Exam 1

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immigrants threatened traditional American culture.

"Nativists" believed that immigrants threatened traditional American culture. immigration was a boon to the American economy. religion had no place in the public sphere. immigration should be celebrated for bringing cultural diversity to the country.

the Republican party had split in two.

A major factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential campaign was the fact that the United States was at war. many Republicans supported his nomination. the Republican party had split in two. wealthy Democrats poured millions of dollars into his campaign.

United States Steel

A wave of mergers peaked between 1897 and 1904. The largest of these mergers created the first billion dollar American corporation. What was that corporation? American Tobacco United States Steel Standard Oil General Electric

from southern and eastern Europe.

After 1890, most immigrants were from southern and eastern Europe. from northern and western Europe. from Mexico. of Teutonic and Celtic origin.

argued that sea power was essential to national greatness.

Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that sea power was essential to national greatness. was a German who influenced American imperial thought. thought a canal in Central America was a waste of money. first introduced the idea that Earth had been visited by ancient aliens.

Rotary clubs

All of the following groups provided cultural space for immigrants to maintain their arts, languages, and traditions EXCEPT Mutual-aid societies Workmen's clubs Rotary clubs Parish churches

This legislation put Guano Islands on a path to statehood that later was rejected

All of the following statements regarding the Guano Islands Act of 1856 are true EXCEPT These acquisitions were the first insular, unincorporated territories of the United States This legislation put Guano Islands on a path to statehood that later was rejected Guano was a popular fertilizer that was integral to industrial farming This legislation authorized and encouraged Americans to venture into the seas and claim islands with guano deposits for the United States

It advocated violent resistance to sexism.

All of the following statements regarding the National Women's Party are true EXCEPT Members picketed the White House. Over 150 members were arrested and imprisoned. It advocated violent resistance to sexism. It was led by Alice Paul.

They sought to move away from the South's dependence on cotton, believing that agricultural diversification would lead to economic development

All of the following statements regarding the boosters of the New South are true EXCEPT: They embraced industrialization as a tool to encourage economic development. They saw economic independence as a means of limiting connections between North and South. They were exclusively white and sought to maintain the racial status quo. They sought to move away from the South's dependence on cotton, believing that agricultural diversification would lead to economic development

Patrick Stewart

All of the following were candidates in the 1912 presidential election EXCEPT: Woodrow Wilson Patrick Stewart Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft

a desire for overseas markets.

An important element drawing the United States into the new imperialism was a desire to eliminate international trade barriers. an interest in relocating factories to foreign countries. declining political profits resulting from low tariffs.


Andrew Carnegie was an outspoken opponent of the idea of "the Gospel of Wealth." True/False

Creating battleships and a "blue water" navy that would win battles against rival fleets

As President Theodore Roosevelt transformed the American navy by emphasizing which of the following strategies? Revamped coastal defense The construction of small, fast "brown water" ships Targeted commercial raiding Creating battleships and a "blue water" navy that would win battles against rival fleets

Americans began to doubt the security of the Philippines.

As a result of Japan's show of strength in the Russo-Japanese War America was quick to send money and support troops to aid Russia. Congress lifted the limitations it had previously set on Japanese immigration. Americans cut a deal with Korea to protect the Open Door. Americans began to doubt the security of the Philippines.

Western Europe

At the turn of the century, the percentage of immigrants from which region decreased in relation to other regions? East Asia Southern Europe Eastern Europe Western Europe


By 1890, in most large northern cities, immigrants and their children amounted to what percent of the population? 20% 33% 50% 60%


By 1900, the richest ten percent controlled perhaps _______ percent of the nation's wealth. 75% 66% 50% 90%


By the 1880s, most states had outlawed child labor. True/False

more American soldiers had died from disease than battle.

By the end of the Spanish-American War America finally settled the question of freedom of the seas. America's victory could be attributed in large part to expert preparation. more American soldiers had died from disease than battle. the American victory in the decisive battle at Santiago depended on assistance from German forces.

the time had come to stop fighting and put a stop to his people's needless deaths.

By the late nineteenth century, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indians believed the time had come to stop fighting and put a stop to his people's needless deaths. his people should resist white settlement to their very last man, woman, and child. the Americans offered a superior way of life. a massive alliance of Indians offered one last chance to turn back American settlement.

The separation of church and state would benefit Catholicism.

