Ezra Chapter 7

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According to Ezra 7:22, How many oil was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across the River pay to Ezra?

100 baths of oil

According to Ezra 7:22, How many wine was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across the River pay to Ezra?

100 baths of wine

According to Ezra 7:22, How many wheat was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across the River pay to Ezra?

100 kors of wheat

According to Ezra 7:22, How many silver was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across the River pay to Ezra?

100 talents of silver

According to Ezra 7:1, During whose reign did Ezra come to Jerusalem from Babylon?

Artaxerxes king of Persia

According to Ezra 7:18, Who could make decisions as to what else to buy with the money from the king, once they got to Jerusalem? (2 points)

Ezra and his brethren

According to Ezra 7:1-2, List the geneology of Ezra through Ahitub. (7 points)

Ezra, Seraiah, Azariah, Hilkiah, Shallum, Zadok, Ahitub,

According to Ezra 7:1-3, List the geneology of Ezra through Meraioth, starting with Ezra. (10 pts)

Ezra, Seraiah, Azariah, Hilkiah, Shallum, Zadok, Ahitub, Amariah, Azariah, Meraioth,

According to Ezra 7:1-4, List the geneology of Ezra through Bukki. (13 point

Ezra, Seraiah, Azariah, Hilkiah, Shallum, Zadok, Ahitub, Amariah, Azariah, Meraioth, Zerahiah, Uzzi, Bukki

According to Ezra 7:1-5, List the geneology of Ezra through Aaron the chief priest. (17 points)

Ezra, Seraiah, Azariah, Hilkiah, Shallum, Zadok, Ahitub, Amariah, Azariah, Meraioth, Zerahiah, Uzzi, Bukki, Abishua, Phinehas, Eleazar, Aaron

According to Ezra 7:14, About which two geographical places were Ezra and the other people from Israel going to inquire, with regard to the Law of their God?

Judah and Jerusalem

According to Ezra 7:12, What was King Artaxerxes' salutation in the letter he wrote to Ezra?

Perfect peace, and so forth

According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the father, grandfather and great-grandfather of Ezra?

Seraiah, Azariah, Hilkiah

According to Ezra 7:7, Name the six type of people who went to Jerusalem with Ezra in the seventh year of Artaxerxes?

Some of the children of Israel, the priests, the Levites, the singers, the gatekeepers, the Nethinim

According to Ezra 7:11, What did Ezra have from King Artaxerxes when he left for Jerusalem?

a letter

According to Ezra 7:19, What other articles was given to Ezra and his group that was supposed to be delivered in full before the God of Jerusalem?

articles for the service of the house of God

According to Ezra 7:17, What three types of animals were Ezra and his group supposed to buy with the money from the king, to be used as burnt offerings? (3 points)

bulls, rams and lambs

According to Ezra 7:17, List the 5 things the king told Ezra to buy with the silver and gold he was sending with him and his group, as offerings to God in Jerusalem?

bulls, rams lambs, grain offerings and drink offerings

According to Ezra 7:26, What type of judgement could a person face, if he didn't keep the laws of God, or the king, other than banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment?


According to Ezra 7:26, List the four ways someone could be punished for not observing the law of Ezra's God, or the law of the king? (4 points)

death, banishment, confiscation of goods, imprisonment.

According to Ezra 7:21, How were the treasurers in the region beyond the River supposed to handle Ezra's requests for money?


According to Ezra 7:23, How should the treasurer's respond to Ezra's request for items needed for the House of the God of heaven?


According to Ezra 7:18, What was the overall criteria Ezra and his group were to use, when deciding what to purchase out of the offering money the king had sent with them to Jerusalem?

do it according to the will of your God

According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra was of what profession, in addition to being a priest, and a scribe?

expert in the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes to Israel

According to Ezra 7:8, In what month did Ezra arrive in Jerusalem, in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes?

fifth month

According to Ezra 7:20, If Ezra saw anything that the house of God needed when he got to Jerusalem, where could he get money to buy it?

from the king's treasury

According to Ezra 7:15, What two items did the king and his counselors give to Ezra and his group of priests and Levites to carry to Jerusalem? (2 points)

gold and silver

According to Ezra 7:17, For what other offerings was the money from the king to be used, in addition to buying animals for burnt offering?

grain offerings and drink offerings

According to Ezra 7:6, What was Ezra's talent, and profession?

he was a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses

According to Ezra 7:15, Who, besides the king, had given Ezra silver and gold for an offering to the God of Israel?

his counselors

According to Ezra 7:14, Who, along with the king, was sending Ezra and the people from Israel who wanted to go with him, to Jerusalem?

his seven counselors

According to Ezra 7:23, Artaxerxes didn't want God's wrath to be against the realm of the king, and who else?

his son

According to Ezra 7:25, To whom did Artaxerxes attribute Ezra's wisdom?

his wisdom is God given

According to Ezra 7:16, Where else could Ezra and his group find gold and silver to take with them to Jerusalem, along with the offering of the king and his counselors?

in all the province of Babylon,

According to Ezra 7:14, Where were Ezra and the priests and Levites carrying the Law of God back to Jerusalem?

in their hand

According to Ezra 7:16, What was the purpose of silver and gold collected in Babylon and the freewill offering of the people and priest in Jerusalem?

