ENGL 2950

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The guidelines for using visuals in oral presentations are quite different from those for written documents.


The more time they need to read your document, the more they will appreciate your contributions to the company.


The power relationship between you and your reader is irrelevant when writing a report. Facts are facts.


Title pages are for school work, not workplace writing, and so should not be included in reports.


When writing for your supervisor you should transmit the image of a colleague.


Larry is writing a memo to convince the lunchroom staff to clean the tables more often in the afternoon, when he likes to proofread his documents while taking a coffee break. The most effective way to start his memo is

I know you work as hard as the rest of us do and perform a vital service to your fellow employees.

All but ONE of the following examples of context-sensitive instructions are effective:

Instructions for how to start a new laptop computer might be found on a website.

Which of the following statements is true of technical writing?

It involves a variety of document types.

Which of the following statements is/are true?

It is possible to deceive readers without lying.

If you are faced with an ethical dilemma, a good rule of thumb to help you make a decision is:

Think of someone you admire, and ask yourself how that person would handle the dilemma.

In a collaborative project, the team should plan a work schedule that includes deadlines for each document segment.


In the workplace, most of your readers will not read all of what you write.


It is unethical to create a drawing that puts features on a product it doesn't really have.


It is unethical to design a flow chart that makes a process look simpler than it actually is.


It is unethical to stage a photograph so it creates a positive or negative impression.


It is unethical to use illustrations that might be easily misinterpreted.


List the colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order.


Listeners will grow restless if you talk too long and inundate them with too many slides.


Part of planning a team project is learning how to work together, particularly when the team is multicultural.


Some reports will analyze as well as report on information.


When describing your accomplishments in the letter and résumé, use action verbs.


Word choice often affects the tone of your document.


You should always attempt to fit your message to each reader.


You should give evidence in your cover letter and let your prospective employers come to their own conclusions about you based on that evidence.


Your level of responsibility in the organization will reflect what you say and how you say it.


Which of the following is NOT a useful guideline for designing flow charts?

Use different shapes for equivalent steps.

Which of the following guidelines will NOT help you ensure quality in letters, emails, and memos?

Use spell-check as a substitute for editing.

In the workplace you will write for all but one of the following readers:

a single reader who is a specialist in a subject area you are writing on.

Others will use your workplace writing

as documentation of your accomplishments. as information they need to do their own job.

Important information should be placed

at the beginning of the document.

In a set of instructions, a general overview of a process

b and c

A good letter of application focuses on

b and c only

The letter of application should

be clear of mechanical errors and be mechanically perfect.

In order to convince a prospective employer that you are the best fit for the job and organization, you should

be specific about all your accomplishments.

If you decide not to accept an offer, you should write a letter of refusal after being offered a job

because you may wish to work for this organization in the future even though you must decline the opportunity at this time.

People with extensive work experience should list their experience

before their education.

You should analyze the audience, purpose, and context for your procedures/instructions

before you begin structuring or organizing your instructions.

In any graph, table, or illustration, which of the following is most important?

being accurate and avoiding distortion.

Instructions might include all but ONE of the following:


One way to make lengthier sentences clearer and thus more readable is to

build sentences with clauses and as many verbs as possible.

The best way to communicate internally in an organization is

by memo.

In instructions, white space

can make items in lists easy to find and read.

When working collaboratively on a report, teams

can often collaborate through blogs and other virtual meetings spaces, such as company intranet sites.

What is the greatest difficulty in designing line graphs?

choosing the spacing for each axis.

In a formal report, prefatory elements are those parts that

come at the beginning of the report, often before the introduction or discussion.

Which of the following adjectives does NOT describe the ideal e-mail?


Above all, a good e-mail is

concise and readable.

One challenge when planning a document is juggling three important goals:

connecting your reader, purpose, and context.

If the phrase "The changes agreed upon per our conversation are herein included" were rewritten as "The changes included here were the ones we discussed during our telephone conversations," it would be more


Readers of instructions

do not want to read anything twice.

