First Aid ESS 1270

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What should you do after you've finished taking care of an injured person?

*a. Phone 911.* b. Write a report of the incident if your company requires it. c. Tell coworkers about the injury. d. Post the report to the company bulletin board.

Someone who has been bitten by an insect or bee may have a severe allergic reaction and should be watched for at least how long?

*a. 30 minutes* b. 20 minutes c. 10 minutes d. 60 minutes

What is the first thing you should do as you approach an ill or injured person?

*a. Assess the scene and make sure it is safe.* b. Phone 911. c. Check for medical jewelry. d. Yell for help.

If someone is confused and needs first aid, you should do which of the following?

*a. Assume the person would want help.* b. Assume the person wouldn't want help and walk away. c. Yell at the person until the person makes eye contact. d. Pretend not to see the person and walk away.

A coworker is struck in the abdomen while on break. The coworker has a bruise and has signs of shock. What should you suspect is wrong?

*a. Bleeding you can't see* b. Cardiac arrest c. Bleeding you can see d. A head injury

What should you do if you tap and shout and the adult doesn't respond?

*a. Phone, or have someone else phone, the emergency response number (911) and get an AED if available.* b. Check for breathing for at least 10 seconds. c. Tap the person and shout until the person wakes up. d. Slap the person on the back to see if an object is lodged in the throat.

How do you protect an amputated body part?

*a. Place it in a watertight plastic bag inside another container with ice or ice and water.* b. Wrap it in gauze, place it in an airtight bag, and send it to the hospital. c. Place it directly on ice in a sealed bag and send it to the hospital. d. Throw it away in a red biohazard bag.

How hard and fast should you push during adult CPR?

*a. Push straight down no more than 2 inches and at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute.* b. Push straight down at least 2 inches and at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute. c. Push straight down 2 inches and at a rate of 30 compressions per minute. d. Push and hold the chest down 2 inches for at least 5 seconds, then release, and repeat for 1 minute.

If an adult's chest doesn't rise when you give a breath, what should you do?

*a. Reopen the airway and then give another breath.* b. Stick a finger in the patient's mouth and look for a foreign object. c. Stop CPR and wait for help to arrive. d. Give another forceful breath for 15 seconds to make the chest rise.

If you are alone and a child needs CPR, when do you phone 911?

*a. Right after giving 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths.* b. Only phone 911 if you know CPR. c. Before giving 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths. d. Right after making sure the scene is safe.

Which of the following is a sign of low body temperature?

*a. Skin that is cool to the touch* b. Red, dry skin c. Active movement of the arms and legs for an extended length of time d. Deep, rapid breathing

If someone with an injury or illness at work refuses care, you should do which of the following?

*a. Stay with the person until someone with more advanced training takes over* b. Take care of the person anyway c. Leave the person alone and go back to work d. Take care of the person because the person is a coworker

Which of the following in not a sign of heat cramps?

*a. Stops sweating* b. Sweating c. Muscle cramps d. Headache

Which of these is a sign of stroke?

*a. Sudden trouble seeing* b. Swelling of tongue c. Sudden shortness of breath d. Sweaty, pale skin

Which of the following is true regarding use of an AED?

*a. The pad or pad package will show you where to place the pads.* b. It doesn't matter where you put the pads on the victim's body. c. You should count to 10 after the AED tells you to press the shock button before doing anything else. d. To use an AED, you must know everything about the conditions an AED can correct.

In which of the following situations should you suspect that a person is in shock?

*a. The person has pale, cold, clammy skin and feels weak, dizzy, and thirsty.* b. The person has warm, dry skin and is not responding. c. The person has warm, red skin, is hungry, and has a headache. d. The person has cold, dry, red skin and is not responding.

If you are performing CPR on a child who is not injured and you are alone, after 5 sets of compressions and 2 breaths do which of the following?

*a. go find a phone and phone 911.* b. keep giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the infant responds. c. see if someone can help. d. check for breathing.

