Dog Nutrition

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American Association of Feed Control Officials is the organization which ensures the standardization of commercial pet food. They administer the standardization of pet food labels, making sure that these foods meet the nutritional needs of the animals.


Bolting down feed or eating too fast can be a natural behavior for subordinate dogs. Eating too fast can cause ______ in larger dogs. This can also be fatal. To prevent dogs from eating too fast, pet owners can feed smaller amounts and monitor the animals' food intake.

bloating and gastric torsion

Do not give them too much variety. Variety is a human craving not an animal ___. Remember, they are dogs not humans. What we want can be bad for them. They do not think about what the neighbor dog is consuming or remember that a food they ate last year was good. Consistency is what they need. Loving a pet does not mean feeding them as if they were human. Loving a pet means doing the right thing for the pet even if your emotions tell you differently. Feed them their food with limited treats.

need or want

Many people consider their dog to be a "__". What does this mean? How often does the dog work? Are you an athlete if you walk 2 - 3 times a week? Is your dog a working dog if it is a search a rescue dog that really only works once a week? These are important questions if you are thinking that you should feed your pet more or differently due to added "work" nutrient expenses. Please read the Working dog nutrition paper in the Animal Articles folder of moodle to better understand this issue as to what working dogs should consume. In general, most dogs in the US are NOT dogs that need extra daily dietary supplements due to work. The normal diets provided in stores already provide "over nutrition" and therefore a little work is OK.

working dog

Water is an essential nutrient for all animals. An inadequate supply of water can cause dehydration. Commercial pet foods usually contain ___ moisture. 82% moisture means 18% dry matter (DM). Dry matter contains ____, and other essential nutrients. Dry foods have more DM but less moisture, while canned foods have less DM and more moisture, and are more palatable to the animal. However, canned or moist foods are more expensive than dry foods as they need special packaging and preservatives.

10 to 82%; starch, protein

In general, treats should never be more than _ of the animal's daily calorie intact. Therefore if you want to train your pet with treats you want to make sure they are very low calorie. Treats can be a great motivator ... BUT ... your attention should always be more important to the pet than the treat. There is a huge variety of pet treats currently on the market. Beware of gimmicks and high cost alternatives that are truly no better. Read the labels and understand the differences and then buy because it is best for your pet, not because it is trendy or new.


Based on their water-content, commercial pet foods can be classified as dry, semi-moist, or canned (moist) food. Dry pet food contains _ moisture and _ dry matter. Semi-moist food contains __ moisture and __ dry matter. Moist canned food can contain up to _ moisture and as little as _ dry matter. Pets that are older and/or have bad teeth require moist food as they have trouble chewing. Choosing the right commercial pet food depends upon the individual needs of an animal.

10%, 90%, 30-40%, 60-70%, 82%, 18%

Approximately _ of a dog's body is calcium in the form of bones and teeth. Therefore its diet should contain a sufficient supply of calcium. The amount of calcium provided in a dog's diet should be in proportion to the amount of phosphorus in the diet. The recommended calcium-phosphorus ratio for dogs is __. An imbalance in the calcium-phosphorus ratio can adversely affect the animal's health. For example, a dog on a meat-only diet can develop a ____ because the calcium-phosphorus ratio of fresh meat is ___, which is a large imbalance.

2%, 1.3 to 1, rubber jaw, 1 to 20

According to veterinarian Dr. Jane Bicks, the maximum life span of dogs is estimated to be around ____, yet the average dog generally lives no longer than about ____, due largely to poor nutrition! (While your instructor personally believes this is an exaggeration at best, it is still interesting to think that some professionals feel this way).

25 to 30 years, 13 to 14 years

This can be a behavior learned by the dog if the trainer uses food to train the pet. __ can be avoided by feeding the animals separately.

Feeding aggression

Feeding your dog on a regular schedule is best for him / her. ___ daily is typically the regular feeding recommendation (common for dogs). This process helps set up a regular bathroom rhythm, too. Many dogs will use the bathroom on a schedule after eating. Helps the owner plan their day and the dog avoid "personal issues". Do not change a dog's food abruptly. While they handle sudden changes better than some other pet species, this is still a potential GI upset problem. New foods should be slowly introduced to avoid allergy concerns as well as vomiting or diarrhea issues. This is especially true when the changes involve huge changes to protein and fat sources in the diet.