Catholic clergymen who took up the name "Americanists" believed in all of the following EXCEPT: Catholic immigrants should try to assimilate into the English-speaking mainstream. The separation of church and state would benefit Catholicism. The Church should close "ethic parishes." Public schools were a danger to the Catholic faith.

was the Republican candidate.

During the presidential election of 1912, William Howard Taft campaigned for his Bull Moose program. was the Republican candidate. named Kermit D. Frogg as his vice-presidential running mate. defeated Woodrow Wilson.

was the Filipino rebel leader who led opposition to annexation.

Emilio Aguinaldo was installed as Cuba's governor in 1898. led the Spanish forces at San Juan Hill. was the Filipino rebel leader who led opposition to annexation. was the martyred leader of the Cuban rebellion.

was founder of the National Child Labor Committee...

Frederick W. Taylor authored the bill on reclamation for the western states. was the progressive editor of Arena. was an efficiency expert. was founder of the National Child Labor Committee.


From 1880 to 1950, approximately _______ African Americans were murdered by white mobs. 139 345 870 5,000

are firms that control the stock of other companies.

Holding companies were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1868. are firms that control the stock of other companies. allowed J. Pierpont Morgan to build a monopoly in the oil-shipping business were firms where union membership was required.

Commuted the sentences of captured Indians in order to maintain peace

How did President Lincoln respond to the Sioux Uprising? Commuted the sentences of captured Indians in order to maintain peace Demanded the surrender of Sioux territory in Minnesota Create a new alliance with Taoyateduta (known to Americans as Little Crow) in order to eliminate future conflicts Ordered the execution of 303 by hanging

Legislating segregation

How did progressive Democrats in the South seek to solve the problems of racial strife? Advocating for equal access to education for all Seeking to dismantle Jim Crow laws Legislating segregation All of the above

Disenfranchising black voters

How did southern reformers seek to combat the thread to Democratic leadership in the South? Invoking the Fifteenth Amendment in legal cases Passing campaign finance reform Disenfranchising black voters Southern reformers did not show a concern with corruption

Declaring that the U.S. had the right to preemptive action through intervention in any Latin American nation to correct administrative and fiscal deficiencies

How did the Roosevelt Corollary modify the Monroe Doctrine? By creating the Great White Fleet to project American Power in the Pacific Ocean and around the world By encouraging the independence movement in the Philippines Declaring that the U.S. had the right to preemptive action through intervention in any Latin American nation to correct administrative and fiscal deficiencies Through an aggressive avoidance of dollar diplomacy and gunboat diplomacy

Democratic Party

Immigrant Americans tended to vote for which political party? Progressive Party Democratic Party Republican Party Immigrant voters were nearly equally divided in their party allegiance.

some 2,500 Indians annihilated a detachment of 210 soldiers.

In the Battle at the Little Bighorn River in 1876 some 2,500 Indians annihilated a detachment of 210 soldiers. Sitting Bull scouted for the United States against his own people. Sioux and Cheyenne Indians won a large chunk of the Montana Territory, which they kept for fourteen years. General George Custer's troops defeated the Cherokee and Seminole Indians.

used the Forest Reserve Act to protect over 170 million acres of forest....

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt used the Forest Reserve Act to protect over 170 million acres of forest. angered many conservationists by his appointment of Gifford Pinchot, a businessman with no experience in conservation, as head of the Division of Forestry. vetoed a bill authorizing a National Conservation Commission. believed strongly that natural resources should be preserved but felt that this was a matter for state, not federal, action.


In the election of 1896, 130,000 black Louisianans voted. In 1900 the number was _____________. 158,450 139,482 53,459 5,320

was a historian and lecturer who stressed the superior character of Anglo-Saxon peoples and institutions....

John Fiske was a minister who added the sanction of religion to the expansionists' argument. used Darwinian concepts to show how American expansionism hurt the people of the areas America annexed. was one of the earliest government officials to speak out against imperialism. was a historian and lecturer who stressed the superior character of Anglo-Saxon peoples and institutions.

perfected the invention of barbed wire.

Joseph Glidden made his fame as a buffalo hunter, slaughtering thousands of the animals. perfected the invention of barbed wire. led the sheep ranchers against the cattlemen for control of western grazing lands. was a railroad man who reaped great profits from the early cattle drives.

was a Kansas farm woman and Alliance leader.

Mary Elizabeth Lease was the lone female leader in the Stalwart movement. was the presidential candidate of the Greenback party in 1892. wrote the 1892 Omaha platform for the People's party. was a Kansas farm woman and Alliance leader.


Most practices and objects associated with American cowboys were modified from ______ ranchers. Native American African British-Canadian Mexican

the commodity price index...

