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If there is more rain that reaches the Earth's surface than it can absorb, what happens to most of the excess water? A.It infiltrates the ground. B.It flows over the surface as runoff. C.It pools on the surface and evaporates back into the atmosphere. D.It is intercepted by plants.

B.It flows over the surface as runoff.

Consider a weathered rock or soil particle lying on a slope. How will the gravitational driving force pulling the particle downward along the land surface vary with the inclination of the slope? A.It will possibly increase or decrease as slope angle is lessened, depending upon other factors. B.It is not affected by the slope angle. C.It will decrease as the slope angle is lessened. D.It will increase as the slope angle is lessened.

C.It will decrease as the slope angle is lessened.

The elevation of the water table ____________. a constant for a given area as long as the topography remains the same B.may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods C.may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts

C.may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts

The ________ explains how our solar system probably formed from a giant cloud of gases and dispersed solid particles. A.planetary compression theory B.protogalactic theory C.extrastellar solar hypothesis D.nebular theory

Nebular Theory

Slopes composed of soil that are fully saturated with water are susceptible to landsliding because: (There are two possible correct answers - please click both.) A. Water is heavy and increases the load. B. The surface tension of the water in the pores reduces the strength of the soil. C. Water lubricates the surfaces of the soil particles, and they easily slip past one another. D. The pore pressure of the water pushes the mineral grains apart, reducing the friction between them, lowering the strength of the soil.

A. Water is heavy and increases the load. D. The pore pressure of the water pushes the mineral grains apart, reducing the friction between them, lowering the strength of the soil.

Which typically moves the fastest? A.A rock fall that turns into a rock avalanche. B.A creeping slope. C.An earth slide. D.A rotational slump.

A.A rock fall that turns into a rock avalanche.

In the television series "Cosmos" the astronomer Carl Sagan used to say, "We are all made of star stuff." What did he mean by that? A.All of the chemical elements in our solar system were forged in an ancient star that went supernova. B.We all have to potential to be stars. C.All of the chemical elements were formed during the big bang when the universe began, so we are like the stars. D. The earth has incorporated large amounts of chemical material from the solar wind, so our bodies carry this material.

A.All of the chemical elements in our solar system were forged in an ancient star that went supernova.

All rivers flood sometimes - it is a natural process. A.True B.False


Foliated metamorphic rocks possess ____________. A.a planar fabric consisting of mineral grains in preferred orientations or preferred patterns of association (banding) B.minerals precipitated directly from seawater C.leafy plant fossils (ancient foliage) D.a homogeneous texture resulting from randomly oriented grains

A.a planar fabric consisting of mineral grains in preferred orientations or preferred patterns of association (banding

Which sediment load is likely to move the least, in between periods of flood? A.bed load B.dissolved load C.suspended load load

A.bed load

Metamorphism, in broadest terms, involves ____________. A.changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and pressure B.the sorting of grains by size, as is accomplished by rivers and beach waves C.cementation of loose grains and precipitation of new minerals into pore spaces D.the settling of crystals in a melt as it cools

A.changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and pressure

Minerals are classified into groups known as mineral classes primarily on the basis of _______. A.chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula B.hardness; hard, soft, and medium are the three primary classes C.chemistry, specifically the cations within the chemical formula D.crystalline structure E.number of cleavage directions present

A.chemistry, specifically the anions within the chemical formula

Natural glass (like obsidian) is NOT considered a mineral because it ________. A.does not have an organized crystalline structure not produced by geologic processes C.can be made synthetically as well as being a naturally occurring substance organic

A.does not have an organized crystalline structure

Five trillion atoms can fit into the head of a pin. Which of the following is in the correct order of smallest to largest? A.electron, proton, nucleus, atom B.atom, electron, nucleus, proton C.proton, electron, nucleus, atom D.atom, nucleus, proton, electron

A.electron, proton, nucleus, atom

Ore minerals, such as galena, tend to be distinct in their very ____________. A.great specific gravity B.vitreous luster C.diamond-like crystal habit D.dark coloration

A.great specific gravity

Granite is a type of rock that forms deep underground from magma that cools very slowly. What type of rock is granite? A.igneous B.sedimentary C.Clastic D.metamorphic


V-shaped stream valleys result from the downcutting of stream erosion and ____________. A.mass wasting on the valley sides B.isostatic rebound C.the "rule of the V's" D.conservation of angular momentum

A.mass wasting on the valley sides

The color of a mineral in powdered form is termed ____________. A.streak B.color C.luster D.specific gravity


The main difference between sandstone and shale is A.the difference in grain size of the particles that make up the rocks. B.the difference in the chemistry of the particles that make up the rocks. C.that one rock is a detrital sedimentary rock and the other is a chemical sedimentary rock. D.the type of cement that binds the particles together.

