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In 1957, U.S Soldiers from the ____ ________ _________ were called in to escort the Little Rock Nine into and around formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas

101st airborne division

according to the text, when World War I ended a total of _____________ American soldiers had been killed


Which of the following groups or bodies did not offer direct relief to needy people? A. the federal government B. local police and schoolteachers C. churches and synagogues D. wealthy individuals


a campaign by African Americans to win victory over the enemy overseas and victory over racism at home

Double V campaign

General __________ ___________ served as the supreme allied commander of the Pacific theatre from 1942-1945

Douglas MacArthur

Film production was originally based in and around ____ _____, where Thomas Edison first debuted the Kinetoscope in 1893.

New York

Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes ran the __________ _______ _______________, which completed over thirty-four thousand projects, including the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and the Queens-Midtown Tunnel in New York.

Public Works Administration

The popularization of ________ expanded the communications and sports industries. A. radios B. talkies C. the Model T D. airplanes


unlike the secret terror group of the Reconstruction Era, the Second Ku Klux Klan was a nationwide movement that expressed racism, nativism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Catholicism

Second Ku Klux Klan

Just months after the release of The Birth of a Nation, a second incarnation of the Klan was established at ________ ____________, Georgia, under the leadership of William Simmons

Stone Mountain

_____ _____________ Camps housed over 100,000 Japanese Americans during the war.

War Relocation

Who was the Republican presidential nominee for the 1920 election? A. Calvin Coolidge B. Woodrow Wilson C. Warren Harding D. James Cox

Warren Harding

A generation of young women who expressed their new freedoms in dress and lifestyle, as well as becoming the symbols of the revolution in morals, were commonly called ___________.


The 1924 ____________ restrictions created deep tensions between the United States and the countries of China and Japan


the forced incarceration of the West Coast Japanese and Japanese American population into ten relocation centers for the greater part of World War II


period between the election and the inauguration of a new president; when economic conditions worsened significantly during the four-month lag between Roosevelt's win and his move into the Oval Office, Congress amended the Constitution to limit this period to two months


During World War II _________ _________ served in the Army Air Force and appeared in a short film entitled Winning Your Wings that encouraged young men to enlist.

jimmy stewart

name for the war bonds that the U.S. government sold, and strongly encouraged Americans to buy, as a way of raising money for the war effort

liberty bonds

a defense strategy, sometimes called "mutually assured destruction" or MAD, adopted by Eisenhower that called for launching a large-scale nuclear attack on the Soviet Union in response to a first Soviet strike at the United States

massive retaliation

equipment and supplies used by the military


the matrix of relationships between officials in the Defense Department and executives in the defense industry who all benefited from increases in defense spending

military-industrial complex

henry fords reliance on the _________ ________ ____, scientific managment, and time-motion studies added to his emphasis on effciency over craftsmanship

moving assembly line

manufacturing process that allowed workers to stay in one place as the work came to them

moving assembly line

the rejection of outside influences in favor of local or native customs


the more permissive mores adopted my many young people in the 1920s

new morality

When Warren G. Harding stated that America needed to return to "_____________", this suggestion inspired widespread fear of outsiders, an end to reforms for broad social justice, and an opportunity to enjoy the growing national prosperity.


a flamboyant outfit favored by young African American and Mexican American men

zoot suit

This photograph is of Levittown, Pennsylvania. Developer William Levitt's houses only cost ___________ and could be bought with little or no down payment


among the volunteers to serve in the American military during WWI were ____________ women, a quarter of whom went to France to serve as nurses or in clerical positions


In 1917, when the United States declared war on Germany, the U.S Army ranked seventh in the world in terms of size, with an estimated ______________ enlisted men.


The Social Security Act borrowed some ideas from which of the following? A. the Townsend Plan B. the Division of Negro Affairs C. the Education Trust D. the NIRA


The United States Senator who led the noninterventionists in Congress and called for neutrality legislation in the 1930s was ________. A. Gerald P. Nye B. Robert Wagner C. George C. Marshall D. Neville Chamberlain


The program to recruit Mexican agricultural workers during World War II was the ________. A. bracero program B. maquiladora program C. brazzos program D. campesino program


Why did the war not increase overall prosperity? A. because inflation made the cost of living higher B. because wages were lowered due to the war effort C. because workers had no bargaining power due to the "no-strike pledge" D. because women and African American men were paid less for the same work


In both 1952 and 1956 the Democrats nominated _______ ___________ to run against Dwight D. Eisenhower

Adlai Stevenson

The goal of the goal of the _____________ ____________ Act of 1933 was to raise farm income mainly through federal subsidies and cutbacks in production

Agricultural Adjustment

Passed into law on May 12, 1933, the ______________ _____________ _____ was designed to boost prices to a level that would alleviate rural poverty and restore profitability to American agriculture, by encouraging farmers to limit production in order to increase demand while receiving cash payments in return .

