Cultural Anthropology Final

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Eating practices are



are people who are expelled by the authorities of their home countries.

Until the 1920's anthropologists interpreted totemism as evidence of a group's

limited intellectual capacity

going native

refers to a process where the anthropologist loses the ability to be an engaged observer

Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

A pidgin language

which project would be best suited to parachute ethnography?

A study of community response to a disaster

According to anthropologist Sherry Ortner's analysis, the American flag is an example of

A summarizing symbol

The earliest engagement anthropologists had with material culture happened where?


Which of the following activities or behaviors is not part of the American sick role?


Koko and Washo were two primates who learned


Which of the following groups is a prominent American Indian rights group founded in 1968?

American Indian Movement

Sometimes the very landscape that Westerners want to conserve without people on them are actually the result of indigenous involvement and manipulation. These landscapes are called


World systems theory helped anthropologists

Better explain the historical emergence of development patterns throughout the world

Brent Berlin and Paul Kay found that if a language has only three color terms, they would always be

Black,White, and Red

Some anthropologists distinguish between two general types of political structures

Centralized and noncenteralized

People's fascination with having the newest NIKE shoes or iPhone is an example of which of the following anthropological concepts?

Commodity fetishes

True or false; the use of money is universal


True/False All humans are born with some culture


True/False Contemporary cultural anthropologists rank societies along an evolutionary scale from "primitive" to "advanced" to categorize human diversity


True/False Environmental anthropologists accept the idea that all indigenous people are environmentalists


True/False Ethnobiologists are primarily interested in the conversation traditions of non-Western peoples.


Three broad theories of social structure dominate the social sciences. They are

Functionalism, conflict, and interactional

What are some people who belong to conservative religious movements that advocate a return to traditional principles called?


Which English philosophers were concerned with the problem of disorder and argued that chaos is avoidable by creating strong government

Hobbes and Locke

What is the "subjectivity of illness"?

How people understand and experience their condition on a personal level

Emic Perspective

Is when an anthropologist is interested in a cultural insider's perspective in that insider's culture .

anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include

Key scenarios, summarizing symbols, elaborating symbols.

The US government's prohibition of the Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

Language death

When anthropologists study the way people use language in real settings rather than as a set of grammatical rules, they are focusing on


what term refers to an individual bit of sound that changes meaning


Animal call systems lack the ability to produce an infinite number of word combinations. This ability in human language is called...


the collection of goods in a community and the subsequent religion of those goods among members of a society is called


Action anthropology

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people.

Which of the following groups of people were instrumental in the development of categorizing humans into distinct races?


What is the reason explaining why a collaborative approach to conservation can be so challenging?

Scientists and conversationists are often skeptical of indigenous knowledge claims

The difference between a survey and a structured interview?

Survey questions are closed-ended; structured interviews are not.

Which part of the Zapotec agricultural system does not correspond well to Western ecological understandings?

The idea that maize has a soul


The people anthropologists gather data from.


The purpose of field notes is to provide written records of information that an anthropologist collects

One of the primary reasons indigenous leaders criticize the dominant model fro administering protected environmental areas is

They assume nature must be uninhabited by people

Participant observation

This type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants.

True/False All knowledge systems about nature, including science, are culturally based


True/False Anthropologists agree than, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality


True/False Buddhism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic


True/False Ethnobiologists are primarily interested in the conservation traditions of non-Western peoples.


True/False Foragers tend work less to survive than agriculturalists or pastoralists


True/False In some hunter-gatherer groups relations are egalitarian and women can become leaders of a band


True or False; Exchange is a human universal


a word that best describes participant observation is


Globalization is the

Widening scale of the cross-cultural interactions caused by the rapid movement of money, people, goods, images, and ideas within nations and across national boundaries

The main reason men of the Malaysian Langkawi fishing community hand over their money to women is that

Women decontaminate money by using it to sustain the household.

