Earth Science: Part 2

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Which of the following summarizes the effect of clear cutting on Earth's carbon cycle?

Clear cutting can result in increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

What type of air was at point A and point B to produce this front?

Cold air at point A and warm air at point B

Frigid air that travels southward from Canada would be what type of air mass?

Continental polar

What is the best explanation for the increase in the cost of copper, a nonrenewable resource, shown in the graph?

Copper is available in a limited supply.

Many scientists believe that human production of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is largely responsible for the phenomenon of ozone depletion.


Which of the following is not a chemical equation involved in the process of carbonic acid forming and dissolving calcite?

HCl + OH → H2O + Cl

Which of the following statements about the impact of surface and underground mining of minerals is correct?

Strip and open-pit mining disturbs large areas of Earth's surface.

What type of weather is associated with this type of front?

intense precipitation and thunderstorms

The process by which precipitation that has fallen on land trickles into the ground and becomes groundwater is known as what?


What is one of the main features of karst topography?


Organize the above four diagrams to correctly show the formation of sedimentary rock.

C, D, A, B

What type of sediment particles are similar in size?


Which sentence best explains the relationship between CFCs and the ozone layer?

CFCs destroy ozone molecules in the ozone layer.

An air mass that has high ____ resists rising.


What front is being forecast for this state?

stationary front

A mound of water driven toward coastal areas by hurricane winds is called a ____.

storm surge

At what point do scientists classify an area's weather as its climate?

1 year

the temperate zone


If it takes 2000 years to weather 1 cm of limestone, how long will it take to weather 5 cm of limestone?

10000 years

How fast must the winds of a tornado be traveling to be classified as a EF4 tornado?

267+ km/h

Put the following steps in sequence to describe how chemical sedimentary rocks form. 1. When a body of water becomes saturated with dissolved minerals, crystals precipitate out of solution. 2. They settle to the bottom, creating layers of sedimentary rock.3. During chemical weathering, minerals can be dissolved and carried into lakes and oceans.


Match each item with the correct process below. 1.Asymmetrical ripple marks 2.Cross bedding 3.Deposition of only fine sands 4.Deposition of marine fossils 5.Deposition of four-footed animal fossils 6.Graded bedding 7.unsorted deposition 8.Symmetrical ripple marks 9.cementation 10.compaction

3__Wind action __9__Mineral growth between sediments __10__Overlying sediment weight __7__Glacier __4__Presence of a sea __6__Marine landslide __5__Presence of dry land __2__Wind or water action __8__Back-and-forth wave action __1__One-way wave action of wind or water

If a windbreak can reduce the speed of wind for distances up to 30 times the height of the trees, how far would these trees reduce the wind speed?

510 m

The shaded area on which of the following graphs represents the percentage of energy used in the United States for electricity, heat, and transportation that is nonrenewable?


Which of the following does NOT require the Sun's energy?

All of the above require the Sun's energy.

Which of the following is NOT true of air masses?

An air mass cannot transfer energy from one area to another.

V-shaped channels like the Grand Canyon are formed by ____.

stream downcutting

Which of the following is NOT a solution to protect the water in the two wells in danger of becoming contaminated?

Build a well between the two wells that goes deeper into the earth.

Which diagram is modeling the process of erosion?


Which statement best describes the relationship between desertification and crop production?

Desertification decreases the amount of crop produced.

Which of the following summarizes the overall climate of Earth over time?

Earth's climate has warmed and cooled at different times.

All air pollution is related to human activity.


Because a heavy saturation of water greatly increases the weight of soils, the force of friction is more likely to pull the material downhill.


Growing urban areas have a positive effect on agriculture as they decrease the amount of land available for agriculture.


Humans are the only type of organisms that modify their environment.


One way that consumers can encourage the efficient use of energy by industries is to prevent boycotts of products produced by companies that are inefficient or wasteful in their energy use.


Only a small portion of precipitation becomes groundwater and is returned directly to the oceans through streams and rivers.


Production of electricity by nuclear power releases a greater amount of greenhouse gases than production of electricity using coal.


Respiration and photosynthesis both add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


The Clean Water Act is the main law that ensures that all Americans have access to safe drinking water.


The environmental impact of deforestation is decreased by using buffer zones of trees to prevent clear-cut areas from looking so bare.


The majority of energy used in industrialized countries is produced using renewable resources.


The original source of geothermal energy is the Sun.


There is a greater potential for erosion on shallow slopes.


To be classified as a resource, a substance must be evenly distributed world-wide.


Topsoil is generally considered a renewable resource because of the length of time it takes to replenish soil that is lost.


Two thousand years ago, Romans built dams to transport water over distances.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about valley glaciers?

Flow rates are the same within the various portions of the glacier

Which of the following would be valid reason to build the power plant?

