govt exam 2

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democratic voters tend to live in which of the following regions

1. Northeast 2. Northern midwest 3. West coast

interest groups tend to rely on the courts to advance their policy goals when they have

1. a low chance of achieving their goals through elected officals 2. faced legislative hurdles

which of the following place limits on how much the govt can incorporate public opinion

1. a majority 2. only a minority 3. many people

which of the following functions do news media perform

1. act as a watchdog 2. provide pol. info 3lprovide achannel

compared to white americans

1. affirmative action 2. economic assistance programs

differences in which of the following are factors that influence voter participation

1. age 2. education 3. Sense of duty

which of the following are reasons why the amount of news the typical american watches decreased

1. cable and other high choice 2.children stopped

which of these groups vote at above average rates

1. college-educated individuals 2. upper income americans.

which of the following are conventional forms of political participation?

1. contributing time to a political campaign 2. donating money 3. voting

even if a third party candidate fails to win an election, the candidate has still done which of the following to help the third party succeed.

1. encouraged the major parties to address issues 2. drawn attention to an issue

which of the following are ways in which the internet influenced politics

1. freedom of press 2. mobilization 3. fund-raising

which of the following are examples of the effect economic class has on political opinion

1. income levels affect americans opinions on some public policy issues 2. welfare assistance has higher support among lower level income americans

the rise of candidate-centered campaigns has

1. increased the importance of money 2. made it easier for political new comers to win high office

americans' opinions about politics are formed in large measure through which of the following frames of reference.

1. leaning toward particular ideologies 2. identifying with political parties

which of the following are true about political contributions called hard money

1. legal limits 2. spent at recipient's choosing 3. money direct to candidate

which of the following resulted from the invention of the printing press

1. less dep on govt 2.readership increaed 3.adverstising

which of the following tactics were used to disenfranchise blacks in the post civil war south despite the passage of the 15th amendment.

1. literacy tests 2. publicized list of voters

which of the following are true of grass roots parties

1. local level 2. open to all

which of the following are considered expressions of public opinion?

1. participating in a telephone poll 2. Turnout at a political rally 3. approval ratings for a city mayor

which of the following are considered functions of a political party

1. parties seek to govern 2. parties endeavor to represent a majority

which of the following are ways that american children are taught patriotism

1. pledge 2. admire fathers

which of the following are common recommendations to enhance voter tunrout

1. polls open longer 2. national holiday 3. open poll centers early

which of the following factors have contributed to the weakening of party organizations

1. primary elections 2. candidate-centered campaigns

which of the following are roles that the national political parties have

1. raise money for congressional campaigns 2.raise money for pres. camp. 3. to seek media coverage

which of the following contributed to the rising level of party polarization

1. the end of FCC 2. The poliferation of partisan media outlets

which of the following media typically have a signalling function?

1. the television networks 2. the daily newspapers 3. the wire services

The US provides a favorable environment for interest groups because

1. the tradition of people joining together 2.the separation of powers 3.the tradition of free speech

how do candidates encourage people to vote on election day

1. they contact prospective voters 2. they rely on org.

which of the following are true of hispanic voters in the US?

1. they lean heavily toward democratic party 2.hispanics tend to be liberal on economic issues

state parties are involved with which of the following activites

1. voter reg. 2. senator election

which of the following statements describe the relationship between political leaders and public opinion

1. when public opinion changes 2. because they think public

which of the following characteristics of political campaigns have undergone change

1.length 3.focus

today's political campaigns rely on which of the following to be successful 2.polisters 3. campaign strategists

which amendment gave women the right to vote


which amendment to the Con. gave voting rights to 18 year olds


which pres was a leading advocate for giving citizens more direct role


which president was elected under his promise that he would do something about the Great depression


which party benefited from the 1896 realignment


which single expenditure accounts for the most spending on US political campaigns


in terms of political socialization, which of the following is considered a primary agent?

