Exam 2 MGMT-300

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Define communication macrobarriers and provide examples

Macrobarriers: factors that hinder successful communication in a general communication situation ❖Increasing need for complex info ❖Increasing number of languages needed ❖Decreased time available for communication

Define communication microbarriers and provide examples.

Microbarriers: factor that hinders successful communication in a specific communication situation ❖Message interference ❖Source's view of the destination ❖Destination's view of the source ❖Perception ❖Multimeaning words

What are the steps of the organizing process in order?

1. Reflect on plans and objectivesStep 2. Establish major tasks 3. Divide major tasks into subtasks

What are the four steps in the human resource management process, in order?

1.Recruitment 2.Selection 3. Training 4.Performance Appraisal

What is the definition of recruitment?

Process of attracting and screening the supply of prospective human resources available to fill a position

What is the definition of organizing?

Process of establishing orderly uses of resources within the management system

What is the definition of performance appraisal?

Process of reviewing individuals' productivity to evaluate their contributions toward attaining the organizational goals ❖ Should be a continual process for new and established employees ❖ Main goal → Ensure that employees are being productive and useful for meeting company goals

What does the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 state?

Prohibits discrimination in all employment processes against individuals with disabilities ❖ Disability: physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities: •Breathing •Speaking •Learning •Walking •Lifting •Seeing •Eating •&More Employers must make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. ❖ If the accommodation creates a business hardship, employer can be exempt from providing the accommodation.

What does the Pregnancy Discrimination Act state of 1978

Prohibits discrimination in employment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions ❖ Employer cannot ask questions about a woman's family and childbearing plans ❖ Illegal to force a leave of absence and to limit job advancement opportunities

Describe the conflict management strategy of resolving.

Resolving: Work out the differences between managers and employees ❖Manager pinpoints differences between both parties ❖Manager identifies ways in which both parties agree ❖Find ways that they can both benefit from a mutual decision

What is the encoder in the communication process?

Source/encoder: person in the interpersonal communication situation who originates and encodes info to be shared with others

What are examples of structural factors that might change in organizations?

Structural change: aimed at increasing effectiveness by modifying existing structure ❖Defining jobs more concretely ❖Creating better communication paths ❖Changing organizational chart

What are some tips for conducting interviews?

Ask all applicants same questions ❖ Training ❖ Note Taking ❖ Same Interviewers

Describe the conflict management strategy of avoiding.

Avoiding: managers simply ignore the conflict ❖Managers use this when they assume all conflict is bad ❖Should only be used when the conflict will not limit goal attainment

Describe the conflict management strategy of compromising.

Compromising: parties to the conflict settle on a solution that gives both of them part of what they wanted ❖Nobody gets exactly what they wanted ❖Agree to a change that they can all accept ❖Best used when problem is relatively minor and time is limited

What is conflict?

Conflict: a struggle that results from opposing needs or feelings of two or more people Negative conflict: ❖Situation can destroy working relationships ❖Frustrated employees ❖Rule-breaking and turnover Positive conflict: ❖Update an outdated rule or policy ❖Change an employee's job duties or responsibilities to improve productivity ❖Change processes to improve efficiency

What are some examples of external recruitment methods?

Educational institutions ❖ High schools / Vocational schools ❖ Colleges and Universities ❖ Competitors in the labor market (Poaching) ❖ Employment agencies

What are some methods that organizations can use to deliver training?

Evaluate the production process ❖ Get direct feedback from employees ❖ Look into the future ❖ Assemble facts and activities that will meet training needs

Describe the conflict management strategy of forcing.

Forcing: managers use their authority to declare that a conflict has ended ❖Best used in an emergency ❖Can frustrate employees and this frustration might lead to future conflict

What is the difference between informal and formal organizational structure?

Formal structure: relationships among organizational resources as outlined by management Informal structure: patterns of relationships that develop informally among organization members

Why are informal communication networks established in organizations?

Generally exist because members have a desire for information that does not come from the formal organization

What is horizontal dimensioning and how does it differ from vertical dimensioning?

Horizontal dimensioning: Extent to which organization use subdivisions or specialties within the organization Vertical dimensioning: Extent to which organization uses vertical levels to separate job responsibilities

What does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 state?