Once or twice

Remember the "alt milk" discussion in the Protein chapter. Many of the same principles apply here. Different isn't always better. Non mammalian milk is not "bad" but it is not the high protein source that mammalian milk is (amongst other things). Thus - people that do not read the label often "assume" they are consuming a product similar in nutrition when they very much are not. Same for out companion animals - if your product is "gluten free" it is important to know what they replaced the gluten with (same for corn free or by product free, etc., etc.). A replacement may (or may not) be equal in terms of ___. Do your research.

TESTED nutrient balance

Most researchers estimate that dogs have been domesticated for approximately ___ and perhaps much longer (this is in contrast to cats that have domestication estimated between 3 - 5,000 years ago). Thus, we have been feeding dogs in some format for a very long time.

12 - 15,000 years

At least _ of dogs in the US are considered to be over their optimal body weight, with _ being overweight and _ considered obese and almost _ of them are considered obese (APOP). Obesity incidence varies from one breed to another, but it can also vary within breeds. Overfeeding an animal its own pet food can cause obesity in the animal. However, feeding the animal dining table scraps also causes obesity.

55%, 36%, 18%, 20%

The behavior especially in dogs of being aggressive toward other dogs or their owner during feeding time.

Feeding Aggression

Pet dogs can be fed __ or regularly. They should not be fed dining table scraps as this can lead to health and behavioral problems. Excess feeding can cause obesity in dogs. To make them loose weight, they can be fed "diet" foods and taken outdoors for exercise.

ad libitum

Beefhide is high in _ and low in _. It is not very digestible for the animal. Due to their low calorie content, they can be a good treat for obese animals.

protein, carbohydrates

The behavior in pet dogs of eating their food too fast. This can cause bloating and gastric torsion.

Bolting Down Feed

There are over __ pet dogs in the US (considerably less than pet cats, APPA). Each year Americans spend over __ on pet health care & products (much is dog related) and almost _ on the food of their pets (APPA 2019 estimate); with over _ for treats alone. One estimation has dog food costing American's at least _ on average annually per dog although Dr. Ange feels this is a low estimate (APPA). Thus, commercial pet foods form a big and important industry in the US. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) administers the standardization of pet food throughout the country by ensuring standard labeling of pet food, and that the food meets the nutritional requirements of the animals. The AAFCO adds a safety margin to the list of nutritional requirements of animals such that the listed values are higher than their actual nutritional needs, to make room for considerations such as an animal's age, level of activity, and status of pregnancy. Pet food labels list the maximum level of nutrients which can be fed to the animal if those nutrients can be harmful. As discussed previously, The National Research Council (and AAFCO) also organizes research into the proper nutrient requirements of domestic animals.

89 million, $29 billion, $37 billion, $1 billion, $269

_ is toxic to dogs. Be sure to know why this is the case. Onions (and plants in the onion family) can lead to _ in dogs. Feeding from the table can lead to behavior problems (and potentially people deciding to abandon their dog at a shelter). Raw foods are not good for us or our pets! Pets are domesticated and do not have the __ of their wild ancestors to help negate potential pathogens. Thus, they can get sick from bacteria and pathogens in raw foods. They can share these pathogens with their human family, too. Raw foods that you consume are OK to be consumed by your pet (ex: vegetables, etc). Otherwise, you are putting their health at risk. Excess sugars from candies can cause ______. Too many possible items to list them all! New concerns in the media are choking hazards with grapes or allergies from raisins (super small risk here). The main concept is: Human foods are meant for humans and therefore be careful when allowing your pet to consume items that are not tested or natural for them.

Chocolate, anemia, bacteria microflora, diarrhea & teeth decay

Dry matter in the pet food which contains starch, protein, and other essential nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus. Non dry matter in the pet food is water.


