govt. chapter 9-10

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6- public funding

-elgible if raises at least $5,000 in individual contributions of $250 or less in each of 20 states - cant spend more than $42 million

the 1st party

-federalists vs Jeffersonian republicans

1-indivdual donors

-individuals can donate up to $2,600 per candidate, $5,000 per PAC, $32,000 per national party committee, and $10,000 to state and local committees

2- PAC

-interest groups -can make large contributions

presidential elections

-the national convention nominated candidates for pres -pres is elected by electoral college

5- political parties

-unlimited "independent expenditures" advocating support for its own pres candidate - national party committee spend up to $19 million on pres candidate

2 types of general elections today

1- the organizationally driven, labor-intensive election (local, volunteers, rallies) 2- the media-driven, capital-intensive electoral elections (tv ads, 10 competitive swing states)

6 sources of campaign funds

1-indivdual donors 2-PACS 3-independent spending/super PAC committees 4-themselves 5-political parties 6-public funding

2 media techniques

1-talk show interviews (used to reach a large audience) 2-the "electric town hall meeting" (opportunity to interact w/ citizens)

1st electoral realignment

1790 jeffersonians republicans defeated the federalist

2nd electoral realignment

1828 jacksonian democrats

3rd electoral realignment

1860 republican party beats the whigs

4th electoral realignment

1896 republican defeats democrat

5th electoral realignment

1932 democrats take control and controls though 1960s

nominating pres candidates (old way)

1st primary election & causus - front-loaded 2nd national convention - picking out of the 2 parties -delegates vote

1896 the republicans beat the populist-democrats winning control for another ___ years


3-independent spending/super PAC committees

527 = nonprofit independent group that receives & distributes funds to influence the election of a candidate. 501c(4) = nonprofit groups that engage in issue advocacy - not covered by the campaign-spending restrictions -spend unlimited amount of money

ranked choice voting ensures

winner has the support of the majority, rather than plurality

spot (advertisement)

a 15, 30, or 60 second tv campaign that emits a subjective message to a target audience (used to build up yourself or bad mouth ur opponent)

ranked choice voting (RCV)

a ballot form used in countries around the world. ranks the most preferred to the least

majority-minority district

a gerrymandered voting district that improves the chances of minority candidates by making selected minority groups the majority within the district


a movement away from the major political parties or partisan attachment

proportional representation

a multiple-member district system that allows each political party rep in proportion to its % of total votes (most Europeans use this) -benefits small groups

national convention

a national institution that nominates the partys presidential and vice presidential candidates, makes party rules and writes & ratifies the platform (held every 4 years)


a normally close meeting of a political group to select candidates, plan strategy or make decisions


a party document that contains party philosophy, principles, and positions on issues


a procedure to allow voters to remove state officials from office before their term expires but petitions to call a vote

ballot initiative

a proposed law that is place on the ballot by citizens or groups for a popular vote

general elections

a regularly scheduled election involving most districts in the nation or state, in which voters select officeholders. general elections for national office and most state and local offices are held on the first Tuesday


a rep who votes accordingly to the preferences of his constituency

runoff elections

a second round election in which voters choose between the top of two candidates from the first round

majority elections

a type of electoral system in which to win a seat in parliament, a candidate must receive a majority of all the votes (used in some primary elections)

plurality system

a type of electoral system in which to win a seat you must receive the most votes, not a majority. (used in most elections)

an ideal candidate will have

an clean record and the ability to raise money for a serious campaign

party identification

an individual voters psychological ties to one party

policy entrepreneurs

an individual who identifies a problem as a political issue and brings a policy proposal into the political agenda

town hall meeting

an informal public meeting in which candidates meet w/ ordinary citizens. no journalist

republican party was founded as a political expression of the

antislavery movement

the democrat party seeks to

at national level unite organized labor the poor ans working class, members of racial minorities, and liberal upper middle class professionals.

todays American party is very different from 50 years ago, but the democrats and republicans continue to

be the major competing forces

direct mail

both a vehicle for communicating w/ voters and a mechanism for raising funds (not very effective)

4- themselves

buckley v. valeo -no limit to their own money -only limited in presidential campaigns (<50,000 personal $)

the republican party appeals to

business, upper-middle and upper class, white working classism military families, religious and social conservations.

