SFA Psy 133 Ludorf Final study guide

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What would be a person experiencing anesthesia be most likely to make?

"Whenever I see the color red, I also have a vivid experience of the taste of chocolate".


-naturally occurring form of opium - includes morphine and codeine

A new iq test, the florid revised analysis of unusal dipositions, determines your iq score by dividing your ss # by your zip code and then taking the square root. The reliability of this test is probably about _____.


A new iq test, the standard topical universal psychological inventory of differences (S.T.U.P.I.D.) has a mean score of 100 and a reliability of zero. We retest 30 people who scored 140 the first time they took the test. On the retest, what is the probable mean score for this group of people?


Laura took a new IQ test that has a mean score of 100 and a normal distibution. Her score the first time she took it was 125. The reliability of this test is known to be zero. Now she takes the test again. What is the best prediciton of what her score will be this time.


forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain

3 parts of the brain

According to a survey of almost 3500 U.S. adults by Laumann et al (1994), the percentage of men in the U.S. who describe themselves as having a homosexual orientation is approximately _________.



A binocular cue for perceiving depth; the extent to which the eyes converge inward when looking at an object

What is an example of operant conditioning?

A chimp pulls the lever on a slot machine to get banana chips.


A condition in which stimulation of one sense also evokes another

What is an example of the use of conceptual networks in catergorizing?

A dog must have lungs because it is a mammal; mammals are animals; animals have lungs

What is an example of spontaneous recovery?

A fear of snakes that has been extinguished returns when the snake hasnt been seen for weeks.


A field of psychology that concentrates on observable, measurable behaviors and not on mental processes


A large structure of the hindbrain that controls fine motor skills.


A measure of the relationship between two variables


A neurotransmitter associated with movement, attention and learning and the brain's pleasure and reward system.

substance p

A neurotransmitter that is involved in the transmission of pain messages to the brain.

Dogs are frequently trained with verbal praise, such as "good boy" as the reinforcer. What type of reinforcer is this.

A secondary reinforcer.

Although it appears that adults think differently than children, what in research suggest that adults do sometimes show "childlike" thinking?

Adults will sometimes make a response containing unnecessary information that is consistent with an egocentric view.

The WAIS-III test is given to _______; the WISC-IV is given to ________.

Adults, children up to 16

Which of the following is an operational definition of "learning"?

An increase in the rate of response.

In what way does all scientific research presuppose determinism?

Any attempt to make discoveries about nature presupposed that we live in a universe of cause and effect.

Pima indians, who live in the sonoran desert region or Arizona, illustrate cultural influences on eating habits in what way?

As they switched from their traditional diet to a typical american diet, a large percentage of Pimas became obese.

What is NOT a basic assumption of behaviorists?

Behavior should be explained by internal motivations.

Why did behaviorists avoid the topics of thought and knowledge?

Behaviorists concentrate on observable behaviors, whereas thought and knowledge are un observable processes in the individual.

Why do many menstruating women crave potato chips?

By losing blood, they also lose salt, and a deficiency of salt triggers a craving for salty tastes

How can a minority group best influence public opinion?

By repeating a single, simple message over and over


Chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another

What psych field concentrates most on thought and knowledge?

Cognitive psychology

What task would Korsakoff's patients do best?

Completing word stems with words that were previously presented.


Depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and induce relaxation

What is likely to occur in our recall of an event?

Details that dont fit in with the rest of the story will be omitted or distorted.


Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions including vision, hearing, smell, and touch

What is one major objection to dualism?

Dualism conflicts with the principle of the conservation of matter and energy. A non-material mind could not influence anything in the universe.

What event led to the rise of clinical psychology as we know it today?

During and after WWII, the need for services was greater than psychiatrists could provide. Clinical Psychologists began providing treatment for psychological distress.

In the public goods game, four of you are each given $20 to play the game. Which of the following would likely result in increasing contributions to subsequent common pools?

Each player is allowed to administer altrusitic punishment.

What topic was the main focus of research for the earliest psychologists and why?

Early psychological research focused mainly on sensation because sensation is central to experience and because the early researchers believed that sensation questions were answerable.

Algortithms are used to reduce the complexity of a problem by generating a subset of likely possibilities.


An association between the US and UCS develops whenever they occur close in time.


B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) was a russian psychologist who had won a nobel prize in physiology fo his research on digestion. He is well-known for his studies of classical conditiong.


Change blindness refers to the phenomenon of people detecting subtle changes in a scene or in their environment.


Consider the following set of scores on a quiz: 2, 2, 3, 5, 8. The mean for this set of scores is 3.


Counseling psychologists help people understand psychological problems.


Cross-cultural sampling requires researchers from at least two dif cultures.


Most people reaching midlife transition, which usually results in no change in their lives.


Only hypnotized people will engage in strange and dangerous behaviors.


Prof Smith conducts a study, and he finds that his results are not statistically significant. This means that prof Smith must conclude that his hypothesis was wrong.


Research suggests that intelligent people are persuaded by simple messages, but less intelligent people are more easily persuaded by complex messages.


Research suggests that marriage counseling is a highly effective method to save a marriage.


Rods are receptors adapted for color vision, daytime vision, and detailed vision.


The burden of proof argues that it is up to the skeptic to prove that no person can demonstrate psychic abilities.


