Earth Science 1-5

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Alaska's Aleutian Islands formed as part of a ________ along a ________ boundary.

volcanic island arc, convergent

Subducting oceanic crust underneath oceanic crust will produce

volcanic island arcs

Ice is considered a mineral while

water and vapor are not

Laminar movement

water moves in straight line paths parralel to stream channel

Hydrologic cycle completes when

water returns to the ocean


water soaks into the ground

Confined water table (2 causes)

water stuck between two aquitards or aquifer is inclined

For a well to be successful it must reach

water table

Upper limit of zone of saturation is the

water table

upper level of an underground surface in which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water

water table

a rainshadow desert forms in placed where mountain ranges act as barriers to the movement of

water vapor

You notice preserved ripple marks in the mountains, then later at the beach you see ripple marks forming in the sand. Which of the following best describes how the ripple marks in the mountain formed?


V-shaped valleys would most likely contain ________.


Large pieces of glacier break off when it reaches


Disintegration and decomposition of rock


External processes examples (3)

weathering erosion mass wasting

Landform evolution- ________ breaks rocks apart, ______ transfers material downslope, _______ carries the materials away, and most sediments ends up in the

weathering mass wasting erosion sea

To transform an igneous rock into a sedimentary rock, which of the following processes must take place?

weathering, transport, deposition, and lithification

Water also adds _____ to sediment


Intermittent stream only flow during

wet periods

When a valley glacier leaves the mountains and enters the relative flat lands below, it may spread out to form ________.

a Piedmont glacier

A transform plate boundary is characterized by

a deep, vertical fault along which two plates slides past one another in opposite directions.

Valley or alpine glaciers advance at what speed

a few cm a day

An igneous body injected between sedimentary strata that arches the bedrock above while the bottom layers remain relatively flat is called

a laccolith

"This rock is 15 million years old" is an example of

a numerical date

When a valley glacier leaves the mountains and enters the relative flat lands below, it may spread out to form ________.

a piedmont glacier


ability of water to move through a substance

Wind can also erodes via


Ice sheets flow in all directions from a center of snow _______


Glacial terminus

accumulation and wastage are equal

Glaciers originate from

accumulation compaction and recrystalization of snow

Ice sheets have _____ and _______ed several times

advanced and retreated

Ephemeral stream carry water when

after heavy rainfall

Most rocks are ______ of many minerals


An igneous rock that shows a vesicular texture ________.

all of the above

Deflation may lead to ________.

all of the above

Zone of saturation

all pore space will be filled with water

The hydrosphere

all reservoirs where water is held

Examples of land shaped by glaciers (5)

alps cape code yosemite long island great lakes

Color is usually a

ambiguous property

Unconsolidated sediment forms a stable slope at a certain________ depending on the size and shape of the particles. This is called______

angle of repose, oversteepening

Examples of ice sheets

antarctica and greenland

Impermeable layers such as clay that hinder or prevent water movement are called ________.


Ephemeral streams ________.

are a major agent of erosion in desert regions

Sharp ridges call ______ and pyramid like ______ are associated with enlarged cirques

aretes and horns

Ephemeral streams typically flow after heavy rainstorms in ________ climates.


Free flowing groundwater from outlet above water table

artesian system

Channelization to prevent floods

artifical cut off reduce volume in main channel

________ are earthen mounds built on the banks of rivers to increase the volume of water the channel can hold.

artifical levees

In an area of alpine glaciation, sinuous, sharp-edged ridges called ________ and sharp, pyramid-like peaks called ________ are common features.

arêtes; horns

Although rates of glacial movement vary from region to region, on average the Antarctic Ice Sheet moves ________.

at a rate between 2 meters (6.5 feet) and 800 meters (2600 feet) per year

End moraines

at terminus of glacier

Number of protons gives ____ #

atomic number

Distributaries carry water and sediment in what direction

away from main channel

When several alluvial fans from adjacent canyons merge


Glacial budget

balance of glacial ice

Hydrologic cycle is always


Lower limit to how deep a stream can erode determine by height of nearert downhill body of water

base level

A pluvial lake is a body of water that accumulated in a_____ because of a greater ____availability

basin, water

If ice accumulation equals the amount of ice lost, the glacier will ________.

become stationary

Loess lacks


Hydraulic force can cut


Bedrock channels alernate between

bedrock and alluvium gradients

What is common in headwaters with a steep gradient

bedrock channels

In stream terrace new flood plain is produced _____ old one


Medial moraines form

between two advancing glaciers

Loess wind deposits

blankets of silt from suspended load

Strength of mineral determined by strength of


Limestone is composed of a single mineral called


Road stone and cement elements

calcite, dolomite

Glaciers also lose ice because of


Alluvial fans located at mouth of


________ is the maximum load of solid particles a stream can transport in a unit of time.


The ________ mineral group reacts to hydrochloric acid.


