled on the Italian Fascists. But from the start Hitler's rhetoric contained one radical clement that Mussolini came to copy only years later: __________. The Fascists were Italian nationalists and shared a widespread European disdain for non-Europeans...


The values of the feudal system stand in stark, __________ contrast to those that were shortly to prevail under a capitalist system. The desire to maximize monetary gain, accumulate material wealth, and advance oneself socially and economically through acquisitive behavior was to become the dominant motive force in the capitalist system.


Great Britain's policy of ____ toward Germany was based on the belief that the satisfaction of reasonable demands would maintain peace in Europe.


The 1965 independence movement in Hungary resulted in

armed Soviet intervention and the reassertion of strong Communist leadership.

Compared to his counterparts in Paris and London, the nineteenth century Berlin police officer was better

armed, with weapons that made him the equivalent of a soldier.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Patterns of marriage and the family after 1750: The growth of the cottage industry increased income and helped young people become financially independent. As income rose, ___________ declined. Increased mobility reduced parental and village controls. Young peasant women increasingly left home to work as domestic servants.

arranged marriages

Latin American ____ were strongly influenced by international styles after World War II.

art and architecture

Pop Art

art form that took media images of popular culture and transformed them into works of art.


art movement that originated in France in the 1870s; artists attempted to paint their impressions of the changing effects of light on objects in nature.


artistic and architectural style that imitated the dignity and simplicity and classical Greece and Rome.


artistic movement that began to flourished in the 1730s; emphasized grace and gentle action and often made use of natural objects.


artistic movement that sought reality beyond the material world and explored the unconscious; works often portrayed fantasies, dreams and nightmares


artistic style that used geometric designs as visual stimuli in an effort to recreate reality in the viewer's mind.

Popular Culture

as opposed to high culture, the unofficial, written and unwritten culture of the masses, much of which was passed down orally; centers on public and group activities such as festivals.

The greatest achievements in science during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came in the areas of

astronomy, mechanics, and medicine.

Although Fascism differed in detail from one country to another, all Fascists believed in an __________, nationalist and militaristic single-party state ruled by a strong leader.


The internal-combustion engine gave rise to

automobiles, airplanes, and improved ocean liners.

A distribution of power among several states such that no single nation can dominate or interfere with the interests of another.

balance of power

Term referring to the relationship between a nations exports and its imports.

balance of trade


bands of fascists who attacked Socialists in the early 1920s in Italy.

REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION 1. Successful British merchants had capital for investment. Great Britain had the most highly developed __________ in Europe.

banking system

During the seventeenth century, royal and princely patronage of science

became an international phenomenon.

By 1922, Mussolini had

been declared premier of Italy


belief in God as the creator of the universe who, after setting it in motion, ceased to have any direct involvement in it and allowed it to run according to its own natural laws.

Which trait was unique to the totalitarian regime in Germany compared with other totalitarian governments of the 1930s?

belief in a "master race"

From the writings of Adolf Lanz, a former monk, Hitler got his

belief in the superiority of the Aryan race.

In the years prior to World War II, Japan

believed that the U.S. was beginning to threaten to its long-term objectives.

Two-house legislature


Although they made up only 5 percent of the population in the early 1900s, which class controlled 30 to 40 percent of the wealth? Note, now days According to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute, the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans control 35.6 percent of the total wealth of the country.


SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: MIDDLE-CI.ASS PROSPERITY: 1. The mirldle classes, or bourgeoisie, enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, political power, and leisure time. 2. The haute __________included wealthy bankers, merchants, and industrialists. 3. The petite bourgeoisie included shopkeepers, skilled artisans, professional rnen, and the clergy.


Civilian bombing was carried out mainly to

break the will of average people to resist.

In order to address labor shortages during the war, Japan

brought in Korean and Chinese laborers.

In its attempt to "preserve" the revolution from its internal enemies, the Committee of Public Safety

brutally crushed cities that rebelled against the government.

American industrialists overcame the problem of the country's vast size by

building roads, canals, and railroads.

When the Einsatzgruppen proved to be too slow for the Nazis, they

built special extermination camps in Poland.

In the eighteenth century, Prussia's

bureaucracy and military were dominated by Junkers

A situation in which the supply of goods is greater than the demand for them; giving customers considerable influence over price and terms of sales.

buyers market

Elizabeth Blackwell earned the first medical degree in the United States

by a combination of admission error and perseverance.

Prince Klemens von Metternich

c. held that all European monarchs shared a common interest in stability.

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales did not

call into question the sainthood of Thomas of Canterbury.

Natural Rights

certain inalienable rights to which all people are entitled; include the right to life, liberty, and property, freedom of speech and religion, and equality before the law.

SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: WORKIING-CLASS MISERY: 1 . Early factories exposed workers to dangerous machines and deadly diseases. 2. The demand for __________ led to the widespread employment of women and young children. 3. Workers had no health insurance and little job security.

cheap labor

Post-war Italian politics were characterized by

chronic instability due to the necessity of parliamentary coalitions.

An intellectual movement of the Italian Renaissance that saw Cicero, who was both an intellectual and a statesman, as the ideal and held that humanists should be involved in government and use their rhetorical training in the service of the state.

civic humanism

MARXIAN SOCIALISM: 1 . In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels asserted t that the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of of __________struggles."


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: The "dictatorship of the proletariat" would be a transitional phase leading "to the abolition of all classes and to a __________society" in which there would be no private ownership of the means of production.


GREAT BRITAIN'S INDUSTRIAL DOMINANCE: A. STATISTICAL MEASURES OF BRITISH PROSPERITY, 1850: 1 . Manufactured one-half of the world's cotton; 2. Mined two-thirds of the world's __________; 3. Mined more than (one-half of the world's iron; 4. Controlled one-third of the world's international trade.


A definitive break from the United States' traditional policy of isolationism was marked by its

commitment to the reconstruction and defense of Western Europe

THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- Traditional Agricultural Production: In the early 1700s, peasants living in village communities farmed much of the land in western Europe. Peasant farmers used an open-field system that included these characteristics: Animals grazed on the __________ or open lands; Villagers divided the remaining land into long, narrow strips. Fences and hedges did not divide this open land; Peasants traditionally used a two- or three-field system of crop rotation. This system was intended to restore exhausted soil. In practice, it meant that one-third to one-half of the land was allowed to lie fallow on any given year.


With what economic idea is Karl Marx most closely associated?


Reduction of penalties and punishments by chief executive; part of pardoning power.


THE "NATION IN ARMS": The levee en masse created a national military based upon mass participation. This marked the first example of the _________ mobilization of a country for war. Motivated by patriotism and led by a corps of talented young officers that included Napoleon Bonaparte, France's citizen soldiers defeated the First Coalition's professional armies.


Unconditional surrender

complete, unqualified surrender of a belligerent nation.

Galileo held that the planets were

composed of material much like that of earth.

A key issue that sparked the colonists to declare their independence from England was

concern for individual rights.

Between 1799 and 1815, Napoleon`s military ambitions in Europe resulted in...

continual war

Post World War II life in the U.S.S.R. under Stalin saw

continued low standard of living for the working classes.

Despite being one of the world's most peaceful and progressive nations, Canada

continues to be plagued by seperatist sentiments in Quebec.

The republican calendar of 1793

contributed to the overall plan of de-Christianization.

Socialized Medicine

control of medical and dental practices by the state; practiced by a number of western European states after World War II.

What geography-related goal most motivated 19th-century European imperialists?

control of trade routes

During the years 1792 and 1793, the city of Paris was

controlled by a Commune that favored radical change.


cordial relations; seemed possible in the Cold War, for a brief moment, after the death of Stalin.

In the most advanced countries it brought new ideas about what constituted status and how it should be recognized. Though not complete, there was a shift from personal ties to market relationships as a way of denning people's rights and expectations, and a shift from a __________ vision of society to an individualist one.


THE OLD REGIME -- PEASANT DISTRESS: Peasants comprised over four-fifths of France's 26 million people. Peasants lost half their income in taxes. They paid feudal dues to nobles, tithes to the church, and royal taxes to the king's agents. In addition, they paid a land tax called the taille and performed forced labor called the __________. Grain shortages led to sharp increases in the price of bread. The rising cost of bread was a major cause of discontent.


THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY: A. THE INCENTIVE 1. The global demand for __________ was enormous. Prompted by huge potential profits, British entrepreneurs financed new ways of spinning and weaving cotton.

cotton cloth

THE INVENTIONS: In 1793, Eli Whitney invented the _________, making it possible to efficiently remove seeds from the cotton fiber.

cotton gin

John Stuart Mill believed that women

could achieve as much as men if given proper educations.

Mine workers during the industrial revolution

could be identified by their physical deformities.


councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies formed throughout Russia in 1917; played an important role in the Bolshevik Revolution.

