Communication Quiz 1

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The process of transforming feelings and concepts into symbols and organizing them into a message is called encoding. True False


The route used to transmit messages is known as ____ A) encoding B) decoding C) feedback D) noise E) a channel

E) a channel

Interpersonal communication is ____ A) communication between a small number of people who have a relationship with one another B) communication that is emotional C)communication that is limited to romantic relationships D) all these answers are correct

A) communication between a small number of people who have a relationship with one another

You completely forgot about a paper you were supposed to write for class. You've never been in that situation before, but you want to explain the situation to your instructor, so you think about what you want to say before going to her office. This kind of message is called a ____ A) constructed message B) spontaneous expression C) scripted message D) halo effect

A) constructed message

According to scholar Brian Spitzberg, motivation is an important aspect of communication competence because ____ A) we must know what is involved in communication B) we will only improve our communication if we want to C) motivations makes this more efficient D) long with incentives, motivation guarantees success

B) we will only improve our communication if we want to

Which of these is an example of communication apprehension? A)Matthew does not fully receive his teacher's instructions because he is distracted by the students playing frisbee outside his classroom's window. B)Ashley gets very nervous before her first presentation at work. C)Jerome does not remember his conversation with a friend the day before, and he does not respond appropriately when the friend brings up the topic again. D)Toya mistakenly swears in front of her grandmother and then regrets it.

B)Ashley gets very nervous before her first presentation at work.

Which of the following statements about communication is true? A) Communication is an innate quality that does not need to be taught. B) It's easy to stop communicating. C) Communication is influenced by ethical implications. D) Communication is only used to exchange information and to meet needs.

C) Communication is influenced by ethical implications.

If you can't pay attention because the words of a song are stuck in your head, you are experiencing ____ A) physiological noise B) semantic noise C)internal noise D)message filtering

C) internal noise

As Jones tells about his trip to the Grand Canyon, he notices Janet and Mark rolling their eyes. The information Jones is receiving is known as ____ A) noise B) decoding C) encoding D) feedback E) channels

D) Feedback

What three things can help improve your communication competence? A)Motivation, desire, and expertise B)Skills, context, and semantics C)Encoding, decoding, and feedback D)Motivation, knowledge, and skills

D)Motivation, knowledge, and skills

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