You should suspect a neck or spine injury if someone:

*a. has fallen and injured his head.* b. complains of knee pain. c. begins singing loudly while in the shower. d. says he doesn't have any history of high blood pressure.

Before giving first aid to a person who is bleeding from the mouth, you should:

*a. make sure that the scene is safe, get the first aid kit, and wear personal protective equipment.* b. rinse the person's mouth with cold vinegar. c. stick a bare hand into the person's mouth and feel for the bleeding area. d. have the person swallow as much blood as possible.

When opening an infant's airway, tilt the infant's head by pushing back on the forehead and placing your fingers where?

*a. on the bony part of the chin, and lift.* b. under the infant's chin, and lift. c. on the soft part of the neck, and lift. d. on the infant's cheek, and lift.

If a choking infant is coughing loudly, you should do which of the following?

*a. stand by and let the infant keep coughing.* b. begin pushing the chest to remove the object. c. slap the infant on the back to remove the object. d. open the infant's mouth and feel for the object.

To check for a response from an infant, the rescuer should do which of the following?

a. loudly shout the infant's name to wake the infant. b. firmly tap the infant's shoulders to wake the infant. c. softly speak the infant's name to not scare the infant. *d. tap the infant's foot and shout the infant's name.*

When performing each set of CPR on a child, how many compressions and breaths should you give?

a. 100 compressions and 30 breaths b. 30 compressions and 30 breaths *c. 30 compressions and 2 breaths* d. 100 compressions and 2 breaths

When performing each set of CPR, how many compressions and breaths should you give?

a. 30 compressions and 30 breaths b. 100 compressions and 30 breaths c. 100 compressions and 2 breaths d. 30 compressions and 2 breaths

There are a number of signs of heart attacks. Women and the elderly are more likely to have which of the following signs of a heart attack?

a. A sudden rash that appears on the neck and face b. An uncomfortable feeling in the jaw, neck, or shoulder c. Asking for aspirin d. A sudden need to sit down

During hand washing, how long should you rub the surfaces of your hands together?

a. At least 2 minutes b. At least 1 minute *c. At least 20 seconds* d. At least 5 seconds

To remove a tick that has bitten the skin, you should:

a. Burn it with a matchstick b. Grab the tick with your fingers and pull it off c. Apply ice to the tick until it lets loose *d. Use tweezers to grab the tick by its mouth or head, as close to the skin as possible*

After helping someone, you notice blood on your gloves. You should do which of the following?

a. Burn the gloves. b. Leave the gloves lying on the ground. c. Avoid the biohazard bag and place the gloves in a regular trash bag. *d. Place the gloves in a biohazard bag if available.*

Which of the following are signs of severe choking?

a. Can cough loudly *b. Cannot breathe or talk* c. Can make sounds and talk d. Can breathe, talk, or cough

What should you do if someone is in shock?

a. Give the person water and a fan and keep him cool. b. Help the person to an air-conditioned building, and apply a cold cloth to the person's head. *c. Phone the emergency response number (or 911), and then help the person lie down and cover him with a blanket.* d. Help the person walk around until the faint feeling goes away, and then give him food with sugar.

What is the most important part of providing CPR?

a. Giving no more than 60 compressions in a minute *b. Giving compressions* c. Opening the airway d. Giving breaths

If someone spills caustic (poison) powder on their skin, you should:

a. Have the person wipe it off with a towel *b. Have the person run lots of fresh water over the affected area* c. Tell the person not to move until help arrives d. Have the person blow it off

When a person has been bitten by an animal, what is the next procedural step after making sure the scene is safe?

a. Locate the animal *b. Wash the wound with soap and water* c. Apply a heating pad d. Apply a bag of ice and water

Which of the following is not considered personal protective equipment?

a. Mask b. Gloves *c. Raincoat* d. Eye protection

After helping someone at work, how should you dispose of blood-stained gloves?

a. Place them in the bathroom trash. b. Take the gloves home, and put them in the trash. *c. Dispose of them according to your company's policy.* d. Clean the gloves with waterless sanitizer and reuse.

