Csp 300 Exam 2

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-racial prejudice rests on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race -systemic vs individual -sue would call this a mircoassault

Racism & stress

if you have a moderate stress level, illness decreases and performance increases

The Yerkes-Dodson curve shows that...

daily hassles

The _____ _____ most frequently experienced by students include finances, relationships, and time pressures

White Americans

The infant mortality rate is lowest among which racial group?

one that constantly changes in pitch or frequency

The most disturbing type of noise is:


communications that subtly exclude, negate, or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color; ex: White people often ask Asian-Americans where they were born, conveying the message that they are perpetual foreigners in their own land


acting in a way to get what one is entitled to, one's rights, but at the expense of someone else's rights


acting in a way to get what one is entitled to, one's rights, but not at the expense of someone else's rights

sitting on the border

adopting a multiracial perspective

creating a home base in one identity

adopting a multiracial perspective, but periodically becoming involved in other racial groups


an adverse stress reaction to work with psychological, psychophysiological, and behavioral components


any group smaller than and differing from the larger, controlling group in the community or nation (racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, gender, differently abled, etc.)


attitudes, customs, and beliefs shared by a group and shared through language, rituals, institutions, foods, and arts

fearful, panic

catastrophic orientations lead to being _____/____

interpretation of a stressor

cognitive appraisal of a stressful situation is the...


conscious and intentional actions or slurs, such as using racial epithets like displaying swastikas or serving white before black at restaurant - classic racism

situational ethnicity

consciously switching between racial groups


daily interactions with the environment that are essentially negative


everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership highlight individuals' differences through the lenses of majority culture as the norm

anger at others, irritable, alienated

externalizing orientations lead to:


food substances that produce a stress like response; also called sympathomimetics


future orientations lead to being _____


giving up what one is entitled to, one's rights, in order not to upset another person

intersectionality of privilege and oppression

having parts of our identity that are privileged and other parts that are oppressed (can be the same part of your identity)

social, economic, environmental

health disparities are defined as a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with ______ disadvantage(s)

sick society, stress, burden of racism, high bp, cancer, low birth weight in babies

health effects of racism:


immersing oneself excessively in work at the expense of nonwork activities

shame, guilt, depression

internalizing orientations lead to ____/____/_____


large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background

having both feet in both groups

merging multiple perspectives simultaneously


true or false: cognitive appraisal is the same for every person

motivational factors

variables associated with job satisfaction; includes working on stimulating tasks, being recognized for work well done, and positive relationships with work colleagues


verbal and nonverbal communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage or identity (ex. an employee asks a colleague of color how she got her job, implying that she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system)


which of Epstein's four trainable stress management skill sets has been found to be most effective?

excessive alcohol consumption

Dietary factors that increase blood pressure include:


A subjective and multifaceted way of looking at ourselves

stress roadblocks

According to the Stress Theory Model, ____ ____ interrupt the adverse effects of stress.

prejudice and racial profiling

Acculturation stressors include:


Activities to prevent a stressor from resulting in negative consequences

stress diary

A ____ ____ can help you to identify consistent features in the stressors you regularly encounter

feedback loop

A ____ is when a negative consequence of stress is perceived as stressful and starts the stress model all over again?

teach multiple skills

A comprehensive stress management program need to...

anxiety and muscle weakness

A deficiency in B and C vitamins may result in ____ and ____ ____


By 2050, ____ will be the largest minority group in the US

red meat

Cancer may be caused by diets high in...

more, greater

Holmes and Rahe found that the ____ significant life changes that a person experiences, the ____ the chance that he or she will contract more physical or psychological illness

emotional arousal

In the Stress Model, after a life situation is perceived as stressful, the next step is:

education level and race

Infant mortality is related to the mother's...

different races, ethnicities, genders, sexual identity and orientation, and geographic locations

One of the US Government's top goals for health in 2020 is to seek health equity for Americans of..


