1.) can arrive within seconds 2.) cheap 3.) easy method of communication
1.) large amount of unwanted spam emails are received 2.) is sometimes a limit to the size of the email 3.)Some legal processes require original documents and don't accept emails
4.) recipient does not need to be online when the email is sent 5.) can be sent to a number of different users at the same time
6.) files may be attached to an email 7.) emails can be forwarded to others easily
File Attachment definition
A file that has been attached to an email
CC - Carbon Copy
Allows other people to see the email, though it is not directly sent to them
BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
Allows you to send an email to more than one person but you do not want the receivers to see each other's email address
Address Book definition
Allows you to store more email addresses
Email definition
Electronic mail is a system that allows a network or internet user to send a message to another person with an email account, everyone has a unique email address
Internet Service Provider - such as sky
Issue: Sending lots of personal email in firms' time. Email goes to intended user
Precaution: Email encryption - means messages can only be read by intended person
Issue: Inappropriate attachments and language
Precaution: Email monitoring - this protects against terrorists and criminals. Can also be used to detect abusive emails
Issue: Cyber bullying and Inappropriate attachments/ language
Precaution: Email parent control - parents can filter who their children can send or receive an email from
Issue: Sending Spam
Precaution: Spam ( unsolicited/ unasked for email) - unwanted emails can be avoided by the use of a spam filter
Issue: Attaching emails containing viruses
Precaution: Virus attack - emails and attachments can be bring viruses. Get up to date virus software so viruses can be discovered and removed early
Inbox definition
The emails you receive go in to the inbox folder
Group Addresses definition
This allows you to send one message to an entire group without having to type all of the individual email addresses
Signature definition
This can be set to be attached with your email automatically. This might be your name, address and mobile number
Deleted Item Folder definition
Where all the emails that have been deleted are stored. Sometimes referred to as the Bin
Outbox definition
Where the emails which are waiting to be sent are stored
Reply definition
Write a message back to the sender
Forward definition
You can forward an email to another users address