When helping someone with heat exhaustion, you should spray the person with which of the following?

a. Prune juice *b. Cool water* c. A sports drink d. A mixture of salt and water

Where should you put your hands when you are opening a child's airway?

a. Put 1 hand under the neck and 1 hand on the floor. b. Put 1 hand on the soft tissue under the chin and the other on the forehead. *c. Put 1 hand on the forehead and the fingers of the other hand on the bony part of the chin*. d. Put the palm of 1 hand on the neck and use the fingers of the other hand to pinch the nose.

If a child is choking and is still responding, you should give thrusts. What is the correct position for giving thrusts?

a. Put an arm around the choking child's waist. b. Stand in front of the choking child and put 2 fists between his shoulder blades. c. Put 2 fingers above the choking child's belly button. *d. Get behind the choking child and put a fist just above the child's belly button. *

Which of the following is best protocol when phoning the emergency response number (or 911)?

a. Quickly tell the dispatcher where the accident occurred. b. Give very little information. c. Tell the dispatcher the call 911. *d. Answer all the dispatcher's questions.*

There are only a few reasons to stop or interrupt compressions. Which of the following is not a reason to stop or interrupt compressions?

a. The AED arrives. *b. You think you aren't doing compressions correctly.* c. Someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over. d. The person starts responding

There are only a few reasons to stop or interrupt compressions. Which of the following is not a reason to stop or interrupt compressions?

a. The AED arrives. b. The person starts responding. *c. You think you aren't doing compressions correctly.* d. Someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over.

Which of the following is the best reason one should wear personal protective equipment (PPE)?

a. To look important. b. To impress people during treatment. *c. To protect yourself from bloodborne diseases.* d. To avoid washing your hands.

When should you use an AED?

a. When someone with more advanced training arrives and says it is OK to do so. *b. As soon as the AED arrives*. c. Before phoning the emergency response number (or 911). d. Only when you have done at least 5 minutes of CPR.

When someone has an electrical injury, you should:

a. apply ice to the burn as soon as it is safe to do so. b. be sure to get to the person's side as soon as possible. *c. phone or send someone else to phone the emergency response number (or 911).* d. not wear gloves, because they are not required for electrical burns.

When a person with an eye injury has an irritant, such as sand, in the eye, you should:

a. blow into the injured eye. b. tell the person to hold the eye open and lean forward. c. pick out the irritant with tweezers. *d. use water to rinse the injured eye.*

If you are performing CPR on an infant who is not injured, and you are alone, after 5 sets of compressions and 2 breaths, you should do which of the following?

a. check for breathing. *b. you may carry the infant with you to phone 911.* c. keep giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the infant responds. d. see if someone can help.

After each compression, you should do which of the following?

a. check to see if the person is breathing normally. b. pause and rest to prevent fatigue. *c. let the chest come back up to its normal position.* d. reposition the hands on the person's chest.

If you are giving breaths with a mask, you should do which of the following?

a. choose a mask that fits your hands. b. never touch the inside of the mask. *c. make an airtight seal between the person's face and the mask.* d. cover the face completely with the mask.

If you use, or help someone use, an epinephrine pen, you should also do which of the following?

a. dispose of it in the trash. b. leave the pen on the ground and assume someone will throw it away. *c. phone or send someone to phone the emergency response number (or 911).* d. push the needle back into the pen with your fingertip so it can be used again.

When assisting a person with a severe allergic reaction, you should do which of the following?

a. do nothing and wait for someone with more advanced training to arrive. *b. check to see if the victim has an epinephrine pen.* c. give an over-the-counter allergy medicine. d. ask the victim to phone the emergency response number.

When assisting someone who may be having a heart attack, you should do which of the following?

a. do nothing until the person collapses. b. help the person walk around to help blood flow. *c. keep the person calm and phone 911.* d. cover the person with a blanket.

Someone has been bitten by a snake. One step in making sure the scene is safe is to:

a. have someone try to capture the snake. *b. have other people move away from the area.* c. have someone find the location of the snake. d. have someone pick up and move the snake away.

