Ethics Midterm Review

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Mill provides a famous assertion about Socrates which of the following statements is part of that assertion?

"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied"

In order to explain his philosophy James Rachels provides a thought experiment about.

2 men Smith and Jones who both stand to gain financially if their cousin dies

According to Plato how many parts are there to the soul?


In your handout, how many types of life does Aristotle mention ?


Within "The Ring of Gyges" how many classes of 'goods' are there?


What year was Socrates born, what year did he die and How old was Socrates when he died?

470 B.C. / 399 B.C. / 71.

According to MIll, no intelligent human being would consent to be...

A Fool

What is an imperative?

A command

If you hold that all reality is divided into two different regions/realms, you would be

A dualist

According to Kant, What is the one thing that is good without limitation?

A good will

Singer says that our present attitudes toward animals are based on

A long history of prejudice and arbitrary discrimination

According to Singer, that the claim to equality is...

A moral idea

According to Plato what is a person?

A mortal body and an immortal soul

What is a statement?

A statement is a sentence that is true or false.

Socrates Taught ___a____ who taught ______b______ who taught _____C.______

A. Plato B. Aristotle C. Alexander the Great

How can this picture be related to Singer's argument in reference to animals? (cat, human, and kidnapper in park)

Abducting animals from a park for research doesn't have as intense of an effect of suffering whereas if we abducted humans from a park for research they would have a more intense effect of suffering because of the deeper cognitive skills they possess. If this were to happen to humans, the humans would be afraid of being kidnapped from the park as well as be fearful of what experiments will be conducted on them, while animals would only be afraid once they are abducted and during the experiment. This scenario portrays that this kind of experimentation would be more morally correct to be done with animals because the suffering of humans would be greater than that of the animals.

Those who want to do away with capital punishment and who argue the death penalty is NEVER justified are called


According to Hugo Adam Bedau, most of us believe that it is not morally wrong and may even be our moral duty to use violence to prevent aggression except for...

Absolute pacifists

What sub-branch of Ethics, does Plato's Philosophy fall under


What are the 2 versions of Utilitarianism?

Act and Rule

What type of Euthanasia is typically referred to as "mercy Killing?

Active euthanasia

According to Aristotle, what is the function of human beings?

Activity of the soul in accordance with reason

Within "Is killing No Worse than letting die", Winston Nesbitt argues...

Against James Rachels

Leon R. Kass is

Against active euthanasia

According to Mill, Consequences are?


What does AMA stand for

American Medical Association

According to Carl Cohen, rights arise and can be intelligibly defended only

Among beings who actually do, or can, make moral claims against one another

What is an argument?

An argument is a group of statements in which the conclusion follows from the premise(s).

According to Carl Cohen, genuinely moral acts have....

An internal as well as an external dimension

According to Carl Cohen,

Animals have no rights

The view or doctrine that humans alone have moral status


According to your book, "probably the most straightforward arguments AGAINST active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are?

Appeals to bad consequences

Hugo Bedau argues the death penalty can only be effective as deterrent if it is...

Applied consistently and promptly

According to Kass dying people..

Are all to easily reduced ahead of time to 'thinghood'

Who stated philosophy begins in wonder?


For Kant treating people "as an end" means treating them

As a rational being

The view that all living things have some degree of moral status


According to Nesbitt, what 'alone' is sufficient to account for our judging Jones as harshly as Smith?

Both Smith and Jones were fully prepared to kill.

According to the Utilitarian what is the question to ask when dealing with animal rights?

Can they suffer?

What kind of imperative is Kant concerned about?

Categorical imperatives

__________ is: The statement that is claimed to follow from the premises of an argument


Mill is a ....


According to Kass, what does humanity need most in the face of evils?


According to Singer, what is Speciesism?

Discrimination against nonhuman animals purely because of their species

Reality according to Plato is

Divided between the realm of the forms and the physical world

What metaphysical question would never be asked on Unphilosophos?

Does God exist?

According to Plato, we clearly sees our irrational desires in our?


The Study of the nature of Knowledge process is?


What is Epistemology and what are the sub-branches?

