Frankenstein Study

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Henry Clerval

Childhood friend. Personified the only support of Dr. Frankenstein. Kind, tenderness to wife Warning to people blinded by their own fantasies.

Victor Frankenstein

Created the monster, after creation was disgusted by his creation and tried to end the creature and not love it. Main character, oldest son of the Frankenstein's good childhood, goes to Ingolstadt to study science.

Why does Victor agree to listen to the monter's story?

Victor agrees to listen to listen to the monster due to his curiousity and compassion from his resolution. He also wanted a confirmation or denial of the death of his brother.

Mr. Delacey

He was the creature's only friend, old blind man

In Chapter 4, what reason does Victor give to Walton for not revealing the secret of how he brought his creature to life?

He will not reveal his secret because it would cause Walton untold misery.

Who accompanies Victor to England?

Henry Clerval

(Ch 17-20) In chapter 17, what does the monster demand that Victor do for him? How does Victor react?

The monster demands Victor to create another creature like him to become his companion.

(Ch 21-24) What horrifying discovery does Victor make in chapter 21?

The monster has killed his friend, Henry Clerval.

In chapter 13, what paradox, or seeming contradiction, in human nature does the monster begin to confront? At the end of this chapter, what internal conflict does he experience?

The monster longs for a normal human experience but he knows he's not normal and he won't be able to experience those aspects of life. He is confused about his identity at this point.

How does Shelley use foreshadowing to create suspense in chapter 20?

The monster warns Victor that he will repent for the pain he's inflicted. The monster predicts that he will be with Victor on his wedding night.

Gloomy Heroes Romance Monsters Emotional Curses

Traits of Gothic Era Literature

A new radical idea of turning a creature into something living There is reason over faith

Traits of romantic era literature

How did Frankenstein come to be written?

Mary Shelley, her husband, and their friends were trapped indoors and based time telling ghost stories. She then came up with the story of Frankenstein.


Minor character Is in exile. Lives in cabin with Felix and his family. She spurs Frankenstein's want of education. Teaches the monster how to read.

(Ch 1-4) In the opening pages of the novel, how does Mary Shelley use a frame story, or a story within a story?

The beginning of Frankenstein starts with letters between minor characters and after stumbling upon Victor, the book shifts into his story.

Margaret Saville

Sister of Robert Walton, Ship caption. Only relevant because she receives the letters describing Frankenstein story (beginning)


Son of De Lacey Devised to his family Gets rid of monster from cottage by throwing stones at it

How does the story of Justine Moritz offer a parallel to the story of Elizabeth? What theme is developed in these narratives?

Both Elizabeth and Justine grew up in a loving home and also adopted by the Frankensteins. The theme is the need for love and care will bring them together.


A merchant and friend of Victor's father; the father of Caroline Beaufort.

Justine Moritz

A young girl adopted into the Frankenstein household while Victor is growing up. Justine is blamed and executed for William's murder, which is actually committed by the monster.


Attractive Judges the monster on his look, and calls him ugly Dies at the hands if the monster Youngest son of Alphonse and Caroline Frankenstein Brother of victor and Ernest Frankenstein

Mary Shelley

Began a romance with her fathers political follows, who was married. Conceived her Frankenstein idea in Switzerland. Wrote Frankenstein as a teenager.

The monster

Big, ugly, and lame Made from dead body parts Killed Elizabeth and many others

(Ch 13-16) In chapter 13, what event occurs to lift Felix's spirits?

Felix's lover finds him and drags him out of his depression.


De Lacy's daughter. Kind, gentle, and devoted to her family. Selfless, cares for her brother and her father despite their poverty and sadness.

Walton as the overall narrator to whom the sort is told, Shelley can easily begin with the suspenseful "present" and flash back to the causes of victors condition

Frame Story

As Victor becomes more and more interested in scientific subjects, what question continues to preoccupy him?

He focuses on the origins of the priciples of life.

2 years

How long did it take to make the monster?

(Ch 5-80 What atmosphere is created by the setting at the beginning of chapter 5? Why is this setting appropriate?

The atmosphere feels eerie which is appropriate because at this point in the story, Victor is about to reanimate the dead.

What are some conflicts, both external and internal, that occur in chapter 16?

Internal Conflicts: The monster feels lonely and is also angry that he has no purpose. An overwhelming since of revenge and despair swallowed the monster. External Conflicts:

Elizabeth Lorenza

Orphan taken in by Frankenstein's family She marries victor and is killed by the monster in their honeymoon

Explain how the reader is reminded in the novel's closing pages that this has been a frame story. Briefly explain your reaction to the outcome of the plot.