Most groundwater contains

carbonic acid

Calcium carbonate deposits form when

cavern is above water table

Most have one but some have two characteristic....

characteristic shapes

Neutrons have no


Two or more elements joined become a

chemical compounds

Bowl shaped depressions at head of glacial valley


Half of sedimentary rocks are


Suspended loan often what kind of particles

clay and silt

The tendency to break along planes


Electrons surround nucleus like a


Groundwater only moves a few

cm a day

Bedrock channels transport ______ particles


Bradied alluvium channels form where most stream load is ______ and discharge is _____

coarse, variable

granite is ______ grained and dominated by

coarse-grained and dominated by quartz and feldspar crystals

During saturation water in pore space reduces _______ and allows particles to slide


Which of the following properties would be least useful for identifying a sample of calcite?


which rivers flows inside the grand canyon

colorado river

Streams ability to transport particles based on size


Ionic bonds form ionic


Overall shape of longitudinal profile

concave curve

Quartz type of fracture

conchoidal (smooth)

Free movement of valence electrons in metallic bonds leads to high

conductivity and malleability

Piedmont glaciers also form when glaciers emerge from

confining walls of a valley

Braided channels

converging and diverging channels

Pluvial lakes formed during ________, ______ climates

cooler, wetter

The process by which geologists identify and match sedimentary strata and other rocks of the same ages in different areas is


What is stronger covalent or ions bonds


Tension in ice creates cracks called


Inclined layers in the windward direction are called

cross bedding

bladed, fibrous, cubic, and platy are words that describe

crystal habit

Bed rock channels are actively

cut into solid rock

The principle of cross

cutting relationships states that geologic features that cut across rocks most form _________ the rocks they cut through. - after

Metallic mineral streak


Pyroxenes color type cleavage

dark colored igneous rock with two clevage directions

Olivine- color type location

dark igneous in mantle

Amphibole group is ______ portion of _____ rocks

dark portion of light rocks

Flow of weathered materials containing water goes downslope often confined to chaannels

debris flow or mudslide

Minerals have a _______ chemical composition


To transform an igneous rock into a sedimentary rock, which of the following processes must take place?

deposition and lithofication

In zone of saturation pressure increases with


course-grained sediments such as pebbles and cobbles often comprise the ______ in

desert environments

Ephemeral streams responsible for most erosion in


In ____ air is compressed and warmed resulting in ______

deserts, clear skies

Streak is considered a _____ property


gentle side of dremlins indicates

direction of ice flow

Capacity increases with


Volume of water flowing past certain point in given unit of time


Calcium and sodium ions make up much of the ________ of streams.

dissolved load

As delta and mouth of river get clogged with sediment, upstream a new ___ forms


Decompression melting is responsible for generating magma at ____________ plate boundaries.


Iceland sits on a ___________plate boundary.


New ocean crust is generated at

divergent plate boundaries.

Drainage basins separated by


As channel reaches base level downward erosion becomes less ________ and channel becomes _____

dominant, meandering

If accumulation exceeds ablation in a glacial budget, The terminus will move

downhill ("advance").

Foreset beds consist of coarse particles that

drop soon after entering water body

Water tables fall with


streamlined asymmetrical hills made of till


Cross bedding is preserved and become rock when

dunes are buried

Tongue like flow of water saturated soil rich in clay that breaks away and moves downslope


Springs occur where water table intersects

earths surface

Glacial flow is slowest at what part


Chemical bonds is always done with goal of

eight valence electrons

Each principle shell in an electron has energy levels and specific number of


All atoms with same atomic number known as


The longest subdivision of the geologic time scale is the


Fracture results from chemical bonds that are ______ in strength


End moraines deposited when glacial balance is in


Alluvial channel sediment is continuously being ______, _______, and _______

eroded transported and redeposited

External processes include weathering, mass wasting, and ________.


Physical removal of material by mobile agent


Caverns form due to

erosion by groundwater

Ridges of sand and gravel made by stream flowing beneath ice


When inland mountains exist what happens to moisture

evaporates as it rises and descends dry onto desert area

Combined effects of evaporation and transpiration


Mount Hood (pictured) is part of the Cascade Range. These active volcanoes are a chain that stretches along the west coast from northern California to southern British Columbia, Canada. The Cascades are

evidence of subduction in the Pacific Northwest of the United States

Sodium ion does what in water

explodes in water

Incised Meanders develop when stream is near base level but base level


In order to metamorphose, metamorphic rocks must melt.


Mud cracks and ripple marks are common features of igneous rocks.


Rusting is an example of mechanical weathering.


Streak made by all minerals true or false


Which of the following silicate minerals is the most abundant in Earth's crust? quartz feldspars ammonites acetates


Belt of soil moisture

film of water on surface soil

Rock flour

finely ground bedrock


fizz when exposed to dilute acid

Deep steep sided inlets of the sa


Store flood water and let out slowly

flood control damns

Lateral erosion creates a broad flat valley floor called a


Even if front is retreating ice is always


When moutains exist near a coast what happen to the moist air

forced to rise to pass over mountains and rains on other side

Stream terraces are remnants of

former floodplains

A set of fossil organisms found together in a given layer is called a(n)

fossil assemblage

The principle of_________________ is the concept that ancient life forms evolved in a definite order, and therefore, their fossils can help determine the geologic ages of strata.

fossil succession

Groundwater is the largest reservoir of ________.

freshwater that is readily available to humans

Which of the following minerals has a metallic luster? halite quartz galena


Mass wasting transforms terrain from sttep and rugged to

gentle flat

Old Faithful, a ________ in Yellowstone National Park, erupts steam and hot water.