One of the causes of the 1893 depression was failure of President Cleveland to regulate the railroads. the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. the stock market. the commodity price index.

were often corrupt, but they did provide important political and social services to their constituents....

Political machines at the turn of the century were often corrupt, but they did provide important political and social services to their constituents. provided important social services but played only a minor role in the political affairs of immigrants. introduced recent immigrants to the political process but did little to meet the social needs of city dwellers. appealed mostly to native-born voters, and consequently they had little influence on immigrants' lives.


Proponents of the New South believed that the South should industrialize. form a separate nation. be dominated by planter aristocrats. eliminate agriculture.


Spain refused to consider practically all of the American demands concerning Cuba before the United States declared war. True/False

dominated the U.S. tobacco industry by the twentieth century.

The American Tobacco Company was second only to the Bull Durham Company in cigarette production at the turn of the century. was the first such government-owned company in the United States. dominated the U.S. tobacco industry by the twentieth century. was based in Dallas, Texas.


The Ghost Dance craze led to the massacre of Indians in the Battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota in 1890. True/False

was blamed on seven anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.

The Haymarket affair was started by the Knights of Labor. led to passage of the Foran Act of 1885. was blamed on seven anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence. took place in San Francisco.

Five years

The Homestead Act granted official title to 160 acre plots of land after how many years of settlement? One year Two years Five years Seven years


The Indian wars effectively ended with the capture of Geronimo, a chief of the Chiricahua Apaches. True/False

stripped blacks' voting rights.

The Mississippi Plan guaranteed black voting rights. gave blacks confiscated land. guaranteed black civil rights. stripped blacks' voting rights.

proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis.

The Open Door policy allowed Cubans to enter the United States and Americans to enter Cuba freely. proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis. closed Chinese immigration except for spouses and children of men already in America. allowed a certain number of Japanese immigrants into the United States each year in return for special trading rights with Japan.

All of the above

The Paiute prophet Wovoka promised that which of the following would occur if Indians obeyed his instructions and participated in the ceremony that came to be called the Ghost Dance? Dead relatives would return to Earth Drought would end and the buffalo would return Anglo settlers would disappear in an apocalyptic disaster All of the above

outweighed, in economic importance, the California gold rush of a decade before.

The Pennsylvania oil rush ended the monopoly in petroleum production that Oklahoma had enjoyed for a quarter of a century. outweighed, in economic importance, the California gold rush of a decade before. illustrated to many Americans that a dependence on oil might prove problematic in the future. gave J. Pierpont Morgan his start in business.

was the political wing of the National Labor Union...

The Workingmen's Party of California was the political wing of the National Labor Union. was based on anti-Chinese sentiment. campaigned (unsuccessfully) for restrictions on Mexican immigration. ended when the 1877 railroad strike ushered in better working conditions.

Galveston, Texas....

The commission plan of city government was first adopted in Galveston, Texas. Columbia, South Carolina. Springfield, Missouri. Atlanta, Georgia.

referred to President McKinley as a weak and cowardly leader.

The de Lôme letter referred to President McKinley as a weak and cowardly leader. was the first of the Cuban insurrectionists' overtures for peace. revealed the location of Spanish troops in Cuba. blamed the destruction of the battleship Maine on Spanish agents.

Coxey's Army.

The discontented Americans who marched on Washington, D.C. in 1894 to demand a public works program were known as Reedy's Rebels. Corby's Commandos. Randy's Rangers Coxey's Army.


The final two decades of the nineteenth century saw over _________ strikes and lockouts. 8,000 500 1,200 20,000

Abilene, Kansas.

The first great cowtown was Butte, Montana. St. Louis, Missouri. Denver, Colorado. Abilene, Kansas.


The first transcontinental railroad was completed at Promontory Summit, Utah. True/False

support for the federal income tax...

The issue that made Taft seem to be a less reliable custodian of Roosevelt's conservation policies was Taft's support for lower tariffs. support for the federal income tax. reduction in the size of the navy. handling of the Ballinger and Pinchot affair.

man continued to evolve according to Darwin's principles of natural selection....

The main idea of reform Darwinism was that cooperation, not competition, would best promote progress. man continued to evolve according to Darwin's principles of natural selection. humans, made in the image of God, should not be included among the animals when discussing Darwinism. government should not interfere with business.

exposing social problems to the public.

The muckrakers saw their primary objective as destroying the Republican party. exposing social problems to the public. proposing detailed legislation. converting Americans to socialism.