Dry foods have a longer shelf or "_" life as it can stay fresh and remain without spoilage for longer time. They are also easier to feed and clean up after as they can be fed __. Dry foods help keep the animal's teeth and breath cleaner and healthier. They are also the least expensive of all commercial pet foods. Dry pet foods contain both plant and animal byproducts. Foods containing animal products are more _ to pets than are those containing plant products. However, the packages do not mention the palatability of the food, only its ingredients. Dry foods contain protein and fat to varying proportions. A cup of dry food can contain anywhere from 200 to 600 kCal of ME, __ of protein and __ of fat. To choose the right type of dry food for an animal, its stage of production, its breed, its age, and its level of activity must be taken into consideration. A dog should not be fed 2 cups of dry food per day simply because the bag says so. Also, some animals can be allergic to a particular plant or animal product in the pet food. Therefore, care should be taken to choose the right dry food for the animal.

bowl, ad libitum, palatable, 12 to 30%, 6 to 25%

In addition, make sure that diet foods are examined to ensure that they are lower in _ that the original food. All dog foods are not the same and therefore if you switch to a new diet food, it may be very similar to your previous non diet food. Read the labels for ingredients and nutrients (not just the bag titles) to ensure calorie content is different. Mixing a proper diet with an active lifestyle is truly the way to go if possible.


Bones are good for a dog's teeth. However, __ should not be fed to a dog as they are more brittle and can cause splinters inside a dog's GI tract. A splinter inside the GI tract can cause bleeding and other serious problems. This can lead to large surgery bills for the dog's owner, and even the death of the animal. Fake bones are a preferred alternative because they are safer and provide the same chewing satisfaction to the animal as a real bone. However, the pet owner should ensure that the fake bones (and rawhides) are not manufactured in countries that use _ that are not certified by the US. (In 2013 serious medical issues were being reported in canines consuming jerky treats made in China although at the time of this writing no cause has been idenitfied by the USDA).The pet owner should also make sure that the fake bones are not too _ (or that they become too brittle once consumed), which can cause injury and subsequent bleeding in the animal's GI tract. Researching the company and buying a safe fake bone product is necessary. Small dogs need smaller bones and large dogs need items they can not gulp or swallow and impact their GI tract. Having the bone as a treat while the owner is home is the safest plan (to avoid choking hazards and to avoid fights or competition over items while the owner is away).

cooked bones, pesticides, brittle

Water is an essential nutrient for dogs. Commercial pet foods that are semi-moist and moist (canned foods) contain water. Dry pet foods contain the least amount of water and the most __, providing the animal with greater amounts of other nutrients such as energy, protein, and minerals. Dry pet foods are thus the most _ commercial foods. Semi-moist and moist pet foods are more palatable than dry pet foods and are good for older dogs or those with teeth problems, though these foods are more expensive. Treats for pets such as bones, rawhide, and dog biscuits are also popular, though they should not be fed in excess.

dry matter (DM), economical

Several physical considerations influence the nutritional requirements of a dog, such as breed, age, level of activity, status of pregnancy and lactation. A growing puppy requires a diet high in ___. A pregnant dog requires a diet high in _ during its late gestation period. A lactating dog, like a growing puppy, requires a diet high in ____. Active dogs such as military and police dogs, sled dogs, herding dogs, etc. require a diet high in ____. Dogs living or working in hot climates require more water. A sedentary dog or a dog that is not pregnant or lactating would become obese if fed the diet of a dog that requires these higher levels of nutrients.

energy and protein, nutrients, energy and protein, protein and fat

Ad libitum feeding may not be for all dogs. Some dogs will overeat. It is a common misconception that dogs will self regulate once they "__". This is not true of all dogs or all dog breeds. Many dogs will gulp food so fast that they overeat before they feel full. Ad libitum may be easier for the owner, but it may be less safe for the pet. Remember that being a good pet owner is doing the right thing for the pet, not necessarily the easiest thing.

feel full

Pets can be fed dry foods ad libitum. Animals that are very active, or those who eat small amounts constantly (nibbling) can be fed ad libitum. However, ad libitum feeding can encourage the animal to eat constantly either due to ______, and can cause obesity in the animal. Wet and moist foods left ad libitum are a __ hazard.

habit or out of boredom, bacteria growth

Why do I say they provide over nutrition? This is a current event type issue. Look at your pet's food. On the label, does it say that it meets the AAFCO requirements for growth and maintenance? If it does and your animal is not growing - then it likely has _____! It is harder to find maintenance only foods. If your food meets "for all life stages" then it also meets for pregnancy and lactation - thus - again - __. We live In a world where we often assume "more nutrients", "more money", and "more marketing" means a better product. As a budding nutritionist, you should think about the nutrition label and if the product is right for the animal you are caring for (regardless of species) because of research - not popularity. Military, police, farm, etc. dogs that "really work" every day may need true specialized diets. These animals need to stay fit in many weather conditions and thus evaluating where they live and what they do will require the diet to be individualized for that special animal. Dog and cat food companies often market for the human perspective - not so much for the canine and feline true needs. Remember to not guilt feed your animal or fall into a marketing trap that will cost most money (and potentially be less healthy).

