FCE - Use of English - Part 4 - key word transformations

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

I'm not interested in computers. (INTEREST) Computers _____________________ me.

are of little interest to

Although he can't swim himself, Dan is very keen that his children should learn. (UNABLE) Despite _____________________ himself, Dan is very keen that his children should learn.

being unable to swim

I can't describe people as well as you can. (BETTER) You're _____________________ I am.

better at describing people than

Joe said it was my fault that he missed his bus. (BLAMED) Joe _____________________ his bus.

blamed me for missing

The First World War began in 1914. BROKE The First World War _______________ in 1914.

broke out

Philip started to laugh when he heard the joke. (BURST) Philip _____________________ when he heard the joke.

burst out laughing

I'm sure it wasn't Jim who did it. HAVE It _______________________ Jim who did it.

can't have been

I think she's definitely telling us the truth. (LYING) She _____________________ to us.

cannot be lying

I hate it when I'm ill. (STAND) I _____________________ ill.

cannot stand being

We pack our chocolates in small silver boxes. (ARE) Our _____________________ in small silver boxes.

chocolates are packed

Have you thought of a name for your dog yet? (COME) Have you _____________________ a name for your dog yet?

come up with

It was difficult for him to understand the instructions. HARDLY He _______________________ the instructions.

could hardly understand

Let's visit my parents tomorrow. (GO) Why _____________________ see my parents tomorrow?

don't we go to

Luisa was the only one who didn't enjoy the film. (APART) Everybody _____________________ Luisa.

enjoyed the film apart from

I've never driven such a fast car! EVER It's the ____________________ driven.

fastest car I have ever

I really don't want to go out this evening. (FEEL) I really don't _____________________ out this evening.

feel like going

It's become easy for me to speak in public over the years. (ACCUSTOMED) I've _____________________ in public over the years.

got accustomed to speaking

It's become easy for me to sing live as I do it so much. (USED) I've _____________________ as I do it so much.

got used to singing live

I think you should give up smoking immediately. HAD I think you __________________ smoking immediately.

had better give up

She started taking ballet lessons ten years ago. BEEN She __________________________ for ten years.

has been taking ballet lessons

The last time I saw Emily was six moths ago. FOR I ________________________ six months.

haven't seen Emily for

My father says he's too old to learn another language. (YOUNG) My father says _____________________ to learn another language.

he is not young enough

When he was in the army, he used to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning. WOULD When he was in the army, ____________ at 5 o'clock in the morning.

he would wake up

It's impossible for me not to laugh when he starts singing. (HELP) I can't _____________________ when he starts singing.

help laughing

'My mother doesn't work in the factory any more,' said Vera. (NO) Vera said that _____________________ in the factory.

her mother no longer worked

Jim was horrified to find out his new car had been stolen. (HORROR) To _____________________ his new car had been stolen.

his horror Jim found out

'Did you buy the bandage, Tom?' asked Graham. HAD Graham asked Tom _____________________ the bandage.

if he had bought

Their relationship seems very good. (GETTING) It looks as _____________________ very well with each other.

if they are getting on

You don't need to hand in the homework until next week. (NEED) There ._____________________ to hand the homework in until next week.

is no need for you

A second-hand car is cheaper than a new one. (NOT) A second-hand car _____________________ a new one.

is not as expensive as

People think that an apple a day is good for you. TO An apple a day __________________ for you.

is thought to be good

Do you know who this pen belongs to? (KNOW) Do you _____________________ is?

know whose this pen

I can't wait to go on holiday. (FORWARD) I'm really _____________________ on holiday.

looking forward to going

They tried twice to find the missing climber but without success. (MADE) They _____________________ attempts to find the missing climber.

made two failed

You need to spend longer doing your homework. (MORE) You need to put _____________________ your homework.

more time into doing

This is definitely the place where they made the film. (MUST) This _____________________ they made the film.

must be the place where

I expect you were exhausted after your long journey. (BEEN) You _____________________ after your long journey.

must have been exhausted

This is the funniest book I've ever read. (FUNNY) I've _____________________ book before.

never read such a funny

Peter is taller than John. (SHORT) Peter is _____________________ John.

not as short as

My uncle did not learn to drive until he was forty. (ONLY) My uncle _____________________ the age of 40.

only learnt to drive at

What a pity we ate all the food. ONLY If _______________all the food.

only we hadn't eaten

You were supposed to do your homework before today's lesson. (OUGHT) You _____________________ your homework before today's lesson.

ought to have done

I thought that you would know better. OUGHT You __________________ better.

ought to have known

You shouldn't be so impatient. (OUGHT) You _____________________ patience.

