Final Round Up

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What is the trend in the U.S. on cow numbers

# of milk cows decline annually

Which dairy breed is considered dual purpose in the U.S.?•

(milking ) shorthorn

• Understand the difference between the classes of milk.• Class 1 ______ Class 2 _______ Class 3 _______ Class 4 ________

1 - fluid milk 2 - soft products : cream, ice cream 3 - cheese 4 - butter

When do the majority of piglet deaths occur?•

1-3 days typically by crushing

How long is the gestation cycle of the sow?

109-110 days

How many pounds of milk are used to produce a pound of butter or a pound of cheese?

10lbs of milk for 1 lb / cheese 20lbs of milk for 1 lb/ butter

How long is the estrus cycle of the sow?

18-21 days

What is the recommended protein percentage of a creep diet?•


• How long is the gestation period in dairy cattle (days preggo)?


What is the market weight range for swine?•


What percent Lactose is in Milk?•


How long is the open period (days not preggo)?

83 days

How much milk in the world is coming from cows? %

91% of world's milk is from cows

• What is multiple site swine production?

All in / All out production Coupled w/ early weaning to improve health pigs are born on one site then moved to the next step in production

What is BST?

Bovamine Somatotrpoin it is a protein based hormone that is produced by dairy cows its a gentically engineered bacteria that is injected it is no longer used

What is the leading state in milk production?


• Which test is used in the lab to determine mastitis?

California Mastitis Test

• What are some recommended ways to control mastitis?

Cleanliness and sanitation Antibiotic treatment at dry - Off Proper Milking Teat Dipping Culling

What is used in nursery diets to increase feed intake? (protein)

Creep feed at 1 wk to 10 days of age (high protein 20% high energy) At weaning (14-21 days ) feed starter feed (high protein 18% high energy)

What are some of the processes used to process newborn piglets?

Cut and disinfect naval cords Clip needle teeth (8) Ear notch (ID) Sow milk is deficient in iron so shots are given (problems associated with infection mastitis/metritis) Scour medication TGE, dysentery

Which country leads the world in Pork Production?•


What is TGE?

Disease in pigs where you have a lot of disanitary especially in babies, lots of death loss

Why has A.I. Become so prevalent in the swine industry?•

High efficiency Rapid intro of genetics Low risk of disease transmissions

What is the first limiting AA in swine diets?


What are some of the challenges with outdoor production?

Labor intensive More acres of land Low capitol investment

How does a milk machine harvest milk from the cow?

Milk is vacummed sucked by theses machines from the teat

What is the trend in the U.S. on milk yield,

Milk yield per cow increases 2.4% annually

What are the keys to improve profitability on the dairy farm?

Minimize feed costs Improve Reproduction efficiency Make genetic progress Minimize health problems Raise calves successfully Maintain good health records

If a genetic company wanted to increase muscle in their male line what breed might they use?


• How would you properly manage a sow?

Proper feedling levels Checking for returns/abortion Monitor environment Clean, dry accommodation Avoid mixing and moving Sickness High ambient temp. Vaccination program To build antibody levels within the colostrum Low stress

What is the most proper way to house amature boar?•

Purchase 60 days prior to breeding season Purchase from supplier with health standards Isolate for 30 days During isolation treat for parasites Standard herd vaccination Work with young boars prior to breeding time.

What happens to the majority of bulls in the dairy industry?

Steers via castration to produce beef [ most common use ] sold for beef , sent to veal facilities

How can you measure a sow's productivity?

The number of piglets born per sow in a given period, expressed on a yearly basis, divided by the average herd size at mating.

What is the trend in the U.S. on milk production?

Total milk production increases 1% annually

Is the U.S. considered intensive or low input in Dairy production? Why?

US is Intensive

What breed has a meat program that is golden?•


What role have swine companies played in swine?

breeding companies have increased market share Breeding companies dominate the breeding stock supply market in many countries.

What are some of the steps to do prior to farrowing?

do not feed 12-24 hr prior clean & disinfect prior to placing sows wash udder deworm and vaccinate sows 2-4 wks prior

What ties up the most cost in the swine operation?

feeding growers and finishers

How is vitamin A and D added to milk?


Understand the difference between free stall and tie stall.

free stall is a form loose housing (Cattle can roam ) tie stall - form of confinement housing for cattle (tethered at the neck to their stall)

Why has the Meishan breed gained popularity in the U.S.?

good for breeding Large litters Sexually precocious Has been used in some breeding company lines to increase piglets born alive.

• What is casein?•

it is the milk protein correlates to determining cheese yield

What is the period called when the cow is producing milk?

lactation period

Which breed would be common to see as the base for a maternal line in a genetic company?

landrace and yorkshire

What structure produces milk in the mammary system ?

mammary glands

what is lactose

milk sugar glucose and glactose

What are some advantages of crossbreeding?•

provides the opportunity to combine desirable characteristics

What is happening to the number of Dairy cows in the U.S.?

the total # of milk cows declines annually

Why is the U.S. becoming a world power in Pork Production?

they have many different breeds Low cost production Emergence of large scale breeding companies Emergence of variety of issues (environment, welfare, food safety, GMO etc)

Why were pigs typically produced in the U.S.?

they provided meat and they were a great source of income? they came to the US when a man brought them over

List the 6 portions of milk composition and thepercentage of each?

water - 87.5% solids - 12.5% lactose - 4.9% milk fat - 3.7% milk protein - 3.2% minerals - 0.7%

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