The newly elected National Convention abolished the monarchy and declared that France was now a republic. The National Convention then had to decide Louis XVI's fate. The Girondists favored imprisonment while the Jacobins demanded that he be executed as a tyrant and a traitor. After a contentious debate, the National Convention passed a resolution condemning Louis XVI to death. The resolution passed by one vote. Supported by the sans-culottes, the Jacobins branded the Girondins as _________and ousted them from the National Convention


Some scientists have been concerned that genetic engineering might

create new strains of deadly bacteria

All of the following were reforms of Napoleon's Consulate era EXCEPT

creation of the Committee on Public Safety

Struggles for independence in Latin America were led mainly by


What was the primary activity of a philosopher in ancient Greece?

criticizing the government

Matching :

crucial element in Britain's Industrial Revolution steam engine built the first paddle-wheel steamboat -Robert Fulton political philosophy based on tradition and social stability - conservatism production done by individuals in their homes - cottage industry economic system based on industrial production - industrial capitalism

Economist John Maynard Keynes suggested that the way to overcome the Great Depression might be

deficit spending and government public works programs.

In Hungary, Louis Kossuth, leader of the Hungarian nationalists, took advantage of the Austrian uprising by...

demanding that the Hungarian diet administer all land within Hungary`s borders.

After World War II, African and Asian leaders identified ____ as the defining theme of their new political cultures.


Despite the success of the Four Modernizations, many Chinese people believed that advances were still needed in


NAPOLEON AND THE CONSULATE, 1799-1804: Napoleon quickly took command of the new government. As first consul, he held all the power and made all the decisions. Napoleon's popularity continued to rise as he restored order, stimulated prosperity, and defeated the Second Coalition. Grateful voters overwhelmingly endorsed Napoleon's rule. He successfully used the democratic process to destroy __________.


THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: It is important to note that the philosophes did not support ___________. Like Thomas Hobbes, they believed that the people could not be trusted with self-government.


THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- INNOVATIONS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES: Reasons for Low Country leadership in farming: The Low Countries were the most __________ region in Europe. Dutch farmers were thus forced to seek maximum yields from their lands. The Low Countries contained a growing urban population that created demand for farm products. New innovations in the Low Countries: Enclosed fields; Continuous crop rotation; Use of manure as fertilizer; Planting of a variety of crops; Use of drainage to reclaim marshes.

densely populated

THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- In 1806, Napoleon closed all European ports to British ships and goods. Napoleon hoped that his Continental System would create a __________ in Great Britain while promoting French prosperity


The Nuremberg Laws can be seen as a step toward the Holocaust because they

deprived Jews of citizenship.

The goal of the Peruvian guerrilla group Shining Path was to

destroy authority and create a classless society.

What form of government did Napoleon Bonaparte lead?


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: Marx contended that a class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would lead "to the __________."

dictatorship of the proletariat

The Romantic poet Lord Byron

died while fighting for Greek independence.

Tensions between Iran and Iraq have been fueled by

disputes over territory.

The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to plan for the

division of Africa.

David Ricardo wrote that in order to overcome the "iron law of wages" governments should

do absolutely nothing because this was a law of nature.

Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters: This is the origin of __________ (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons -

doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise. - MACHISMO

The Common Market began by

dropping trade barriers on coal and steel products.


duties (taxes) imposed on imported goods; usually imposed both to raise revenue and to discourage imports and protect domestic industries.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- REASONS FOR THE GROWTH OF EUROPEAN WITCH HUNTS: Religious reformers stressed the great powers of the Devil. The Devil's diabolical activities reinforced the widespread belief in witchcraft. Women were believed to be weak and thus susceptible to the Devil's temptations. Religious wars and __________ caused great social and economic stress. Older, widowed women usually lacked power and thus became convenient scapegoats.

economic uncertainty

In the 1860s Russia and the United States both

emancipated enslaved populations within their borders.

Fascists usually oppose communism and socialism because these two doctrines

emphasize class conflict.

The American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen both

emphasize the rights of the individual.

The Industrial Revolution in the United States

employed large numbers of women in factories, especially in textile mills.

Abstract Expressionism

energetic and spontaneous form of action painting that emerged in the mid-twentieth century.

NAPOLEON AND THE CONSULATE, 1799-1804: Secure in his power, Napoleon enacted policies designed to transform France into an efficient modern state. It is interesting to note that in many ways Napoleon embodied the philosophes' concept of an __________.

enlightened despot

The 18th Century has three distinctive periods before the French Revolution: 1. A period of peace and prosperity from 1715 to 1 740; 2. A period of warfare from 1740 to 1763; 3. A period of __________ from 1763 to 1789

enlightened despotism

The German student response to the French Revolution of 1848 was one of

enthusiasm and optimism that Germany would be united.

The quotation describes the role in an industrial economy played by


The Industrial Revolution in Britain was in large part inspired by

entrepreneurs who sought and accepted new manufacturing methods and inventions.

The Sudeten question, which led to the calling of the Munich Conference of 1938, centered on

ethnic Germans in the western regions of Czechoslovakia.

Gorbachev was surprised when his glasnost was effectively used by

ethnic and national groups to press for more autonomy.

Among the causes of the French Revolution was the

excessive spending of King Louis XVI.

After the Russian Revolution, the czar and his family were

executed by revolutionaries.

THE THERMIDORIAN REACTION: The Committee of Public Safety successfully crushed internal dissent and defeated the First Coalition. Despite these victories, Robespierre continued to pursue his fanatical dream of creating a Republic of Virtue. Fearing for their lives and yearning for stability, the National Convention reasserted its authority by __________ Robespierre.


What was one means by which Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian values spread throughout Europe in the first centuries A.D.?

expansion of the Roman Empire

Arnold Schonberg was best known for his

experimental atonal musical compositions.

The British aristocracy of the eighteenth century allowed the monarchy to maintain some power because of its own

factional struggles

Muslim leaders like the Ayatollah Khomeini opposed the shah of Iran because they

felt the shah promoted a culture of greed and materialism.

THE REORGANIZATION OF GERMANY: Napoleon's victories enabled him to dissolve the Holy Roman Empire. He consolidated previously independent German states into a French-dominated Confederation of the Rhine. Posing as a champion of the Revolution, Napoleon abolished __________ and granted peasants freedom from manorial duties.


The ideas of Locke and Rousseau influenced Simón Bolívar in his commitment to

fight for democratic revolution in Latin America.

The __________ estate: the clergy: The Catholic Church held about 20 percent of the land. The French clergy paid no direct taxes. Instead, they gave the government a "free gift" of about 2 percent of their income.


There is another contrast between German armaments production and Anglo-American armaments production. Since German production was on a much less mass production basis than that of the Allies, it could be more __________. Before 1942, the production emphasis was changed from time to time to comply with changes in Hitler's strategy. Then, from 1942 to 1944, when the strategy was set, German armaments programs were altered frequently according to battlefield experience. Anglo-American armaments production, with its emphasis on mass production, was never that flexible.


THE INVENTIONS: In 1733, john Kay invented the __________, enabling a single weaver to work twice as fast.

flying shuttle

Everyone, whether affected by the bombing or not, was affected by the lack of __________, which had been imported from Korea, Manchuria, and other areas. In this situation, the Japanese surrendered after securing a backhanded American promise to respect the Emperor. Apparently, the dropping of two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities had only a minor effect on the surrender decision.


During the Korean War, American General Douglas MacArthur was leader of

forces authorized and manned by the United Nations.

Guest Workers

foreign workers working temporarily in European countries.

Mass Leisure

forms of leisure that appeal to large numbers of people in a society including the working classes; emerged at the end of the nineteenth century to provide workers with amusements after work and on weekends; used during the twentieth century by totalitarian states to control their populations.

At the Potsdam Conference, Truman demanded ____ throughout Eastern Europe.

freely elected governments

In the 19th century, millions of people seeking work migrated

from Asia and Europe to North America.

Like many other modern American composers, Philip Glass moved easily

from classical to popular music and back.

The serialist music of Olivier Messiaen

gained the respect of critics but has been largely ignored by the public.


gatherings of philosophes and other notables to discuss the ideas of the Enlightenment; so-called from the elegant drawing rooms (salons) where they met.

Nineteenth-century European Romantics tended to view the past as a

gentler time.

Social Security/Social Insurance

government programs that provide social welfare measures such as old age pensions and sickness, accident, and disability insurance.

CLASSICAL BRITISH ECONOMIC THEORY: SHARED BELIEFS: Opposed _________ that interfered with the competitive free market.

government regulations

During the Renaissance, the European economy

gradually recovered from the troubles of the fourteenth century

The labor of African slaves and eastern European serfs supported key commodities: 1. African slaves labored on immensely profitable Caribbean sugar plantations. 2. Serfs labored in the rich __________ regions of eastern Europe.


After the death of Stalin in 1953, the new party leadership, headed by Nikita Khrushchev, did all of the following EXCEPT

grant the satellites of Eastern Europe greater autonomy

Which social change in 19th-century England would have most benefited an industrial entrepreneur?

greater availability of bank loans

The National Assembly did create a constitutional monarchy; divide France into 83 departments governed by elected officials; establish the metric system of measurement; abolish internal tariffs; abolish __________. The National Assembly did not abolish private property or give women the right to vote


In the manorial __________ industry, the producer (the master craftsman) was also the seller.


President Richard Nixon resigned the U.S. presidency because

he lied about his attempts to cover up the break-in.

Napoleon believed that liberty is...

he need of a small class.

During the eighteenth century the British were pioneers in

he novel as a vehicle for fiction.

Trench warfare in World War I was characterized by

heavy casualties and little territorial gain.

Historians have noted that the French Revolutionary Army

helped create the modem concept of nationalism.