Agricultural Adjustment Act

When Coolidge decided not to seek reelection, the presidential race in 1928 was between Republican Herbert Hoover and Democrat ___ _______

Al Smith

Wealthy businessmen would have been most likely to support Republican ____ ___________ in the presidential election of 1936

Alf Landon

At the 1948 Summer Olympics, _________ ____________, an African American, was the only American woman to take a gold medal in the games

Alice Coachman

By 1915, the _____ _________ consisted of Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, and Italy

Allied Powers

In its major initial contribution to the war effort in World War I, the United States secured the safety of the seas for ______ _________ and U.S. troop transport

Allied shipping

belief, strongly held by Herbert Hoover and others, that hard work and individual effort, absent government interference, comprised the formula for success in the U.S

American individualism

Fearing an armed uprising, Hoover then ordered General Douglas MacArthur, along with his aides, Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton, to forcibly remove the veterans from ____________ ______.

Anacostia Flats

In March 1938, claiming that he sought only to reunite ethnic Germans within the borders of one country, Hitler invaded _________ .


The outbreak of World War I was the culmination of a European crisis that began when a Bosnian recruited by Serbian terrorists assassinated the heir to the throne of ___________-__________


The name of the first manmade satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, was________. A. Triton B. Cosmolskaya C. Pravda D. Sputnik


The first Levittown was built ________. A. in Bucks County, Pennsylvania B. in Nassau County, New York C. near Newark, New Jersey D. near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


What was Article X in the Treaty of Versailles? A. the "war guilt clause" that France required B. the agreement that all nations in the League of Nations would be rendered equal C. the Allies' division of Germany's holdings in Asia D. the refusal to allow Bolshevik Russia membership in the League of Nations


What was the first New Deal agency to hire women openly? A. the NRA B. the WPA C. the AAA D. the TVA


What was the policy of trying to limit the expansion of Soviet influence abroad? A. restraint B. containment C. isolationism D. quarantine


Which assessment of Herbert Hoover's presidency is most accurate? A. Hoover's policies caused the stock market crash and subsequent depression. B. Although he did not cause the stock market crash, Hoover deserves criticism for his inadequate response to it. C. Hoover pledged a great deal of direct federal aid to unemployed Americans, overtaxing the federal budget and worsening the financial crisis. D. Hoover disapproved of American capitalism and therefore attempted to forestall any concrete solutions to the Depression.


Which of the following is a cause of the stock market crash of 1929? A. too many people invested in the market B. investors made risky investments with borrowed money C. the federal government invested heavily in business stock D. World War I created optimal conditions for an eventual crash


Which of the following islands had to be captured in order to provide a staging area for U.S. bombing raids against Japan? A. Sakhalin B. Iwo Jima C. Molokai D. Reunion


Which of the following pieces of Truman's domestic agenda was rejected by Congress? A. the Taft-Hartley Act B. national healthcare C. the creation of a civil rights commission D. funding for schools


Which of the following statements accurately describes Mary McLeod Bethune? A. She was a prominent supporter of the Townsend Plan. B. She was a key figure in the NYA. C. She was Eleanor Roosevelt's personal secretary. D. She was a labor organizer


Which of the following was not a destabilizing factor immediately following the end of the war? A. a flu pandemic B. a women's liberation movement C. high inflation and economic uncertainty D. political paranoia


Which of the following was not a key factor in the conditions that led to the Dust Bowl? A. previous over-cultivation of farmland B. decreasing American demand for farm produce C. unfavorable weather conditions D. poor farming techniques regarding proper irrigation and acreage rotation


Which of the following was not a policy undertaken by the NIRA? A. agreement among industries to set prices B. agreement among industries to reinvest profits into their firms C. agreement among industries to set production levels D. recognition of the right of workers to form unions


Which of the following was not included in the Treaty of Versailles? A. extensive German reparations to be paid to the Allies B. a curtailment of German immigration to Allied nations C. France's acquisition of disputed territory along the French-German border D. a mandate for Germany to accept responsibility for the war publicly


Why was the German use of the unterseeboot considered to defy international law? A. because other countries did not have similar technology B. because they refused to warn their targets before firing C. because they constituted cruel and unusual methods D. because no international consensus existed to employ submarine technology


What type of help did the CWA provide? A. direct relief B. farm refinancing C. bank reform D. employment opportunities


Which novel of the era satirized the conformity of the American middle class? A. This Side of Paradise B. The Sun Also Rises C. A Farewell to Arms D. Babbitt


Known as the _________ _______ March, it was the forced march in 1942 of 10,000 American and Filipino prisoners of the Japanese. Their contempt for soldiers who surrendered resulted in deliberate starvation, beating, and even murder of the men

Bataan Death

The Allies turned the tide in May and June 1942, at the Battle of Coral Sea and the ____________ ____ __________.

Battle of Midway

The War industries Board run by __________ _______ had the power to direct shipments of raw materials, as well as to control government contracts with private producers

Bernard Baruch

As a young man _______ _________ had gained fame as a baseball player with exceptional skill and speed. Later, he found even more celebrity as the nation's most revered evangelist, drawing huge crowds at camp meetings around the country.