Epistemology studies the knowledge process. The sub-branches are empiricism, rationalism, and skepticism.

The study of Morality is found in what branch of Philosophy?


According to Aristotle, Understanding the realm of the Forms and the Form of the Good is the goal of human life


According to Glaucon's story about the ring of Gyges, Virtue is its own reward?


According to Kant the good will is good because of what it accomplishes


According to Kant, we are NOT able to discover how we are able to arrive at principles of behavior that are binding upon all people


An argument is any group of statements.


Every illustration is an argument.


Reports are arguments


Winston Nesbitt argues against the difference thesis


According to Kass, Doctors

Get tired of treating patients who are hard to cure

Within "The Ring of Gyges" who was dissatisfied at Thrasymachus' retirement?


The word Euthanasia comes from the Greek word meaning...?

Good death

Which of the following did Kant write?

Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

According to Aristotle, moral virtue is the outcome of?


What does the greek work ethos mean?


Explain what the philosopher means by this statement.

He means that you shouldn't ever treat someone just as means to an end. You shouldn't use someone for your benefit and then treat them as if they are not a rational being. We should treat everyone with respect and as rational beings.

According to your book, which imperative is--> a command to do something if we want to achieve particular aims,

Hypothetical imperative

What is Kant's first name?


Who made the following statement. So act that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.

Immanuel Kant

Within the CMA article, James Rachels argues If a doctor lets a patient die for human reasons then the doctor is....

In the same moral position as if he had given the patient a lethal injection for humane reasons

According to Plato, the many headed beast symbolizes what part of the soul?


According to Plato, the many-headed beast symbolizes what part of the soul?


According to your text book, what is the central ethical issue in debates over capital punishment?

Is it permissible for a society to put one of its members to death for committing a serious crime

According to the Handout over James Rachels, Being alive is a benefit only if...?

It enables the person to do activities, have thoughts, feelings, and relations with other people. It's only a benefit if being alive enables you to have a life.

According to Aristotle,

It takes habituation of good actions and a life time to be a good and happy person

According to Kant, What makes a good will good?

Its volition- it is good in itself

Which philosopher in The Principles of Morals and Legislation declares:"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of....

Jeremy Bentham

According to Socrates/Plato when is justice attained in the individual?

Justice is attained in an individual when the reason rules, the spirited element serves reason, and the irrational desires seek nothing but what needs are necessary for the individual. Each element must perform the function for which it is best suited.

Within the 'Ring of Gyges' Glaucon argues he has never yet heard the superiority of ...

Justice to injustice maintained by any one in a satisfactory way

Who based morality on a good will/pure reason?


Who wrote the Critique of Pure Reason


What would Kant say about the this clip? Make sure to include the correct formulation of the categorical imperative. (the hobbit)

Kant would say that Oakenshield is being immoral because he is treating Bilbo as a means to an end rather than just a means. He would say that we shouldn't treat people as a tool and that we should instead treat them as rational beings. "so act that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only" (2nd formulation)

Those who oppose euthanasia often draw a sharp distinction between

Killing and letting die

Plato/Socrates argued which 2 were the same?

Knowledge and Virtue

In Mill's view physical pleasure is?

Less desirable than mental pleasure

Within Nesbitt's article which of the following is one of the morally relevant differences mentioned between Pushing someone into a river knowing that person cannot swim versus Seeing someone already in the river drowning and failing to rescue them.

Malicious motive vs Fear or indifference

In what branch of Philosophy would we explore the question, "What is Everything?"


The Study of the Nature of Reality is?


Who wrote On Liberty (1859)


What would Mill say about this clip? (the hobbit)

Mill wouldn't be against Oakenshield using Bilbo as a means to an end because his own utilitarian philosophy allows for the end to justify the means. If Bilbo does what he was asked of, as long as it gets done then even if Bilbo dies, the goal was met and that is what matters.

Which sub-branch of ethics does this picture represent? (right way/wrong way)

Moral Absolutism

Which sub-branch of ethics does this picture represent? (man infant of signs)

Moral Relativism

Which sub-branch of ethics does this picture represent? (red & blue buttons)

Moral Relativism

The ethical view that the individual or the individual's culture is the source of moral values

Moral relativism

According to the Rachels Handout What is the minimum concept of Morality?