... the serf, or peasant, was protected by the lord of the manor, who, in turn, owed allegiance to and was protected by a higher overlord. And so the system went, ending eventually with the king. The strong protected the weak, but they did so at a high price. In return for payments of money, food, labor, or military allegiance, overlords granted the fief, or feudum - a __________right to use land to their vassals. At the bottom was the serf, a peasant who tilled the land.


King Victor Emmanuel JJI made Mussolini prime minister because

his threat to march on Rome made the democratic government capitulate to him.

One of the most intriguing elements of Jackson Pollock's art was

his unusual method, influeced by Native American artists.


hostility toward or discrimination against Jews.

An intellectual movement in Renaissance Italy based upon the study of the Greek and Roman classics.


The Napoleonic Code: The code increased the authority of __________within the family. Women and children were legally dependent on their (same word) or father. For example, women could not buy or sell property without the consent of their (same word).


The major Chinese resource was manpower, although it was some 80% __________. The Chinese army strength was around 2 million men in 1937 and was reduced by the early losses to about a million a year later. It was steadily built up to about 6,000,000 men by 1942. For combat, the Chinese were organized into over 300 divisions of a few thousand to 15.000 men each.


In political history, the term "détente" refers to

improved relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the 1970s.

The Quadruple Alliance became the Quintuple Alliance

in 1818 with the addition of France.

Where were most of Italy's possessions and acquisitions located?

in Africa

Where did the Battle of El Alamein take place?

in Egypt

Ghana achieved independence

in a series of steps.


in medieval Europe, the school of thought that, following Plato, held that the individual objects we perceive are not real but merely manifestations of universal ideas existing in the mind of God. In the nineteenth century, a school of painting that emphasized the everyday life of ordinary people, depicted with photographic realism.

Enclosure Movement

in the eighteenth century, the fencing in of the old open fields, combining many small holdings into larger units that could be farmed more efficiently.

Deforestation, the clearing of forests, has been a by-product of

increasing demands for new farmlands

By the eighteenth century the French nobility and bourgeoisie were

increasingly less distinguishable from each other.

Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian traditions share an emphasis on

individual choice.

...presented fascists with the opportunity to show that they could maintain order even if the police could not. This attracted the financial backing of __________ and landowners initially suspicious of the new movement.


All of the following are true of the Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe from 1945 to 1953 EXCEPT

industrialization was discouraged

European Romanticism celebrated the beauty of nature at a time when

industrialization was polluting the land.

The Truman doctrine, that promised aid to countries resisting Communist domination, came in response to

insurgencies within Greece and Turkey.

Utopian Socialists

intellectuals and theorists in the early nineteenth century who favored equality in social and economic conditions and wished to replace private property and competition with collective ownership and cooperation; deemed impractical and "utopian" by later socialists.


intellectuals of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment who believed in applying a spirit of rational criticism to all things, including religion and politics, and who focused on improving and enjoying this world, rather than on the afterlife.


intellectuals of the eighteenthcentury Enlightenment who believed in applying a spirit of rational criticism to all things, including religion and politics, and who focused on improving and enjoying this world, rather than on the afterlife.

Plato wrote that a tyrant can become dangerous because every tyrant has too much

interest in war.

Steam power provided a vital source of energy during the Industrial Revolution. But because steam power placed great strains on the equipment, it had to be made of strong and durable materials including...


The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude

is one of the best illustrations of the style called "magic realism."

For many years, the effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by

its domination by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War.

A 19th-century English Social Darwinist would say that his or her nation's power was proof of

its superiority.

The main purpose of the League of Nations was to

keep the peace and prevent future wars.

With German reunification in 1990, the section that was former East Germany

kept its own legislature and currency.

CLASSICAL BRITISH ECONOMIC THEORY: SHARED BELIEFS: Accepted the __________ policies advocated in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.


An elected official whose influence is weakened because he or she is soon to leave office as a result of an election defeat or of a law that prohibits another term.

lame duck

ENGLAND UNDER WALPOLE: A ruling "aristocracy" of __________ and wealthy merchants dominated Parliament.

landed gentry

Collective Farms

large farms created in the Soviet Union by Stalin by combining many small holdings into one large farm worked by the peasants under government supervision.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese

launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor.

As the nineteenth century began, it looked as if most Europeans still respected noble blood. All that had changed was that not quite so many people still automatically thought it was a distinction which ought to be reflected in __________.


The importance of railroads to the Industrial Revolution lay in the way they

led to British supremacy in civil and mechanical engineering.

Feminists after 1960 were most successful in

legalizing contraception and abortion.

Railroads had the following far-reaching effects: Stimulated further industrial growth; Created regional and national markets for agricultural and industrial goods; Reduced the cost of shipping freight; promoted __________ travel.


THE "NATION IN ARMS": While the Terror crushed domestic dissent, Robespierre turned to the danger posed by the First Coalition. In 1793, the Committee of Public Safety proclaimed a "__________" decreeing compulsory military service for all men between the ages of 18 and 40.

levee en masse

The combined impact of the First World War and the Russian Revolution provoked a powerful backlash in Europe. Fear of Communism, political and economic disorder and disillusionment with the postwar settlement and __________ encouraged the emergence of radical right-wing movements in Europe that rejected the respectability of traditional conservatives in favor of highly authoritarian schemes for transforming both government and society.

liberal democracy

In the century before the French Revolution the great powers fought ___________ wars: Professional armies fought wars based on maneuver and strategy rather than bloody mass combat. Rulers fought wars for specific territorial and economic objectives. There were no religious wars among the great powers.


When Hitler came to power, Germany was

limited by the Treaty of Versailles to an army of 100,000


literary movement that dominated Europe at the start of the nineteenth century; placed significant emphasis on the role of emotion and sentiment in the search for truth.


local assemblies in Russia responsible for public services.


logic, one of the seven liberal arts that made up the medieval curriculum. In Marxist thought, the process by which all change occurs through the clash of antagonistic elements.

For Africans, European colonization resulted in

loss of lands, loss of trade, some gains in health and literacy.

SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: THE FACTORY SYSTEM: The factory was a place where large numbers of workers used __________to manufacture goods.


WORKING-CLASS PROTEST IN GREAT BRITAIN: THE LUDDITES 1 . Named after Ned Ludd, frustrated English workers known as Luddites broke into early textile factories and smashed the machinery . 2. These acts of despair could not stop the Industrial Revolution. Parliament quickly responded by passing a law making the destruction of __________ a capital offense. 3. Workers gradually came to realize that destroying machines would not improve their lives;. Instead, they had to form labor unions to fight for higher wages and better working conditions.:


A defining feature of Europe's Industrial Revolution was that many commercial goods were

made by machine rather than by hand.

The writings of Simone de Beauvoir

made women aware of their second class status

Goethe's Sorrows of the Young Werther reflects the Romantic obsession with

maidens carried away young by disease.

As President of France, Charles de Gaulle's policy toward the Cold War was to

make France a leading member of NATO.

Stories of German atrocities in Belgium were used as propaganda, meaning that the stories were used to

make the Germans look worse than they were.

Prussia's Frederick the Great succeeded in

making Prussia's scattered lands more unified and secure

A serious flaw of the Nonproliferation Treaty of 1970 was

many nations with nuclear power plants were able to reprocess spent fuel in order to produce bombs

Mikhail Gorbachev's plan of perestroika at first aimed at a

market economy with some free enterprise and some private property.

THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- ENGLISH AGRICULTURE -- The enclosure movement: English landowners consolidated previously scattered pasture lands into compact fields enclosed by fences and hedges. The new enclosed farmland enabled landowners to rapidly implement agricultural innovations. This encouraged the development of __________ agricultural production. The enclosure movement forced many poor rural people to move to cities and work in factories.


The Crystal Palace in London: Commissioned to celebrate British leadership in the industrial age; Enclosed 18 acres and almost 1 million square feet of exhibition space; Featured prefabricated glass panels and cast-iron columns; Demonstrated the possibilities of __________

mass production


material wealth used or available for use in the production of more wealth.

"Happenings" or works of art rooted in performance

may have grown out of Pollock's Action Painting.

THE POPULATION EXPLOSION -- FACTORS PROMOTING POPULATION GROWTH: Eighteenth-century wars were fought by professional armies with specific geographic and economic objectives. As a result, eighteenth-century wars were less destructive than the seventeenth-century religious wars; It is important to note that __________ advances did not play an important role in eighteenth-century population growth.


The ability of Great Britain and the United States to fight World War II depended absolutely on the intelligent use of immense quantities of __________ shipping. Shipping was necessary to maintain the economies of the Western nations, especially the economy of the United Kingdom, which had to import food and raw materials. Furthermore, shipping was necessary to transport the military forces of the Western Allies to battlefields on both sides of the globe and to support them with food, ammunition, gasoline, and replacements of men and materiel.


The expansion of trade, particularly long-distance trade in the early period, led to the establishment of commercial and industrial towns that serviced this trade. And the growth of these cities and towns, as well as their increased domination by __________ capitalists,


After 1763 British authorities and American colonists came into conflict over

methods of raising revenue.

Within the Concert of Europe, Prince Metternich considered himself

minister of police in a dangerous world.

