Comparative Politics India Test

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In his struggles against the british, Ghandi urged

sayagarha (soul force) based on ahisma (not injuring any living thing) mixed with Thoreaus civil disobedience,

Generally secular societies modernize...

sooner and faster than ones mixed with religion and government.

Indian National Congress is left right or center?

center left

The Baharatiya Janata Party is left right or center?

center right.

Who are entitled to some form of affirmative action?

half of indians are elegible for some form of affirmative action such as scheduled status and reserved jobs in the public sector. Dalits, lower-classd/ backward classes,adnis

One of the most illuminating episodes of indian democracy was decidedly the undemocratic

"emergency" of Prime minister Indira Gandhi in 1975-77

Partition may be unhappy but

"least bad" solution, one that seldom leads to peace and stability.

Partitioning of India

- Britain announced its decision to withdraw from india by -June of 1948. India and Pakistan were separated. -Hindu area stayed in india and muslim areas in Pakistan -Millions of refugees crossed he boarder in each direction. Between 250,00 and 500,00 people were killed during the partition.

The indian revolt f 1857

- Following the revolution , the british government- abolished: Mughal Dynasty. and the East India company. -Control of india was given t British Governor general or viceroy of India. Turbulent Frontier theory: British take over was decimal Enriched the imperial power.

Prime Minister

- Selected from the majority party -Members of the governing coalition in the lower house. -Directs Council of Ministers -Responsible for daily activities of the central government - Establish Policy.

The Amritsar Massacre

-April 1919: British army went to Amritsar, Punjab to silence pro independence. -Troops fired on an unarmed crowed, killing more than 1000 protesters, -After the massacre spread around india, The INC and muslim league support increased.

British East India Company 1600-1857

-Export/Import Business -Support British Imperialism\ Intervened in Indian political affairs had its won military Gained possession of the Bengal Region. Gradually transformed into an agency for the british government.

Key Institutions

-National Government, Parliamentary (british system) -Three branches Executive:Prime Minister legislative: Bicameral Lower; Lok Sabha (Peoples assembly) Upper; Rayaja Sabha Council of states) Judicial: Supreme Court

How did the British rule modernize India.

-They thought indians the English language. -Universities were created - a new intellectual class of lawyers, educators and journalists. -Implemented the railroad and telegraph.

Order of Past dynasties and rulings

1. Mauryan Empire (326-184BC) 2. Mughals (1526-1857) 3. British India Company (1600-1857) 4. British Rule (1857-1947) 5. Independence (1947- present)

Gandhi turned sharply ant-british after the

1919 Armistar massacre

Salt March

1930 salt march protested british salt tax, nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself, arrested.

What proportion of Indians live on less than 2 dollars a day?


Half of Indians are under the age of


India has how many states?


India produces more than...engineeres

350,000 a year compared to the U.S's 70,000

How many years can a member of the Lok Shaba serve?

5 years

How many years can a member of the Rajya Sabha serve?

6 years

What happened in 1992?

A hindu mob pulled down the 16th century Barbri Mosque in Ayodhya (in Uttar Pardesh North india) claiming that muslims had built on the site of an ancient hindu temple to the legendary lord Ram. The BJP did nothing to stop them.

The legislature

Lower House (Lock Shaba) More powerful than upper house. Members serve up to 5 years Election is by a single member district with a plurality to win. Only Lok Shaba can initiate money bills. Upper House (Rayja Sabha) Represents Indias States Less powerful than lower house. They serve for 6 years Chosen by state assemblies 1/3 are changed every 2 years.

Hindu Nationalist movement

Abolished British rule Create Hindu Nation Promotes "Hinduness"

Indian mathematicians devised a system of numbers, later known as

Arabic Numerals because they were transmitted to the west by Arab Traders

India was declared independent at the midnight on

August 15th 1947

Which political party gained a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha?

BJP 282/543

Babur and Akbar the Great

Barbur: founder of the Mughal empire Mughal: Mongol, Turkish, Iranian and Afghan decedents, Akbar the Great: Mughal empire expanded Religious tolerance toward Hinduism.

Who are Naxalites?

Began in 1967, they are a communist party, armed rural rebels who intend on overthrowing the government. They feed off of neglect and kill hundreds a year. They believe the government is under imperial control

What are some Boarder issues for India?