The concept that people have images, knowledge, and concepts of the physical landscape that affect how they will actually interact with it is called

a cultural landscape

A key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is

a goal of synthesizing the entire context of human experience

An important element required for successful "rapid appraisal" data collection is

a good general knowledge of the area/topic being studied

Life histories

a method that is an extended conversation that can shed light on how social institutions change over time

The idea that Ongee ancestors make tidal waves and earthquakes would be understood by an interpretive anthropologist as

a way of explaining how the world works

The most comprehensive definition of food security is

access to sufficient nutritious food to be healthy and active

A powerful method that uses objects to manipulate people is


A good example of the process of medicalization is found in the changing understanding of which of the following conditions as a "disease"?


Early British settlers in the 1600's mistakenly perceived the new landscape in North America as an unpeopled wilderness when, in fact, it was a/an

an anthropogenic landscape

What is "fortress conservation"?

an approach to conservation that assumes that people are threatening to nature

Which of the following is not true about ethnicity

anthropologists agree on the theory to explain it

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm?

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

Soldiers returning from war often have which of the following symptoms

anxiety disorders

When you are consuming an object, the process of taking possession of it is called


The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures is called



are important for an anthropologist to write down because they reflect her or her private observations, which can also be useful data.


are people who leave their homes to work for a time in other regions or countries

Advertisers have trained American consumers to focus on the newest and most exciting products through their

attempts to constantly frame their products as new and improved

In the Melanesian conception of time, the futures spatially located

behind the body

The subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including human genetics and human nutrition, is called

biological anthropology

Medical anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes uncovered a large criminal network engaged in the black market sale of

body parts

In biological terms, humans are distinct from other primates with respect to their ability to use language because they

can speak using a larynx

throughout human history, humans have tended to adapt to the land in a way that is supportive of population size, a practice referred to as.

carrying capacity

When a doctor observes a patient's symptoms and prescribes a treatment that he or she thinks will act directly on the patient's body to cure the problem, the doctor is adopting which kind of treatment process?

clinical therapeutic process

Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

cognate words

Marx theorized that when objects begin to take on mystical powers and engender obsessive desire and worship is called

commodity fetishism

Which of the following best describes the methodology of multi-sites ethnography?


Life history interviews

conducting these interviews researchers are able to understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community.

Financial globalization has allowed for

corporations to move factories from one country to another

The subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practices is called

cultural anthropology

Which perspective incorporates symbols and morals into the understanding of a society's economy

cultural economies

the process of promoting one culture over others, through formal policy or less formal means, is

cultural imperialism

Hybridization is about

cultural mixing

The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgment about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is called

cultural relativism

The importance of a phenomenon like "revenge suicide" in Papua New Guinea is that it

demonstrates that the non powerful have ways of exercising political power.

The view that nature and environment conditions shape the characteristics and lifeways of a group of people is known as environmental


Negative or unfair treatment of a person because of his or her group membership or identity is called


The human ability to speak about the past, about items not present and about imaginary worlds is called


What is the most striking difference between a physician's approach to a sick patient and a medical anthropologist's perspective?

doctors will focus on the clinical processes that explain the disease, while medical anthropologists will want to look at the illness from all perspectives

According to anthropologists, what social institution is the structured patterns and relationships through which people exchange goods and services

economic systems

The process of learning culture from a very young age is called


A social movement that addresses the linkages between racial discrimination and injustice, social equity, and environmental quality is

environmental justice

What social distinction classifies people according to descent?


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is called


Interest within environmental anthropology concerned with how non-Western societies classify natural phenomena is called


the study of how people classify things in the world is called


If you wanted to understand the norms of a society, you would be most likely to focus on

everyday interactions

True/False Because of the widespread us of mass media today, sociolinguists have found increasing homogeneity in the use of language in the US


The structured beliefs and behaviors surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food is referred to by anthropologists as


Which mode of subsistence includes the search for edible things?


