Crandall fallacies/tone word EXAMPLES

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


"And I was all like, "Daddy, why take Delta if we have our own private jet?" Isn't that funny!"


"Because I talked to ten people and three like the color red, if I talk to 30,000 people, about 9,000 people in that group will like the color red."


"Congrats on winning the championship! How do you feel?" "Pretty good, I guess. I'm tired."

appeal to ignorance

"Dean Hodges is retiring next year".. "whaatt noo she's not"..."well i mean she has not said she's coming back so she must be retiring"

Red Herring

"Did you do your homework?" "Why do teachers give homework to students on the weekends?"

Red Herring

"Did you feed the dog?" "Mom, I finished my homework for once!"

Slippery Slope

"First you'll free the slaves, then they'll take our land, then our jobs, and then the whole world!"

Appeal to Ignorance

"God doesn't exist" "Oh yeah? Prove it" "No you prove it"

appeal to ignorance

"God is dead." -"Prove that he's not dead."


"Hey what do you think we should do about the war on terrorism?" "Do i think terrorism is bad? Yes. Next question please."

red herring

"I mean sure the people of Syria need our help, but with my financial background there's no way America will lag behind in foreign policy," exclaimed Donald Trump.


"Is there anything you want to tell me?"


Because the crime had directly involved his family, the judge gave the criminal a vindictive punishment that was much too harsh.


Before you start freaking out, let's look at this calmly.


Bender in The Breakfast Club is the embodiment of a stereotypical irrelevant teenager.

Straw Man

Bernie supporters are nothing but a group of socialists who have completely repudiated the ideas of individuals in exchange for a coddled life at the hands of the government!


Cats are mammals, so all mammals must have fur.


China is going to nuke us, and it's because of Bitcoin.


Did you see that Mr. Crandall showed up dressed like a doll today??


Did you seriously just slip in front of all of those people? woooww.


Doesn't that dog over there remind you of a rock?

Straw Man

Dogs offer great protection. If we don't buy a dog, then our house will probably be robbed due to lack of protection.


Don't be so pretentious. You're not that important.

straw man

Donald Trump is a woman hater because of his comments to Megyn Kelly


Donald Trump needed a conciliatory speech after his controversial (and very disliked( comments on abortion.


During Valerie's goodbye party, I spent the whole time talking badly about her.


Even during a period a grief, she always knew how to deal with things.


Even though she was wealthy and very beautiful, people were surprised that the girl wasn't pretentious in any way.


Even to her own mom, on Thanksgiving, she made fun of the food.


Every quiz has been easy so therefore this test will be easy.


Every workout has been easy this week, so therefore today's workout will be just as easy.


Everyone one who took AP Physics last year said it was impossible and that you fail every test, so I'm going to fail every test.

beg the question

French fries are so yummy that they have to be good for you.

Begging the Question

God must exist because the bible says so and the bible was written by God.


HAHAHA you're such a baby.


Haha I can't believe you thought that was the answer!


Hahaha you got a frowny face you idiot!


Have you seen Freddy recently? I have a bone to pick with him.


He avoided confrontation by talking about random things.


He deserved to die.


He doesn't care what we do about the hostages; he won't negotiate with terrorists.

Straw Man

He doesn't like me; He is racist.


He grudgingly accepted the offer.


He shouted obscenities at temple.


He thinks that he will fail the test. He must not have understood the chapter.


He threw his mother's pie out the window because he thought it tasted like socks.


Hello sir, wow I really like your shirt, but anyways I was wondering if maybe, possibly, if it's ok with you, but if it's not that fine, but may I have your daughter's hand in marriage?


Her ardent style of play showed her love of the sport.


Hey everyone, isn't the galaxy so similar to a bowl of spaghetti?


Hey what's up Mr. President. High five!


His callous and uncaring remark shocked her.


His incredible speaking ability allowed him to make even the most abstruse arguments make sense.


His new book treated Christianity and science equally.