THOMAS MALTHUS ON POPULATION: 1. Malthus argued that human population grows geometrically, while food supply expands arithmetically 2. He insisted that human population would inevitably outstrip food production, thus making famine and __________ inevitable.


Poland's independence was guaranteed by France and Great Britain, but these powers were in no position to intervene militarily in the Polish campaign. The French army could not be __________ fast enough to attack the screening forces guarding the German border until after Poland was eliminated. The German army coming from the East would outnumber the French, even after reinforcement by a minute British force. The German air force was much larger than those of the British and French combined and possessed better equipment than the French.


During the 1600s, Europe developed a thriving economy based on


Governments not only looked after their merchants by going to war to uphold their interests, but also intervened in other ways in the working of the commercial economy. One advantage they could offer was a grant of __________ privileges to a company under a charter; this made the raising of capital easier by offering some security for a return.


Among German Romantics there were

more artists than in the Romantic Movement in other countries.

Social norms that reflect the moral standards of a society.



movement in modern architecture; based on the idea that buildings should be use and fulfill the purpose for which they were intended.

THE INVENTIONS: In 1779, Samuel Crompton invented a spinning machine called the _________ that combined the best features of the spinning jenny and the water frame to produce thread that was stronger, finer, and more uniform than earlier spinning machines.


Surplus Value

n Marxism, the difference between a product's real value and the wages of the worker who produced the product.

THE REORGANIZATION OF GERMANY: It is important to note that Napoleon unwittingly sparked a wave of German __________that fueled resistance to his rule. People who at first welcomed the French as liberators now felt they were being exploited by foreign invaders. Napoleon thus inadvertently accelerated the cause of German unification.


Germany and Italy became two unified nation-states as a result of

nationalist movements.

A geographic advantage of England in the Industrial Revolution was its

natural harbors.

Which of the following was part of the Japanese Empire in 1931?

neither a nor b

Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship

never achieved the degree of totalitarianism found in Germany and Russia.

The Nazi Empire was

never very well organized or efficiently governed.

After Tito's death in 1980, Yugoslavia was plunged into civil war by Serbian demands for

new expanded borders to accommodate Serb minorities.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Rococo: The Rococo style reached its peak of popularity during the reign of Louis XV (1715-1771). Artists depicted lighthearted and often frivolous scenes of "_________ at play." Paintings featured light -colored pastels. Architecture featured highly decorated interior ceilings. Leading artists and works: Antoine Watteau -- Pilgrimage to Cythera, Franois Boucher -- Cupid a Captive, and Jean-Honore Fragonard --The Swing.


THE OLD REGIME -- ARISTOCRATIC RESISTANCE: French __________ were exempt from paying taxes. The nobles successfully resisted all attempts to reform the tax system.


According to ancient Greek philosophers, with whom did a tyrant share power?


A result of Bismarck's Austro-Prussian War was that

none of the other possible answers

The Concert of Europe was undoubtedly successful at

none of the other possible answers.

What was the primary means through which Indians sought independence from Great Britain?

nonviolent civil disobedience

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Marriage and the Family before 1750: Most young married European couples lived in __________ families. Large multi-generational households were not the norm. Most couples postponed marriage until they were in their late twenties. Couples delayed marriage in order to acquire land or learn a trade. A combination of parental authority and strict laws exercised tight control over marriage.


The "Four Olds" attacked by the Red Guards were

old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits


one who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk in a business venture in the expectation of making a profit.

REASONS FOR BRITISH LEADERSHIP: THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION: 1 . Crop rotation replaced the ___________. Landowners experimented with new crops such as turnips and new inventions such as the seed drill.

open-field system


opposition to the church's involvement in politics; especially in the liberal-nation states of the late century.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

owed much to the American Declaration of Independence.

The opposition to war and physical force as a means of solving conflicts.


In England, on the other hand, even the commercialized 'feudalism' which existed in France had gone long before 1800, and noble status conferred no legal privilege beyond the rights to be summoned to a __________...


Economic elites who derived their incomes for capitalistic ventures and dominated urban communities during the Renaissance



payments made by a defeated nation after a war to compensate another nation for damage sustained as a result of the war; required from Germany after World War I.

THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM The ___________ urged Europe's absolute rulers to use their power for the good of the people.


The Luddites

physically attacked machines they believed adversely affected their livelihood.


policy developed by American diplomat George Kennan to responded against Soviet aggression.

The achievement of nationalistic aims required...

political action and revolution


political system developed by Giolitti that transformed old political groups into new government coalitions by political and economic bribery.

"We, the Japanese people... do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution." —The Constitution of Japan, 1946 What principle is reflected in the quotation from the Japanese Constitution?

popular sovereignty

The idea that governments get their power from the people they govern is called

popular sovereignty.


posed as a man of peace.

THE POPULATION EXPLOSION -- FACTORS PROMOTING POPULATION GROWTH: The agricultural revolution produced a more abundant food supply; In Europe, the ___________ became a key food staple during the eighteenth century; A single acre of potatoes could feed a family for a year; Advances in transportation reduced the impact of local crop failures.


The main goals of the Directory government, dominated by the middle class, included establishing a society where money and property were the only requirements for prestige and


THE INVENTIONS: In 1785, Edmund Cartwright invented a __________ that used waterpower to dramatically speed up weaving.

power loom

The literary Realists of the mid-nineteenth century

preferred ordinary characters to mythic heroes.

A biased judgment of another culture or ethnic group based on a belief in the superiority of one's own culture or ethnic group.



preparation of an army for war.

What did Russia, a Slavic nation, do after Austria-Hungary declared war on the Slavic nation of Serbia?

prepare to send troops to support Serbia

The man speaking in this picture is trying to

prevent a military coup without bloodshed

Napoleon sought to bring Britain to its knees by

preventing Britain from trading with the continent.

The term capitalism describes this system of profit-seeking and accumulation very well. Capital is the source of profits and hence the source of further accumulation of capital. But this chicken-egg process had to have a beginning. The substantial initial accumulation, or __________ accumulation, of capital took place in the period under consideration. The four most important sources of the initial accumulation of capital were (1) the rapidly growing volume of trade and commerce, (2) the putting-out system of industry, (3) the enclosure movement, and (4) the great price inflation. There were several other sources of initial accumulations, some of which were somewhat less respectable and often forgotten--for example, colonial plunder, piracy, and the slave trade.


CLASSICAL BRITISH ECONOMIC THEORY: SHARED BELIEFS: Believed government policies should be limited to enforcing contracts, protecting __________, and ensuring national defense.

private property

The artist Francisco Goya showed how Spanish nationalists were inspired by resistance to Napoleon by...

producing a series of engravings commemorating the 1808 Spanish uprising against France.

Famine was another sporadic and local check on population growth; we hear even of cannibalism in the middle seventeenth century in Germany. Poor feeding and the lower resistance it led to I quickly produced disaster when coupled to the disruption of the economy which could follow a bad harvest. When accentuated by warfare, the result could be cataclysmic. The situation was always precarious until population growth began to be overtaken by __________


According to Karl Marx, the ____, or working class, was oppressed by the Capitalists.


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: Marx argued that nineteenth-century society had split "into two great classes directly facing each other: bourgeoisie and __________." As the owners of the means of production, the bourgeoisie were the thesis. The (same word(s)) or workers were the antithesis.


Ancient Greek philosophers helped the development of democracy by

promoting reason and thought.

According to the passage above, what are derealization and depersonalization?

protective mechanisms

Dopolavoro and Kraft durch Freude were programs designed by fascist governments to

provide civilian recreation and mold public opinion.

What impact did the steam engine have on the growth of industry?

provided an efficient source of power

James Watt invented the steam engine as a way to way to

pump water from mines.

SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: THE FACTORY SYSTEM: As the factory system spread, the _________ system disappeared.


The Allied advance through Italy was

quite slow due to the effectiveness of German defenses.

By the 1840s, England was connected by a network of


Continental industrial growth between1850 to 1870 lay largely in the

rapid expansion of the railroad system across the continent.

Characteristic of Nazi Art was the use of

realistic scenes to glorify the strong and the heroic.

In the Greco-Roman view, the world is governed by natural laws that can be discovered through


In establishing the Second Empire, Napoleon III

received the overwhelming support of the people

... the system did rest on reciprocal obligations, the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of the lord led to a system in which, by any standard, the serf was exploited in the extreme.


The Lateran Accords of 1929

recognized Catholicism as the sole religion of Italy.

An irrelevant topic that diverts attention from the main issue.

red herring

The Crimean War convinced Napoleon III that he had an international mission to

referee continental disputes.

After the Thermidorean Reaction, the Directory government

relied heavily on military support for its survival.

There is little evidence that serfs were treated any less harshly by _________lords than by secular ones. The religious lords and secular nobility were the joint ruling classes; they controlled the land and the power that went with it.


The first chancellor of the German Federal Republic, Konrad Adenauer

remained neutral between the two superpowers The Four Modernizations policy advocated by Deng Xiaoping focused on developments in - industry, agriculture, technology, and defense.

Margaret Thatcher resigned after her plan to ____ was rejected.

replace local property taxes with a national flat-rate tax

The Russian word perestroika, used to describe the reform movement led by Mikhail Gorbachev, means


In eastern Europe serfdom actually extended its range when it was dying out elsewhere. Yet by 1800, taking Europe as a whole and a few leading countries in particular, agriculture was one of the two economic sectors where progress was most marked (commerce was the other). Overall, it had proved capable of sustaining a continuing __________ of population at first very slowly, but at a quickening rate.


