Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling - Part 2

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Because children cannot give their legal consent to participate in family counseling,

they should be informed of the process of family counseling and their consent should be secured even though it is not legally required

Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity "as opposed to treating individual family members" and our laws:

view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature

Researchers are ethically obligated to:

Offer feedback to the participants in the study

Students can ensure that they do not commit plagiarism by:

Using a website such as to check their work before submitting it to the professor

Research participants:

Have a right to expect to have their confidentiality protected

Most written materials are legally protected from the time they are created until ____ years after the author's death


While you are a counseling graduate student:

You must follow the same code of ethics as practicing counselors

When married couples divorce,

almost all states allow joint custody and in a few state courts, joint custody is the preferred arrangement; while in some other state courts, joint custody is avoided if possible

Informed Consent in group counseling should include:

an explanation of ways the group may be congruent and incongruent with individual members' cultural values

Sexual relationships between counselor educators and their students:

are expressly forbidden in the ACA Code of Ethics

Flexibility in relationship boundaries between counselor educators and students may be more acceptable than between cousnelors and clients, because in counselor educator/student relationships the student:

eventually becomes a colleague

A sliding scale in counseling refers to:

A fee structure based on the client's family income and family size

When it comes to determining who has the right to make decisions regarding a child's life, the law favors:

Biological parents

Clinical supervision is the process whereby the work of counselors is reviewed by other mental health professionals, usually with the goal of:

Increasing the counselors' effectiveness

Health care plans in the United States:

Often are unavailable to the working poor

With respect to counseling minor clients who are considering abortion, counselors should:

Recognize that these clients may need to process issues of abuse, loss love, and hope for the future

Consultation and supervision are alike in that both:

The consultative and supervisory relationships are tripartite

Freedom of choice legislation allows health care consumers to choose:

The type of health care provider they prefer under state authorized health care plans

A counselor who is beginning a group should:

explain that while the counselor will keep things confidential, thee is no guarantee others in the group will do the same

The requirement that universities establish committees to review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected is:

A federal law that carries with it the penalty of loss of federal funds if violated

If a supervisee is having emotional problems that are interfering with his or her ability to function effectively as a counselor, the clinical supervisor should:

Address the personal issues in relationship to their impact on the supervisee's effectiveness as a counselor but avoid becoming the supervisee's personal counselor

Minor clients have:

An ethical right to privacy and confidentiality, but no legal right in most states

In regard to giving credit to contributors to research projects in published reports

Appropriate credit must be given, but there are no firm rules

Concealing from individuals that they are being studied and deceiving individuals with false information during a study:

Are sensitive areas and researchers must take care to ensure that participants are not harmed when such activities take place

When counseling victims of domestic violence, counselors should:

Avoid encouraging the victim to leave the relationship until safety can be assured

A supervisor is competent if he or she:

Can supervise other counselors in a professional and appropriate manner

When one spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify in court as to what occurred in counseling sessions, and the other spouse insists that the counselor not testify, the best course of action is for the counselor to:

Consult with an attorney and follow his or her advice

A difference between consultation and counseling is that:

Consultants provide indirect services to clients, whereas counseling is direct service

The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics

Contains few standards specifically related to counseling children

In matters of student evaluations or dismissals from academic programs, courts:

Defer to the judgement of professors, unless established procedures were violated or the evaluations were clearly unfair

In the process of explaining Informed Consent in family counseling, counselors should:

Describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family counseling

As a result of recent developments in technology, counselor education faculty are advised to:

Develop and publish policies regarding student conduct on social networking sites

Administrative supervision occurs when direct-line administrators give direction to counselors who are their:

Employees, and has the goal of ensuring that counselors are performing their job duties appropriately.

When a member expresses a desire to drop out of an ongoing group, the counselor should:

Encourage the member to discuss the decision with the group

The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics advises counselors to:

Establish collaborative relationships with parents

When children are participants in a research study:

Even though parental consent is legally sufficient, the assent of the children should be obtained as well

Which of the following is not information that must be provided to prospective students before they enter a program?

Faculty advisor assignment

In the event a counselor has a client with a large bill for services that is several months late, the counselor should:

Forget the bill and take steps in the future to prevent these bills from developing

Regarding the law of privileged communications, in relation to family and group counseling,

Generally, privilege is waived if there is a third-party present during counseling

Dual relationships in school settings:

Generally, should be avoided

If a consultant is not a consultee's administrative supervisor, the consultant:

Generally, would not be held legally responsible for actions taken by the consultee based on the consultant's advice.