McCutcheon et al v. FEC (reformers)

challenged the 2 year cap on the amount of $ an individual can give to fed candidates, fed political action committees, and political party committees.

citizens united vs. federal election committee

changed the spending terms for campaigning again

southern republicans agree with democrats on

civil rights movement, racial liberalism and liberal positions on social issues

the solution to an unequal government is to have

competitive and responsible political parties

spoiler effect

concerns about wasting ones vote on a third party

midterm elections

congressional elections that do not coincide w/ a presidential election (off-year elections)

states and local party organizations came to _______________, despite the collapse of patronage machines.

control large financial resources and play important roles in elections

internet is an effective campaign tool bc


the responsibility for running elections are


post-civil war was solidly


women are somewhat more likely to vote


Latinos are more likely to support the


Mexican americans favor


lower-income Americans were likely to be


more than 90% of African Americans describe themselves as


urban areas provide more votes for


young voters are usually


in the 1990s the west coast voters shift towards

democrats bc growing latino votes

the 2nd party

democrats vs. the whig party

national conventions tasks are

determine the partys rules and platform

initiative and referendum are examples of

direct democracy


district boundary lines are redrawn to benefit one party

party polarization (def. #2)

division between 2 parties with little crossover

the election of Al Gore and George W. Bush caused

efforts to reform American election

closed primary

election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the part they are enrolled in prior to the primary

primary elections

elections held to select a partys candidate for the general elections

the Australian ballot (long form ballot)

eliminated straight ticket voting by listing all candidates names not just parties

republican president are known to focus on

enhancing the parties capabilities to mobilize voter and win elections

men and the republicans prioritize

fiscal and economic issues and national security

micro targeting

focusing on individuals in small similar groups, to measure the effectiveness

interest groups benefit from

focusing on narrow policy issues

incumbents have an advantage when it comes to securing

free media time

the 1st party: jeffersonians favored

free trade, promotion of ag, and friendship w/ France

in elections the US uses a

geographic single-member district combined with a winner-takes-all system (important)


grand old party ( republicans)

the # of individuals identifying themselves as independents is


party identification among a large number of the most active voters has

grown stronger

women and democrats prioritize

health, education, and social services


identification w/ or support of a particular party or cause

voting rights act

increased votes for democrats


individuals segregating themselves by living in liberal or conservative areas

third parties have a good deal of _____ and exist to _____ and ______

influence, protest, promote specific ideas

incumbents can easily out-raise opponents because

interest group contributions go to incumbents

voter mobalization

is applied by using data to locate involved individuals

one of the most loyal constituent groups of the democrats are the


realignments occur when

large numbers of voters permanently shift their support

gray v. sanders weberry v. sanders reynlds v. sims

leg districts within a state must include equal pop "one person, one vote"

democrats positions reflect the interest of the

less-affluent americans

new deal coalition

made democrats majority party 36 years

parties play central roles in

mobilizing citizens to vote & ensuring that the public voice is heard.

soft money

money contributed directly to political parties that is not regulated by laws

party platforms should be seen as

more a internal part doc than as public pledges

republican activists views are

more conservative than republican voters

democrat activists views are

more liberal than democrat voters

to have a chance of winning a seat in the house, candidates may need to raise

more than $1 million

a single vote

most preferred way of voting

527 committees

nonprofit independent groups that receive and disperse funds to influence the nomination, elections or defeat of candidate

precinct committees

not district from which any rep is elected but instead are legally defined subdivisions of wards that are used to register votes and set up ballot boxes or voting machines

often independence lean towards

one major party

political parties

organized group that attempts to influence the government by electing their members to important govt offices

democrats strength in the northeast and Midwest is because the continuing influence of _______ in the large cities and its large population of ______

organized labor, minorities and elderly voters

winner-takes-all has helped create

our two party dominant system

party polarization

parties face a stalemate over economic matters.

third parties

parties that are competing against the 2 major parties

party activists

partisans who contribute time, energy and efforts to support their party and its candidates

parties an campaigns help when ppl have to choose an obscure candidate, voters rely on their

partisanship and vote all one party

a feature of contemporary party system is

party polarization

traditional party machines depend heavily on


grassroots politics

political campaigns that operate at local level, often using face to face communication to generate interest

the government often seeks to organize & influence groups in society through

political parties to win elections and gain power


program the enfranchised newly freed slaves

BCRA bipartisan campaign reform act

prohibits froups from running ads that mention names within 30 days of a primary election and 60 days of a general election

the new deal

proposed by franklin Roosevelt, because of the great depression, cause the size and reach of amercias national govt to increase a lot

political parties must expand conflict to

public arena & focus on policy issues from the economy to foreign policy.