ought to have more

You didn't think carefully enough before you decided. (OUGHT) You _____________________ more carefully before you decided.

ought to have thought

I prefer staying in bed to getting up early at the weekend. (RATHER) I'd _____________________ get up early at the weekend.

rather stay in bed than

Please don't open the window. YOU I'd __________________ open the window.

rather you didn't

I really wish I hadn't told you about the problem. (HAVING) I really _____________________ about the problem.

regret having told you

I wish I hadn't missed your birthday party. (REGRET) I _____________________ your birthday party.

regret missing

'You must do your homework, Tom,' said Carol. (REMINDED) Carol _____________________ his homework.

reminded Tom to do

Rosa didn't like English food at first but now she quite likes it. USED Rosa didn't like English food at first but now _____________ it.

she is used to

The shop assistant told me to keep my receipt for my new shoes. (HANG) 'You _____________________ your receipt for your new shoes,' the shop assistant said.

should hang on to

He wore an extra pair of socks to avoid getting a cold. (SO) He wore an extra pair of socks _____________________ get a cold.

so as not to

I put the water in the fridge because I wanted it to get cold. WOULD I put the water in the fridge ____________ cold.

so that it would get

The gardens are open each day for visitors to enjoy the flower displays. (THAT) The gardens are open each day _____________________ the flower displays.

so that visitors may enjoy

Susan was tired, so she decided to go to bed. THAT Susan was __________________ decided to go to bed.

so tired that she

When the meeting was over they went out for a drink. (HAD) As _____________________ finished, they went out for a drink.

soon as the meeting had

I've never known anyone as clever as Harry. (THE) Harry is _____________________ ever known.

the cleverest person I have

I've never had such a boring holiday. (ENJOYABLE) This is _____________________ I've ever had.

the least enjoyable holiday

I think we should leave now. WE I think it's _________________ left.

time we

I offered to lend Lisa money for a holiday but she refused. (TURNED) Lisa _____________________ to lend her money for a holiday.

turned down my offer

The flight to the islands took fifteen hours. (WAS) It _____________________ flight to the islands.

was a fifteen hour

Mary baked the cake using six eggs. (BAKED) The cake _____________________ , who used six eggs.

was baked by Mary

William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century. BY The castle _____________ William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

was built by

She wanted to call him but she couldn't find his phone number. GOING She ________________ but she couldn't find his phone number.

was going to call him

They forced him to eat alone in the kitchen. (MADE) He _____________________ his own in the kitchen.

was made to eat on

The trip to Chicago was cheaper than I had expected. (AS) The trip to Chicago _____________________ I had expected.

was not as expensive as

I had no idea about Rona's engagement. (UNAWARE) I _____________________ engagement.

was unaware of Rona's

Fiona wanted to know the time. WHAT Fiona wanted to know __________________ was.

what the time

'Have you bought a new bicycle?' Ben asked Katty. (WHETHER) Ben asked Katty _____________________ a new bicycle.

whether she had bought

Most people hope they will have enough money to buy a house or a flat. (AFFORD) Most people hope they _____________________ to buy a house or a flat.

will be able to afford

The summit meeting will be held in Berlin. PLACE The summit meeting ___________________ Berlin.

will take place in

I'm sorry I can't meet you this evening. (WISH) I _____________________ this evening.

wish I could meet you

I regret telling him what was actually happening. (WISH) I _____________________ him what was actually happening.

wish I had not told

I don't like being so tall. WISH I _________________ so tall.

wish I wasn't (weren't)

It's a shame we don't have a camera. WISH I _________________ a camera.

wish we had

I would like you to be here. WISH I __________________ here.

wish you were

My mother always gave me a bath every Friday night when I was little. WOULD My mother ___________ a bath every Friday when I was little.

would always give me

Shall I call the office for you? ME Would _______________________ the office for you?

you like me to call

If you don't take care of those shoes, they won't last for long. (LOOK) Unless _____________________ , those shoes won't last for long.

you look after them

Is it alright for me to borrow your car? (ME) Do _____________________ your car.

you mind me borrowing

I've been saving up and I can buy that car now. (AFFORD) I've been saving up and _____________________ that car now.

I can afford to buy

I wish I had not lied to my parents. (TRUTH) If only _____________________ to my parents.

I had told the truth

I think I'm too impatient to be a teacher. (ENOUGH) I don't think _____________________ to be a teacher.

I have enough patience

Is it necessary for me to bring my passport? HAVE Do __________________ my passport?

