Exam 1 (Physical Fitness and Wellness, & Body Comp.)

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Lifestyle as a health problem (statistics)

-53% of premature deaths and illness are related to lifestyle -84% of vulnerability to disease and life quality can be controlled -Over time, cardiovascular fitness and muscular fitness decrease, and % fat increases -Diseases resulting in early death are often a result of poor childhood habits

Effect of Standing (vs Sitting Disease)

-Active muscle engagement and increased energy expenditure causes increased free fatty acid & glucose uptake -via calcium-triggered GLUT-4 activation, exercise-induced activation of LPL and expression of FABP-3

2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines (fitness)

-At least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA to maintain body weight -60-90 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA for sustained weight loss in overweight individuals (also lowers risk of heart disease and diabetes)

Air Displacement (Bod Pod)

-Based on Boyle's Law P1V1=P2V2 -eg decreasing volume will increase pressure and vice versa -2 point calibration system is needed -relatively accurate, but DEXA and densiometry can be more accurate

Federal Guidelines for Physical Fitness (pregnant/postpartum women)

-150min/week of moderate aerobic PA (if not accustomed to exercise) -women who regularly engage in vigorous PA may continue to do so; must talk to their health care provider about their PA level throughout pregnancy (excessive exercise can shunt blood away from the fetus and hinder development)


-Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry -Gold Standard -Most accurate way to test body composition using radiographic techniques (low energy x-rays) -Can analyze bone mineral density (most common use), fat distribution pattern, and total body fat/lean muscle mass/bone mass -Two X-ray beams with differing energy levels are aimed at the patients bones

Advantages/Disadvantages of Bod Pod

-Expensive -quick, portable -accommodate special populations (obese, phobias) -reliable -not as accurate as DEXA and densiometry (w/good technician) -can be influenced by how much hair the person has -may have varied accuracy among minorities, athletes, and different age groups

Benefits of a Comprehensive Wellness Program

-Health: better quality of life, live life to its fullest -Economic: decreased health care costs, increased productivity, decreased absences at work -Keeping people healthy through work wellness programs costs less than treating people once they get sick

Advantages/Disadvantages of Underwater Weighing

-Hydrophobia -inability to hold breath long enough, or remain calm -difficult to get the precise amount of water displaced -Second most accurate method to assess Body Comp (after DEXA) if the technician is proficient

Health Fitness VS Physical Fitness

-Moderate intensity activity results in significant jumps in health benefits, but minimal improvement in physical fitness -vigorous intensity physical activity results in huge jump in physical fitness, but health benefits plateau and do not increase much more

Leading Causes of death in US

48% Cardiovascular Disease (CV) and Cancer -80% of cancers are preventable with physical activity -most CV issues are preventable

Federal Guidelines for Physical Fitness (age 18-64)

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (parallels recommendations from WHO, ACSM, American Heart Association; complements dietary guidelines for Americans) -150 min/week moderate-intensity aerobic PA -75 min/week vigorous intensity PA (Any Combo of time/intensity) -Double the dose for additional health benefits, and add 2 days+ of strength training

Public's Perception of Wellness

"health as the absence of disease" (WRONG) -most people are aware of their unhealthy habits, but are content if they are free from disease symptoms/major health complications -present lifestyle/habits dictate the health and well-being of tomorrow

Distribution of Catecholamine receptors in Women (lipolysis)

-mostly beta adrenergic receptors in the stomach area (initiates lipolysis when stimulated) -alpha 2 adrenergic receptors mostly in the hips/thighs (do not initiate lipolysis when stimulated) -means that women store most of their fat in the hips/thighs

Benefits of a Comprehensive Fitness Program

- Does NOT increase Tone -Improves cardiorespiratory system -improves flexibility -maintain recommended body weight -increases resting metabolic rate -prevents/controls type 2 diabetes -enhances quality of life -better sleep -improves overall body functions -helps achieve peak bone mass and decreases risk for osteoporosis -promotes psychological well being (reduces depression/anxiety) -prevents hypertension/high blood pressure -longevity of life -raises level of energy -maintain/improve cognitive function etc