Ice shelves form when

glacial ice flows to ocean

Ice sheets were extensive during last

glacial maximum

30% of earths land was ___ influenced


Braided channels common at the end of


By the year 2030, it is possible that Glacier National Park in Montana will not have any ________.


Thick mass of ice formed over 100s/1000s years


Some rocks are made of nonminerals like obsidian which is _____


96.5% of water is in

global ocean

Which of the following is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock?;


Vertical drop over certain distance


Alluvial channel shape determined by average (3things)

gradient sediment size and discharge

Controlling force of mass wasting


which lakes are remnants of lake agassiz

great lakes

Dissolved load delivered by

ground water

Largest reservoir of freshwater available to humans


________ is located in tiny pore spaces between grains of soil and sediment, underground.


Rills converge to form


Shape of individual mineral crystals or aggregates called


Evaporites common ones (evaporites are left after evaporation

halite and gypsum

Native metals are malleable and can be

hammered without breaking


hang from ceiling

Tributary glaciers create

hanging valleys

Groundwater tends to flow through bodies of rock or sediment that ________.

have a high permeability

Gradient, sediment size, and channel roughness decreases from ______ to _____

head to mouth

Sediment production in what regions of rivers


Quartz forms what shaped crystals

hexagonal with pyrmaid ends

Steppe are a more ____ variety of desert


When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source region, called the ___________________, the spot in Earth's crust where a fault slips.


Steep side of dremlins faces

ice advance

1.72% of water is in

ice and glaciers

Outlet glaciers extend from (x2)

ice caps and ice sheets

Abrasion glacial erosion

ice grinds surface

Piedmont glaciers shape

ice pool shape at base of other glacier

Ice caps are smaller than _____ but serve similar function

ice sheets

Calving generates


Protons and neutrons have almost _____ masses


Three types of rock

igneous sedimentary and metamorphic


impermeable clay layer that prevent water movment

Feldspars cleavage

in 2 directions

A rainshadow desert forms ________.

in places where mountain ranges act as barriers to the movement of water vapor

Where do crevasses form?

in the zone of fracture

Dune windward slop is generally


What creates artisanal system

increased pressure in confined water table

Discharge, velocity, and channel size ______ from head to mouth


Minerals are a ______ solid


Bedrock knobs


Wind erosion if relatively ______ erosional agent


Inernal processes powered by earths


dessert regions that exhibit a discontinous pattern of ephemeral streams that do not flow out of the desert to th eocean are said have an _____

interior drainage

Mid lat deserts and steppes occur in the

interiors of large land masses

Bed load only in movement


Whenever an atom loses or gains valence electrons _____ are formed


Two_______ forming _______ can neutralize elements unstable tendencies

ions, ionic compounds

Dark silicate minerals contain

iron and magnesium

A crystal of potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) will produce a variety of weathering products after it is weathered. Which of the following is NOT a product that results from the weathering of potassium feldspar?

iron oxides

A glacier's downstream end ________.

is in the zone of wastage

Tower karst landscapes have ________, ______sided hills

isolated, steep

A sinuous ridge composed of sand and gravel is a(n) ________

it is a deposit made by streams flowing in tunnels within or beneath glacial ice.;Esker

Steep sided hill of stratified drift


________ are steep-sided hills composed mostly of stratified drift.


Proglacial lakes

lakes made from meltwater damned by ice sheets

2% of water is in

lakes streams groundwater atmosphere

Drainage basins defined as

land area that contributes water to a river system (land that water runs down to reach river)

The San Joaquin Valley experienced a phenomenon called ________ due to excessive groundwater pumping.

land subsidence

Glacial erratics

large boulders different from bedrock deposited by glaciers

Glacial striations form when

large rock fragments scrape the bedrock

Sediment deposition usually occurs as river enters

larger body of water

which of the following is a variety of moraine frontsl sidal lateral


Glaciers made of different



layers or ridges of till

One potential source of groundwater contamination would be ________.

leaking septic tank

Slip face=

leeward side

Yazoo tributaries parallel the river until the can breach the



lifting and removal of already loose material by wind

Plucking glacial erosion (3 ways)

lifting rock, expanding meltwater, carrying loose rock

Nonmetallic streak


Most karst topography forms in


Sinks or sinkholes are usually depressions where _____ has been dissolved


______ features provide evidence for direction of flow


11. The phenomenon of transforming a somewhat stable soil into mobile material capable of rising toward Earth's surface is called


The _____________is Earth's outermost rocky layer that is broken into plates.


Stream capacity

load it can carry at one time

Continued erosion gradually diminishes

local relief

Dust storms are most likely to deposit windblown silt, commonly called ________.


Two types of wind deposits

loess and dunes

Cross sectional view of stream from headwaters to mouth is called

longitudinal profile

Subtropical highs in ____ lats



lowering of water table when water is withdrawn

Quality of light reflected from surface


Discharge measured in


Which of the following is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock?


