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What does cultural history refer to?

A descriptive and chronological outline of major developments over time


A mound or deposit containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse that indicates a site of human activity

What is food storage?

A risk management strategy that compensates for seasonal resource shortages and the processing and preservation of food stuffs that are to be eaten at a later date

Which of the following is not an artifact? Shell Beads Acorns Chert Hoes Projectile Points


Naming an archaeological site involves providing both a common name and designating it with a uniquely coded name based on: the state it's in the county it's in the order the site was listed in that county or city all of the above

All of the above

Using the information from the ethnographic film Cree Hunters of Mistassini, archaeologists are able to provide possible explanations of ______. The disposal of prehistoric animal remains How bone tools were used prehistorically Prehistoric household size and orientation All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are examples of activity area? Pottery production space Stone tool knapping site Cooking space All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following human behaviors contribute to the site formation processes? Ritual Abandonment Caching All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of bioturbation? Groundhogs digging holes The growth of tree roots Mole and worm tails All of the above

All of the above

Which of these finds best describes an archaeological site? An entire city A farmstead A cluster of tools and debitage All of the above

All of the above

Cultural Heritage Management

Allows for the preservation of cultural heritage as well as cultural recources

In Section 106, an undertaking refers to:

Any project, activity or program funded in whole or part under the direct or indirect jurisdiction of a federal agency

National Historic Preservation Act

Applies to federal or federally assisted undertakings in any state on all federal, state, local and private lands

Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)

Applies to the archaeological resources and the sites on public and Indian lands.Triggered by the excavation or removal or "any archaeological resource located on public" or Indian lands and "activities with such removal"

______ refers to a specific depth a unit level is to be excavated at a time

Arbitrary Level

______ refers to any portable object made by huma beings


Geographical regions where distinct communities of plants and animals adapted to a suite of particular environmental conditions are called _____?


Which of the following can be dated using the Radiocarbon (C-14 technique)?

Burned corn cobs

Objects made of fired clay are called


LiDAR is used to

Create high-resolution topographic maps

Radiocarbon Dating

Dates accurately from roughly 400 years BP to 50,000 years BP. It is used to date charcoal, wood, seeds, bones, textiles and shells

Chronometric Dating

Dating techniques that provide an actual age in years or a range of years for archaeological artifacts, ecofacts, features, or site

Which of the following dating techniques is the most precise? Radio-carbon dating On-line dating Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dendrochronolgy


Using a simple random sampling strategy to investigate an archaeological site means that you are

Digging a specified number of units within the site completely at random, where each unit has an equal chance of being selected

What is the best course of action in the event you find an artifact?

Document what you have found, where you found it, and any other items that may have been associated with your find.

Phase 1 of an archaeological investigation includes

Doing archaeological research of field surveys to identify any cultural resources that may be impacted by a project

Elements of the environment that were collected by people for their use but are not themselves tools or manufactured objects are


In the film Power, Prestige and Wealth, the "Big Men" from Papa New Guinea refer to people holding positions situated within ______ societies.


True or False: A pile of lithic debitage that is discarded in the place of manufacture after stone tool production is an example of a secondary deposit


True or False: A total station is used to determine the elemental composition of ceramics


True or False: After moving your trash into a dump, the dump is an example of a primary deposit.


True or False: Archaeological Households were the exact same as ours today


True or False: Archaeological excavation does not involve destroying the site


True or False: Archaeological fieldwork is conducted in a safe and hazard-free environment with no risks


True or False: Clustered random sampling does not involve the creation of subgroups within the unit population


True or False: Environmental determinists do not ascribe causation to the environment and they investigate the many different ways in which different peoples responded, reacted, adjusted, and adapted to the environment


True or False: LiDAR is a noninvasive technique used to analyze the elemental composition of stone


True or False: Political evolution occurs as soon as a population hits a fixed number and is always unilineal


True or False: Seriation provides archaeologists a method used for chronometric dating


True or False: The environment is the only causal factor that determines how human groups behave and adapt over time


True or False: Volcanoes only destroy archaeological sites


Archaeological and cultural resource management laws only protect archaeological resources on?

Federal and state lands, public lands, and privately-owned property

Out of the choices below, what are ways archaeologists can recover food remains of various sizes from excavated soil? Neutron Activation Analysis Flotation Diffusion All of the above



Form of organization that consists of inherited rank. Prestige and power is passed on from generation to generation


Form of organization that consists of no formal or inherited rank. Positions have no real power over peers

Archaeologists often use which piece of technology to precisely record the location of a site as well as all test squares or shovel pits


Characterized first phase of American Archaeology as "the speculative period"

Gordon Willey and Jeremy Sabloff

How does food storage or caching affect a group's level of mobility?

Groups are tethered to particular areas since they must return where goods are stored

Which of the following do foragers NOT do? Hunt, fish, and collect wild foods Heavily rely on agriculture and farming technology Move often Live in small groups

Heavily rely on agriculture and farming technology

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Instrument tat can determine the precise location of any point on earth through the use of satellites

In 1650, who used the Old and New Testament of the Bible to calculate the age of the world as approximately 5,600 years?