A.the difference in grain size of the particles that make up the rocks.

One important relationship between chemical and mechanical weathering is ________. A.mechanical weathering forms more brittle materials that are easily broken down by chemical weathering. B. mechanical weathering can produce smaller pieces of rock that have more surface area for chemical weathering to work on. C. chemical weathering can form brittle materials that are easily broken into smaller pieces by mechanical weathering D. chemical weathering can produce smaller pieces of rock that can then be modified by mechanical weathering

B. mechanical weathering can produce smaller pieces of rock that have more surface area for chemical weathering to work on.

What are the basic differences between the disciplines of physical and historical geology? A. Physical geology is the study of fossils and sequences of rock strata; historical geology is the study of how rocks and minerals were used in the past. B.Historical geology involves the study of rock strata, fossils, and geologic events, utilizing the geologic time scale as a reference; physical geology includes the study of how rocks form and of how erosion shapes the land surface. C.Physical geology involves the study of rock strata, fossils, and deposition in relation to plate movements in the geologic past; historical geology charts how and where the plates were moving in the past. D.none of the above—physical geology and historical geology are essentially the same.

B.Historical geology involves the study of rock strata, fossils, and geologic events, utilizing the geologic time scale as a reference; physical geology includes the study of how rocks form and of how erosion shapes the land surface.

Haiti is a mountainous island nation with a rapidly growing population that has terrible problems with landslides. Which of the following explanations would best explain the problem? A.A corrupt government has made poor roads subject to slope failure. B.Most of the forests have been cut down for charcoal, leaving barren slopes subject to mass wasting during heavy tropical rainstorms and earthquakes. C.Climate change has increased weathering rates on the island. D.The area is hit by numerous tropical cyclones.

B.Most of the forests have been cut down for charcoal, leaving barren slopes subject to mass wasting during heavy tropical rainstorms and earthquakes.

How does water get from the atmosphere into the groundwater system? A.Precipitation falls into rivers and then flows downriver into the groundwater system. B.Precipitation falls on the ground and infiltrates into the ground surface to fill pores and fractures. C.Water from the ocean is sucked up into the groundwater system due to a pressure difference. D.Plants secrete water into the groundwater system in a process called evapotranspiration.

B.Precipitation falls on the ground and infiltrates into the ground surface to fill pores and fractures.

Which one of the following statements is correct? A.Sea level drops when evaporation rates increase over the oceans and when this extra atmospheric moisture falls on land as rain. B.Sea level drops when water is stored in expanding ice sheets and continental glaciers. C.Sea level rises when water is added to the oceans through increased rainfall and increased inflow from rivers. D.Sea level rises when water is stored in expanding ice sheets and continental glaciers.

B.Sea level drops when water is stored in expanding ice sheets and continental glaciers.

In much of what is now Canada, glaciers covered the land as little as 12,000 years ago and glacial erosion scoured the land surface leaving very thin soil or bare rock over large areas. The Midwestern United States was also covered in ice at this time, yet this area contains some of the richest farm land in the world with thick soils. These soils are formed on glacial sediments and windblown dust deposits from the ice age. Why are the soil conditions between these areas so different when the soils are virtually identical in age? A.It is much colder in Canada so chemical weather is much slower; thus and soils have not had time to form. B.The Midwestern soils are transported soils with soil development on materials that were already loose, unconsolidated materials. C.Sea level rose following the ice age and covered the Midwest with an inland sea, rapidly forming soil. D.The Midwestern U.S. is much flatter than Canada, allowing soils to develop more quickly.

B.The Midwestern soils are transported soils with soil development on materials that were already loose, unconsolidated materials.