I have to bring

Some people believe that there is life on other planets. (EXISTS) There is _____________________ on other planets.

a belief that life exists

There is no point in talking to him; he won't listen to you. (WASTE) It's _____________________ to him; he won't listen to you.

a waste of time talking

We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday. WAS A notice __________________ up on the notice board yesterday.

about the trip was put

I'm sorry I was late for the meeting. (APOLOGY) Please, _____________________ late for the meeing.

accept my apology for being

'Elena, you've left mud on the carpet!' said her father. (ACCUSED) Elena's father _____________________ mud on the carpet.

accused her of leaving

I'm sorry I didn't continue with my piano lessons. (KEPT) I wish _____________________ my piano lessons.

I had kept up

I should have listened to my parents' advice. (ATTENTION) If only _____________________ my parents' advice.

I had paid attention to

I can't wait to discover more about this artist! (LOOKING) I _____________________ out more about this artist!

am looking forward to finding

'I'm sorry I'm late,' said adrian to Chrissie. (APOLOGIZED) Adrian _____________________ late.

apologized to Chrissie for being

We're getting a friend to repair our roof. (HAVING) We _____________________ by a friend.

are having our roof repaired

They'll probably employ him for two months in the summer. (LIKELY) They _____________________ on for two months in the summer.

are likely to take him

There are fewer teachers in my school than there were last year. (NOT) There _____________________ teachers in my school as there were last year.

are not as many

Do you know what the homework is? SUPPOSED Do you know what we _____________________ for homework?

are supposed to do

What's thier expected time of arrival? (SUPPOSED) What time _____________________ arrive?

are they supposed to

Why can't we go to the party? (ALLOWED) Why _____________________ go to the party?

are we not allowed to

Although the bus arrived late, we managed to get there on time. (DESPITE) We managed to get there on time _____________________ late.

despite the bus arriving

The two sides were unable to reach an agreement. (SUCCEED) The two sides _____________________ an agreement.

did not succeed in reaching

I have a great deal of respect for Susie, so I asked her. (WHOM) I asked Susie, _____________________ a great deal of respect.

for whom I have

She gave me very little help with the homework. (HARDLY) She _____________________ help with the homework.

gave me hardly any

You should apologize to her before she gets offended. (HAD) You _____________________ before she gets offended.

had better apologize to her

I don't think you should drink any more coffee. (BETTER) You _____________________ any more coffee.

had better not drink

I think you should see a doctor. (BETTER) I think you _____________________ a doctor.

had better see

They took his tonsils out when he was 11. (TAKEN) He _____________________ when he was 11.

had his tonsils taken out

We could not choose where we sat in the classroom. (HAD) We _____________________ we sat in the classroom.

had no choice where

Someone broke into our house last night. (HAD) We _____________________ last night.

had our house broken into

I almost always go out on Saturday night. (HARDLY) I _____________________ at home on Saturday night.

hardly ever stay

I had my hair cut a month ago. (SINCE) It _____________________ I had my hair cut.

has been a month since

They have postponed the concert until September. (PUT) The concert _____________________ until September.

has been put off

We've had some heavy rain recently. (RAINING) It _____________________ recently.

has been raining heavily

I'm sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time. (TAKEN) I'm sorry it _____________________ long to write to you.

has taken me so

He may be 50, but he can run a marathon in under three hours. (CAPABLE) He may be 50, but he _____________________ a marathon in under three hours.

is capable of running

People say swimming is good exercise for your back. (SAID) Swimming _____________________ good exercise for your back.

is said to be

Lucy is as tall as her mother. (HEIGHT) Lucy _____________________ her mother.

is the same height as

My house is as big as yours. (SAME) My house _____________________ yours.

is the same size as

We haven't seen each other for ten years. (LAST) The _____________________ each other was ten years ago.

last time we saw

He put everything back in its place before he left. (UNTIL) He did not _____________________ everything back in its place.

leave until he had put

His parents said he was a disappointment to them and expected him to improve. (DOWN) His parents said he had _____________________ and they expected him to improve.

let them down

We'll play badminton later unless it's windy. (LONG) We'll play badminton later as _____________________ any wind.

long as there is not

My grandfather is the person I most admire. (LOOK) The person I most _____________________ my grandfather.

look up to is

He didn't apologize to anyone in particular. (MAKE) He didn't _____________________ in particular.

make an apology to anyone

It is not new for teachers to be criticized by parents. (ABOUT) There is nothing _____________________ in for criticism from parents.

new about teachers coming

There are more boys than girls in our class. (AS) There are _____________________ as boys in our class.

not as many girls

Richard is normally very talkative, so I'm surprised he was so quite. (LIKE) I'm surprised that Richard didn't say very much because it is _____________________ so quiet.

not like him to be

This exercise is much easier than the last one. (NEARLY) This exercise is _____________________ the last one.