Billy Sunday

Which man was both a professional baseball player and an influential evangelist during the1920s? A. Babe Ruth B. H. L. Mencken C. Jim Thorpe D. Billy Sunday

Billy Sunday

"___________ ___________" occurred on October 29th, 1929

Black Tuesday

General Douglas MacArthur was the U.S. Army Chief of Staff during the ______ ______ March and removal of 1932

Bonus Army

It was the hard work of Roosevelt's advisors--the " ________ _______" of scholars and thinkers from leading universities-- as well as Congress and the American public who helped the New Deal succeed as well as it did.

Brains Trust

unofficial advisory cabinet to President Franklin Roosevelt, originally gathered while he was governor of New York, to present possible solutions to the nations' problems; among its prominent members were Rexford Tugwell, Raymond Moley, and Adolph Berle

Brains Trust

Tennessee's _________ ___ made it illegal "to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals"

Butler Act

The Arkansas governor who tried to prevent the integration of Little Rock High School was________. A. Charles Hamilton Houston B. Kenneth Clark C. OrvalFaubus D. Clark Clifford


The disc jockey who popularized rock and roll was ________. A. Bill Haley B. Elvis Presley C. Alan Freed D. Ed Sullivan


Truman referred to his program of economic and social reform as the ________. A. New Deal B. Square Deal C. Fair Deal D. Straight Deal


What of the following was not used to control American dissent against the war effort? A. propaganda campaigns B. repressive legislation C. National Civil Liberties Bureau D. loyalty leagues


What was the inciting event that led to the Chicago Race Riot of 1919? A. a strike at a local factory B. a protest march of black activists C. the murder of a black boy who swam too close to a white beach D. the assault of a white man on a streetcar by black youths


Which of the following best describes Roosevelt's attempts to push his political agenda in the last months of Hoover's presidency? A. Roosevelt spoke publicly on the issue of direct relief. B. Roosevelt met privately with Hoover to convince him to institute certain policy shifts before his presidency ended. C. Roosevelt awaited his inauguration before introducing any plans. D. Roosevelt met secretly with members of Congress to attempt to win their favor


Which of the following demands did the Soviet Union make of Britain and the United States? A. the right to try all Nazi war criminals in the Soviet Union B. the invasion of North Africa to help the Soviet Union's ally Iraq C. the invasion of western Europe to draw German forces away from the Soviet Union D. the right to place Communist Party leaders in charge of the German government


Which of the following did not influence the eventual passage of the Nineteenth Amendment? A. women's contributions to the war effort B. the dramatic tactics and harsh treatment of radical suffragists C. the passage of the Volstead Act D. the arguments of President Wilson's daughter


Which of the following groups would not be considered "the deserving poor" by social welfare groups and humanitarians in the 1930s? A. vagrant children B. unemployed workers C. stock speculators D. single mothers


Which of the following protests was directly related to federal policies, and thus had the greatest impact in creating a negative public perception of the Hoover presidency? A. the Farm Holiday Association B. the Ford Motor Company labor strikes C. the Bonus Expeditionary Force D. the widespread appearance of "Hooverville" shantytowns


_______ ___________ was quoted saying, "The man who builds a factory builds a temple. The man who works there worships there."

Calvin Coolidge

By 1915, the _________ ___________ consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria

Central Powers

Father _________ ____________ was Michigan's "radio priest" and founder of the national Union.

Charles Coughlin

Hoover's vice-president _________ _______ was a member of the Kaw Tribe and became the country's first Native American to hold so high an elected office.

Charles Curtis

The most celebrated aeronautical hero of the 1920s was _________ ____________, who was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.

Charles Lindbergh

Who was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? A. Orville Wright B. Jim Thorpe C. Charlie Chaplin D. Charles Lindbergh

Charles Lindbergh

Hoover appointed ____________ _________ as the new commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and advocated, for Native American self-sufficiency and full assimilation as Americans under the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

Charles Rhoads

During WWI, Colonel ___________ ___________ of the Tenth Cavalry divison served as the highest-ranking African American officer

Charles Young

During the "Red Summer" of 1919, northern cities recorded twenty-five bloody race riots that killed over 250 people. Among these was the ___________ Race Riot of 1919, where a White mob stoned a young Black boy to death because he swam too close to the "White beach" on one of the Great Lakes


as World War I, began to unfold, and European nations largely abandoned their imperialistic interests in order to marshal their forces for self-defense, Japan demanded that _______ succumb to a Japanese protectorate over their entire nation.


Created in 1933, the ____________ __________________ ________ provided jobs in national parks, national forests, and other federally owned lands. After initial anxieties, it was an extremely popular program. By the time it was disbanded in 1942, 500,000 men between the ages of 18 and 25 had passed through it

Civilian Conservation Corps

The ___________ ________________ _______ Relief Act and provided government jobs for young men aged fourteen to twenty-four who came from relief families. They would earn thirty dollars per month planting trees, fighting forest fires, and refurbishing historic sites and parks, building an infrastructure that families would continue to enjoy for generations to come.