Federal Guidelines for Physical Fitness (age 6-adolescents)

-1 hour of PA per day (mostly moderate-vigorous) - 1 hour vigorous intensity PA 3 times per week -Muscle/bone strengthening exercises 3 times per week Must be extremely careful when evaluating/prescribing exercise for children; incorrect stress can damage the epiphyseal plate in long bones

Guidelines for Taking Skinfold Measurements

-Take all measurements on right side of body -identify and mark all locations -lift fold 1cm above site, with fingers 3 inches apart grasping the skin -place caliper jaws perpendicular to fold, 1cm below fingers -take measurement within 4 seconds after caliper pressure is released (70% of total compression occurs in the first 4 seconds) -take at least 2 measurements at each site, but use a rotational order -dry, lotion free skin -don't measure directly after physical activity due to blood being shunted to the skin

Physical Fitness (definition)

-The general capacity to adapt and respond favorably to physical effort -Ability to meet the ordinary as well as unusual demands of daily life safely and effectively without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for leisure & recreational activities -Being physically fit means being adequate in all 4 components of physical fitness

Recommended Body Weight (definition)

-The weight at which a person's % fat and fat distribution pattern are NOT associated with an increased risk for illness -The body weight at which the corresponding % fat brings no harm to health -calculated from current and desired % fat for your age and gender (desired % fat is a personal objective [health vs fitness standard])

Vresidual and Vgi in Underwater Weighing

-Vr can be measured (fat % error +/- 2.7% -can be estimated by gender-specific regression -Vr is influenced by age, gender, and height -Vgi is assumed to be 100 ml or ignored; client must fast for 24 hours before weighing

Special Populations and Underwater Weighing

-Women/Children/Elderly/Wheelchair bound: have a fat free mass density < 1.1 g/ml so ft % is overpredicted Black/Weight trained people have a fat free mass density > 1.1 g/ml so % fat will be underpredicted

Exercise (definition)

-a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, repetitive bodily movements aiming to increase one or more component of physical fitness


-a unit of measure that represents the body's resting metabolic rate, based on oxygen consumption per unit of body mass, per mijute rest (MET = Metabolic equivalent) - 1 MET = 3.5 ml O2 per kg/min -we describe exercise intensity with multiples of our resting metabolism (1 MET)

Health-related Fitness

-ability to perform activities of daily living without undue fatigue -conducive to a low risk for premature hypokinetic diseases

Vigorous physical activity

-activity that brings a relative effort equivalent to 60% of the VO2 Max -vigorous activity provides the best improvements in aerobic capacity, coronary heart disease risk reduction, and overall cardiovascular health -requires medical clearance

Moderate physical activity

-activity that requires a caloric expenditure of 150 calories per day or 1,000 per week -regular moderate physical activity provides substantial benefits in health and well being to the vast majority of people who are not physically active

Components of skill-related Physical Fitness

-agility -coordination -speed -power -balance -reaction time

Overweight (definition)

-an excess amount of body weight against a given standard (eg BMI, fat%) -a BMI of 25-29.9 is overweight

Wellness vs Physical Fitness

-an overall state of well-being or total health -component of health not relating to PA (smoking, drinking, stress, poor diet) -You can be physically fit, but not "well" overall -Must be physically fit to be "well" however

What is Wellness?

