Final Exam for CGS

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Software that limits the material that a browser fetches or that a search engine displays are called ___ .


Transmission media can be either wired or wireless.


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for Wi-Fi was known as ___


Routers that can send Internet signals over 2 distinct frequencies are called _____ routers.

dual band

A URL identifies a particular __ address on the World Wide Web.


Select the domain name.

The word modem stands for ____.


Select the statements that are true regarding a Wi-Fi's SSID.

- Most routers transmit the SSID every few seconds so roaming devices can find the signal. - An SSID is the Wi-Fi's name. - In home networks, after all legitimate devices have connected to the SSID once, transmitting the SSID is unnecessary.

Which are of the following are Internet service options?

- satellite - cable - fiber optic

Check all the activities that would be considered uploading a file to the Internet.

-Posting a photo on social media. -Placing an ad on Craigslist. Placing an ad on Craigslist. Correct -Posting a YouTube video.

Select the sites that offer Internet speed test services.

Select the common Internet transmission media.

-coaxial cable -telephone wire -cell phone radio waves

The Internet service that tends to provide the most consistent speeds is _____.


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for Wi-Fi was known as ___


Which might be a choice for Internet service in your area?

cable Internet

Sage was developed during the _____ war.


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