Geothermal energy is generally abundant and reliable at favorable sites

Layer B is a coarse-grained sandstone with graded bedding. It contains marine fossils throughout. Under what conditions did it most likely form?

Graded bedding is found as a result of underwater landslides. The presence of marine fossils confirms that the area was under the sea at one time.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the production of shale oil in the U.S.?

If political factors make petroleum expensive or impossible to obtain, the use of shale oil might increase.

If a person commutes just a few miles to school, which of the following would be the most practical and most energy-efficient method of transportation - based on the reason given?

If the commute is only a few miles, an electric car would be practical.

What is unique about spring C?

It has the same temperature as the human body.

Which of the following would be a change or preventative measure you might suggest to minimize the environmental impact of the proposed plans?

Leave at least part of the forest and marsh in place in a strip along the river to limit erosion and preserve the ecosystem.

Which region would be the warmest during the winter as a result of its air mass?


Why is the method of heating this home considered active solar heating, as opposed to passive solar heating?

Solar energy is collected in one place and distributed elsewhere.

Which of the following is a true statement about lake-effect snow?

NOT Lake-effect snow is caused when an arctic air mass from Canada moves over the warmer Great Lakes.

Which proposal(s) might have positive effects on the river?

NOT Proposal #2

Which proposal(s) might decrease demands on the water supply?

NOT Proposal #2 Proposal #1 and #2

Which of the following is a possible factor that has prevented humans from making changes that would allow them to rely entirely on nonrenewable resources?

NOT The idea that since nonrenewable resources are still available, there is no need to switch yet. All of the above

Mineral extraction from underground mines creates waste rock, and rainwater seeping through piles of this rock can lead to ____.

NOT tripping of the surface landscape

Which rock could be labeled as Breccia?


When compared to Earth's atmosphere 4.5 bya, Earth's atmosphere today has________.

NOT more carbon dioxide

A community in Texas broadcasts public service announcements on tornado safety right before spring. Why is this the most effective time to do so?

NOT It is the time of year when the temperature contrast is greatest between colliding tropical air masses over the central United States.

Describe the temperature and precipitation at City Y.

NOT Temperatures were cold year-round. There was abundant precipitation during May through August, but October through March was drier.

What is the "fuel" used to generate electricity in the power plant?

NOT coal

Which of the following explains why using locally-produced resources (as opposed to those produced a great distance away) can be considered a form of conservation?

NOT Both A and B.

Based on the yearly data, classify the climate of City X.

NOT City X's climate is classified as a tropical monsoon climate because it has warm temperatures and one extremely wet season.

Which of the following is an example of how living things, including humans, affect erosional and weathering processes?

NOT All of the above

How do people impact mass movements?

NOT Construction can make slopes stable.

Which of the following statements about acid precipitation is NOT true?

NOT EITHER An increase in the use of buses and trains decrease the effects of acid precipitation. Acid precipitation forms when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with atmospheric moisture to create sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

A farmer clears an area of land, and erosion washes away much of the topsoil. The farmer hopes to repair the damage and restore fertility to the soil with fertilizers. Which of the following is a reason why this might NOT work?

NOT EITHER Fertilizers contain trace minerals that may be dangerous to the soil. Fertilizers prevent helpful bacteria from aerating the soil.

How did Rock A most likely get the rounded rock fragments?

NOT EITHER The rock fragments were smoothed while being carried by wind. The weight of the layers they were buried in smoothed the rock fragments.

What is the process that is occurring from step C to step D?

NOT Lithification

Of the points labeled in the diagram, why would point A have the warmest climate?

NOT The majority of the Sun's rays are absorbed at point A.

What is diagram A depicting?

NOT compaction

What zone is point C located in?

NOT the temperate zone

Which of the following statements about solar energy is correct?

Newer technologies for solar energy help reduce the rate of use of fossil fuels.

The barometer broke, so they were not able to finish collecting air-pressure data. Use the chart and what you know about weather systems and weather forecasting to answer the following questions. What evidence does the data provide of the arrival of the front?

On Wednesday, there was rainfall and the associated increase in humidity.

Which proposal(s) might affect the level of air pollution from motor vehicle emissions?

Proposal #1, #2 and #3

What process is being modeled in the picture?


Which of the following statements is true?

Reclamation is typically positive while deforestation is typically negative towards the use of land resources.

Why might buying a more expensive product made of recycled materials be a smarter purchase in the long run?

Recycled materials are often more expensive but they save resources such as trees or minerals.

A family has decided to build their dream house on a dune on the shore of Lake Michigan. Their plans call for the natural vegetation to be dug up and construction begun. What are some possible consequences of their actions?

Removing the sand may increase beach erosion, and the area may suffer nearshore flooding.

How do Rock B and Rock D differ in their grain size?

Rock B is medium-grained and rock D is fine-grained.

