Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco- Class Notes

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Four categories of drugs in the twentieth century

1. Legal recreational drugs (if you meet legal age) Ex: Tobacco, alcohol 2. Illegal recreational drugs (ex heroin, cocaine, meth, etc) 3. Legal instrumental drugs (Ex: Asprim, cough medicine, vapor rubs, etc) 4. Illegal instrumental drugs (ex: drugs obtained without prescription, pain killers)

Top three drugs by sale in the US

1. Nexium - decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach 2. Lipitor- used to treat high cholesterol 3. Plavix - prevents blood clots that can occur with certain heart or blood vessel conditions

top tobacco producers

1. china 2. brazil (3x less than china) 3, india 4. USA (2x less than china)

Drugs are scheduled based on 3 main points

1. potential for abuse 2. accepted medical usage 3. psychological or physical dependence


AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is a 12 step program, spiritually based and free. 64$ drop out in 1st year. from National Susbstance Abuse Treatment Serivces Survey ~$7000/month, cost of rehan can be 7000-75,000. First step = detoxification. then treatment. Delerium tremers and shakes

cocaine and sigmund freud

As a medical researcher, Freud was an early user and proposent of cocaine as a stimulant as well as an analgesic. Believed it was a cure for many mental and physical problems. Wrote a paper in 1884: "On Coca." Freud recommended cocaine as an antidepressant as well as a cure for morphine addiction. The application of cocaine as an anesthetic turned out to become one of the few safe uses of it, and as reports of addiction and overdose became common, Freud's medical reputation became somewhat tarnished.

20 year time lag

COPD : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. smoking causes pulmonary damage and emphysema. 1 in 5 US deaths are due to smoking. .5 million smoking deaths per yaer. life lon smokers can expect to die 12 years earlier compared to a non smoker

The US Civil War

Drug addiction in the ENglish-speaking world was rare at teh beginning of the 19th century but common at the end of it, at least in the USA> The US had 400,000 addicts in 1900 with most of the increase occurring in the late 1800s. Civil war is often blamed for this - after the war, it is said morphine addiction was known as the "soldier's disease" or "army disease" Many new addicts were middle class women. It was easy to obtain (drug store)

Theophrastus (371-287)

Greek native. Two surviving botanical works "Enquiry into Plants" and "on the Causes of Plants" were important influence on. He used and encouraged the use of opium to treat pain. Opium is hte dried latex obtained from papaver somniferum.


Greek physician spent much of his career practicing in Rome, as a physician to the graldiatiors. Arguably the most accomplished of all medical researchers of antiquity. Wrote about poppy juice to cure headahces, deafness, etc.

Bayer and heroin

In 1874, the German scientists developed a formula for a painkiller that they thought would be less addictive than morphine. Bayer started marketting heroin in 1898. Derived the name from the German word heroisch. Marked for anything. Gave out free samples to doctors. Became quickly widespreead and accepted. Stopped selling in 1913 and deleted it from their company history. outlawedi n the US in 1924.

Sir Walter Raleigh and the Virgin Queen

In the 1590s, SIr Walter Raleigh traded with the Indians for potatoes and tobacco. Became the first British smoker using a long pipe with tobacco in a bowl. Elizabeth I, became the world's first anti-smoke. "I do not like that vile weed"

Coca-cola and cocaine

John Pemberton: wanted to invent the perfect medicine and drink all in one. Main ingredients: cocaine was taken from coca leaf. The Caffeiene was taken from kola nut. Claimed it cured mainy ailments. Ran first advertisement on May 29, 1886 in the Atlanta Journa. stopped using cocaine in 1903. 1929, new labeling laws were enforced.

Chinese Immigration and the Opium Wars

The Opium Wars (First Opium War from 1839-1842) and the second were the climax of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British EmpireBritish merchants were smugglign and selling opium from India in China against the Chinese authority. The first Chinese laborers were hired in 1865 at approximately $28/month to the very dangerous work of blasting and laying ties over the treacherous sierras on the transcontintental railroad.s

World Drug Report (2005)

Top 3 drugs by volume in the world 1. marijuana 2. cocaine 3. heroin


active ingredient = THC. depressant. schedule 1. street names: pot, grass, dope, weed, Mary jane. Normally smoked. Most widely used drug. 42% of americans have reported using it at least once. IT is psychologically addictive. contains more cancer causing agents than tobaco.