Limestone is composed almost entirely of the mineral calcite which has the chemical formula CaCO3. As a result, limestone is classified as ________. A.a mineral B.a rock C.both a mineral and a rock D.neither a mineral nor a rock because it is organic

B.a rock

Cleavage in minerals refers to ____________. A.the sharpness of edges between crystal faces B.a tendency to break along planes of weakness C.a tendency to break in an irregular pattern D.the development of distinct crystal faces

B.a tendency to break along planes of weakness

Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks ___________. A.are darker in color than mafic rocks B.are lighter in color than mafic rocks C.contain more iron and magnesium than intermediate rocks D.are found in oceanic crust

B.are lighter in color than mafic rocks

The ________ refers to the sum total of all life on Earth. A.hydrosphere B.biosphere C.atmosphere D.geosphere


Which of the following processes CANNOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock? A.segregation of minerals into layers of different compositions B.complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock C.realignment of minerals so that they develop a preferred orientation D.solid-state rearrangement of atoms or ions to create a new assemblage of minerals

B.complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock

As compared to coarse-grained igneous rocks, all fine-grained igneous rocks __________. A.solidify at lower temperatures and solidify more quickly and solidify more slowly D.solidify at higher temperatures and solidify more quickly

Which mass wasting process has the slowest rate of movement? A.slump B.creep C.rock fall D.rock avalanche


The flat-lying area surrounding a river channel is termed the ____________. A.base level B.floodplain gradient D.thalweg


What is the greatest danger from earthflow? A.loss of water quality by mud flowing into river drainages, polluting the water B.loss of property along the path of the earthflow C.loss of life by rapid downslope movement of the earthflow D.deforestation along the earthflow path

B.loss of property along the path of the earthflow

Which of the following is not a significant factor triggering mass wasting events? A.heavy rainfall B.mine tailings filling a valley C.earthquake D.forest fire or clearcutting

B.mine tailings filling a valley

Which type of weathering process is happening to materials when they rust? A.hydration B.oxidation C.dissolution D.hydrolysis


Coarse-grained granite is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained A.komatiite B.rhyolite C.andesite D.basalt


Magma tends to ___________. A.stay in one place B.rise upward, away from where it formed C.sink downward, away from where it formed D.move laterally (to the side)

B.rise upward, away from where it formed

Dynamothermal (regional) metamorphism occurs when ____________. A.regression of the sea leads to erosion of sedimentary cover atop a body of rock B.rock becomes buried deeply during continental collision and mountain building C.the upper surface of a body of rock develops a thick soil profile D.a pluton causes metamorphism in a small surrounding region

B.rock becomes buried deeply during continental collision and mountain building

Ultimately, the base level of a stream valley can be no lower than ____________. A.the average elevation of the continent on which it is found B.the level of water in the world's oceans C.the average depths of the world's ocean basins

B.the level of water in the world's oceans

Which of the following processes is NOT considered an external process? A.erosion B.volcanism C.weathering D.mass wasting Reset Selection


The breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments (detritus) and dissolved ions is termed ____________. A.erosion B.weathering C.deposition


Mechanisms that enhance or drive change are known as ________. feedback mechanisms B. closed feedback mechanisms C. positive feedback mechanisms D.negative feedback mechanisms

C. positive feedback mechanisms

A mass wasting process that involves rotational motion of material sliding above a distinct slip surface is called ________. A.a slide B.a rock avalanche C.a slump D.a rockfall

C. a slump

Which of the following would not be considered a rock? object composed of interlocking crystals object made of frothy glass C.a pile of unconsolidated sand object made of shells cemented together

C.a pile of unconsolidated sand

Which of the following is not an example of a foliation in a metamorphic rock? A.parallel alignment of flattened pebbles B.parallel alignment of platy or flat minerals C.bedding planes and strata D.compositional banding

C.bedding planes and strata

Cemented shells of marine organisms form which kind of sedimentary rock? A.detrital C.biochemical


Physical precipitation of gypsum due to evaporation of seawater produces which kind of sedimentary rock? B.detrital C.chemical D.biochemical


Given enough time, what factor is typically most important in soil formation? A.slope direction B.bedrock type C.climate D.months of snow cover


Lithified detritus (breakdown products of preexisting rocks) forms which kind of sedimentary rock? A.biochemical C.detrital D.chemical


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content? A.intermediate B.mafic C.felsic D.ultramafic


