English Unit 3

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Which line best represents one of the themes of Macbeth?

"Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

Which of the following are wives of Henry VIII?

- Catherine of Aragon - Katherine Parr - Kathryn Howard - Anne Boleyn - Anne of Cleves - Jane Seymour

In Macbeth, which of the following are reasons Macbeth gives for not wanting to kill Duncan?

- Duncan is well-liked by the people. - Duncan is the king. - Duncan is actually a good king. - Duncan is related to him.

In Macbeth, which are the prophecies given to Macbeth by the witches?

- He will be Thane of Cawdor. - He will be King

Which of the following are reasons the theater flourished during the Renaissance?

- Pageantry of royalty - Growth in learning - Advances in stage craft - Soaring Patriotism

Which of the following significantly impacted the initiation of the Renaissance?

- The Printing Press - The Bible in English - The Black Death - Oxford University - The Crusades

If Sir Francis Bacon were alive today, which of the following would he most likely have written?

A Study of Armadillo Habitats

Define scene painting.

A painting that forms part of the scenery in a stage production.

Macbeth's war friend who hears the witches predictions for Macbeth and receives predictions of his own


Why would Shakespeare's parents' wedding ceremony most likely have been a Catholic ceremony?

Because Mary I was a Catholic and ruling during the time of their wedding

Why were bars and theaters allowed in Southwark, but not in London?

Because Southwark was not in the London city limits

Which flag would have been raised for the play Othello?


What religion would Shakespeare's parents most likely have been?


In 100-125 words, write a letter to Shakespeare as if you were the real Macbeth discussing your feeling about his portrayal of you. Be sure to include at least 3 points from this article

Dear William, I am unsure why you portrayed me the way that you did. You made me out to be such a tragedy. In real life, I wasn't as terrible as you wrote me out to be. You said I was a murderer! When I was crowned king I made good laws to protect woman and orphans and I encouraged Christianity throughout my kingdom. I have kindness in my heart. You make people believe I am a king who thinks he's better than everyone. You make me out to be cruel.

What ironic nickname did the Roman Catholic Church give Henry VIII?

Defender of the Faith

Duncan's second son


The king of Scotland whom Macbeth murders to get the throne


Who ultimately overthrew Macbeth?

Duncan's son

Which of Shakespeare's brothers also tried to have a career in the theater?


Which sibling tried to follow in William's foot steps?


The character of Macbeth accurately portrays the real Macbeth.


Explain how authors reached the middle class with their writing.

First off, the printing press helped to end the medieval era because it made copies of the Bible that people could access. But, it also printed literature, so literature was produced and people gained access to it. It was accessed also by the forming middle class. More possibilities were being founded. Also, people started using the common language, vernacular. English became the common language.

Banquo's son


What was one of Queen Elizabeth's nicknames?

Good Queen Bess

Which ancient cultures inspired artists, philosophers, and politicians during the Renaissance?

Greek and Roman

What name is given to the people who had the cheapest tickets in the theater?


How did Macbeth become king?

He became king when he killed the current king in battle.

What ultimately lead to Duncan's downfall?

He ignored wise counsel and tried to conquer too much territory.

In Macbeth, what does the new title Malcolm receives mean?

He is next in line to the throne.

Shakespeare would have included in his plays ______________________ for the benefit of the lower class, ______________________ for the benefit of the middle class, and ______________________ for the benefit of the upper class.

sword play music poetry

Which sentence best describes Macbeth's feelings about Christianity?

He was educated in Christian schools and endorsed Christianity in his kingdom.

What reason is ultimately given for John Shakespeare's second coat of arms application being granted?

His great-grandfather's service to Henry VII

In Macbeth, where is Macbeth's castle?


What happened to the original Globe Theater?

It burned down in 1613 when a special effect went away.

In Macbeth, explain what "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" means.

It means that the things that are beautiful (fair) will become ugly (foul) and things that are ugly will become beautiful.

Who became King of England after Elizabeth had no heirs?

James I

Which sibling provides the only genetic link to William Shakespeare?


Macbeth's wife, evil, controlling, but who later regrets her part in the murder

Lady Macbeth

The protagonist, a war hero who turns murderer in his ambition to become king.


Who are the witches waiting for?


List three descriptions of Lady Macbeth from this scene. Provide actual quotes.

Macbeth calls her, "My dearest love," He also says, "my dearest partner of greatness," Macbeth says for her to rejoice and celebrate his greatness with him, "by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee."

Give four of the reasons Macbeth says why he should not go through with murdering king Duncan.

Macbeth figures out that if he kills the king, there will be multiple consequences. His soul will be doomed and he will end up in hell for eternity. Also, is he murders the king it will just produce more violence and that violence could be directed toward Macbeth because he would be the new king. He also knows that king Duncan is actually a good king, and Macbeth isn't being a good subject to his king. King Duncan is trustworthy and good at what he does, Macbeth isn't loyal to his own king.

