Drama Midterm

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When you email the professor of this class which must be the case? A. You must communicate with me using your jag email only. B. you must include your class section number in the subject line of your email C. You must attach a digital 5$ gift card to Starbucks. D. A and B


"Any information about the past that is brought to the stage by the actors." A. Expostion B. Rising Action C. Conflict D. Foreshadowing


"Theatre consists of this: in making live representations of reported or invented happenings between human beings..." Who said this? A. Brecht B. Wilder C. Beckett D. Shakespeare


"This must grab the audience's attention and signify that something of interest is starting to happen." A. Point of Attack B. Inciting Incident C. Climax D. complication


According to Aristotle this is the "primary idea behind a play." A. theme B. purpose C. plot D. enlightenment


The main textbook for this class is titled "Theatre as Human _______ ."


"Few American plays found both the comedy and tragedy in marriage as did this playwright's first full length play..." A. Tennessee Williams B. Edward Albee C. Steven Sondheim D. Eugene O'Neill


Area where the chorus performed in Ancient Greek theatres: A. Skene B. Orchestra C. Theatron D. Parados


Athens was known for: A. It's lamb dishes. B. Being the birthplace of democracy. C. Having a strong military. D. Being the birthplace of Alexander the Great.


Roman playwright of new comedy: A. Maximillus B. Plautus C. Saturnus D. Exactus


The word 'theatre' comes from Latin and Greek words meaning "________." A. a building where actors perform. B. to view C. scene of reconciliation and feasting D. none of the above


This is what you want to say to a superstitious actor before a performance: A. "Good Luck" B. "Break a Leg" C. "You're gonna be great" D. None of the above


This playwright added the 2nd actor to the stage and promoted the theme of "society is greater than the individual" in his play. A. Euripides B. Aeschylus C. Sophocles D. Aristophanes


What kind of animal was usually sacrificed to the gods before the City Dionysia play festival began? A. A lamb B. A goat C. A cow D. A human


When a group of actors meet with a director to prepare for a public theatre production we call it a ________. A. Party B. Rehearsal C. Rough Draft D. Practice


"If I do anything foolish, it's my loss, not yous. This woman is a silly fool. The way things look so far, there's booty to be had." A. Menaechmus I B. Menaechmus II C. Erotium D. Sponge


How many people do you need to have a basic theatrical event? A. 1 B. 2 C. At least 6 D. More than 99


Identify the speaker: "The bonds of food and drink are very elastic, you know; the more you stretch them, the tighter they hold you." A. Menaechmus I B. Sponge C. Cylindrus D. Doctor


This element of Drama is not just the story of the play but also how that story is told, "what happens physically but also emotionally to the characters, and how the playwright unfolds the tale." A. Story B. Plot C. Suspense D. Character


Which is not a "given circumstance" of The Red Coat? A. John has been drinking alcohol. B. Mary's father died when she was nine. C. Mary is wearing penny loafers. D. John and Mary once attended a snow ball fight.


Who is the author of Our Town? A. Shakespeare B. Thornton Wilder C. John Patrick Shanley D. Plautus


How many papers will you be writing for this class and how many points are they each worth? A. 1 paper worth 200pts B. 2 papers worth 100 points each C. 2 papers worth 200 points each D. 8 papers worth 25 points each

B. 2 papers worth 100 points each

"When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" Is the first line of Shakespeare's play Macbeth and is spoken by: A. Lady Macbeth to her sisters B. Macbeth to his fellow generals of the army C. a witch to two other witches D. none of the above


According to your text, of all the individuals involved in any given production of a theatrical event, this person is the most direct link to the audience. A. Director B. Designer C. Actor D. Usher


According to your text, the "ancient custom of accepting and believing things onstage is called a theatre _____________." A. trick B. illusion C. convention D. confection


Area of a Greek theatre where the audience sat: A. Skene B. Orchestra C. Theatron D. Parados


Author of the anti war play Lysistrata, this Greek writer is known for his comedies! A. Aristotle B. Menander C. Aristophanes D. Platus


Some call him the greatest of all American playwrights. "Surely o other American experimented as much" as he did, writing different types of plays including psychodramas. A. John Steinbeck B. Oscar Hammerstein C. Eugene O'Neill D. Thornton Wilder


Southern playwright whose plays include The Glass Menagerie and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. A. Lillian Hellman B. Edward Albee C. Tennessee Williams D. William Faulkner


Sparta was the city state known for: A. creating democracy as we know it today B. producing olive oil. C. having a strong military. D. the birthplace of Alexander the great.