His slow movement and unnatural movement recently must mean he's injured, because he's usually very active and in good shape.


His speech could have been better.

appeal to ignorance

How can you say God isn't real? Prove He isn't!

begging the question

I am a girl because that's what I have been told.


I am going to try to skip chapel.


I am more passionate about art than anything. I could never do something else.


I am such an amazing athlete.


I am the biggest jags fan in the world. I go to any game, home or away.


I can put away the markers ma'am! Do you want me to sweep up as well ma'am?


I can't believe it! We beat Bolles and that is all that matters!

Red Herring

I can't study because it is almost summer vacation!


I can't take the test today because a giant spaceship fell on our house last night and the aliens stole all my notes.


I didn't really love Shanghai so I probably wouldn't like anywhere else in Asia either.


I do no really care about politics, it's whatever


I do not associate with people who make less than 6 figures.


I feel like we could work better as a team if we looked at compromises and reaching decisions


I got into Rice. Did you get in to somewhere even close to Rice's standards?


I got my shirt from that one store at the mall.


I got that one dress with that pattern and the style you liked at that one store we went to last year.


I had an English test three weeks in a row. Therefore, I will have an English test every single week.


I have never been more happy than I was watching my sister's wedding.


I have riches, yachts, and ten different houses in Europe.

appeal to ignorance

I thought I was a good driver because I never crashed.


I tried joining the community service club, but I realized there is no point in succeeding in a hobby I have no interest in.


I'll call you after I go somewhere and do something for someone.


I'll do whatever you wish, my king.


I'll get you, if it's the last thing I do.


I'm bad a English and History, so I'm just bad at all subjects.


I'm headed off to the town center; it would be great to drive there.


I'm so sorry about your loss, but you need to calm your rage.


I've never missed a single episode of my favorite show.

Slippery Slope

If eat this small bite of cake, you will be breaking your Lent and will not be able to stop yourself from breaking it again because you now think it's ok.


If he does not have an alibi for tuesday night and his finger prints match the ones that are on the knife, then of course he is the murderer.


If he worked harder, he wouldn't be poor.

Appeal to ignorance

If she hasn't called you back, she must not be interested.


If she wasn't in front of the door then maybe she wouldn't have gotten hurt when she got hit by it.

straw man

If they want to cut military spending, aren't they basically taking away our defense program?

Slippery Slope

If we allow marijuana to be legalized, pretty soon every drug will become legal.


If we assume he is the murderer, then we need to ask him what his alibi on tuesday night is, and test the prints.

Slippery Slope

If we continue to let immigrants in then our whole country will be overrun and taken over by them.

Slippery slope

If we keep eating cheeseburgers, we're all going to get fat.

Slippery Slope

If you don't learn how to change a flat tire, you could die!

Slippery Slope

If you don't tie your shoes then you'll trip and fall then be on your way to the emergency room!

Slippery Slope

If you eat that chocolate, your body weight will double.


If you guys are staying in tonight, I would love to take the car grocery shopping and maybe go to my friends house.

slippery slope

If you let one person who missed a few days of school to not take the test, soon the whole school will not be coming.

slippery slope

If you let people wear jeans to the country club, pretty soon everyone will walk around half-naked.

slippery slope

If you take one sip of that wine, Valerie, you're bound to become an alcoholic and spend the rest of your days drunk and not with your kids!

Appeal to Ignorance

Im going to believe Santa is real until you prove to me that he's not.


In order to get out of his punishment, the kindergartner told a whimsical story to explain his reason for hitting Kathy.

Red Herring

In terms of my plan for tackling unemployment, I really think we need to look at how wall street exploits the middle class.

Begging the question

It's getting hotter outside because of the sun.


It's kinda funny that I even show up to these business meetings!


Jerry hit Tom over the head with a baseball bat, and Tom fell into a puddle of mud!


Jim's obsequious gesture of bringing his boss coffee every day was beginning to annoy his coworkers.


John spends countless hours working on his design as if he cares about nothing else.