In Macbeth, explain what "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly" means.

Macbeth means that the responsibility of doing the horrible task of killing Duncan is so horrible that he would rathe rhave it just be over and done with.

Macbeth excuses himself from the conversation with what excuse?

Macbeth must tell his wife that they are coming to their castle.

Macbeth says that the title "Prince of Cumberland" is a step on which he will either have to fall down or else o'erleap. What does that mean?

Macbeth will have to give up claim to the throne or somehow jump over the person next in line to the throne.

Who ruled between Macbeth and Malcolm?

Macbeth's stepson

Who led the opposing sides of this particular battle?

Macdonwald and Macbeth

A noble man who first discovers Duncan's murder


The Prince of Cumberland is a title given to the person who is next in line for the throne. In this passage, who is named as the Prince of Cumberland?


What were Elizabethan plays modeled after?

Roman Plays

With whom are the Scottish traitors aligned?


In Macbeth, what title is Malcolm given which greatly disturbs Macbeth?

Prince of Cumberland

Edward was ______________________ Mary was ___________________ Elizabeth was _____________________

Protestant Catholic Protestant

What color flag would have been flown at a historical Renaissance play?


Macbeth uses the phrase, "why do you dress me in borrowed robes?" This is a recurring symbol throughout the play. Explain what Macbeth means by this phrase.5

Ross and Angus deliver the news to Macbeth. During that Macbeth had the title Thane of Glamis. Macbeth fought really well in the battle, the last Thane of Cawdor turned out to be a traitor, so the king had him executed. So when they came up to Macbeth he said the borrowed robes quote because the title was new to Macbeth it's never belonged to him. So in Macbeth's perspective, he was borrowing it from someone else because it used to be someone else's.

Who is the most famous English Renaissance writer?


What indications do we have that Susanna was literate?

She could sign her own name.

List three ways Lady Macbeth describes Macbeth in this scene. Provide actual quotes.

She says that Macbeth is going to king, "Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised." She is scared that he is too kind, "Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness" She says that he has to be powerful and not lack ambition, "To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition,"

Which of the following events would have taken place during the Renaissance but NOT before Shakespeare was born?

Sir Francis Drake circumnavigates the world

Which of the following is the best example of humanism?

We investigate the real value and capabilities of humans.

Why was John Shakespeare's initial application for a coat of arms turned down?

We really don't know the reason

What news does Macbeth give Lady Macbeth upon his arrival that hatches the murder plan?

That Duncan is coming to Inverness

Macbeth has sent a letter ahead to Lady Macbeth, what is the subject of that letter?

That he received the prophecies from the witches

Which event revived an interest in ancient philosophy and practice?

The Crusades

Which contributing factor most impacted the structure of the Elizabethan theater's plays?

The Revival of knowledge and learning

Who is referred to as "that most disloyal traitor"?

The Thane of Cawdor

What did Shakespeare nickname his theater?

The Wooden O

What economic system was just beginning to emerge during the Renaissance?


What new economic system was being established during the Renaissance?


Write out the witches' prophecies to Banquo.

The first prophecy is "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater." The second one is "Not so happy, yet much happier." The third witch finishes the prophecy by saying "Though shalt get kings, though thou be none: so hail Macbeth and Banquo!"

Explain what the purpose of the flags were in Elizabethan Theaters and how they were used.

The three flags helped let the people know what genre of play they were going to be seeing that night. If there was a red flag, that would mean a historic play would be on. If it was a white flag, that meant a comedic play would be on. If it was a black flag, a tragedy would be the play the audience would be seeing.

In Macbeth, which of the following is the best example of dramatic irony?

The witches pronounce Macbeth with a title the audience already knows he will receive

Before Macbeth walks in, Duncan makes this comment: "There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust.--" What does he mean by this statement?

There is no way to tell on the outside what a person is like on the inside.

Why were Shakespeare's twins given the names they were given?

They were the names of Shakespeare's best friends.

We defined dramatic irony earlier as a the audience knowing something that the characters do not know. This scene is the perfect example of dramatic irony. Explain why.

This is the perfect example of dramatic irony because the audience knows Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's plan and what is going to happen and no other characters know.

Judkins says this in the essay: " In his plays, Shakespeare has little to say about religion, but this in itself is notable. Had he been writing 100 years earlier, it is barely conceivable that his work would not have strong traditional Christian overtones" (paragraph 2). Explain why this would be true.

This would be true because he was writing things that would be perceived as religious and Christian in the future. It was just ahead of its time.

Explain why it is believed that Shakespeare depicted different historical figures differently in his plays about them.

To make his plays more interesting. He writes drama and over exaggeration is expecting when writing a dramatic play.

Adolescent boys really did play the parts of women on the stage. So, Juliet would have been played by a boy.


Contrast Susanna and Judith's lives. Give at least three distinct contrasts.

