DSC4012 Mid-Term

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From 1794 to 1795, the French government conducted more than legalexecutions.​


​Modern terrorism, as defined in the text, surfaced with violent anarchists in thelate .


​The split in the IRA ranks, one side seeking peaceful political idealism andthe other fighting for independence, began to occur in which decade?


In what year did Nigeria gain independence?


As terrorism evolved into an ideological phase in the ________________, it became a drama made for television.​


​Though fear exists about potential resurgence, the LTTE was defeated inwhat year?


The focus on international terrorism has diverted attention from some of theworld's separatist movements; yet, these struggles have shaped modernterrorism. RAND shows that ethnic terrorism differs from terrorism carriedout in the name of ideology, religion, or economic gain. Ethnic terrorists areusually more nationalistic than their religious counterparts. Ethnic terroriststry to forge national identity. Their primary purpose is to mobilize a community, and they do so by appealing to the nationalistic background of a particular ethnic group. ​Which of the following would NOT be most appropriately classed as ethnicterrorists?

Al Qaeda

______refers to when an individual or group becomes lost in the dominant social world.


​Counterfeiting and fraud are common weapons of the _______________.

American extremist right

What biological agent infected citizens through the mail in the wake of theattacks on September 11, 2001?​


​In 1972, British paratroopers opened fire on Catholic protesters inLondonderry - a day that has come to be known as ____________________.

Bloody Sunday

​Who granted Ceylon (Sri Lanka) independence in 1948?


To finance its operations, the IRA developed an organized crime network known as a:​

Capone discovery

​Reporting patterns are packaged in segments called news frames. The purposeof a news frame is to assemble words and pictures to create a patternsurrounding an event. The news becomes a symbolic representation of an eventin which the audience is allowed to participate from a distance. Television andother media spin the event so that it can be translated into the understanding ofpopular culture. There are several types of news frames - reporting frames: superficial, short, andlaced with facts; dominant frames: one authority's view; conflict frames: twosides, with experts; contention frames: a variety of positions; investigativeframes: exposing corrupt or illegal behavior; campaigning frames: thebroadcaster's opinion; reportage frames: in-depth coverage with background;community service frames: information for viewers; collective interest frames:reinforce common values; cultural recognition frames: a group's values andnorms; and mythic tales frames: hero stories. A news network provides a bulletin notice advising the public about localhospitals offering free vaccines. The bulletin would be an example of what typeof news frame?​

Community Service

Which of the following is not true of individuals engaged in radicalization?​


Bodrero (2002) says terrorist behavior differs from standard patterns of criminalbehavior because terrorists are highly motivated and loyal to a particular cause.Whereas ordinary criminals are opportunistic, terrorists are focused. They mayselect targets of opportunity, but the target has a symbolic value. Terrorists usecrime to make a symbolic statement about a political cause.​ A group of armed and dangerous teenagers are returning home late at night andcome across several seemingly unoccupied homes. They enter one home andbefore taking numerous valuable, spray paint racial slurs on the walls. Thesuspects would most accurately be classified as _____________.​


The United Kingdom established its Middle Eastern military headquarters in at the end of World War II.​


According to Global Witness, al Qaeda spent 10 years moving into unregulated __________ trading in West Africa.


Which of the following terrorist organizations changed the structure of terrorist financing by trying to gain control of the economy?​`


According to Barber, what is the largest overriding factor through which themedia flourishes?​


All researchers have determined that the frequency of violence is moreimportant than the severity of terrorist attacks.


Ambiguity strengthens the ability to create a sustainable news frame.​


American television reports on terrorism are highly objective.​


Russia was the site of The Easter Rising of 1916.


Terrorism came into existence during the American Revolution.


The United Kingdom established its Middle East military headquarters inSaudi Arabia at the end of World War II.​


​Examples of force multipliers include technology and reserve units 'at theready'.


​The Sri Lankan conflict involved dissension between Hindus and Muslims.


​The motivations of criminals and terrorists are the same.


​There is no difference between separatist violence, ideological terrorism, andreligious terrorism.


____________ inspired anti-imperial violence after WWII, and his influence remained with Western ideological groups in the 1960s and 1970s​.