Boarder between Bangladesh and Pakistan, China also has a part of kashmir. and the Indian ocean

Indias four main Castes in descending order of moral worth

Brahmins- priests, teacher, philosphers Kshatriya- warriors and rulers Vaisya- Farmers and Traders Sudra- manual laborers

Things Ashoka Did-

Buddhism Stupas; commemorative burial mounds. Burial for sacred texts and relics. Pillars; inscribed his understanding of religious doctrines. Great Stupa: Built by Ashokain 3rd century BC

Taj Mahal

Built by Shah Jahan, Mid 17th century

A major impendent to change India is its vast...

Bureaucracy which is considered one of the least efficient and most corrupt in the world.

Why does colonialism mean so many things?

Colonialism legally means - lack of sovereignty Economically-it means exploitation by the imperial country Racially- means governed by skin class. In hindsight- it stands for brutal and evil

What is the relationship between GDP's and Democracies?

Countries with a Gdp above 10,000 middle or higher class are able to found and sustain democracies and not revert to authoritarianism. Countries with a GDP below 6,000 are more susceptible to having trouble sustaining a democracy.

The indian revolt of 1857

Distressed by rapid cultural changes imposed by the british. Rifle cartridges had been greased with pig and cow fat. Offense to both muslim and Hindu faiths. After a year long struggle, the rebels surrendered june 20th 1858.

As in Germany,

Federalism is especially suitable in large countries such as india, or those with cultural and linguistic diversity such as india.

What does the "Global South" as a term to some nation states mean.

Global South is an alternative term for the third world. It is a term that allows us to understand the condition of the country in an appropriate manner Most of them are hot and closer to the equator than richer countries.

How does the "turbulent frontier," advocated by John S Galbraith, explain British takeover of India?

He explains it as unplanned but inevitable.

80% of indians identify themselves as


The relationship between hindus and Sikhs was undermined by the authoritarian rule of

Idria, in the 1970's.

What is the composition of the cabinet?

India has a very large cabinet, roughly 30 minister cabinet have most cabinet ministers named from lower and upper house. The largest party either the BJP or the INC get the most profolios; smaller parties get a few. Below the cabinet there are another 40 ministers of the state.

Where does india fit in the GDP relationship?

India is an amazing exception. Even with a low GDP they are still able to maintain a democracy.

Who is the prime minister?


What happened in 2002 when Modi was governor of Gurajat

Modi either was careless or encouraged anti Muslim groups. This lead to the Gurajat riots and costed the BJP the 2004 election.

How are muslims treated in India?

Indian muslim minority get little from the growing economy. their religion does not qualify them as scheduled. Hindus argue it is the islamic culture that holds them as well as their education back. Congress pays attention to muslims the BJP does not.

Independence movement happened in three factions.

Indian national congress, (Gandhi) Muslim League Hindu nationalist movement

What are indias two main language families?

Indo European spoken by 3/4 of people and English

Who is Kautilya ?

Kautilya was a prime minister and advisor to a king, he wrote in Arthastra (the principles of well being) that prosperity arises from a well run kingdom. He explained that anarchy is terror (like hobbes) he advised the prince to do whatever it takes to protect the kingdom both domestic and abroad.

Mauryan Empire (326-184) Key aspects

King Ashoka Unified India Buddhism

Mauryan Empire -

King Ashoka converted to Buddhism after witnessing the destruction caused by war. Spread of Buddhism.(state religion)(missionary activities along the silk road. Pillars 1. Symbolized the axis of which the world spins 2. Represented the first physical evidence of Buddhist faith. 3. Spread the dharma throughout his kingdom.

In 1947 Britain sent

Lord Mountbatten, who commanded Allied forces against the Japanese, to negotiate independence.

What happened in 2006?

Muslim terrorists bombed seven commuter trains in Mumbai (formerly bombay) killing 183 people. Muslims have been quiet but 2002 Gujarat pogram against muslims turned muslims to radicals.

First Prime Minister


Indian National Congress

Opposed British Rule Boycotted british products Gahdhi: Nonviolent Protest and Civil disobedience Dominant political party after independence.

India like Britain is a

Parlimenatry system

The cabinet

Participate in shaping policy Responsible for a policy area Supervise the bureaucracy

What is the role of the Prime Minister?

Prime Minister is very powerful. 1. In a time of emergency he can pressure the president to invoke presidents rule which gives new dehli direct rule over everything. 2.The PM sets the government policies and can call general elections anytime before the maximum 5 year period. 3.PM must control majority of the seats in the lower house which requires a coalition.