Transfer of rock and soil downslope due to gravity

mass wasting

Dissolved load

material in solution

Bed load

material moving along channel bed

Suspended load

material suspended in water

The river depicted in this drawing shows prominent ________.


Ice is agent of ______ weathering


Galena has ___ luster

metallic luster

Types of luster

metallic submetallic and nonmetallic

Muscovite is member of

mica family

End moraines from last ice age prominent in the (x2)

midwest and northwest

A rock is a solid mass of


Silicates are most common


Scale of hardness 1 to 10

mohs scale

Most silicate minerals formed from

molten rock

what is an example of a glacial deposit


Bonds lower the total energy of atoms making them

more stable

Dunes wind deposits

mounds of sand from bed load

Bottomset beds settle beyond

mouth of river

Metallic bonds electrons

move around

Glaciers move in two ways

movement within ice, movement of entire body of ice

After exchanging electrons the na+ and cl- ions are now opposites and bonds to form


Valley or alpine glaciers width


Few minerals made of single elements called

native minerals


natural outflow of groundwater

Whenever electrons are gained a _____ ion forms


Nonsilicate sorted based on

negatively charged ion common to group

Zone of wastage

net loss to the glacer

An ion is an atom that is no longer


Most matter is charged in what way


This is a photograph of Augustine volcano in Alaska. Judging by its shape, and the eruptive activity in the photo, what kind of volcano is it?

Composite volcano

The strata shown on the left can be correlated with which of the units on the right?

D, C, B, A

Protons have

+1 charge

Electrons have charge of


After cl gains an electron it becomes

... negative



The skeletal remains of plankton make up the sedimentary rock ________.;


Rock salt and rock gypsum are examples of ________ sedimentary rocks.;


Which rock type is most likely to have been deposited in a high-energy environment (such as a very turbulent stream)?;


Which of the following rock types represents the highest grade of metamorphism?


Which of the following is the parent rock of marble?;




Muscovite cleavage in _____ direction/s


Diamond hardness


The Amazon River has ________ times as much discharge as the Mississippi River.


Quarternary period was between____ and _____ million years ago

2 and 3

How many electrons in inner and outer principle shell

2 and 8

Fingernail hardness


Muscovite mohs scale


Approximately ________ cycles of cooling and warming occurred during the last Ice Age.


approximately ____________ cycles of cooling and warming occurred during the last ice age


% of iceburg above waterline


If a mineral has a specific gravity of 3, it must be ________ times as dense as water.


Copper penny hardness


Antartic ice sheet formed at least ____ million years ago


About what percentage of Earth's land surface is covered by deserts? 15% 55% 30%


About what percentage of Earth's land surface was covered by glaciers during the Quaternary period?


Sea can be up to ___ cm thick


The ion at the center of a silicon—oxygen tetrahedron is surrounded by ________.

4 Oxygen ions

In the seismograph shown above, what is the estimated time interval between points A and C?

5 minutes

Glass hardness


Most plentiful silicates take up ______ pf earths crust

50% of earth crust

Feldspars on hardness scale


An atom's mass number is 13 and its atomic number is 6. How many neutrons are in its nucleus


Quarts hardness


The Mississippi River Delta system contains a series of ________ coalescing subdeltas.


All noble gasses have ______ valence electrons


Stable valence shell has _____ electrons


Greenland's ice sheet covers about ________ of the island.


The average number of storm-related deaths attributed to flooding from 1985 to 2014 was ________.


How many elements in periodic table naturally occurring


In the early part of the twentieth century_________ argued forcefully for the idea of continental drift.

Alfred Wagner

What feature is shown in the image?

Angular unconformity

16) Three of the following statements about mechanical weathering are true. One is false. Which statement is incorrect? A) Mechanical weathering does not affect metamorphic rocks. B) Mechanical weathering produces smaller pieces. C) Mechanical weathering does not change the rock's mineral composition. D) Mechanical weathering adds to the effectiveness of chemical weathering.

Answer: A

2) An igneous rock that cools rapidly is likely to have ________ crystals. A) small B) medium sized C) large D) pink

Answer: A

20) Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified and named principally on the basis of ________. A) grain size B) location C) rock color D) composition

Answer: A

21) Which rock type is most likely to have been deposited in a high energy environment (such as a very turbulent stream)? A) conglomerate B) shale C) chert D) microcrystalline limestone

Answer: A

5) Which one of the following is a sedimentary rock? A) limestone B) rhyolite C) slate D) quartz

Answer: A

Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 14) Chemical weathering would be most effective ________. A) in a warm, wet climate B) in a cold, dry climate C) in a warm, dry climate D) deep beneath a mountain range

Answer: A

What caused the many small holes that are seen in this sample of scoria?

Degassing of volatiles

Which of the following minerals comprises just one element? jade topaz ruby diamond


Consult the image that depicts Bowen's reaction series. What can be said of the temperature at which a granite crystallizes? A) Granite crystallizes at temperatures of about 750° C. B) Granite crystallizes at temperatures of about 900° C. C) Granite crystallizes at temperatures of about 1200° C. D) Nothing can be deduced from this chart about the crystallization temperature of any igneous rock.