Civilian Conservation Corps

The silent movies of the early 1920s gave rise to the first generation of movie stars. Rudolph Valentino, the lothario with the bedroom eyes, and ______ _______, the "It Girl" with sex appeal, filled the imagination of millions of American moviegoers.

Clara Bow

The Scopes Trail saw public opinion support that defense attorney _________ ___________ had gotten the better of prosecutor William Jennings Bryan in the arguments

Clarence Darrow

Hoover shaped the _______ ________________ released in 1930 which largely repudiated the previous Roosevelt Corollary, establishing a basis for unlimited American military intervention throughout Latin America

Clark Memorandum

Hoover's repudiation of the Roosevelt Corollary that justified American military intervention in Latin American affairs; this memorandum improved relations with America's neighbors by reasserting that intervention would occur only in the event of European interference in the Western Hemisphere

Clark Memorandum

the prolonged period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, based on ideological conflicts and competition for military, economic, social, and technological superiority, and marked by surveillance and espionage, political assassinations, an arms race, attempts to secure alliances with developing nations, and proxy wars

Cold War

William Jennings Bryan negotiated friendly relations with ________, including a $25 million apology for Roosevelt's actions during the Panamanian Revolution, and worked to establish effective self-government in the Philippines in preparation for the eventual American withdrawal


An angry Pancho Villa turned against President Wilson, and on March 9, 1916, led a fifteen-hundred-man force across the border into New Mexico, where they attacked and burned the town of _____________.


eleven "unfriendly witnesses" were called to testify before Congress about ________________ in the film industry in October 1947, only playwright Bertolt Brecht answered questions.


In 1917, President Wilson sent troops to ____ to protect American-owned sugar plantations from attacks by rebels; the troops remained there for four years.


During World War II, unionized workers agreed ________. A. to work without pay B. to go without vacations or days off C. to live near the factories to save time commuting D. to keep production going by not striking


The NAACP lawyer who became known as "Mr. Civil Rights" was ________. A. Earl Warren B. Jackie Robinson C. Orval Faubus D. Thurgood Marshall


The Truman administration tried to help Europe recover from the devastation of World War II with the ________. A. Economic Development Bank B. Atlantic Free Trade Zone C. Byrnes Budget D. Marshall Plan


Which of the following hardships did African Americans not typically face during the Great Depression? A. lower farm wages in the South B. the belief that white workers needed jobs more than their black counterparts C. white workers taking historically "black" jobs, such as maids and janitors D. widespread race riots in large urban centers


Which of the following phrases best characterizes Herbert Hoover's foreign policy agenda? A. interventionist, in terms of unwanted interference in other nations' affairs B. militaristic, in terms of strengthening American armed forces C. isolationist, in terms of preventing America's interaction with other nations D. mutual respect, in terms of being available to support others when called upon, but not interfering unnecessarily in their affairs


Which of the following policies did Roosevelt not include among his early ideas for a New Deal? A. public works B. government regulation of the economy C. elimination of the gold standard D. aid to farmers


The Scopes Monkey Trial revolved around a law that banned teaching about ________ in public schools. A. the Bible B. Darwinism C. primates D. Protestantism


During prohibition, the ____________ party found itself deeply divided between urban, northern "wets" who hated the idea of who favored the amendment


Historians identify the election of 1932, as the beginning of a new ____________ _________ bringing together African Americans, other ethnic minorities, and organized labor as a voting bloc upon whom the party would rely for many of its electoral victories over the next fifty years.

Democratic coalition

The Glass-Steagall Act created the Federal __________ ___________ Corporation.

Deposit Insurance

The __________ __ campaign called on African Americans to accomplish the two "V's" : Victory over America's foreign enemies and victory over racism in the United States

Double V

area in the middle of the country that had been badly over farmed in the 1920s and suffered from a terrible drought that coincided with the Great Depression; the name came from the "black blizzard" of topsoil and dust that blew through the area

Dust Bowl

__________ __ ______________ in a 1961 speech, warned about the growth of the military industrial complex, the matrix of relationships between officials in the Department of Defense and executives in the defense industry who all benefited from increases in defense spending

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Many parents in the 1950s regarded rock and roll as a threat to American values. When _______ _______ appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, the camera deliberately focused on his torso and did not show his swiveling hips or legs shaking in time to the music

Elvis Presley

The _____________ ____________ Act of 1933 officially took the country off the gold standard, a restrictive practice that, although conservative and traditionally viewed as safe, severely limited the circulation of paper money.

Emergency Banking

In an effort to protect U.S. agriculture and other businesses threatened by lower-priced imports, Harding pushed through the ___________ _______ of 1921.