-an overall state of well-being or total health -implies a constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being -wellness is a personal choice -health promotion programs can help educate people regarding healthy lifestyle choices and provide necessary support to achieve wellness

Bioelectrical Impedance

-assesses % fat from impedance to electrical current flow (500 uA current) -The greater the impedance, the greater the % fat b/c fat is not a good conductor -Tanita machine

Underwater Weighing/Densiometry/Hydrostatic

-based on Archimedes Principle -when a body is submerged underwater, it is buoyed up by a counterforce equal in magnitude to the weight of the displaced water -volume of displaced water = volume of object -Density = Mass (air mass)/[(Mass of displaced water)/(Density of Displaced water) - (Vresidual + VGItract)] -The lower the density, the higher the % fat

Body Mass Index BMI

-based on expected proportion of weight to height -BMI = body mass^2/height -incorporates height and weight to estimate critical fat values at which the risk for disease increases -used to determine health risk and mortality rates associated with excessive body weight -simple, and most widely used; good screen for general public -more than 33% of US adults have a BMI greater than 30 -not very accurate, can't be used to find recommended body weight, can't differentiate fat from fat free mass

Requirements to be considered "Well"

-be physically fit -manifest no signs of disease -be free of risk factors for disease (smoking, careless sex, faulty nutrition, negative stress, hypertension, hyperlipidemia)


-bioelectrical impedance machine -tetrapolar electrodes (4 electrodes - 2 inject the current & 2 sense the current) -electrodes are only on the feet, so they can only measure the composition of the lower body

Total Body Water (TBW)

-calculated using TANITA -can be used to calculate fat free mass (FFM) since almost all TBW is located in FFM

Health Fitness Standards

-can be achieved by chronic participation in moderate intensity physical activity (2 mile walks [30 min] 5-6 times per week) -achieving standards promotes significant increases in health benefits -attaining standards decreases incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and improves metabolic profile/fitness -Measured by insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, cholesterol levels (three components of metabolic profile)

Obesity (definition)

-chronic disease characterized by excessive body fat -BMI > 30 -point at which excess fat mass can lead to major health problems

Effect of Attaining Health Fitness Standards

-decreased blood cholesterol/triglycerides -decreased blood pressure -decreased risk for diabetes & CV disease -weight loss - stress release -decreased risk for premature hypokinetic diseases and premature mortality

Reliability of Bioelectrical Impedance

-dependent on hydration state, which is affected by: exercise, illness, recent food intake and diuretics (caffeine, alcohol) -reliability is affected by the distribution of water (e.g. after lying down) - gives unpredictable readings -orientation of tissues/muscle fibers (impedance increases when tissues are perpendicular to current; impedance decreases when tissues are in parallel)

Girth Measurements

-estimates body fat % based on estimates of body density -Useful for WOMEN only -cannot be used for muscular people or obese/very thin people -Women are measured at the wrist, hip, and upper arm -Men are measured at the wrist and waist (female estimates tend to be higher)

Advantages/Disadvantages of DEXA

-expensive, not as common -quick and easy -most accurate; gold standard

Advantages of Bioelectrical Impedance

-fast, easy, inexpensive -technician doesn't need extensive training -results are reproducible -portable machines are available

Essential Fat

-fat incorporated in various tissues of the body that is critical for normal body functioning (nerves, brain, heart, lungs, liver, muscle) - men = 3% - women = 12% -physiologically necessary to maintain function

4 Components of Physical Fitness

-flexibility -body composition -muscular fitness -cardiorespiratory endurance

Importance of Avoiding Chronic Overfatness

-high blood pressure -increased blood lipids -type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance -congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease -stroke, angina -certain types of cancer -decreased quality of life -shortened life expectancy -psychological disorders -decreased reproductive health/pregnancy complications -gout, osteoarthritis

6 Techniques for Assessing Body Composition

-hydrostatic weighing -skinfold thickness -bioelectrical impedance (Tanita) -air displacement (bod pod) -DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) -girth measurements

Importance of Body Composition Assessments

-identifies if an individual's % fat is associated with a high risk for disease

Storage Fat

-in excess of essential -stored within adipocytes subcutaneously or around organs -Provides insulation, energy, and padding against trauma -storage fat results from caloric imbalances

Height/Weight Charts & Establishing Recommended Body Weight

-inaccurate b/c based on outdated population -fails to identify critical fat values associated with high risk for disease -e.g. very muscular people are labeled falsely obese -e.g. sedentary people can be labeled as healthy/thin