democrats presidents are known to

put less energy into party apparatus and focusing on their leg agenda and their own re-election

partied today are important in electoral process in

recruiting & nominating candidates for office

tv has ____ the role of parties in elections

reduced bc it focuses on individual candidates vs parties

economic conservationist care about

reducing government regulations and taxes

way to amend voting laws

replace electoral college w/ a national popular vote

white workers w/o college degree vote


Cuban americans lean toward


men are more likely to support


rural and suburban areas provide more votes for


upper-income Americans were likely to be


Catholics are shifted towards

republicans bc of the abortion issue

protestants lean more towards

republicans bc stand of marriage and abortion

straight ticket voting

selecting candidates from the same political party for all the offices on the ballet

the populist appealed to

small farmers and western mining and urban workers

social conservationist care about

social issues, abortion and same-sex marriage

the biapartisan campgaign reform act outlaws

soft money


strong party organizations in late 19th and early 20th century American cities, led by "bosses" who controlled party nominations & patronage

federal election commission v. Wisconsin right to life

struck down band on ads, unconstitutional restriction on speech

incumbents have more than double

the amount of $ then the challenger does

democrats are represented in

the coast, the upper Midwest and across the northern states

schettschneider believed that

the competition between political parties would push the parties to expand out to the nonvoting members of society to gain a majority vote

divided govt

the condition in American govt wherein the presidency is controlled by one party while the opposing controls one or both houses of congress

after the collages of the federalist, America only had one political party, the Jeffersonian republicans, which became known as

the democrats

parties play a important role in

the facilitation of democratic processes

party organization

the formal structure of a political part, including its leadership, election committees, active members, and paid staff

citizens united v. federal election commission (reformers)

the govt couldn't restrict independent expenditures by corporations to political campaigns ($ to influence the campaign, cant coordinate w/ official campaign)

the actual selection of the speaker is made by

the majority party

republicans are represented in

the mountain west, the southwest, and the south

majority party

the party that holds a majority of leg seats in either the house or the senate

minority party

the party that holds a minority leg seats in either the house or the senate

electoral realignment

the point in history when a new party supplants the ruling party, becoming the dominate political force. tends to occur every 30 years ( 5 realignments)


the practice of referring a proposed law passed by a leg to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection (required to change state constitutions)

the party that controls the white house, that party national committee chair is appointed by

the president

electoral college

the presidential electors from each state who meet after the general election to vote for pres & vice pres

the national committee seeks funds for __ ____ ____, while the congressional campaign committee approaches the same contributors for the support for __ ________ _____.

the presidential race, the congressional contests


the process by which political parties select their candidates for election to public office


the process of redrawing election districts & redistributing leg reps. occurs ever 10 years to reflect shift in pop

the general election is when

the promoting of the parties start (bumper stickers, commercials)


the resources available to higher officials, opportunities to make partisan appointments to offices and to confer grants, licenses, or special favors to supports

ranked choice voting eliminates

the spoiler effect

the 2nd party: whigs were

the successors of the federalist, united by the opposition of the democrats than by the agreements on programs

republican strength in the south is related to __________ in these regions and to the dependence on ________ supported by the republicans

the weakness of organized labor, military programs

hard cider campaign

the whigs campaign relied more on the use of food and drinks to win votes

voters are likey to pass down their views and interest to

their children

interest groups seek to

try to influence government policies

open primary

voters can wait until the day of the primary to choose which party to enroll in

republicans positions reflect the interest of the


free media

when the cost of air time is borne by the media themselves

the US system is also called

"first past the post" bc the canidate w/ the most votes wins the election, even if they did not win popular vote.

party system

# of parties, competing for power

buckley v. valeo (reformers)

$ counts as "speech" under the 1st amendment & candidates can spend an unlimited amout of their own personal money

the 1st party: federalist spoke for

England merchants and supported protective tariffs, states revolutionary war debts, national banks, commercial ties w/ Britain

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