The Internet has become more important as more ____________ join the Salafi movement.​


The ___________ is a law ensuring access to governmental records.​

Freedom of InformationAct

Modern terrorism developed out of the .​

French Revolution

Which of the following is based in the belief that international trade barriersshould be removed so that commerce and industry can develop in aninternational free market?​


HEU stands for ________ .​

Highly enriched uranium

Presenting illegally gained money in the formal economic system as if it were the result of a legal activity is known as:​


Terrorism requires ______________ research because it involves so many aspects of the human experience.​


​Reporting patterns are packaged in segments called news frames. The purposeof a news frame is to assemble words and pictures to create a patternsurrounding an event. The news becomes a symbolic representation of an eventin which the audience is allowed to participate from a distance. Television andother media spin the event so that it can be translated into the understanding ofpopular culture. There are several types of news frames - reporting frames: superficial, short, andlaced with facts; dominant frames: one authority's view; conflict frames: twosides, with experts; contention frames: a variety of positions; investigativeframes: exposing corrupt or illegal behavior; campaigning frames: thebroadcaster's opinion; reportage frames: in-depth coverage with background;community service frames: information for viewers; collective interest frames:reinforce common values; cultural recognition frames: a group's values andnorms; and mythic tales frames: hero stories. A news network breaks into regular programming to report that the Presidenthas been shot and more information will be provided as it is learned. Such a report is an example of what type of news frame?​


​Reporting patterns are packaged in segments called news frames. The purposeof a news frame is to assemble words and pictures to create a patternsurrounding an event. The news becomes a symbolic representation of an eventin which the audience is allowed to participate from a distance. Television andother media spin the event so that it can be translated into the understanding ofpopular culture. There are several types of news frames - reporting frames: superficial, short, andlaced with facts; dominant frames: one authority's view; conflict frames: twosides, with experts; contention frames: a variety of positions; investigativeframes: exposing corrupt or illegal behavior; campaigning frames: thebroadcaster's opinion; reportage frames: in-depth coverage with background;community service frames: information for viewers; collective interest frames:reinforce common values; cultural recognition frames: a group's values andnorms; and mythic tales frames: hero stories. A television network airs a 10 minute segment demonstrating a U.S. customsofficial taking bribes from a Mexican cartel. This segment is an example ofwhat type of news frame?​


The failure to separate the population from the insurgents is an example ofthe parallel between the French experience in Algeria and the initialAmerican response to insurgency in __________.​


The _____________________ in eastern Turkey conducted the least deadlyattacks in the course of modern suicide bombing, killing an average of twopeople per incident.​

Kurdistan Workers' Party

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major identifications of prisonradicalization "converts"?

Left-wing extremism

It can be argued that religion often helps to produce the , a personstriking out with an ideology but no group.​

Lone wolf avenger

popularized urban terrorism as a method for ending repression and eliminating U.S. domination of Latin America.


​The PKK follows the philosophy of:

Marx and Lenin

"Selective terrorism" as a strategy was developed by _____________.

Michael Collins

Which of the following is NOT considered a force multiplier?​


Which of the following activities do terrorist organizations usually not engage in to fund their operations?​

Money Laundering

Which of the following is the process of converting the proceeds of crime into assets that can be used in the formal economy?​

Money laundering

​Ethnic terrorists try to forge a(n) ______________ identity.


​The Mau Mau movement would be most appropriately classified as being a movement.


After being released from prison in a general amnesty, the IRA's MichaelCollins studied the tactics of the Russian Peoples' Will and the writings ofearlier anarchists and terrorists. Collins developed a strategy called "selectiveterrorism." Collins reasoned that indiscriminate terror was of no value - randomor large-scale attacks would alienate public opinion. Conversely, launching anattack and waiting for the population to spontaneously rise to rebellion wasequally futile. Collins viewed himself as a(n):​


Congress mandates that all radioactive waste from America's nuclear powerplants be transported to a repository in what state?​


​Boko Haram began in the northern Muslim region of:


​From 1922 to 1969, the government systematically reduced the civil rightsof Catholics living in ___________________ Ireland.


utting criminal proceeds in the legitimate financial system is known as:


____criminology focuses on the common actions of lawbreakers.​


______refers to the psychological process of adopting extremist positions.​


A simple definition of terrorism involves all of the following EXCEPT:​


​ refers to a quick, fact-driven report that summarizes the latest information about a story.

Reporting Frame

, as used by John Horgan, refers to the psychological and social factors that motivate people to join and remain in terrorist groups.​

Routes to Terrorism

The motivations behind the People's Will evolved from revolutionary thought.​


Which of the following is not a concern of law enforcement and related security operations?​

School Bullying

________________ is a term describing a political situation where a government nominally controls its own state but where large regions are eitheranarchic or under the control of others.​

Shell State

The way that people view reality is known as a(n):​

Social Construct

______refers to controlling an economy by direct democracy and utilizing economic profits to ensure the well-being of citizens.​


​The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) formed in what country?