One of anthropology's insights about the foraging mode of subsistence is that

foraging people have a cultural view of their environments as giving

When a parent pays for a child's piano lessons, he or she is engaged in

generalized reciprocity

A cultural relativist would be most likely to emphasize that pastoralists

have developed effective social institutions and knowledge that ensure long-term sustainability of the landscape

Health and illness

have much variation throughout different cultures and societies

On the north coast of Papua New Guinea, a religious cult leader named Barjani was remembered through which object?

his hat

For anthropologists the most important aspect of any object is

how it emerges from and exists within a set of human social relations

According to Itzaj beliefs

humans and nature exist in the same realm

The "one drop rule" embargoed the slave population by

including the mixed-race children of slaveholders in the enslaved population

Why do foragers turn to agriculture?

increased population density causes too much competition for resources

Which word is most closely linked to the Marxist perspective


Because our values and beliefs include many elements of life such as clothes, food, and language means that culture is


A process that increases yields and includes prepping soil, technology, a large labor force, water management, and plant and soil modification is


Long-term damage to soil quality is typical of


Cultural differences are often caused and amplified by

interconnections between societies

An ____________ approach to culture, such as that promoted by Geertz, Turner, and Douglas, emphasizes that culture is a shared system of meanings


The relative worth of an object or service

is its value

A symbol

is something that conventionally stands for something else

Why was meat eating important for human biological development?

it provides high-quality protein for human brain development

Why is Karl Polanyi's diasctintion between formal and substantive economics important?

it recognizes that economies involve both how people think and the actual transactions they engage in.

Examples of social institutions are

kinship, marriage, and farming

Mary Douglas compared food's structure in society with _______________ and a formal dinner with a _______________

language; sentence

During anthropological fieldwork, cultural anthropologists

learn the local language, record people's economic transactions, and study how environmental changes affect agriculture

Culture is

learned and shared

If a functionalist were to explain why the teacher lectures from the front of the classroom to students organized in neatly arranged chairs, she or he would emphasize that

learning happens best when students are being talked at

The exercise of political power requires


The exchange of brass rods for the purchase of cattle or the payment of a bride price is an example of the use of

limited-purpose money

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

linguistic anthropology

"Owning" culture

means controlling symbols that give meaning

What pivotal evolutionary shift happened around 1.8 to 2 million years ago that is closely related to human foodways?

meat consumption increased

What subfield of anthropology tries to understand how social, cultural, biological, and linguistic factors shape the health of human beings in different cultures?

medical anthropology

Frank pulled his back out and went to see a chiropractor, an orthopedic surgeon, and an acupuncturist. Which of the following practices was Frank engaging in?

medical pluralism

Nearly all societies draw on more than one medical tradition simultaneously, a process which is called

medical pluralism

"Mother Nature and "natural resources are a good example of

metaphors of human-nature interaction

The study of meaningful units formed by a combination of phonemes is called


The process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to the environment is referred to as

natural selection

Traditional ecological knowledge is

not well known in the West because some species and ecological interactions exist in only one place

The human diet is


When language speakers use slang or metaphor, they are engaging in which concept suggested by French linguist Ferdinand de Saussure


Norms are stable because

people learn them when they are young

The ability to digest milk into adulthood is called lactase _________


Which one of the following is NOT one of the four classic "modes of subsistance"?

plantation farming

Typically archaeologists find it easiest to study changing styles and fashions through which of the following classes of objects?


Economies in which people seek high social rank, prestige, and power instead of money and material wealth are known as

prestige economies

Western colonial powers understood the different customs and cultures of the people they colonized as

proof of their primitive nature

Ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except...

protecting informants' blood samples and other biological information

Research that involves interviews, observations, images, objects, and words is a __________ study


Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing

quantitative data


refers to the knowledge about other people that emerges from relations.

Which of the following social structures was identifies as a way that African societies maintained order?

religious practices and beliefs

In Malaysia capitalist entrepreneurship is

respectful of Islamic and Malay obligations and values

What is a life cycle ritual that marks a person's or group of person's transition from one social state to another?

rite of passage

Anthropologists overcome ethnocentrism by

seeing matters from the point of view of another culture

political acts include all the following except

serving as treasurer during a game of monopoly

The importance of structural functionalism is that it

showed that non-Western societies have order without formal government

Anthropologist Daniel Miller suggested that shopping and consuming objects are fundamentally as much ____ acts as they are economic acts.