-initiated when nor/epinephrine bind to catecholamine receptors on adipocytes, which activates HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) -HSL cleaves fatty acid tails/glycerol head from triglyceride molecule, and then it enters the blood stream

Relationship between CV and Physical Activity

-inverse relationship -increasing PA decreases risk of CV

Waist Circumference

-measured just below the rib cage -location of body fat stores affects risk for disease -location of the fat is a better predictor of health than a person's total body fat -WC is a better health predictor than BMI, especially when combined with BMI -seems to predict abnormal abdominal fat as accurately as DEXA

7 Sites for Skinfold Test

-midaxillary skinfold -Tricep/arm skinfold -Suprailiac skinfold -Thigh -subscapular skinfold -abdominal skinfold -chest/pectoral skinfold

Distribution of Catecholamine receptors in Men (lipolysis)

-mostly beta adrenergic receptors in the hip/thigh area (initiates lipolysis when stimulated) -alpha 2 adrenergic receptors mostly in the stomach (do not initiate lipolysis when stimulated) -means that men store their fat mostly in the stomach area

Two Point Calibration Process of Bod Pod

-must be calibrated before EVERY test 1. Measure Pressure (Ptest) and volume (Vtest) of empty chamber 2. Measure pressure and volume with a 50L cylinder inside test chamber -Use P1V1=P2V2 to determine if machine is calibrated For Test: Measure volume of empty bod pod first, then measure volume of bod pod while the person is inside

Testing Conditions for Bioelectrical Impedance

-must wait 8-12 hours after exercise or drinking alcohol (to allow for rehydration) -wait at least 2 hours after drinking and eating -within 5 minutes of laying down (depending on procedure) -if laying down, subject must be on a non-conducting surface, remove any metal, be 50cm from other electronic devices, remove shoes/socks, and ensure limbs aren't touching each other or the trunk

Exercise is Medicine

-nationwide program launched by ACSM to improve the health and wellness of the nation through exercise prescription, physicians, and health care providers - exercise is the much needed vaccine to prevent chronic disease

Waist to Height (WHtR)

-newest metric to assess health risk -a better predictor of health outcomes than BMI or waist circumference -keep your waist circumference less than half your height (ratio of .4-.5) -measure just below the rib cage

Fat Location Effects

-obese people with abdominal fat are at hihger risk for heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and type 2 diabetes -people with a lot of abdominal body fat around the organs (visceral body fat) are at higher risk -the subcutaneous fat deposits have a better metabolic profile than people with adipose tissue that is primarily visceral fat -visceral fat is more metabolically active and secretes proteins that encourage inflammation

7 Dimensions of Wellness

-physical wellness emotional wellness (ability to understand one's feelings, accept limitations, achieve emotional stability) -social wellness (ability to relate to others (in/out of family unit) -mental wellness (mind is engaged in lively interaction with the surroundings) -environmental wellness (clean, safe environ.) -occupational wellness (ability to do one's job skillfully/effectively under good conditions) -spiritual wellness (life has purpose/meaning; ethics, morals)

Advantages/Disadvantages of Skinfold Assessment

-quick, easy -minimal equipment and space needed - personnel must be proficient (complete at least 50 tests to be proficient) -difficult on overweight/obese individuals -calipers must be calibrated to 10 g/mm^2

Fitness level to reduce premature death

-research shows that moderate fitness levels (150 min/week, moderate intensity) significantly reduces the rate of premature death -rate is reduced further if another risk factor is addressed simultaneaously -benefits of decreased mortality plateau after reaching a moderate fitness level (vigorous/longer duration of activity is still desired)

Federal Guidelines for Physical Fitness (age 65+)

-same as for adults -as much activity as their health will allow (avoid inactivity) -include exercises that maintain/improve balance

Gynoid Obsity

-seen in people who tend to store fat primarily around the hips and thighs; creates "pear" shape