The disequilibrium principle can be best stated as: The opportunity to engage in frequent behavior (e.g eating) will be reinforcing for any less frequent behavior (e.g. lever pressing)


The ganzfeld procedure is one demostration of psychic abilities that has been consistently been replicated in the labratory.


The percieved intensity of a stimulus is directly proportional to the actual physical intensity of a stimulus.


Visceral responses, responses of the internal organs, apply primarily to operant conditiong.


Your left hemisphere sees with your right eye, and your right hemisphere sees with your left eye.


What statement does research on false memmories support?

False memories are controversial when they are remembered in therapy after having been "repressed".

A person with hyperopia, or farsightedness, has difficulty focusing on far away objects.


A situation in which people communicate with other and discuss everyone's opinion is likely to lead to pluralistic ignorance.


Assimilation is the process by which a child changes her schema to fit new information.


Bilingual children are able to master two languages faster than children learning just one language.


Bird automatically learn how to sing their species' song without listening or practice.


Researchers suggest that to improve accuracy of ID of suspects in a lineup, police should encourage and agree with a witness's tentative choice.


The volley principle tells us the direction of tilt, the amount of acceleration, and the position of the head with respect to gravity.


Which of the following is an internal attribution?

Fred hung up on me, because he has a short temper.

Adolescence is sometimes characterized as a period of "storm and stress." What is most true about the "storm and stress" of this period?

Genes contribute to the degree of conflict.

X-linked genes

Genes found on the X chromosome.

Hours after a meal, when blood gluclose levels drop, the pancreas secrete the hormone, _______, which stimulates the liver to release stored gluclose back into the blood.


What was Alred Kinsey's contribution to the study of sexual behavior?

He conducted extensive surveys to find out about people's sexual activities.

What was Wundt's most lasting impact on psychology?

He set the precedent for studying psychological questions with scientific data.

nature-nurture issue

How do differences in behavior relate to differences in heredity and environment?

What is true about hypnosis?

Hypnotized people can become stiff as a board.

How to tell people who are actually hypnotized compared to people who are pretending?

Hypnotized people will imagine seeing someone sitting in a chair and also see the entire chair; pretenders do not report seeing the chair too.

Perplexity is 16 years old. She is trying to decide whether she wishes to apply herself in school so that she can enter med school or whether she wants to have fun in school and not bother about a career. Perplexity is in which of Erikson's stages?

Identity vs role confusion

According to cognitive dissonance theory, what is the relationship between attitude change and behavior change?

If behavior is changed, then attitude change will likely follow.

How does induction differ from deduction?

Induction is the process of inferring a general principle from a series of observations, such as "every dropped object falls." Deduction is the process of deriving a conclusion a conclusion from premises already given or assumed, such as "if A, then B. If B , then C. Therefore, if A then C.

What is true of infants' vision?

Infants prefer to look at human faces more than at othe patterns.

An infant sees a car go down a slope and emerge from behind a screen in either a possible (a hidden box is above the slope) or impossible (a hidden box blocks the slope) situation. What happen?

Infants stared longer at the impossible than at the possible event.

Through which mechanism doesinsulin affect food intake?

It increases the percentage of each meal that is stored as fats.

Which of the following is true of bulimia?

It is found in about 1% of adult women and 0.1% of adult men in the U.S.

Which of teh following is true of anorexia nervosa?

It reflects a pothological fear of fatness.

which field is most concerned with studying the effect of a reward on future behavior?

Learning and motivation

What is a statement most likely made by a radical behaviorist?

Learning is a change in an individual's response to a stimulus.

Sonmeone who regards himself as a man and who prefers male sexual partners has a _______ gender identity.


What would you propose as an operational definition of friendliness?

Many operational definitions are possible for friendliness such as the number of people that someone speaks to within 24 hours o the percentage of people one smiles at while walking down the street. You might think of a better operational definition. Remember that an operational definition specifies a clear method of measurement.

Susan learned german in college but she has not used it for two years. During this time, she has been studying french. Mary also learned german in college and hasnt used it for two years. Who should remember german better and why?

Mary will because she will have less retroactive interference.

What is true about false memories?

Memories are more likely to be implanted if they fit with one's personal experience than if they are not related.

What is an example of egocentric thought, as Piaget described it?

Michael draws a pile of blacks as he sees them, even when asked to draw how they would look from your side.

volley principle

Modification of frequency theory stating that a cluster of nerve cells can fire neural impulses in rapid succession, producing a volley of impulses.

Psychologists periodically rewrite iq tests, the revisions intentionally make the tests _____.

More difficult.

You learned to open your umbrella in order to stop the rain from soaking you, What type of contingency led to this learning?

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following is evidence that conscious decisions could be viewed as unconscious decisons?

Neural activity suggests a readiness potential is created even before an intentional decision is made.

If neither John nor his wife can curl their tongue, what would be evidence for high heritability of tongue curling?

None of their children will be able to curl their tongue.

Would you expect to get help faster if your car broke down on a highway that has relitevely few travelers or on a busy highway?

On the lightly travelled one, because of diffusion of responsibility

Under which situation would you most expect social loafing to occur?

People clapping as a group.

Which of the following provides evidence that our 24-hour sleep-walking cycle is the result of a built-in mechanism?

People who live in a near-polar region still generate about a 24 hour cycle of sleeping and being awake.

