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16 Choose paradoxes of Zeno: Выберите парадоксы Зенона:

Achilles and the tortoise Ахилл и черепаха

55 Who is called the "second teacher":

Al - Farabi

47 The representatives of Arab medieval philosophy?

Al - Farabi . Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd,

31 One of the most important works of K. Popper on the problem of development of society is:

An open society and its enemies

37 Philosophical doctrine of the essence of man is:


99 What concept has developed as a result of the absolutization of negative manifestations of the development of science and technology:


41. The famous Kazakh thinker who was looking for ideal place in the world during his all life:


51 Who developed the pantheistic teaching in the New Age:

B. Spinoza

81 Which of the following concepts is considered as a philosophical category?


17 What was the mainstream ideology in Ancient China? Какова была господствующая идеология в Древнем Китае?


The method of cognition in philosophy and science, when thought moves from general principles to particular conclusions:Метод познания в философии и науке, когда мысль движется от общих принципов к частным выводам:


45 A principle that affirms God as the root cause of the world, but denies at the same time its interference in the further development of the universe ....45 Принцип, который утверждает Бога как первопричину мира, но в то же время отрицает его вмешательство в дальнейшее развитие вселенной....


27 Which of these philosophers was a dualist? Дуалист


67 The author of the statement "I think, therefore I am."


35 The method of philosophical thinking explaining the world in its unity, contradictions and dynamics that call:


68 Who made a great contribution to the Enlightenment with creation of the famous Encyclopedia (Classified Dictionary of Science, Arts and Trades)?


33 The absolutization of the role and significance of sensory data in philosophy and scientific knowledge is associated with the direction:бсолютизация роли и значения чувственных данных в философии и научном знании связана с направлением:


20. Which branch of Philosophy studies a society and social relations?

Social philosophy

63 Who said: "I know that I know nothing"?


28 A philosophical category characterizing the extent of material objects, their size and location relative to each other: Философская категория, характеризующая протяженность материальных объектов, их размер и расположение относительно друг друга:


89 Which one is a special type of art?


62 A philosophical trend recognizing the existence of two independent principles, substances:


14 By what principles is «a noble man» of Confucius guided? Какими принципами руководствуется «благородный человек» Конфуция?


21. Which branch of Philosophy studies a morality and moral norms?


74 The doctrine explains morality as a form of social consciousness, is called:74 Учение, объясняющее мораль как форму общественного сознания, называется:


11. What is Aesthetics?

Study of beauty

7 What is Ontology?

Study of being

8. What is Epistemology? Что такое эпистемология?

Study of knowledge

10. What is Logic?

Study of thinking

9. What is Axiology?

Study of values

79 In the history of philosophical thought there are two main concepts of space and time. Find them.

Substantial and relativistic

54 Whoever owns the idea of curbing human egoism, entailing a "war of all against all", is the reason that determines the need for the state and law...54 Тот, кому принадлежит идея обуздания человеческого эгоизма, влекущего за собой "войну всех против всех", является причиной, определяющей необходимость государства и права...

T. Hobbes

24. Which branch of Philosophy studies the problems of cognition?


78 How is the theory of knowledge called in philosophy?


73. Which of these philosophers was an objective idealist ?


43Which of Ancient Creek philosopher opened the law of unity and struggle of opposites?


82 What philosophical direction studies the understanding of the text? Какое философское направление изучает понимание текста?


38 The view, which is based on the value of a person, the human right to freedom, happiness, prosperity:


60 What does the translation mean "humanism":


48 The philosophical and pedagogical ideas are intersected in which Kazakh thinker`s work:

I. Altynsarin

100 The factor that allowed humanity to stand out from the natural environment - ... Фактор, позволивший человечеству выделиться из природной среды -

Labor Труд, работа

15. In Chinese philosophy "the person possesses initially evil nature" is the main postulates of В китайской философии "человек обладает изначально злой природой" является основным постулатом


2.What does it mean the term "Philosophy"?

Love of wisdom

71 Which of these philosophers was a materialist?


32 Epistemological optimism means:

The principal cognizability of the world

12 How does Plato regard a thing and an idea? Как Платон относится к вещи и идее?

The world of things is only a shadow of the world of ideas Мир вещей - это всего лишь тень мира идей

13 The main philosophical worldview in Medieval Europe:

Theocentrism Теоцентризм

"Apriory", "a posteriori", "antinomy"; continue the terms still refer to the philosophy of I. Kant:


29 A philosophical category expressing the duration of the existence of material objects, a certain sequence of events of real reality.Философская категория, выражающая продолжительность существования материальных объектов, определенную последовательность событий реальной действительности.


