Geology - Chapter 6

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b (true)

Decaying organisms also produce acids that contribute to chemical weathering. a. false b. true

Wind, water, glacial ice

Deposition of solid particles occurs when ___ and ___ currents slow down and as ______ melts

Groundwater and runoff

Soluble constituents are carried away by which two things?

b, sediment

Across the ocean floor, virtually everything is covered by a. igneous rocks b. sediment c. metamorphic rocks d. fossils


After water works its way into the cracks in rock, the freezing water enlarges the cracks, and angular fragments are eventually produced a. salt crystal growth b. sheeting; expansion from unloading c. frost wedging d. biological activity

air;water;pore spaces

Because plants require __ and __ to live and grow, the portion of the soil consisting of _____ that allow for the circulation of these fluids is as vital as the solid soil constituents


Breaking a rock into smaller pieces ____ the surface area available for chemical attack a. increases b. decreases


By breaking rocks into smaller pieces, _______ weathering increases the amount of surface area available for ______ weathering. a. mechanical, chemical b. chemical, mechanical


Fractures produced by these activities generally form a definite pattern and are called a. joints b. exfoliation domes c. biological activity d. sheeting

They allow water to go in deep

How do joints promote weathering?

Exfoliation domes form in rocks prone to expansion and the formation of expansion joints. Deeply buried rock bodies, such as plutons, expand as they are uplifted and eroded. Plutonic rock bodies that exhibit exceptional exfoliation domes include Half Dome, in Yosemite National Park, California, and Stone Mountain, Georgia.

How is an exfoliation dome formed?

mid-ocean ridges, volcanic

Igneous rocks are exposed only at the crests of ____ and at some ________ areas

Enhances the soil's ability to retain water

In addition to being an important source of plant nutrients, humus ...

removed, crystallize, precipitate

Ions in solution are _____ when chemical or temperature changes cause material to _____ and ______ or when organisms remove dissolved material to build shells


It begins when sea spray from breaking waves or salty groundwater penetrates crevices and pore spaces in rock, as this water evaporate, salt crystals form. as these crystals gradually grow larger, they weaken the rock ny pushing apart the surrounding grains or enlarging tiny cracks. a. salt crystal growth b. sheeting; expansion from unloading c. frost wedging d. biological activity


Mechanical and chemical weathering processes usually work simultaneously in nature and reinforce each other. a. true b. false


Most of Earth's solid surface consists of either sediment or sedimentary rocks

b. sedimentary rocks

Other major energy sources--including oil, natural gas, and uranium-- are derived from where? a. metamorphic rocks b. sedimentary rocks c. igneous rocks


Plant roots in search of nutrients and water grow into ____, and as the roots grow, they wedge apart the rock


Sediments and sedimentary rocks are also the primary reservoir of what?

solid, fluid

Sedimentum is a reference to _____ material settling out of a ___

Disintegrated and decomposed rock and humus; The remaining half is pore spaces among the solid particles where air and water circulate

Soil is a mixture of what?

False, it is NOT related to the strength of water currents.

The deposition of material dissolved in water is related to the strength of water currents.

Sedimentary (sedimentum)

The mud on the floor of a lake, a delta at the mouth of a river, a gravel bar in a stream bed, the particles in a desert sand dune, and even household dust are examples of what?

parent material

The source of the weathered mineral matter from which soils develop is called the

intermittent..occurring at irregular intervals; not constant or steady

The transport of sediment is usually

in place

Transport soils form ____ on parent materials that have been carried from elsewhere and deposited by gravity, water, wind, or ice

b, 70

What percentage of the Earth's solid surface does the ocean floor represent? a. 75 b. 70 c. 90 d. 95

Solid particles

What are frequently moved downslope by gravity before running water, groundwater, wind, and glacial ice remove them?


What are important rock structures that allow water to penetrate to depth and start the process of weathering long before the rock is exposed? a. exfoliation domes b. joints c. parent material d. humus

the various solid particles and ions in solution

What are the raw materials for sedimentary rocks?


What begins the rock cycle that occurs near Earth's surface?

To settle

What does the word sedimentum mean?

various solid particles and ions in solution

What does weathering generate?

Older sediments are buried beneath younger layers and are gradually converted to sedimentary rock (lithified) by compaction and cementation

What happens as deposition continues?

b, sedimentary

What is coal? a. metamorphic b. sedimentary c. igneous

the decayed remains of animal and plant life

What is humus?

When solid particles are frequently moved downslope by gravity

What is mass wasting?


What moves solid particles from the sites where they originated to locations where they accumulate?

Chemical weathering also occurs more quickly in the smaller rock, as the rate of chemical weathering is directly related to the relationship of surface area to a rock's volume. The higher the surface area in proportion to mass, the quicker the rate of weathering; thus the smaller rock would weather faster.

When a rock is mechanically weathered, how does its surface area change?


When a rock undergoes chemical weathering, it is broken down into smaller and smaller pieces, and it still keeps the characteristics of the original material a. true b. false


When large masses of igneous rock, particularly granite, are exposed by erosion, concentric slabs begin to break loose. the process that generates these onion like layers is called a. salt crystal growth b. sheeting; expansion from unloading c. frost wedging d. biological activity

residual soils

When the parent material is bedrock, the soils are termed

transported soils

When the parent material is unconsolidated sediment, the soils are termed

c, sedimentary

Which rocks contain fossils? a. metamorphic b. igneous c. sedimentary

c, the surface

While sediment and sedimentary rocks make up only a small percentage of Earth's crust, they are concentrated on/at _________ a. mid-ocean ridges b. volcanic areas c. the surface d. the ocean floor

1. They are the primary reservoir of groundwater 2. Major energy sources are derived from sedimentary rocks

Why are sedimentary rocks important?

They contain evidence of past conditions and events at the surface

Why is the position (the location) of sediment and sedimentary rocks important?

Burrowing animals further

______ further break down the rock by moving fresh material to the surface, where physical and chemical processes can more effectively attack it.

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