it was an offering for the house of God in Jerusalem

According to Ezra 7:26, What would happen speedily, if someone would not observe the law of Ezra's God, or the law of the king?

judgment will be executed speedily on him,

According to Ezra 7:25, Ezra was to choose what two types of legal professionals to be set up in the region beyond the River that knew the laws of God, or could be taught them? (2 points)

magistrates and judges

According to Ezra 7:17, On what were the people to offer the animals and grain offerings, and drink offerings that the king was providing?

on the altar of the house of God in Jerusalem

According to Ezra 7:13, Whom did King Artaxerxes authorized to go with Ezra, in addition to all those of the people of Israel who would volunteer to go with him? (2 points)

priests and Levites

According to Ezra 7:24, What three occupations did not have to pay tax, tribute, or custom to Artaxerxes, besides the gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of the house of God? (3 points)

priests, Levites, singers

According to Ezra 7:24, List the 6 occupations that Artaxerxes said did not have to pay tax, tribute, or custom. (6 points)

priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of this house of God.

According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask the treasurers across the River for something without any prescribed limit. What was that item?

salt without prescribed limit

According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra was of what profession, in addition to being a priest, and an expert in the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes?


According to Ezra 7:10, What had Ezra prepared his heart to do, in addition to teaching statutes and ordinances in Israel? ( 2 points)

seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it

According to Ezra 7:7, In what year of King Artaxerxes did Ezra and a group of people go to Jerusalem from Babylon?

seventh year

According to Ezra 7:10, What two things had Ezra prepared his heart to teach in Israel? (2 points)

statutes and ordinances

According to Ezra 7:24, Artaxerxes decreed that the priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of the house of God did not have to pay what three types of tolls/revenues to the government? (3 points)

tax, tribute or custom

According to Ezra 7:25, If a magistrate or ruler didn't already know the laws of God, what was Ezra supposed to do?

teach them

According to Ezra 7:15, For whom did the king and his counselors give the gold and silver to Ezra and his group to carry to Jerusalem?

the God of Israel

According to Ezra 7:23, Whose command was Artaxerxes obeying, when he authorized the money for Ezra to use for the temple offerings?

the God of heaven

According to Ezra 7:27, Whom did Ezra think put the idea in Artaxerxes' heart to make such a decree to beautify the house of the Lord in Jerusalem?

the God of his fathers

According to Ezra 7:7, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the some of the children of Israel, the priests, the Levites, the singers,and the gatekeepers?

the Nethinim

According to Ezra 7:5, What was Aaron's title?

the chief priest

According to Ezra 7:9, How long did it take for Ezra to get from Babylon to Jerusalem?

the first day of the first month to the first day of the fifth month

According to Ezra 7:9, To what did Ezra credit his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem being so well?

the good hand of his God upon him

According to Ezra 7:28, Why did Ezra feel encouraged when he received the letter from the king as he left for Jerusalem?

the hand of the God was upon him

According to Ezra 7:6, Why did Ezra think the king was granting him his request to go to Jerusalem?

the hand of the Lord his God was on him

According to Ezra 7:28, List the three types of government officials that extended mercy toward Ezra, because God put it in their hearts? (3 points)

the king and his counselors, and the king's mighty princes.

According to Ezra 7:28, From whom else, did Ezra say he had gotten mercy, besides the king and his mighty princes?

the king's counselors

According to Ezra 7:28, Whom did Ezra gather to go with him to Jerusalem after receiving the letter from the king?

the leading men of Israel

According to Ezra 7:16, Whose freewill offering could Ezra and his group also bring with them to Jerusalem, other than the offering of the king, his counselors, and the people of the province of Babylon?

the priest

According to Ezra 7:11, list the three titles or job descriptions that Ezra had. (3 points)

the priest, the scribe, expert in the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes to Israel

According to Ezra 7:12, What was Ezra's title in King Artaxerxes' letter? (2 points)

the priest, a scribe of the Law of the God of heaven

According to Ezra 7:21, What was Ezra's job title? (2 points)

the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven,

According to Ezra 7:25, In what disctrict of Artaxerxes' jurisdiction was Ezra allowed to set up magistrates and judges

the region beyond the River

According to Ezra 7:18, What could Ezra and his group use to pay for anything they needed for doing the will of their God with the offerings and sacrifices? (2 points)

the rest of the silver and gold collected from Babylon

According to Ezra 7:21, To what officers in the region beyond the River did Artaxerxes the king say they had to give to Ezra whatever he needed?

the treasurers

According to Ezra 7:21, To what treasurers did Artaxerxes the king say they had to give Ezra what he needed?

the treasurers who are in the region beyond the River,

According to Ezra 7:25, What qualification for being a magistrate or judge was Ezra to use when picking the people to fill those positions, besides being willing to learn what some people already knew?

those who know the laws of God

According to Ezra 7:14, What was the main purpose that Ezra and the priests and Levites wanted to go to Judah and Jerusalem?

to inquire about the the Law of your God

According to Ezra 7:16-17, How did the king instruct Ezra and his group to pay for bulls, rams, and lambs as burnt offerings to God?

with the money (received from gold and silver collected in Babylon and the freewill offering from the priest and people in Jerusalem)

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