Meandering streams ____________. A.consist of a series of intertwined channels that are overloaded with sediment B.have flowing water either episodically or during a portion of the year C.have a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy) D.are those that divert flow from streams they have intersected through stream erosion

C.have a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy)

Chemical weathering rates are highest in ________. dry climates B.cold dry climates wet climates D.cold wet climates wet climates

Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of material due to _________. A.interaction with molten rock B.mechanical breakdown of rock C.interaction with water or air (or both) D.baking in the hot sun

C.interaction with water or air (or both)

Compaction and cementation of grains occurs during ____________. A.weathering B.transport C.lithification D.erosion


Material through which water readily flows is termed ____________. A.fluent B.porous C.permeable


The finely divided, red, brown, and yellow soil-coloring minerals originate by what process? A.mechanical weathering of very fine-grained, blue-gray clays B.mechanical weathering of the feldspars and micas in granite and rhyolite C.precipitation of iron oxides during the chemical weathering process D.chemical weathering of quartz and feldspars

C.precipitation of iron oxides during the chemical weathering process

________ denotes the exposed, crescent-shaped rupture surface at the head of a slump. A.toe B.scoop C.scarp D.slump face E.sole


A mineralogist studies minerals and their origins. A mineralogist studying the Earth system would ________. how minerals form rocks the same thing, studying minerals and their origins, as any other mineralogist how minerals influence organisms living on them, how they react with water to produce soil forming minerals, or study how wind transports minerals as dust and influences climate D.Minerals can never be used to study the Earth system. how minerals influence organisms living on them, how they react with water to produce soil forming minerals, or study how wind transports minerals as dust and influences climate

With regard to minerals, hardness refers to ____________. A.the ability to resist chemical reactions with other substances B.the ability to resist breaking when being struck with a hammer C.the ability to resist being scratched by other substances absence of cleavage

C.the ability to resist being scratched by other substances

Mass wasting, a process that often occurs between weathering and erosion, involves ________. A. the chemical dissolution of minerals due to water B. the transport of material by water, wind, or ice C.the transport of material due to gravity D. the mechanical breakdown of minerals due to exposure to the Sun and atmosphere

C.the transport of material due to gravity

Chemical weathering takes place most rapidly in environments that are _______ and _________.; dry; wet C.warm; dry D.warm; wet

D. warm;wet

The quartz in granite begins to melt at 650°C, so if we find a migmatite where quartz has melted in a granitic rock and we know the temperature in the region increased with depth by about 25°C per kilometer, we could estimate the depth that the rock had been at to be about ________. A.12.5 km B.18.0 km C.23.5 km D.26.0 km

D.26.0 km

Minerals can be destroyed by _____________ A.melting B.chemical reactions C.dissolving D.All of the above are correct.

D.All of the above are correct.

What is the major distinction between internal and external Earth processes? A.Internal processes involve heat, and external processes involve oxygen. B.Internal and external processes can occur inside and outside the Earth, but external processes must also include the oxidation of Earth materials. C.Internal processes can only occur inside the Earth, but external processes can occur inside or outside the Earth. D.Internal processes are driven by the Earth's internal heat energy and external processes are driven by the sun.

D.Internal processes are driven by the Earth's internal heat energy and external processes are driven by the sun.

____________ commonly serves as a parent rock in the formation of marble. A.Sandstone B.Slate C.Shale D.Limestone


The single property that can be used to identify any mineral is ____________. A.color B.luster C.cleavage D.None of the above are correct; multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral.

D.None of the above are correct; multiple properties must be used to diagnose a mineral.

____________ commonly serves as a parent rock in the formation of quartzite. A.Slate B.Shale C.Limestone D.Sandstone


Light elements like hydrogen and helium form a large percentage of the outer planets and Sun is made up primarily of hydrogen. Why are these elements nearly absent from the inner planets? A.It is a mystery that has never been solved by science. B.The Sun captured all of the hydrogen during its formation. C.Hydrogen and helium have all been bound up by chemical reactions on the inner planets and are held in rock. D.These light elements are blown away from the inner planets by the solar wind.