Experimental technology now allows an electronic signal to be sent to the visual cortex of a blind person. The person can "see" well enough to find their way around, identify simple shapes, and count objects. This research supports what statement?

Perception is interpretation of neural activity.


Perception of the frequency of a sound

Sternberg has developed a newer distinction among types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and ________.


After Ebbinghaus had been learning and recalling lists of nonsense syllables for months. He forgot much more of the list than an average college student would. What is the best explanation for this?

Proactive interference from the earlier lists caused rapid forgetting of the later lists.

According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best memory?

Producing a definition for a word.

What is an example of the overjustification effect?

Professional tennis players do not like to play tennis in thier spare time.

What do psychologists currently believe about punishment?

Punishment can be effective if it is immediate and predictable.

Bob seems to be deeply asleep, yet his brain waves resemble those of an alert, waking state. Bob is now in _______ before this he was in _______.

REM-1, stage 2 sleep

_______________ is an attempt to devise an IQ test that makes minimal use of language and is more fair to people with various cultural and language backrounds?

Raven's progressive matrices

The researcher associated with developing the triarchic theory is

Robert Sternberg

Although it is clear that the gymnast was reinforced for her excellent tumbling routine, most people would not imitate her. why?

Self-efficacy would be low for most people.

If you want to make and keep a new years resolution, which of the following is poor advice?

Set etiher a very easy or an extremely difficult goal.

Which psychology fields are most concerned with how people behave in groups?

Social psychology and cross-cultural psychology

What would be least useful in solving a problem that you cant answer quickly?

Start with the assumption that the problem is not solvable.

What was the difference between structuralists and functionalists?

Structuralists wanted to understand the components of the mind. They based their research mainly on introspection. Functionalists wanted to explore what the mind could DO, and they focused mainly on behavior.

taste buds

Structures on the tongue that contain the receptor cells for taste

Why is it neccessary the case that the mean iq for boys is the same as that for girls.

The authors of the test balanced out two types of questions to make the means the same for boys and girls.

optic nerve

The axons of the ganglion cells that carry information from the eye toward the brain.

Which of the following is likely to occur during sleep?

The brain engages in some restorative processes during sleep.

A child is constantly in trouble at school for disrupting class. How would a learning psychologist view this situation?

The child on receives attention (which is reinforcing) when he is disruptive.

A group of children are selected because they scored extremely high (over 145) on an iq test, Psychologists test their performance again 4 years later only to find that most of them scored a bit lower the second time than the first time. What is the most likely and parsimonious explanation?

The drop represents a random fluctuation in data based on a test with less than perfect reliability.

Every time the toilet in a neighboring apartment is flushed, your shower becomes very hot and you jump back in the shower. Soon you learn to jump back at the sound of the flushing toilet even before the water gets hot. What is correct regarding this situation.

The flushing sound is the CS.

Hemispheres of the brain

The human brain is divided into two halves called the left and right hemispheres

stroboscopic motion

The illusion of movement is produced by showing the rapid progression of images or objects that are not moving at all

A group of infants are identified as having low IQs, although it is admitted that infant IQ scores have low reliability. Five years later, most of these children have higher IQs than before. What is the most reasonable and most parsimonious conclusion?

The increase is due to random fluctuations in unreliable data.

frontal lobe

The lobe at the front of the brain associated with movement, speech, and impulsive behavior.

What is an exxample of base-rate info?

The pop. consists of 10,000 misquitos and 2 rare kwinky bugs.

occipital lobe

The rearmost area of each cerebral hemisphere; includes tissue crucial for processing visual information.


The sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of elements in the set. (A type of average)

random assignment

The use of a random method (e.g., flipping a coin) to assign participants into different experimental groups.

What shows evidence that context affects our understanding of words?

The word "rose" can refer to a flower or the past tense of rise depending on the other words around it.

The body is more susceptible to illness without sleep.

This is consistent with the idea of the restorative property of sleep.

How could someone scientifically evaluate the accuracy of Nostradamus's predictions?

To evaluate Nostradamus's predictions, we would need to ask someone to tell us precisely what his predictions mean before the events they supposedly predict had transpired. Then we would ask someone else to estimate the likelihood of those events. Eventually, we would compare the accuracy of the predictions of the predictions to the advance estimates of their probability.

Children of all ages seem to initially retain information, but when tested subsequently the younger children forget faster than older children.


Decision making using unconscious processing results in better decisions.


Demand characteristics can be reduced by using a double-blind procedure.


If you want to remember something in the long term you should study and review under varying conditions and practice with quizzes in between study sessions.


Nearly all nonhuman mammals rely on pheromones for sexual communications.


Negative reinforcement is NOT a punsihment; it is reinforcement by the REMOVAL or ABSENCE of something.


Research suggests that people engage in unconscious processing processing prior to making a conscious decision.


Semantic memory is memory of general principles.


Sleep allows us to save energy.


The statements "all objects fall to the earth at an acceleration of 981 cm/s^2 is falsifiable since it is possible to collect evidence that does not support the theory.


A person expierincing difficulty in using and producing language, especially grammatical devices, is likely suffering damage to Broca's area.


Collectively, sensations such as warmth, cold, pain, vibration and movement across the skin are known as the cutaneous sense.


Following surgery to remove a limb, a patient may still sense the amputated body part. The phantom limn is a continuig sensation of a body part.