Just meet me there on Monday at that place and we'll play it by ear.


Lana brings a croissant and coffee to Mr. Crandall AT LEAST twice a week.


Laughter erupted from the group of boys when Billy proposed the farcical idea of going to the library to meet girls.


Let's all stop fighting and figure this out together.

Begging the Question

My girlfriend cheated on me in my dream, I gotta break up with her first or else I'll look like an idiot!


My goldfish Bubbles died this morning. What's for lunch?


Oh I was at the place on that street next to the other place like three hours before half past sunset.


Oh hey Pat!! charlotte said to Mr. Crandall.


Oh please don't worry about parking your car. My butler will do that for you.


Oh you wouldn't understand high fashion like this. You're wearing vans.


Oh, I will show him what it's like to be treated the way he treated me.


People beyond our borders are a threat to our country.


Sarah will rue the day she ate my cookie.


Serena switching my toothpaste for green paint was unforgivable. She'll pay for this.


She acted as if she was so above us with her fancy clothes.


She angrily decided to get back at her friend by spreading a rumor.

Straw man

She argued, "It is necessary to take care of the environment because we want the earth to stay pretty". The other girl disagreed and said, " Beauty doesn't matter. We don't need to care about the environment. We can do whatever we want".


She believed Ina business model that had never been used before, and hear employees were concerned.


She bragged about how her son had gotten into Harvard and Yale.

Slippery Slope

She can't go out of state for college! The next thing you know, she'll be wanting to study abroad in Africa for a year!


She did not eat any ice cream last night and she turned down my invitation to get sushi, so she must have a eating disorder.


She finally gave in for her nasty behavior during their fight.


She had heard that popular high schools girls were mean, so she avoided them all.


She is usually a very happy person so the fact that she is upset means that something very bad must have happened.


She may have humiliated me this time, but she doesn't even know what I have planned for her tomorrow.


She washed the car, cleaned the house, and cooked her parents an extravagant dinner so that they would allow her to go on vacation with her friends over Spring Break.


She's a pack-a-day smoker so she deserves that lung cancer.


Sheesh you actually believe that load of baloney?

Straw Man

So you think we should cut down the military? Why would you want to leave us completely defenseless to terroism?


Some mammals have fur, so cats are mammals.


Some of Donald Trump's most ardent followers claim that they will support him even if he does not win the Republican Convention.

Straw Man

Students who argue for less homework only want to bring up their failing grades without putting in any work.

Straw Man

Teachers who don't give tests every week are trying to defy the school system and just give students A's.


Thank god she's too sick to go to play because now I will take her place!


That bag is so last season.


That car has slashed tires. The owner must have angered someone.


The Chimpanzee was on a unicycle while flying with a jet pack through rings of fire.


The biker gang kicked the door of the bar open and spit their dip on the floor as they took their seats.


The boy was given the nickname "The Peacemaker" because of his ability to stop fights with his conciliatory nature.


The bully let out a derisive laugh as he tripped the small boy running down the hallway.


The butler catered to their every wish.


The clueless tourist asked a question that made the native laugh out loud.


The entire back row of students fell asleep during chapel.


The lone knight charged into battle to avenge the death of his chosen lady.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

red herring

The new road is a danger to the environment. It should not be built because it will increase traffic and people will speed and die. You don't want to increase the fatal car accidents do you?


The newcomer's pitiful attempts at a punch made the black-belt laugh.


The parents at the children's baseball game were constantly yelling at the umpire.


The plan is so confusing that it is absurd.


The prime minister gave a heartfelt apology after his role in the "Panama Papers" scandal was exposed.


The robber gave a foolish testimony saying he robbed the bank because "God told him to"


The salesman would not leave us alone to make sure we were fully satisfied.


The student tried to convince me of his thesis but his body paragraphs were so intangible that I had trouble understanding it.


The teacher called on one student who had not done the homework, then on another student had also not done the homework. He then assumed that no one had done the homework.


