Consumer Behavior Exam 1 (Chapter 3)

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a, b, c

Consumers higher in individualism are more likely to _____ when faced with poor service performance. A) complain B) switch C) engage in negative word-of-mouth D) a and b E) a, b, and c

true naturals

Gertrude expresses deeply felt environmental concerns and tailors everything she does and purchases on these beliefs. Which segment of environmental activism best describes Gertrude? A) True Naturals B) New Green Mainstream C) Young Recyclers D) Affluent Healers E) Concerned

less than 50%

What percentage of American adults exercise regularly? A) less than 50% B) 50% C) 60% D) 75% E) more than 75%

5-7 percent

The gay market has been estimated to comprise _____ of the adult U.S. population. A) 1 percent B) 5-7 percent C) 10 percent D) 15-20 percent E) 25 percent

50 percent

The percentage of U.S. women who watch sports on TV every week is _____. A) 5 percent B) 25 percent C) 50 percent D) 75 percent E) none of the above

the creative class

Those who work in such professions as architecture, science, engineering, and health care and business who generate new ideas and technologies for a living or engage in complex problem solving are referred to as _____. A) the creative class B) social engineers C) the developers D) trend setters E) true naturals


Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of American society? A) aversion to change B) collectivism C) individualism D) extended family E) status

gender role

While women are vital members of the workforce in the U.S., they are still considered the primary care givers of the children in a family. This represents women's _____ in American society. A) gender B) sex C) gender identity D) gender role E) gender continuum

ascribed role

A(n) _____ is based on an attribute over which the individual has little or no control. A) traditional role B) achievement role C) ascribed role D) gender identity E) gender orientation

the use of comparative advertising

A shift away from a competition oriented society would most likely affect _____. A) sales force compensation B) the types of decision rules used C) the use of comparative advertising D) the use of price as a competitive weapon E) all of the above

decrease the use of credit

A shift back to an emphasis on postponed gratification in American would most likely _____. A) increase the use of credit B) decrease the use of credit C) alter the timing of television commercials D) expand the use of Internet shopping E) none of the above

the types of advertising themes used

A shift from a focus on sensual gratification to abstinence in America would most likely affect _____. A) the role of price in purchase decisions B) the types of advertising themes used C) the complexity of decision rules used in purchase decisions D) the diffusion of Internet shopping E) none of the above


A woman that is married where both she and her husband work and share homemaking and child care responsibilities is classified as _____ with respect to gender orientation. A) transgender B) gender inconsistent C) traditional D) modern E) cutting-edge


A woman that is married with the husband assuming the responsibility for providing for the family and the wife running the house and taking care of the children would be classified as _____. A) gender appropriate B) gender consistent C) traditional D) modern E) old-fashioned


According to the authors, American culture increasingly values _____. A) diversity B) uniformity C) collectivity D) fatalism E) none of the above

all of the above

Gay consumers, like heterosexuals, vary in terms of _____. A) ethnicity B) geographic region C) occupations D) age E) all of the above


Green marketing methods that are profitable for the farmer, environmentally sound, and socially responsible are said to be _____. A) environmental B) acceptable C) sustainable D) impactful E) meaningful

new green mainstream

Heather is married and has three children. While she and her family are concerned about the environment, they only alter their actions and purchases when it is convenient for them. Which environmental activism segment best describes Heather and her family? A) True Naturals B) Unconcerned C) Overwhelmed D) New Green Mainstream E) Affluent Healers

all of the above

Individualism affects which of the following? A) incentive systems for salespeople B) advertising themes C) product design D) customer complaining behavior E) all of the above


Leigh is working on a research project for her marketing class, and her assignment is to study how Americans' values with respect to consumer behavior have changed in the past 50 years. Which of the following would give her the best insight into these changes? A) advertising B) stock reports C) Supreme Court cases D) government documents E) postage stamps

green marketing

Marketers have responded to Americans' increasing concern for the environment with an approach called _____. A) green marketing B) clean marketing C) environmental marketing D) activist marketing E) cause-related marketing

affluent healers

Mickey is concerned about the environment, but he is most concerned about issues that relate to his personal health. That's why he protested when the city was considering placing a landfill near his home. Other than that, though, Mickey really does not consider environmental issues when he is shopping for products. To which environmental activism segment would Mickey belong? A) Unconcerned B) New Green Mainstream C) Young Recyclers D) Affluent Healers E) True Naturals


Rayna is married and a mother of four children. Both she and her husband share homemaking and child-rearing responsibilities. Rayna would be classified as a_____ gender orientation. A) transgender B) gender inconsistent C) traditional D) modern E) cutting-edge

sustainability movement

Several coffee manufacturers are informing consumers of their fair trade practices in which farmers in less developed countries are paid a living wage for their crops. The philosophy behind this movement is to be profitable for the farmer, be environmentally sound, and to be socially responsible. This movement has been referred to as the _____.

