Flutter Widget Library Classes

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AutomaticNotchedShape Class

A NotchedShape created from ShapeBorders

CustomScrollView Class

A ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers.

BoxScrollView Class

A ScrollView that uses a single child layout model.

BorderDirectional Class

A border of a box, comprised of four sides, the lateral sides of which flip over based on the reading direction.

Border Class

A border of a box, comprised of four sides: top, right, bottom, left.

CircleBorder Class

A border that fits a circle within a

ChangeNotifier Class

A class that can be extended or mixed in that provides a change notification.

Curve Class

A collection of common animation curves.

ColorSwatch<T> Class

A color that has a small table of related colors called a "swatch".

DraggableScrollableSheet Class

A container for a Scrollable that responds to drag gestures by resizing the scrollable until a limit is reached, and then scrolling.

Cubic Class

A cubic polynomial mapping of the unit interval.

Decoration Class

A description of a box decoration. (a decoration applied to a Rect).

ColorFilter Class

A description of a color filter to apply when drawing a shape or composting a layer with a particular Paint. A color filter is a function that takes two colors, and outputs one color. When applied during composting, it is independently applied to each pixel of the layer being drawn before the entire layer is merged with the destination.

BuildContext Class

A handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree.

ColorTween Class

A interpolation between two colors.


A platonic widget that class a closure to obtain its child widget.

Alignment class

A point within a rectangle.

ContinuousRectangleBorder Class

A rectanglar border with smooth continuous transitions between the straight sides and the rounded corners.

CircularNotchedRetangle Class

A rectangle with a smooth circular notch.

BeveledRectangleBorder Class

A rectangular border with flatten or "beveled" corners

BoxShadow Class

A shadow cast by a box.

BorderSide Class

A side of a border of a box.

BoxPainter Classs

A stateful class that can paint a particular Decoration.

AssetBundleImageProvider Class

A subclass of ImageProvider that knows about AssetBundles.

AbsorbPointer Class

A widget that absorbs pointers during hit testing. Used if you have a complicated screen of sub widgets that need to be to disable from touch events

Align Class

A widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the child's size.

BackdropFilter Class

A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then paints child

Dismissible Class

A widget that can be dismissed by dragging in the indicated direction.

Draggable<T> Class

A widget that can be dragged from to a DragTarget.

Center Widget

A widget that centers its child within itself.

ClipPath Class

A widget that clips its child using a path.

ClipRect Class

A widget that clips its child using a rectangle.

ClipRRect Class

A widget that clips its child using a rounded rectangle.

ClipOval Class

A widget that clips its child using an oval.

CustomSingleChildLayout Class

A widget that defers the layout of its single child to a delegate.

DefaultAssetBundle Class

A widget that determine the default asset bundle for its descendants.

Directionality Class

A widget that determines the ambient directionality of text and text-direction-sensitive render objects.

Column Class

A widget that displays its children in a vertical array.

StatelessWidget Class

A widget that does not require mutable(changing) state. Useful when part of the UI does not depend on anything other than the *configuration information* in the object itself and the BuildContext (A handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree) in which the widget is inflated. e.g Final variables. https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/StatelessWidget-class.html

BlockSemantics Class

A widget that drops the semantics of all widget that were painted before it in the same semantic container.

StatefulWidget Class

A widget that has mutable state. Useful when the part of the UI can change dynamically. e.g. Counter. https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/StatefulWidget-class.html

DecoratedBox Class

A widget that paints a Decoration either before or after its child paints.

Baseline Class

A widget that positions its child according to the child's baseline.

CustomPaint Class

A widget that provides a canvas on which to draw during the paint phase.

DragTarget<T> Class

A widget that receives data when a Draggable widget is dropped.

CustomMultiChildLayout Class

A widget that uses a delegate to size and position multiple children.

AccessibilityFeatures class

Additional accessibility features that may be enabled by the platform. It is not possible to enable these settings from Flutter, instead they are used by the platform to indicate that additional accessibility features are enabled.

AutomaticKeepAlive Class

Allows subtrees to request to be kept alive in lazy lists

ComponentElement Class

An Element that composes other Elements.

BallisticScrollActivity Class

An activity that animates a scroll view based on a physics Simulation.

AlwaysStoppedAnimation<T> Class

An animation that is always stopped at a given value. The status is always AnimationStatus.forward.

DecorationImage Class

An image for a box decoration.

Color Class

An immutable 32 bit color value in ARGB format.