James Ussher

Recently conducted field work at the Sleeping Bear Dunes and was the TA for the coures

Jeff Painter

In 1979, after finding the bones of extinct animals and chipped stone axes in the same distinct layer of soil at the bottom of a deep quarry shaft in Hoxne, this Englishman determined there was en existence of an ancient race of human beings

John Frere

_______ was an early proponent of the theory of cultural ecology

Julian Steward

Initiated an archaeological excavation of the remains of Larsa 2,500 years ago

King Nabonidus

For the Mistassini Cree, how did the sub-arctic environment limit their way of life?

Large groups of people could not live together because there would not be enough game to hunt to feed everyone, and winter critically limited how much they could move around

The relative position of an archaeological object in a sequence of layers determines its age relative to other objects found in the stratigraphic sequence. This refers to the _____

Law of superposition

_____ argued that archaeology should be more firmly grounded in the field of archaeology due to the unique position archaeology has to illuminate the evolution of cultural adaptation

Lewis Binford

Any material composed of stone is referred to as


Stone Street Ancestral Recovery Project was

Located in Flint, MI, a native american burial ground, and an inadvertent discovery through construction

Which of the following qualities do not apply to chert? Cryptocrystalline litchis selected for its conchoidal fracture qualities Possesses the ability to produce very fine, sharp edges Contains highly predictable fracturing patterns Macrocrystalline lithic whose coarse structure makes it ideal for grinding other materials

Macrocrystalline lithic whose coarse structure makes it ideal for grinding other materials

The portion of the human strategy that involves making and using objects is referred to as

Material Culture

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Military grid system based on the metric system and used by cartographers

Section 106 is a part of what federal regulation?

National Historic Preservation Act

Settlement pattern is best defined as the _______

Nature of land use and the resulting distribution across a landscape of habitations, work areas, burial grounds, sacred places, resource extraction areas, and so on, by a human group

A scientist who studies the fossil remains of dinosaurs is called



Populations live in one place all year long, relying upon local resources


Populations move from place to place, on a regular schedule, following the availability of resources


Power is centralized. There is a clear separation of class

Potassium Argon Dating

Provides dates of rocks, not when humans utlized or manufactured the artifact. Age determination range from approximately 100,000 BP through approximately 4.6 Bya

What is experimental archaeology?

Recreating or replicating technology and behaviors seen in the archaeological record to test and generate new hypotheses concerning life in the past.


Relative Dating technique based on a common pattern of change in material culture

Archaeologists refer to broken pieces of pottery as _______.


The location where an archaeological artifact, ecofact, or feature and the materials with which it is found refers to

Spatial Context

Which of the following techniques are used to assign relative dates to a site or an artifact? Stratigraphic Analysis Ordering artifacts based upon the half-life of isotopes Seriation

Stratigraphic analysis AND Seriation

Archaeology only allows a particular site to be excavated once. As such, we must

Take detailed notes of all finds, spatial contexts and associations, and collect as much of the artifacts and ecofacts as possible

If you were to recover the remains of polar bears, seals, and caribou at a site, one could infer that the environment during the time of occupation was similar to ______?

The arctic

What types of data are critical for interpreting the function of rooms at archaeological sites?

The artifacts and features present, including spacial context, and ethnographtic data

Behavioral Context refers to

The artifacts and features present, including spatial context where they are found and the material manifestation of human behaviors

How are human groups and the environment linked?

The environment cannot cause people to behave a certain way, but it certainly constrains limitations and possibilities

Law of Superposition

The relative age of a stratum determined by its position in an undisturbed vertical sequence of number of layers (strata)

What is cultural ecology?

The study of interrelationships between human groups and their environment


The study of plant remains found at archaeological sites


The study of the traditional knowledge and customs of a people concerning plants and their medical, religious, and other uses

Cultural Resource Management

The study, preservation, and protection of archaeological and historical sites

Why do archaeologists dig?

To collect material culture, to answer specific questions and test hypotheses, and to salvage or protect natural recources

Dendrochronology refers to

Tree ring dating


Triggered by intentional excavations or inadvertent discoveries of human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects or objects of cultural patrimony

True or False: Ethnographic data is very important in archaeological research


True or False: In order to accurately recreate what happened in the past, archaeologists must work carefully to recover as much of the little scraps of evidence as possible


True or False: Indigenous perspectives on cultural heritage preservation refer to the passing of cultural knowledge to future generations through the continued use of sites


True or False: Plant materials (especially phytoliths) and animal remains (especially blood) can be recovered from the surface of artifacts


True or False: Sites can occasionally be located by changes in vegetation or the presence of unusual plants


Relative Dating refers to _____?

When you place artifacts or sites in chronological order but do not assign a calendrical date

Dendrochronology dates the year in which

a tree died

The extrasomatic means of adaptation used as a strategy of an individual group of people refers to


A fixed point of origin used to create an arbitrary grid of squares, typically established on top of larger sites is called the


This noninvasive technique utilizes an instrument to emit an electromagnetic radio pulse into the earth. The pulse encounters objects in the soil and is reflected back to the detector. This is called

ground penetrating radar (GPR)

A scientist who studies pollen is known as _______.


The exact location of an artifact, ecofact, or feature is called its


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