Muslim League

Protect Muslim Rights Support Muslim nation After Pakistans independence, dominant political party.

....train hundreds of thousands of uniforms young hindus in early morning drills, workouts and games with anti-muslim theme.

RSS Shakas (branches) still

Mugahal Empire

Shivaji major historical character who rebelled against the muslims. Islamic india. Mughals Babur 1526 Akbar the Great 1556-1605 Taj Mahal (sha Jahan 1628-1658) Islam arrived in the 8th century, primarly in pakistan.

What happened in 1984?

Sikh secessionists took over the sacred temple Amiristar in the Punjab. Indira Gandhi ordered the indian army to storm the temple, which killed many innocent pilgrims. Later two of her body guards shot her in revenge. As a result thousands of sikhs were killed in New Dehli- Skihi riot.

Christians and Sikhs account for

around 2%

Which american political party does the BJP most resemble

he Republican party.

Which two parties compete for parliamentarian seats?

The INC - Indian national congress, and the BJP the Bharatiya Janata Party AKA Indian peoples party.

The Rajya Sabha represent

The council of states.

Why has the the indian congress party that has been known to be left, moved toward to the center in more recent years?

The party no longer supports ownership of industry, they are in favor of market economies.

What is the role of the President in India?

The president is simply a figure head.Mostly attends ceremonies.

How are the members of the Rajya Shaba selected?

They are chosen by their state assemblies, 1/3 every 2 years. Each state is represented based on population and gets between 1-31 reps. If two houses can not agree then they come together and vote jointly

What is Dlit?

They are outcasts who do not fit in the caste system. They are typically poor illiterate and many times discriminated against. They are victims of upper caste and police brutality. They divide in myrad subgroups (some lower than others)

India is constantly rates as one of the most corrupt countries in..

Transparency Internationals Index.

Indias supreme Court resembles its

US counterpart.

What reasons are offered for the INC losing in 2014?

When a party stays in party to long, power goes to its head and becomes to self absorbed . They tend to ignore the uneducated and feel entitled.

Has the BJP been successful in expanding the economy?

Yes, the BJP allowed for Indian growth that resulted in 8% per year. Second to only China. Only recelntly has that number dropped to 4% and 10% inflation rate.

Much if India can be explained by waves of

conquest and fragmentation

Gandhi succeeded by

delegitimizing British colonial rule.

Prior to 1977 india was considered a

dominant party system.

Now india is best described as a

fragmented party system.

Much of Japan can be explained by prolonged


India is home to the worlds third largest

islamic community.

What does BRICs mean?

it is an acronym of countries that are newly industrializing. Brazil,Russia,India,China

China has an edge in ... India has an edge in...

low-cost manufacturing but india has an edge in capital intensive service industry

Many indians feel they are twice the victims of conquest and subjugation, first by

muslims, second by British

India does/does not follow china in relying on unskilled labor.

no it relies on educated people.

India - topics to know

past key institutions and political power political culture issues: foreign policy.

The relationship between India's central and state governments is described as a federal system with a

presidents rule.

The bulk of Indias workers are in the

primary sector.

Modi mixes

pro-business efficiency with unapologetic hindu nationalism

Indias Geography The developing areas are mostly poor, but some oil producing countries are

rich, and some lands are industrializing fast.

Much of Indian grade school education is

rote memory, boring and heavy on Hindutava.

Ashoka's Pillars.

symbols became popular as stand ins for the human likeness of the Buddah: -Lotus flower. -Lion (the Buddha was born into shakya or lion clan) Most pillars are topped with a single lion sitting or standing. Lions: roaring for the 4 noble truths in all four directions. The dharma wheel; a symbol of the four noble truths.

The most developed countries have the bulk of their workers in the

tertiary sector.

In kashmir

the hindu maharajah opted for india during the 1947 partition despite the wishes of a big muslim Kashmir majority.

The Lok Shaba represent

the peoples assembly

Was the united states close to india during the cold war?

they were correct but distant

What is the purpose of the UID?

to create a unique biometric database that allows the direct deposit of cash into recipients bank accounts bypassing bureaucrats.

Why did Prime minister Gandhi declare an emergency?

to ensure the election of the congress party in 1971. As a result of the emergency, she overrode civil rights, silenced the media, instituted programs against poverty, literacy. Cleared slums and force vasectomies to controll population. As a result of her stunt she was known for here use of emergency power to violate civil rights.

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