Common Billing Errors
incorrect DAW code
Dispense as Written. The lowest-cost FDA-approved option must be dispensed unless the prescriber or patient specifies otherwise. Using the proper DAW code ensures the patient is charged correctly and the pharmacy is paid correctly.
incorrect origin code
How the script arrived to the pharmacy must be submitted: telephone, written, fax, electronic, copy in (from another pharmacy).
incorrect date written
date on meds should be the date the script was written, not the date it was presented for filling
incorrect prescriber
the correct prescriber must appear on med label in case later contact with them is necessary.
incorrect directions
translating directions from sig code must be done correctly and in complete, understandable sentences. A common error is to omit route of administration (e.g. mouth, eyes, topically).
incorrect patient
in order to avoid confusing patients, do not use just name to identify, but age, phone, address, etc.
incorrect product selection
includes 2 errors: selecting the correct drug and strength, but wrong manufacture (NDC); and when drugs with similar names are confused and the wrong drug is typed.