Physical Fitness Standards

-standards set higher than health fitness -requires chronic, vigorous exercise -slightly greater health benefits -ensures ability to enjoy life's daily and recreational activities, and independence through life -People need their OWN PERSONAL OBJECTIVE for their fitness program

Importance of Regular Body Composition Assessment

-starting at age 25, US adults gain 1-2 pounds of body fat and lose 0.5 pounds of lean mass each year -regularly assessing helps detect changes, especially if you are dieting or on an exercise program -participating in a regular exercise program can help offset/eliminate the effects of a negative caloric balance on lean mass

Sum of Skinfolds

-technique based on fact that 20-70% of fat is stored subcutaneously -calipers are used to measure a double fold of fat and skin -Jackson & Pollock developed an equation for generalized body density and % fat without losing accuracy (compared to population specific equations) -results have a high correlation with body density measured by DEXA/densiometry -equations for 7 site or 3 site test

Sitting Disease

-the risks associated with sitting are independent of those related to physical activity levels -extended sitting promotes: slower blood flow (decreased nutrients to brain), increased insulin resistance, increased blood triglycerides, decreased HDL -it is better to be constantly active throughout the day rather than just exercising for an hour at the gym

Tissue Densities and Underwater Weighing

-tissues have different densities that differ based on age, gender, race, and activity level -bone is the largest source of error water = 0.993 g/ml bone = 2.982 g/ml protein = 1.34 g/ml fat = 0.90 g/ml (constant value) -Fat Free Mass (FFM) has an average density of 1.1 g/ml People with LBM density >1.1 g/ml will have their fat% under-predicted (higher LBM density means a higher submerged weight, therefore greater density)

Siri Equation

-used with densiometry to calculate % fat % fat = (495/D) - 450 -assumes a lean body mass density of 1.1 g/ml

Factors Influencing Life Expectancy:

-violence -tobacco -coronary heart disease -low Physical activity -obesity epidemic -poor health status of certain populations (minorities) -Lack of health care/insurance

Metrics Used to Assess Body Size

-waist circumference -waist to height ratio (WHtR)

Leading Health Problems

Cancer and Cardiovascular disease are responsible for 60% of all deaths -80% of cancers are preventable -most risk factors for coronary heart disease are preventable

Metabolic fitness

Measured by: -insulin sensitivity -cholesterol levels -glucose tolerance Used to assess risk for CV disease and diabetes -Improvements in metabolic profile can be notable despite little to no weight loss or increased aerobic capacity -can be attained through an active lifestyle and moderate-intensity physical activity


Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis -energy expended doing everyday activities not related to exercise (in excess of BMR and food digestion) -increasing NEAT increases caloric expenditure over the whole day -accounts for major portion of energy spent each day -important to maintain high NEAT levels regardless of exercise levels -critical for keeping daily energy balance in check -can easily use more calories in a day than a planned exercise session

Equation for Recommended Body Weight

RBW = Lean Body Mass / (1.0 - Desired % Fat) - LBM = Body Weight - Fat Weight - Fat Weight = BW x % Fat


Sedentary Death Syndrome; Americans have shorter life expectancies than other industrialized nations (we die sooner and spend more time disabled)

Lukaski & Bolonchuk Equation for TBW

TBW = 0.372(height^2/Resistance) + 3.05(sex) + 0.142(weight) - 0.069(age) -male = 1; female =0

Hydration Constant and Calculating FFM and FM

TBW/FFM = 0.73 -this is a constant -if we know TBW, we can calculated FFM (FFM = TBW/.73) FM (Fat mass) can be calculated by subtracting FFM from body weight

Top Underlying Causes of Death

Tobacco, poor diet/inactivity, and alcohol

Physical Activity (Definition)

active body movement which produces progressive health benefits and requires energy expenditure -includes all forms of exercises and intensities

Android Obesity

seen in individuals who tend to store fat in the trunk or abdominal area; produces "apple" shape

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