government 2

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Because King James II had abused his power, the English Bill of Rights sought to increase the power of _[blank]_.

Parliament citizens

What ideas were brought forth by John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government? Select all that apply.

natural rights social contract

Why did the British Parliament create the English Bill of Rights?

to strengthen the rights of citizens

The Albany Plan was the first step in determining how to establish a government that would _[blank]_ the colonies.


Why did colonist leaders hold a conference in Albany, New York, in 1754?

to determine how to defend the British colonies in North America

When was mayflower boarded

In September 1620, Separatists boarded the Mayflower and sailed for the colony of Virginia. A storm and dwindling supplies forced the Mayflower to land in what would become Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. The rest, as they say, is history.

What was the House of Burgesses?

the first elected legislature in North America


the members of Clyfton's congregation were persecuted for their beliefs.

Read this statement by Thomas Jefferson. "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Where does the power of the government come from, according to Jefferson?

the people

What did the Second Charter of Virginia provide to the colonists?

the rights to establish a representative government

What prompted King James I to issue a second charter to give colonists more rights to land and government?

the success of the Jamestown Colony

What was the predecessor to the Articles of Confederation?

Albany Plan of Union

Which best describes the role of mercantilism during the 1600s?

European countries wanted to expand their wealth by exporting raw materials from colonies.

Why is the Mayflower Compact important?

It was the first document of self-government in the New World.

How did the accessibility of individuals to their church council in Jamestown impact government?

Jamestown colonists expected to have access to government officials.

First example of democracy

Jamestown, Virginia, became known the first example of democracy on the continent of North America. The colony's ability to make its own laws made it one of the first representative democracies. This was crucial to Virginia's economic success. And it was key to the Virginia colonists' view of self-government. With the creation of the United States, Virginia became the first state to seek a separation of religion and government.

What did King James I do?

King James I created the Charter of 1606. This charter gave those born in Virginia full rights as English citizens. Although it specified the colony's primary purpose as a religious mission, Jamestown was established as a military and economic venture.

Why did Benjamin Franklin change Thomas Jefferson's original phase of "We hold these truths to be sacred" to "We hold these truths to be self-evident"?

Only through reason could a new nation protect the rights of the people


The Dutch East India Company exemplified the practice of mercantilism. Land had been the most important marker of wealth and power. The more land that individuals or monarchs controlled, the greater their power and wealth. In 16th century Europe, this emphasis shifted somewhat. Trade, business, and commerce became the new markers of wealth. The more trade a nation was involved in, the greater the wealth it could amass. Mercantilism shaped the governing and administration of European colonies. It placed a greater value on what the land could produce. Raw materials and natural resources became global commodities as early industrialism took root in European nations. The early mills—and later factories—of Europe needed raw materials and natural resources to maintain output. Colonies provided both. Finished products were then shipped all over the world as part of the triangular trade. European goods could be found in the remotest ports of Asia, Africa, and the islands dotting the South Pacific. In many ways, this was the birth of globalism.

In which work did Rousseau state that surrendering individual rights for the good of all would create equality for everyone?

The Social Contract

How did The Prince change European thinking?

The book looked at political leadership in a realistic rather than idealistic way.

How did the Mayflower Compact influence later American government? Select all that apply.

The colonial council that it established resembled the city councils currently in place in the United States. Like the US Constitution, it was a written agreement between individuals about how their government would work.

effect on government

The foundation of the United States government started with the philosophical ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire. Many of the founders based their ideas on the writings of these philosophers. When Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin drafted the Declaration of Independence, many of their ideas about liberty, the social contract, and the need to check the power of the executive were derived from Enlightenment philosophers. Voltaire's satires of unequal taxation and the abuses of the higher classes were influential. So too were the ideas of some legal minds. The jurist, William Blackstone, argued that throwing a man into jail without due consideration impinged upon the convict's liberty. Moreover, Blackstone's concept of absolute rights is the predecessor to Jefferson's idea of inalienable rights. A decade later, James Madison would draw on the idea of a three-branch government when formulating the United States Constitution. Throughout US history, these fundamental ideas have been invaluable to ensure a system of government that is flexible enough to meet the needs of every new generation.

Second charter

The success of the Jamestown Colony prompted King James I to issue a second charter. The Second Charter of Virginia gave the colony's citizens more rights to establish their own government. This passage describes the rights to government.

Niccolò Machiavelli

The writings of Niccolò Machiavelli are often taken out of context and, thus, misunderstood. A proponent of republics, Machiavelli was interested in how one acquires a principality. He also examined how one keeps power. These are the questions he answers in his political writings. Machiavelli was different from classical thinkers, such as Aristotle, because he asked different questions. Aristotle asked questions about who benefited from a government, the ruler or the ruled. Machiavelli cared about justice but wrote on other topics. Thus, while Socrates and Plato may have extolled intelligent, thoughtful rulers, Machiavelli instructed his charges on how to get power and how to keep it. However, for all its controversy, his book The Prince changed European thinking. Many people believed it was the first genuine guide for rulers. The book challenged ideas about right and wrong. It studied political power in a realistic way. After all, the "divine" kings of the time often tortured and killed their rivals. Over centuries, many leaders have studied The Prince and its ideas.

Why did so many Pilgrims and Puritans move to the New World?

They were persecuted for their religion in England and wanted religious freedom in the New World.

Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu lays out a system for what type of government?

a three-branch government

Which option identifies a primary goal of mercantilism?

amassing wealth through trade

4 most influential philosophers

john locke,baron de montesquieu, jean jaques rousseau, voltaire

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