The teacher's lecture made no sense...what are series circuits?


The trash cans aren't at the foot of the driveway like they were this morning, and the lights are on inside the house. Therefore, my parents must be home.


There are 7 billion people in the world. 353,000 people are born each day, while 151,600 die each day.

Begging the Question

This fallacy is important because Mr. Crandall said that it is important.


This party is nothing compared to the ones Joe throws.

Red Herring

To fix the lack of pure water in Flint, Michigan, we should start by looking at the overall economy in America.


Today, I saw a goat jump onto a giant block of cheddar jack cheese in my driveway and dance the entire routine of the Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cryus.


Tom's irreverent joke clearly offended his brother, who was a Catholic priest.


We must always drive the speed limit for the safety of pedestrians.


We must use total warfare to defeat the enemies that have wronged us.


Well, she was making dumb decisions, so she deserved to get hit by the bus.

Red Herring

What do you mean I'm sloppy, I can hold my breath for a certain amount of time!


Yeah okay i guess i love you.


Yeah, the world is obviously going to end tomorrow! Ha!

Red Herring

Yes, I understand that I zone out sometimes in class, but did you see the student next to me texting the whole time?


Yessir I'll get that for you right away.


You all can decide what movie we see, it doesn't matter to me.


You are a waste of space and you should go die in a hole.

Straw Man

You ate that chicken wing, so you must hate animals!

Slippery Slope

You can't let the girls wear shorts to school! Next thing you know they'll be wearing bathing suits!

Appeal to Ignorance

You can't prove I ate this cookie, therefore I did not eat it.

Slippery Slope

You cannot wear that outfit. People will make fun of you and then you will have no friends.


You don't know how to say the ABC's?! What a baby!


You don't like chocolate? What's wrong with you?

straw man

You don't think I should eat a whole cupcake? Why do you think I'm fat?


You stole the car. It was missing at 11 P.M., and it is in your driveway this morning.

Red Herring

You tell me I need to be more organized, but I'm the fasted sprinter on the track team!


during the moment of silence, he made mooing sounds as people looked for the mooer


hahahah you wet the bed!!


he gave her a two months pay after he fired her to make the transition easier.


he threw away half of his sandwich right infront of a homeless man.


i feel passionately that all people should have the right to vote in federal elections!!!

straw man

if someone proposes that the school spend money on better athletic facilities, only to be criticized for downplaying the importance of academics

slippery slope

if you don't do your homework, soon you won't do any work, and then drop out of school

Slippery slope

if you let them eat one piece of candy a day soon that's all they are going to ever eat.

Begging the Question

impossible tasks don't exist because I have done things considered impossible.


last night I was signed to the jags as the starting punter, and head coach

Appeal to ignorance

superman and I have have never been seen in the same place at the same time. So I am superman.


the judge didn't not flinch in his decision despite the distraught mother.


the next time I see them, they will pay for what they did to us


the teacher was unaffected by the sobbing of her struggling students


the tv show was so silly it could put a smile on anyone's face

Straw man

trump can't be president because of his hair. We can't have a president with hair like that.


According to Donald Trump, America NEEDS to build a wall to keep illegals out.


Acute angles are less than 90 degrees, and obtuse angles are greater than 90. This angle is 37 degrees, therefore, it is acute.


After Clover exposed Finley's secret, Finley was eager to get back at Clover in any way.


After I yelled at her, I felt sorry and I sent her an edible arrangement.


After James stood me up for our date, I knew I had to get him back and make him regret leaving me at the restaurant for hours.


After Johnny broke my heart, Sayid brought me some cookies to ease the pain.


After he cheated on her, she looked for every chance to embarrass him in front of the school.


After he keyed her car, all she could do was think of things to get him back.


After my brother came home with a new, ugly haircut, I couldn't stop myself from laughing.


After the threats were made today, has your perspective on life changed?


All cars have at least four wheels, my Ford Escape is a car so therefore my Ford Escape has four wheels.

slippery slope

All of my work on my english homework got deleted, therefore I will die old and alone


Allie says she hates scary movies, so it is safe to assume that she would not like The Shining.