D.These light elements are blown away from the inner planets by the solar wind

Why is understanding the hydrologic cycle so important to understanding how landscapes form? A.because water has the ability to seep underground and affect the layers of rock B.because the oceans cover a vast majority of our planet and are a main erosional agent C.because the rate at which groundwater moves through the subsurface determines erosion rates D.because water is the main erosional and depositional agent on Earth

D.because water is the main erosional and depositional agent on Earth

All other factors being equal, magma that cools beneath the surface to form intrusive rocks _____________ than magma that cools at the Earth's surface to form extrusive rocks. more rapidly B.are more felsic C.contain a smaller proportion of volatiles more slowly more slowly

Imagine you are holding a rock composed of small sand grains cemented together. What type of rock is this? A.igneous B.metamorphic C.chemical D.detrital E.crystalline


All of the following are factors that affect rates of weathering except for ________. A.climate B.surface area C.rock characteristics D.geologic age of earth materials

D.geologic age of earth materials

Thermal (contact) metamorphism occurs ____________. A.only where gneiss is in contact with schist B.only at Earth's surface, where rock is in contact with the atmosphere a consequence of the sinking of a broad region to great depth areas surrounding igneous intrusions areas surrounding igneous intrusions

Igneous rocks form from _________. A.sediments cemented together B.heat and pressure applied to a rock C.precipitation of minerals out of a solution D.molten rock cooling and forming crystals

D.molten rock cooling and forming crystals

Which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade? A.conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale B.shale, slate, phyllite, quartzite C.gneiss, phyllite, schist, slate D.slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

D.slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

Minerals in geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals because _________. A.minerals within geodes are always framework silicates B.all of the elements incorporated in the crystals are in plentiful supply C.minerals within geodes always contain iron D.the crystals have abundant room to grow in their follow surroundings

D.the crystals have abundant room to grow in their follow surroundings

Which of the following best describes the hydrologic cycle? A.the movement of water through the ground to form aquifers B.the cycle that water passes through when going from solid to liquid to gas C.the circular motion due to density differences created when water boils D.the movement of Earth's water through a series of reservoirs

D.the movement of Earth's water through a series of reservoirs

Which one of the following statements best describes erosion? A.disintegration and decomposition of rocks and minerals at the surface B.movement of weathered rock and regolith toward the base of a slope C.the combined processes of leaching, eluviation, and mass wasting D.the process by which weathered rock and mineral particles are removed from one area and transported elsewhere

D.the process by which weathered rock and mineral particles are removed from one area and transported elsewhere

Which science is not used within the Earth sciences? A.Chemistry B.Biology C.Physics D.Mathematics E.None of the above; Earth Science makes use of all of these sciences.

E.None of the above; Earth Science makes use of all of these sciences.

The probability that a landslide will occur on a slope increases when both the driving forces (gravity and loads) and the resisting forces (friction and cohesion) increase. True False


The largest of Earth's spheres is the ________. A.geosphere B.hydrosphere C.biosphere D.atmosphere


Which of the following is not a criterion for defining something as a mineral? A.Generally inorganic B.Orderly crystalline structure C.Naturally occurring D.Hard


In the whole Earth, the four most common elements are oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and ____________. A.copper B.zinc C.iron D.lead


The earth is estimated to be approximately 4.6 billion years old. Life appeared early in the history of Earth, but metazoans (multicelled organisms) did not appear until about 600 million years ago. If the history of Earth were compressed into a single year, when would metazoans appear? A) B) C) mid-December D) late January A. late September B. late November C.mid-December D.late January

Late November

The silicate tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element? A.magnesium B.oxygen C.iron D.carbon


0.2/ 0.2 Points The most common minerals within Earth are ____________. A.silicates B.carbonates C.oxides D.hydroxides


What is the impact of slope stability of a road cut at the base of the slope? a. the slope may become overstepped b. there is less friction/cohesion of the slope and less support at the base of the slope holding it in place c. there is less weight on the slope

They are all correct

What is the impact on slope stability of adding water to the slope? a. the slope may become more cohesive and stronger b. the slope may become less cohesive and weaker c there is more weight on the slope

a. a little bit of water increases the cohesion b. a lot of water makes the material less cohesive and not as strong c. water is heavy there are all true water both increases R and decreases D water is not good for slopes

Molten or melted rock is also known as ______. (Select all that are correct.) A. lava B. melt C. marble D. magma E. gneiss

lava melt magma

What happens when granite is weathered?

some minerals stay intact, some react to form new (different) minerals, some dissolve away

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