T/F: About 50% of adult bone mass is acquired by the age of 18 in girls


T/F: According to the Commonwealth Fund, white males experience a higher level of stress than both minority men and minority women


T/F: Attempting to control stress will enable one to release stress


T/F: By defining your own success you give yourself on more way to control a possible stressor


T/F: Homelessness is steadily decreasing in the United States


T/F: Kanner and his colleagues believe that everyday hassles can be more detrimental to a person's health than one isolated major event


T/F: Managing stress is the exercise of controlling your perceptions, emotions, and actions


T/F: Money is an important stressor among minorities


T/F: Native Americans and Alaska Natives experiences a relatively low rate of deaths caused by unintentional injuries


T/F: Native Americans have the highest suicide rate amongst males aged fifteen to twenty-four


T/F: One out of every three women ages 50 and older will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime


T/F: Poor eating habits may increase your stress level


T/F: Regular participation in physical activity is an important factor in achieving and maintaining optimal bone mass


T/F: Stress that initially appears threatening but ultimately proves beneficial is called distress


T/F: Sympathomimetics are effective in treating excessive stress


T/F: Sympathomimetics are important to consume if you are prone to stress


T/F: Sympathomimetics ought to be taken as supplements


T/F: When faced with a loss, an individual inevitably experiences a physiological arousal followed by an emotional reaction


T/F: Whites have a higher rate of lung disease than do African-Americans


T/F: Women are about 7 times more likely than men to suffer from osteoporosis


T/F: You cannot control stress, but you can control your response to stressful situations


T/F: Your first step in dealing with stress should be to develop a rigid plan


T/F: a person who scores high on the life-event scale should take a vacation to reduce his/her score


T/F: an individual with a high BMI is always considered obese

lesser than

When African Americans are exposed to stress in a laboratory, their blood pressure increase is _____ that of Whites in the same experiment


Which of Epstein's stress management skill sets refers to techniques such as meditation or diaphragmatic breathing?


Which of Epstein's stress management skills refers to planning to avoid stressors?

thought management

Which of Epstein's stress management skills refers to reinterpreting stressful thoughts to be less stressful?


____ can make that certain part of your identity feel most prominent


_____ is a term that describes stress that results in good consequences, actions that are beneficial, and that encourages optimum performance


a category of human kind that shares certain distinctive physical traits


a condition for low blood sugar

DESC form

a formula of verbally expressing assertiveness consisting of a description of the situation, expression of feelings, specification of preferred change, and consequences of whether or not a change is made

social identity Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-esteem (social class, family, ethnic group, religion, football team)

a person's sense of who they are, based on their group membership(s)


a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people; the part of your identity you think of the least; only problem is that not everyone has it

ABC lists

a time management technique in which tasks are prioritized


a word that is the focus of meditation

reducing or eliminating the source of stress

according to Epstein's source management refers to:

which puts people of color in a psychological bind. while the person may feel insulted, she is not sure exactly why, and the perpetrator doesn't acknowledge that anything has happened bc he is not aware he has been offensive in turn this leaves the person of color to question what actually happened; result is confusion anger and an overall sapping of energy

microinsults and microinvalidations are less obvious in nature

active listening

paraphrasing the speaker's words and feelings; also called reflective listening


past orientations lead to being _____


positive events that make us feel good

having the confidence in the ability to manage a certain situation

self efficacy is:

calcium, potassium, and zinc

stress has been found to increase the excretion of ___, ___, and ____

"isms" and oppression(systemic vs. Individual), micro aggressions, spend a day in another culture, cultural conflicts(within self and with others), acculturation, hate crimes, police brutality, lack of justice

stressors challenging minority students

occupational stress

the combination of sources of stress at work, individual characteristics, and extra organizational stressors


the interconnected nature of social categorization; everyone has multiple social identities; aspects of identity can be fluid or fixed


the state of being exposed to prolonged unjust treatment, control, or cruelty, the "isms"

declined, increased

the total number of AIDS cases has ____ for White Americans and _____ for Asian Americans

problem-focused coping

the use of activities specific to getting a task done

emotion-focused coping

the use of activities to feel better about the task

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