Which of the following could be an impact on the river and the groundwater? Soil could wash from the exposed riverbank into the water, clogging it with sediment. Fertilizers used on the grass could wash into the river or seep into the groundwater. Oil from the storage tank could leak into the groundwater.

Runoff from the parking lot could cause oil, gasoline, and other chemicals to wash into the river.

____ can act as a lid or trap, thus worsening air-pollution problems.

Temperature inversions

Describe the temperature and precipitation at City X.

Temperatures were warm year-round. Precipitation was plentiful all year.

Which of the following would be valid reason to NOT build the power plant?

The hot-water reservoirs can be depleted and it can disrupt ecosystems.

What is the lowest base level possible for any stream?

The point where it reaches sea level.

Layer A is a fossiliferous limestone. The fossils are of marine organisms. Under what conditions did the rock most likely form?

The presence of marine fossils in a limestone confirms that this rock layer formed in an ocean.

What impact might the cutting of the forest and the destruction of the marsh have?

The removal of the trees and grass during construction could result in erosion of topsoil.

Which of the following happens when a river enters a large body of water?

The river water slows down and deposits large amounts of sediments.

How does this process appear in the atmosphere?

The transferring of thermal energy from the Sun to Earth.

How do mass movements impact people?

They can cause damage to property, sometimes even burying villages.

____ are often associated with very severe thunderstorms called supercells.


A difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources is their rate of replacement.


All mass movement occurs on slopes. Without gravity, the material would remain in place and not move.


An increase in organic matter in topsoil will result in an increase in the amount of nutrients in the soil.


The rate of consumption of nonrenewable resources is more easily changed than the rate of replacement.


The rate of use and replenishment for a sustainable resource are equal.


The structure shown in the illustration below is shaped by wind-blown sediments and is called a ventifact.


Which of the following characteristics of water can be responsible for mechanical weathering?

Water expands when it freezes.

Which of the following are the erosional effects of a glacier found in the mountains?

With glaciers on three or more sides of a mountaintop, a steep peak called a horn is formed.

Which houses most likely flooded as a result of the storm?

Y and Z

Your community is located near a chain of volcanic mountains. Is your location likely to be a good location for the proposed power plant?

Yes; areas where volcanoes often occur can provide geothermal energy

Match each description with its correct type of chemical weathering.

_1__ carbon dioxide __2__ acid precipitation __4__ water __3__ oxygen

Match each item with the correct statement below. 1.subsidence 2.geyser 3.drawdown 4.recharge 5.spring

_4__The process that adds water from precipitation to the zone of saturation __5__Where groundwater discharges a volume of water at the Earth's surface __3__The difference between the original water-table level and the water level in a pumped well __1__The land surface above an aquifer sinks because of excessive groundwater withdrawal __2__Explosive hot springs that erupt at regular intervals

Match each description with its correct type of chemical weathering.

__1__carbon dioxide __2__acid precipitation __4__water __3__oxygen

Match each situation with the correct type of mass movement.

__1__solifluction in Antarctica __2__a swiftly moving mudflow that occurs after volcanic eruption __3__a slump formed after a heavy rain __4__talus results at the base of a mountain

Match each item with the correct statement below. 1.subsidence 2.geyser 3.drawdown 4.recharge 5.spring

__3__ The difference between the original water-table level and the water level in a pumped well __1__The land surface above an aquifer sinks because of excessive groundwater withdrawal __4__The process that adds water from precipitation to the zone of saturation __5__Where groundwater discharges a volume of water at the Earth's surface __2__Explosive hot springs that erupt at regular intervals

Match each item with the correct description below.

__5__A rapid, downslope slide of earth materials __1__The result of a landslide in which the material slides along a curved surface __2__The slow, steady, downhill flow of loose, weathered earth materials __3__This acts as a lubricant between grains of sediment __4__Swiftly moving mixture of mud and water

Which location would allow the least amount of water to be absorbed into the ground?

a mountain

At which of the following locations would a geothermal energy plant would be most successful?

a plate boundary

Which is NOT a condition that must exist in order to produce a thunderstorm?

a source of wind

When a storm over an ocean has wind speeds of 75 km/h what can it be classified as?

a tropical storm

Which of the following would be most impacted by a decrease in the use of fossil fuels?

carbon cycle

Climate change is partly the result of an increased concentration of greenhouse gases, especially ____.

carbon dioxide

The carrying capacity of a stream is its ____.

ability to transport sediment

Sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants combines with atmospheric moisture to form ____.

acid precipitation

A blocked-off meander eventually becomes ____.

an oxbow lake

What is being shown in the picture?

artesian well

Which spring would be considered a hot spring?


In order to reduce erosion at construction sites, developers must often place ____ around the sites.