Morality is at the very least the effort to guide one's conduct by reason.

According to Kant, if a moral law or rule is valid for me or you as a rational being, it

Must be valid for all rational beings

According to Kant, can there be a substitute or surrogate punishment for murder? Why or Why not?

No because no substitute can be given for the satisfaction of Justice. There is no likeness between life and death; therefore there is no equality between the crime of a murder except for the execution of the murderer.

According to Hugo Adam Bedau, what is the nub or the problem with Capital punishment?

No way to know in advance which incarcerated murders will kill again

According to Aristotle, does nature make us bad

No, Aristotle argues it is not nature that makes us good or bad

Hugo Bedau argues that the death penalty is

Not applied consistently and promptly

According to Aristotle, who is a good harpist

One who plays the harp well

According to your book, What is the only state within the United States that has legalized PAS


The ancient Greek Thinkers who explored fundamental questions about the world and about human existence called themselves?

Philosophy, lovers of wisdom

Why did Aristotle leave the Academy?

Plato's nephew took over and was more concerned with Math

According to Aristotle, the faculties such as generalship, household management, and rhetoric are all subordinate to....


According to Aristotle, the faculties such as strategy, economics, and rhetoric are all subordinate to....


According to Plato, the inner man symbolizes what part of the soul?


Plato compares the soul to a Chariot with 2 horses, the Charioteer represents what part of the soul?


According to Socrates/Plato, what part of the soul is Wisdom a unique virtue of?

Rational element

According to Socrates/Plato, For a good person, which part of the soul is considered the ruler


According to Singer, the basic principle of equality?

Requires equal consideration

Hugo Adam Bedau within "Capital Punishment and Social Defense" argues capital punishment is to the body politic as...

Self-defense is to the individual

According to Hugo Adam Bedau, what dictates the legitimacy of self-defense?

Self-interest, Justice, The well-being of others

According to tradition, Gyges was a ....


The view that nothing is certain; that nothing can be known through the senses or the mind because both deceive us.


Within the article from CMA, James Rachels, describes how babies with down syndrome are .....

Some times after birth are allowed to die legally through dehydration and infection

According to Socrates/Plato, Which two parts of the soul for a good person must work together?

Spirited and Reason

According to Plato, the lion symbolizes what part of the soul?


From your required reading: Socrates claims he is to __?__ be convinced by Thrasymachus?


What school did Plato found?

The Academy

What school did Aristotle found?

The Lyceum

What is the birth place of Greek Philosophy? and WHY?

The Seaport of Miletus was the birth place because it was a crossroads for sea commerce and city like areas which meant there was diversity and different cultures which allowed for people to think critically about their differences. The wealth of the city also allowed for free time which meant people had the time to stop and think critically.

What is the connection between Plato's Metaphysics, Epistemology & Ethics?

The allegory of the cave. Inside the cave represents the physical world and outside the cave represents the realm of forms. The person inside the cave existed in the realm of forms before birth but forgot everything after. The one who escapes the cave has a long ascent to establish the four virtues of the soul. After the ascent the person contemplates the eternal Truths.

According to Carl Cohen,

The argument that research on animals is wrong because it violates the rights of animals relies on a mistaken understanding of rights

According to Aristotle, Which is NOT a type of life?

The biological/natural

According to utilitarianism, the vital characteristic that gives a being the right to equal consideration is

The capacity for suffering

How can the clip correlating to the picture provided be analogous to philosophy in general? (the matrix)

The clip is related to philosophy because they are asking the questions "what is real?" and "how can we know this is real?". The first question falls under a category of philosophy known as metaphysics, which explores the nature of reality. In the clip the man who is learning about the Matrix asks how he can know these things are real. "How can we know this is real?" is a question for another type of philosophy titled epistemology, the study of the knowledge process, or how we know things. The character teaching the other about the Matrix says that they know things are real because they can touch and see things. This way of being certain of reality is a sub-branch of epistemology known as empiricism. Empiricism says that all of our knowledge about the world comes to us through our senses of touch, sound, sight, taste, and smell.

