Anomaly Uh-nama-lee Anomalia anomalia
Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Peculiarity, abnormality. Noun.
Rampant Ram-pent desenfrenado rampant
violent in action or spirit; raging; furious. Unrestrained, rife. Adj.
Corridor Core-rid-or Corredor corridor
a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms. passage way, pathway. Noun.
Labyrinth Labby-rin-th Laberinto laberynthe
a maze. Complex, network. Noun
Conundrum Co-nun-drum Adivinanza quonundrum
A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun. A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem. Difficult question, quandary. Noun.
Cochise Co-chaice cochise chizh
American Indian leader. Pal, friend. Noun.
Inquisitive In-qui-zi-tive Inquisitivo inquisit
Curious or inquiring. Interested, intrigued, intrusive. Adj
Insubordinate In-sub-or-dih-knit Insubordinado insubordonné
Defiant of authority. Errant, wayward, troublesome. Adj.
Authoritarian Aw-thory-tore-ian Autoritario
Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. tyrannical, oppressive. Adj
Penitent Penih-tent Penitente paenitentem
Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong. Sorry, remorseful. Adj.
Condescend Kon-dee-send Condescender condescendere
Show feelings of superiority. Look down to, Talk down to. Verb.
Plunder Plun-der Saquear plunje
Steal goods from. Loot, rob. Verb.
Laissez Faire La-ze-Fair Dejar hacer laisser
Without interfering. Untouched. Adj.
Remnant Rem-nunt Residuo remenant
a small amount of something. Remainder, left overs. Adj.
Quarantine Kuar-in-teen Cuarentena quadraginta
a system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease. Noun.
Palpable Pal-puh-bul Palpable palpare
able to be touched or felt. Touchable, tangible. Adj.
Volatile Vola-tile Volátil volatilis
able to change rapid. Inconstant, erratic. adj.
Desist Dee-sist Desistir desistere
abstain from. keep from, hold back from. Verb.
Parse Par-ssss analizar pars
analyze. Examine. Verb.
Succinctly Su-sinkt-lee Sucintamente succinctus
briefly and clearly expressed. Short. Adverb.
Fallible Fal-ible Falible fallibilis
capable of making mistakes. flawed weak. Adj.
Militant Milli-tant militante militare
combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods. Aggressive, violent, belligerent, forceful. Adj.
Right Winger Rite-wing-er Derechista Right wing
conservative or reactionary section of a political party. Conservative. Noun.
Vociferous Vo-ci-fur-us Vociferante vociferari
conspicuously and offensively loud. Clamorous. Adj.
Infamous In-fa-muss infame infamis
deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable. Legendary, fabled. Adj.
Asunder Uh-sund-er En pedazos sundran
divide. to pieces, break. adverb.
Conspicuous Kun-spik-you-us Conspicuo conspicuus
easily seen or noticed. Visible, noticeable, discernable. Adj.
Ethereal Ee-thee-real Etereo etherial
extremely delicate and light. Daintly, elegant. Adj.
Diligent Dii-gent Diligente diligentem
having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties. Careful, hardworking. Adj
Helical Heli-cul Helicoidal helicem
having the shape or form of a helix. Spiral.Adj.
Inscrutable In-screw-ta-bul Inescrutable inscrutabilis
impossible to understand or interpret. mysterious, inexplicable. Adj.
Convulted Cun-volt-ed Convulto
intricately folded, twisted, or coiled. Adj.
Encroach En-crow-chh Invadir encrochier
intrude. trespass, interrupt. Verb.
Inchoate In-co-ate Rudimentario inchoare
just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary. Immature, beginning, incipient. Adj.
Dilated Di-late-ed dilatada dilatare
make or become wider, larger, or more open. Widen expand. Verb.
Incompetent In-com-puh-tent Incompetente incompétent
not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully. Unskilled, clumsy, inadequate. Adj.
Reticent Reti-cent Reticente reticentem
not revealing one's thoughts or feelings. Withdrawn, introverted.
Primeval Prim-evil Primitivo primaevus
of or resembling the earliest ages in the history of the world. Earliest, First. Adj
Liberal Lih-berr-ul Liberal liberalis
open to new opinions. Unprejudiced, enlightened, permissive. Adj.
Left-Winger Left-wing-er Izquierdista left-wing
people who support liberals. Liberal. Noun.
Unilaterally Uni-latter-uhl-lee unilateralmente unilateralis
performed by or affecting only one person or group. Adverb.
Perplexed Per-plexed Perplejo Perplexedly
puzzled. Confound, confused, dumbfounded. Adj.
Deference Deffer-rence Deferencia déférence
respectful or courteous regard. Submission, obedience. Noun.
Scuttle Sku-tel Correr scuttle
run hurriedly. run. Adverb.
Vehemently Veh-hem-ent-lee Vehementemente veement
showing strong feeling; forceful. Adj
Anathema Ana-theme-uh Anatema anathema
something or someone, one doesn't like. outrage, abhorrence. Adj
Surmise Sir-mize Conjetura surmise
suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it. Guess, infer, theorize. Verb
Dilatory Dila-tori Dilatorio dilator
tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy. Late, sluggish. Adj.
Spectroscopy Spek-tross-ka-pee Espectroscopia
the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation. Noun.
Abstinence Ab-sti-nence Abstinencia abstinentia
the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something. Abstention. Noun.
Collectivism Co-lekti-vism Collectivismo Collectivist
the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it. Group-oriented. Noun.
Litigation Litti-gay-shun Litigio litigationem
the process of taking legal action. Legal case, case. noun.
Wedlock Wed-lock Matrimonio wedlac
the state of being married. Married. Noun.
Insurmountable In-sir-mount-able Insuperable insurmontable
too great to overcome. unconquerable, invincible. Adj.
Esoteric Eh-so-tear-ik Esoterico esoterikos
understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest. Abstract, arcane. Adj.