Emergency Tariff

The Wagner-Peyser Act, created the United States _________________ _________, which promised states matching funds if they created local employment opportunities

Employment service

the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

Enola Gay

Which amendment did Alice Paul promote to end gender discrimination? A. Prohibition Amendment B. Equal Rights Amendment C. Sheppard-Towner Amendment D. Free Exercise Amendment

Equal Rights Amendment

German Field Marshal _____________ ____________ was known as the "Desert Fox" and was forced later in the war to commit suicide for his support of the overthrow/assassination of Adolf Hitler

Erwin Rommel

When Birmingham police chief ________ __________ used nightsticks, high-pressure hoses, and attack dogs on civil rights protestors there was a wave of revulsion globally

Eugene Connor

the order given by President Roosevelt to relocate and detain people of Japanese ancestry, including those who were American citizens

Executive Order 9066

President Harry Truman's program of economic and social reform

Fair Deal

The political ideology of __________ places a heightened focus on national unity, through dictatorial rule


a political ideology that places a heightened focus on national unity, through dictatorial rule, and militarism


Cuban revolutionary leader _____ ______ came to power on January 1, 1959

Fidel Castro

Many young women of the era shed their mother's morality and adopted the dress and mannerisms of a ________, the Jazz Age female stereotype, seeking the endless party.


President Wilson's postwar plan for European recovery and cooperation was known as the ____________ ______

Fourteen Points

__________ _________ was the first female member of any presidential cabinet and served as Roosevelt's Secretary of Labor for the entirety of his administration.

Frances Perkins

_____________ ____________was the first woman to become part of a president's cabinet

Frances Perkins

Dr. ___________ _______________ recommended paying every citizen over sixty who retired from work the sum of $200 per month, provided they spent it in thirty days.

Francis Townsend

In the 1920 U.S Presidential election the Democrats nominated Ohio governor James Cox, who chose, for his Vice Presidential mate, the young Assistant Secretary of the Navy __________ __________ ___________

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In 1929, New York Governor __________ ___________ was the first to institute a Department of Welfare in their state.

Franklin Roosevelt

Before the end of World War II, Congress had passed one of the most significant and far-reaching pieces of legislation to ease veterans transition into civilian life: the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, also known as the ________

G.I Bill

a program that gave substantial benefits to those who served in World War II

GI Bill

Commander of the Seventh and later the Third Army in Europe in World War II, General _________ ________ was probably the best American battlefield commander.

George Patton

In the course of the turmoil that shook Russia in the midst of World War I, the newly established Bolshevik government gave up extensive territories in Russia's western borderlands in return for peace with ___________ in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk


In April 1950, Stalin finally gave permission to North Korea's leader _____ ___ _____ to invade South Korea and provided the North Koreans with weapons and military advisors.

Kim Il Sung

On February 15, 1933, after Roosevelt delivered a speech from his open car in Miami's Bayfront Park, local Italian brick layer ___________ _______ emerged from a crowd of well-wishers to fire six shots from his revolver.

Giuseppe Zangara

In June 1933 the _______ - ________ Banking Act was signed into law, thus prohibiting commercial banks from engaging in investment banking, therefore stopping the practice of banks speculating in the stock market with deposits.

Glass Steagall

The German invasion of Belgium drew ______ _________ into the war.

Great Britain

The mass movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North, as they searched for new job opportunities, is often referred to as the ________ ______________

Great Migration

In 1915, when a revolution in _____ resulted in the murder of the nations president and threatened the safety of New York banking interests in the country, President Wilson sent over three hundred U.S. Marines to establish order.


nickname for the decorated, all-Black 369th Infantry, which served on the frontlines of France for six months, longer than any other American unit

Harlem Hellfighters

The celebration of African American cultural awareness, including literature, art, and music is known as the ________ ________________

Harlem Renaissance

Head of the Food Administration _________ __________ encouraged "meatless Mondays," "Wheatless Wednesdays," as a volunteer effort to help win the war

Herbert Hoover

____________ on August 6th and ___________ on August 9th, 1945 became the first and only cities to date to have been attacked with atomic bombs.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki

small town north of Los Angeles, California, whose reliable sunshine and cheaper production costs attracted filmmakers and producers starting in the 1910s; by the 1920s, Hollywood was the center of American movie production with five movie studios dominating the industry


Former governor of Louisiana _______ _______, advocated his "Share Our Wealth Society" during the 1930s

Huey Long

a term coined by Winston Churchill to refer to portions of Eastern Europe that the Soviet Union had incorporated into its sphere of influence and that no longer were free to manage their own affairs

Iron Curtain

Republicans who opposed the Treaty of Versailles on all grounds


__________ ____________ broke the color barrier in major league baseball in 1947

Jackie Robinson

in 1947, ____________ ____________ became the first African American to play professional baseball in the National League of Major league Baseball

Jackie Robinson

the Treaty of Versailles that officially concluded World War I and it resembled little of President Wilson's original Fourteen Points. The __________, French, and British succeeded in carving up many of Germany's colonial holdings in Africa and Asia.