If a child who is choking cannot make a sound or breathe, or has a cough with no sound, you should do which of the following?

a. hold the child upside down. *b. begin the steps to help the choking child.* c. stand by and observe the child. d. talk to the child to keep the child calm.

If you suspect someone is having a heart attack, you should:

a. keep the person alert by asking a lot of questions. *b. send someone else to get a first aid kit and an AED.* c. let the person drive to the hospital and follow along. d. make sure the person keeps walking around

When giving first aid to a person with frostbite, you should:

a. keep wet clothing on the person. *b. move the person to a warm place.* c. keep tight clothing on the frostbitten part. d. use very hot water to rewarm the frostbitten part.

You are doing CPR on a child when someone else arrives with the AED. The AED doesn't have child pads. You should do which of the following?

a. make sure to place the AED pads over the clothing to reduce the shock. *b. use the adult pads, making sure they do not touch each other.* c. stop CPR because it will not help anyway. d. decide not to use the AED because the pads are only for adults.

An infant is not responding to the tap and shout if the infant does which of the following?

a. makes sounds. b. blinks c. is breathing. *d. does nothing.*

When you help someone with a small burn, you should:

a. pack the burned area in ice until it does not hurt, and then cover it with a moist towel. b. put the burned area in a bucket of ice water until the burn does not hurt. c. cover the burn with burn cream and dress it with elastic dressing. *d. wear personal protective equipment (PPE), cool the burn with cold water until it does not hurt, and then cover it with a nonstick dressing.*

When giving CPR to a child, you should do which of the following?

a. put the heel of 1 hand on the top half of the breastbone. *b. use 2 hands if you can't push the chest down about 2 inches with 1 hand.* c. make a fist and put it just above the belly button. d. push at a rate of 150 compressions a minute.

The first step in assembling an inhaler is to:

a. put the medicine canister into the inhaler. b. remove the cap from the front of the inhaler. *c. shake the medicine.* d. attach the spacer if available.

When giving breaths, you should do which of the following?

a. roll the person to the side position. *b. watch for the chest to rise.* c. press down on the soft part of the neck. d. push down on the chest with 1 hand.

When giving first aid to someone who has been bitten by a spider, you should make sure the scene is safe, wear personal protective equipment (PPE), and then...

a. scrape the stinger away by using something with a dull edge. b. look for and remove the stinger. *c. wash the area with running water and soap.* d. remove the victim's clothing and apply ice directly to the skin.

When giving breaths, you can tell enough air is going in if you

a. see the person start to breathe. b. see the person start to blink. c. see the person start to respond. *d. see the chest rise.*

When giving CPR to an infant, you should do which of the following?

a. slap the infant on the back. *b. press chest straight down about 1½ inches.* c. make a fist and put it just above the belly button. d. push at a rate of 150 compressions a minute.

Fainting is a short period when someone...

a. stops responding for long periods of time. b. responds but has trouble breathing. *c. stops responding for less than a minute and then seems fine.* d. responds but is confused.

When giving first aid to a person with a nosebleed, you should:

a. stuff the person's nose with gauze pads while the person lies flat. *b. press both sides of the person's nose while the person sits and leans forward.* c. lightly press on the person's nose while the person sits and leans back. d. tightly wrap gauze around the person's head and nose while the person sits and leans back.

If an infant who is choking cannot make a sound or breathe, or has a cough with no sound, you should do which of the following?

a. talk to the infant to keep the infant calm. b. stand by and observe the infant. *c. begin the steps to help the choking infant.* d. hold the infant upside down.

When giving compressions on an infant, the rescuer should use two fingers to push straight down...

a. very hard until the rescuer cannot compress the chest any deeper. b. as far as possible without breaking any of the infant's ribs. c. very softly so as not to injure the infant in any way. *d. about 1½ inches at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute.*

Once you've started giving compressions and breaths, you should keep going until...

a. you decide that CPR has been performed long enough. b. the AED arrives, the person responds, or someone with more advanced training takes over. c. you collapse and need medical attention. d. you get tired and do compressions incorrectly.

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