not nearly as difficult as

Simon missed the early train because he overslept. (NOT) If Simon had _____________________ caught the early train.

not overslept, he would have

She is not very interested in my work. (TAKE) She does _____________________ my work.

not take much interest in

He's too short to be a good goal keeper. (ENOUGH) He's _____________________ a good goalkeeper.

not tall enough to be

It's not the government's fault that there is an economic crisis. (BLAME) The government is _____________________ the economic crisis.

not to blame for

They decided against employing him because of his age. (TAKE) They decided _____________________ because of his age.

not to take him on

The book is much better than the film. (NOWHERE) The film is _____________________ the book.

nowhere near as good as

Kate has slightly more experience than the others. (QUITE) The others don't have _____________________ Kate.

quite as much experience as

I enjoyed myself so much I didn't want to come home. (GOOD) I had _____________________ time I didn't want to come home.

such a good

Eleonor is clearly proud of her achievements. (PRIDE) Eleonor clearly _____________________ her achievements.

takes pride in

Christina and Fiona both had a good time at the party. (SO) Christina enjoyed _____________________ Fiona.

the party and so did

When we eventually arrived at the party, all the food had been eaten. (GOT) By _____________________ the party, all the food had been eaten.

the time we got to

I couldn't concentrate because it was too noisy. (TOO) I couldn't concentrate because _____________________ noise.

there was too much

I want them to dye my hair red at the hairdresser's. (HAVE) I want _____________________ red at the hairdresser's.

to have my hair dyed

Rock stars often wear dark glasses so that people don't recognise them. (PREVENT) Rock stars often wear dark glasses _____________________ them.

to prevent people from recognising

I've had enough of your rudeness. (PUT) I am not going _____________________ your rudeness any more.

to put up with

I think he is on the point of starting his own company. (SET) I think he's about _____________________ his own company.

to set up

'Don't swim too far out', she warned him. (WARNED) She _____________________ swim too far out.

warned him not to

The film wasn't nearly as good as I thought I would be. (FAR) The film _____________________ I thought it would be.

was far worse than

Paula had to wash up before she could go out. (MADE) Paula _____________________ wash up before she could go out.

was made to

The science teacher made me clean all the test tubes. (MADE) I _____________________ all the test tubes by the science teacher.

was made to clean

The film was far worse than I thought it would be. (NOT) The film _____________________ as I thought it would be.

was not nearly as good

I got so absorbed in the film I forgot to call Amy. (SUCH) It _____________________ film I forgot to call Amy.

was such an absorbing

The weather was so bad that we decided to come back home. (SUCH) It _____________________ that we decided to come back home.

was such bad weather

We decided to see the film as it had such good reviews. (THAT) The reviews for the film _____________________ we decided to see it.

were so good that

The party was so crowded we could hardly move. (PEOPLE) There _____________________ at the party we could hardly move.

were so many people

I'm not sure exactly how deep the harbour is. (EXACT) I'm not sure _____________________ of the harbour is.

what the exact depth

You shouldn't follow Petra's example. (SHOULD) Petra is not a person _____________________ follow.

whose example you should

Naomi is the girl who lent me a ruler during the exam. (WHOSE) Naomi is the girl _____________________ during the exam.

whose ruler I borrowed

If you work harder now, you won't have to do so much later. (THE) The harder _____________________ you'll have to do later.

you work now, the less

'You took my watch, didn't you?' Donna's sister said. (ACCUSED) Donna's sister _____________________ her watch.

accused her of taking

A friend is decorating my bedroom next week. (AM) I _____________________ by a friend next week.

am having my bedroom decorated

Judith was the only member of the family who had never married. (APART) All the members of the family _____________________ got married.

apart from Judith had

"I'm sorry I broke your window," he said. BREAKING He __________________________my window.

apologized for breaking

Taking photographs in the art gallery is forbidden. (ALLOWED) You _____________________ photographs in the art gallery.

are not allowed to take

The idea of flying is very frightening for some people. (ARE) Some people _____________________ by the idea of flying.

are very frightened

Excuse me, is somebody serving you, sir? BEING Excuse me, __________________, sir?

are you being served

He pretended to be enjoying himself, but he wasn't really. (WAS) He acted _____________________ himself, but he wasn't really.

as if he was enjoying

'Don't speak so loudly, John,' said Petra. (ASKED) Petra _____________________ so loudly.

asked John not to speak

I can't possibly get to work if the buses are on strike. (IMPOSSIBLE) It will _____________________ to get to work if the buses are on strike.

be impossible for me

It's not a good idea to owe money to another person. (IN) It's not a good idea to _____________________ to another person.