Alcohol's effect on the brain

affects the brain in the reverse order that it developed in. Inhibits connections between neurotransmitters, reduces inhibitors, changes concentration levels. then affects motor levels.


angel dust pills. Rodney king was suspected of being high on PCP which causd the LA riots. very strong hallucinogenic. causes erratic behavior, paranoia, agitation, agression. schedule 2. street names: angel dust, horse tranquilizer. Taken orally or smoked. Developed in 1950s as an anesthetic.


broad term for problems with alcohol. compulsive uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages. usually leading to detriment of health, personal relationships, and social standings WHO estimates 140 million people have alcoholism. dual disease: mental and physical withdrawal can be fatal if not properly managed genes that influence metabolism of alcohol influence the risk of alcoholism (indicated by family history) DSM-IV: diagnosis of dependence represents 1 appraoch to definition: answer 3+ of the 1. tolerance 2. withdrawal 3. taken in greater amounts.more times than intended 4. desire/unsuccessful attempt to control 5. long time spent getting and recovering 6. social occupational or recreational activities reduced 7. continuin to use despite knowing the consequences

long term effects of alcohol

can damage every organ in your body. firing line: liver, brain, pancreas liver: cirrhosis, liver cancer (10-20% of all heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis during their lifetime) brain: memory loss, brain damage pancrease: pancreatitis heart: HBP, irregular beat, enlarged heart sex organces: impotence, shrunken testicles, FAS skin: rosacea, yellowy, sweaty skin, porphyria, post adolescent acne, porphyria ctanea tarda, discoid excema stomach ulcers


cocaine, caffeine speed up the central nervous system. Temporarily increase alertness and awareness.

Coffee and the Ottoman Empire

coffee has played a crucial role in many societies. Its energizing effects were discovered in northeast Ethipoia and its cultivation of coffee first expanded in arab, nicluding the ottoman empire. Frmo the muslim world, coffee spread to India.


comes in powder and liquid form. it is a hallucinogenic drug and causes erratic behavior. schedule 3. named special k. used to be used as a surgical anesthetic but its emergence reaction on awakening limited its acceptance. today it is used in child surgery and veterinary procedures


defined as the continuous of a mood altering substance or behavior despite knowing the adverse consequences. Dependence: physical dependence that is established. Denial of the drug can lead to death. One of the most costly public health problesm in the US is drugs. It gets progressively worse. U.S. pays 1000 dollars per person every year. physiological dependence: physical adiction. Belief that one is dependent considered a process.


ecstasy. ingested (eat the pill). stimulant with hallucinogenic properties. schedule 1. street names: X, E. can cause severe dehydration.

alcohol and the law

field sobriety test. most states ~ .08%BAC for driving and boating. DWI is more server charge than DUI. Distinction based on severity. DWI > .08. DUI <.08. DUI is illegal narcotics, over the counter or prescribed mds

the turn of the twentieth century

four factors had established the extent of recreational drug use. 1. increased chinese immigration which had led to increased opium use 2. civil war created many morphine addicts, both housewives and soldiers 3. the use and availability of the syringe 4. drug stores with very limited legal limitation. could buy very powerful drugs legally.


he refiend opium to make morphine, codeine, and heroin. All three are opiates and differ in how they are refined or synthetically manufactured.