In Latin America, "blackness" and "whiteness" are based on

social behaviors

The idea that cultures pass through stages from primitive to complex is known as _______________

social evolution

The "natural" order represented in social hierarchies of any society is supported by

social institutions

Violence is

socially constructed

When anthropologist Robert Welsch got sick in Papua New Guinea, most of the villagers attributed his symptoms to


In some Pentecostal and charismatic Christian religions adherents experience an ecstatic religious happening (often associated with shames), which is known as

speaking in tongues

Power that transcends individuals, operating in settings in which social and individual actions take place, is

structural power

The core of Anthony F.C. Wallace's understanding of religion was belied in

supernatural thing

Slash-and-burn agriculture, also called _________ agriculture, is the most effective farming technique in tropical areas when population densities are low


Rapid increase in the scale and amount of communication means

that people in remote places can be in contact with people all over the world

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

the Industrial Revolution

Repatriation is

the act of returning human remains or cultural artifacts to the communities of descendants of the people to whom they originally belonged

Even though anthropologists use parts of the scientific method, some don't see what they do as science because

the complexity of social behavior prevents any completely objective analysis of human culture

Which of the following is the most ethnocentric reaction to African art?

the craftsmanship is poor because Africans have no skill

A cross-cultural perspective on eating insect larvae would reveal

the cultural constructions of insects as food

According to Marshall Sahlins, when production is organized by families it is

the domestic mode of production

The themes of reciprocity and gift exchange are critical to anthropologists because

the exchange of gifts is the economy in many societies.

The idea that things have social lives refers to which of the following?

the fact that objects are deeply intertwined with people's lives

A key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is

the first are analysts of development; the second seek ways to influence development programs from within

The primary ethical responsibility of anthropologists is to

the people or species they study

Why do films take on new meanings when shown to overseas audiences?

the specific cultural content and images in the film lead audiences to draw different conclusions because their culture is different

A rise in fundamentalism is often seen when

there are many changes in society

What is the most important thing that the core-legume-fringe dietary pattern indicates about how people eat?

there is a common general pattern of how people around the world eat

A central feature of cultural convergence theories is that

they articulate how and why cultural convergence through mixture and hybridity

James Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists:

to expand state power

Why would English colonial leaders portray Africans as uncivilized heathens?

to justify African slavery

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


Often, anthropologists use the term "____" rather than "globalization" to refer to the "global" circulation of goods and people


Some social networks are so spatially disbursed that migrants participate in a community that spans multiple countries, referred to as a

transnational community

The main difference between economists and economic anthropologists is that economists

try to understand and predict economic patterns

Comparative method

uses data from many different societies

Arthur Kleinman, a medical anthropologist who conducted research in Taiwan, argued that the key to understanding differences in perspective between doctors and patients is that healers and patients often have different

ways of explaining what is happening to the sick persons

Survey interview

you would use this if you want to want to have consistent responses.

A good illustration of the Marxist concept of surplus value is

A worker makes one $30 sweater every hour in a factory but gets paid only $5

An explanation given for medicalizing the nonmedical is


Development anthropologists often think of themselves as


Fijian objects were seen by most collectors as evidence of a


If a development anthropologist anthropologists were to get involved in a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, she or he would probably emphasize the


True/False For anthropologists power is largely located in the hands of state institutions and political offices


True/False Health and illness are objective states


True/False It has been proven that overpopulation will inevitably lead to global famine


True/False Genetically speaking, humans are a remarkable homogeneous species: there is far greater variation within human groups than there is between them


True/False Patterns of coal inequality and racial discrimination have important biological consequences for certain groups, such as African Americans


True/False Secular rituals that celebrate the state or nation, particular occupations, or other identities may achieve many of the same ends as religious rituals.


True/False The stereotype that Tahitian women were sexually promiscuous emerged almost overnight after the arrival of Captain Samuel Wallis in 1767, when Tahitians recognized that British had steel that the crew would exchange for sexual favors


When workers make only part of an object rather than the whole product, they have less of a relationship with the fruits of their labor. Karl Marx suggested that this changed relationship with the objects they were producing created a feeling of


In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries American doctors often had second jobs as


A key difference between caste and social class is

caste divides people in terms of moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms

Which approach to religious beliefs and behaviors do the text book authors feel is most effective at explaining why people engage in religious behaviors, especially behaviors that do not directly benefit the individual, such as the actions of Jonathan Daniels, tom Coleman, or suicide bombers in the Middle East

the idea that religion is a system of social action

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