Motion parallax is the principle that the faster an object passes by, the closer it must be.


People have applied operant conditioning to animal training, persuasion, and applied behavior analysis.


People retelling stories generally add details to make the story coherent.


Words learned as a child are remembered better than words learned as an adult.


What provides a reasonable psychological explanation for the moon illusion?

We are likely to compare the moon's size with objects at the horizon.

Its time to play Deal or No Deal. If you are likle most peoplem which would you be more likely to select as your prize?

Win $50,000

female sex


male sex


As the $100 bill that you just won blows away from you in the wind, you do not perceive it as becoming smaller, why?

You have size constancy.

In what situation would a heuristic be most useful?

You have too many hypothesis to test.

naturalistic observation

a careful examination of what happens under more or less natural conditions


a class of chemical compounds. The alcohol of alcoholic beverages, ethanol or ethyl alcohol, is one member of this class


a clear predictive statement


a condition in which cells somewhere in the brain emit abnormal rhythmic, spontaneous impulses

phantom limb

a continuing sensation of an amputated body part

operational definition

a definition that specifies the operations (or procedures) used to produce or measure something, ordinarily a way to give it a numerical value

bimodal distribution

a distribution with two modes

Gestalt Psychology

a field that emphasizes perception of overall patterns


a flexible, elastic, transparent structure in the eye that changes its shape to focus light on the retina


a fluid-filled, coiled tunnel that contains the receptors for hearing

convience sample

a group chosen because of its ease of study

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

a group of alcohol-related birth defects that include physical and mental problems

correlation coefficient

a mathematical estimate of the relationship between two variables, can range from +1 to -1.


a nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system

action potential

a neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon


a pill with no known pharmacological effects

correlational study

a procedure in which investigators measure the correlation between two variables without controlling either of them

A well-established effect of hypnosis on perception is

a reduction in the distress of pain.


a rigid transparent structure on the surface of the eyeball

John has worked the same job for the last 37 years. John has centered his entire life around his job. When John retires he will likely experience

a sense of loss.

vestibular sense

a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head

corpus callosum

a set of axons that connect the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex

endocrine system

a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream

good figure

a simple, familiar, symmetrical figure

multiplier effect

a small initial advantage in some behavior, possibly genetic in origin, alters the environment and magnifies that advantage

frequency principle

a sound wave through the fluid of the cochlea vibrates all the hair cells, which produce action potentials in synchrony with the sound waves

cross-sectional study

a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another


a study in which the investigator manipulates at least one variable while measuring at least one other variable


a study of the prevalence of certain beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors based on people's responses to questions

normal distribution

a symmetrical frequency of scores clustered around the mean

bona fide pipeline

a technique that uses priming to measure implicit racial attitudes

case histories

a thorough description of a person, including abilities and disabilities, medical condition, life history, unusual experiences, and whatever else seems relevant

inferential statistics

about a large pop. based on an inference from a small sample

Research examining vicarious punishment suggests it

affects behavior less than vicarious reinforcement.

4nder a continuous schedule of reinforcement the animal is reinforced

after every response


an attempt to describe the structures that compose the mind

informed consent

an ethical principle that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate


an explanation that fits many observations and makes valid predictions


an inference about the cause of a person's behavior

blind observer

an observer who records data without knowing the researcher's predictions


an organism's decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it

To illustrate a point, I described an isolated experience I once had. What kind of evidence is this?


scientific management approach

another name for the classical theory of formal organizations

The disequillibrium principle states that

any behavior that has been performed less often than usual can reinforce behavior

Research examining pheromones suggests that pheromones

are used by animals to recognize one another.

extrasensory perception (ESP)

at least some people, at least some of the time, can acquire information without using any sense organ and without receiving any form of physical energy

ergonomist (human factors specialist)

attempts to facilitate the operation of machinery so that ordinary people can use it efficiently and safely

Which of the following is an operational definition of intelligence? a. the ability to comprehend relationships b. a score on an IQ test c. the ability to survive in the real world d. the product of the cerebral cortex of the brain

b. a score on an IQ test

Most babies show a grasp reflex in which they will tightly hold onto anything placed in their hand, Such a reflex suggests

babies are demonstrating a behavior which is likely a result of evolution.

An examination of electroencephalograph (EEG) waves as related to sleep and being awake suggest that the EEG waves

become larger as a person goes into deeper sleep because a larger proposition of the active neurons are active at the same time.

Someone who scores 115 on WAIS-III has scored

better than 84% of people the same age.


bind to the opiate receptors

Which field is most interested in the effects of brain damage?

biological psychology

What kind of people try to cheer themselves up by overeating?

both overweight and normal-weight people

double-blind procedure

both the observer and the participants are unaware

central nervous system

brain and spinal cord


branch of medicine that deals with emotional disturbances

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

bundles of nerves between the spinal cord and the rest of the body.

Categorization of an object can occur

by comparing an object to a prototype to determine whether the object resembles the prototype enough to place the object in the category.

The advantage of the experimental method as opposed to correlational studies is that an experiment

can lead to the discovery of cause-and-effect relationships

The topic that would be not likely to be studied by a psychologist interested in cognition is how people

change their behavior following reinforcement.

John was able to stop smoking after seeing that his tennis partner was able to play better and not become short of breath after he stopped. John

changed his behavior due to vicarious reinforcement.