Answer: A

10) Granite is ________. A) what countertops are made of B) coarse grained and dominated by quartz and feldspar crystals C) coarse grained and dominated by olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase feldspar crystals D) fine grained and dominated by quartz and feldspar crystals

Answer: B

18) Which kind of rocks may contain fossils? A) igneous B) sedimentary C) metamorphic D) minerals

Answer: B

19) Most rock outcrops (about 75% of the total) are ________. A) igneous B) sedimentary C) metamorphic D) fossil bearing

Answer: B

24) Regional metamorphism occurs during ________. A) intrusion of magma B) mountain building C) sheeting of exposed plutons of granite D) chemical weathering of limestone in caves

Answer: B

7) Rocks that contain crystals that are roughly equal in size and can be identified with the unaided eye are said to exhibit a ________ texture. A) fine grained B) coarsegrained C) glassy D) porphyritic

Answer: B

8) Magma that might have cooled slowly to produce a diorite is instead erupted at Earth's surface. It would chill rapidly and produce a(n) ________. A) rhyolite B) andesite C) basalt D) granite

Answer: B

Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 4) Which one of the following is an igneous rock? A) limestone B) rhyolite C) slate D) quartz

Answer: B

Examine the rock sample here. Did it form at the surface or below the surface, and how do you know? (large grain size) A) It formed at the surface, because of its color (composition). B) It formed at the surface, because of its texture (grain size). C) It formed below the surface, because of its color (composition). D) It formed below the surface, because of its texture (grain size).

Answer: B

11) To transform an igneous rock into a sedimentary rock, which of the following processes must take place? A) melting and recooling, followed by crystallization B) chemical reactions under conditions of elevated temperature or pressure C) weathering, transport, deposition, and lithification D) impact by a meteorite

Answer: C

6) Which one of the following is a metamorphic rock? A) limestone B) rhyolite C) slate D) quartz

Answer: C

In general, which of the statements below best describe what happens in terms of composition as crystallization proceeds down the Bowen's reaction series (shown in the figure)? A) The early formed silicates are enriched in iron and magnesium, resulting in such rocks as andesite and granite. As crystallization proceeds, the later formed silicates are enriched in sodium, potassium, and silicon, resulting in peridotite and basalt. B) The early formed carbonates are enriched in calcium and carbonate, resulting in such rocks as limestone. As crystallization proceeds, the later formed carbonates are enriched in fossils, resulting in fossiliferous limestone and coquina. C) The early formed silicates are enriched in iron and magnesium, resulting in such rocks as peridotite and basalt. As crystallization proceeds, the laterformed silicates are enriched in sodium, potassium, and silicon, resulting in andesite and granite. D) The early formed silicates are enriched in sodium, potassium, and silicon, resulting in such rocks as peridotite and basalt. As crystallization proceeds, the later formed silicates are enriched in iron and magnesium, resulting in andesite and granite.

Answer: C

What form of physical weathering is shown in this image? A) frost wedging B) sheeting C) root wedging D) hydrolysis

Answer: C

1) An igneous rock that shows a vesicular texture ________. A) contains many small holes, like Swiss cheese B) must be extrusive C) must be fine grained D) all of the above

Answer: D

15) A crystal of potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) will produce a variety of weathering products after it is weathered. Which of the following is NOT a product that results from the weathering of potassium feldspar? A) silica B) potassium ions C) clay minerals D) iron oxides

Answer: D

22) The skeletal remains of plankton make up the sedimentary rock ________. A) flint B) breccia C) travertine D) chalk

Answer: D

23) Which of the following rock types represents the highest grade of metamorphism? A) slate B) phyllite C) schist D) gneiss

Answer: D

9) Which igneous texture is characterized by two distinctively different crystal sizes? A) finegrained B) coarse grained C) glassy D) porphyritic

Answer: D

14) Rusting is an example of mechanical weathering.

Answer: FALSE

15) Slate is a common nonfoliated metamorphic rock.

Answer: FALSE

5) Confining pressure produces foliated metamorphic rocks.

Answer: FALSE

6) The parent rock of marble is sandstone.

Answer: FALSE

9) Mud cracks and ripple marks are common features of igneous rocks.

Answer: FALSE

Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 4) In order to metamorphose, metamorphic rocks must melt.

Answer: FALSE

This photo shows a conglomerate.

Answer: FALSE

10) Compaction and cementation are the most common forms of lithification.

Answer: TRUE

11) All metamorphic rocks began as other rocks ("parent rocks") that were then subjected to elevated temperatures or pressures.

Answer: TRUE

12) A large proportion of feldspar sets arkose apart from regular sandstone.

Answer: TRUE

13) Given the right conditions any kind of rock can be transformed into any other kind of rock.

Answer: TRUE

2) All varieties of limestone are dominated by the mineral calcite.

Answer: TRUE

3) Frying an egg is a non geological example of contact metamorphism.

Answer: TRUE

7) Because of its rock cleavage, slate makes a better roofing material than rock gypsum.

Answer: TRUE

8) Coal is a sedimentary rock that is made of organic matter.

Answer: TRUE

9) Layers in sedimentary rocks are called ________.

Answer: beds

14) Confining pressure results from ________ of rocks.

Answer: burial

3) ________ is formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater, and this mildly reactive substance aids chemical weathering.