be in debt

Jack had not been to London before. (VISIT) It had _____________________ London.

been Jack's first visit to

The witness had invented the whole story. (MADE) The whole story had _____________________ the witness.

been made up by

I haven't seen a good film for months. (SINCE) It's _____________________ a good film.

been months since I saw

She didn't hire him until she had seen his references. HIRED She waited until she had seen his references _________________ him.

before she hired

I was cleaning the cupboard when I found an old diary. (CAME) I _____________________ when I was cleaning the cupboard.

came across an old diary

I only found your message by chance when I was looking for something else. (ACROSS) I _____________________ accident when I was looking for something else.

came across your message by

The president offered his congratulations to the players when they won the cup. (CONGRATULATED) The president _____________________ the cup.

congratulated the players on winning

It's possible that you met him at the party but it seems unlikely. (COULD) You _____________________ at the party but it seems unlikely.

could have met him

It would be nice to be able to play the piano. COULD I wish I _____________________ the piano.

could play

Lucy only started sweating when the race had finished. (INTO) Lucy _____________________ sweat until after the race had finished.

did not break into a

It was unfair that the gymnast was given such low marks. (DESERVE) The gymnast _____________________ given such low marks.

did not deserve to be

They waited until sunrise before they got up. GET They ____________________after sunrise.

did not get up until

I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. (COURAGE) I _____________________ to tell him what I really thought.

did not have the courage

Richard's parents did not allow him to drive their car. (LET) Richard's parents _____________________ drive thier car.

did not let him

When I was younger I wasn't allowed to watch much TV. (LET) When I was younger my parents _____________________ much TV.

did not let me watch

It's obvious he shot himself in the foot by accident. (MEAN) He obviously _____________________ himself in the foot.

did not mean to shoot

I'm not allowed to stay out later than 10 o'clock. (LET) My parents _____________________ out later than 10 o'clock.

do not let me stay

Please don't drive so fast - this is a dangerous road. (MORE) Please _____________________ - this is a dangerous road.

drive more slowly

I kept looking for my missing watch, but I knew it was no use. EVEN I kept looking for my missing watch __________________ it was no use.

even though I knew

David carried on working despite feeling very sleepy. (EVEN) David carried on working _____________________ very sleepy.

even though he was feeling

To my astonishment the stranger knew my name. (FIND) I _____________________ that the stranger knew my name.

find it astonishing

I get bored by people who talk too much. (FIND) I _____________________ when people talk too much.

find it boring

I've never spoken to him before. FIRST It's the ________________ spoken to him.

first time I have (ever)

They have never been outside Britain before. FIRST It's the __________________ outside Britain.

first time they have ever been

Mark did as I suggested and bought a new computer. (ADVICE) Mark _____________________ and bought a new computer.

followed my advice

It was difficult for her to connect the new dishwasher. FOUND She __________________ the new dishwasher.

found it difficult to connect

I never see to find the time to read newspapers these days. (ROUND) I never seem to _____________________ newspapers.

get round to reading

I don't think I'll ever find it easy to eat with chopsticks. USED I don't think I'll ever ________________ with chopsticks.

get used to eating

I find if very worrying if things go wrong on holiday. (GET) I _____________________ things going wrong on holiday.

get very worried about

The cold wet weather depresses me and I feel homesick. (GETS) The cold wet weather _____________________ and I feel homesick.

gets me down

She has a good relationship with her colleagues. GETS She ________________her colleagues.

gets on well with

Jo had started the business by himself before Rafa joined him as his partner. (UP) The business _____________________ Jo before Rafa joined him as his partner.

had been set up by

She didn't go out until Philip had called. BEFORE She waited until Philip ________________ out.

had called before she went

She could hardly absorb all the new information. DIFFICULTY She ___________________ all the new information.

had difficulty absorbing

My holiday plans had been cancelled at the last minute. (FALLEN) My holidays plans _____________________ at the last minute.

had fallen through

It was easy for us to get tickets to the concert. (NO) We _____________________ tickets for the concert.

had no problem getting the

I didn't have Rob's phone number because I had lost my mobile. (HAD) If I _____________________ , I would have had Rob's phone number.

had not lost my mobile

I almost never go to live concerts these days. (HARDLY) I _____________________ live concerts these days.

hardly ever go to

Silvia tends to be quite shy. (TENDENCY) Silvia _____________________ to be quite shy.

has a tendency

No decision has yet been made. DECIDED Nothing ________________ yet.

has been decided

She took up knitting five years ago. BEEN She _____________________ five years.

has been knitting for

My sister began to learn Russian five years ago. (LEARNING) My sister _____________________ five years.