Born out of the African American community, ____ was a uniquely american music


During the great depression the American Red Cross did exist, but chairman ______ ________ ______ contended that unemployment was not an "Act of God" but rather an "Act of Man" and therefore refused to get involved in widespread direct relief efforts

John Barton Payne

In the early days of the Great Depression the Chairman of the American Red Cross _______ _______ _______ contended that unemployment was not an "Act of God" but rather an "Act of Man," and therefore refused to get involved in widespread direct relief efforts.

John Barton Payne

In March 1965, the Reverend Hosea Williams and _______ ________ organized a voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, where the Alabama police beat the marchers with whips, nightsticks, and cattle prods.

John Lewis

This spending program accorded with the theories advocated by ________ _________ ____________,argued that government intervention could smooth out the business cycle through deficitspending and the manipulation of interest rates

John Maynard Keynes

from 1941-1945, the Soviet Union was led by _________ ________, Great Britain's leader was __________ _________ and the president of the United States was Franklin Roosevelt and were collectively known as the "big three" allies.

Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill

Woodrow Wilson's idea for a group of countries that would promote a new world order and territorial integrity through open discussions, rather than intimidation and war

League of Nations

suburban housing developments consisting of acres of mass-produced homes


the nickname for the nine African American high school students who first integrated Little Rock's Central High School

Little Rock Nine

Known as the _____ _____________, writers like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Edith Wharton, and John Dos Passos expressed their hopelessness and despair by skewering the middle class in their work.

Lost Generation

The "______ _____________" was a group of disillusioned American writers in the 1920s who wrote some of the most effective literature during this time of a unique, prosperous, and discontented moment in American history and literature, several lived in Europe to escape the commercialism in the United States

Lost Generation

German U-boats attacked the British passenger ship, RMS ___________, on its way from New York to Liverpool on May 7, 1915


the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine, which announced that the United States would never recognize claims to territories seized by force a direct response to the recent Japanese invasion of ______________ .


The ______________ ____________ was the code name given to the huge, expensive, secret development of the first atomic bomb. It began in three locations in 1939 with hundreds of scientists

Manhattan Project

Woodrow Wilson wished to keep the United States ___________ at the outbreak of World War I primarily because he wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war


In 1949, _____ __________ led a successful communist revolution in China

Mao Zedong

__________ ____________ rejected integration with white America, focused on self-help and self-determination, promoted African nationalism, and founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association

Marcus Garvey

a program giving billions of dollars of U.S. aid to European countries to prevent them from turning to Communism

Marshall Plan

During the 1950s the growing number of cars on the road changed consumption patterns, and drive-in and drive-through convenience stores, restaurants, and movie theatres began to dot the landscape. The first _____________ opened in San Bernardino, California, in 1954 to cater to drivers in a hurry.


The Battle of ___________ was the turning point of the war in the Pacific.


the Farm Holiday Association led by _____ _____, was an organization that held significant sway among farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the Dakotas.

Milo Reno

During the Great Depression, one-fourth of the entire state of ______________ was auctioned off in a single day at a foreclosure auction in April 1932


first car produced by the Ford Motor Company that took advantage of the economies of scale provided by assembly-line production and was therefore affordable to a large segment of the population

Model T

According to the text, if it is indeed true that Truman had political motivations for using the bombs, then the destruction of ___________ might have been the first salvo of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.


To the benefit of industrial workers, Roosevelt signed into law the Wagner Act, also known as the ______________ _________ ____________ ______ to once again protect American workers' right to unionize and bargain collectively, as well as to provide a federal vehicle for labor grievances to be heard.

National Labor Relations Board

Hoover did give special attention to the improvement of ___________ ____________ conditions, beginning with his election of Charles Curtis as his vice-president running mate in the 1928 election

Native American

_________ _______ in the wake of the postwar riots and promoted a "Back to Africa" movement. To return African Americans to a presumably more welcoming home in Africa, Garvey founded the Black Star Steamship Line.

Negro Nationalism

notion that African Americans had a distinct and separate national heritage that should inspire pride and a sense of community

Negro nationalism

_______ ______ and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian-born anarchists who were tried in the midst of the anti-immigrant hysteria sweeping the country in 1921 and later executed in 1927despite their numerous appeals and suspected innocence

Nicola Sacco

In hard-hit Oklahoma, thousands of farmers packed up what they could and walked or drove away from the land they thought would be their future. They, along with other displaced farmers from throughout the Great Plains, became known as "________."


A military operation of unprecedented scale in assembling a massive force of soldiers, weapons, and a transportation fleet for the invasion of western Europe in World War II. Operation _________ culminated in D-Day, June 6, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy


Germany's president, _________ _____ _______________, at the urging of large industrialists who feared a Communist uprising, appointed Hitler to the position of chancellor in January 1933.

Paul von Hindenburg

According to the text, While the employment of single and unmarried women had largely won social acceptance, married women often suffered the stigma that they were working for _____ money—frivolous additional discretionary income.