The sleeper effect refers to

changing attitudes after initial rejection of a message.


chemicals released into the bloodstream by endocrine glands


chemicals that are released into the external environment

Piaget argued that children in the preoperational stage fail conservation tasks because they lack the necessary mental processes. More recent research has shown that

children who can show conservation of number with a few items and with much practice, they also show it when the number of items is increased.

representative sample

closely parallels the population on relevant characteristics


clouding of the lens of the eye

cross-cultural psychology

compares the behavior of people from different cultures

Parkinson's disease

condition that affects about 1% of people over the age of 50; the main symptoms are difficulty initiating voluntary movement, slow movement, tremors, rigidity, and depressed mood

The first layer of cells is directly activated by light. ___ cells are activated by color, _____ are cells that respond to black and white.

cones and rods

It is now known that neurons

constantly grow new branches and lose old branches

cell body

contains nucleus

pons and medulla

control the muscles of the head

autonomic nervous system

controls glands and muscles of internal organs

spinal cord

controls the muscles from the neck down

If a psychologist wanted to determine whether Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is correct, as opposed to Spearmans theory of the "g" factor, what type of information would the psychologist probably collect?

correlations between peoples performances on many unrelated types if intelligent abilities

What depth cue could NOT be used by a person with one eye?


A self-handicapping strategy refers to

creating external causes for our failures

Someone who has learned a great deal of specific information and who has acquired many specialized skills can be said to have a great deal of _______ intelligence.


An experience taxi driver becomes more and more skilled at finding various addresses within a city, without improving other kinds of intellectual skills. We can say that the driver has increased his or her

crystallized intelligence

Raven's progressive matrices represent one attempt to construct a

culture-reduced IQ test

Hertz (Hz)

cycles or waves per second, a measurement of frequency

Stereotype threat research has illustrated a significant _______, simply be asking participants to indicate their race prior to a test.

decrease in Black students' performances

The process of inferring a general principle from observations is known as


monocular cues

depth cues available to either eye alone

physiological explanation

describes the mechanisms that produce a behavior


detects chemicals on the tongue

monozygotic twins

develop from a single fertilized egg and therefore have identical genes

dizygotic twins

develop from two eggs and share only half their genes

Of the kinds of psychological research just described- developmental psychology, learning and motivation, cognitive psychology, biological psychology, evolutionary psychology, social psychology, and cross-cultural psychology-which field concentrates most on children?

developmental psychology

motion parallax

difference in speed of movement of images across the retina as you travel

primary somatosensory

discriminates shape, texture, or size of objects


drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions


drugs that get rid of pain and dull the senses


drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions

Several studies have been done to determine whether children who fail Piaget's test can pass the same tasks when they are set up more simply. After such practice, children can often pass the more difficult versions of the tasks. This shows that

each stage seems to merge gradually into the next stage.

One reason why obesity and related problems are LESS common in France than in the U.S. is that in average, French people

eat smaller portion sizes.

single-blind study

either the observer or the participants are unaware of which participants received which treatment

resting potential

electrical polarization across the membrane (or covering) of an axon


energies from the world around us that affect us in some way

random sample

every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

What is the order of Masters and Johnson's four stages of sexual arousal?

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

negative afterimage

experiences of one color after the removal of another

biopsychologist (behavioral neuroscientist)

explains behavior in terms of biological factors, such as electrical and chemical activities of the nervous system, the effects of drugs and hormones, genetics, and evolutionary pressures

The hypothesis that compares buliamia to a drug addiction

explains why the cycles of abstention followed by overeating can become addicting

Which of the following is an example of groupthink?

failing to challenge the assumptions of group members.



sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight


filling in the gaps

Research examining cross-cultural differences in conformity

found no reliable differences betweeen U.S. and Japanese participants.

The tendency to make internal attributions for people's behavior even when we see evidencefor an external influence on behavior is known as the ___________ attribution error


Androgynous people tend to exhibit

good mental health, flexibility, and high self-esteem.

dark adaptation

gradual improvement in the ability to see in dim light

cross-cultural samples

groups of people from at least two cultures

Military strategists all agreed on a plan to attack an island. No one questioned whether it was reasonable and wheather they would suceed. What happend during that metting?


clinical psychologist

have an advanced degree in psychology with a specialty in understanding and helping people with psychological problems

The patient H.M. experienced significant memory problems H.M. symptoms suggested

he was suffering from anterogrode amnesia.

counseling psychologist

helps people cope with academic, vocational, and marital challenges

Juan takes a new psychological test several times and gets the same score every time he takes it. Other people also find that whatever their first score is, they continue to get the same score every time they take the test. We can conclude that this test has

high reliability.

A psychologist determines that peoples scores on a new test are consistent over time. Those who do well one day also do well on another day. This test has ________ reliability and _______ vailidity.

high, unknown

Maintaining stability of temp., body weight, and other biological conditions is known as


learning and motivation

how behavior depends on the outcomes of past behaviors and current motivations

waterfall illusion

if you stare at a waterfall for a minute or more and then turn your eyes to nearby cliffs, the cliffs appear to flow upward


impaired ability to focus on nearby objects because of decreased flexibility of the lens

bell curve

implied that genetic influences help explain ethnic differences in iq scores

A child is being taught to comb her hair, to brush her teeth, and to be generally clean everyday. She gets tickets that can be exchanged for gifts. At first, any attempt at neatness earns a ticket, but later she must do more to earn a ticket. The girl is

in an applied behavior analysis program.