has been learning Russian for

This milk is sour, so throw it away. (GONE) This milk _____________________ , so throw it away.

has gone off

How long have you been a doctor? (HAS) How long _____________________ you became a doctor?

has it been since

No one has seen Peter since the day of the party. BEEN Peter _______________ the day of the party.

has not been seen since

Did you enjoy the party? (GOOD) Did you _____________________ the party?

have a good time at

I tried to talk about the problem to Jack, but he was busy. (WORD) I tried to _____________________ about the problem, but he was busy.

have a word with Jack

I moved here five years ago. (BEEN) I _____________________ five years.

have been living here for

Most people find Finnish is not an easy language to learn. (HAVE) Most people _____________________ Finnish.

have difficulty learning

They moved to Rome two years ago. IN They _______________________ two years.

have lived in Rome for

The city council have improved the public transport system. (IMPROVEMENTS) The city council _____________________ the public transport system.

have made improvements to

I'm still working on that report. (FINISHED) I _____________________ that report yet.

have not finished

There's no milk left, so can you buy some? (RUN) We _____________________ , so can you buy some?

have run out of milk

I could never have won the writing competition without your advice. (YOU) I could never have won the writing competition _____________________ me.

if you had not advised

It's a good thing you wrote the letter or we wouldn't have known what happened. (YOU) We wouldn't have known what happened _____________________ that letter.

if you had not written

It may rain later, so take an umbrella. (CASE) Take an umbrella _____________________ later.

in case it rains

Lucy might arrive later, so let's save a piece of cake for her. (CASE) Let's save a piece of cake for Lucy _____________________ up later.

in case she turns

Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money. ORDER Jane gave up smoking ________________money.

in order to save

Although he had hurt his hand, Don still did his violin practice. (SPITE) Don still did his violin practice _____________________ hand.

in spite of hurting his

Alex speaks fluent French although he has never been to France. (SPITE) Alex speaks fluent French _____________________ been to France.

in spite of not having

The weather is fine, but my flowers haven't come out. OF My flowers haven't come out _________ weather.

in spite of the fine

He plays tennis skilfully. SKILFUL He ___________________ player.

is a skillful tennis

The students are raising the money for charity. (RAISED) The money _____________________ the students for charity.

is being raised by

The problem is being dealt with at this very moment. (SORTED) The problem _____________________ out at this very moment.

is being sorted

Smith Ltd are supplying our company with furniture. SUPPLIED Our company __________ by Smith Ltd.

is being supplied with furniture

People believe that someone murdered Jenkins. WAS It __________________ murdered.

is believed that Jenkins was

I am certain that Norman will be late. BOUND Norman __________________ late.

is bound to be

This is definitely the most beautiful picture I've ever seen. (BY) This _____________________ beautiful picture I've ever seen.

is by far the most

They are going to demolish that old power station. (PULLED) That old power station _____________________ down.

is going to be pulled

Brazilian farmers grow much of the world's coffee. (IS) Much of the world's coffee _____________________ farmers in Brasil.

is grown by

It's unusual for Zoe to be rude. (HARDLY) Zoe _____________________ rude.

is hardly ever

How long ago did he move to Canada? MOVED How long ____________________ to Canada?

is it since he moved

When did she decide to apply for the post? SINCE How long ____________________ to apply for the post?

is it since she decided

She would love to learn different langauges. (KEEN) She _____________________ different languages.

is keen on learning

There's a good chance that she will win the cup this year. (LIKELY) She _____________________ the cup this year.

is likely to win

I'm totally convinced that our team will win. (CHANCE) In my opinion, there _____________________ team losing.

is no chance of our

Ballet doesn't interest Sonia. (INTERESTED) Sonia _____________________ ballet.

is not interested in

You don't need to reserve a seat on regional trains. (NECESSARY) It _____________________ a seat on regional trains.

is not necessary to reserve

You can't smoke anywhere in the restaurant. (PERMITTED) Smoking _____________________ anywhere in the restaurant.

is not permitted

My grandmother rarely travels by plane. USED My grandmother _______________ by plane.

is not used to travelling

There is no point in asking Denise to the party as she is so busy. (WORTH) It _____________________ Denise to the party as she is so busy.

is not worth asking

This movie is significantly better than the one with Harrison Ford. (BAD) This movie _____________________ as the one with Harrison Ford.

is nowhere near as bad

The blue car is much faster than the red one. (NEAR) The red car_____________________ as the blue one.

is nowhere near as fast

The lift isn't working so use the stairs instead. OUT The lift ________________so use the stairs instead.

is out of order

They said that the President is thinking of calling an election. (SAID) The President _____________________ of calling an election.