Illegal for an employer to discriminate on the basis of: ❖ Race ❖ Color ❖ Sex ❖ Religion ❖ National origin

What is the grapevine?

Informal organizational communication network

What is programmed learning?

Instruction that takes place without the presence or intervention of human lecturer ❖ Advantage: can be computerized and students can learn at their own pace ❖ Disadvantage: no instructor is present to answer on- demand questions

Describe division of labor.

assignment of various portions of a particular task among a number of organization members

What do boxes and lines represent on an organizational chart?

boxes represent the type of position or department lines represent the connection from one position or department to another

What does an aptitude test measure and what are some examples?

measure potential to perform a task ex:demonstrate how to pack ups trucks

What does an achievement test measure and what are some examples?

measure skill level of knowledge in a certain area ex:have a cook, prepare/cook meal to see skill level

What are some examples of internal recruitment methods?

online job boards or physical locations in a workspace where jobs can be posted

What is a job analysis?

perform the job observe interview survey/diaries

What is the definition of selection?

process of choosing the individual best suited for a particular position and organization from a group of applicants

What is the definition of training?

process of developing qualities in employees that enables them to be more productive and thus contribute more to org goal attainment

Define the influencing process

process of guiding the activities of organization members in appropriate directions

What are some disadvantages of virtual offices?

❖ Difficult to create organizational culture ❖ Difficult to supervise workers ❖ Communication more difficult

What are some advantages of virtual offices?

❖ Saving on costs of real estate and rental costs ❖ Some research shows that employees work faster and are interrupted less when working at home ❖ Virtuality can be used to make employees more efficient

What are the different factors that influence the span of management and how do they specifically Influence the span of management?

❖ Similarity of functions: Degree to which activities performed by individuals are similar or dissimilar ❖ Geographic location: Degree to which subordinates are physically separated ❖ Complexity of functions: Degree to which activities are difficult and involved ❖ Coordination: Amount of time that managers need to spend organizing activities of subordinates ❖ Planning: Amount of time management must spend determining plans ❖ Tall organization = smaller span of management ❖ Flat organization = greater span of management

What can managers do to reduce resistance to change?

❖Avoid surprises ❖Promote genuine understanding ❖Make the change tentative

What is downward communication?

❖Focus is on communication related to direction and control ❖Flows downward through the organizational chart ❖Usually information that management delivers to employees

What is upward communication?

❖Focus is on communication that managers need to evaluate their organizational area ❖Flows upward through the organizational chart ❖Informal discussions with employees, attitude surveys, suggestion systems, "open door" policy

What is lateral communication?

❖Focus is on coordinating activities of various departments ❖Flows from any point in the org chart horizontally to another point on the org chart

What is the span of management?

❖Similarity of functions: Degree to which activities performed by individuals are similar or dissimilar ❖Geographic location: Degree to which subordinates are physically separated ❖Complexity of functions: Degree to which activities are difficult and involved ❖Coordination: Amount of time that managers need to spend organizing activities of subordinates ❖Planning: Amount of time management must spend determining plans

What are examples of technological factors that might change in organizations?

❖Types of Equipment ❖Processes in producing good or delivering service ❖This type of change usually requires outside experts

What is a change agent?

This is the person who tries to influence the organization to modify the existing situation

What is the decoder during the communication process?

Decoder: person in the interpersonal communication situation who interprets info to be shared with others

What are the different types of departmentalization that organizations can use to structure their organization?

Departments based on function Departments based on product or service Departments based on geography Departments based on customer Departments based on matrix

What are examples of people factors that might change in organizations?

Also known as Organization Development (OD) ❖Leadership skills ❖Employee attitudes ❖Communication skills

What is on-the-job training?

Blend of job related knowledge and experience ❖ Developing skills on the job ❖ Coaching: direct critiquing of how well an individual is performing a job

What is the lecture method of training?

Mostly one-way communication where instructor presents information to group of listeners ❖ Advantage: allows instructor to expose employees to a maximum amount of information in a given time period ❖ Disadvantage: instructor may not have the time or take time to assess participants knowledge, answer questions, etc.

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