JOSEPH II (REIGNED 1780-1790) -- Protest and reaction: The nobles bitterly opposed Joseph's program of reforms . Following Joseph death, the new emperor, Leopold II, placated the nobles by repealing many of Joseph's reforms . Serfdom and the __________ remained in effect until 1848.


In 1500 Europe was still largely a _________continent of villages in which people lived at a pretty low level of subsistence. It would have seemed very empty to modern eyes.


A mechanism of social control, using negative reinforcement, for enforcing a society's standards.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Increased Life Expectancy: During the eighteenth century, the life spans of Europeans increased from 25 to 35 years. New foods such as the potato combined with better farming techniques improved the diet of the poor. Improved __________. and the beginning of the science of immunology reduced death rates. Edward Jenner performed the first smallpox vaccination in 1796. The conquest of smallpox was the greatest medical triumph of the eighteenth century.


SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION: URBANIZATION: 1. The factory system transformed many small towns into crowded cities. For example, between 1760 and 1850, the population of Manchester surged from 45,000 to 300,000. 2. Between 1800 and 1850, the number of European cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants rose from 22 to 47. 3. Workers lived in crowded slums that lacked _________. Entire families lived in a single dark room.


THE SECOND FRENCH REVOLUTION: During the summer of 1792, radicals called __________ (literally "without breeches") took control of the Paris Commune (city government). The revolutionary Paris Commune intimidated the Legislative Assembly into deposing Louis XVI and issuing a call for the election of a national cgnvention. This new body would then form a more democratic government.


THE SECOND FRENCH REVOLUTION: Violence once again exploded in Paris. Convinced that royalists would betray the Revolution, mobs of _________ executed over a thousand priests, bourgeoisie, and aristocrats. These "September massacres" marked the beginning of a second French Revolution dominated by radicals.


Agriculture provided the first demonstration of what might be done by even rudimentary ___________- by experiment, observation, record, and experiment again - to increase Man's control of his environment more rapidly than could the selection imposed by custom.


The __________ estate: the nobility Nobles comprised 2 to 4 percent of the population. Nobles owned about 25 percent of the land.


While bishops and abbots occupied much the same place as counts and dukes in the feudal hierarchy, there was one important difference between the religious and __________lords. Dukes and counts might shift their loyalty from one overlord to another, depending on the circumstances and the balance of power involved, but the bishops and abbots always had a primary loyalty to the church in Rome.


But the timing of the discovery of life insurance, at the start of what has sometimes been called the 'Age of Reason', suggests also that the dimensions of economic change are sometimes very far-reaching indeed. It was one tiny source and expression of a coming _________ of the universe.


The United States Constitution of 1789 was

seen by Europeans as the fulfillment of Enlightenment dreams.

The aggressiveness of the Fascist regimes brought them into conflict with a vast coalition of states ranging from western democracies to Stalin's Russia. The Fascist cult of war as a virtue for its own sake proved _________.

self destructive

Home Rule

self-government; desire of Irish representatives in Parliament in the late nineteenth century.

Hitler's intentions for his land conquests in Eastern Europe included

sending Germans to colonize the area as land holders.

What principle is directly reflected in the division of a government into three branches?

separation of powers

The division of South Korea's government into three branches with distinct powers reflects the principle of

separation of powers.

CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Pugachev's Rebellion: From 1773 to 1775, a Cossack soldier named Emelian Pugachev led a dangerous uprising of serfs living along the Volga River. The rebellion finally ended when Pugachev was captured, tortured, and executed. Pugachev's Rebellion marked the end of Catherine's program of enlightened reforms.Determined to prevent any future rebellions, Catherine gave the nobles additional privileges and absolute power over their estates and serfs.


FREDERICK THE GREAT (REIGNED 1740-1786) -- The junkers and serfs: A firm believer in social order, Frederick strengthened the junker's privileges. The Junkers retained full control over their __________.


MAKING COMPARISONS: PETER THE GREAT AND FREDERICK THE GREAT -- Policies: Both rulers imported Western ideas. Peter took the unprecedented step of visiting western Europe. His program of westernization opened Russia to new ideas, crops, and technologies. Frederick took the unprecedented step of inviting Voltaire to live in Prussia. His program of enlightened despotism opened Prussia to religious ptoleration, scientific agriculture, and a new code of laws. Both rulers instituted changes that affected only the top layers of their societies. The __________ in both Russia and Prussia remained tied to the land and completely dominated by nobles.


The U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism by

sharing power between the national and state governments.

Whereas even Italian Fascists turned against Mussolini in 1943 as the Allies invaded the country. Hitler preserved a charismatic hold over most Germans until his suicide in the ruins of Berlin in April 1945. Ironically, neo-Fascism achieved a much stronger position in Italian political life after the war than neo-Nazism ever did in West Germany. The massive destruction of Germany and the revelation of Nazi crimes against humanity __________ Germans out of any residual loyalty to Hitler.


The Japanese suffered from their own version of the __________. They believed that the war, after they had established their defensive perimeter, might drag on for a long time and would be characterized by long periods of inactivity and short, decisive large battles Thus, they made no attempt to organize their armaments production for maximum output until after the Guadalcanal campaign.

short war theory

The League of Nations' response to Italy's invasion of Ethiopia

showed how France and Britain could stand up against Fascist aggression.

The failure of collective security convinced Stalin to

sign a treaty of neutrality with Nazi Germany.

Which traits were shared by all three regimes—Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union—during the 1930s?

single-party rule

Hitier's grand plan would have made the Slavic peoples

slaves working on the land grants of triumphant Germans

About 25 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live with the virus that causes

small pox.

The "Black Country" of England was known for its

smoke from coal.

In pre-Revolutionary France, estates were

social classes.

Which economic system emerged in Europe as a response to both capitalist and socialist ideals?

social democracy

Following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk, France

soon surrendered, and Germany established the Vichy government.

The Congress of Vienna

sought to maintain a blanace of power among members of the Quadruple Alliance


special strike forces responsible for rounding up and executing Jews.

THE INVENTIONS: In the mid-1760s, James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny, a spinning machine that made it possible for a single weaver to work six to eight threads at a time.

spinning jenny

As British Prime Minister from 1855 to 1865, Lord Palmerston

staunchly opposed extending the franchise.

In the Second Industrial Revolution, what led the way to new industrial frontiers?

steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum

As leader of the Italian unification movement, Camillo di Cavour

stoked the Piedmont economy in order to pay for a large army.

In April 1943, Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, in Poland, resisted the Nazi army for more than a month, which

stood out as a unique uprising of confined and impoverished people.

There is no telling what Germany might have produced if it had not been for the Allied __________ bombing campaign. Speer guessed that, while the damage done by bombing in 1943 was nil, the loss in 1944 was in the neighborhood of 30 to 40%. In spite of this, while the Allied bombers wrecked more and more factories, German war production went up.


"Nationalism" is best defined as

strong devotion to one's country.


student societies in Germany dedicated to the cause of a free, united German nation.

The Tiananmen Square demonstrations involved

students who sought the resignation of Communist party leaders.

Castiglione, in his work, The Courtier?

suggested the proper social graces for a young Renaissance noble.

THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: Enlightened despots would combat ignorance and __________ by eliminating irrational customs, promoting religious toleration, reforming legal codes, and supporting education.


Actually, the most surprising thing about the German invasion of Russia is not that it failed, but that it succeeded as well as it did. Probably, the main reason why it did initially succeed was that the Russians were taken by __________. Stalin was informed in many different ways of German intentions, but also learned some things that were not true or only half true, and he apparently came to the conclusion that the Germans would present some demands for negotiation before they attacked. He learned only a few hours before the invasion that it would take place without warning and ordered an alert.


MARXIAN SOCIALISM: Marx believed that the history of class conflict is best understood through the dialectical process of thesis, antithesis, and __________. The thesis is the dominant state of affairs. It inevitably gives rise to a conflicting or contradictory force called the antithesis. The resulting clash between the thesis and the antithesis produces a new state of affairs called the (same word(s)).


Nineteenth-century European imperialism was spurred in part by success in

technology and industry.

A long suburb of red brick houses—some with patches of garden ground, where coal-dust and factory smoke darkened the shrinking leaves, and coarse rank flowers; and where the struggling vegetation sickened and sank under the hot breath of kiln and furnace . . .—a long, flat, straggling suburb passed, they came by slow degrees upon a cheerless region, where not a blade of grass was seen to grow; where not a bud put forth its promise in the spring; where nothing green could live but on the surface of the stagnant pools, which here and there lay idly sweltering by the black roadside. ~ From Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, 1840-1841.

that it hurts the natural world

The works of Milan Kundera demonstrate

that oppression does not destroy the human spirit.

Last night, or rather early this morning, I met a distinguished member of Parliament in a bar. He had been dining with Anthony Eden and had told the Secretary for War that he wouldn't walk through the streets with all that shrapnel falling about and as a good host Eden should send him home in a tank. Another man came in and reported, on good authority, that the Prime Minister had a siren suit, one of those blue woolen coverall affairs with a zipper. Someone said the Prime Minister must resemble a barrage balloon when attired in his siren suit. Things of that sort can still be said in this country. In the passage above, what is Morrow's message?

that the English still have free speech

Based on this passage, one would conclude ____.

that the supply of workers is plentiful


the "Compromise" of 1867 that created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Austria and Hungary each had its own capital, constitution, and legislative assembly, but were united under one monarch.

