FAS331 Week 6

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Difficulty adapting to school


marital power (4 components)

1. decision making: who gets to make decisions? 2. division of labor: who earns money? who does work around the house? 3. allocation of money earned by either or both partners: who controls spending? Who has access to personal spending money? 4.a partner's sense of empowerment, being able to influence one's partner and feeling free to raise complaints to one's spouse about the relationship.

cycle of violence

1.Tension from minor issue builds over time. 2.The situation escalates, eventually exploding into a violent episode 3.Husband becomes genuinely contrite, treating his wife lovingly.

Most Abusers

47% are by relatives, 49% by other, only 4% by strangers


Ability to exercise one's will

Reward power

Ability to give something for doing good.

Reward Power

Able and willing to give material or non-material gifts

Coercive Power

Able and willing to punish

Martial power (Equity)

Are rewards and privileges of the marriage proportional to the contributions of the partner

Power Bases: Example: Partner sulks, refuses to talk, and withholds sex; physical violence.

Coercive Power

Bases of Power

Coercive, Reward, Expert, Informational, Referent, and Legitimate

Power Bases

Coercive,Reward,Expert, Informational, Referent, and Legitimate Power.

What men are more likely to be violent?

Druggies, 18-30yrs, dropouts, have problems w/feelings, in a relationship w/a woman of higher status

Alternative to Power Politics

Egalitarian: partners see themselves as mutually respected, equally committed and listened to

Referent Power

Emotional identification with a partner

Power Bases: Example: Savings and investment decisions shaped by partner with more education or experience in financial matters

Expert Power

50/50 standard

Fairness is based on...?

Fear (Why Women Put Up)

If she leaves he will kill her (75% of murdered women happen this way)

Informational power

Info that is being used to persuade/have power.

Power Bases: Example: Persuades other parent about most effective mode of child discipline , citing experts' books

Informational Power

Expert Power

Knowledge, Ability

Informational Power

Knows more about an issue or an item

Power Bases: Example: In traditional marriage, husband has final authority as "head" of household; current ideal is that of equal partners

Legitimate Power

Common Reasons (Why Women Put Up)

Love, Economic, Hopes to reform, Nowhere to go

Money and Power (Industrialization)

Male (breadwinner) has complete control, gives allowance, has own spending money

Money and Power (Companionate Model)

Men and Women are equal but have different roles, pools resources (usually controlled by men)

Marital power (Equality)

Partners share equally in rights and responsibilities

Intimate Partner Violence

Physical and/or emotional abuse of spouses, co- hab or non-cohab partners


Power Relationships - Not concerned about their relative power; Negotiate instead of "winning"

Referent power

Power a person gives up to someone else; Stokholm syndrome, survival based on captors.


Provide counseling, employment guidance, temp home, food etc.

Power Bases: Example: Partner agrees to purchase of house or travel plans preferred by the other because she or he wants to make partner happy

Referent Power

Bases of Marital Power

Resource power, legitimate power,and informational power

Power Bases: Example: Partner gives affection, attention, praise, and respect to partner, and assists him or her in realizing goals; takes over unpleasant tasks; gives material gifts

Reward Power

Women wont report because they don't want CPS to remove their children



When the husband works more the view on housework from the woman seems...?

Expert power

When you have expertise over something.

Coercive power

When you have the ability to punish; i.e.-parent.

Marital power (decision making)

Where to live? Leisure time? etc.

Marital power (Division of labor)

Who earns the Money? Housework?

Allocation of Money

Who manages the money

Cultural norms of Violence (Why Women Put Up)

Women are to put up with abuse

Housework as a criterion of power:

Women do 1.5 times more than what men do, not equal

Power Politics

Worst Case: Knows each other weakness and uses it against one another

Marital power (Empowerment)

ability to influence one's partner

personal power

autonomy; power exercised over oneself

referent power

based on a person's emotional identification with the partner (an individual gets emotional satisfaction from thinking as the more dominant person does; in happy relationships, this increases as couples age together

reward power

based on an individual's ability to give material or nonmaterial gifts and favors, ranging from emotional support and attention to financial support or recreational travel

Coercive Power

based on dominant person's ability and willingness to punish partner; Psychological-emotional abuse, violence, withholding affection or favors.

Reward Power

based on individual's ability to give material or nonmaterial gifts and favors, ranging from emotional support, attention to financial support or recreational travel.

Referent Power

based on person's emotional identification with the partner. Feeling part of a couple, or group.

coercive power

based on the dominant person's ability and willingness to punish the partner, either with psychological-emotional abuse or physical violence, or, more subtly, by withholding favors or affection

Informational Power

based on the persuasive content of what the dominant person tells another individual.

informational power

based on the persuasive content of what the dominant person tells another individual.


both partner should share equally in the rights and responsibilities of the relationship.

Attachment problems

child shows insecure attachment behaviors

6 bases or sources of social power

coercive, reward, expert, informational, referent, and legitimate power

ways to stop relationship violence

counseling and group therapy; the criminal justice system - in the past was an ineffective strategy and posed some risk to the woman; laws have been changed to make arrests for domestic violence more feasible, and some states or jurisdictions have policies that mandate arrests in certain situations involving family violence

subjective measure of fairness

depends on expectations; each partner may perceive this differently

no power

each partner has the ability to mutually and reciprocally influence and be influenced by the other

objective measures of power

ex: who actually makes more - or more important - decisions, etc.