Spearman's theory has been called a monarchic theory of intelligence because it

included a dominant ability that rules over lesser abilities.

induced movement

incorrectly perceive the object as moving

When an infant sucks, the sound "ba" is produced. He increases his sucking rate and then decreases it as the sound is repeated. The experimenter then changes the sound to "pa". The infant is likely to

increase his sucking rate because he hears a new sound

A study in which people were asked to rate the strenght of their sex drive and their degree of attraction to men and women found that for heterosexual women, a strong sex drive correlated with

increased interest in men and women


increased pressure within the eye

According to the primary effect in imperssion formation, you will be more influenced by

information recieved first, ratherthan that recieved later.

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

inherited condition that, if untreated, leads to mental retardation

The main evidence for the existence of a "g" factor in intelligence is the fact that

intelligence tests have several parts, and people who do well on one part generally do well on other parts also.

absolute sensory threshold

intensity at which a given individual detects a stimulus 50% of the time

Michael is 21 and he is trying to decide whether to marry now or wait until he has finished graduate school. He is in which of Erikson's stages?

intimacy vs isolation.

According to sterberg's triarchic theory, intelligence

is governed by three types of processes

clinical social worker

is similar to a clinical psychologist but with different training

When a cound comes from directly overhead, it is difficult to localize because

it reaches the two ears at the same time and with the same intensity.

Transactional Leadership

leadership based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance

Transformational Leadership

leadership that, enabled by a leader's vision and inspiration, exerts significant influence

Research examining language abilities in chimps suggests that chimps can

learn to use many symbols in sign language

Long-term regulation of food intake dependson the hormone _____, which is released by fat cells.


temporal lobe

located toward the left and right sides of the head, is the main area for hearing and some complex aspects of vision

According to Cattell, if we examine the intelligence of a person at age 20 and again at age 50, we are most likely to find

lower levels of fluid intelligence at 50, but more crystalized intelligence

Mesmer's animal magnetism

made physicians and scientists associate hypnosis with eccentrics.

People performing a stroop task will generally

make many errors stating the color name instead of the color the word is printed in.

falsifiable theory

makes clear, unambiguous predictions.

An independent variable

manipulated by the experimenter

Infants with low birth weight

many catch up in development to infants with higher birth weights if they experience similar environments.

In Milgram's experiment in which "teachers" shocked "learners"

many normal people continued to give shocks, although they had migivings about it.

One characteristic of dreams is that dreams

many occur in NREM sleep but they are less violent and visual than in REM sleep.

descriptive statistics

mathematical summaries of results

Adding all the scores together in a set of scores and dividing by the number of scores would give you the


The reliability of most iq tests is .90 or higher. This means that the tests

measure something (whatever) in a repeatable manner.

anxiolytic drugs

medication administered to temporarily relieve anxiety and reduce tension


nearsightedness; lack of foresight

the more negative a neighborhood, the lower the income. Pos, neg or zero coefficient?

neg between crowdedness and income

In a double-blind study

neither the researcher nor the participants know who is in the experimental group and who is in the control group

feature detectors

nerve cells in the brain that respond to specific features of the stimulus, such as shape, angle, or movement


nerve layer at the back of the eye that recieves images

Research on endorphins suggest that endorphins are

neurotransmitters that occur naturally and are similar to morphine.


objects are distinct from the background

Infant amnesia occurs because

of several possible physical and processing causes.

Hypothesis has been used to help people remember things. These memories

often include things that the hypnotized person has made up.

Elmer a fly fisherman, finds that he gets an average of 5 bites per 50 casts. If getting bites is reinforcing he is,

on a variable-ration schedule of reinforcement.

fluid intelligence

our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood

People suffering from amnesia as a result of damage to the prefrontal cortex often confabulate information to fill in gaps in their memories. Which of the following information is most likely to appear in a person's confabulations?

out-of-date info

cerebral cortex

outer layer of the forebrain


outermost covering of the brain consisting of densely packed neurons, responsible for higher thought processes and interpretation of sensory input

Chuck's parents was him to learn to enjoy reading. Many psychologists would advise them not to pay him large rewards for reading. Why?

overujstification effect

gate theory

pain messages must pass through a gate, presumably in the spinal cord, that can block the messages

prefrontal cortex

part of frontal lobe responsible for thinking, planning, and language

In an experiment exaxmining the effect of sterotypes on behavior, participants were required to make sentences that included the terms old, grey and bingo, which are the sterotypic of ederly people. Results showed that

participants on average walked more slowly than usual after completing the sentences.

With respect to romantic partners, women are more likely than men to prefer

partners who are good providers.


perception of the amplitude of a sound wave

People who awaken frequently during the night are more likely than other people to feel depressed. Pos neg or zero coefficient?

pos between waking and depression

Thorndike's cats learned to escape the puzzle box because

positive reinforcement followed the correct response.

The original purpose of IQ tests, and still their primary function is to

predict performance in school.