more than is needed, over nutrition

Dog biscuits, or "Jerky" treats have added ____. The pet owner should feed small amounts of these treats to the animal, and break apart larger pieces into smaller ones, to avoid adding too many _ to the animal's diet.

vitamins and minerals, calories

Canned pet foods are the most palatable type of commercial pet foods. They can be a part of the pet's regular diet. However, they are the most expensive as they contain more water and less dry matter, which requires special packaging and more preservatives. Canned foods have the smallest shelf life and cannot be left out in the bowl for a very long time. They are very _ to pets and due to their appealing _ they can help the animal to eat better. However, they are not as odiferous to the pet owners. Moist foods are not good for the teeth of the animal as they can leave residue on their teeth which can cause ______. These can lead to problems which if left unattended can escalate until fatal to the animal. Therefore pets eating canned foods should have their teeth brushed regularly.

odiferous, smell, cavities and teeth decay

Dogs are _. This is important. They are taxonomically classed as a _ BUT dietarily they are omnivores much like humans although we have an even more omnivorous lifestyle). Their nutritional requirements vary with ________. Growing, pregnant, lactating, and active dogs have a higher energy and protein requirement. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) administers standardization of commercial pet food through standardizing pet food labels, and ensuring that commercial pet foods meet the nutritional requirements of the animals.

omnivores; carnivore; breed, age, production, and level of activity

Obese animals can be fed "diet" pet foods. However, diet pet foods are often high in _ as they also contain higher _ (cellulose) and lower fat - these diets often cannot be easily digested by the animal. (Thus - much of the food may pass through without digestion and absorption). "Diet" foods can increase fecal production and cause other GI related problems if not monitored carefully. Daily exercise for the obese animal is a safer and healthier alternative to "diet" pet foods for losing weight. Although - some dogs may be so overweight that exercise has to happen very slowly. Pet owners should engage their dog in activities other than simply walking them to use the bathroom, such as running and catching Frisbees, and playing with toys.

protein, fiber

Cheaper commercial pet foods contain plant protein sources such as __ and ___. More expensive pet foods contain ____, which are more preferable than plant protein sources. Animal protein sources provide essential amino acids that better fulfill the animal's nutritional needs than do plant protein sources. However, instead of switching to the more expensive pet foods for animal protein sources, the animal's diet can be supplemented with those amino acids which it lacks. Do you research - do not let the media direct your opinion on what is a truly good and appropriate protein course.

soybean meal, corn gluten meal, animal protein byproducts

Energy is provided to a pet animal through the ___ in its food. Commercial pet foods contain finely ground __. Dietary fat is also a good source of energy and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Fat also helps the animal to have a shiny hair coat. Pet foods are usually low in _ unless it is "diet" pet food. Cat food is lower in _ and higher in ___ as compared to dog food. This is because cats are by nature carnivores while dogs are omnivores. For this reason, dogs should not be fed cat food. The fat in the cat food can cause a dog to become obese and feeding a dog cat food would be a waste of money for the pet owner. On the other hand, feeding dog food to a cat could cause health problems in the cat due to deficiencies.

starch and fats, grain starch, fiber, starch, protein and fat

Most of the breeds of dogs of today have been produced through selective breeding of older breeds. The GI tract of a dog is similar to that of other monogastrics, such as a human or pig. Their cecum though, is much smaller in comparison. They can digest _ well, though it leads to _ if it is digested in the large intestine, instead of in the small intestine. Dogs are omnivores; however they do not require or want the same amount of variety in their diet as do some other omnivores (like humans). Remember our taste discussion?

starch, flatulence

Semi-moist pet foods have more moisture than dry foods and are considered very palatable for pets. Their shelf life is not as long as that of dry food, but they can be left out in the bowl all day long. Semi-moist food takes a while to dry out, and when it does, it turns to dry chunks. Semi-moist foods contain more preservatives such as ____, than dry food as they contain more moisture. This type of pet food is good for older pets with poor teeth as it is easier to chew.

sugar, salt, and antioxidants

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