Almost all of the girls wore a strapless dress to the prom last year, so she will probably wear a strapless dress too.


I'm sorry I'm car broke down and I couldn't get it running again until a Leprechaun came and put gold in my engine.

Slippery Slope

If I continue to fail English I will drop out of school.

Begging the Question

If Martians didn't build the statues on Easter Island, than who did?

Slippery Slope

If Trump gets elected he's going to get us all killed.

slippery slope

If all you eat is Cheetos, soon you will turn into a Cheeto.

Slippery Slope

If we let cats vote, soon garfield will be president!

Appeal to Ignorance

If you can't prove that the tooth fairy isn't real, then she must be real.

Straw Man

If you claim to be on a diet then why did you eat that one hershey kiss in AP Lang class?


It could've been avoided, but I was not careful enough.


It has been 6 years since that incident. But now he will pay. THEY ALL WILL PAY!


Navy Seals.

Appeal to Ignorance

No one can prove you cheated on your chemistry test, so I guess you didn't.

Appeal to Ignorance

No one has ever been able to prove that God doesn't exist so that's why I believe.

Appeal to Ignorance

Nobody has proven that Bigfoot isn't real, so he must be!

Appeal to Ignorance

Nobody said there wouldn't be dogs at the new pet store, so there must be dogs.


Students in an online class must have a computer.

straw man

Students who aren't reverent to the flag are not American.


The waiters were paying attention to us all night, so we tipped them 25%

Begging the Question

Their ad had a photo of Italian food so they must serve pasta alla vodka.

Red Herring

There is a lot of talk about womens rights on social media. I agree that women should have more rights, but we have let social media take too much power. We should start looking up from our phones more and paying attention to the stuff around us.


They hurt my family. I'm going to hunt them down to make them wish they'd never been born.


When I asked her to fix my tire, all she said was, "you're smarter than a tire"


When I saw on ESPN that every Chicago Bulls player was worth over a million dollars, I deduced that Derrick Rose was worth over a million dollars.


When asked about the plight of children in Africa, the man replied that he did not care.

Red Herring

When asked about the state of Social Security, the candidate replied: "Well in order to answer that, we must be able to recognize that immigration is undermining all of America's federal programs. What I plan to do to stem illegal immigration is..."


When asked if she had wiped her e-mail server clean, Hillary Clinton responded, "You mean, did I wipe it off with a tissue? No, of course not!"


When he lost a bet and had to dress up as a tree, he looked so stupid.


When he told me his test grade I couldn't help but laugh.


When the first hominids created fire and burned their legs, arms and heads, they concluded that fire is not safe to touch.


Whenever she would win a race, she would go back to the tent and tell the whole team how amazing she did.


the boy laughed at the little kid as he ran to class with a backpack twice his size.


the intern went all the way across town to pic up a special cup of coffee for the boss


the wild teenagers wouldn't even settle down during the priests homily.


there are aliens that come and dance on earth while we are sleeping.


well, bully didn't exactly make good choices last night

Appeal to ignorance

you can't prove God's not real, thus God must be real.


For some reason he thought it was prehistoric day and came to work dressed as a dinosaur!


I like to cast a line and hook into the water and wait for a fish to bite the hook so I can reel it in.


I liked that song way before it got popular!


I made Sally dinner for her family after her father pasted away, because I knew it would be hard for her to get out of bed.


I noticed the absence of Harry from lunch yesterday. He must've been the one who pulled the fire alarm!


I noticed you smell differently today: new perfume?


I paid attention to every word during founders day chapel and was very respectful.


I see a car pulling up and I hear rap music, so my annoying brother must have just arrived.


I slept through all of founders day chapel.


I think you are a really great person and and you do not deserve the blame you get.


I understand, and I'm sure we can find a solution that helps us both.


I vote we sign the treaty to end the war now, and address any changes either party would like to make.