If you have an unreceptive audience, a good strategy is to

establish common ground, or points of agreement with your audience.d.provide statements from authority figures who agree with you.

The introduction should do all but ONE of the following:

explain your supporting evidence.

The budget section of proposal

explains exactly how much the project will cost and how the cost is determined.

An economic justification report

explains the cost of a project and then argues for the project's cost-effectiveness.

Introductions have a specific purpose in procedures/instructions to

familiarize readers with the task to be performed.

When writing your letter of application,

focus on how you can benefit the company.

Sentences in a paragraph should

follow a logical order.

The goal of the letter of application is to

get an interview with a prospective employer.

In business organizations, most employees

have more to read than they can or will read.

Before writing a proposal report, members of an organization might ask some of the following questions: Can we do the work requested? Can we show that we can do this work, based on what we have already done? Can we do it within the time limit given in the RFP? Organizations might ask such question before even beginning to write a proposal because the answer to these questions tells them

how successful their proposal might be.

According to your textbook, one thing that can "make or break" the effectiveness of what you say is

how you speak.

You should begin a letter of application by

identifying the job you want.

One danger of trying to sound objective is that you might sound


It is ethical to

in a line graph, start at a point higher than zero as long as it does not distort information.

A brief acknowledgment, such as "Dr. Jones studied cancer in mice, and his results show . . .," is all that is required

in informal writing situations.

A manual is usually used when

instructions and procedures are complex.

A copyright

is automatic as soon as the material is created.

Using the words, images, or ideas of others without attribution

is plagiarism.

The advantages of a functional résumé are that

it allows you to highlight the experiences that show you to your best advantage.

The advantages of a chronological résumé are that

it can show a steady progression through your education and work experience toward the position you're applying for.

Compare these two sentences: Sentence 1: "When this question is read, your understanding becomes confused because . . ." Sentence 2: "When you read this question, you understand it because . . ." Sentence 2 is clearer because

it makes clear to whom the pronoun refers.

You might include a section on the theory governing the procedures or instructions

knowing that the theory might help readers to understand when they have made an error and to avoid errors.

Most paragraphs should be organized using

linear text.

Illustrations in instructions should always be

located at the point of the instructions they illustrate, so they are where the reader needs them.

Your textbook says that "On the job, keep in mind that no one wants to read anything you write." Consequently, when you write you should . . .

make sure everything you write is clear, correct, necessary, and polite.

When developing a letter of application, you should

make sure it is free of grammatical errors.

Characteristics of bad writing include which of the following?

many is/are verb forms.

You do not need permission to use all but one of the following:

material that has never been registered with the copyright office.

Placing warnings, hazards, and cautions at the beginning of instructions

may alert readers to possible problems they may encounter.

Using additional colors in PowerPoint slides

may enhance a visual. may reduce the effectiveness of your message.

To be copyrighted, material must

none of the above

When you come to the bottom of the page and must complete an instruction at the top of the next page you should

not break up the instruction but rather move the entire instruction to the top of the next page.

In the discussion section you should help your listeners pay attention and keep track by

numbering each point: "Now, let's proceed to my second point."

Reports provide all but one of the following:


When researching for oral presentations,

plan on doing as much research as for a written presentation.

A feasibility report

presents possible solutions to a problem, determines criteria for assessing the solutions, and assesses and presents the solutions.

The main body of your presentation should do all but ONE of the following:

preview the conclusion.

As a proposal writer, which of the following should you NOT do?

propose actions outside the organization's capabilities.

When you quote a source, in order to avoid plagiarism

put material in quotation marks and specify the source.

Review correspondence before sending it out by

reading it aloud.

When you sign your name to a report or letter, you are

responsible for the contents.

The conclusion of a report

restates or summarizes the issues covered in the discussion.

Which of the following is an appropriate tone for a letter of application?


A conversational tone, often the most effective style, can be recognized by

short sentences and concrete language.

The purpose of a memo or letter

should be in the first paragraph.

Passive voice

should be used as little as possible.