cause related marketing

Target stores give one percent of a customer's purchase to a school of their choice if they use a Target Visa credit card to pay for their purchases. Target will also donate one-half percent of all other purchases made on that card. This is an example of _____. A) cause-related marketing B) green marketing C) nonprofit marketing D) image marketing E) corporate marketing

been a response to the changing role of women in american society

The WUSA, WNBA, and LPGA have _____. A) succeeded due to America's increased focus on nature B) been a response to the changing role of women in American society C) been slow to grow due to the shift toward more traditional values D) been slow to grow due to women's lack of involvement in general fitness activities E) none of the above

gender roles

The behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a given society are known as _____. A) Gender B) Sex C) Gender identity D) Gender roles E) Gender continuum

shown a slow reversal toward more value being placed on age in recent years

The value that Americans place on youth has _____. A) increased dramatically in recent years B) shown a slow reversal toward more value being placed on age in recent years C) decreased dramatically in recent years D) remained unchanged in recent years E) shown a slight increase in recent years

a, b, c

The vegetarian market includes which group of consumers? A) adults B) adolescents C) children D) a and b E) a, b, and c

material/ nonmaterial

The voluntary simplicity movement in America represents a shift in which value? A) active/passive B) problem solving/fatalistic C) masculine/feminine D) material/nonmaterial E) youth/age

must specify what portion of the product is being referred to

Under the Federal Trade Commission's set of voluntary guidelines for green claims, labels promoting products as "environmentally safe" or "environmentally friendly" must _____. A) be completely biodegradable B) be at least photodegradable C) be produced from completely organic methods D) must specify what portion of the product is being referred to E) must specify how to recycle the packaging

the fit between the company and the cause

What has been found to improve the results of cause-related marketing programs? A) the amount of money donated B) the fit between the company and the cause C) supporting causes that help children D) supporting causes that help the environment E) longer commitments to supporting a cause

must have internal policies that do not discriminate against gay employees

What is typically absolutely necessary of any firm that desires to capture the loyalty of the gay community? A) must have separate promotion efforts in gay and mainstream media B) must have gay themes in ads placed in mainstream media C) must offer discounts to gay consumers D) must have internal policies that do not discriminate against gay employees E) must use cause-related marketing programs that support causes relevant to gay consumers (i.e., AIDS research)

after the end of world war II

When did Americans begin to place increased emphasis on leisure, immediate gratification, and sensual gratification? A) after the end of the Civil War B) after the end of World War I C) during the Depression D) after the end of World War II E) after the Vietnam War

the shift toward immediate gratification

Which changing American value has been a major force in maintaining a relatively strong economy? A) the shift toward immediate gratification B) the shift toward a more religious society C) the shift toward voluntary simplicity D) the shift toward becoming more active E) the shift away from being fatalistic

socially concerned

Which consumer group is driven by a desire to help with respect to cause-related marketing programs? A) Skeptic B) Balancer C) Attribution-oriented D) Socially concerned E) Apathetic

corporate equality index

Which index is published by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and measures how equitably a company treats its GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) employees, customers, and investors? A) corporate equality index (CEI) B) corporate GLBT index C) corporate identity index (CII) D) gay rights index (GRI) E) green index

financial services

Which is a product or service that often needs modification when targeting gay consumers? A) financial services B) automobiles C) furniture D) interior decorating E) all of the above

a, b, c

Which of the following factors had a significant impact on Americans' emphasis on security? A) the Depression B) World War II C) the Cold War D) a and b E) a, b, and c


Which of the following has NOT been found to be a motive for choosing to become a vegetarian? A) economics B) moral C) gustatory D) health E) ecological


Which of the following is a current American value? A) uniformity B) active C) religious D) youth E) overcome nature

all of the above

Which of the following is a segment of female consumers? A) Traditional housewife B) Trapped housewife C) Trapped working woman D) Career working woman E) all of the above

new green mainstream

Which of the following is a segment used to describe consumers with respect to their environmental activism? A) True Blues B) New Green Mainstream C) Ailing Recluse D) Healthy Hermits E) Green Earths

material/non material

Which of the following is a self-oriented value? A) problem solving/fatalistic B) individual/collective C) tradition/change D) material/nonmaterial E) performance/status

all of the above

Which of the following is a traditional American value? A) youth B) competition C) active D) hard work E) all of the above


Which of the following is an emerging American value? A) materialistic B) individual C) admiring nature D) masculine E) postponed gratification

there is substantial variance in values across individuals and groups

Which of the following is true regarding changes in American cultural values? A) Shifts in cultural values are not observable. B) Changes in values tend to occur quickly. C) Changes in values tend to occur evenly across individuals and groups. D) There is substantial variance in values across individuals and groups. E) Cultural values are constant.

new green mainstream

Which segment of environmental activists are concerned about the environment but alter their actions and purchases only when it is convenient? A) True Naturals B) New Green Mainstream C) Affluent Healers D) Young Recyclers E) Overwhelmed

a and b

Which term is used to refer to the application of marketing principles and tactics to advance a cause such as a charity, an ideology, or an activity? A) cause marketing B) social marketing C) personal marketing D) a and b E) a, b, and c

a and b

Which term is used to refer to whether a person is biologically a male or female? A) gender B) sex C) gender identity D) a and b E) a, b, and c

cause related marketing

Which type of marketing ties a company and its products to an issue or cause with the goal of improving sales or corporate image while providing benefits to the cause? A) cause-related marketing B) green marketing C) nonprofit marketing D) image marketing E) corporate marketing

cultural values

___ are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. A) Norms B) Cultural values C) Precepts D) Prescriptions E) Orientations

achievement roles

_____ are based on performance criteria over which the individual has some degree of control. A) Traditional roles B) Achievement roles C) Ascribed roles D) Gender roles E) Selective roles

voluntary simplicity

_____ is consumers' efforts to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions. A) Downsizing B) Dematerialization C) Voluntary simplicity D) Demarketing E) Voluntary withdrawal

social marketing

_____ is done to enhance the welfare of individuals or society without direct benefit to a firm. A) Cause-related marketing B) Social marketing C) Personal marketing D) Green marketing E) Hybrid marketing

gender identity

_____ refers to the traits of femininity and masculinity. A) Gender B) Sex C) Gender identity D) Gender roles E) Gender continuum

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