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LOL, an acronym for 'Laugh out Loud' is a common social media slang. It has turned from computer-mediated communication to face-to-face communication. It is pronounced as lol in face to face communication. As well as "lol" it has expanded to 'lul' "lolz" , "trolololol", "loling" and many other more through the use of the internet, but more so however, in everyday language. LOL has in fact, been added to the oxford english dictionary as of April 2011. There has even been a movie called "LOL" this shows how it has expanded through not only everyday language but also into the film industry. The word "LOL" has in fact expanded pass the youth society and into the adult, however, it is commonly mistaken by adults of the older generation . The best of this is when the Btritsh Primeminster David CAmeron, said he though that LOL meant "Lots of Love"!!! Another example of it being used in the wrong context: "Grandma just passed away! LOL"... This has caused serious confusion with the older generation and can be terribly offensive! When people say "LOL" however, they don't genuinely mean they are laughing, but instead is something they say when they have nothing else to or is something they say when they don't find something very funny in particular! An example of "LOL" being used in the correct context, face to face would be "You were so annoying last night, it wasnt funny" ... "Lol sorry!"


Soz is a net abbreviation for the word Sorry and is simply a lazy, unmeaningful way of putting it. Soz Boz basically has the same meaning, however, it is used more so to apologies to someone who is acting cocky and is a very sarcastic way of saying sorry. Soz would have just come from someone being extremely lazy or wanting to type really fast! This, of course is also the case when it comes to face to face communication and is used for as a quick escape! An example of how Soz would come up in a conversation: "Soz dude, I was so tired I didnt do any of the work!" An example of how Soz Boz would come up in a conversation "ermm, actually it was the other day..not yesterday get it right" ... "Oh! Soz boz".


The hashtag, at first, was a simple way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic and to begin a conversation. For example, if on twitter and you search hashtag The simpsons you'll get a list of tweets related to the Tv Show. Hashtags belived to have origniated on Twitter but, interestingly enough, it is not a Twitter function. Some belive it began when the broken plane luckily landed in the Hudson River in early 2009, some Twitter user wrote a post and added hashtag flight1549 to it. For something like this, where tweeets would have been flying fast and furiously, it wouldn't have taken long for this hash tag to go viral with sunndenly thousand of people posting about it. Then, if you wanted info on the situation you could do a search on hashtag flight 1549 and see everything that people had written about it. Over this year, the hashtag expanded massively, especially through the popular use of instagram. People would post photos on instagram then add hashtags along with it. So, if somebody posted a photo of say a Pizza then they would hashtag along with it, pizza, yum, dinner, peporonie, pizzahut, sohungry. This, then became a way to make fun of one other face to face and became a humourous way of sarcasm! An example of how it would be used in everyday language: :I went to bed super late last night without my mum knowing!! :wow dude... hashtag we got a badass over here!!.


The phrase ILY is an abbreviation of 'I Love You. It actually came from a form of sign language which Richard Dawson host of a show called "Family Feud in the 1980's picked up from a group of deaf supporters in the midwest. He flashed the ILY sign to the public when he would finish an episode of the show. This is an 'i' in sign language, This is an 'l' in sign language and this is a 'y'. Put all together, makes this sign and stands for ILY- I LOVE YOU. The beginning of "ILY" over the internet was yet again, through the use of twitter communication between celebrities. This, of course, expanded throughout social media. However, in fact, the use of "ILY" in face to face communication is commonly used more than it is over the internet. An example of how it would be used " Wait... I thought Africa was a country?" " (laughs) ILY "


The title of our presentation is "How has social media influenced the birth of new words in everyday language?" Adam and I will give you examples of words that we use in everyday language which has been created and developed by social media. We will explain how these words were initial created, how they are used and in some cases how they are misused. No doubt, in the future, many more new words or phrases will be created as this new form of language develops. However, all generations throughout history have created words or phrases to express themselves, so this is not necessarily a new trend, the only thing that is new is that these words and phrases have been created through social media.


YOLO meaning "You Only Live Once" is a viral quote most popularly used by girls, but the range has undoubtedly spread throughout the teenage community. It was firstly used to describe an exciting, exotic, challenging experience. However, over the past years it has been overused and used in the wrong context and is often an excuse for pointless behaviour. An example of it being used in an appropriate way would be "Just bunjee jumped off the macau tower! YOLO". However, teenagers have abused the meaning of YOLO and have used it instead, for things such as "Failed my math test, YOLO" "Lets get wasted YOLO" or "16 and pregnant YOLO". The use of YOLO has been very "trendy" over the internet, however, it has, in fact, become very popular through face to face communication with one and other. It is now part of our everyday virtual and real communication. This phrase was first seen on twitter, after the famous celebrity Drake tweeted a picture of himself with the caption "You only live once.... YOLO". A month later he released a song called "The motto", with the line "Now she want a photo, you already know, though. You only live once: that's the motto, YOLO." His song was on the top charts for several weeks and with over 13 million followers on twitter and over 40 million views on youtube of the music video "The Motto" the word YOLO spreaded faster than lightning across social media sites.

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