Environmental 2

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What percentage of endangered species is endangered because of invasive species?


Horticulture is responsible for what percentage of invasive species?


What is an invasive species?

A species that lands in a new place and upsets the natural balance

Pioneer species are almost always?

Autotrophs, Symbionts with autotrophs and organisms with a broad tolerance.

How were zebra mussels introduced into the Great Lakes?

Caspian Sea released via shipping ballast water.

What is the measure of the number of species at each trophic level and the number of trophic levels in an ecosystem?


Why did we almost lose all the Bald Eagles in Ohio?


How is extirpation different from extinction?

Extinct is nonliving members, when extirpation is not in area.

What is the difference between a niche and habitat?

Niche is a broader area, also includes the species interactions with both nonliving and living in its community.

Are all non-native species invasive?


Have bobcat been restored to their historic Ohio range?


What is the Endangered Species Act?

Passed in 1973 to protect those species at risk of becoming.

What are four species that threaten the Great Lakes ecosystem?

Phragmites, Zebra Mussels, Sea lamprey, Asian Carp.

The grasses of the Mongolian steppes ecosystem would have an upper and lower limit of tolerance of which of the following abiotic factors?

Precipitation, Fire, Nutrient.

Why is the rate of recovery faster for secondary succession than primary succession?

Soils survive and plants can quickly recolonize.

Some species that are now invasive were accidently introduced. How?

Some species that are now invasive were accidently introduced. How?

Some species that are now invasive were deliberately introduced. Why?

Some species that are now invasive were deliberately introduced. Why?

What is extirpation?

The disappearance of a particular population from a given area, but not the entire species globally

How is a threatened species different from an endangered species?

The retained species is likely

What would be the climax community here in Ohio?

The woods or deciduous

What is a community that has reached a steady state as the final stage of succession?

a climax community

What is a population?

a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time.

Which of the following could be an example of a natural geographic boundary?

a pond's shoreline. the border where a grassland meets forest. a mountain range or river.

What must be restored before a climax community is achieved?

all the niches must be restored. community interactions like predation and herbivory are restored. symbioses are restored

Invasive species can

alter the biotic factors within ecosystems. alter the abiotic factors within ecosystems. reduce the diversity within ecosystems by outcompeting native species.

What is a population management technique that uses a species' natural predator, disease, or parasite to limit its growth and hopefully reduce its population size?

biological control

What is a population management technique that reduces population size by using herbicides or pesticides to kill individuals?

chemical control

What is a population management technique that reduces population size by altering the habitat to be less favorable and limit growth?

cultural control

Which of these statements about population distribution is false?

distribution patterns of a population do not change.

As succession continues, which of these statements is true?

each species changes the physical environment.

Quadrats are a sampling technique in which?

every individual within a number of small plots is counted.

What type of disturbances lead to secondary succession?

fire and some volcanic eruptions. extreme weather, like tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires. agriculture, grazing, logging, mining, and land development.

In order to define a population, scientists need to specify its?

geographic boundaries

What is the most important threat to species worldwide?

habitat destruction

Which sampling technique counts signs of an organism rather than the organism?

indirect counting

Which sampling technique traps individuals, marks them, and visits the same location a second time to trap individuals and record recaptures?

indirectly count the eagles by counting the number of eagle nests. count every individual along a number of transects and find the mean/area. mark trapped individuals, release them, and trap again to count recaptures.

Transects are a sampling technique in which?

individuals are counted along a line.

climax community

is a community that has reached a steady state and is composed of species best adapted to the ecosystem's physical environment.

The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis

is a hypothesis that states that the highest levels of species diversity are supported at intermediate levels of disturbance

Ecosystem complexity

is a measure of the number of species at each trophic level and the number of trophic levels in a community. Complex ecosystems are more resistant and resilient

Ecological succession

is a series of more-or- less predictable changes that occur in a community after disturbance

Ecosystem stability

is the ability of an ecosystem to maintain its structure and function over time despite disturbances


is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce under a range of environmental conditions. Species have an upper and lower limit of tolerance for each of the abiotic factors within its ecosystem. A species is most abundant within an optimal range for each abiotic factor.


is the speed with which it returns to its initial state after a disturbance


is the tendency of a system to remain close to its equilibrium state, despite a disturbance

Why do scientists use sampling techniques to calculate population size?

it may be costly and time-consuming to count every individual. it may be almost impossible to count every individual of a population. sampling techniques provide reliable substitutes

What is the geographical area in which a population or the species is found?

its range

What is a population management technique that reduces population size by harvesting individuals?

mechanical control

Secondary succession

occurs in an area where a disturbance affects the community without completely destroying it. newly exposed surfaces

Primary succession

occurs in an area with no remnants of an older community remaining after a disturbance

What is the number of individuals of a particular species per unit area or volume?

population density

What is the number of individuals in a population?

population size

What did scientists learn from the introduction of the cane toad and Mongoose?

research is needed prior to introduction to determine if a non-native species can limit the growth of the intended pest species. research is needed prior to introduction to ensure that a non-native species won't become invasive. research is needed prior to introduction to ensure that a non-native species won't harm the ecosystem.

What key abiotic factor must develop during succession in terrestrial ecosystems before there is an increase in the diversity of plant species?

soil formation

What is an endangered species?

species in danger of extinction

Pioneer species like lichens, moss, and grass disperse from one area to another by?

spores or seeds carried by animals. spores or seeds carried by the wind. spores and seeds carried by water.

pioneer species

the first species to colonize barren areas.

The need for wildlife conservation in the U.S. was recognized due to

the near-extinction of the American bison. the near-extinction of the whooping crane. the extinction of the passenger pigeon.

A limited range endangers species because

the number of suitable habitats is small. a habitat is too isolated to allow immigration. a habitat is too isolated to allow emigration to a more suitable location.

Why are exotic species a cause of species endangerment?

they compete for habitat. they prey on native species. they compete for food with native species.

What three factors usually result in a non-native species being invasive?

they lack the predators that limited their growth in their native habitat. they lack the diseases or parasites that limited their growth. they are fast growing, mature early, and produce many offspring.

When might a harvest be unsustainable so that overexploitation occurs?

when the harvest rate nears or exceeds the birth rate. when the population size is small. when the age to reproductive maturity is long.

Which of these statements is true about zebra mussels?

zebra mussels have harmed some species and helped others in the Great Lakes.

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