If asked to take an unethical action, one reason to cite the code of conduct for your profession or company is to

show that the request is considered unethical in your profession or company.

You should start every paragraph with a topic sentence

so readers can survey the document by reading the topic sentences.

Avoid all but one of the following in text messages on the job:

sounding too professional.

In a set of instructions, be sure that all warnings and cautions

stand out.

In a job interview, in answer to the question, "What can you tell me about yourself?" you should

stick to education, work experience, and skills.

What is the most important section of a proposal?


What part of the report is likely to be the most read?


Writing in school and writing at work differ because

the audiences of each differ. the purposes of each differ

Potential employers will look at many items when considering applicants, including online profiles and social networks. Therefore, it is important that

the information on these sites matches the information on résumés and cover letters.

Instructions and procedures should not be sent in the body of an e-mail because

the instructions may be garbled or otherwise made unreadable if downloaded on a device with different formatting.

In an academic setting, proposals often explain all but ONE of the following:

the outside contractor's faculty will pay to do the actual research.

When developing a document, you should think first about

the readers of the document.

The facilities section of a proposal should convince the reader that you have

the right equipment.

Though many of your readers will not read your whole report, most readers will read

the summary.

The following could make an unfavorable statement about the appearance of your memo or letter:

typographical errors.

When developing PowerPoint slides, you should

use a font that contrasts to the background.

A writer who understands that the end users may resist reading the instructions and try to figure out the process or task for themselves will

use a simple design, plain wording, and clear illustrations to encourage readers to pay attention.

When choosing and shaping content for a presentation, pay attention to the types of information you can present. In any presentation, you should consider statistics, testimony, cases, illustrations, history, and narrative. You should

use a variety of information types as they help you achieve your goal.

For most writing, you should

use conversational language.

When writing for a general rather than a specialized audience don't

use jargon.

In messages that you want readers to digest quickly, you should

use less detailed writing.

Which of the following is NOT considered a form of unethical communication?

use of erroneous typography.

Oral presentations should be organized

using the same strategy as for a written report: an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

A paragraph is clearer when the sentences

vary in length.

When you begin a job assignment, ask your supervisor

what style he would prefer.

When should a report include a table of contents?

when it's a formal report.

An effective style

will make it more likely that your report will be read.

Anecdotes or stories

will make your ideas vivid and memorable.

The best way to draw the reader's attention to an illustration is

with the text "See Figure X."

All but ONE of the following are optional items you might or might not include in a résumé:

work experience and education.

One way to avoid a negative emotional reaction from your reader is to

write in a conversational tone.

Proposers might ask themselves whether they should even start writing a proposal based on the scope and challenges of research and analysis involved because

writing a proposal requires a sizable investment in resources.

When writing tricky correspondence, you should keep your audience or reader in mind by thinking about your audience's frame of reference toward

you and the subject.

Start memos and letters with the main point as quickly as possible unless

you are delivering bad news, in which case you may need to soften the blow with an introduction.

As soon as you say, "in conclusion,"

you have about a minute to cover your main point.

If you alter material you have borrowed from another source, such as a chart or table,

you have to acknowledge the source and acknowledge that you have altered the material.

You should be careful about the tone or "sound" of your writing, which can reveal

your attitude toward the reader or subject.

The tone and degree of formality of your presentation are dictated by

your organizational role and your relationship with your audience.

Tone and degree of formality are dictated by

your organizational role. your relationship to the audience.

Which of the following is NOT a standard part of a proposal?

appraisal of progress.

All but one of the following phrases has a negative tone. Which one?

All but one of the following phrases has a negative tone. Which one?

Avoid plagiarism.


Requires effective paragraph development, correct sentence structure, punctuation, and usage.


Which of the following is NOT a key to building effective sentences?

Deemphasize the verb.

A letter of application should be brief to the point of being telegraphic.


A memo or letter of transmittal is necessary only if the current report has been written in response to earlier reports.


A report should always be limited to providing information.


A submitted proposal is only an estimate of work and costs, not a legal document.


