EHR Chapter 7 Page 126

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Some PHR systems integrate satellite technology to help users plan biking or walking routes.


The PHR is a legal health record with the same legal standing as an EHR under HIPAA.

Medical power of attorney (A)

The part of an advance directive naming a trusted person to make medical decisions on the patient's behalf should he or she become unable to make such decisions independently.

Living will (G)

The part of an advance directive that specifies which life-sustaining treatments should be administered or withheld if the person becomes incapacitated.

Host (H)

The point at which a website originates or resides.

Personally controlled health record (K)

The portion of a patient portal to which the patient has access and may grant or deny access.

Social networking (I)

The practice of using online communities to expand one's contacts and exchange content.


The primary difference between a PHR and an EHR or paper medical chart is its storage location.

Populate (C)

To complete a template or create a record by providing the missing information for a set of predetermined fields.

Patient Portal (D)

Provides information and services, such as secure email; access to an online appointment book; and limited access to patient records.


A PHR may be paper based or electronic.


A list of current allergies and medications should be included in the PHR.

Wi-Fi (J)

A means of connecting wirelessly to the Internet using a local area network or router.

Caregiver (F)

A person who provides physical care and emotional support to a person who is ill, disabled, or dependent.


All PHR systems require membership and setup fees in addition to purchase of a monthly subscriptions.


An online PHR is accessible from any computer in the world that has an Internet connection.

Advance directive (B)

Legal document outlining a person's wishes regarding which treatments should be administered or withheld if the person becomes incapacitated.


Patient portals are more present than ever in medical offices because of the meaningful use requirements.


Patients may use the PHR to share health information with caregivers in order to better understand their medical treatments and manage disease.

Personal health record (E)

Secure, comprehensive record of health information that is controlled by the individual.


The information is stand-alone PHR systems created with software programs is not portable into other systems.

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