I went to my private island on my private boat today to go to my private airport to fly to , my private country


I went to the store to buy everything in the store.


I will fight for America until the day I die, because I have never been so proud to be an American!!!


I will gladly go to jail if it means supporting my favorite candidate: Donald Trump.


I will hunt down and kill the man who key'd my new car


I wish we would have won the debate, but it was my fault that I decided to make up my points on the spot.


I would actually sell my soul for guacamole. There is nothing better than guacamole. I literally LOVE guacamole because avocados, tomatoes and citrus tastes DIVINE all together.


I'd tell you about the beauty of the Ponte-Vedra club, but I don't think you'd get it.


I'll be there sometime later today.


Lisa was the teacher's pet and she made sure everyone knew it.


Lizzy has ducks, so she must live on a farm and grow crops.


My sister pranked me on April Fool's Day. I am so ready to get her back.


My waiter was obsequious because he obviously wanted a large tip.

straw man

What do you mean your product cleans 99.9% of the time? Doesn't that 0.1% make your product a lie?


"Hey, do you have your shoes? You need good shoes so your feet won't hurt. Walking long distances without shoes can cause serious damage due to the lack of arch support. It's funny when you think about it evolutionary. The first humans didn't have shoes but nowadays if we don't wear shoes we could really hurt ourselves! Anyway, I came up here to ask you to go walk the dog.


"I am breathing. Giraffes breath. Therefore, I am a giraffe."

Red herring

"I'm upset that I failed my Physics test." "But, think of all the starving children in Africa."

Slippery Slope

"If we legalize marijuana, it won't be long before we legalize heroin and cocaine and begin funding drug lords."

Slippery Slope

"Let muslims into the country and well all die" - Trump


"Lizzy, did you really just win the lottery and meet Ben Stiller?!?!?!" "Yes."

Straw Man

"My opponent says he wants a stronger federal government. I, on the other hand, don't condone making America an empire."


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Red Herring

"There is no way that the universe is 6,000 years old" "Well 6,000 isn't an exact number." "How did you get that one then?"

Appeal to ignorance

"There isn't any evidence out there that proves aliens don't exist, therefore they just have to be out there.


"We're going to build a wall, and it's going to be a great wall."

red herring

"Why are you failing physics?" "Well, I did just work really hard on my History project and got an A+!"

red herring

"Why are your grades so low?" "Well, I've made several achievements in sports this semester..."


"Why didn't you put Sally in the play?" "It's not my fault she can't act!"


"You got to go to the Rihanna concert?! I'm so jealous how was it?" "It was good."


"doing homework is for losers" .. (while doing homework) yea I never care about doing it


Anything Ms. Martina wanted for dinner must be served to her straight away! She deserves only the best.


Apple pie is like doing the laundry.


Are you going to that thing with what's her name?

Appeal to Ignorance

As far as I'm concerned, there's no real proof that we are not living in a hologram, so therefore I have reason to believe that we are indeed living in one.


As she was sneezing, she accidentally tooted in front of the whole class.


At first, I thought that Ms. Siddon's play was a little abstruse and strange sometimes, but I really liked it by the time the curtain fell.


Attempting to earn a promotion from the boss, I brought her 4 coffees from Starbucks this morning.


I would hate for this silly fight to wreck our friendship. I'm sure there's a way to compromise and move on.


Because frogs start out as tadpoles, and are amphibious, it is safe to conclude that amphibious animals start out as tadpoles.

Appeal to Ignorance

Beyonce must be in the illuminati because she has given no proof that she isn't in it.


Billy hates sports so I don't think he will enjoy watching golf.

Red herring

Billy how did you get a C on this test!? Mom did you know that Lisa got a haircut?


Blondes have more fun. That girl is a blonde, therefore she has more fun.


Blythe complained about how iffy the weather was in Chad this time of year. Traveling really is such a bore.


Both team captains attempted to talk through the ongoing feud, but ended just fighting instead.