Which was the greatest tank battle of World War II?

the Battle of Kursk

What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific?

the Battle of Midway Island

Which battle temporarily relieved Australia of the threat of invasion?

the Battle of the Coral Sea

The picture above is of a barrier between two countries known as

the Berlin Wall

What guarantees freedom of speech to U.S. citizens?

the Bill of Rights

The growing forces of liberalism and nationalism in central Europe were best characterized by the

the Burschenschaften, radical German student societies.

Who carried out the "Reign of Terror" in France?

the Committee for Public Safety

Which was the famous Vienna bank that collapsed on May 31, 1931?

the Credit-Anstalt

CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Territorial expansion: Catherine ignored the philosophes' arguments against war. During her reign, Russia gained territory at the expense of the Ottoman Empire and Poland. Catherine's armies defeated the Ottomans and gained control over___________ and most of the northern shore of the Black Sea. Catherine along with Prussia and Austria annexed Polish territory in a series of partitions that took place in 1772, 1793, and 1795. As a result of these partitions, Poland disappeared as an independent nation

the Crimean Peninsula

Men,are born, and always continue free and equal in respect of their rights. Civil distinctions, therefore, can be founded only on public utility." In 1789, these statements were part of

the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.

Marshall Plan

the European Recovery Program, under which the United States provided financial aid to European countries to help them rebuild after World War II.

What was the Nazi secret police called?

the Gestapo

The slaughter of European civilians, particularly European Jews, by the Nazis became known as what?

the Holocaust

What did France erroneously trust to keep it safe from German invasion?

the Maginot Line

During the War of the First Coalition, Faced with defeat, recruits rushed to Paris singing __________, a stirring appeal to save France from tyranny. The rejuvenated French forces stopped the Austro-Prussian army, thus saving the Revolution.

the Marseillaise

During the 1930s, Jews were forced to wear yellow stars as identification by

the Nazis in Germany

The Republic of Indonesia was formerly a colony of which nation?

the Netherlands


the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; a military alliance formed in 1949 in which the signatories (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States) agreed to provide mutual assistance if any one of them was attacked; later expanded to include other nations.

From whom did the Chinese win independence in 1911?

the Qing dynasty

By late 1945, the Western Allies had decided that in order for Western Europe to recover from the devastation of war, Germany would have to be rebuilt because this area of Germany was still the industrial center of Europe.

the Ruhr Basin

____ overthrew the government of Nicaragua, but later lost control of the country in free elections.

the Sandinistas

At the Munich Conference of 1938, Great Britain and France agreed to let Germany have

the Sudetenland.

Which guaranteed Germany's new western borders with France and Belgium?

the Treaty of Locarno

The Cold War "thawed" because of all of the following EXCEPT

the U-2 incident

On November 19, 1918, Germans proclaimed the formation of a democratic republic called...

the Weimar Republic.

By the time the United States entered World War I, fighting was focused on

the Western Front

Social Darwinism

the application of Darwin's principle of organic evolution to the social order; led to the belief that progress comes from the struggle for survival as the fittest advance and the weak decline.

Agricultural Revolution

the application of new agricultural techniques that allowed for a large increase in productivity in the eighteenth century.

Civil Rights

the basic rights of citizens including equality before the law, freedom of speech and press, and freedom from arbitrary arrest.


the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; also, organized activity to advance women's rights.


the belief that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal was a result of physical forces.

Domino Theory

the belief that if the Communists succeeded in Vietnam, other countries in Southeast and East Asia would also fall (like dominoes) to communism; a justification for the U.S. intervention in Vietnam.

Mutual Deterrence

the belief that nuclear war could best be prevented if both the United States and the Soviet Union had sufficient nuclear weapons so that even if one nation launched a preemptive first strike, the other could respond and devastate the attacker.

An important reason for the failure of Gorbachev's perestroika was

the centrally planned economy's failure to adapt to free market mechanisms

War Guilt Clause

the clause in the Treaty of Versailles that declared that Germany (and Austria) were responsible for starting World War I and ordered Germany to pay reparations for the damage the Allies had suffered as a result of the war.


the common people who did not wear the fine clothes of the upper classes (sans-culottes means "without breeches") and played an important role in the radical phase of the French Revolution.

The Jacobins took their name from

the convent in Paris where they often met.

The British policy of appeasement toward Hitler was based on

the conviction that it would maintain stability and peace.

The Cold War struggle over Germany resulted in

the creation of two separate German states

The term "Green Revolution" refers to

the development of new strains of grains that have higher yields.

Nationalities Problem

the dilemma faced by the AustroHungarian Empire in trying to unite a wide variety of ethnic groups including, among others, Austrians, Hungarians, Poles, Croats, Czechs, Serbs, Slovaks, and Slovenes in an era when nationalism and calls _for selfdetermination were coming to the fore.


the dismantling of the Nazi state by the allied powers at the end of World War II.


the doctrine that the people of a given territory or a particular nationality should have the right to determine their own government and political future.

Truman Doctrine

the doctrine, enunciated by Harry Truman in 1947, that the United States would provide economic aid to countries that said they were threatened by Communist expansion.

Brezhnev Doctrine

the doctrine, enunciated by Leonid Brezhnev, that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if socialism was threatened in another socialist state; used to justify the use of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia in 1968.

The ideologies of Nazism and Italian fascism agreed on all of the following points EXCEPT

the emphasis on anti-Semitism.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for Germany because

the entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of the German troops, was lost.

Napoleon III chose Baron Haussmann to direct the rebuilding of

the entire city of Paris.

At the Yalta Conference, the Allies agreed to

the establishment of a United Nations organization after the war.

An important reason why the widespread unemployment and inflation of the 1970s and 1980s did not lead to profound political instability in Western Europe was

the existence of welfare systems set up after World War II

The Green Revolution has been hindered by

the expense of chemical fertilizers.

The social and political upheavals in central Europe through 1848-1849 led finally to

the failure of the Frankfurt Assembly in Germany

In Stalin's command economy,

the government alone made all decisions.

Legitimacy, Principle of

the idea that after the Napoleonic wars peace could best be reestablished in Europe by restoring legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institutions; guided Metternich at the Congress of Vienna.

Geocentric Conception

the idea that the earth is at the center of the universe and that the sun and other celestial objects revolve around the earth

Heliocentric Theory

the idea that the sun (not the earth) is at the center of the universe.

Intervention, Principle of

the idea, after the Congress of Vienna, that the great powers of Europe had the right to send armies into countries experiencing revolution to restore legitimate monarchs to their thrones.

Cold War

the ideological conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II.

Political developments in eighteenth-century Britain included

the increased power of the king's ministers to make public policy.


the industrial working class. In Marxism, the class who will ultimately overthrow the bourgeoisie.

Nineteenth-century socialists made significant gains in

the labor movement.

The term zaibatsu refers to

the large business conglomerates in Japan.


the leadership principle; strong leader, single-minded party.

Count Camillo di Cavour was...

the liberal prime minister of Piedmont who wanted to unify Italy under a liberal monarchy

High Culture

the literary and artistic world of the educated and wealthy ruling classes.

What is the goal of industrial production?

the manufacture of consumer goods that can be sold


the mass slaughter of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

Of paramount importance to the American victory over the British was

the military and financial assistance of France.

Acid rain results from

the mixture of sulfur produced by factories with moisture in the air.

One of the most serious problems facing Gorbachev was

the multiethnic republics.

What was the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere?

the name given by the Japanese to the Asian empire they conquered before andduring World War II

E.F. Schumacher's work emphasized

the need for technology to be responsible for environment preservation.


the new artistic and literary styles that emerged in the decades before 1914 as artists rebelled against traditional efforts to portray reality as accurately as possible (leading to Impressionism and Cubism) and writers explored new forms.

Some scientists have warned that the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere may impact

the ozone layer.

The achievements of the Jacobins included all of the following EXCEPT the distribution of all land among

the peasants

Nation in Arms

the people's army raised by universal mobilization to repel the foreign enemies of the French Revolution.

Final Solution

the physical extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazis during World War II.


the policy of denouncing and undoing the most repressive aspects of Stalin's regime; begun by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the split during the 1960s and 1970s within the ranks of both the Western and Communist Blocs?

the policy of détente

Ethnic Cleansing

the policy of killing or forcibly removing people of another ethnic group; used by the Serbs against Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s.


the policy, followed by the European nations in the 1930s, of accepting Hitler's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia in the belief that meeting his demands would assure peace and stability.

Old Regime/Old Order

the political and social system of France in the eighteenth century before the Revolution.


the political, economic, and social theories of Karl Marx, which included the idea that history is the story of class struggle and that ultimately the proletariat will overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a dictatorship en route to a classless society.

What was the primary concern of the Concert of Europe?

the possibility of revolution


the practice of killing infants.


the practice of relying on observation and experiment

The primary reason the United States and Great Britain agreed to Stalin's demands for "friendly" governments in the Eastern European states liberated by the Red Army was

the presence of the Red Army in those states

Reason of State

the principle that a nation should act on the basis of its long-term interests and not merely to further the dynastic interests of its ruling family.