The family

countries with the multiparty systems tend to have what kind of electoral system

a proportional representation system

the research conducted by David D'Alessio and Mike Allen showed that television news has

a slight but insignificant bias in the democratic direction

current election laws in the US favor

a two party system

what is a social or political movement

a way to voice displeasure

the news medias partisan function means that it

acts as an advocate for a particular viewpoint

unlike CNN, MSNBC and Fox news chose to

adopt a partisan approach to the news

the tendency of people to pay more attention to issues highlighted in the media is an example of the _______- setting effect


in order to have the best chance to win in a 2 party system, political parties normally

align themselves near the middle of the voting spectrum

which group reps the largest agricultural group in the US

american farm Bureau

which of the following is a consequence of the effort of the writers ........................

americas system of divided power provides abundant opp. for interest groups to achieve policy goals

what is a super pac

an independent expenditure only committee

modern campaigns for high office

are much longer than they were historically

the internet has proven itself to be superior to televised political advertising

as a means of getting campaign contributions from small donors

which of the following voting blocs has moved heavily into the democratic party since the 1960s

black americans

which of the following media are subject to content regulation by the govt

broadcast tv and radio

all party organizations have a responsibility to

build support among voters

in terms of percentage of the pres pop vote, the most successful of the 20th cent 3rd parties was the _________

bull moose party

although party organizations still manage many tasks related to elections, the lead role in elections now lies with the


political parties and their ability to control politics in the US have been weakened by ________-centered campaigns


research indicates that when public opinion changes on major political issues, public policy tends to

change in the same direction

a few decades ago, the media centered on broadcat networks.......______


people who believe that citizens ought to participate in political affairs are likely to describe voting as an exercise in

civic duty

in the early decades of the 20th century, the press responded to yellow jounalism by

commiting to objective journalism

the media carries out a _________ -________ function when it disseminates info from pol. leaders to the public

common carrier

in general, which political values do evangelical protestants support

conservative values

which type of interest group is not classified as an economic interest group


which of the following refers to a situation in which multiple groups loyalties diminish a person's id with a single group


since the great depression, which partys agenda has included a strong commitment to provide a safety net for most


which of the following is an advantage that economic groups have over citizens groups

economic groups can provide material benefits to those who are part of the group

in general, americans who believe that govt should use its power to help the poor are

economic liberals

the elimination of the ______ _______ meant that radio sations no longer had to air a conservative talk show if they aired a liberal one

fairness doctrine

true or false, local parties are stronger today


true or false: retired lawmakers cannot become lobbyists because they are forbidden by law to take a lobbying job


true or false: rupert murdoch orignially intenede fox news to be objective


true or false: todays candidates are more likely than before to owe their nomination to the efforts of ther political party org.


True or False: when the US was founded all white men were given the right to vote.

false (property owning)

the ________ shapes our political values and ideology from childhood and has the strongest impact on our political perspective


which of the following would be considered an electoral action stragtegy

forming a PAC

when the media highlight certain aspects of a situation and downplay other aspects, they are engaged in


since the 1980's, which group has voted mosts for the republican party

fundamentalist christians

the fact that more white women than white men vote for the democratic party is an example of a _______ gap


inside strategy: inside strategy: Outside : outside:

giving policy relevant info lobbying grassroots tv ads

the tea party movement did not support which of the following

govt subsidies for health insurance

an example of an environmental interst group is

green peace

the fact that older americans are more likely than others to consider social security

group orientation

citizens who are party identifiers have ________ levels of voter turnout


which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between income and political participation in the US

higher income citizens are the most active because they have the resources to participate effectively

which of the following refers to a general belief about the role and purpose of govt


political parties began to emerge in the US

in spite of the founding fathers beliefs

when can political parties move away from the middle

in times of crisis

the occupy wall street movement was aimed predominantly at which issue

income inequality

who typically benefits the most from interest group resources and activism


rather than using threats, interest groups, tend to influence lawmakers by providing them with

info that supports the group's policy positions

the interest group that includes face to face meetings with legislators and providing policy information to policymakers is known as

inside lobbying

an organization that seeks to influence govt decision making is referred to as an ____________ _____________

interest group

an _______ _________ is an infromal group of persons from congress, executive agencies, and interest groups with a mutual interest in a particular policy area

iron triangle

an ________ _________ is comprised of various actors that all have interest and expertise in a particular policy issue even though they may disagree in what the outcome should be

issue network

protest activity is _______ common today in the US than in many western democracies


compared with the percentage of US workers who were union members in the 1950's and 60's the percentage today is


which of the following groups has the highest rate of voter turnout

middle age upper class

although state parties do not work full time, they are ________ likely to have full time employees that local parties


compared with europeans, americans are______ likely to belong to a voluntary group of association


A ________ political system is made up of at least 3 political parties


why is the news shaped by news organizations' need to attract and keep viewers

news org. choose coverage that will draw an audience for advertisers

although the american press origninally had political orientation, .....