By the way her eyes glowed, you could tell how passionate she was about her work.


Can I take you to lunch so we can end our fight?


Carol was texting the entire time Mama T was preaching today in Chapel.


During their first dance, his eyes were glowing with love for his new wife.


Football is the best sport in the world. I count down the days until the next season starts. (150 days 13 hours 38 minutes and 11 seconds at the moment)


He had not been a good basketball or football player, so he decided he just wasn't an athlete.


He has an abstruse view of life.


He is going to pay for what he did.


He isn't someone who you would take to meet your parents if you know what I mean.

ad hominem

He must be a delinquent; he dropped out of school.


He must be the killer, because his fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime, on the murder weapon, and on the victim's body.


He rudely said, "eat this, in rememberance of me" at the lunch table.

slippery slope

He shouldn't get his license; he will get speeding tickets every night and become a notorious criminal!


I do not care about the rules.


I do not care why you are crying. Please, just stop.


I do not really care who wins the game.


I don't care about your club and I hope it doesn't succeed

Straw Man

I don't know why anyone would be in support of cutting military spending unless they support the US being defenseless.


I don't really care about my job. I'd change careers if I could.


I don't think I was perfect on that test but tests are hard and nobody's perfect


I failed my first two physics tests, so I'm going to fail the class.


I just don't feel like going to the dinner party anymore.


I just got hit by a car. It's not that big of a deal though.


I knew that showing up late to our meeting would put everyone behind schedule, but I had more important things to do.

red herring

I know I should not have cut my hair in class, but my parents always say they like me better with short hair.


I know you're still mad at me from Ally's party, but I hope you love your fruit and muffin baskets I made you!


It is of the utmost importance, my dear friends, that we solve the crisis immediately.


Leonardo DiCaprio in The Revenant was very vindictive, even if he did have a just cause.


Let's go have filets at the Ponte Vedra Club, it'll be way better than that Longhorn place you suggested!


Let's just say she could have done a bit better on that test.


Let's try to avoid going through the airport security.


Lets work as a team.

Red Herring

Looking at the tax-cut plan, we need to make sure we appear strong to the public, because that is what the public wants, a strong leader.


Maybe I should study.


Molly chomped on her gum and texted loudly in the middle of Holy Communion.


Most Kevin Hart movies are very farcical.


Mr. Crandall didn't believe my excuse that I was late because I hit Oprah with my car.


Mr. Crandall gave me the grade "lake of tears" on my test!


My Calculus homework.


My brother pulled a prank on me so I have to get him back ten times worse.


My circadian rhythm was off, so I slipped beneath the surface in class. (Meaning I fell asleep)


My dog always greets me at the door when I arrive home.


My dog ate my homework.


My dog won't stop begging for a treat.


My mom does not like their music, so she will not like the new single.

Begging the Question

My mom is right because she is my mom, and she is always right.

Straw Man

My mom told me I should excercise. I can't believe she would call me fat like that!

Red Herring

My opponent disagree's with the idea of building a wall and says it's a waste of money, but the real issue is figuring out what to build the wall out of, wood or cement.


My previous pastor often scared the living daylights out of me, "Hell is a fiery furnace where you will suffer for infinity! Turn or burn!!!!"


My sister goes to college, so she probably is probably studying in the library every single day.


Nothing is more excruciating than sitting through a dispassionate movie that has no heart or soul in it.


Now can't we all just get along?


Oh, we went to that lunch place here, just around the corner, down the street and a couple blocks away around noon.


Ok so on my way to work, I saw this deerbra (a mix between a zebra and deer) and anyways that's why I'm late.


On my first day of the job, I made sure to agree with everything the boss said!


People who are homeless deserve what they got and should have worked harder in life.


Person 1: Fall colors are SOOO last year. Person 2 who is wearing fall colors: Oh yeah I TOTALLY agree.


Person 1: What are your thoughts on abortion? Person 2: I think that abortion is a very important issue that needs to be handled with the utmost tact and consideration.