The difference between the IQs of african and european americans

predicts differences in their school grades

An unfavorable sterotype toward a group of people is known as ________.


terminal buttons

presynaptic ending

The tendancy for the first information we learn about someone to influence us more than later information is known as the _________ effect.



process by which the body achieves stability through physiological change

The liklehood of developing a relationshipis increased by

proximity;people who live close together are more likely to become friendsd.

industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology

psychological study of people at work

Which of the following actions does NOT describe a function of the sympathetic nervous system?

pupils constrict

How does an experimenter try to equate the experimental group and the control group at the start of the experiment?

random assignment

A person who has suffered damage to the cerebellum (located in the back of the brain) will probably have trouble with

rapid, skillful movements

ganglion cells

receive input from bipolar cells

parietal lobe

receives sensory input for touch and body position

experimental group

receives the independent variable / treatment

The questions in this exercise are using what method to measure your memory?


Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

recording of the tiny amounts of magnetic output of the brain

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

records radioactivity of various brain areas emitted from injected chemicals

report of a long-lost memory, prompted by clinical techniques are known as

recovered memories


recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation

Three types of cones

red, green, blue

evolutionary explanation

relates behavior to the evolutionary history of the species

What is a highly desirable feature of a scientific study?


A result is replicable if

researchers who repeat the procedure get similar results.

parasympathetic nervous system

rest and digest

nerve deafness

results from damage to the cochlea, the hair cells, or the auditory nerve

conduction deafness

results when the bones connected to the eardrum fail to transmit sound waves properly to the cochlea

blind spot

retinal area where the optic nerve exits

most antidepressant drugs act by blocking a transmitters ___________.



sections of chromosomes that are the basic unit of heredity in all living things

People experiencing the phi effect would likely report

seeing a light moving even though there is no moving light

altrustic behavior

seemingly unselfish behavior that appears to reduce the fitness of an individual; increases inclusive fitness; occurs by kin selection - a form of natural selection that increases inclusive fitness

The tendency for some kinds of people to be more likely than others to drop out of a study is known as

selective attrition.

A _________ occurrs when we protect our self-esteem by attributing our successes to skil and our failures to outside influences.

self-serving bias


sense of smell

If you glance at a scene on tv and close your eyes and still see the exact image for less than a second, the imagine is in your

sensory store.

If a gene shows its effects more in one sex than the other because certain hormones activate it, the gene is said to be

sex limited.

In both science and the legal system, the "burden of proof" is on the side that

should find it possible to present convincing evidence, if in fact is right.

One recent study placed rats on a schedule of no food for 12 hours, followed by an opportunity to eat a sweet, syupry liquid. When the reasearchers then derived the rats of this syrupy liquid the rats

showed a pattern of behavior similar to that of morphine withdrawal.

forewarning effect

simply informing people that they are about to hear a persuasive speech activates their resistance and weakens the persuasion


single, long, thin, straight fiber with branches near its tip

cutaneous senses

skin senses / cells

The high school student who stayed awake for several days

slept longer than usual when he did go to sleep, but was refreshed upon awakening.

Bird song is different from operant conditiong because

songs are learned just by listening with no obvious reinforcer.

School Psychologist

specialist in the psychological condition of students

comparative psychologists

specialists who compare different animal species


specialized cells that convert environmental energies into signals for the nervous system

The content of dreams is influenced by

spontaneous brain activity, stimuli being experienced during sleep, experiences of the past day


stated in such clear, precise terms that we can see what evidence would count against it

A ________ is a generalized belief of expectationabout groups of people.



stimulates receptors that respond to painful heat

subliminal perception

stimuli sometimes influence our behavior even when they are presented so faintly or briefly that we do not perceive them consciously

reversable figure

stimuli that can be perceived in more than one way


strands of DNA wound around each other in a double-helix configuration

If a iq test has high predictive validity, then

students who do well on the test also get good grades

cognitive psychologists

studies the processes of thought and knowledge

social psychologists

study how an individual influences other people and how the group influences an individual

developmental psychology

study how behavior changes with age (from womb to tomb)

signal detection theory

study of people's tendencies to make hits, correct rejections, misses, and false alarms


support the neurons in many ways such as by insulating them, synchronizing activity among neighboring neurons, and removing waste products

color constancy

tendency of an object to appear nearly the same color under a variety of lighting conditions

visual constancy

tendency to perceive objects as keeping their shape, size, and color, despite distortions in the actual pattern reaching the retina

People who have the rare condition, synthesia, report

that a single stimulus results in multiple sensory experiences.

Students taking multiple choice tests often adhere to the belief that people should "always stick with you first impluse." Research on this has shown

that the "always stick with your first impulse" strategy leads to poorer performance.

depth perception

the ability to perceive the world in three dimensions

crystallized intelligence

the ability to retain and use knowledge that was acquired through experience


the adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters

standard deviation

the amount of variation among a score

A researcher finds in a sample that students who were paid for memorizing words remembered more than students who were not paid. The researcher claims this finding is also true in the population of all students. The author can make such a claim based on

the application of inferential statistics.


the assumption that everything that happens has a cause, or determinant, in the observable world

free will

the belief that behavior is caused by a person's independent decisions

Some harmless animals evolved to mimic poisonous species. There is frog who is similar to two different poisonous frogs. Researchers have observed birds dont eat any of the frogs. The reason birds dont eat the harmless one is because

the birds generalize their behavior of not eating the poisonous species to the harmless species


the central area of the human retina

electromagnetic spectrum

the continuum of all frequencies of radiated energy


the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution

retinal disparity

the differences between the images stimulating each eye

group polarization

the enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group

When a person is farsighted

the eyeball is flattened

Men are much more likely to be color deficient than womeb because this is a sex-linked trait. This means that

the gene is carried on the X chromosome.