Answer: carbonic acid

11) Rock salt and rock gypsum are examples of ________ sedimentary rocks.

Answer: chemical

13) Heat, confining pressure, differential stress, and ________ are four agents that drive metamorphic reactions.

Answer: chemically active fluids

10) The difference between a breccia and a conglomerate is ________.

Answer: conglomerates have rounded grains; breccias have angular grains

6) The rock ________ is a description of how one rock may be transformed into another kind of rock through various internal and external processes.

Answer: cycle

12) When a granite pluton (formed deep underground) is uplifted and exposed at the surface, it may undergo sheeting to form a(n) ________.

Answer: exfoliation dome

2) Obsidian is characterized by its ________ texture.

Answer: glassy

5) In contact metamorphism, ________ is the dominant agent of change.

Answer: heat

8) Chemical sedimentary rocks form when ________ in solution precipitate out mineral matter.

Answer: ions

4) Before it can be sedimentary rock, sediment must be produced (weathered from pre existing rocks), transported, deposited, and ________.

Answer: lithified

7) A detrital sedimentary rock dominated by sand is a(n) ________.

Answer: sandstone

1) Granite and gabbro have a similar ________.

Answer: texture

Where is the world's largest ice sheet located today?


What kind of fold is illustrated in this photograph? At what sort of tectonic boundary situation is it likely to have formed?

Anticline; convergent

Examine the two figures. For both figures the yellow arrows represent?

Areas of ascending and descending mantle material.

________ are earthen mounds built on the banks of rivers to increase the volume of water the channel can hold.

Artificial levees

What type of deformation is shown in the photograph above?

Ductile deformation

Which of the following minerals is a silicate (a mineral containing a silicon-bearing ion)? feldspar iron quartz


When a glacial trough is "drowned" by the sea, the result is a(n) ________.


Which of the following is an example of a trace fossil?

Fossil dung

________ are long, linear scratch marks carved onto bedrock by glacial abrasion.

Glacial Striations

A landscape dominated by U-shaped valleys and pyramid-shaped mountains is most likely formed due to ________.


Which of the following has the highest specific gravity? Diamond Gold quartz ammonite


A cubic centimeter each of quartz, olivine, and native gold weighs 2.5, 3.0, and 19.8 grams, respectively. These weights indicate that ________.

Gold has a higher density and specific gravity than quartz and olivine.

Lateral moraines form

on sides of valley

Metallic bonds form when valence electrons are free to move from

one atom to another

Minerals that do not transmit light are


Ionic bonds form when ions with _____ charges attract


Minerals have a _____ structure (2 things)

orderly crystalline

In crystalline structures atoms are arranged in a _______, ______ manner

organized repetitive manner

Clay is result of weathering from

other silicates

Regions with internal drainage have ephemeral streams that do not flow

out the basin to the ocean

was a supercontinent that existed in the late Paleozoic era of geologic time.


Natural levels are high _____ on either side of river

peaks above ground level

Use the geologic cross section to determine the age of rock layer D as precisely as possible.

It is between 39 million years old and 17 million years old.

Figure out the sequence of the lettered events in the image (oldest to youngest)?


Limestone is most similar to the mineral ________.


When in contact with hydrochloric acid, which mineral gives off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?


Examine the figure that shows the sequence of strata in three Colorado Plateau national parks. Which unit(s) are shared by Grand Canyon National Park and Zion National Park?

Kaibab and Monekopi

Examine the image. It shows________________________ , a freshwater reptile whose fossils Alfred Wegener cited as evidence of continental drift.


________ is the study of minerals.


Localized zone of saturation above an aquitard

perched water table

When nacl forms __ Loses a valence electron and ___ gains one


Form in board lowlands at the base of mountains

piedmont glaciers

Forms when rainfall is sufficient to cover the basin floor

playa lakes

Chlorine ion was used as what

poisonous gas

Ice sheets found at


Back swamps form because of

poor drainage behind levees

Groundwater moves slowly from

pore to pore

Percentage of total volume of rock or sediment that consists of open pore space


________ is a measure of the volume of open space in rocks and unconsolidated, geologic materials like alluvium and soils.


Which igneous texture is characterized by two distinctively different crystal sizes?


After na loses a VE is becomes


Whenever electrons are lost a ___ ion forms


Pebbles caught in swirling eddies of water best describe ________.


Swirling pebbles can cause ______ in channel bottoms


Calculating % of porosity

pour water into beaker of gravel and amount it takes to reach top of gravel is used to find %

Zone of fracture is low ______ so ice behaves as _______

pressure, brittle solid

African arabian and australian deserts are results of

prevailing winds

A principle by which sedimentary beds originate as continuous layers until they grade into another rock type or thin out is called the

principle of lateral continuity

Electrons move in regions called

principle shells

Which of the following is created when a glacier acts as a dam, blocking the flow of a river or melting glacial water?cirques playas pluvial lakes proglacial lakes

proglacial lakes

Diagnostic properties

properties that tell you what it is

Electrons are 1/2000x smaller than

protons and neutrons

All of the atoms making up any given element have the same number of ________.

protons in the nucleus

Last ice began in what period

quarternary period

Second most common silicate mineral


Which common mineral is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen?