Straw Man

Person A: "What's your view on gun laws", Person B: "I believe health insurance should be boosted."

Appeal from ignorance

Proven that aliens don't exist.


Quantum physics states that there are multiple universes and you are only living in one of the infinite possible realities.


Running is the greatest sport, because with every stride, you feel more and more accomplished.


SNL has had great skits making fun of the presidential candidates this year.

appeal to ignorance

Santa is real because no one can prove he isn't.

Appeal to Ignorance

She didn't respond to my text so she doesn't like me.


She obviously wore extravagant attire and used big words during her speech to catch the audience's attention.


She said, " your daughter is such a wonder" in a very fake tone.


She scoffed at me when I told her my dog died.


She walked around the party holding her little white dog in a purse, and did not bother to take her shades off, even though we were inside.


Since gravity pulls everything down, this ball will fall every time I drop it.


Since this ball falls every time I drop it, there must be some force pulling it down.


Since you're going out to dinner and Zach has a lacrosse game, can I go to a party with my friends?

Straw Man

Single payer health care is great, but it can't be paid for.

Red Herring

So yes, I may not be the best student in the world, but have you seen my brother's grades recently?


The ex-convict stubbed his toe on the pew and cursed in the presence of the pastor.


The fact that you believe that is such a classic move.


The fans jeered at the opposing team and laughed.


The girl next to me false started our hurdle race, and instead of feeling bad for her, I was happy because I had a better chance of winning.


The girl was surprised at the sudden callous nature of her usually sweet mother.


The judge always remained calm and dispassionate, even when faced with the toughest and most emotional cases.


The lamp broke from a series of events which may or may not have involved me.


The spartan crime scene shows our unsub must have OCD.


UNC is going to win March Madness!!! It will happen!

Straw Man

Vegetarians only want humans to live off of plants and leaves.


Wasn't my acting better than all of those other amateurs.


We can talk when the time is right.


We could see her taking selfies during her Grandmothers funeral!


We didn't go to your party because it was stupid, Valerie. I don't care if it was your retirement party, it was lame.

Red Herring

We don't have to worry about global warming, were in the middle of a war!

red herring

We need more money to support the child service programs that we have. Children are our future. Let's support children.


We need to agree on this situation so lets try to all be open minded about it.


We should make this a win-win situation for the both of us.


Well I would never associate with someone like her.


Well to solve the immigration problem, we would have to address it at the source. There won't be an easy solution. We will have to work on it as a country, but we can do it, I assure you.

Appeal to Ignorance

Well you haven't proven aliens do not exist, so they must exist.

Begging the Question

Well, I imagine my friend has a very good excuse for not arriving to class on time, so you would be wrong to mark her tardy.


Well, Valerie, your engagement ring is nice, but my fiance proposed with a $2.2 million ring with real diamonds, so...


Well, he wasn't home from 9 P.M. to 12 A.M., and he didn't answer my calls. Therefore he was at a party.


Well...I think that I may just maybe go on a short, little walk around the neighbor.

Red herring

While they were debating wheter or not to go on a trip, she suddenly brought up grocery shopping.


Who cares that he's dead? I wasn't his friend.


Whole la, me lamo Jack, is a terrible attempt at spanish.


Without much feeling, he fired her abruptly.

Begging the Question

Women should not be soldiers because only men should be soldiers.


Yeah I guess we should finish our project since it's due tomorrow.


Yeah man that's so right woo you're the man!

appeal to ignorance

You can't prove that aliens don't exist so therefore, I'm right, aliens DO exist.

Straw man

You can't say you're not racist because you support Donald Trump.


You can't see God so he isn't real.


You have really fair skin. You must own a lot of sunscreen and aloe.


You should be ashamed you stole from that man!


Your facial details detract from your beauty.


Your opinion does not matter because you are irrelevant and replaceable.


after being tripped by the carefully placed banana peel, I planned my payback for months


that book it the most idiotic piece of literature ever created

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