Physical Neglect

failure to provide basic necessities of food, clothing, shuttler and supervision

Sexual Abuse

forcing, tricking or coercing a child into sexual behavior

sibling violence

form of violence, being attacked by sibling

Social Welfare

foster care, housing assistance and subsidized child care for low income parents


hitting a child with a paddle, stick, or hairbrush is not "abuse"

Therapeutic Approach

increase in parents self-esteem, involves community in childrearing

Physical Abuse

inflicting injury

Patriarchal terrorism

initiated by men, based on power and control, not tied to a specific situation, men do it more and more severe , has a cycle.

what couple is the most egalitarian?

lesbian couples

common relationship violence

less severe, violence instigated by a situation, men and women do it just as often as the other.

Difficulty in peer relations

may be aggressive and/or avoidant, flight or fight syndrome

2 concepts of marital power

objective measures of power and subjective measures of fairness

Emotional Neglect

parents appear uninterested in child's needs and fail to provide guidance

alternatives to power politics

partners grow increasingly separate in their decision making; one partner disengages from power struggles; the more powerful partner consciously relinquishes some power in order to save or enhance the marriage (maybe the best option)


power relationships - each partner has the ability to mutually and reciprocally influence and be influenced by the other; they seek to negotiate and compromise, not to win, and are able to avoid power politics

power politics

power struggles between spouses in which each seeks to gain a power advantage over the other

What did feminist Dair Gillespie point out?

power-giving resources tend to be unevenly distributed between the sexes.

male and female resource difference

power-giving resources tend to be unevenly distributed between the sexes; husbands typically have access to more economic resources (earn more money), are often older, and therefore more likely to have more status, may be or seem to be more knowledgeable, giving them expert or informational power, and usually have greater physical strength (coercive power). Women are likely to have fewer alternatives to the marriage. Wage-earning wives have more say in important decisions and division of household labor, but do not necessarily participate equally in decision making. Women's reproductive roles and resulting economic dependence give women fewer resources.

Counseling and Group Therapy can help??

reduces stigma, teach anger management, and communication

transitional egalitarian situation

regarding marital power, typical of the rest of the country, in which "husband-wife relationships are more flexible and negotiated

bases of marital power

resource power traditionally gave provider husbands the greatest power in marital decision making; equation of resources with power hasn't worked the same way for women. Legitimate power ascribed more authority to men even in situations where they lacked resource power. Women can sometimes gain power from greater knowledge of the household (informational power)

Facts about violence among Gays

same rates as straights, gays fight back more than straight women, gays are more likely to seek help, might not seek help "they aren't out"

Emotional Abuse

speech or actions that tend to destroy emotional well-being and sense of self-worth

Expert Power

stems from dominant person's judgement, knowledge, or ability.

Legitimate Power

stems from the dominant individual's ability to claim authority, or right to request compliance.

legitimate power

stems from the dominant individual's ability to claim authority, or the right to request compliance; society and culture authorize the power of one or the other partner, or both - traditionally the husband as "head", current ideal is equal partners in U.S.

expert power

stems from the dominant person's superior judgment, knowledge, or ability

cultural context resource theory

stresses the idea that resources are not effective in conferring marital power in traditional societies that legitimate male dominance with a patriarchal norm or when there is an overriding egalitarian norm

resources in cultural context

stresses the idea that resources are not effective in conferring martial power in traditional societies that legitimate male dominance with a patriarchal norm.

Blood and Wolfe's study had what effect on people?

the effect of encouraging people to see marital power as shared rather than patriarchal and resting on their individual attributes or resources rather than on social roles.

principle of least invested

the less involved partner has more power in control over the continuation or ending of the relationship


the rewards and privileges of the relationship proportional to the contributions of the partners.

resource hypothesis

the spouse with more resources has more power in marriage. Resources include education and earnings; also good judgment; within marriage, a spouse's most valuable resource would be the ability to provide money (variation of the exchange theory)

spousal abuse in various ethnic groups

victimization rates are strikingly higher (11.1 per 1,000) for Native American women; those for men are also relatively high. Blacks female rates are high (5.0), white and Hispanic females have moderate rates (4.0 and 4.3), and both Asian females and males have very low rates (1.4 and >0.1). white, black, and Hispanic male victimization rates are low.

allocation systems

whether the couple pools their money and who controls pooled or separate money

relative amount of housework done by husband and wife

wife is unequally burdened with housekeeping and child rearing, although younger couples tend to be more egalitarian, especially prior to having children; in 1965, women did 7 hours of housework for every 1 male hour; in 2005 only 1 1/2 hours

Gender Socialization (Why Women Put Up)

women are responsible for keeping the marriage/ relationship together

attitudes of marital fairness

women's satisfaction with fairness of their partners' contributions to household work is strongly associated with women's (and sometimes men's) relationship happiness, marital commitment, and depression and with the risk of marital disruption. what's "fair" to a man may be less than half of household labor, while a woman has to be doing all or almost all housework to find it "unfair". Women whose husbands work more hours are less apt to see the division of household labor as unfair.

Usual Victims of Violence

young women (20-24) ,co-hab partners, married couples

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