US teenager drug use today

illegal drug use is declining. The abuse of prescription drugs, especially pain relievers, is increasing.

legal issues and smoking

in 46 of the 50 states, the minimum legal age is 18. IN april 1970, the public health cigarette smoking act banned the advertising of cigarettes on TV and radio starting Jan 2 1971. Smokeless tobacco ads were only banned august 28, 1986. after 1971, most ads were done in magazines, newspapers, billboards

the chemistry of alchol

it is a depressant. drinking alcohol = ethanol. manufactured through a process of fermentation of certain grains and fruits. fermentation = sugars converted to alcohol over time. alcohol proof is measure of how much alcohol is contained in a beverage. the proof is twice the perfecnt of alcohol by volume. a 100 proof = 50% alcohol.

passive smoking

known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) or second hand smoke. ETS has become key factor when considering legislation that bans smoking in public places. 34,000 deaths from lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke in the USA each year.

a brief history of tobacco

leading cause of preventable death in the US. 1 in 5 american deaths are tobacco related. NA used tobacco before Europeans. Traded with european settlers who took it back to europe. Important cash crop in Commonwealth of Virgina. 20th century war became important to the spreading of tobacco addiction. Given in rations to the soldeirs who came home addicted and introduced women. 1930s: German scientists showed smoking causes lung cancer. 1960s: Americans learn that smoking is bad. 50% of high school drop outs smoke education is directly correlated to smoking rates


lisurgic acid. put on sugar cubes. can be taken on an LSD tab. drug cateogry: hallucinogenic distorts reality. schedule 1. street anme is Acid. Taken orally. Not phsyically addictive but it is psychologically addictive. No medicinal value but could be used to overcome harsher addictions. Results are inconclusive.

social impact

loss of money due to lost labor hours, medical costs and secondary treatment cost (rehab), causes head injuries, vehicle accidents, violence and assaults. WHO estimate vary from 1-6% of country's GDP. US in 2006 is 223.5 billion. 6% of US consumes half of the alcohol. Heavy drinking (men = 2/day and women =1/day). binge drinking = consuming 5+ drinks in a row.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

mental and physical defects in developing in fetus, can occur in any trimester of pregnancy. leading cause of retardation in western world. 1 in 750 births in US are FAS. reflected by facial stigmata and stunted growth


smoke contains many carcinogens, 1 cigarette has 4800 chemicals and 45 are carcinogens. contains nicotine which is psychoactive.


papaver somniferm. usually taken intravenously. Drug category: dpressant. causes drowsiness. schedule 1. street names: smack, chiva, horse, black tar. Methadone is a drug used by recovery addicts. Largest exporter = Afghanistan. US is the wordl's largest consumer of mexican and columbian heroin.

earliest drug use

probably accidental. First intentional uses were similar to ours (medicine, recreation, religious ceremonies)

the disease model (dr. benjamin rush)

signatory of declaration of independence and attended continental congress. surgeon general in contintental army. pioneered therapeuatic approach to alcoholism. AA and AMA consider it a disease. 1 in 4 dotors believe that it is a disease.

controlled substance act (1970)

signed by president Nixon in 1970. The legislation created five schedules with varying qualifications for a substance to be included in each. 2 federal agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration and Food and Drug Administration determine which substances are added and removed.


stimulant. hyper alertness. schedule 2 drug,. street names: meth, ice, crank. mostly smoked but can be intravenous. Hells Angels hid meth in bike cases. It has been FDA approved for use in child and adults under the name Desoxyn for the treatment of ADHD and congenital obesity.


stimulant. lose 5 minutes of life every time you smoke


stimulant. unscheduled. no street name. administered orally. world's most popular drug. can be found in 60 different plants. 450 million cups drank every day in USA>


such as LSD and ecstasy alter a person's perceptions, thoughts, emotions, consciousness


such as heroin and alcohol slow down the CNS. They temporarily decrease alertness and awareness.

A history of American temperance

temperance = total abstinence from alcoholic liquors america's relationship with alcohol is rooted in the country's religious foundations, such as puritanism (work, thrift, sobriety). 1794: Whiskey Rebellion: President George Washington led 15k militai to western pennsylvania to collect unpaid taxes. Demosntrates that the new govt had the willingnessa nd ability to suppress violent resistance.


usually snorted. Crack cocaine is smoked. it is a stimulant. Schedule 2 drug. used in anesthesia. street names: charlie, blow, coke, cocaine. Columbia is the world's largest producer. speed ball= mix of cocaine and heroin. USA is the world's largest consumer.

stopping smoking

when someone quits smoking, they will normally experience withdrawal symptoms known as "quitters flu" symptoms last normally 1 week. there is direct correlation between smoking and level of education obtained

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