The book begins with correspondence between Walton and his family and then stumbles upon Victor. Victor tells Walter of his horrifying story and then the novel ends with more corresponding letters.

Why are the cottagers-the old man, Felix, and Agatha-not entirely happy?

The cottagers are melancholy because they're in poverty.

What is revealed about the history of the cottagers in the flashback in chapter 14?

The cottagers were once very wealthy and lived in France. When a turkish man is condemned to death beacuse of his race and religion, Felix tries to help escape (he knew it was wrong for him to be in prison) but is caught and his family is stripped of their wealth and is exhiled.

When Victor meets the monster in chapter 10, what biblical allusions does the creature make? Why do you think Mary Shelley includes these allusions?

The creature wished to be like Adam but is treated like Satan. Victor is the creature's creator and he's being rejected by his creator.

In chapter 9, how have the deaths of William and Justine afftected Victor? What restrains him from committing suicide?

The deaths of William and Justine have Victor feeling guilty and remorseful. He is restrained from committing suicide because he thought about how much he loved Elizabeth and protecting his remaining family

What do the details about Victor's parents show about the type of home in which he was raised?

The details which highlight the parents generousity and compassion show that Victor grew up in a loving home surrounded by affection and care.

What is ironic about Justine's situation in chapter 8?

The irony in her situation is that she confessed to the murder because her interrigators told her she would go to hell if she didn't confess, but the monster is who killed William.


The magistrate who accuses Victor of Henry's murder. Later feels compassion for victor.

Starting with chapter 11, Shelley uses an extended flashback. From whose point of view is the narrative told? Why do you think Shelley chose this point of view?

The story is told from the creature's point of view. The creature was telling of his journey to self realization.

In chapter 15, the monster has learned to read. What three books make a powerful impression on him? How does the discovery of Victor's journal affect him?

The three books that made a powerful impression on the monster were Paradise Lost, a volume of Plutarch's Lives, and the Sorrows of Werter. The monster is disgusted with Victor and ashamed of his existance when he reads of Victor's horror and regret in regards to his creation.

writing activity: In what ways did Shelley try to make this strange story believable?

The use of a frame story and first person point of view.

How does Shelley create suspense at the end of chapter 2?

There is an instance of foreshadowing; a reference to Victor's "..utter and terrible destruction.."

What major event occurs in chapter 23? Do you think that this event is the climax of the novel?

Victor and Elizabeth get married and retreat to a cottage for their wedding night. Victor has had a feeling that the monster is somewhere near them and as he's checking the house that night while Elizabeth is in bed, Victor hears his bride scream and discovers that she is dead by the monster's hands.

Writing Activity:

Victor and the monster as well as humans in general are portrayed as paradoxical. Victor's quest for knowledge had horrifying consequences and trapped him in the revenge of the creature he neglected. The monster's innocent instincts are violently transformed because of the feelings of bitterness and rejection by humankind knowing that they're capable of both good and evil.

What do you think Victor means when he says at the beginning of chapter 22, "William, Justine, and Henry-they all died by my hands"?

Victor created a monster and his neglect towards the monster caused the it emotional pain which leads him to seek revenge by killing anyone he think Victor cares about. This makes Victor feel guilty and responsible for his monsters actions.

How does Victor feel as he works to create a second monster?

Victor feels guilty and apprehensive.

At the university, which two professors does Victor meet? How does Shelley contrast these characters?

Victor meets M. Krempe and M. Waldman. Krempe is repulsive and harsh and Waldman is dignified, kind, and concerned.

When the monster approaches Victor's bedside, how does Victor react?

Victor ran out of his apartment.

Toward the end of chapter 9. where does Victor go to find consolation and peace of mind? What do you think of this decision?

Victor traveled to Chamounix. I think he needed to relax and get away from all of the tradgedy.

What horrifying news does Victor's father reveal in his letter in chapter 7?

Victor's father wrote on his letter that Victor's brother, William, had been murdered.


Victors father. He is there for victor in moments of pain. Encourages to remember the importance of family


Victors mother, he loves her. Does of scarlet fever. Has only good things to day about herself. Her dying wish was for victor to marry Elizabeth

Why has Robert Walton organized his expedition to the Arctic? In what way is Walton similar to Victor Frankenstein?

Walton wants to find a polar passage and solve the secrets of magnetism. His quest for knowledge and willingness to venture into the unknown possibly dangerous areas make him similar to Victor.

Percy Shelley

Who did Mary Shelley run away with at 17?

Robert Walton

Writes opening letters to his sister. Captain of the ship Victor found while chasing the monster. They both want to be famous and well known.

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