The previous cards refer to the

rain shadow effect

What are common in bedrok channels

rapids and waterfalls

The closer an element is to 8 valence electrons the less

reactive it is

between a river and its floodplain you might find

Natural levees

What kind of fault is illustrated in this figure?

Normal fault

The mantle plume in the Pacific Ocean is currently beneath the island

Of Hawaii

Where is the epicenter of an earthquake?

On Earth's surface, directly above the hypocenter

Stream terraces form after river adjusts to ______ then _______s again

relative drop in base level then floods again

________________________occurs when mineral

rich groundwater permeates porous tissue and fills the empty spaces, hardening into a fossil. - Permineralization

Downhill flow of runoff leads to threads of water in tiny channels called



rise from floor

Glaciers erode



rock or sediment that water moves through easily

When organisms secrete elements they form minerals and minerals become part of

rock record

Magma tends to rise toward Earth's surface principally because

rocks become less dense when they melt

Blacks of bedrock break loose and slide rapidly downslope


Ground moraines

rolling layers of till left from terminus retreating


rolling of larger particles along the surface

Octet rule

rule of eight valence electrons

Around ephemeral streams __________ are common (x2)

runoff and flash floods

Bed load includes

sand gravel large boulders

Natural groundwater purification

sand or permeable sandstone

What element is the most abundant in Earth's crust by weight?


Arctic ocean covered by

sea ice

Ultimate base level

sea level

Sea ice expands and contracts with


Ice shelves become thinner when


Glacers transport


Natural levels form during floods because

sediment gets distributed across plain instead of in riverbed

Glacial drift

sediment of glacial origin

River system three zones

sediment production, sediment transport, sediment deposition

Which kind of rocks may contain fossils?


most outcrops are


Bars are _____ term features


90% of earths crust is


Silica and oxygen combine to form


There are more than 800


Which of the following principles addresses rock fragments being enclosed within another rock layer?

Principal of inclusions

Which the following are the positively charged particles in an atom's nucleus?Protons neutrons electrons


Which of the following is a silicate mineral with a single-chained structure?f eldspar Pyroxene ammonite amphibole


Deserts and glacial deposits of stratified drift are primary sources of


Imagine you are handed a mineral sample. It breaks with a conchoidal fracture but displays no cleavage. It does not react with hydrochloric acid, is a light pink color, and has a nonmetallic luster. It is harder than a streak plate, and has a specific gravity of 2.65. What mineral is it?


Which common mineral is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen?


Loess is windblown _______ element


In minerals elements can be substituted with

similar elements

An aggregate of one or more minerals is called a(n) ________.


Which of the following is another term for submarine volcano?


Mauna Loa, a volcano in Hawaii, is an excellent example of a

Shield volcano

Slabs of oceanic lithosphere sink at subduction zones because the subducted slab is denser than the underlying asthenosphere. In this process, called _______, Earth's gravity tugs at the slab, drawing the rest of the plate toward the subduction zone.

Slab pull

___ hang from ceiling in caves


A(n) ________ is defined as a semiarid climate.


How is desert different from steppe?

Steppe is more humid than desert.

Composite volcanoes are also known as


________ is the powdered form of the mineral.


Feldspar minerals can look very similar to each other, what would you look for to differentiate plagioclase feldspar from potassium feldspar?

Striations on plagioclase feldspar.

What type of structure is shown in the photograph?


Continental rifting begins when plate motions produce ____________ forces that pull and stretch the lithosphere.


Which one of the following is a metamorphic rock?


Layers can remain intact but

slide over one another

Cross-bedding consists of many preserved ________ resulting from moving sand dunes

slip faces

Angle of repose

slope angle that sediment can settle without moving

Laminar movement part of ______ moving streams

slow moving

Downward sliding moving as a unit along curved surface


Valley or alpine glaciers are relatively


Conchoidal fracture

smooth curved surface

Ephemeral streams only carry water during

specific rainfall events

Examples of natural oversteeping

steam undercutting valley, waves undercutting cliff

Dunes farside/ leeward slope is generally


Incised meanders flow in

steep narrow valleys

karst landscapes made of

steep towers of dissolvable rock such as limestone

Desert pavement

stony veneer left behind after deflation removes finer material

Sediment sorted and deposited by glacial meltwater

stratified drift

Color of mineral in powdered form


Alluvium is material deposited by


Groundwater movement usually towards a

stream channel, lake or spring

Channel contributing water to the stream

stream valley

Mass wasting shapes _________

stream valleys

Most common landdform

stream valleys

Gullies converge to form

streams and rivers

Strength vs hardness

stress resistance vs resistance to scratching

A volcanic island arc is the result of

subduction of ocean crust underneath oceanic crust.

Water table is irregular _____ of the surface

subdued replica

Overuse of ground water causes

subsidence and streamflow depletion

Arid and steppe climates concentrated in ______ and ______

subtropics and midlats

Natural levees build by

successive floods on rivers in floodplains

Gypsum is a also a


Hydrologic cycle powered by the


5. The principle of _____________________states in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks each bed is older than the one above and younger than the one below.