58 The main philosophical work of Shakarim is "Three ...":


66 Z. Freud owns the discovery of the problem of


75 "Philosophy of history" is a term introduced firstly by:


80 What characterizes the world according to the philosophy of A. Schopenhauer?


95 Representative of the philosophy of Sufism:


86 Asceticism is:

a rejection of worldly pleasures отказ от мирских удовольствий

30 Pantheism is:

a study that denies the personal God and brings him closer to nature, sometimes identifying them исследование, которое отрицает личного Бога и приближает его к природе, иногда отождествляя их

5. The main definition of philosophy is:

a systematic and comprehensive study of truth about life, about the universe, and everything

39 I. Kant`s strict moral law is called:

categorical imperative

92 Which of the following type of change stands out in social development?


61 In philosophy, "agnosticism" is understood as:

full or partial denial of the fundamental possibility of cognition

26 The direction, opposite to the philosophy of materialism:Направление, противоположное философии материализма:


83 According to the philosophy of I. Kant, what difficulties a person can encounter in the process of cognition(с какими трудностями может столкнуться человек в процессе познания)

limited cognitive abilities

6. Three main areas, which are focused by Philosophy:

Nature, Social life. Human

18 According to the Buddhist philosophy the highest grace is


57 Which one of following twentieth-century philosophers proclaimed the idea of the end of culture?57 Кто из следующих философов двадцатого века провозгласил идею конца культуры?

O. A. Spengler

91 The civilization approach, as well as its cyclical representation of historical development, is characteristic of the works of:

O. Spengler

3. What is the meaning of the concept of Cosmos?


25. Which function of philosophy demonstrates the ability to give a united picture of the world in general, to combine data of sciences, arts, practices?Какая функция философии демонстрирует способность давать единую картину мира в целом, объединять данные наук, искусств, практик?

Outlook function

77 What philosophical doctrine affirms the unity of God and nature?


65 The first philosopher in the history of philosophical thought who theoretically comprehend the category of being:


23. Which branch of Philosophy studies the problems of human evolution?

Philosophical Anthropology

70 Which of these philosophers was an idealist?


1.Who used the term "Philosophy" firstly?


52 Who notes deduction as the main method of cognition:

R. Descartes

59 The quality of the cognitive method of Sensualism is characterized by

recognition of the priority role of senses in cognition

84 Philosophical categories:

reflect (отражают) the most common connections and relationships of reality

46 What is Theology?

the doctrine of God

90 The material conditions of society include:

the material and technical base of human life

93 The main approaches to the definition of civilization:

the material embodiment(воплощение) of culture

94 Upward(Восходящее) development or progress is:

the movement from lower to higher, from primitive to complicated states

88 Art is:

the type of spiritual development of reality

44 Organizations of Western scientists, sociologists, public figures who have formulated the concept of "global problems"

"Club of Rome"

96 In the history of philosophy two directly opposite points of view have developed on the question of the role and place of the sensual and rational knowledge. Find them from the following variations.

Rationalism and empiricism

Figure out the main peculiarities of Philosophy:. Выясните основные особенности философии:

Rationality, generalization, critical thinking

19 What does Renaissance mean?

Rebirth or recovery

36 "Anxiety", "abandonment", "despair" - the terms of:


76 Which direction in the philosophy of the twentieth century highlights the problem of human life and death?


56 Who investigated induction as a method of cognition:

F. Bacon

69 What philosophical direction refers to the ideology of science as the only legitimate truth and to a conception of social progress as necessary and brought forth by technological development?69 Какое философское направление ссылается на идеологию науки как на единственную законную истину и на концепцию социального прогресса как необходимого и обусловленного технологическим развитием?


98 What concept has developed as a result of the absolutization of positive manifestations of the development of science and technology: Какая концепция сложилась в результате абсолютизации положительных проявлений развития науки и техники:


49 Which of the Kazakh thinker connects the basic principle of moral concept with the dictum "Be human":

A. Kunanbaev

40 "Be human" is the main idea of the ethical concept of:


72 Which of these philosophers was a subjective idealist ?


87 Understanding of freedom in the philosophy of B. Spinoza:

Freedom - there is a conscious necessity

22. Which branch of Philosophy makes the philosophical and social forecasts?


50 Who is a founder and created the main categories of dialectics:

G. Hegel

85 At the center of the philosophy of which representative of existentialism is the problem of human freedom: В центре философии представителя экзистенциализма стоит проблема свободы человека:

J.P. Sartre

42 The author of the concept of "open society":

K. Popper

64 The universal form of existence of matter is:


97 Gnoseology is a doctrine:

of knowledge

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