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4 major phyla-

-Chytridiomycota: chytrids -Zygomycota: common molds -Ascomycota: sac gungi -Basidiomycota: club fungi

What are mutualistic fungi?

-Mycorrhiza: symbiotic relationship b/t plants and specialized fungus; plants with mycorrhiza partner are healthier -some plants (orchids) need this relationship to survive -80%-90% of all plants have mycorrhiza= corn, strawberries, carrots

For multicellular fungi, asexual reproduction is...

-asexual spores called conidia form on tips of conidiophores (special hyphae) -unlike other spores these formed externally (dangerous with no protection)


-common molds & blights -Rhizopus stolonifer: bread mold


a long chain of cells forming threadlike filaments; all fungi made of hyphae (basic unit)


a network of hyphae

Which kingdom is most closely related to fungi? Why?

animalia; both heterotrophic

3 structures during sexual reproduction for ascomycota:

ascocarp ascus ascospores -all 3 are inside of each other

What phylum of fungus contains the largest number of species?


Which phylum contains more species than any other fungi phylum?


Zygomycota has which type of septa structure?


During favorable conditions, zygomycota does which type of reproduction?



asexual & sexual

Sac fungi reproduces by...

asexual and sexual reproduction

Many fungi reproduce __________ and ___________.

asexually and sexually

2 diseases caused by fungus that effects animals

athlete's foot & ringworm

Structures of basidiomycota-

basidiocarp- fruiting body basidia- cup shaped hypahe that produce spores basidiospores- spores (n) released from basidia stalk (stipe) gills

Which phyla have septa?

basidiomycota and ascomycota

reproductive structure in mushrooms resembling a club


Lichen serve as important __________________.

bioindicator (health indicates how polluted air around them is)

What is the word for fungi that glow?


What type of cheese is made using fungi?

blue cheese

For unicellular fungi (yeast) asexual reproduction is...

budding: form of asexual reproduction in which a new individual develops from some point of the parent organism

Chytrids were originally thought to be protists. Why?

cell walls of fungi contain chitin

Fungi cell walls are made of what?


The strong polysaccharide found in the cell walls of fungi is


complex carbohydrate in the cell walls of fungi


These are 2 types of polysaccharides (carbohydrate).

chitin (fungi) & cellulose (plants)

What is considered to the evolutionary link b/t fungus like protists and kingdom fungi?


What is basidiomycota?

club fungi/mushrooms (put in and on food) -rarely reproduce asexually -spend most of lives with 2 nuclei in each cell Ex: puffball, shelf/bracket fungi, wrinkled peach fungi

Phylum zygomycogta includes what type of fungi?

common molds

fruiting body

contain spores, which are dispersed for reproduction; formed from hyphae ex: mushrooms


contains thousands of spores (n) called zygospores (root word = zygote)


cross walls that divide the hyphae

A fungus and _______________ could live symbiotically as lichen


Sexual reprod. has not been observed in phylum ______________.


Dutch elm disease is a type of...

disease derived from plant parasites from sac fungi (phylum ascomycota)

1 disease caused by fungus that effects plants

dutch elm disease

Fungi can be helpful to humans in what ways?

food- mushrooms, blue cheese in medicine- penicillin mold cleaning up pollutants

The mushrooms that make up fairy rings are _____________ ____________.

fruiting bodies

Part of mushroom u see above ground

fruiting body

How are fungi classified?

fungal structure & reproductive methods

What does it mean to say that fungi are nonmotile?

fungi cannot move

Which of the following is NOT an example of asexual reprod? budding, fragmentation, spore production, gametangia production

gametangia production

What are chytrids?

saprobes (decomposers) or parasites -aquatic -considered to be 1st fungi

What group of fungi feed on dead plants?


During unfavorable conditions, zygomycota does which type of reproduction?


The lifecycle of zygomycota consists of ____________ and ____________ reproduction.

sexual and asexual


small offspring developing while still attached to parent cell (yeast cell)

What describes an ascocarp?

specialized reproductive structure developed from hyphae


specialized sexual reproduction structure for ascomycota where zygote formed


spores produced in an ascus for ascomycota sexual reproduction

Zygomycota has specialized hyphae:

stolons: spreads across surface of food rhizoids: digs into food and absorbs nutrients

True or false: compounds from fungi can be isolated and administered to treat high blood pressure.


Fungi prefer __________ and ___________ conditions.

warm and damp

How can spores be dispersed?

wind, water, animals

Which fungi is unicellular?


Which is unicellular fungi? bread mold, yeast, mushroom, bird's nest fungus


___________________ are sexual spores associated w black bread molds.


formed when + and rhizoids meet


mass of tangled hyphae


How do fairy rings happen?

mycelium starts in the center & as it doesn't get the nutrients it needs, it reaches out in search of nutrients to take from the grass & grows mushrooms

A fungus called ____________ absorbs nutrients from the living cells of a host organism.



part of mycelium broken off and hyphae of that fragment can regrow into new mycelium

examples include puffball, shelf fungus and mushroom

phylum basidiomycota

this phylum includes Pencillum

phylum deuteromycota

What are imperfect fungi?

phylum deuteromycota -debatable phylum traditionally grouped together because they all lack sexual reproduction cycle -new data supports classifying these fungi in other phyla -asexual structure: conidia

this phylum includes black bread mold

phylum zygomycota

What is asexual reproduction? What types of asexual reproduction are there?

production of various types of spores; fragmentation, budding, spores

root like hyphae that participate in sexual reproduction


Types of club fungi that deals with crops:

rust- only affects healthy plants and can cause growth deformities smut- mostly affects grass family (corn, bamboo, rice, etc.)


saclike structure where zygote undergoes cellular division for ascomycota sexual reproduction

What are Saprophytic fungi?

-decomposers: break down organisms and recycle nutrients back into ecosystem -extracellular digestion: release digestive enzymes onto their food & then suck up all the nutrients back up through their hyphal (digestion happening outside of the cells)

What are parasitic fungi?

-feed on living organisms, mostly animals, such as humans/insects ex: ringworm & athletes foot infect humans

Spores: asexual reproduction

-haploid -has hard outer coat -spores develop into new mycelium

Spores: sexual reproduction

-reproductive structure (diploid) produces spores (haploid) by meiosis

What are truffles?

-round, warty fungi irregular in shape -vary in sizes -1 of world's most expensive foods -traditionally harvested by pigs, can be harvested by trained dogs

What is ascomycota?

-sac fungi -includes morels, truffles, mildew, and yeasts


-sac where spores are produced -provides protection for spores


-symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae/cyanobacteria -fungus provides protection, minerals, and water -algae and cyanobacteria provide food

Lichen prefer what type of habitats?

-temperate -arctic -can grow on bare rock (pioneer species)

What do aseptates consist of?

-type of septa cell wall, nuclei

What do septate hypha consist of?

-type of septa: cross walls that divide hyphae septum, nuclei, pore, cell wall,

Chytrids produce spores with what?

2 flagella

Can fungi perform photosynthesis?

No, fungi are heterotrophs, therefore they can't produce their own food. They get their nutrients from other things.

Does zygomycota have male and female when sexually reproducing?

No, they have + and - mating strains (haploid)

tiny threadlike filaments that release digestive enzymes



hyphae structure containing haploid nucleus

What does the structure of fungi consist of?

hyphae, mycelium, fruiting body, septa

How to remember hyphae vs mycelium?

hyphae- singular person mycelium- group of people

Mycelia comprise the main body of a __________.


Most fungi are ________cellular.


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