If a counselor wants a person other than a biological parent or legal guardian (such as a step-parent or grandparent) to have confidential information regarding a minor client, a simple solution is to:

Get a signed statement from one of the biological parents or legal guardians, allowing the counselor to disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent

Ethical standards for consultants in the mental health field are:

Given minimal attention in codes of ethics

A counselor who is under the clinical supervision of another counselor should:

Inform clients that he or she is in supervision and disclose the name of the supervisor to them

Counselor educators have an ethical obligation to:

Infuse multicultural material into all courses in the curriculum

University committees that review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected are called:

Institutional review boards


Is claiming the words and ideas of someone else as one's own

Students do not have to cite a particular source of information, when the information:

Is considered common knowledge

Pre-screening of group members:

Is required by the ACA Code of Ethics

With respect to cultural differences in supervision:

It is the supervisor's responsibility to initiate discussions of cultural differences with their supervisees

When counselor educators evaluate the performance of a student's counseling skills, the counselor educators:

May apply subjective standards as long as they do not abuse their discretion

Parents who object to their child's participation in counseling:

May have the right to demand that services be discontinued

A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):

May not accept counselors as providers of mental health services and can limit the number of providers on their list of providers

When making graduate program admissions decisions, counselor educators:

May use their subjective judgement regarding a number of factors

In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor:

Must have had a minimum of group work preparation and supervised experience

When a counselor must render a DSM-5 diagnosis before a client may be reimbursed for mental health care services, the counselor:

Must render the proper diagnosis, whether or not the client will be reimbursed

According to the United States Small Business Administration, the percentages of business that fail are:

Over 50% fail in the first year, and 95% fail within the first 5 years

Which of the following behaviors would constitute insubordination?

Refusing to carry out a directive of your immediate supervisor when that directive does not violate any laws or company policies

It is ethically questionable for a university professor to:

Require a student to participate in a research project

The practice of evaluating professors for tenure, promotion, and merit pay increases is based largely on their records of:

Scholarly publications

One of the most ethically sensitive components of counselor training that has generated considerable debate is:

Self-growth experiences

Supervision agreements between a clinical supervisor and supervisee:

Should be in writing so both parties understand the terms of the relationship clearly

When administrative and clinical supervisors give corrective feedback to supervisees, that feedback:

Should be ongoing, coupled with periodic evaluation and opportunities to correct deficiencies

If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for:


The professional literature suggests that students often believe they receive inadequate preparation in the content area of:

Social justice and advocacy

An agreement for clinical supervision between a supervisor and supervisee when the supervisee has an administrative supervisor at a work site should:

State that the clinical supervisor defers to the authority of the administrative supervisor

Research has shown that school counselors are unanimous in believing that:

Suicidal behavior poses a level of threat that requires breaching confidentiality

As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report:

Suspected child abuse or neglect

The most structured form of collaboration between counselors and other health professionals is:


Studies of women who have been involved in sexual relationships with their professors indicate:

That at first the women believed the relationship was consensual, but in retrospect they viewed it as more coercive

When a student and a professor co-author an article for publication in a professional journal

The one who contributed the most to producing the article should the first-listed author

Whether or not a supervisor is likely to be held responsible, along with the supervisee's client commits suicide depends on whether:

The supervisor has direct control and authority over the supervisee's day-to-day activities

How do relationships in counselor education, supervision, and training differ from clinical relationships?

They are tripartite

When a counselor who is working under supervision shares confidential information about clients with her or his supervisor:

This is acceptable behavior because the supervisor needs the information in order to supervise effectively

If you believe that your supervisor at work setting is forcing you to act in what you consider to be an unethical manner you should:

Try to work with your supervisor to resolve the problem

Counselors who intend to conduct family counseling as part of their professional practice should:

gain specific training in marriage and family counseling, including supervised experience

A family counselor who uses paradoxical directives or interventions could get into trouble because clients who follow their prescriptions for behavior may be:


Students who have not been able to demonstrate the skills needed to be effective counselors:

must be given opportunities to remediate their deficiencies before a dismissal decision is made

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