is said to be thinking

John's spelling is so bad I can hardly read his letters. (IS) John _____________________ I can hardly read his letters.

is such a bad speller

Mike has never flown in a plane before. (FIRST) This _____________________ Mike has flown in a plane.

is the first time

The bag is not big enough for all my luggage. (SMALL) The bag _____________________ for all my luggage.

is too small

You use this to open wine bottles. FOR This __________________ wine bottles.

is used for opening

Kevin doesn't mind working long hours. USED Kevin __________________ long hours.

is used to working

I'm very interested in learning about the culture of other countries. (IS) Learning about the culture of other countries _____________________ me.

is what interests

I'm not sure about going to the concert, though if I have enough money, I will. (DEPENDS) I'm not sure about going to the concert because _____________________ whether I have enough money.

it depends on

'I don't mind which film we see,' I said. (MATTER) I said that _____________________ me which film we saw.

it did not matter to

He is not considered to be one of the most sincere policians. (KNOWN) He is not _____________________ a politician.

known for his sincerity as

I haven't seen my grandparents since Christmas. (TIME) The _____________________ gradparents was Christmas.

last time I saw my

Harry left early because he didn't want to miss the bus. AS Harry __________________ to miss the bus.

left early so as not

How long is it since they met? AGO How ________________________ meet?

long ago did they

The company director was respected by all her employees. (UP) All the employees _____________________ the company director.

looked up to

It seems as though they have cancelled the meeting. (LIKE) It _____________________ has been cancelled.

looks like the meeting

If you are not satisfied with the hotel service, you should say so. (MAKE) You should _____________________ if you are not satisfied with the hotel service.

make a complaint

I find watching TV quite relaxing in the evenings. (FEEL) Watching TV _____________________ in the evenings.

makes me feel quite relaxed

Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager. WAS A new __________________ last Thursday.

marketing manager was appointed

My mobile needs to be repaired next week. (MUST) I _____________________ next week.

must have my mobile repaired

Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals. (MUST) The animals _____________________ visitors to the zoo

must not be fed by

I was really surprised when my sister arrived unexpectedly. (UP) I was really surprised when _____________________ unexpectedly.

my sister turned up

I knew the area well, but I got lost. (EVEN) I lost _____________________ I knew the area well.

my way even though

It was the most exciting film I have ever seen. (MORE) I have _____________________ exciting film.

never seen a more

The rent for this flat is higher than I had expected. (AS) The rent for this flat is _____________________ I had expected.

not as low as

There were more students in school in 1992 than in 1991. (AS) There were _____________________ in school in 1991 as in 1992.

not as many students

I'd prefer to leave later if you don't mind. (YET) I'd rather _____________________ if you don't mind.

not leave yet

Jack isn't trying to improve his hadwriting at all. (EFFORT) Jack is _____________________ improve his handwriting.

not making any effort to

I decided not to learn to play the piano as it seemed very difficult. (UP) I decided _____________________ to play the piano as it seemed very difficult.

not to take up learning

This bottle is completely empty. (LEFT) There is _____________________ bottle.

nothing left in this

This restaurant is much cheaper than this other one. (NEAR) The other restaurant is _____________________ this one.

nowhere near as cheap as

This book is far more exciting than the last one I read. (NOWHERE) The last book I read is _____________________ this one.

nowhere near as exciting as

Lucy doesn't like people to phone her late at night. (OBJECTS) Lucy _____________________ her late at night.

objects to people phoning

We were all surprised to see Kitty at the party. (SURPRISE) To _____________________ to the party.

our surprise Kitty came

I've never seen such a pretty girl. EVER She's the _____________________ seen.

prettiest girl I have ever

I haven't smoked a cigarette for six months. SINCE It's been __________________ a cigarette.

six months since I smoked

We will phone you the moment we get to the hotel. (ARRIVE) We will phone you as _____________________ the hotel.

soon as we arrive at

He prefers walking to riding a bicycle. WALK He prefers __________________ a bicycle.

to walk rather than ride

'I'll see you later, Anne', he said. (TOLD) He _____________________ her later.

told Anne he would see

'Do not answer the phone, Rebecca!' said Mrs Miniver. (NOT) Mrs Miniver _____________________ answer the phone.

told Rebecca not to

Marie scolded her son for braking the vase. (TOLD) Marie _____________________ for breaking the vase.

told her son off

The dress is so long that she can't wear it. HER The dress is _______________________ wear.

too long for her to

When I was in the department store, someone thought I was a shop assistant. (TOOK) When I was in the department store, someone _____________________ a shop assistant.