Which is more finer and more godlike, according to Aristotle.

The good of the state over the good of the individual

Which is more nobler and more divine, according to Aristotle.

The good of the state over the good of the individual

According to Aristotle, What is the end (goal) that All things seek?

The good/happiness

What is Utilitarianism?

The greatest good for the greatest number of people

Ernest Van Den Haag argues in "On Deterrence and the Death Penalty" that deterrence depends on....

The likelihood and on the regularity of human responses to danger

According to Glaucon's story about the ring of Gyges

The man of virtue will do no better than the rogue man

If a bad person (bad will) does a good act, Kant would argue....

The person is immoral

The strongest argument offered to support active voluntary euthanasia is derived from..

The principle of autonomy

According to Peter Singer, What is the Fundamental principle of equality, on which the equality of all human beings rests?

The principle of equal consideration of interests.

Which of the following statements is consistent with Mill's philosophy?

The quality of a pleasure is more important than the quantity of pleasure

Singer compares the rights of animals to?

The rights of Women

According to Kant, who has the right of administering punishment?

The state

In which class of goods does Socrates state he would place 'Justice'?

The the highest class, the second one mentioned in the reading. The second class is where one values a good for what it is in itself but also for it's results or reward. Eg. Sight, health.

What is the definition you are required to know for Natural Law Theory

The view that right actions are those that conform to moral standards discerned in nature through human reason.

A moral absolutist could not hold which of the following views?

There are not absolute moral values

According to your book what is the basic argument against animals having moral status?

They lack an essential property that qualifies them for moral status

In class I presented a short clip of Anger Management with Jack Nicholson, and Adam Sandler where they are in the middle of traffic on a bridge. How can this clip be related to Plato?

This clip can be related to Plato because of his argument that the soul has three parts. The rational, the spirited, and the irrational. Nicholson represents the rational and Sandler represents the spirited, while the angry drivers around them represent the irrational. Sandler wants to control and change his emotions/attitude and Nicholson rationally helps him while the irrational tried to aggravate him.

Natural Law Theory was most fully developed by

Thomas Aquinas

Who argues injustice is better than justice?


Within 'The Ring of Gyges' Who does Glaucon compare to a snake?


According to Socrates/Plato, how do we know the forms?

Through dialectic

According to Aristotle, how does a person become either cowardly or courageous?

Through habit. If you habitually act cowardly then you are becoming a coward. If you habitually act courageous then you are becoming courageous.

The person Socrates is in a conversation with states do you wish really to persuade us; or only to seem to have persuaded us, that ....

To be just is always better than to be unjust

Dan Brock's states his primary aim is..

To identify confusions in some common arguments that need more defense or data

According to Mill, What is the only purpose for which power can be rightly exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will is?

To prevent harms to others

In Plato's view, which of the following is not one of the parts of the soul?

Transcendent Element

A statement is a sentence that is either true or false.


Bedau argues the death penalty can never deter an executed person from further crimes


Carl Cohen argues he is a speciesist


James Rachels argues that there is no morally significant difference between killing and letting die.


Kant's theory is the very antithesis of utilitarianism


Nesbitt argues that the act of killing necessarily results in someone's death, but an act of failing to save does not.


Mill Wrote:


Aristotle argues we will have a better chance of attaining what we want if...

We are like archers who have a mark at which to aim

The word Philosophy literally means the love of?


According to Kass, what is the greatest single cause of the dehumanization of dying

Withdrawal of contact, affection, and care

Does Singer believe that there are differences between humans and animals?

Yes, however that does not negate the case for basic equality

According to Kant, can we ever use someone as a means?

Yes, we can treat people as a means, however, never as a means only.

According to Plato, when we confuse ____?___ we become unhappy and experience a general disorder of the human soul

appearance with reality

According to Aristotle we must choose an intermediate

relative to us

According to Plato the life of the Loved Tyrant is more miserable than?

the Hated Philosopher

Finish the statement. "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of...."

two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure.

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