Economic Imperialism

the process in which banks and corporations from developed nations invest in underdeveloped regions and establish a major presence there in the hope of making high profits; not necessarily the same as colonial expansion in that businesses invest where they can make a profit, which may not be in their own nation's colonies.


the process of becoming free of colonial status and achieving statehood; occurred in most of the world's colonies between 1947 and 1962.


the process of converting a business or industry from private ownership to government control and ownership.


the process of heating a product in order to destroy the organisms that might cause it to spoil.

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite! ~ From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848

the proletarians

A major cause of the Great Depression was

the recall of American investments from German industries.

One overall effect of the Korean War was

the reinforcement of American determination to contain Soviet power in the world.


the relaxation of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States that occurred in the 1970s.

New Imperialism

the revival of imperialism after 1880 in which European nations established colonies throughout much of Asia and Africa.

THE DIRECTORY, 1795- 1799: The government consisted of a two-house legislature and an executive body of five men known as the Directory. Dominated by __________, the Directory proved to be corrupt and unpopular.

the rich bourgeoisie

Which of the following rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights comes from a provision in the Magna Carta?

the right to due process of law

One overall effect of the Great Depression in Europe was

the rise of fascist movements and governments

Which increased as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

the speed of transactions

What technology did James Watt improve?

the steam engine

All of these advanced Italian commercial interests during the Renaissance EXCEPT

the strength of the Italian monarchy


the system of racial segregation in South Africa.


the systematic destruction and annihilation of a cultural or racial group.

Which 20th-century invention is most comparable to the telegraph in its impact?

the telephone


the traditional tripartite division of European society based on heredity and quality rather than wealth or economic standing, first established in the Middle Ages and continuing into the eighteenth century; traditionally consisted of those who pray (the clergy), those who fight (the nobility), and those who work (all the rest).

Scientific Revolution

the transition from the medieval worldview to a largely secular, rational, and materialistic perspective; began in the seventeenth century and was popularized in the eighteenth

Free Trade

the unrestricted international exchange of goods with low or no tariffs.

Most leaders of the newly independent African nations came from

the urban middle class.

Collective Security

the use of an international army raised by an association of nations to deter aggression and keep the peace.v

In her book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson argued that

the use of pesticides was having a serious negative impact on the environment.

The "lost generation" of writers who gathered in Paris were considered "lost" because

the war had left them with a sense of meaninglessness.

Before the administration of Bismarck, a prime characteristic of the Prussian state was that

the wealthiest men controlled the most seats in parliament.

The controversy over voting by order rather than voting by head in the Estates-General led eventually to

the withdrawal of the Third Estate to form a National Assembly.

English colonists in America expected to have representative government in the colonies because

there was a tradition of representative government in England.

At the Tehran Conference, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill agreed

to a partition of postwar Germany.

The official reason given for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan was to

to save the American lives that a land invasion of Japan would cost

In ancient Greece, the word tyrant referred to a leader who

took over the government.

JOSEPH II (REIGNED 1780-1790) -- Enlightened reforms: Abolished serfdom and feudal dues; Abolished the system of forced labor known as the robot; Proclaimed religious toleration for all Christians and Jews; Reduced the influence of the church; Reformed the judicial system; Abolished __________ and ended the death penalty.


Fascists rejected Marxist ideas of class struggle and insisted on national solidarity against foreign rivals, but Mussolini claimed that there was a social component to his movement. Corporatism" was the principle on which Fascism operated: workers and employers should cooperate, but strikes and independent trade unions were forbidden. The term "__________" was coined by one of Mussolini's ministers to describe the Fascist dictatorship that claimed to supervise every aspect of life. In practice, the regime was riddled with corruption and cronyism: behind the façade of obedience all sorts of individuals and groups struggled for their own interests.



traditional landed elites in Western society.

After World War I, many artists, architects, writers, and musicians rejected

traditional styles.

Modern African cultures are characterized by the tension between

traditional ways and modern Western culture.

The Nuremberg trials were

trials of war criminals.

The domestic policy of Nikita Khruschev in the 1950's and early 1930's

tried but failed to benefit in the Soviet economy and industry.

The recent growth of NGOs shows that people at the turn of the twenty-first century are

turning to grass roots organizations to solve problems.

The Grand Alliance of World War II made its first goal the

unconditional surrender of Germany.

Discussion of the campaign has revolved around the failure of the Germans to take Moscow and the various mistakes responsible for that failure. Maybe they could have taken Moscow if they had started the campaign on schedule in May or had not slowed down in August, or not turned aside to take the Ukraine m September, or if they had been prepared to fight a winter campaign. Another possibility would be if they had the panzer division supply columns on tracks instead of wheels, or if they had not left so many men in the West to guard against an exaggerated British threat. All of these mistakes stemmed from a common source, the Germans' __________ of the enemy.


Which German action was most important in bringing the United States into World War I?

unrestricted submarine warfare

The term intifada, used to describe PLO protests in the 1980s for the eventual creation of an independent Palestinian state, means


Adolf Hitler

used his oratorical skills very successfully.

Industry on the continent differed from that in Britain because it

used investments from joint-stock banks


village commune responsible for land payments to the government in Russia.

When Slobodan Milošević stripped Kosovo of its autonomy in 1989,

violence broke out between Serbs and Albanians.

Total War

warfare in which all of a nation's resources, including civilians at home as well as soldiers in the field, are mobilized for the war effort.

Trench Warfare

warfare in which the opposing forces attack and counterattack from a relatively permanent system of trenches protected by barbed wire; characteristic of World War I.

The Berlin Wall

was a powerful symbol of a divided Germany and Europe

Conservatism, the political philosophy of European nations that defeated Napoleon

was best defended by Edmund Burke in his Reflections on the Revolution

Napoleon's Grand Empire

was composed of three parts but held together by loyalty to him.

The Austrian emperor Joseph II

was discouraged by the discontent that greeted his reforms.

The European population explosion of the nineteenth century

was largely caused by the general disappearance of famine.

The first Popular Front government of France

was led by Socialist Leon Blum, who instituted a French "New Deal."

The harsh treatment of children in the workplace during the early Industrial Revolution

was not out of line with the brutal treatment of children in general.

In the eighteenth century Britain's cotton industry

was responsible for creating the first modern factories.

The African prime minister who first came to power in Ghana

was the area's first African leader since the early 1900s.

The 1968 Czechoslovakian "Prague Spring"

was triggered by the reforms of Alexander Dubeck.

What was one important power source for factories in 18th-century England?


During the revolution, French women

were not allowed to participate in political activities.

The Revolutions of 1848 had a lasting impact because they

were put down, but their ideals persisted.

The factory system and the values on which it as based were

what relegated workers to lives of severe discipline and drudgery.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- WITCHCRAFT PERSECUTIONS: During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, between 100,000 and 200,000 people were officially tried for witchcraft. Between 40,000 and 60,000 people were executed for witchcraft. Elderly, __________ women were the most likely to be accused of witchcraft.


LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- WITCHCRAFT PERSECUTIONS: During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, between 100,000 and 200,000 people were officially tried for witchcraft. Between 40,000 and 60,000 people were executed for witchcraft. Elderly, __________ women were the most likely to be accused of witchcraft.


A central goal of Disraeli's domestic agenda in Britain was

winning the working classes to the Tory Party

In Karl Marx's vision of the industrial future, the political state would

wither away because it would no longer be unnecessary.

MARXIAN SOCIALISM: Marx and Engels argued that __________were exploited by both men and capitalists.


Which statement would a critic of capitalism have most likely made during the Industrial Revolution?

"Business owners get rich while workers remain poor."

What did Napoleon tell the people of Paris when he rushed back after the retreat of his armies from Russia?

"My army has had some losses...due to the premature rigor of the climate."

Which statement would an Austrian nationalist in the 1840s be most likely to make?

"Our shared history and culture unite me with my people."


"politics of reality." Politics based on practical concerns rather than theory or ethics.

The Battle of Hastings was fought in what year?

- 1066

The Middle Ages occurred between the years:

- 500 and 1500

What is the most basic element of national unity?

- A common piece of territory

Who were the Magyars?

- An ethnic group in Hungary

An ideology based on the idea that governments and their laws are undesirable and should be abolished.

- Anarchism

An Office or department.

- Bureau

The policy of acquiring land through the conquest and/or settlement of another country.

- Colonialism

An economic system in which all important economic decisions are made by the government or another similar institution.

- Command Economy

The giving of authority to someone or a group of persons to perform a certain task or duty

- Commission

A thing produced for exchange

- Commodity

All of the following Renaissance individuals lived and worked in the Low Countries EXCEPT

- Dante

What happened right after the breakdown of the Roman Empire?

- Europe reverted to a primitive, agricultural existence.

An economic policy that opposes government interference in business affairs

- Laissez-faire

The greatest part of a class or group.

- Majority

The medieval period is also known as the

- Middle Ages

What was an important area of conflict between European nations after 1870?

- Overseas colonies

A branch of knowledge requiring systematic study and method. Concerned with useful knowledge of the material universe.

- Science

Lorenzo de Medici ruled Florence through influence rather than by law or elected position.