This theatre artist is considered by many to be the father of modern acting. He created an approach known as the "system." A. Lee Strasburg B. Michael Chekhov C. Konstantine Stanislovski D. William Shakespeare


To the Greeks, "excessive pride and disrespect for the gods or natural order of things." A. Harmatia B. Nemises C. Hubris D. Anagnorisis


We think plays derived from these early Greek choral odes which were sung with instruments while dancing... A. Psalms B. Epic Poems C. Dithyrambs D. Sonnets


When actors overact we say they "chew the _____" A. Words B. Fat C. Scenery D. Lard


"...humour your husband; don't always have your eye on what he's doing, where he's going, what he's up to." A. Erotium B. Wife C. Father of Wife D. Menaechmus I


"Is this search ever going to end? It's six years now that we've spent on it... If you'd been hunting for a needle you'd have found it long ago...We're looking for a deadman among the living..." A. Menaechmus II B. Slave One C. Messenio D. Sponge


Do you see how dim the sun is compared to the splendour of her beauty?" A. Sponge B. Prologue Speaker C. Menaechmus I D. Menaechmus II


The beginning notion, idea, seed or image that serves as "the departure point for developing a new play." A. Direct of Impact B. Point of Attack C. Germinal Idea D. Previous Circumstance


The use of masks, scenery, costumes, lighting and sound effects today derives from Aristotle's statement that all drama must have ___________. A. conflict B. plot C. spectacle D. a script


This is the term used to describe "the impetus behind any plot. Before the action begins...before the curtain rises," this happened. A. Point of Attack B. Exposition C. Inciting Incident D. Denouement


Which is not an "element" of Theatre per the lecture? A. Design B. Space C. Ticket D. Text


Choregus: A. Name of the masks the actors wore on stage. B. group of men who danced and chanted on stage. C. fancy word for the main actors in a Greek tragedy. D. wealthy patron who financed and organized productions.


The Greek god of wine and fertility: A. Zeus B. Athena C. Cupid D. Dionysus


This Greek author felt strongly that "suffering leads to self knowledge." He promoted this idea in most of his plays, which included Antigone. A. Aeschylus B. Aristophanes C. Aristotle D. Sophocles


Which was not a part of a Greek Theatre? A. Theatron B. Orchestra C. Skene D. Ticket Booth


Wrote in the 1930s and 40s; tough, honest dramas that played well onstage; work often "concerns moral choices and the power that deception has to destroy all of us." A. Tennessee Williams B. Elizabeth Taylor C. Lorraine Hansberry D. Lillian Hellman


This is a word the Greeks used to define "the moral failing of the hero that may or may not be aware of." It usually led the self destruction of the hero... A. Catharsis B. Aristotelian C. Harmatia D. Mimesis


"In the structure of a play, information given to audience about past events in the plot or actions that occur offstage." This info can be given "in dialogue, announcements, a soliloquy, a song or other forms." A. Given Circumstances B. Direct C. Indirect D. Exposition


"The couches must be spread, and perfumes burned: Neatness entices lovers, I have learned." A. Wife of Menaechmus I B. Cylindrus C. Maid D. Erotium


"The language of the piece or the dialgue in the play and the manner in which it is presented." A. plot B. symposium C. catharsis D. diction


"The patron has no holiday when a law-days are decfreed; He must defend the guilty man ans see that he is freed." A. Messenio B. Sponge C. Father of wife of Menaechmus I D. Menaechmus I


After the climax this phase of the structure suggests "that some new order or sense of balance" has been reached. A. Resolution B. Conclusion C. Denouement D. All of the above (they are all terms for the same thing).


All Greeks, no matter which city state they were from, had this in common with other Greeks: A. Homer's tales. B. The sea. C. The gods of Mt. Olympus. D. All of the above.


Any play that "creates its own reality" is known as this type of drama: A. Insignificant B. Comedy C. Comedy or Tragedy D. Fantasy


Author of "The Poetics," a treatise on theatre. A. Plato B. Sophocles C. Euripides D. Aristotle


In dramatic structure this is what we call something that happens or is said on stage that hits or blatantly tells the audience something that will occur later in the story. A. Point of Attack B. Rising Action C. Exposition D. Foreshadowing


In the play The Red Coat, what color does Mary's coat appear under the stage lights according to John? A. Red B. Crimson C. Scarlett D. None of the above


Our calendar has 12 months in a year. 7 of those months have 31 days. How many of them have 28 days? A. 5 B. 2 C. 1 D. none of the above


Some new plays are not original ideas at all, but are inspired by or adapted from: A. Novels B. Songs C. Movies D. All of the above could be the case.


The idea that theatre is happening in the here and now in front of the audience sharing a space with the performers is something that distinguishes itself from this other art form. A. A television show B. A movie C. A novel D. ALL of the above


Theatre is thought to have originated ______. A. during the reign of Elizabeth I of England B. during the Golden Age of Rome C. during the 5th century BC in Athens, Greece D. during the days of cavemen and wooly mammoths.


When we go to a show, what is the unspoken agreement we enter into with the actors? A. That we will not make fun of them. B. That we will clap our hands at the end. C. That we will not fall asleep. D. That we will willingly suspend our "disbelief."