Always write to impress.


Analytical reports can be rigidly classified and organized in exactly the same way.


Because audiences generally do not enjoy long presentations, speak as rapidly as possible.


Because memos are intended for everyone in an organization, writers don't have to worry about audience.


Conciseness is not important for texting because the message appears on a single screen.


If you include hobbies in your résumé, you will send the message that you are easily distracted.


In oral presentations, unlike written presentations, it's acceptable for some of your points to stray from the goal of your presentation.


In well-run organizations, the power relationship between the writer and the reader should not affect the writing.


It is unethical to duplicate information in the body of the text in an illustration.


It is unethical to use celebrities to advertise your products.


Memos may be used as digital documents, whereas letters are always print documents.


One similarity between writing at school and writing on the job is that your writing will remain confidential in both situations.


Personal information should be reserved for the interview, not included in the résumé.


Prefatory elements can be considered routine and do not require significant time or effort.


Squeaky-clean prose can make you sound pompous.


The best way to get noticed is to come up with a tricky and flashy opening.


Which of the following statements is/are true of documents you will write on the job?

They may be accessed from an organization's archive over an infinite time. They have an indefinite life.

A simple style is a natural style.


A single team member should not edit the document for the team.


All of the following produce large quantities of technical writing: university offices, corporations, research centers, hospitals, businesses of all sizes, nonprofit organizations.


An executive summary provides extensive development of each section.


Any digital communication you make may eventually find itself in cyberspace, where it can be accessed by others.


Audiences generally do not enjoy long presentations.


Designing documents that will prevent their misuse should be one of your primary goals.


Even though you are making an argument with your proposal, you should keep in mind that you have an ethical responsibility to accurately represent your or your organization's capabilities to complete the project.


Given the choice between accuracy and clarity, the preferred choice is accuracy.


If you include cultural activities in your résumé, you will send the message that you have broad interests.


If you include recent travel in your résumé, you will send the message that you are willing to travel.


Achieves job goals.

Writing at work

Addresses a variety of readers who have different perspectives from those of the writer.

Writing at work

Major problem posed by legal liability.

Writing at work

Readers may be unknown to the writer.

Writing at work

Requires strict security procedures.

Writing at work

Writing may be archived indefinitely.

Writing at work

Has a single, expert reader.

Writing in school

Writing used to illustrate knowledge.

Writing in school

All but one of the following are important goals that connect your reader, purpose, and context.

You want everyone to read all of your document.

A clearly designed memo

a and b only

When using a photograph, it's best to

a and c only

When presenting information, you should use

a conversational style.

When writing warnings, cautions, and hazards, remember that

a failure to warn could have costly legal implications.

You should bring all but ONE of the following with you to a job interview:

a tape recorder.

Different readers will read different sections of your report

according to their needs.

Good writing has

active voice and few prepositional phrases.

The "Introduction" should include all but one of the following:

all necessary attachments.

A host of factors determines your reader(s)' perception of and perspective on your writing:

all of the above

A set of instructions needs to identify

all of the above

As a professional, you have ethical obligations to which of the following?

all of the above

Effective writers adjust their style to readers'

all of the above

In an oral presentation, which of the following should be used to introduce your topic and get the reader's attention?

all of the above

When examining a writing situation, you should consider the reader's

all of the above

When you consider your readers, you should think about their

all of the above

When you segment a circle graph (pie diagram),

all of the above

Which of the following guidelines should be followed in developing instructions?

all of the above

Which of the following is/are copyrightable?

all of the above

Which type of organization produces large amounts of technical writing?

all of the above

When making decisions about ethical dilemmas,

always make a decision that you could live with if it became public.

A line graph is sometimes called

an XY graph.

The problem analysis section of a proposal should

anticipate problems and explain possible solutions.

It is important to know the following about your readers, except:

their ages

In developing any communication, which of the following is NOT one of your main goals?

to keep your communication complex but brief.

What is the purpose of an organization chart?

to show the divisions and levels of responsibility within an organization.

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