took me for

You can still get a ticket for tonight's concert if you haven't got one already. (UNLESS) You can still get a ticket for tonight's concert _____________________ already.

unless you have got one

Barbara always has a shower before going to work. (UNTIL) Barbara never goes to work _____________________ a shower.

until she has had

Paul lived in Brazil when he was young. LIVE Paul __________________ in Brazil when he was young.

used to live

They cancelled the match because of the hail. OFF The match _____________________ because of the hail.

was called off

The chef gave him the recipe. (WAS) He _____________________ the chef.

was given the recipe by

I couldn't wait to see my friend again after her long trip abroad. (LOOKING) I _____________________ my friend again after her long trip abroad.

was looking forward to seeing

Plase check that someone has washed up before you leave! (DONE) Please check that the _____________________ before you leave.

washing up has been done

Sue went shopping so she could buy herself a new television. TO Sue __________________ a new television.

went shopping to buy herself

The police were following the suspects. WERE The suspects ____________ police.

were being followed by the

The discussion about food raised many interesting issues. (BROUGHT) Many interesting issues _____________________ in the discussion about food.

were brought up

The heavy snow meant that no trains were running. (PREVENTED) The trains _____________________ the heavy snow.

were prevented from running by

The tennis game was so exciting that the spectators cheered loudly at the end. (WERE) The spectators _____________________ the tennis game that they cheered loudly at the end.

were so excited about

Someone will meet you at the station. (BE) You _____________________ at the station.

will be met by someone

No teacher will tolerate bad behaviour in class. (PUT) No teacher _____________________ bad behaviour in class.

will put up with

If only I spoke Russian! (COULD) I _____________________ Russian.

wish I could speak

I regret not going to university. HAD I _____________ to university.

wish I had gone

Don't shout all the time, it's so annoying. WOULDN'T I ________________ shout all the time.

wish you wouldn't

We won't go out if the weather is bad. WON'T We __________________ the weather is good.

won't go out unless

I wonder how she learnt to speak English so well. (LIKE) I _____________________ out how she learnt to speak English so well.

would like to find

Please don't eat in the classroom. DIDN'T I'd rather ________________ classroom.

you didn't eat in the

The sign says that cigarettes must be extinguished. (HAVE) According to the sign, _____________________ out your cigarette.

you have to put

Can you tell me the population of India? (WHAT) Do _____________________ population of India is.

you know what the

Can I borrow your camera for my holiday, please? (LEND) Can _____________________ your camera for my holiday, please?

you lend me

Could you carry my case for me, please? (MIND) Would _____________________ my case for me, please?

you mind carrying

I had never seen a glacier before I went to Norway. ( I ) When I was in Norway _____________________ the first time.

I saw a glacier for

I lived in London when I was a child but now I live in Paris. (USED) I live in Paris now but _____________________ London when I was a child.

I used to live in

When I lived in London, I went to the music shop on the corner every Saturday. (WOULD) Every Saturday _____________________ the music shop on the corner when I lived in London.

I would go to

I don't want you to buy me a present. SOONER I'd ____________ buy me a present.

sooner you didn't

Sue and Alan ended thier relationship a long time ago. (SPLIT) Sue and Alan _____________________ each other a long time ago.

split up with

He can't speak Italian yet. STILL He _______________ Italian.

still can't speak

He hasn't turned up yet. STILL He _____________________up.

still has not turned

She was watching TV but turned it off when her son arrived. (STOPPED) She _____________________ when her son arrived.

stopped watching TV

He managed to break the world record after trying twice. BREAKING He ___________ the world record after trying twice.

succeeded in breaking

'Shall we go to the bar?' said Flora. (SUGGESTED) Flora _____________________ to the bar.

suggested going

My brother never listens to what I say. (TAKES) My brother never _____________________ what I say.

takes any notice of

She's not intersted in theatre. (INTREST) She _____________________ theatre.

takes no interest in

My phone was so badly damaged that it wasn't worth keeping. (POINT) My phone was so badly damaged that _____________________ it.

there was no point keeping

Last week there were fewer job applications than this one. (MANY) Last week _____________________ job applications as in the last one.

there were not as many

Pedro didn't use to be so thin. (THAN) Pedro is _____________________ be.

thinner than he used to

We were in Venice a week ago today. TIME We were in Venice __________________ week.

this time last

We ought to start work now. STARTED It's _____________ work.

time we started

I think we should go home. WENT It's __________________ home.

time we went

We haven't been abroad for two years. TIME The last _______________________ two years ago.

time we went abroad was

Your hair needs cutting. GET You ought ___________________ cut.

to have your hair

Please, don't forget to switch off the light. (TURN) Please remember _____________________ the light.

to turn off

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