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Parking is not allowed within __ feet of a railroad crossing.

A. 100 B. 200 C. 30 D. 50 Answer: D

At 50 MPH, a vehicle will travel a minimum of ___ feet before the driver can bring it to a complete stop.

A. 158 B. 100 C. 268 D. 55 Answer: C

Unlawful speed resulting in a crash will result in __ points being added.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 4 Answer: C

Car pool vehicles are those with:

A. 2 or more occupants in the car. B. 3 or more occupants in the car. C. less than 4 occupants in the car. D. anti-hydroplaning tires. Answer: A

The Florida "standard" speed limits in municipal speed areas is:

A. 25 MPH. B. 55 MPH. C. 30 MPH. D. 20 MPH. Answer: C

Drivers should keep a minimum following distance of:

A. 3 to 4 seconds, with an additional second for any unusual weather or traffic conditions. B. 1 second, with an additional second when approaching an intersection. C. 55 milliseconds, with an additional millisecond for every drop of rain in a 2 miles radius. D. 1 to 2 seconds, with an additional second for any vehicle in front of them. Answer: A

Driving 16 MPH or more over lawful or posted speed will result in __ points being added.

A. 4 B. 2 C. 6 D. 3 Answer: A

Parking is not allowed within __ feet of any flashing signal, stop sign or traffic signal.

A. 50 B. 30 C. 15 D. 100 Answer: B

Which of the following is true when crossing a railroad track:

A. Do not move forward until it's safe to do so. B. If there is more than one track, make sure all tracks are clear before starting to cross. C. In heavy traffic, make sure there is room for their vehicle on the other side before crossing. D. All of the above. Answer: D

This sign indicates:

A. Emergency line available B. Cell phone shop ahead C. Do not use your phone while driving D. Phone service ahead Answer: D

What is the meaning of red traffic signs?

A. High emphasis warning. B. School ahead. C. Stop, do not enter or wrong way. D. Regulatory. Answer: C

This road sign means:

A. Left turns are not allowed where this sign is displayed. B. Sharp turn ahead. C. Vehicles turning left must make a U-turn. D. Drivers cannot make a complete turn to go in the opposite direction. Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT defensive driving:

A. Looking for possible danger. B. Acting right away to prevent a crash. C. Thinking ahead. D. Smiling to other drivers. Answer: D

When a school bus stops to unload children on a divided highway, should the vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus stop?

A. No, only vehicles traveling in the opposite direction have to stop. B. Yes, if you are in a school zone. C. Yes, always. D. Stopping is optional in this specific case. Answer: C

Which line on a pavement permits the passing of other vehicles?

A. Solid yellow line. B. Broken yellow line C. Broken white line D. Solid white line. Answer: C

This sign means: (one on the bottom)

A. Take route 45 if you are driving at night. B. The night-time speed limit is 45 MPH. C. The minimum speed limit is 45 MPH. D. The recommended speed limit is 45 MPH. Answer: B

What does this road sign indicate?

A. Vehicles turning left must yield to bikes entering a right turn lane. B. Motor vehicles entering an exclusive right-turn lane must weave across bicycle traffic in bicycle lanes. C. Drivers have the right of way over bikes turning left. D. None of the above. Answer: B

A second refusal to take a blood or breath test will result in:

A. a fine of $1,500. B. an 18 month suspension and a first degree misdemeanor. C. a fine of $1,000. D. a 12 month suspension and a second degree misdemeanor. Answer: B

The picture shows: (one on the top)

A. a flashing arrow panel. B. a sharp curve sign. C. a one way sign. D. a no-left-turn sign. Answer: A

The picture shows:

A. a reversible road with reserved lanes. B. a divided highway with a shared lane. C. a highway with a reversible lane. D. a two-way roadway with a center lane for left turns. Answer: D

The picture shows:

A. a three-point turn. B. that car number 1 should yield to car number 2, while car number 2 should yield to car number 3. C. a U-turn. D. an intersection with 4 cars Answer: A

If you want to go to a social event where you might drink alcohol, you should:

A. arrange to go with two or more people and agree that one of you will not drink alcohol. B. arrange to remain overnight or ride home with a friend who does not drink. C. use public transportation or a taxi, if available. D. All of the above. Answer: D

Passing is allowed:

A. at intersections B. on hills C. on two-lane highways D. None of the above. Answer: C

The Financial Responsibility Law requires drivers to:

A. be financially responsible for damages they may cause to others when a motor vehicle crash happens. B. pay $15,000 of Property Damage Liability (PDL) C. share the financial risk of road crashes with the other drivers D. pay their car insurance. Answer: A

On a highway, you are moving in the opposite direction of a stopped school bus which is picking up or dropping off children. You:

A. can pass the bus. B. must always stop. C. must stop if the bus' stop arm is withdrawn. D. do not have to stop if the highway is divided by a raised barrier or an unpaved median at least five feet wide. Answer: D

Before pulling out from a right-side parallel parking space, drivers must:

