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Question 2: Argument 1 MORE STABLE GOVERNMENT?

-A people called the Medes controlled the land that connects east and west Asia. The land was called Media. In this land were small Persian kingdoms. -Around 550 B.C. Cyrus the Great, a Persian king, took control of these lands from the Medes. -appointed a Mede as chief adviser and then ruled the kingdom in a kind of dual kingship, with both Medes and Persians holding high offices. The satrapy, as this system of government became known, put a native Mede in power as a partially self-governing ruler, or satrap.) -had several of satrap's underlings report directly to him -Next, Cyrus used his strong military to attack states throughout Anatolia (Asia Minor). Soon this region fell under his control. He went on to conquer the lands to the east known as the Fertile Crescent. The Persian empire was now immense. -Building on what Cyrus had achieved, Darius divided the Persian Empire into several provinces to make it easier to govern. NOT POSSIBLE IF CYRUS WAS NEVER BORN

Question 1: Argument 3 DEALING WITH CHALLENGES

-According to the Nabonidus Chronicle, Astyages launched an attack against Cyrus, "king of Ansan." Astyages placed Harpagus in command of the Median army to conquer Cyrus. However, Harpagus contacted Cyrus and encouraged his revolt against Media. HAD PEOPLE HELP HIM FROM OPPOSING FORCE TO TELL HIM WHAT WAS GOING ON


-Cyrus was a great learner. He observed the customs and traditions of the cultures he conquered and made sure the best elements were put to use for all of Persia's benefit. -Cyrus invented, or appropriated and improved upon, the idea of the postal system. Figuring out how far a horse could travel in one day, Cyrus built a series of posting stations, each one day's ride apart, across his empire. The system ensured the efficient flow of information between him and his satraps.


-He also declared the first Charter of Human Rights. Etched on a clay cylinder, this charter set forth Cyrus' goals and policies. His respect for the people made Cyrus popular and made it easier for him to create a peaceful and stable empire. -Cyrus' tolerant approach toward different religions also gained him much support. because of this, his subjects seldom revolted and usually lived in peace. This made governing the empire an easier task. -But it was his next actions that marked a major advance for Man. He freed the slaves, declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion, and established racial equality. These and other decrees were recorded on a baked-clay cylinder in the Akkadian language with cuneiform script.

Question 1: Argument 3 DEALING WITH CHALLENGES

-Lydian named Pactyas was entrusted by Cyrus the Great to send Croesus's treasury to Persia. soon after Cyrus's departure, Pactyas hired mercenaries and caused an uprising in Sardis, revolting against the Persian govt of Lydia, Tabalus. -turned the minds of the Lydian people to luxury, Cyrus sent Mazares, one of his commanders, to stop revolt on govt but demand Pactyas be returned alive. USING ANOTHER OPPOSING DUDE, THEN TURNED MINDS OF LYDIANS TO LUXURY


-When Cyrus was young, went a trip to Media, while there he was confused by his father's decline in importance. More alarming was the great cruelty of the Median king, Astyages. -saw Astyages murder his own general's son punishment for the general's minor crime. -Same general later betrayed Astyages, causing king to lose his authority and possessions. -Negative situations like this taught Cyrus that cruelty and humiliation were not effective. Decided he would govern through conciliation instead. Meaning governing to make things fair and agreeable.


-always took pains to show that he was not a foreign king and conqueror, but a liberator (freed citizens from bad king) and a legitimate holder of the crown. -For example, after conquering Babylon, he Immediately addressed its citizens in their own language and added "King of Babylon" to the top of his long list of titles. It was an unheard of gesture of respect. -In the eyes of his Babylonian subjects, Cyrus was never an alien king. The proclamation of Cyrus to the Babylonians, issued in their own language, was a model of persuasive propaganda. -He also left in place most of the existing government and allowed most midlevel officials to retain their positions.


-first military conquest was of Media in 550 B.C. first acts was not to use the draconian tradition that would have had him raze the city and murder its citizens. -Cyrus used satrapy Gov't style (appointed a Mede as chief adviser and then ruled the kingdom in a kind of dual kingship, with both Medes and Persians holding high offices. The satrapy, as this system of government became known, put a native Mede in power as a partially self-governing ruler, or satrap.) -had several of satrap's underlings report directly to him. meant that Persians and Medes had a close relationship, Medes were honored equally with Persians; they were employed in high office and were chosen to lead Persian armies.


-showed great respect for conquered peoples' religious and cultural beliefs. every tribe or kingdom had its own gods and rights. -While it was normal for conquerors to deface the idols and religious statues of those they defeated, Cyrus did not do that practice. When it did occur, he reconstructed/fixed it. -Large numbers of foreign captive divinities gave further opportunity for royal benevolence (meant priests were captured but still able to conduct religious ceremonies. earned him the respect and devotion of races he ruled. -Cyrus' biggest victory was Babylonia, a rich and powerful kingdom in the fertile crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. however, in decline. Babylonian king Nabu-naid was unpopular with many segments of his population. He had isolate the high priests from the world and captured and enslaved ten of thousands of Jews. -Cyrus took Babylon, in 539 B.C. did so to the cheers of its citizens, who welcomed him as ruler because of word of his just treatment. He lived up to that reputation, freeing more than 40,000 enslaved Jews and allowing them to return to Palestine. He is mentioned 22 times in the Bible for these and similar deeds.

Question 1: Argument 3 DEALING WITH CHALLENGES

Cyrus fought the Battle of Opis in or near the strategic riverside city of Opis on the Tigris, north of Babylon. The Babylonian army was routed, , Sippar was seized without a battle, with little to no resistance from the populace.[59] It is probable that Cyrus engaged in negotiations with the Babylonian generals to obtain a compromise on their part and therefore avoid an armed confrontation.

Question 1: Argument 3 DEALING WITH CHALLENGES

Lydian conquest: Lydians first attacked the Achaemenid Empire's city of Pteria in Cappadocia. Croesus besieged and captured the city enslaving its inhabitants. Persians invited the citizens of Ionia who were part of the Lydian kingdom to revolt against their ruler. The offer was rebuffed, and thus Cyrus levied an army and marched against the Lydians. TRYED PEACEFULLY DIDNT WORK SO HAD TO USE FORCE Harpagus advised Cyrus the Great to place his dromedaries in front of his warriors cuz Lydian horses, not used to the camels smell, would be very afraid. strategy worked; the Lydian cavalry was routed. Cyrus defeated and captured Croesus.

Question 1: Argument 4 MORE DESERVING KING?

Ruled the largest Empire of his day, and is known for granting many freedoms to his subjects. -even more revered as a wise and tolerant ruler. Once Cyrus conquered a nation he allowed those other realms he absorbed to manage themselves and to keep their customs and religions. respected the basic human rights of the common man more than any other ruler of his time.

Question 1: Argument 3 DEALING WITH CHALLENGES

Two days later, troops entered Babylon, again without any resistance from the Babylonian armies, and detained Nabonidus -the Persians, using a basin dug earlier by the Babylonian queen Nitokris to protect Babylon against Median attacks, diverted the Euphrates river into a canal so that the water level dropped "to the height of the middle of a man's thigh",

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