An unconformity is a buried

surface of erosion separating younger strata above from older strata below

External processes occur at ______ because of _____s energy

surface, suns


surplus water flows over surface

Largest component of load

suspended load

Valence electrons are the ones that get

swapped to form bonds

Halite is the same as

table salt

cirques often contain small lakes called


Mineral resistance to breaking or deforming


Silicate minerals tend to cleave between

tetrohedron structures

The steepest angle at which unconsolidated granular material remains stable is ________.

the angle of repose

Lithospheric plates can consist of which of the following components?

The continental crust, lithospheric mantle, and oceanic crust

Rock forming minerals are few found in

those few found in crust

Material deposited directly by ice when it melts


Ionic bonds electrons are


The San Andreas fault in California is a good example of a___________ plate boundary.


Steppe is the ________ surrounding a desert

transition zone

Minerals the transmit some light but not an image are


Minerals that transmit light and image are


Plants consume water during photosynthesis. They also release it to the atmosphere during ________.


Water absorbed by plants is released via


Plants consume water during photosynthesis. They also release it to the atmosphere during ________.


a river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake.


Earthquakes, vegetation removal, water saturation are _______s of mass wasting


All varieties of limestone are dominated by the mineral calcite.


Glaciers use ___ and _____ system like rivers do

trunk and tributary

Main stream into which tributaries carry water and sediment.

trunk stream

Most streamflow is


Feldspar and quartz found in all three

types of rock

Alluvial channels are composed of

unconsolidated sediment

Ice sheets have obscure ______ terrain


Streak found against

unglazed porcelain

The idea of_________________suggests that the physical, chemical, and biological laws that operate today have also operated in the geologic past.


Area above water table is

unsaturated zone

Ice caps cover

uplands and high plateus

Zone of fracture

upper 50m of ice

Outer shell contains what kind of electrons

valence electrons

Glacial troughs formed by what kind of glacier

valley alpine

What glaciers occur in valleys of high mountains

valley or alpine

Which glaciers are more pronounced


Ambiguous properties

variable properties

Minerals chemical composition has some


Dissolved load not affected by


Competence increases with


Loess tend to erode in

vertical cliffs

Due to the arrangement of weaker bonds in their crystal lattice, the tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth, parallel planes is known as ________


How do calderas form?

Collapse of a partially emptied magma chamber

What igneous feature is shown in this photograph?

Columnar jointing

Exfoliation domes are formed from which of the following processes


Parícutin is an example of a

Cinder cone

The earthquake belt with the greatest level of activity is the

Circum-Pacific Belt.

________ are erosional features produced by valley (alpine) glaciers.


inverted pyramid of dry sediment as a result of high capacity well

Cone of depression

tend to increase the explosive potential of a magma body beneath a volcano by the greatest amount.

High viscosity and lots of dissolved gas

A concentration of heat in the mantle capable of producing magma is called a ______________________

Hot spot

Which one of the following shows the correct order (from left to right) of decreasing magma viscosity? (Remember that viscosity is resistance to flow, so you should pick the answer that has the most viscous lava type on the left, and the least viscous [most runny] on the right.)

Rhyolite, andesite, basal

________ is the process of sand grains bouncing or rolling along the surface.


Discuss the formation of the Himalayan Mountains using the figures above as a guide. Be sure to add features seen in the diagram with your explanation.

The figure shows the formation of the Himalayas. The collision of two continents and the cessation of subduction & elevation of the high plateau region behind the mountains match that location most closely. Before the collision, India's northern margin consisted of a thick sequence of continental shelf sediments, while Asia was part of an active margin with a well-developed margin and volcanic arc. As the oceanic crust is subducted, continental rocks between the two continents are folded, faulted, and eventually uplifted to create the Himalayan Mountains.

Which of the following is an essential characteristic of index fossil?

The organism lived for a very limited period of geologic time.

When new oceanic lithosphere is generated at an oceanic ridge, what happens to the two plates on either side of the ridge?

The plates get larger

Two common types of alluvial channels

braided and meandering

Minerals with ionic bonds tend to be


Irregular fracture

broken surface

Silicon oxygen tetrahedron

building block of all silicates

If you were on a geology field trip in an area of glacial deposition, how would you distinguish between samples of till and stratified drift?

by comparing their grain size and sorting

Meander definition

seemingly random curving in river

Our greatest source of knowledge about Earth's interior comes from

seismic waves.

The record of an earthquake obtained from a seismic instrument is a(n)



shallow depressions caused by deflation

Elastic minerals maintain


Covalent bonds electrons are


Internal processes that occur at or near Earth's surface and are powered by ________.

the sun

Critical settling velocity for particle size

the velocity at which particles of that size can no longer be moved

Streams erode downward until they reach ________.

their base level

Braided channels are ______ and _____

wide and shallow

Two general types of stream valleys

wide flat, narrow v

Mass wasting increases


Dunes migrate slowly in _____ direction


Glaciers form when ________ is greater than ________

winter snowfall is greater than summer snowmelt

A worm would stand a poor chance of being fossilized because

worms have no hard parts

Glacial troughs example


The Mississippi Delta is an example of which of the following?

zone of deposition

Zone of accumulation

zone where snow accumulates

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