control group

the group that does not receive the experimental treatment.

brightness contrast

the increase or decrease in an object's apparent brightness by comparison to objects around it

independent variable

the item that an experimenter changes or controls - for example the amount of violent tv that people are permitted to watch


the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron

Research examining sleep and memory suggests sleep enhances memories if

the learning of the material is followed by a good nights sleep

psychophysical function

the mathematical description of the relationship between the physical stimulus and its perceived properties

Because of a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect, psychologists must periodically revise tests and their scoring standads. If they did not revise them

the mean iq score would rise by about 6 points every 10 years.


the middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it


the mind is separate from the brain but somehow controls the brain and therefore the rest of the body


the most frequently occurring score(s) in a distribution

burden of proof

the obligation to present evidence to support one's claim

mind-brain problem

the philosophical question of how experience relates to the brain

The determine whether the difference between two groups is statistically significant, an experimenter will consider three factors. What is NOT one of those factors?

the possible usefulness of the results


the process of deriving a conclusion from premises already accepted


the process of inferring a general principle from observations

binding problem

the question of how separate brain areas combine forces to produce a unified perception of a single object

95% confidence interval

the range within which the true population mean lies, with 95% certainty

primary motor cortex

the region of the posterior frontal lobe that contains neurons that control movements of skeletal muscles

To say that a test has low predictive validity is to say that

the scores do not enable us to predict some other behavior.

Binet and Simon developed the first intelligence tests in order to measure

the skills that children need for success in school.

An experimenter kept students in a hot, neutral , or cold room and then tested their ability to memorize poetry. What was the dependent variable in this experiment?

the student's success in memorizing the poetry

diffusion of responsibility

the tendency for individuals to feel diminished responsibility for their actions when they are surrounded by others who are acting the same way

experimenter bias

the tendency of an experimenter to distort or misperceive the results of an experiment based on the expected outcome

actor-observer effect

the tendency to make situational attributions for our own behaviors while making dispositional attributions for the identical behavior of others


the tendency to perceive objects that are close to each other as part of the same grouping

common fate

the tendency to perceive objects that are moving together as belonging together


the tendency to perceive things that look similar to each other as being part of the same group

If a test has low predictive validity, then

the test does not measure what it is supposed to measure.

opponent-process theory

the theory that opposing retinal processes (red-green, yellow-blue, white-black) enable color vision. For example, some cells are stimulated by green and inhibited by red; others are stimulated by red and inhibited by green


the view that conscious experience is inseparable from the physical brain

trichromatic theory (young-helmholtz theory)

theory that color vision depends on the relative rate of response of three types of cones

exchange theory

theory that holds that people are motivated by self-interests in their interactions with other people


therapy providers who rely heavily on the theories and methods pioneered by the early 20th century Viennese physician Sigmund Freud and later modified by others.

Anorexics usually stop eating because

they fear fatness

The availability heuristic would lead to which error?

thinking that you are more likely to die in a plane than in a car crash because you have read about so many plane crashes lately.

replicable results

those that anyone can obtain, at least approximately, by following the same procedures

forensic psychologist

those who provide advice and consultation to police, lawyers, courts, or other parts of the criminal justice system


thought and knowledge

An observer might often detect stimuli that are below the absolute threshold because

thresholds are defined as 50% detection, so observers will detect below-threshold stimuli half the time.


to adjust its focus for objects at different distances


to learn how people produce useful behaviors


to look within themselves

What did Peterson and Peterson have participants count backward during the delay interval in their experiment on short-term memory?

to prevent rehearsal

Why did the experimenter use random assignment

to reduce the possibility that the two groups differed in the beginning.

In shepard and metzlers study in which students decided whether two drawings of blocks were the same or different, students

took longer to say "same" when the two objects were many degrees different in oreintation than when there were only a few degrees different.

The nervous system's role in sensation is that it

translates external stimuli into a pattern of response by the nervous system.

evolutionary psychologists

tries to explain behavior in terms of the evolutionary history of the species, including reasons evolution might have favored a tendency to act in particular ways

Damage to your semicircular canals would result in

trouble with balance

An attentional blink is most likely to occur when

two stimuli are separated by a fraction of a second.

stem cells

undifferentiated cells

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

uses magnetic detectors outside the head to compare the amounts of hemoglobin with and without oxygen in different brain areas

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

using electrodes on the scalp to record rapid changes in brain electrical activity

sound waves

vibrations of the air, water, or other medium


we fill in gaps to create a complete, whole object


when given a choice among explanations that seem to fit the facts, we prefer the one whose assumptions are fewer, simpler, or more consistent with other well-established theories

In order to determine whether a particular item on an IQ test is biased against women, a psychologist would need to determine

whether performance on this item correlated with overall performance as highly for women as it does for men.

The disagreement between spearman (who proposed the "g" factor) and Raymond Cattell had to do with

whether the g factor has just one major component or two


widely branching structures that receive input from other neurons

The results of a survey can be misleading if

you dont know how the the questions were phrased.

People with high IQ scores are neither more nor less likely than other people to have high telephone numbers. Pos neg or zero coefficient?

zero between telephone numbers and IQ score

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