In 1932, as conditions worsened, Hoover eventually relaxed his opposition to federal relief and formed the _________________ __________ __________________, setting aside $2 billion in taxpayer money to rescue banks, credit unions, and insurance companies.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

The __________________ ____________________ __________________ only lent money to banks with sufficient collateral, which meant that most of the federal aid went to large banks

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Over eighteen thousand American women served as ___ _____ nurses, providing much of the medical support available to American troops in France.

Red Cross

term used to describe the fear that Americans felt about the possibility of a Bolshevik revolution in the United States; fear over Communist infiltrators led Americans to restrict and discriminate against any forms of radical dissent, whether Communist or not

Red Scare

During the "____ ______" of 1919, northern cities recorded twenty-five bloody race riots that killed over 250 people

Red Summer

Republicans who would support the Treaty of Versailles if sufficient amendments were introduced that could eliminate Article X


On December 1, 1955 police arrested ______ ______, for refusing to give her seat on a bus to a white person

Rosa Parks

a symbol of female workers in the defense industries

Rosie the Riveter

At the start of the Great War the Triple Entente included an alliance of France, Great Britain, and _________


The outbreak of the ________ Revolution in February 1917 and the abdication of the royal monarch in March raised the prospect of democracy in the Eurasian empire and removed an important moral objection for the United States to entering the war on the side of the Allies


1925 trial of John Scopes for teaching evolution in a public school; the trial highlighted the conflict between rural traditionalists and modern urbanites

Scopes Monkey Trial

In 1931, nine African American boys were falsely accused of raping two white women and sentenced to death in _________________, _____________

Scottsboro Alabama

reference to the infamous trial in Scottsboro, Alabama in 1931, where nine African American boys were falsely accused of raping two White women and sentenced to death; the extreme injustice of the trial, particularly given the age of the boys and the inadequacy of the testimony against them, garnered national and international attention

Scottsboro Boys

n 1929, Albert Fall was convicted of bribery while holding the position of ________. A. Secretary of the Interior B. head of the Veterans' Bureau C. Secretary of the Treasury D. Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of the Interior

The section of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 that obligated employees to bargain with labor unions approved by a majority of employees. When the Supreme Court declared the NRA unconstitutional, Congress re-enacted __________ ___ as the Wagner Act of 1935

Section 7a

The biggest political threat to Roosevelt, however, came from corrupt but beloved Louisiana senator Huey "Kingfish" Long, he stated that the president was not doing enough to help people and proposed his own _______ _____ ________ program.

Share Our Wealth

The popularization of which psychologist's ideas encouraged the new morality of the 1920s? A. Sigmund Freud B. Alice Paul C. W. E. B. Du Bois D. Margaret Sange

Sigmund Freud

Hoover signed into law the _________-________ ________ Act in June of 1930. The law raised tariffs on thousands of imports, which was intended to increase sales of American-made goods, but predictably angered foreign trade partners who in turn raised their tariffs on American imports.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Name given to the federal program that beginning in 1935, provided pensions for the elderly. Federal old age pensions were not in the New Deal's original plans; the Democratic Party established ________ ____________ because of the popularity of an unrealistic pension plan advocated by Dr. Francis Townsend of California

Social Security

In order to maintain a coalition of Democrats to support his larger relief and recovery efforts, Roosevelt could not afford to alienate _____________ ______________ who might easily bolt should he openly advocate for civil rights.

Southern Democrats

The ______________ ___________ ___________ ________ was an interracial organization that sought to gain government relief for these most disenfranchised of farmers, such as sharecroppers and tenant farmers.

Southern Tenant Farmers Union

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was the _________ ________.

Soviet Union

the first manmade orbital satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in October 1957


After the election of 1936, Roosevelt chose to exact a measure of revenge against the U.S Supreme Court for challenging his programs and to pressure them against challenging his more recent Second New Deal provisions. To this end, Roosevelt created the informally named "______________ _______ __________ Plan"

Supreme Court Packing

Roosevelt's plan, after being reelected, to pack the Supreme Court with an additional six justices, one for every justice over seventy who refused to step down

Supreme Court Packing Plan

bribery scandal involving Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall in 1923

Teapot Dome scandal

Regionally, Roosevelt's work was most famously seen in the _______________ ________ ___________ , a federal agency tasked with the job of planning and developing the area through flood control, reforestation, and hydroelectric power.

Tennessee Valley Authority

federal agency tasked with the job of planning and developing the area through flood control, reforestation, and hydroelectric power projects

Tennessee Valley Authority

During the Eisenhower administration and beyond, the relief of some in the U>S government was that neighbors to Communist nations, were likely to succumb to the same allegedly dangerous and infectious ideology. This view is known as _____ __________ _______

The Domino Theory

Which of the following films released in 1927 was the first successful talking motion picture? A. The Clansman B. The Great Gatsby C. The Jazz Singer D. The Birth of a Nation

The Jazz Singer

Which of the following was not enacted in order to secure men and materials for the war effort? A. the Food Administration B. the Selective Service Act C. the War Industries Board D. The Sedition Act

The Sedition Act

____________ __________ argued the case Brown v. Topeka Board of Education on behalf of the NAACP before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954

Thurgood Marshall

The __________ __________, offered support to Greece and Turkey in the form of financial assistance, weaponry, and troops to help train their militaries and bolster their governments against Communism.