newsworthy info and events

in the us , political opinions are affiliated more with _______ than with income


what usually happens after a third party is relatively successful in attracting votes during a US national election

one or both major parties will try to co opt the issue or issues that made the third party successful

a state, such as cali, permits all voters to vote in a primary


which of the following do policy makers rely on when they want to develop and implement policies that reflect public views

opinion polls

________ lobbying includes forming PAC's and influencing the news media


the highlighting of candidates attributes


american newspapers were originally


the rise of partisan news outlets in the past few decades has contributed to an increase in

party polarization

an interest group may from a ______ ______ _____

political action committee

the process by which citizens engage in the civic and political life of their communities is called_______ ________

political participation

a reason political parties have emerged whenever democracy has been established

political parties provide individuals a way to join together

in a proportional representation system, which of the following is true?

political parties win a number of seats in the legislature

what is the process by which we develop our political values and opinions.

political socialization

a public opinion _______ is designed to estimate the views of sentiments of the public


which ideology supports greater economic equality but holds traditional views on social issues


internet political participation peaks during which of the following

presidential election

which of the following contributed to the decline of the old system of party organizations

primary elections

alex hamilton and t jeff felt that newspapers should

promote partisan viewpoints on political matters

voting for a candidate's promises rather than his or her past actions is an example of ________

prospective voting

one of the positive contributions that interest groups make is

providing a form of rep fro org groups

outside lobbying is aimed at bringing ______ pressure to bear on policymakers


the politically relevant opinions that people hold and express openly are known as

public opinion

a permanent shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as party


which type of 3rd party arises from a belief that partisan politics is a corrupting influence that needs to be changed

reform parties

capture theory argues that _________ sometimes focus more on the needs of industries than on public interest

regulatory agencies

the invention of the telegraph resulted in newspapers

replacing opinon commentary with more news reports

what is the degree of accuracy of public opinion poll called

sampling error

party identification can affect ________ perception, the process whereby people choose from incoming information those elements that support the things they already believe


yellow journalism featured ________ stories


the medias ability to function as signalers and influence what people are thinking about and discussing its called agenda ________


third parties formed to promote a stance on a particular issue are known as

single issue parties

harvard's robert Putnam defined the sum of face-to-face civic interactions among citizens in a society as its ________ capital


short audio clips of politicians statemtns are known as

sound bites

which of the following voting blocs was largely notable in its migration to the RP during the 1980's

southern whites

many voters cast a _______-, where they only vote for one [party

straight ticket

when ted turner started CNN in 1980, he instructed his correspondents to

strive for partisan neutrality

which of the following statements about public opinions effect on govt policy is correct

the amount of influence that public opinion has on policy makers varies

the in party's chances of staying in power has historically depended primarily on

the condidtion of the economy

which of the following rules requires a broadcast station to provide a ">>...

the fairness doct.

citizens united vs federal election commisson

the limit on corporate and union spending in federal elections

what law did congress enact in 1993 that required states to allow people to register to vote when applying for a driver's license or public assistance.

the motor voter act

which one of these groups is an example of a citizens group

the national org. for women

which is a reason why some scholars think we have moved into a new party alignment

the republican party has become stronger in the south and dems in the NE

which of the following reduces the accuracy of polls

the respondent chooses to give the politically correct answer

which of the following inventions revolutionized newspaper journalism in the early 1800's

the telegraph

of the following factors, which has the greatest influence on people's political opinions

their partisan loyalty

which of the following statements about televised debates in presidential campaigns are true

they are usually part of presidential campaigns

what is the purpose of a primary election

to enable voters to select their respective party's candidates for a general election

interest groups that are not directly involved in litigation may file amicus curiae briefs

to encourage a ruling that is beneficial to their cause

what was the goal of yellow journalism

to lure in readers by any means

which type of interst group reps buisness firms

trade asso.

True or False: voter registration decreased in the US once states enacted registration laws around 1900.


americans participate more in politics that do citizens of other western democracies except in which of the following activities.

turning out to vote on election day

which of the following voting restrictions increases the burden on citizens who move frequently

voter registration requirements

the proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is know as _____ _____

voter turnout

the media serves a ________ function when it alerts the public to unethical or illegal activities by the govt


the main opposition to the democratic party in the 1830s and 1840s was the _______ party, which eventually died out


which term refers to theirresponsible and sensationalist approach to news reportig

yellow jounalism

which of the following age group's political views are more likely to be influenced by war or economic depressions .

young people

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