Robert M. La Follette

The originator of the "Wisconsin idea" of efficient government was Louis D. Brandeis. Robert M. La Follette Hiram Johnson. Florence Kelley.

James Garfield

The president whose assassination led to passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Act was William Henry Harrison Chester A. Arthur Abraham Lincoln James Garfield

the attorney general who broke up the Northern Securities Company....

Theodore Roosevelt's close friend Gifford Pinchot was one of the most famous muckrakers. the president's chief speechwriter. a forestry expert and leading conservationist. the attorney general who broke up the Northern Securities Company.

Henry Frick tried to break a strike by bringing in the Pinkertons.

Violence erupted at the Homestead Works in 1892 when police attempted to break up a protest meeting. Andrew Carnegie announced the plant's sale to J. P. Morgan. Andrew Carnegie tried to replace one union with another one. Henry Frick tried to break a strike by bringing in the Pinkertons.

The United States demanded that the Comanche settle on government reservations.

What did the United States demand from the Comanche leading to the Red River War? The Comanche were instructed to worship the Christian God and renounce their traditional spiritual practices. They had no demands. The official policy of the U.S. government was to call for the extinction of the Comanche. The Red River War did not involve the Comanche. The United States demanded that the Comanche settle on government reservations.

Access to land for agriculture

What economic opportunity drew the most migrants to the West? Access to land for agriculture Railroad work Gold mining Military work as Indian fighters

All of the above.

What explains the popularity of Wild West shows? They tapped into anxieties about men losing their masculinity in the "softer" world of factory and office work. Most Americans believed that Native cultures were disappearing, if not already gone, and felt a sense of urgency to see their dances and hear their songs. The Old West seemed an uncomplicated place where the struggle between right and wrong was clear, unlike modern America which seemed increasingly morally complicated. All of the above.

It refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion.

What is "yellow journalism"? It speaks to the use of propaganda in underground newspapers published by the Cuban insurrectionists. It refers to the practice by many financially struggling newspapers of using recycled yellowed newsprint during the 1890s depression. It refers to the "scared" journalists who filed their stories from Key West, Florida, during the Spanish-American War. It refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion.

The adoption of interchangeable parts

What most directly explains the boost in production of McCormick reapers? The turn to skilled labor Government loans The adoption of interchangeable parts Increased international demand

American culture was forged by the struggle between civilized settlers and savage frontier life, giving it a democratic and hardworking spirit.

What was Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis?" American culture was forged by the struggle between civilized settlers and savage frontier life, giving it a democratic and hardworking spirit. All of the above An argument that European socialism had created an opportunity for the United States to create an international empire The belief that Manifest Destiny was an immoral reading of scripture

A widely publicized debate between Pennsylvania Senate candidates that questioned whether American industrial development damaged American liberty...

What was the "tainted money debate?" The title of a series of essays written by Jacob Riis that exposed corruption in New York City government Debates over whether the United States currency should be backed by the gold standard A widely publicized debate between Pennsylvania Senate candidates that questioned whether American industrial development damaged American liberty The decision whether the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions would accept a large donation by John D. Rockefeller

A call for all western powers to have equal access to Chinese markets

What was the Open Door Policy? A commitment to free trade throughout the Pacific Rim The use of gunboat diplomacy in establishing trade with Japan A demand for the abolition of all tariffs A call for all western powers to have equal access to Chinese markets


What was the most important aspect of the southern economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Agriculture Tobacco production Textile mills Furniture making

To bring cattle to eastern markets, mostly through railroad hubs

What was the purpose of Western cattle drives? To avoid the cold of winter on the Great Plains and the heat of summer in Texas To bring cattle to eastern markets, mostly through railroad hubs To minimize the destruction of fields that resulted from over-grazing To avoid hostile Indian bands

Splintered vast Native American reservations into individual family homesteads

What was the purpose of the Dawes General Allotment Act? Splintered vast Native American reservations into individual family homesteads Determined the amount of land that would be given to each major railroad company Modified the original Homestead Act to increase land available to private settlers All of the above

It sought to "Americanize" Indians by dealing with them as individuals.

What was the purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act? It made Native Americans U.S. citizens. It made the Ku Klux Klan illegal. It was designed to sever ties the Native Americans had with Canada. It sought to "Americanize" Indians by dealing with them as individuals.