Which character is the first to kinda start to figure out they might be twins? A. Erotium B. The Maid C. Sponge D. Messenio


Who is the author of The Red Coat? A. William Shakespeare B. Susan Glaspel C. Edward Albee D. John Patrick Shanley


Who's opinion matters the most when you go see a play? A. The Author's B. The Director's C. The Director's D. Your own.


If an assignment is due at 11:55 pm you can probably still submit it at _______ and it will still count as on time. A. 11:56 pm B. anytime before midnight C. 8:00 am the next morning D. 11:55 pm

D. 11:55pm

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: _______________ A. Analyze the impact of various historical periods of western theatre. B. Fully comprehend the benefits of theatre in civilization and the impact this form of art has on society. C. Identify and comprehend production techniques. D. All of the above, plus others.

D. All of the above, plus others

Where can you go for help with your writing on this campus? A. Your Theatre Professor during office hours. B. The new Taco restaurant on Old Shell Road. C. The rec center after 9pm. D. The USA Writing Center!

D. USA writing center

A unique benefit of your child participating in a theatre program as a school child is that he/she will learn valuable lessons in Time Management and Team Work as well as meet some new friends. True False


According to Messenio, a really good slave knows how to cheat his master out of money when his master isn't looking. True False


All Greek tragedies require the main characters die for their sins or offenses against the gods. True False


At the start of The Red Coat, we see a young man passed out on the steps of bar. True False


At the start of The Red Coat, we see the character John passed out on a park bench with an empty bottle of Vodka at his side. True False


If you have to use the bathroom during a play, there is usually a button on the left armrest that you can push. This will alert the actors and they will pause the action on stage until you return. True False


If you miss class for a "un-excusable" reason you can simple call the professor and set up a one hour individual meeting where he can catch you up giving you the lecture you missed in class. True False


If you miss the deadline for a quiz, writing assignment or thought question assignment you can simply complete it late and tell the professor to give you full credit anyway... True False


In the last scene of the play it is clear that Menaechmus I and his wife will live happily ever after and he will never cheat on her again. True False


Per the in-class lecture, without RELIGION there would be no theatre. True False


o compete in the City Dionysia play festival, playwrights had to submit three tragedies and one satyr play (comedy). True False


In addition to the Five Elements of Theatre, there is what we call a bonus element. That "bonus" element is called_________


The FIVE elements of theatre are:

performer, spectator, design, text, space

According your text, The Poetics out lines the six elements of DRAMA as:

plot, character, theme, diction, music, spectacle

The three origins of theatre are:

ritual, storytelling, pleasure

Disengagement or disrespect will adversely affect your participation grade in this class. True False


In America, the most prestigious award for playwrights is the Pulitzer Prize. A. True B. False


One of the reasons a city might help subsidize (financially assist) a regional theatre in a dying neighborhood would be to help spark economic growth. True False


William Shakespeare wrote his plays with certain theatres, actors and audiences in mind. True False


Woman first began appearing on stage by the neoclassical period in France during the 17th Century. A. True B. False


Your text defines acting as "pretending to be someone or something we are not." A. True B. False


This fact about Greece strongly influenced how it developed over the years into a nation of several city states. A. Its mountainous terrain. B. Its Homeric tradition. C. The fact that they couldn't agree on which god to worship. D. The women didn't want to live near the men all year long.


What are the two types of drama most ancient Greek plays fall into? A. Comedy and tragedy B. Tragedy and Histories C. Romances and Comedies D. None of the above


Which play is called "the Scottish play" by actors during the rehearsal process because the are superstitious about saying it's real name in a theatre? A. Macbeth B. Hamlet C. Romeo and Juliet D. Winter's Tale


eatre consists of this: in making live representations of reported or invented happenings between human beings..." Who said this? A. Brecht B. Wilder C. Beckett D. Shakespeare


"Suffering is random...the gods are not noble." These were common themes in this playwright's works. A. Euripides B. Sophocles C. Oedipus D. Aeschylus


According to Stanislavsky this is the "central goal or drive that is the clue to understanding a character." A. Spine B. Purpose C. Theme D. Ankle


Defined as "the tragic flaw which causes a hero's downfall" in Greek tragedy. A. Harmatia B. Catharsis C. Hubris D. Nemisis


In Shakespeare's time actors were: A. Men, with boy apprentices playing the female parts. B. Always from the Clergy. C. Typically under the age of 30 D. All of the above


What are the nine questions a playwright must answer?

-what are the character -where are they -what time is it -what objects surround them -what are their relationship -what are the given circumstances -what do they want -what is in their way -how do they get it

The first production ever of Lorraine Hansberry's first play, A Raisin In The Sun, originally played in Philadelphia, Chicago and New Haven before moving to New York City's Broadway in 2016. True False


The further "downstage" an actor is the further away from the audience he is. True False


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