Truman Doctrine

The ___________ _____________ committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere

Truman Doctrine

The ____________ _____________ in Alabama had instituted a civilian pilot training program for aspiring African American pilots. When the war began, the Department of War absorbed the program and adapted it to train combat pilots.

Tuskegee Institute

In order to pursue his goal of using American influence overseas only when it was a moral imperative, Wilson put which man in the position of Secretary of State? A. Charles Hughes B. Theodore Roosevelt C. William Jennings Bryan D. John Pershing

William Jennings Bryan

a program run by Harry Hopkins that provided jobs for over eight million Americans from its inception to its closure in 1943

Works Progress Administration

The _______________ ______________ of early 1917 was an intercepted message from the German government to the Mexican government, inviting the latter to join Germany in war against the United States with the promise of regaining Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Zimmermann telegram

The mass consumption of cars, household appliances, ready to wear clothing, and processed foods depended heavily on the work of _____________


the policy of giving in to threats and aggression in the hopes that the aggressor will be satisfied and make no more demands


a marked increase in the U.S. birthrate during 1946-1964

baby boom

A ______ ____ occurred when a large number of individuals or investors withdrew money from a bank due to fears of the bank's instability, with the ironic effect of increasing the bank's vulnerability to failure

bank run

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, launched an information campaign on _______ _______ to give women a choice in the realm in which suffrage had changed little—the family.

birth control

a list of people suspected of having Communist sympathies who were denied work as a result


nineteenth-century term for the illegal transport of alcoholic beverages that became popular during prohibition


The United States and Mexican governments instituted the "____________" program on August 4, 1942, which sought to address the needs of California growers for manual labor to increase food production during wartime.


expression used by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in the case of Schenck v. United States to characterize public dissent during wartime, akin to shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater

clear and present danger

Navajo marines served in communications units, exchanging information over radios using codes based on their native language, which the Japanese were unable to comprehend or to crack. They became known as ______ _________ and participated in the battles of Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Peleliu, and Tarawa.

code talkers

those who, for religious or philosophical reasons, refuse to serve in the armed forces

conscientious objectors

According to the policy of _____________, as laid out by George Kennan, the U.S. was committed to preventing the spread of communism


the removal of laws and policies requiring the separation of different racial or ethnic groups


The increased prosperity of the 1920s gave many Americans more ___________ __________ to spend on entertainment

disposable income

the theory that if Communism made inroads in one nation, surrounding nations would also succumb one by one, like a chain of dominos toppling one another

domino theory

After decades of organizing to reduce or end the consumption of alcohol in the United States, temperance groups and the Anti-Saloon League finally succeeded in pushing through the ______________ _________________ in 1919, which banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors.

eighteenth amendment

someone who lives outside of their home country


President Roosevelt's ____________ chats were particularly important because they enabled him to explain complex issues in plain language


On March 12, the day before the banks were set to reopen, Roosevelt held his first " ____________ ______" In this initial radio address to the American people, he explained what the bank examiners had been doing over the previous week.

fireside chat

By the time Hoover left office in 1933, the poor survived not on relief efforts, but because they had learned to be ______


the campaign for a ban on the sale and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, which came to fruition during the war, bolstered by anti-German sentiment and a call to preserve resources for the war effort


The new medium for advertisers in the 1920s, the one that would reach out to consumers in radically new and innovative ways, was the ______


According to the text, the electric motor gave way to newly developed innovations like radios, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and ____________ emerged on the market during the 1920s.


a musical form popular among the baby boomers that encompassed styles ranging from county to blues, and embraced themes such as youthful rebellion and love

rock and roll

Coolidge's presidency was characterized by ________. A. scandal and dishonesty B. silence and inactivity C. flamboyancy and extravagance D. ambition and greed

silence and inactivity

According to the text, While the First New Deal focused largely on stemming the immediate suffering of the American people, the Second New Deal put in place legislation that changed America's _________ safety net for good.


the practice of investing in risky financial opportunities in the hopes of a fast payout due to market fluctuations


the political belief that states possess authority beyond federal law, which is usually seen as the supreme law of the land, and thus can act in opposition to federal law

states' rights

Throughout the United States, from the fall of 1918 to the spring of 1919, fear of ___ ___ gripped the country. Americans avoided public gatherings, children wore surgical masks to school, and undertakers ran out of coffins and burial plots in cemeteries.

the flu

On January 31, 1917, Germany announced that it was resuming _____________ ______________ warfare

unrestricted submarine

Small family gardens, dubbed ________ gardens, when the federal government promoted them as a contribution to the war effort during World War II


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