Sri Lanka

Brian Jenkins says that the six tactics of terrorism can be enhanced by forcemultipliers. In military terms, a force multiplier increases striking power withoutincreasing the strength of a unit. He labels four kinds of force multipliers:Transnational support, Technology, Media coverage, and Religion. Terroristsroutinely use force multipliers because they add to their aura. All politicalterrorists want to give the illusion that they can fight on a higher, more powerfullevel.​ ​Terrorists break through Homeland Security's firewalls, and hijack and destroyseveral drones. This scenario is an example of which force multiplier?


Bodrero (2002) says terrorist behavior differs from standard patterns of criminalbehavior because terrorists are highly motivated and loyal to a particular cause.Whereas ordinary criminals are opportunistic, terrorists are focused. They mayselect targets of opportunity, but the target has a symbolic value. Terrorists usecrime to make a symbolic statement about a political cause.​ After conferring with several like-minded extremists, a suspect places a bombunder the seat of local politician. The suspect would most accurately beclassified as a(n) .​


Some analysts believe the primary reason that officials do not understand the financing process is that they lack a:

Theoretical framework

​Which British Prime Minister invited Sinn Féin to the negotiating table to end the terrorist violence of the IRA?

Tony Blair

Brian Jenkins says that the six tactics of terrorism can be enhanced by forcemultipliers. In military terms, a force multiplier increases striking power withoutincreasing the strength of a unit. He labels four kinds of force multipliers:Transnational support, Technology, Media coverage, and Religion. Terroristsroutinely use force multipliers because they add to their aura. All politicalterrorists want to give the illusion that they can fight on a higher, more powerfullevel.​ A suicide bomber explodes in a local supermarket. This scenario is an example of which force multiplier?​

Transnational support

According to Bruce Hoffman, the politics and strategy of anticolonial revolution in the twentieth century are the basis for modern terrorism.​


Beijing claims that international jihadists are attempting to overthrow Chinese rule in Xinjiang province and establish an Islamic state.​


European governments and capitalists came to fear class revolution as a seriesof uprisings swept across Europe in 1848.


Guerilla tactics were used throughout the Napoleonic Wars.


It is popularly believed that the term money laundering first appeared in the 1920s.​


Steganography is frequently said to be one of the Internet's greatestvulnerabilities in light of criminal and terrorist communication


Terrorism is an organizational process.


The definition of terrorism fluctuates according to the interests of the groupdefining the term.


The meaning of terrorism has changed with political tides in Western history.


There is no consensus about the definition of radicalization.​


Women played an important role in the National Liberation Front (FLN).​


ndia has a variety of terrorist problems stemming from political, religious, and ethnic strife.​


​Cyberterrorism is an attractive, low-risk strategy.


​Ethnic terrorists are usually more nationalistic than their religiouscounterparts.


​If calculated by the sheer number of attacks, separatists present more of a threat to Europe than any other form of terrorism.


​Media coverage can make a minor group appear to be politically important.


​PKK leaders increased their efforts to build a terrorist organization bymoving into Lebanon's Bekaa Valley in September of 1980.


​The ETA death squads evolved into the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups(GAL).


​The classic approach in television is the reporting frame.


Although most of the country is in Asia, ______________ was accepted as a partner in NATO.​


The leader of the PKK ordered the end of a suicide-bombing campaign,calling for peace between in 2006.​

Turkey and the Kurds

__________ are not fighting an international jihad for a caliphate; they want independence.​


​The IRA fought from 1939-1944 and again from 1956-1962 in attempt tobring __________________ under Irish control.


Terrorism by WMD presents a potential strategic scenario and includesbiological agents, or biological weapons, which have been used for centuries.Modern arsenals contain bacterial weapons and viral weapons, with microbescultured and refined, or weaponized, to increase their ability to kill. Becausebacterial agents are susceptible to antibiotics, nations with bacterial weaponsprograms have created strains of bacterial microbes resistant to such drugs. Viralagents are produced in the same manner, and they are usually more powerfulthan bacterial agents. Biological agents are difficult to control but relatively easyto produce. Terrorists may find them to be effective weapons.​ There are four types of biological agents: (1) natural poisons, or toxins thatoccur without human modification; (2) viruses; (3) bacteria; and (4) plagues.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies the mostthreatening from the groups as smallpox, anthrax, plague, botulism, tularemia,and hemorrhagic fever. Hemorrhagic fever is classified under which category?​


Who, of the following, claims terrorism constitutes the illegitimate use of forceto achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people?

Walter Laqueur

The most damaging Sikh attack was on an Indian ____________.​


​Fouzi Slisli believes adjectives introduce into the news.


According to David Kaplan, ___________ are responsible for the bulk ofterrorist financing.