BoxDecoration Class

An immutable description of how to paint a box.

BorderRadius Class

An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle.

BorderRadiusDirectional Class

An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle.

BouncingScrollSimulation Class

An implementation of scroll physics that matches iOS.

BottomNavigationBarItem Class

An interactive button within either material's BottomNavigationBar or the iOS themed CupertinoTabBar with an icon and title.

CustomClipper<T> Class

An interface for providing custom clips.

Canvas Widget

An interface for recording graphical operations.

AlignmentGeometryTween Class

An interpolation between two AlignmentGeometry. This class specializes the interpolation of Tween<AlignmentGeometry> to be appropriate for alignments.

BorderRadiusTween Class

An interpolation between two BorderRadius.

BorderTween Class

An interpolation between two Borders.

BoxConstraintsTween Class

An interpolation between two BoxConstraints.

DecorationTween Class

An interpolation between two Decorations.

AlignmentTween Class

An interpolation between two alignments. This class specializes the interpolation of Tween<Alignment> to be appropriate for alignments.

Animatable<T> Class

An object that can produce a value of type T given an Animation<double> as input. Typically, the values of the input animation are nominally in the range 0.0 to 1.0. In principle, however, any value could be provided.

AlignmentDirectional Class

An offset that's expressed as a fraction of a size, but whose horizontal component is dependent on the writing direction. This can be used to indicate an offset from the left in TextDirection.ltr text and an offset from the right in TextDirection.rtl text without having to be aware of the current text direction.

AnimatedAlign Class

Animated version of Align which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given alignment changes.

DecoratedBoxTransition Class

Animated version of a DecoratedBox that animates the different properties of its Decoration.

DefaultTextStyleTransition Class

Animated version of a DefaultTextStyle that animates the different properties of its TextStyle.

AlignTransition Class

Animated version of an Align that animates its Align.alignment property.

AlignmentGeometry Class

Base class for Alignment that allows for text-direction aware resolution.

BorderRadiusGeometry Class

Base class for BorderRadius that allows for text-direction aware resolution.

BoxBorder Class

Base class for box borders that can paint as rectangles, circles, or rounded rectangles.

InheritedWidget Class

Base class for widgets that efficiently propagate information down the tree. Getting data from the top of the tree using any widget below it.

ClipContext Class

Clip utilities used by PaintingContext and TestRecordingPaintingContext.

CustomPainterSemantics Class

Contains properties describing information drawn in a rectangle contained by the Canvas used by a CustomPaint.

DefaultShaderWarmUp Class

Default way of warming up Skia shader compliations.

DragDownDetails Class

Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragDownCallback.

DragEndDetails Class

Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragEndCallback.

DragStartDetails Class

Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragStartCallback.

CheckedModeBanner Class

Displays a Banner sasying "DEBUG" when running in checked mode. MaterialApp builds one of these by default. Does nothing in release mode.

Banner Class

Displays a diagonal message above the corner of another widget

AndroidView Class

Embeds an Android view in the Widget hierarchy. Requires Android API level 20 or greater. Embedding Android views is an expensive operation and should be avoided when a Flutter equivalent is possible.

AssetImage Class

Fetches an image from an AssetBundle

BoxConstraints Class

Immutable layout constraints for RenderBox layout.

AsyncSnapshot<T> Class

Immutable representation of the most recent interaction with an asynchronous computation.

AssetBundleImageKey Class

Key for the image obtained by an AssetImage or ExactAssetImage. This is used to identify the precise resource in the imageCache.


Manager class for the widgets framework.

BannerPainter Class

Paints a Banner.

DraggableDetails Class

Represents the details when a specific pointer event occurred on the Draggable.

ClampingScrollSimulation Class

Scroll physics for environments that prevent the scroll offset from reaching beyond the bounds of the content.

AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics Class

Scroll physics that always lets the user scroll. On Android, overscrolls will be clamped by default and result in an overscroll glow. On iOS, overscrolls will load a spring that will return the scroll view to its normal range when released

DragScrollActivity Class

The activity a scroll view performs when a the user drags their finger across the screen.

CustomPainter Class

The interface used by CustomPaint (in the widgets library) and RenderCustomPaint (in the rendering library).

DecorationImagePainter Class

The painter for a DecorationImage.

DefaultTextStyle Class

The text style to apply to descendant Text widgets without explicit style.

CurveTween Class

Transforms the value of the given animation by the given curve.

DefaultWidgetsLocalizations Class.

US English localizations for the widgets library.

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