A. check for approaching traffic and give a left turn signal. B. enter the traffic flow and then give a left turn signal. C. make sure no law enforcement officer who is directing traffic. D. None of the above. Answer: A

On slippery roads, drivers should:

A. come to a complete stop. B. reduce the reaction distance. C. leave more space in front of their vehicle. D. increase their speed to avoid hydroplaning. Answer: C

On an expressway, drivers should:

A. follow other vehicles closely. B. drive on the median strip. C. park on the left lane. D. stop driving when they feel tired. Answer: D

Which of the following is true? Your license will be SUSPENDED:

A. if you are found guilty of racing on the highway. B. if you commit retail theft. C. if you park next to a fire hydrant. D. All of the above. Answer: A

This road sign warns drivers that:

A. left turns are not allowed at the intersection B. another traffic lane joins the one they are on. C. another road enters the highway from the direction shown. D. the road will make a sharp turn to the right. Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT true? Before you start your engine you should:

A. make sure your safety belt is clean. B. adjust the seat so you can reach all controls. C. make sure your car is in park or neutral gear. D. adjust the inside and outside rearview mirrors. Answer: A

Passengers under the age of 18:

A. must always be restrained by a safety belt or a child restraint device. B. must be restrained by a safety belt or a child restraint device when seating in front. C. do not have to be restrained by a safety belt or a child restraint device. Answer: A

When the light is red, drivers:

A. must stop after entering the intesection. B. must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. C. must come to a complete stop before moving into the intersection. D. can go, but only if the intersection is clear. Answer: C

A large percentage of motorist bicycle crashes occur:

A. on interstate highways. B. at intersections. C. because there are too many byciclists. D. on sidewalks. Answer: B

Any driver under the age of 18 who accumulates six or more points within a 12 month period is automatically restricted for one year to:

A. operating the motor vehicle only between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. B. driving for "Business Purposes ONLY". C. driving within 25 miles from home. D. driving only during weekends. Answer: B

A driver is approaching a highway-railroad crossings and is following a bus. The driver should:

A. pass the bus and come to a complete stop within 15 feet of the crossing. B. be alert as the bus may have to stop at the crossing even when the gates are up. C. overtake and pass the bus before reaching the crossing. D. None of the above. Answer: B

To reduce their chances of colliding with an animal, drivers should:

A. scan the sides of the road to watch for the reflection of vehicle headlights in the eyes of animals. B. look well down the road and far off to each side. C. Slow down when approaching animals that are standing near the road. D. All of the above. Answer: D

In Florida, bicyclists on public roads have the same rights and responsibilities as:

A. sidewalk riders. B. drivers of motorized vehicles. C. pedestrians on sidewalks and in crosswalks. D. mopeds. Answer: B

Crossbuck signs are:

A. speed limit signs. B. yield signs. C. stop signs. D. flashing signals. Answer:B

At intersections marked with stop lines, drivers must:

A. stop behind the lines and yield the right-of-way to all other traffic and pedestrians at stop signs. B. stop only if a pedestrian is crossing the road. C. yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians and then stop. D. enter the intersection and then yield to pedestrians. Answer: A

An eight-lane highway has ________ pedestrian countdown period ___ a four-lane road.

A. the same; as B. a longer; than C. half the; of D. a shorter; than Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT true? When you enter an open intersection, you must yield the right-of-way if:

A. the traffic light is red. B. a vehicle is already in the intersection. C. you plan to make a left turn and a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. D. All of the above. Answer: A

This sign warns drivers that:

A. there is a double curve ahead. B. they must turn either to the right or left. C. there is a winding road ahead. D. there's an intersection ahead. Answer: C

The 'One Way' sign means that:

A. there is only one road that turns left at the intersection. B. only vehicles turning left may travel in the direction of the arrow. C. drivers may travel only in the direction of the arrow. D. All of the above. Answer: C

Your red traffic signal changes to green while a pedestrian is crossing in your traffic lane. The right of way should be given:

A. to the pedestrian. B. by the pedestrian. C. to you. D. by the pedestrian, but only when vehicles are turning left. Answer: A

If traffic signals are out of order, drivers must:

A. treat the light as if it is a four-way stop sign. B. treat the light as if it is a yellow light. C. stop if they can. D. treat the light as if it is a green light. Answer: A

A bicyclist on the road ahead has their left arm extended downward to their left. You should assume the bicyclist is signaling that he/she is:

A. turning left. B. about to turn right. C. slowing down or stopping. D. tired. Answer: C

Braking distance is:

A. usually 50 feet. B. how far a vehicle will travel, in ideal conditions, while the driver is braking. C. the total distance a vehicle has traveled until it comes to a complete stop. D. how far a vehicle will continue to travel before the driver hits the brakes. Answer: B

Parking is allowed:

A. within intersections. B. on crosswalks. C. on public roads. D. within 15 feet of a fire hydrant Answer: C

It's 10 AM. This sign tells you that:

A. you are not allowed to park here. B. you must display a special permit in order to park here. C. you must park your car between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM. D. you are allowed to park until 5:30 PM. Answer: A

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Business Law 3391 w/ McInturff test 2

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