The National Conference of State Legislature defines as "the use ofinformation technology by terrorists to promote a political agenda."​


The arguments about censorship are heated and deal with the core issue of


​The first decade of the twenty-first century brought seemingly peacefulsolutions to three violent separatist movements: the renewed troubles inIreland resulting from civil disturbances in 1969, the ETA's campaign forBasque autonomy, and a long campaign of savage guerilla warfare andterrorism among two ethnic groups on the island nation of Sri Lanka. All ofthe conflicts appeared to end. The Irish, Basque, and Sri Lankan conflicts all have a central focus that isprimarily in nature.


Which of the following is not a way that money is laundered?


According to Marighella, __________ is the term used for armed robbery.​


​According to the text, the ETA's first "attacks" involved ____________________.


Critics believe National Public Radio (NPR) .​

has liberal bias

In social science, studies that involve examinations of the same subject over long periods of time are known as:​

longitudinal studies

​The first decade of the twenty-first century brought seemingly peacefulsolutions to three violent separatist movements: the renewed troubles inIreland resulting from civil disturbances in 1969, the ETA's campaign forBasque autonomy, and a long campaign of savage guerilla warfare andterrorism among two ethnic groups on the island nation of Sri Lanka. All ofthe conflicts appeared to end. ​The apparent ends to each of the three noted violent separatist movementswere achieved primarily in the form of a ___________ solution.


The classic approach for television is the . It is usually short anddesigned to provide the latest information.

reporting frame

Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), believed that should be used as aninstrument for overthrowing middle-class, or bourgeois, governments.​


Turkey has lost 40,000 people to since 1980.​


A system of exchanging money based on trust relationships between moneydealers is called .​

the hawala System

"Stay tuned" is an example of a television network's drama pattern.​


Research has shown that the media has virtually ignored domestic security issues.​


____do not support centralized control of the economy.​


________ is considered a non-contagious bacterial infection.​


The National Organization of Cypriot Fighters (EOKA) was focused on

​Cypriot independence

According to _________________, terrorists seldom behave like normative street criminals.​

​D. Douglas Bodrero

​The focus on international terrorism has diverted attention from some of theworld's separatist movements; yet, these struggles have shaped modernterrorism. RAND shows that ethnic terrorism differs from terrorism carriedout in the name of ideology, religion, or economic gain. Ethnic terrorists areusually more nationalistic than their religious counterparts. Ethnic terroriststry to forge national identity. Their primary purpose is to mobilize a community, and they do so by appealing to the nationalistic background of a particular ethnic group. Which of the following would be most appropriately classed as ethnicterrorists?​

​Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)

______and _______ are the primary influences upon single-event terrorists suchas suicide bombers.​

​Ideology, religion

Which of the following is NOT an economic policy to counter terrorism?​

​Increasing loans to Third World Nations

More __________________ are targeted in suicide attacks than any other group.


Which of the following is not a distinctive form of behavior with regards to religious radicalization?​


According to Ryan, which of the following does not result in radicalization?​


Historically, the violence in Ireland has been largely intertwined with conflictbetween which two religions?​

​Protestantism and Catholicism

Which of the following groups sought to bring democracy to all classes and demanded immediate and drastic change?​

​Radical democrats

Which of the following is not a major type of suicide attack?​

​Suicide by cop

According to Freeman, which of the following is not needed in an economic theory that accounts for the financing of terrorist organizations and operations?

​System of credit

Which of the following refers to the methods used to fund terrorist groups or operations?​

​Terrorist financing

The outcome of the EOKA's struggle with the British in Cyprus most closelyresembled the outcome of which conflict?​

​The IRA and British parliamen

​The focus on international terrorism has diverted attention from some of theworld's separatist movements; yet, these struggles have shaped modernterrorism. RAND shows that ethnic terrorism differs from terrorism carriedout in the name of ideology, religion, or economic gain. Ethnic terrorists areusually more nationalistic than their religious counterparts. Ethnic terroriststry to forge national identity. Their primary purpose is to mobilize a community, and they do so by appealing to the nationalistic background of a particular ethnic group. ​Which of the following would be most appropriately classed as ethnicterrorists?

​The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

Which of the following is not true of criminals?​

​They plan their schemes extensively

According to David Carter, terrorists use ____________ for logistics, including financing activities.​

​existing criminal network

Terrorists use __________________ to increase their attacking power.​

​force multipliers

Gender impacts terrorist tactics and is often related mostly to the .​

​ideology of the terrorist organization

Beijing claims that is/are attempting to overthrow Chinese rule inXinjiang (New Frontier) province and establish an Islamic state.

​international jihadists

Most dirty-bomb scenarios are based on the premise that a agent will beused with a conventional explosive.​


In 1848, anarchists talked about _______________, meaning that the only way to communicate with the social order was to destroy it.​

​the philosophy of the bomb

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