When did the United States begin trading with China? 1784 1831 1854 1911


Which ethnic group faced the most rigid immigration restrictions? Jews Irish Chinese Italians


Which ethnic group was most numerous among the Catholic bishops in the United States? Irish Polish Italians Germans

Small farmers in the South, Midwest, and Great Plains

Which group founded the People's Party (also known as the Populists)? Northeastern union laborers Small farmers in the South, Midwest, and Great Plains African Americans in northern cities Asian immigrants

It was one of the first companies to invest heavily in advertising...

Which of the following best accounts for the success of Standard Oil? It was one of the first companies to invest heavily in advertising. It bought out the Erie Railroad in order to keep transportation charges low. Its scientists found new technical processes for refining oil more efficiently. Its corporate structure—known as vertical integration—allowed the company to grow tremendously.

Investigative journalists

Which of the following definitions best describes the work of muckrakers? Investigative journalists Legislators who defended lynching Social workers Organized crime hit men

John Miur

Which of the following environmental thinkers advocated preservation rather than conservation? John Miur Alice Hamilton Dan Brown Gifford Pinchot

Haymarket Affair

Which of the following events most seriously damaged the Knights of Labor? Haymarket Affair Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Election of Rutherford B. Hayes Strike against Jay Gould's railroad lines

McKinley was able to spend five times more than Bryan on the campaign.

Which of the following factors contributed to William McKinley's victory over William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 election? McKinley had greater support in the population dense south and west. McKinley was able to spend five times more than Bryan on the campaign. Bryan's campaign was unable to generate the high voter turnout in areas of their support. None of the above.

Knights of Labor

Which of the following groups was the most radical? Knights of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations United Auto Workers Union American Federation of Labor

State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak.

Which of the following most accurately describes the arguments of Social Darwinism? Scientific ideas the only source of true knowledge, therefore theories are just as valuable as facts. Inequalities in wealth would lead to social unrest and eventual revolution. State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak. Religion was a force of weakness that modern society will inevitably eradicate.

All of the above

Which of the following statements regarding "muscular Christianity" are true: It was motivated by a fear that the country had become a nation of emasculated men. It sought to stiffen young men's' backbones by putting them in touch with their primal manliness. Summer camps and gymnasiums were built where young American men could strengthen their bodies and spirits. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following statements regarding Jane Addams' activism are true? Spoke out against militarism Created an influential settlement home in Chicago Favored cooperation between the rich and the poor All of the above

Jacob Riis

Which of the following writers most effectively used photography in their work? Edward Bellamy Jacob Riis Ida B. Wells Upton Sinclair

Both of these

Which of these authors criticized Victorian era gender norms? Charlotte Perkins Gilman Kate Chopin Both of these Neither of these

Booker T. Washington

Who advocated racial accomodationism? Ida B. Wells Eugene Debs W.E.B. DuBois Booker T. Washington

Theodore Roosevelt

Who was president when the United States acquired the right to build a canal across Panama? Theodore Roosevelt William Jennings Bryan Woodrow Wilson Grover Cleveland

to justify federal intervention to end the strike by allowing railroad executives to claim the strike interfered with the mail

Why were mail cars connected to the Pullman cars during the Pullman strike? to justify federal intervention to end the strike by allowing railroad executives to claim the strike interfered with the mail to allow union leaders throughout the country to exchange correspondence during the strike to allow President Grover Cleveland to express his support for the union to enable the strikers to create as big a disruption as possible

Racial conflict

Why were southerners unable to maintain unity in the People's Party? Ideological conflict between leaders of the party Racial conflict Lack of coordination Economic depression

argued in his book Folkways that it was a mistake for the government to interfere with established customs....

William Graham Sumner was one of the most outspoken opponents of Darwinism in America. argued in his book Folkways that it was a mistake for the government to interfere with established customs. wrote "The Gospel of Wealth," a social Darwinist justification for accumulated wealth. preached that the law of God and the laws of nature were one and the same.

found solid support from voters only in the South and Southwest...

William Howard Taft was described by many journalists as "the ultimate politician." found solid support from voters only in the South and Southwest. eventually was elected president as a member of the Progressive party. was Roosevelt's choice as his successor.

the values of rural, Jeffersonian America.

William Jennings Bryan represented a radical solution to America's problems. the Hamiltonian ideal of a commerce-oriented America. the values of rural, Jeffersonian America. a Populist desire for an active national government.

Ida B. Wells

________________ wrote an influential book, Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases, and helped inspire the anti-lynching movement. Booker T. Washington Lincoln Steffens Ida B. Wells Ida Tarbell

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