The three ways in which a stream carries its load are in solution, suspension, and ____.

bed load

What type of sedimentary rock is coarse-grained with angular fragments?


Which rock could be labeled as Breccia?


Most of the weathering of Cleopatra's Needle is caused by ____.

chemical weathering

In which city is it raining?

city b

Condensation nuclei are particles of atmospheric dust around which ____.

cloud droplets form

Low-pressure systems are usually associated with ____ weather.

cloudy and rainy

Cloud droplets collide to form larger droplets in a process called


What type of front is being modeled in the diagram?

cold front

A once straight fencepost is now tilted slightly. What type of mass movement is this demonstrating?


Where would you expect to find the strongest wind?


Which of the following actions could prevent mass-movement disasters?

digging a series of trenches to divert water around a slope

Which natural phenomena will over the next 13,000 years gradually cause the northern hemisphere to experience summer during today's current winter?

earth's wobble

In orographic lifting, clouds form when moist winds ____

encounter mountains

Much of the water that falls on the ground as precipitation ____.

enters the ground through the process of infiltration

Because a heavy saturation of water greatly increases the weight of soils, the force of friction is more likely to pull the material downhill.


Global warming, which is the rise in global temperatures, would still happen even if Earth's atmosphere could not retain heat through the greenhouse effect because of human activity.


Some runoff initially flows in thin sheets and eventually collects in miniature channels called rills and brooks.


The best way to reduce the number of disasters related to mass movements is to relocate people.


The greenhouse effect is the natural heating of Earth's surface caused by certain gases in the ocean.


The shape of Earth's landmasses and the tilt of its axis could have triggered climate changes in the past.


The stratosphere is important because it contains nitrogen, which blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.


Volcanic dust from an eruption can remain suspended in the atmosphere for several years, trapping incoming solar radiation and thus raising global temperatures.


Without being able to look into the Earth, a scientist would not be able to determine if this region has karst topography.


Increased development can create more ____ as a result of the replacement of large land areas with concrete and asphalt.


Which type of erosion is least noticeable?

glacial erosion

What type of bedding has the heaviest and coarsest material is on the bottom?


There can be no stream erosion or glacial erosion without ____.


Water is able to flow more easily through the aquifer because its material has a ______.

high permeability

As a result of urban development, land becomes covered with cement and asphalt, which can result in ____.

increased flooding

In which of the following climates would chemical weathering most readily occur?

increasing its total surface area

A ridge consisting of mixed debris deposited by a glacier is a(n) ____.


Which group consists only of nonrenewable resources?

natural gas, peat, coal, oil

Which group consists only of renewable resources?

phosphorus, soil, water, oxygen

In which climate would City Q be located if its average yearly temperature was below 0°C and its annual precipitation was less than 2 cm?


Where is wind erosion least likely to take place?


Which order correctly completes the water cycle shown below?

precipitation, infiltration, evaporation

A federal law requires mining companies to carry out ____, which is the process of restoring the land and vegetation to its original state after mining.


Slumps are common after a rainfall because the water ____.

reduces friction between soil grains

The Grand Canyon is an example of ______.


Barrier islands are formed when ____.

sand is repeatedly picked up, moved, and deposited by ocean currents

Which is NOT an agent of chemical weathering?


A hurricane has been classified as a category 3 hurricane. Which of the following is NOT true?

the hurricane has sea level changes of 4.0 m

What is the power behind the water cycle?

the sun

What zone is point B located in?

the temperate zone

Which is NOT a factor that influences mass movements?


Arctic air masses are extremely cold because during the winter these areas receive no solar radiation but continue to radiate thermal energy causing the air masses to become extremely cold.


Both water velocity and volume increase during times of heavy precipitation.


The Sun shines on and warms Earth's surface directly in a method of energy transfer known as radiation.


The air circulates counterclockwise in diagram B because the water cools slower than the land.


The weather in diagram A is more likely to produce a thunderstorm than the weather in diagram B.


The weather in diagram B would be considered stable.


When Earth's elliptical orbit elongates during its 100,000-year cycle, Earth passes closer to the Sun and temperatures become warmer than normal.


When water runs through or over rocks containing soluble minerals, it dissolves small amounts of the minerals and carries them away in solution.


What are the major hazards associated with hurricanes?

violent winds, storm surges, and flooding

What is the "fuel" used to generate electricity in the power plant?

water and steam heated by Earth's internal heat

Which of the following has the potential for the most erosion?

water flowing down a steep slope

The land around these rivers is known as the ______.


What material is sample A most likely?

well-sorted large grains of sand

In which of the following climates would chemical weathering most readily occur?

wet and warm

In addition to average weather conditions, climatological data also describes annual variations and fluctuations of temperature, precipitation, ____, and other variables.

wind speed

In the diagram below, the area labeled A is called the ____.

zone of saturation

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