Well for starters Susanna lived an amazing life, married a doctor, John Hall, who found a treatment for scurvy, Judith had a tragic sad life and marries a vintner named Thomas Quiney. Thomas didn't have a license to marry. They were excommunicated soon after their wedding. Shakespeare was very proud of Susanna's marriage, he loved John, so much so he let them become executors of his will. Judith and Thomas were not apart of his will at all. Susanna and John's daughter Elizabeth, grew up to be very successful and Susanna and John were so proud. However one of Thomas and Judith's son's, Shakespeare Quiney, dies when he was an infant. Their other two kids, Thomas and Richard dies almost at the same time (just a couple weeks apart) at the age of nineteen and twenty-one.

In what way did Mary help to support Catholicism in England?

Well, Mary I was a devoted Catholic so when she ruled, she made sure people followed all rules of Catholicism, if they didn't, they were executed. People nicknamed her Bloody Mary.

In what way did Elizabeth help to usher Protestantism into England?

When she was first crowned queen, it was said that people believed she would bring back the Protestant faith back to England. Elizabeth had the Act of Supremacy initiated. Also, Elizabeth changed and took away all of Mary's rules and laws. "There is only one Christ, Jesus, one faith" - Elizabeth. Elizabeth's biggest importance to her was to enact peace and stability throughout her reign. Her hope was that if she restored the Church, people would get used to it again.

What color flag would have been flown at a comedic Renaissance play?


Which flag would have been raised for the play Measure for Measure?


Which flag would have been raised for the play The Tempest?


If Shakespeare had followed in his father's business like many expected their sons to do, what profession would Shakespeare have had?

a glove maker

Which character was sometimes the butt of Shakespeare's jokes in his plays?

a police man

How does Banquo describe the witches?

as manly

In Macbeth, which adjective best describes Macbeth at the beginning of the play?


In Macbeth, how does Macbeth inform Lady Macbeth about the witches' prophecies and about Malcolm's new title?

by a letter

What symbol does Banquo refer to again when discussing Macbeth?


In Macbeth, at the beginning of the play, which word best describes Lady Macbeth?


Which best describes the real Macbeth's feelings about Christianity?

endorsed it

Which group does this describe? sword play, coarse, loud, interactive


Which best describes how the real Duncan lost his kingdom?

he ignored wise council

According to the essay, which of the following is one recorded way that Shakespeare made money?

investing in the theater

We again see a glimpse of this strange relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is characterized as wishy-washy, scared, and aimless. Lady Macbeth is portrayed as quite like a bully. She is fearless, ruthless, and evil. She bullies Macbeth into agreeing to kill the king, even though he has reservations. What does Lady Macbeth claim she would do if she had to in order to keep a promise that she had made?

kill her own child

What kind of laws did Macbeth enact as king?

laws that encouraged kindness and equality

Which group does this describe? seats, music, out of rain

middle class

What act by a British explorer sparked a war between England and Spain?

piracy of Spanish ships

According to the list of English Renaissance authors, which genre of writing had the largest number of authors?


What genre of writing had the largest increase during the time of the Renaissance?


What was the biggest difficulty cities faced during the Renaissance?


What was the greatest problem in cities during the Renaissance?


Spelling and grammar became standardized by whom?

print editors

Who is responsible for standardized English spelling and grammar?

print editors

Which group does this describe? poetry, cushions, patrons, on stage


In Macbeth, which of the following is used as a symbol of something not really belonging to a person?


Lady Macbeth gives this piece of advice to Macbeth: "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters:--to beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't." This is an interesting point, since Duncan referenced this very thing earlier. What does Lady Macbeth mean?

that Macbeth needs to be sure his face doesn't reveal their plans by looking guilty

What caution does Banquo give Macbeth about the witches' prophecy?

that evil often makes things look good to lure us in

What news does Macbeth receive shortly after the witches leave?

that the Thane of Cawdor will be executed

Which two cultures had the greatest impact on the Renaissance?

the Greeks and the Romans

Why were theaters closed for part of the time Shakespeare was writing and performing?

the Puritan influence and the plague

What made surviving to adulthood unlikely in the Shakespeare home as well as other homes during the Renaissance?

the plague

What was the number one cause of death for infants in the Shakespeare home as well as many other Renaissance homes?

the plague

According to this author, which invention during the time period was the most important?

the printing press

Ethereal characters who give Macbeth and Banquo predictions about their futures

the witches

Why did people of the upper class sometimes wear masks to the Renaissance plays?

to hide their identities because they were embarrassed to be seen in the same place as the lower class

What is the mission of the witches?

to meet Macbeth

In Macbeth, which word best describes the physical appearance of the witches?


How did Hamnet die?


In Macbeth, which word best describes Lady Macbeth's perception of Macbeth?


Over what issue did Henry VIII first conflict with the Roman Catholic Church?

who held supreme power

When the theaters in London were closed due to an outbreak of the plague, what do most scholars believe Shakespeare was doing?

writing sonnets

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