- True

Ideas about what is good, proper, wise, and worthwhile.

- Values

In a free market, the economic laws of supply and demand will create a self-regulating economic system. Regulations such as tariffs hinder free trade and should be abolished.

- Wealth of Nations

Where did nationalism as a political force first appear?

- With the French Revolution

In his Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu argued for

- balance between various branches of government

Capitalist control was, then, extended into the process of production. At the same time, a labor force was created that owned little or not capital and had nothing to sell but its labor power. These two features mark the appearance of the economic system of __________.

- capitalism

Most eighteenth-century Christians believed that the solution to the "Jewish problem"

- conversion to the Christian faith

The French philosophes

- fashioned a grand, rational system of thought.

Blaise Pascal believed that

- god can be known only by the heart, not the reason.

The decline of the western part of the old Roman Empire left Europe without the laws and protection the empire had provided. The vacuum was filled by the creation of a feudal _________.

- hierarchy

Joan of Arc was

- inspired to act by visions of her favorite saint.

The worker no longer sold a finished product to the merchant. Rather, he sold only his __________ power.

- labor

Cesare Beccaria challenged contemporary thought and practices concerning the

- proper punishment of criminals.

The later system, however, in which wealthy owners of capital employed __________ craftsmen, was usually a phenomenon of the city rather than of the countryside.

- property-less

Maria Merian introduced to the field of science the importance of

- providing precise illustrations of her subjects

The rule of the eighteenth century salon was that

- relations between men and women would be purely platonic

Who was Charlemagne?

- ruler of the Holy Roman Empire

Interregional, long-distance trade and commerce was another very important result of this increased __________.

- specialization

Paracelsus revolutionized the world of medicine in the sixteenth century by

- treating diseases with his "like cures like" method.

The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381

- was provoked by the imposition of a new poll tax.

In what year did World War II begin?


What does the term soviet mean?

A council of Russian workers, soldiers, and intellectuals

Who was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party in 1923?

Adolph Hitler

Which country had a Stalinist-type regime that grew independent of the Soviet Union?


To feel separate from one's own culture and society, hostility toward one's own group.


What feature was shared by the major revolutionary movements of the late 1700s and early 1800s?

All maintained that government's power comes from its people.

What are Treblinka, Auschwitz, and Dachau?

All three were the sites of Nazi concentration camps where millions of Jews were exterminated.

Union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially of countries by treaty.


What was Napoleon`s principle military training in the French military academies?


How did the painter Jaques-Louis David paint Napoleon?

As a hero on a white stallion.

How did the people in European countries view Napoleon?

As a heroic figure who embodied the spirit of the age

Why was the Japanese capture of Rangoon such a bitter loss for the Allies?

As a major seaport, it was an excellent supply point

How did Napoleon view the French expedition to Egypt?

As a way to increase his prestige.

In 1898, the United States acquired a colony in?


What three power blocs divided the countries of the world in 1936?

Axis powers, capitalist democracies, and Communist nations

constituted the staple of most urban diets, so sharp price increases were felt quickly and were loudly protested at grain markets or at local bakers' shops.


Who came to power in Italy in 1922?

Benito Mussolini

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the British government struggled to address fighting in Northern Ireland between

Catholics and Protestants.

A plan for a possibility.


What did Napoleon need to enforce his blockade of English trade?

Control of Europe

What was the first factory established during the Industrial Revolution?

Cromford Mill.

The permanency of the Franco-German boundary was guaranteed by the

Dawes Plan.

The statistical study of human population, such as information about the number of births, deaths, and marriages.


Cartesian Dualism

Descartes' principle of the separation of mind and matter (and mind and body) that enabled scientists to view matter as something separate from themselves that could be investigated by reason

Unrestricted tyrannical power.


Nazi rule was most ruthless in

Eastern Europe where the Slavs were considered racial inferiors.

What did working in the factories provide many women that they had not experienced before?

Economic independence

Which of the following actions did the Japanese hope would improve conditions in their country?

Expanding their territory to create an overseas empire

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people out of East Germany.


The election of Richard Nixon in 1968 began a leftward shift in American politics


The Spanish Civil War resulted in the victory of the


Who's forces captured Madrid on March 28, 1939?

Francisco Franco's

The Socialist president ____ nationalized major banks and industries in France in the 1980s.

François Mitterrand

THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR, 1756-1763 -- The war on the Continent: The anti-Prussian alliance achieved a series of victories that threatened to crush Prussia. Prussia was saved from defeat when Russia 's new tsar, Peter Ill, who admired __________, dropped out of the war.

Frederick the Great

Which of these events took place in 1939?

Germany and the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact

Which of the following was not a condition put on Germany at the end of World War I?

Germany had to agree to make Adolf Hitler chancellor within fifteen years.

What reforms did Napoleon initially make in Italy in 1797?

He set up new states with republican constitutions

With whom did Napoleon replace Charles IV of Spain in 1808?

His brother, Joseph.

Which of the following was a major cause of German inflation in the 1920s?

Huge reparations payments

Which of the following was not a problem that faced the Weimar Republic?

Invasion by the Soviet army

What was Italy's primary role in the war?

It distracted Germany from accomplishing its main objectives

Which of the following is the best description of the phrase Industrial Revolution?

It refers to the increased pace of industrial development and technological change that began in Britain in the late 1700s.

Why did Germany have a geographic disadvantage at the start of World War I?

It was bordered by enemies on two fronts.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Child Rearing: Because of the high mortality rate among infants, parents were reluctant to become emotionally attached to their children. __________ encouraged parents to provide a warm and nurturing environment for their children. Upper-middle-class parents began to place a greater emphasis on child rearing

Jean-Jacques Roussea

Which U.S. president was in office during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis?

John F. Kennedy

The phrase "natural rights" is original to and central to the writings of which philosopher?

John Locke

Who wrote General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money?

John Maynard Keynes

A branch of government made up of courts, laws, judges, and judicial decisions.


The theory to limit government control of a country`s economy was developed in France during the eighteenth century. What is this theory called?

Laissez faire

What was the Sudetenland?

Lands surrounding Czechoslovakia`s border with Germany

Hitler said superior nations had a right to expand their living space or


The __________ declared war against Austria and Prussia in April 1 792, thus beginning the War of the First Coalition. The war began badly for the poorly equipped French armies. By the summer of 1 79 2, Austrian and Prussian armies were advancing toward Paris.

Legislative Assembly

Who engineered Krushchev's downfall?

Leonid Brezhnev

Who was called to be the new ruler of France in 1814?


What famous composer dedicated his Eroica symphony to Napoleon?

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Which of the following cities is the capital of modern-day Spain?


As a result of the Enclosure Acts, why was there a surplus of labor that could be used in industry?

Many farmers from small farms were forced to give up their livelihood and seek new occupations.

Britain was united and large enough to promote economic development. How did Britain differ from many of the countries on the European mainland?

Many of the other countries were too small to be effective in economic development.

The Little Red Book described

Mao Zedong's plans to create a proletarian culture.

A Materialist philosophy, political theory, and economic theory that sees the history of man as the history of "class struggle," that humans are the makers of their own history, and support for the proletariat in its "struggle" with the bourgeoisie over whether capitalism or socialism will be the economic system of the future.


The immediate cause of the Franco-Prussian War was

Napoleon III's reaction to the telegram Bismarck edited

Beethoven originally dedicated his Eroica symphony to Napoleon. Why did he later remove this dedication?

Napoleon ordered the murder of the duke of Enghien in 1804.

Continental System

Napoleon's effort to bar British goods from the Continent in the hope of weakening Britain's economy and destroying its capacity to wage war.

What does the term Nazi mean?

National Socialist German Workers Party

Where did the French expedition land in Egypt?

Near Alexandria

A person subject to abnormal anxieties or obsessive behavior.


What was the code name given to Germany's plan to invade the USSR?

Operation Barbarossa

British aristocrats had control over what governmental body?


A nation ruled by the wealthy.


Voters in ____ chose not to secede from the Canadian union in 1995.


The policy of seeking to recover lost territory.


The Thermidorean Reaction resulted in the fall of


What did Napoleon require of Russia in the terms of the treaty signed at Tilsit in 1807?

Russia agreed to close its ports to all British trade.

The controversial U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was based on statements that

Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs.

A political and economic theory advocating that land, transit, national resources, and the chief industries should be owned and managed by the government.


Psychopaths with strongly antisocial tendencies, lacking any social conscience.


The Russians encircled and defeated the Germans at the city of


The allies agreed on the date for the Normandy invasion at the

Teheran Conference

What was the importance of the Battle of El Alamein?

The British broke through German lines and were able to advance to Tunisia.

What was Napoleon`s new form of government in 1799 called?

The Consulate.

When did the Industrial Revolution begin in Russia?

The Industrial Revolution began in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.

What was unique about the Doolittle Raid?

The bombers were launched from an aircraft carrier

Which of the following policies associated with Stalin survived Khrushchev's de-Stalinization?

The monopoly on power of the communist party

How did nationalistic ideas become increasingly romantic?

The nationalists viewed art, music, and literature as a means of expressing a nation`s soul.

What was the outcome of the revolt led by Napoleon in Corsica?

The revolt was a fiasco.

What did the philosopher Greg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel emphasize in his writing on the idea of nations?

The role of the state

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